T r&i I .f .I V W. CONSTIPATION Munyon's Taw-Paw Pills aro unlike all oth er laxatives or cathar tics. Thoj- coax the liver into activity by gcntlo methods, they do not scour; they do not gripe; thty do not weaken; but they do start all the secretions of tho liver and stem- M , , , "" " way mat soon MJfcJ- puts these orcans in a healthy condition and corrects constipation, hfunyon's Paw-Paw Pills aro a tonic to tho stomach, liver and nerves. They inrigorato instead of weaken; they enrich tho blood instead of impover ishing it; they enable the stomach to get all tho nourishment from food that is put into It Prico 25 cents. All Druggists. KwjasKi Many n mnn fools himself when ho thinks that ho Is fooling his wife. Red Cros Ball Blue izivcs double value lor your monej. goes twice ns far as anr other. Ask your grocer. Adv. If some men wero compelled to pay as they go they would never got started. . . ,nX7 nt ""HOMO QUININE" 3?.aLU.,LXx.ATIV.M..U.U,0i, tiUlNINII. took Jor the BlRimturo of K. W. tiUOVB. Cam a Cold In Ono Day, Cure Urlp In Two Days. 25c. - . When a man begins to think of get ting married ho never figures on a church wedding. Constlpatlcn cnuses and seriously nfrcra vates many dUoases. It Is thoroughly cured by Dr. Picrco'a Pellets. Tiny sugar-coated granules. Adv. Storics fromme Cat in a Long Fight Keeps Everybody at Bay l rWjunVsKsflslsV. iMtfwvi -v vfjFmr lammf ' asSi3 w ' Apology. "You called mo a dog, sir." "Oh, no! Some dogs aro very flno creatures. I callod you n cur." He Is Still Single. ' "You nro the first girl I have over loved." ,' "And. you'd bo tho last man I'd , ever love." Not Unlikely. "Well, my boy," said the visitor to Bobby, "I suppose some day you ex pect to step Into your father's shoes?" "Oh, I supposo so," said Bobby, feloomlly. "I been wearln' out every thin' else ho wears since mother learned how to cut 'em down for me." Harper's Weekly. Nolle Prossed. A .Rastus had caught Sambo red-handed." . "Ah'm gwlno hab yo' arrested foh Btealln' mah chickens, yo' Sambo tWashln'ton dat's Jess what ah'm gwine to do," said Rastus. "Go ahead, nlggah," retorted Sam bo. "Go ahead and hab mo arrested. Ah'Il mek yo' prove whar yo' got dem chickens yo'self!" Harper's Weekly. Automobile Aroma. Farmer Hiram was mending the front fence when an automobile whizzed past, emitting a trail of blue smoke from Its oil-choked engine. Farmer Hiram's hand went to his nose. When tho car had disappeared far down the lane and tho smell had died away ho ventured to address tho hired man. "Sam," he said, "they may be swell city fellers an' all that; but they cer tainly was smokln' some vile see-gars." Queen Victoria Detested Tobacco. The number of smoking rooms now distributed , over Windsor castle would considerably astonish Queen Victoria could she but seo them. Her late majesty could never bring herself to do more than tolerate tho weed In any form, nnd tho smoking room was always relegated to n very distant part of her various residences. Nor wore tho gutfsts permitted to solace themselves with a quiet smoke in their own apartments, as on their ar rival they wero speclaly warned not to do so. Ready Cooked Meals are rapidly growing in pop ular favor. Post Toasties served either with cream or good milk, or preserved fruit, make a most appetizing dish for breakfast, dinner, or sup per. These delicious toasted flaky bits of white corn have a delicate taste that is very pleasing at this time of year. PostToasties are economi cal, make less work for the busy housewife and please everyone at the table. "The Memory Lingers" Sold by Orocera everywhere Foatum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich. NEW YORK. A cat which hnd kept Mrs. Amelia Long out of hor home, at No. 20 Jane street, all after noon by attacking her every time she tried to enter lost all nlno lives after Policeman John J Do Witt of tho Chnrlca street station, had fought with the-animal half an hour the oth er night nnd wrecked the furnlturo In Mrs. Long's homo Mrs. Long had had tho cat for flvo years nnd recently hnd observed queor actions. Sho nurBed tho animal the last few days, but this did no good, and durlnc the aftornoon tho cat sprang upon Mrs. Long, tearing her dress. Mrs. Long ran out of tho houso and closed tho door. When sho tried to entera few minutes later the cat was waiting for her and drove her back. The remainder of tho afternoon Mrs. Long spent in trying to got Into her homo, and at night wunt to the Chnrlcs streot Btntlon and Pbllcemau Do Wit wns sent back with her De Witt went In and lighted tho gas. His I hand wns not down from tho Jot be- I fore the cat sprang from n corner nnd struck his arm. Ab ho beat her off i sho bit his left wrist and her claws mado furrows on his hand. Tho cat renewed tho attack. Sho landed on his knee and ho struck her with his club, knocking hor across the room. Seizing hor by tho tail, ho hurled her against the far wall. Do Witt then threw a chair at tho anlmnl. She crawled out of tho wreckage and wbb making another lenp, when Do Witt hurled nnother chair. In tlfteen min utes the only article of furnlturo he had not thrown was the center table, and upon the cat's next lungo ho up set this upon her But her nlno lives served her In. good stead and sho was back In tho light In a second Tho policeman wrapped tho tablo cover about his arm and used strate gy, He awaited tho next spring and let tho animal fasten hor teoth Into tho covering on his arm. Ab sho hung there he shot her five times. svwwwvw Generosity of Spouse Causes Fear of Insanity ST. LOUIS, Mo. Mortimer Courtney, fifty-three years old, living south of KIrkwood, brought his wife, Edith, forty-throo years old, into tho city on a shopping nnd pleasure trip. After they had bought theater tickets Court ney escorted his wifo to a Jewelry shop. There, to tho great surprise of Mrs. Courtney, her husband selected and paid for $575 worth of diamonds and made her a present of them. Then ho took her to another Jewelry shop and bought additional costly trinkets for her. As they wero leaving tho second shop he turned to the aston ished Mrs. Courtney and said: "Now, my dear, I am going to give you a real present. I am going to buy you a $3,000 automobile." Instead of Joyfully accompanying her husband to an automobile estab lishment Mrs. Courtney told him: "Not Just now, Mortimer; you come with mo. I have a person In mind whom I wish you to meet." The person Mrs. Courtney hnd In mind was tho policeman nt Sixth and pilvo streets. To tho policoman Mrs. Courtney said: "Officer, arrest this mau. He's gone crazy." Captain Schwartz, who then exam lned Courtney nt tho Central police station, could not find that tho man was abnormal In anything other than ultra generous impulses nnont his wife. While they wero arguing the propo sition Courtney confided to a police man that ho wns "very sorry about this. Been married twenty-two yearB, always loved ono another, and now sho's Insane." "Well," said Captain Schwartz, "nei ther of you bus shown mo any good reason for thinking tho other ono In sane. So you'll have to go on home." Jell Row Stump for Court but. the Maid Wins CLEVELAND, O. Nineteen cups of Jelly, crimson tinted and quaking, Just as well-behaved Jelly should, aro what the lawyers call the casus belli between two women In municipal court tho other day. Judga Levlno, who was trying to straighten out the tangle involving Mrs. Florence Haydon and Miss Pau line Plckrul, was doing fairly well un til he ran afoul of tho Jelly. The plaintiff, Miss Plckrul, estab lished that Mrs. Hayden owed her $9 for labor in the kitchen. It looked as simple as A, B, C up to that point until Miss PIckul said: "Sho owes mo $H.S0 for making her nineteen cups of Jelly." H jj Mrs. Hayden admitted that tho Jolly had been made, "but mercy, what Jelly It was!" In Just seven seconds tho Judge was fathoms deep beneath a tidal wavo of culinary terms. Placidly, almost as If In a brown study, Judgo Levlno listened. Maybe his mind went back to King Solomon who had considerable roputo In his day for adjusting disputes between women Finally, there enme a rift In the verbal ttorm and tho Judge adroitly slipped in n couple of words. "Bring the Jelly to me." a smile of anticipation was on his face, "and if It measures up to tho standards established by my mother I will buy It at 15 cents a glass." This suited tho plaintiff, although It was a reduction of 5 cents a glass from her demand Mrs. Hayden considered tho propo sition for a few seconds, weakened and finnlly agreed to pay tho $12 80 demanded by her former hired girl. "Ho hum,1' said the Judge, but not so very loud. Brief Tale and Puzzling Mystery of Stray Cat BUFFALO, N. Y. Tho tiger cat may havo come In on the 11:49 o'clock train at the Lehigh Valley station in Washington tho other morning. James Robertson, who checks tho baggage, did not notice It, but Tohy, his assist ant, came along the platform with tho cat under his arm. "The Honorablo James Robertson, Lehigh Valley station," was tho labol on the cat. Robertson said ho did not want It. The cat arched its back and rubbed Robertson's logB. 'Some cat, Jim," said policeman Grant B. Shook. "It take3 to you all right." "It's not my cat," protested Robert son. "If I didn't claim to own tho cat, I wouldn't have It going around with my name on a tag," ho said. Robertson cut off tho tag, where upon tho cat seemed to grow fonder of him. Where ho went tho cat went "It ought to bo given somo milk," ,sald Shook with an eyo on a bottlo back of tho counter, ' The girls shook tholr heads and re plied that tho company did not give away milk. Shook then hnd a talk with Robertson. Tho lattor bought: tho bottlo ot milk. Soon tho cat was lapping up milk nfter which. It curled up near a steam pipe under ono of the benches. "I told Jim that If tho cat hnd milk It might htop bawling. I had on my uniform and no change In my pock ets," said hook. "I'll bo darned, but tho first thing I know this aftornoon I missed tho cat," explained Police man 8hook. "Jim told me he didn't know whoro It went. But, thinking It over, the cat disappeared about tho timo tho 3:45 train wont out No, I don't know where it enmo from." Hit Limit. Brldogroora My darling, I feel now I will bo tho hotter mnn. Bride But you can't bo tho best man. HANDS CRACKED AND BLED St Clair, 'Ma "My troublo bogan about fifteen years ago. It was what somo claimed oczoma. Tho form tho dlBoaso worked under was n breaking out with watery blisters on my hands which would then dry and scnlo, and then would follow tho troublo of cracking and bleeding, alBo Itching nnd hurting. My hands wero disfig ured at tho tlmo, nnd soro. Tho trou blo wns very annoying, and disturbed my Bleep. This last February it was over bo much worso than before 1 did not do all my work on account of tho condition of my hands. I could not put them la water without mak ing thorn worso. I tried a lot of homo remedies, nUo salvos nnd Ihilmcnta that claimed to bo a euro for tho troublo, but I did not obtain a euro. "At last I saw tho advertisement for Cutlcura Soap and Ointment I sont for a snmplo. I thought they would euro, so I sent for a fifty-cent box of Cutlcura Ointment and somo Cutl cura Soap. A doctor advised mo to keep ahead with tho Cutlcura Sonp and Olntmnt and they cured mo com pletely. No traco of tho troublo ro mains." (Signed) Mrs. Mnry Taylor, Mnr. 29, 1912. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout tho world. Snmplo of.oach froo, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card "Cutlcura, Dopt. L, Boston." Adv. Distance nover lends enchantmont to tho office sookor'B vlow. Deglnnlng Soon to Worry. Mrs. Jones My slater la worried to death over her son, Rcglnnld. Sho wants him to enter the ministry, his fnthor wants him to go Into business, while- Reginald hlmsolf has got his mind sot on being an actor, and Bays nothing shall keep him from it Mra. Brown Hum. How old la ho? Mrs, Jonos Ho's getting on for Bovon. Stray Stories. FREE BOX OF BISCUITS. Every reador of this pnper can bo euro absolutely free a box of assorted biscuits by simply cutting out tho cou pon from their ad appearing In an other part of this paper and mailing It to Looso-Wllcs Biscuit Co., Omaha, Nob. Tho firm is thoroughly reliable. Tako ndvantngo of this llboral offer and wrlto them today. The nvorngo mnn has n lot mora to say about what he is going to do thau about what ho bus done. Mm. Window's (toothing Byrnp for Children teething, nortrtis the pu tun, miner ludammn llon,Ulnyn palrj.cures vrlixl college n, bottlcJU If you would Btriko a mnn favorably novor hit him In tho vicinity ot tho pockotbook. Ro thrifty on llttlo thlnffB HKo blulnt Don't Hoccpt water for bluing. Ask for Red Crosa Hull Blue, tho extra guod valuo blue. Adv. Many a great mnn has exclusive knowledge of tho fact. Tho more n man knows tho easier It Is to keep his faco shut LEWIS' SinBle Binder utraiiilit 5c cienr. You pny lOo for cignrs not so good. Adv. Somo people aro ns unpopular as a lapt year'8 popular song. & FOLETS COMPOUND STOPS COUGHS - CURES COLDS ConUlnt No Opiate I Safe For Children CALIFORNIA Alfnirnnnd fruit lnnds In famous ChowchllU lUnrli; 109,000 ncrrs, heart of San Jonqula Vnllry, Just mibillvlilOiV for cttlinrnt, Ideal water, will, cllmntlc condition . wholCHUle and rctnll propositions! frce maps, literature nd Information tfRurdltifr excursions j wo axe owners, not BRento. UNITED STATES PARM LAND CO. 017 City Nntlorul Bank Bids'.. Omaha, Neb. It Pays to Clip itnntM, act n . run s. They ar itpAiiRif ranurvnurrnftlierpcrTtce. Ylirn the lieatiroat that lioldeths wet IWHI ftntl illrt In removed ther r mors ratllr kept clin loot: ttter- t mora uowl Jrtmi t!ilr feed ami are. betttl la (tery lnditnn having Thi Stewart Ball Bearing Clipping Mschint It turns e-tltr, clip fatter anj eloior and ilayi aliarp longer than anr oilier, (lean ara all fllo nam auu cm ironi eoui rii'ri 72 teeipar. inerar en clowl. nrotreteil ami run In nil llitia fries tlon.llttlawenr lUietifeetof new etjlo cay runnlnjt flsilbls alittt and 111 retebrnted Stewart alnf-l lenito-i Mlpptnir lieail, hliiliMt grail. !rt frew y ar tieale rtavtry uii miie guarameeu 10 picato. OHICAQO FLEXIBLE SHAFT CO. Wellsond Ohio SIB. CHICAGO, ILL. Writ rorromtilote. new catloir t hnwlns world'e MtVMt and mnt modern Mnn nthnrna clipping and . purTppiivarintf inacnintf. inaueu tree on roquet f. Uncle 8m N'eil Ktc-nocmnhcrs I will teach, you by mall Twelvu ear as uovrrnment stenographer enables mo to properly trals my pupils Instruction based on actual ex perience Harold Gibson, 1010 Pasco, K C ,Mov Don't Let Catarrh Get the Best of You If you have catarrh and are neglecting it you arc doing a great wrong to yourself. In time it will undermine your whole constitution. You cannot begin too soon the work of shaking it off. Doesn' t require any great effort. Begin today. Dr. Pierce's Golden wmnmmuKmm tmmammmamBmammmtmamBm wmmtmamaamuammmmmaam Medical Discovery ansaanvaBvaajBaaB99MsSBBai ammtmWBmmtmmammnmmuirntm in iTii has a curative effect upon all mucous surfaces, and hence removes catarrh. In Nasal Catarrh it is well to cleanse the passages with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy while using the "Discovery" as a constitutional remedy. Why the "Golden Medical Discovery"cradicates catarrhal affections, of the stomach, bowels, bladder and other pelvic organs, will be plain to you if you will read a booklet of extracts from the writings of eminent medical authorities endorsing its ingredients and explaining their curative proper ties. It is mailed free on request. "The "Discovery" has been put up and 6old in its liquid form for over 40 years and has e'ven crcat satisfaction. Now it can be obtained of medicine dealers in tablet form as well. A trial box sent prepaid for 50 one-cent stamps. Address Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr.PJerce'a Pleasant Pellets regulate and strengthen Stomach, Lirer and Dowel. Assist nature a little, now and then, with a searching and cleansing, yet gentle cathartic, and thereby avoid many diseases MS Feel like a New Woman" Mrs. Bimj. Bums, ef Port uoY.r. Oct., box U. TrrjtMl 'l hi bf.n a BTfat suffarar for yum from throat troubla, eatarth, IndlroiUon. femaU tropblas, bloating', constipation sad ntrrotunoaa at tloits I would bo la NhI, than abla to b up again. Was under manr dlfTar.nt doctors car. and would rtt batter for a llttls nhil., fli.nl .would tro down with chxoala Inflammation all througu ma. For nlntn y.ara I had this poison In ray Wood. Afur tryinj nearly f T.rjttilnjt I (cot worse. I read In The People's Common Bene Medical Adjleer of Dr. Pierce's, Golden Medical Discovery and Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. I her taken the Golden Medi cal DIscoverT' and 'i'leuant J'.ll.U. and hare Died lira fcottlM of Dr. Sare's Catarrh itamady.. I am now r.bla to do coy work end walk with pleas lire. 1 feel Ilka a new woman. X enjoy evenrthinar around m Snd thank God fur Inttinr m v lens1 enouffh to And soma thins that msdaruswall again." cffirEraSflScei rATA toil 2fiKDj$-f& Inn Hardware of Insured Quality Bearing the Double Guarantee Quality Tag Means SATISFACTION We have recently published a new edition of our Tool Catalogue known as "STANLEY TOOLS NO. 84". It differs very materially from former editions, contains many new tools never before shovn in a catalogue of this description, and is of a size that will just fit conveniently in the pocket. A number of useful and interesting tables are placed in the back of the book. A postal card will bring you one of these new books by return mail. Ask for Catalogue No. 3-1-C. r- New Brjtain.'Cotmn.U.SA. Satisfaction must follow a purchase of Hardware benriug our Double Guarantee Tag- for it carries our ab solute guarantee. Money back if not nn:(n.i.. A.i. t ir i . ii. Biuiaiai-iuij. sian iui uuiuwuiu Willi our DOU11LE GUARANTEE TAG. Buy no other. SILVER LAKE. Solid Braidc:' Cotton Sash Cord Buyer should know the maker's name Bfc. XJWWsi?jaTjlssy Time tried Brands Ksk your Hardware Dealer for .hese floods Has been in general use since i868, with uniform satisfaction. Made of fine cotton, twice doubled and twisted, full length, will not stretch. Saves labor and money because it lasts longer, therefore cheapest cord to buy. We attach our DOUBLE GUKRKNTEE QUALITY TAG Herman Bolter & Co.'s Tree Brand Cutlery g0 Has been known as High Grade Cutlery for 75 years. There fore wo do not hesitate to put our brand Clean Clipper on all Tree Brand Goods, together with our quality insuring DOUULC GUKRKNTEE TAG WRIGHT & WILHELMY CO., Wholesale Distributors w