The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 07, 1913, Image 8

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Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
One Year by Mail In advanco $1.25
One Year by Carrier in advance $1.60
Kiterud at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
offico as Second Clas3 Matter.
FRIDAY, MARCH 7. 1913.
The City Election.
Tho city election will bo hold Tues
day, April 1st. K convention nomina
tions are to be mnde, it will bo neces
sary to bold such conventions on or
bqfore Monday, March 17th, as fifteen
days mugt elapso between tho dato of
nomination und election day. The
general tone of opinion is against
party nominations, nnd in favor of
ono ticket nominated by a mass
or citizen's convention, thus doing away
with strife or ill feeling and all sup
porting ono set of good and capable
candidates. Of lato years partisanship
has not cut much figure; in fact in soy
oral instances latoly republicans and
democrats have held conventions and
each endorsed port of tho other's nom
inations. This has rosulted in tho se
lection of good men.
The Tribuno feels favorable to a non
partisan ticket, and it trusts that with
in th next week domocrats, republicans
nnd others will got together and take up
on themselvos tho authority to isiuo a
call for a convention
How They Vote.
Tho womon'a civic league at Kear
ney lomo time ago concluded to hold an
ejection to voto on tho "wet" and
"dry" proposition, but later this plan
was abandoned and u house to house
canvass made. Women over twenty
one year? of age only were interrogated,
and at tho closo of tho campaign tho
voto stood: Dry 982, wot 48, undo
dd$7fl. ,
This one-sided expression of thoir
views by tho women of Kearney is
probably about what might be expoctod
in any Nebraska town, and Is evidence
that when women are given the richl
of suffrage to which wo believe they
rcquiro any stretch of imagination to see
thoy aro honestly entitled it doesn't
what the result will bo on tho prohibi
tion question in Nebraska.
During tho present session of the
legislature quito a numbor of North
Platto men havo viBitad in Lincoln and
"took notice" of tho doings of tho
solons and tho mombera'of the "third
house" tho lobbyists and a number'
of them hayc declared that the surface
Indications are that many "dirty" deals
nre being mado. Money is said to figuro
in-aupport of or opposition to measures;
"dangerous" men nro bought off by
promises of roward, and doals that
would not bear investigation lire
very frequently made. If, theso ' asser
tions' arc truo, tho much vaunted pro
grosslvcnosa of tho modern politician and
lawmaker ih worse than the "bossism"
of tho stand-pattor. ,It is unothor in
stance of tho "reformer" falling to use
his best efforts to securo reformation.
Tho inauguration of President Wilson
Tuesday wtia attonded by considerable
pomp arid splendor and with much en
thusiasm on tho part of tho residents
and visitors. Tho parndo, which was n
moat imposing one, Was followed in tho
evening by a brilliant display of pyro
tochnlcu. President Wilson's Inaugural
address bore tho polish of a scholar; tho
diction being finojbut it dealt with gener
alities, and gave no Inkling of his policy,
this being loft to .be embodied In bio
mesfngti to tho extra session of con
gress poxt month. That tho Wilson ad
ministration may bo successful and
fuljy up to oxpoctations of his party is
tho wish gf ThrTribuno.
The press dispatchos from Washing
ton toll U that whan Govornor Moro
head and his Nebraska colonels rodo
down Pennsylvania avenuo in tho In
uugurnl parndo thoy wore the
"observed Of all obsorvors." This is
just no we predicted, and probably none
was more closely observed than Lincoln
county's representative, Colonol Will
iam Jieatty, of Brady.
When Colonol Bryan $ook the oath of
ofllco Wednesday he dropped a remark
that has been construod to moan that
ho will not long remain in tho ofllco of
secretary of stato. His remark was
such as to to cause surpriso to thoso
who hoard it.
P. E, O. Elect Officers.
At tho meeting of Chapter AK P. E .
O. held nt,tho homv of Mrs, Goo. E.
Prosser Wednesday afternoon tho fol
lowing officers woro oloctod: Mrs. Glen
dora'Schlllur, president; Mrs. Mary
Grimes, vice president, Mrs. Hattio
Rinckor, recording secretary; Mrs.
Minnie McDonald, corresponding secre
tary; Mrs. Maud Ilondy, treasurer;
Mrs. Helen M. White, chapiin; Mrs.
Mattie Prossor, guard; Mrs Daisy Hin
man, journalist; Mrs. Schiller and Mrs.
Grimos delupatos to tho stato conven
tion. - n ,
U. S. Soon to Import Meats.
Within a few years tho United States
will be importing cattle as a food sup
ply for its peoplo instead of oxporting
them, ns is now the case, according to
J. J. Ferguson, of Chicago,
"Soon tho United States will export
no moro cnttlo," said Mr. Ferguson.
"Statistics show our population is rap
idly increasing, while the cnttlo stock
is decreasing. Canada is now impdrt
ing mea'-s. Recently boef from Aus
tralia was shipped into Canada. It
was tho first time this had happened.
There is o greater shortage of food
supplies in the old world than here.
We are still tho bust living and best
fed peoplo in the world. In tho old
countries many people can afford meat
onlv once or twice a week. Americans
buymeat whenover they want It, re
gardless of prico. They come of n meat
eating people, and it scorns hardly
likely thoy will over glv up meat as
the main article of food because of the
Presbyterian Church Notes.
Rev. J. C. Christie, pastor. Preach
ing services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Morning theme: "Tho Influence of
Habit In tho Formation of Character,"
Evening theme: "Th Companionship
of Our Best Friends." Men's Rible
class with pastor. Endeavor societies
at 3 and G:40 p. m. The Presbyterian
churoh welcomes all.
M. E. Churchy
Sunday school 0:45 a. m., preaching
11 a. m., Bubject "Light at Evening
Time" Junior league 2:30 p. m., Ep
worth league 6:80 p. m. Preaching
7:30 p. m., an educational address.
Tho choir will meet at the home of
Mrs. Cumming this evening.
Local and Personal'
Mrs. Goorge Morriss of tho First
ward Is reported to bo very ill.
Velsie Smith, of theStapleton garago
is transacting business In town today.
William Schott is off duty at tho
American Fxpress office owing to ill
noss. Miss Ethel Doncgan left this morning
for Sutherland to spend the day with
Mrs. M. V. Mitchell went to Suther
land today to spend a few days with
W. H. Winterer returned to Koy
stone, this morning after sponding
several days bore on business.
Mrs. Bowort of Julesburg, spont yes
torday In town with fripnds while en
route homo from a visit with relutive3
In Keystone.
Walter Jungbuth, of Pueblo, for
merly of Grand Island, loft yesterday
after visiting C. H. Hayos nnd other
friends for a few days.
The Robokah lodgo at Sutherland will
present tho drama "Bird Island," at
tho play house in that village Friday
nvnnino' nf nnt ivnnlr
V' n
" Woather: Fair tonight and Saturday
not much change in temperature. High
est tomporaturo GO, a year ago 28; low
est last night 28, a year ago 12. Precip
itation in last 24 hours .01 of an inch.
I will offer for sale at my place two miles south
and three miles west of North Platte, one mile east
of the old Beer ranch
Monday, March 10th, 1913,
commencing at ten o'clock, a. m.
1 1 Head Horses and Mules
some extra good milch cows, 30 head of hogs con
sisting of brood sows, shoats, spring pigs and one
2-year-old Poland China boar, full equipment of farm
and haying machinery, buggies, wagons and harness,
1 one?good building. 8x1 2; one good separator, sev
eral dozen chickens, 400 bushels good com, about
20 bushels good white seed corn, about 200 bales
f good hay, and household goods.
During 1912 Lexington shipped out
1937 cars of commodities, a loss of
250 cars compared with 1911. The do
crcajod revenue of tho station was
The eastern parties who contcmplato
putting up tho alfalfa meal mill have
written Pros. Diekcrson of the com
mercial club they will visit Hershey
soon. In all probabilty tho mill will bo
located on tho site of the old mill, which
location would be satisfactory to them.
Tho electric light proposition will bo
moro fully tnlkod over when they arrive.
Horshey Times.
The Old Reliable
When your clothes need pressing,
cleaning and repairing, let the Old Re
liable Tailor do it-and do it right. Wo
hnve been doing this work in North
Platte for thirty years, know how to
do it and do it tho way it should bo
That means satisfaction to you.
Entranco north of the Nya! drug store.
Nursery Stock-
Catalpa Speciosa, genuine, $3.00
to $10.00 per 1000.
Strawberry Plants $5.00 per 1000
Concord Grapes No. 1, $3.00
per 100.
Apple Trees, 4-5 feet 200 for 10.
Fine line of nursery stock on hand
write for price list today.
Gate City Nursery,
1802 Farnam St Omaha, Neb
I n House of Good Show
When In North Platte.
Motion Pictures. Runs .Every
Night. Matinee Saturday After
noon at 2:30 O'clock. '
Twenty-five years experience. Satis
faction guaranteed. See or write mo
m'chlO 320 E. 11th St. North Plaft'p
' Native Grown.
Now Is tliq time to put In your
order. Iron clad guarantee to
Brow by replacing until crowth la
Phone Black 627.
Or call 602 West Fifth Streot.
N. Rose.
Quality Cigars
In a cigar q utility Is the prime factor.
Some cigars, even those costing a dime,
don't have tho quality. Tho reason our
cigars aro popular isbecauso quality is
our first consideration. Some of our
brands have been on the market for 25
years and they are the samo good cigar
as when first made. Our reputation
for good cigars was earned by making
quality the nrst consideration.
The Maker of Good Gears.
The Kind o! Clothes
Gentlemen Wear
Guaranteed Quality,
Perfect Fit,
Prices Right.
Custom made Suit
$20 to $45
Tailor made Suit.
2S to $47
Satisfaction guaranteed
Karle Gerie,
over McDonald Bank.
Oldest Bank In Lincoln County
North Platte, Nebr.
CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00
Wo Soltek Your Bualnsss.
The lending Live Stock and Gen
eral Farm Sales Auctioneer in
Western Nebraska is
Phone Rod 030.
Bought nnd highost market
prices paid ,
Residence Red C3G Offico 459
Of the Best Quality.
' Paine Fishburn
Granite Cb.,
W. T. ALDEN, Salesman
The North Platte
School of Music
The University School of
Music, Lincoln, Nebraska
Elizabeth Boriner-Cramer
All tho principal branches of Ap
plied and Theoretical Music taught by
competent teachors.
Address nil inquiries to 122 W. Front
street or phone Blade 341
A I3 -f
DOffS 1111111
Established in 1871.
Contractor and Builder.
Shop Corner Gth and Vine Streets
R. D. Thomson.
Di qedfield Infield,
Physicians and Surgeons.
JOB II. REDFIELD. Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
PHONE 642.
Signet Chapter O. E. S.,
I NO. 85
Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday of every
month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 p. m.
Homeopathia Physician and Surgeon J
q uoBpiiai accemmouauons, itaeuicai ana
n surgical attention given obstetrical cases.
Onico Phono 163
Kos. Phono 283
Ofllce McDonald State n&nk Bid's
Telephone Red 45G 605H Dcwcy St.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Office phono 241. Res. phono 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Physiclon and Suraeon, f
sj Office over McDonald Bank.
Phonca l Office 130
rnonca f Residence 115 t
if 4r
Doctors Ames & Ames, (j
Physicians and Surgeons, ;
Office over Stone Drug Co.
;uince 2it (.
Residence 273 Is
Csmatf tfsrB.tira(f iwv
Serial No. 0TO5.
Department of tho Interior.
U. S. Land Offico at North Platte. Nebr.
Feb. 26, 1913.
Notice is hereby Driven that Edward Rlma,
of North Platte, Nebr.. who, on February 8.
1910, maJo Homestead Entry No.
04595, for NEH and the EM of SEW. Section
2. two. 15, N, rire. SO. wost of tho Gth Principal
Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to mako
final three year proof, to establish claim to tho
land above described, before tho register and
receiver, at North Platte, Ncbr.j on tho 25th
day of April 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses: John Reeves,
Robert Reeves, Frank Hood, Henry Greeley,
all of North Platte, Nebr.
m-6 J. E. Evan. Register.
Notice for Bids.
Notico is hereby Riven that tho secre
tary of the board of education of tho
school districj of the city of North
Platte, will receive bids up to and in
cluding the hour of 8 o'clock, p. m., of
tho 24th day of March, 1913. for tho
orection, construction and completion of
one eight-room pressed brick und reini
forced concrete school building in the
Firat word on block 1G8, in the city of
North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska,
the same to be completed by August
20th, 1913.
Bids will be taken on the construction
nnd completion of said building, on tho
installation of tho heating plant' nnd on
tho plumbing separately, or on all to
gether. 'The successful bidder to give bond in
the sum of 25 percent of the contract
prico for tho faithful performance of
his contract,
Each bidder on building to accompany
his bid with a certified check in the sum
of $500 and each bidder for plumbing or
heating to accompany his bid with a
certified check in the sum of $100 as an
evidence of good faith, the same to bo'
forfeited should the successful bidder
fail to enter into a contract in accord
ance with said plans and specifications
inside of ton days after the contract is
awarded to him or them. .
All work to be done and material to
bo furnished according to the plans and
specifications now on filo in the 6filce
of Bert M. Reynolds, North Pla'tte,
Neb., and such plans and specifications
to form port of the contract. The, board
reserves tho right to rejoct'Idriy atuj
all bids.
A. F. STREJTZ, Secretary.
Harry Legakls will take notice that
on tho 27th day of January 1913. P. H.
Sullivan, a justice of the peace, of
North Plntte, precinct No. 1 Lincoln'
county, Nebraska, issued an order of
attachment for tho Bum of $52.40 in on
action pending before him, wherein
John C. Den is plaintiff and Horry
Legakis is defendant, that property con
sisting of money in the hands of the
Union Pacific railroad company, a
corporation has been attached under
said order.
Said cause waa continued until the
23nd day of March, 1913, at two o'clock
p. m.
Dated North Platte, Nob.. Feb. Gth,
1913. John C. Den,
H.-3 Plaintiff.
Agnes Harris, Emory Tripp, Minnie nood, a
minor, Eddie Hood minor, Helen Colvln a minor,
Edward Tripp, Opal Tripp, Adeline Tripp and
Harold Tripp, minors and children of Mamie
Tripp, deceased, W, L. Porter, first and real name
unknown, as guardian of Minnie Hood, H. D.
Hughes, first and real name unknown, as guardian
ot Eddie Hood, Earl II. Colvln, as guardian of
Helen Colvln, Russell D. Chase as guardian of
Edward Tripp, Opal Tripp, Adeline Tripp
and o Harold Tripp, defendants, will take
notice that on the 6th day of February,
1913, the plalntlfT Rupert Schwalgcr,
filed his petition In tho district court of Lincoln
county, Ncbrrska, the object and prayer of which
nre to partition the east half (EX) and tho north
west quarter (NWM) of section thirty-four (34)
township sixteen (16), north of range thirty (30),
west of tho 6Ui p. .m., containing 480 acres ac
cording to government survey, in Lincoln county,
Nebraska; also prays that the shares and Interests
of tho various parties In nnd to said land bo ascer
tained and determined, that la to say, that the
plalntlfT Rupert Schwalgcr be decreed to bo the
owner of an undivided one-sixth interest; that the
defendants each be decreed to be the owner of
tho following Interest In and to said real estate;
Agnes Harris, an undivided one-sixth Interest,
Minnie Hood, n minor, an undivided one-sixth
Interest; Eddie Hood, a minor, an undivided one
sixth interest; Helen Colvln, n minor, an undi
vided one-sixth Interest, Edward Tripp, a minor,
Opal Tripp, a minor, Adcllno Tripp, a minor,
and Harold Tripp n minor, children and
heirs at law of Mamie Tripp, deceased,
ao ne twenty-fourth Interest each; that
plaintiff prays for a confirmation of tho shares
and Interests as herein set forth Bnd that incase
said land cannot be equitably partitioned by meeU
and bounds that the samo bo sold by a referee
appointed by the court and that tho proccods .
thereof be divided after tho payment of all costs
in the manner and portio s as herein set forth.
You and each of you nro required to answer
said nctlton on or before Monday, the 24th dav of
March 1913.
Dated this 10th day of Fcpruary. 1D13
flM By Muldoon & Glbbs, his attorneys.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued from tho
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
a degree of foreclosure rendered In said court...
Wherein William M. McLaughlin. Administrator of
the estate) of Auber T. Griffith Is plaintiff
and Orley R. Skinner, et. al., aro defend
ants, and to me directed I will on
the 29th day of March, 1913, at 2 o'clock
E. m., at the east front door of the court
ouso In North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree. Interest
and costs, tho following described property
to-wltr southwest quarter (swK) section five (fi),
township nine (9), north of range thirty-one (31).
wost of the 6th P. M. in Lincoln county, Ne
braska, i
Dated North Platte, Neb., February 25. 1913. .
f25-6 A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff, -
Serial No7 0788.
Department of the Interior.
U. 8. I.nd Office at North Platto. Neb.
Ian .25th. 1813.
Notico Is hereby given that 'Will C. Masters,
of North Platte, Neb., who, on Novombor
7th. 1908, made Homostead Entry Serial
No. 0786, for no, Sec 22. Township 12,
north. Range 31. W., 0th Principal Meridian,
baa filed notion of Intention tos make final
three year proof, to establish claim to tho
land above described, before Register and
Receiver, at North Platte, Neb., on tho 25th
day of March, 1913.
Claimant namos as witnesses; Carl
Broeder, John Fowlor. Hugh Songor and Will
Hunter, all of North Platte. Nebr
J28-6 J. E. Evans. Register.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued from the
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said
court wherein Frederick Whitmoro Is plaintiff,
and Issac Benton Taylor et al are defendants, and
to mo directed, I will on tho 22nd day of
March, 191J, at 2 o'clock, p. m., at tho east front
door of the court house in North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash to satisfy said
decree, interest and costs, the following
described property to-wlt: All of section
twenty-three (23) nil of Bection tvcnty-flvo (25) tho
south half (sVi) and tho northwest quarter (nw'j)
section thirteen (13) tho east.half of the north
west quarter and tho west half of the northeast
quarter of section twenty-four (24) township fif
teen (15) north of rango 29 (29) west of tho 6th P.
M., In Lincoln county.Nebraska.
Dated North Plntte. Neb., Feb. 17th, 1913.
18- A. J. Sausuukt, Sheriff.
ferial No. 0J53.
United States Land Ofllce.
At North Platto, Nobrabka, Fob. 10. 1913,
Notico Is huroby given that Charles
C. Long of North Platto Neb., who on
January 12. 11)10. , mad homostoad entry
Serial No. 01500 for tho oast half
'if tho southwest iiuarter and lots 3 and 4,
Section IS. Town 14 N Itiingo 30 W.. of tho
0th Principal .Meridian, has filed notice of in
tention to maku final thrco year
proof, to est abllsli claim to tbo land above
described, before the reglstor and receiver
at North Platte., Nebraska, on tho 16th day
of April, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses; Georgb
Kopf, Georgo Long. O A. Robinson and
Ulck Ross, all nf North Platte. Neb.
flB-H John E IEvanh Register.
By virtue of nn order of salo Issued from
tho District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
upon a decree of fortclosuro rendered In suM
court wherein John Duvall Is planitlft,
nnd J. J. Walters, et. ul are de
fendants, and to me directed, I vM
on tho 15th day of March, 1913, at two
o'clock, p. m., at the east front door of the
court houso of said county. In the city of North
Platte, Nebraska, sell at public auction, to the
highest bidder for cash, fq satisfy said decree.
Interest and costs, tho following described
property, to-wlt:
Southwest quarter (bwW) section thirty
fonr (34) In township thirteen (13), north range
thirty-thrco (33). west of the fifli P..M. T.lnrnln
county, Nebraska.
Uatetl at North Platte, Neb., Feb. 6, 1913.
fll-B A. J. Sausdurv, Sheriff
Legal Notice.
William Cross, non-resident, will take
notico that he was sued in the County
court oi ijincoin county, JNeDrasKa, on
February 1st, 1913 by George Kopf, for
the sum of $144.50, duo from the de
fendant to tho Plaintiff unon contract
with accrued interest; That order of
attachment wus issued out of said court
to accomnnnv the summons therein is
sued for saidsum of $144.50; that tho
First Nationnl Bank of North Platte,
Nebraska, a corporation, was garnisheed
anu maue answer on February uth. 1913
that It had in its noasession the sum of
S140.00, the property of said defendant
William Cross. Whereupon said cause
was continued to the 20th day of-,March,
1913, at the hour of 9 a. mfdr further
You will appear in said court at said
time or judgment will be taken ntrninst
you and said sum of $140.00 applied in
satisfaction of said judgment and C03ts
of this suit.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska,
February .10th 1918.
George Kopf, Plaintiff. By E. H.
Evans, jlis Attorney. .'. f 11-4
Ref crcei's Sale.
By virtue of an paler of sale issued
in the district court in and for Lincoln
county,. Nebraska, on the 31st day of
January, 1913, in an action or partition
wherein Francis I. Nightingale is plain
tiff nnd Roy C. Nightingale, Raymond
A. Nightingale, a minor, Zena Oliyo
Snidor and Marion I. Snider, her hus
band and William Smith, aro defen
dant, I will sell at public auction at
tho east front door or the court houso in
the city of North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, on tho 8th day of March,
1913, at the hour of ono o'clock p. m.,
the following described real estate,
situate in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to
wit: west half of northwest quarter
and west half of southwest quarter of
soction 21, township 9, rango 30, west
of the Gth p. m.
Tho terms of said sale will bo cash in
Dated at North Platto. Nebraska,
this 31st day of January, 1913.
f4-5 O. E. Elder, Roforoe.
gfjgfc. j