The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 07, 1913, Image 5

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' 4$&nGedeJ3lUebirdfir.6urfiappmess'
Hat Pins, Collar Pins, Brooches, etc. See them
in our show windows..
Our new line of Spring Jewelery, Hair Combs,
forward and back, Barretts; Aigretts. See our new
mesh bags and vanity cases.
DIXON, 3Jhe Jeweler,
U. P. Watch Inspector.
t- .
S Gradualb Dentist. S
,'S Office, over tho. McDonald J
" e Stato Bank. a
Local and Personal
Miss Jessio Workman returned to
Hastings the first of this" week after
spending a few days in town.
Miss Pearl Rowland camodown from
Paxton Wednesday to visit for several
daya with her aunt Mrs. Albert Schafz.
Thomas Gilmartin will leave In a few
days for Omaha to take a position in
tho American express office in that
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond' Miller and
son, of Herahey, came down yester
day morning to visit Mr. and Mrs. O.
Sizemorc. '
Corbin Jones has severed his connec
tion with the Hub Clothing company
and accepted a position in'ths Ammons
clothing store. v.
Mr. and Mrs. George Morrj's3, lato of
Greeley. Colo., moved here last week
and have rented the former Alexander
house on East 4th St.
Harold J.Cnth'ro, of Omaha, who was
located here five years in chargo of tho
sewer construction, visited local friends
Saturday while enroutehome, from Sid
ney. J ii ' '
Miss Lula Brown cnme.down from
Northport Saturday and accepted a posi
tion in The Leader millinery. Sho will
mako her homo with aunt Mrs. Will
Scott Reynolds, living southeast of
town, brought eighty head of hogs Jto
town Tuesday which he shipped to
Denver. Ho accompanied the car and
whilo In Denvor will attend the auto
mobile show.
Friends in town wiUbe interested in
knowing that Robert White, who was
i employed here two years, ago in the
railroad surveyor's office, was married
at HEStingsJtoJMiss Mnrgaret Corrigan
formerly of Lexington, who frequently
visited friends in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mannery and
son, formerly of Kearney, who haye
spent several weeks in western points,
arrived heroWedftesday morning and
will reside with the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs.JA. Kunkle, living south
of this city.
I. K. Necly.iwho was employed Tn
the master mechanics office in this city
twenty-five years ago, spent a few days,
visiting local friends this week while
enrouto home from a four months' visit;
in California.;tMr.. JNfectey fs-now en-
gaged !n hardwarelb'usiness in La Salle,
Special on Oranges, 100 boxes.
Average-18 doz per Jox Good quality.
$2.40 per box, $1,25 pne-half box.
E. T. Tramp & Son.
,,Tho city council mot in regular semi
moflthly session Tuesday' evening, the
business transactions being largely of a
routine nature. Plats of the Scout's
Rest, Cody'alSecond and Fairviow ad
ditions wore presented for consideration
and they will later be admitted to tho
To the Sunday schools that closed last
fall I hope they may reopen, so to get
the Sunday school supplies to com
mence first of April, the second quarter.
If I can bo any help to Btart the Sunday
schools up I will be!glad to do what I
can for any Sunday School. Your
friend, W. W. Scett.
The homo of Alzono McMichael was
the scene of a very happy and enjoy
able gathering Tuesday noon when the
ladies of tho Relief Corps servdd dinner
to the old veterans. A splendid dinner
was served to sixty person and it is
needless to say that the old defonders
thoroughly enjoyed the spread of good
things and tho thoughtful courtesy of
the members of the corp3.
Chairman Boguc, bf tho B. of R. T.
protective board, returned yestordny
from Omaha and Lincoln, where ho hsd
been transacting official business for a
couple of weeks.
The "classy" brakemnn no longor re
fers to himself as a "brakeman";
he says "I am in the service of the
transporatlon. department of the Union
Pacific;" which is true but not clear. J
The 0. R. Or and the B. of L. E. t
have been represented at Lincoln during
the session of tho lorlalaturo hv a half
dozen members of each order, though
not that number have been in constant
The annual convention of the B. of
R. T. will bo held in San Francisco bo
ginning May 19th. Herman LcDioyt
will represent the local lodge as n delo
gate. Chas. Bogue, chairman of tho
protective boaid of tho Union
Pacific system will also attend.
Former Police Judge Fred Warren
has accepted a position with the claim
department of the Burlington railroad
in the capacity of adjuster, and will
soon removo his family to Omaha,
which city will be his headquartors. Ho
has been filling the position for about
two weeks and is well plensed with tho
'I - ,.
The New Spring Skirts Fit and Hang Perfectly
Mrs. J. E. Payne will entertain tho
ladies of the Presbyterian church on
Tuesday afternoon at the I. O. 0. F.
Miss Maud Jaques will leave today
for Chicago, Kansas City and othor
eaatern points to spend a month visiting
Mrs. Buckloy and daughter Miss
Beulah expect to leave the latter part
of this month for eastern points to
make an indefinite stay.
Miss Mabel Carroll has resigned her
position in tho Dickey confectionery
store and will resume her former
duties at the Weil cafe.
The funeral of the late Bridget Knin
was held Tuesday from the Catholic
church. Services were conducted by
Rev. McDaid and attended by a large
number of friends. Intorment was
made in the North Platte cemctory.
Ladies, if you oxpect to have a new
coat or suit for Easter please remem
ber that it takes time to make proper
alterations and our work room i3 busy
now. Come nnd select whnt you want,
now so we can got it out for you by the
time' you want to wear it.
Wilcox Department Store.
In purchasing two lots east of tho
water-plant, tho city is providing for
future contingencies.' This added prop
erty may be needed for future wells;
should the city decide to put in an elec
tric light plant tho property will bo
valuable for that purpose.anditcanalso
be used for tho storage of city property.
F. J. McGovern and his billiard team
who were the losers in the tournament
at the Elk rooms last week, banqueted
the W. J. Landgraf team Wednesday
evening to a cod fish supper. A num
ber of toasts were given and Captain
Landgraf crowned with a wreath of
Company Q entertained tho Junior
class and a few friends in their club
rooms on west Eighth streetSaturday
evening. ' The xrooms were gaily deco
rated with pennants. Five hundred and
a number of 6ther interesting games
were played, the guests numbering
about thirty-five. Enjoyable refresh
ments wero served. They were chaper
oned by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weir.
W. W. Burr has returnod from Wash
ington where for two "months he has
been engaged in working out in detail
tho experiments ho made at tho
experimental sub-station last sum
mer. Mr. Burr returns feeling very en
thusiastic over his work, and will con
duct tho government experiments this
season with even more zest than has
marked his work in the past.
Three boys were caught in the act of
stealing chickens on the John Murray
I premises on west Fourth street Wed-
nesuuy aicernoon. inoy nau tnreo
chickens in gunny sacks and were after
more when a neighbor dropped in on tho
scene. It has since developed that the
boys have been raiding chicken yards
for n couple of weeks past and Belling
their "catch." Names are with hold
pending tho, future condfict of the boys.
Tho Chamber of Commerce directors
met Wednosday evening and discussed
a number of questions portainlngto tho
welfare of the town and county. Lin
coln county's share of an appropriation
for advertising the trans-continental
automobile route was guaranteed; tho
organization pledged its moral support
to tho 1913 Chautauqua which will be
conducted by the Ridpath bureau;
paBsed a resolution asking congress to
remedy existing defects in the banking
and currency laws; and made cortain
arrangements for assisting in entertain
ing the teachers who will attend the
district convention the early part of
Luxurious Train to Start April 1.
Tho Union Pacific-Northwestern Cali
fornia train that has been promised
several times during the last year, Is
carded to start April 1. It will displace
the present No. X, arriving in Omaha
from Chicago daily at about 9 o'clock a.
m. An excess faro of $10 and $8 from
Omaha will bo charged on California
tickets. Tho equipment will consist en
tirely of pleepers, observation and din
ing cars. It will carry valets, maids,
barber shops, baths and everything tho
moat fastidious would cxphct to find on
tho best trains.
April 1 the Milwaukee will have an
exclusive train through to tho coast
over the Union Pacific. This train will
pass through Omaha at midnight. No
excess fare will be charged, but in con
nection with it, overything is expected
to be first-class. It will carry standard
and tourist sleepers only. It will bo
known as the Pacific limited. Omaha
Miss Nell Workman entertained a
few f riendslnformnlly Tuesday evening.
Henry Hnsen, of Rosedalo precinct,
who was injured in nhaybalor recently,
i3 in the city this week to take medi
cal treatment.
The Yeoman dramatic company
went to Gothenburg this morning to
present oilo their plays tonight , at the
Gothenburg theatre.
Mim. Ida M. Ferguson and son, of
Lipton, Iowa, are guests of the Rev.
J. C. Christie at themnnse. Mrs. Fer
guson is said to be one of tho best
musicjans in the middlo west.
Homestead Land.
Central California. Foothills. Good land,
water, wood, range. No snow, no
storms, seldom frost.
Springs, streams big oaks'. Full
directions for locating yourself, includ
ing copy of -latest government town
ship plat $1.00. Worth $100.00 to any
one having homestead right. No re
mittance, no answer. A. Konoyer
(Locator) Hanford, California. 8-0
next week.
For Sale.
Tho southeast quarter of section G-l-31
and the EJ SWJ of SWJ, CO acres,
in Section 2-13-31; $30 per acre, ono
third cash, terms to suit on balance,
six nor centlnterest.
Also Block 3, South Park addition to
North Platte. Prico $1000; one-half
cash. Address,
H. E. Nichols, Sterling, Colo.
g . ,
It in Doubt Buy
Come in and Look Over Our Big Assortment
of the New Models for Spring.
The new Spring skirts look good when on our counters ,
or in our windows, but they look better when you actually
wearthom, because they are rnndo along Natural line3 2
they were modeled after the ,natural lines of the body they
fit the form perfectly. The sizes have been correctly grdded, .
you can get a skirt here that will exactly fit you.
This correct size graduation is a very hrmortanjand,
highly gratifying feature of our new Spring skirts. It insure
a perfect fitting skirt for you. ' ;.t
t Tho now, showing is a thoroughly comprehensive array'
of the New Spring fashions. , It embraces tho very pick vof
the Season's offerings, and was selected with our usua 1 care
and discrimination to prevent anything but the accepted
styles finding representation in our Stock.
The materials are strong, serviceable and unusually
pleasing and the style treatment is that of the foremost
designers in the country.
Wilcox Department Store.
Clyde Allison, of Staplcton, camo
yesterday to spend a week or longer in
town taking medical treatment and
visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. James Jensen.
Leon Davis who had been employed
at tho new round house grounds for
sevoral months left Inst evening for
Salt Lake to accept a position.
Bert Manning, of Omaha, is sponding
a few days in town making arrango
monts for tho gun shoot to pe hold by
thoBufl'alo Hill gun club in tho noar
Miss Mollie Peniston, o Rawlins,
who is visiting her sister Mrs. James
Jonsen, went to Staplcton today to bo
the guest of the Allison family for a
few days.
Notice of Incorporation.
Notice is hereby given that the undor
signed havo organized n corporation
un.der nnd pursuant to tho statute? of
tho state of Nebraska. Tho name of
this corporation is W. W. Birgo Com
pany.and its principal place of businossl
Is North Platte, Lincoln County, Ne
braska. The general nature of tho business to
bo transacted by this corporation is the
buying, selling and shipping of lumber,
building material, coal, grain and hay;
tho buying, leasing, selling and convoy-
ing,of real estate: tho buying erecting
and maintaining, leasing, soiling and
convoying of buildings, and to engage
in such other business as mny be
deemed necessnry for tho protection
and successful conduct of the corpora
tion,. The authorized capitnl stock of tho
corporation is twenty-five thousand dol
lars, (?25,000.00)in shares of one hundred
dollars ($100.00). The corporation shall
commence business March Ord, 1913,
and terminate business Mnrch 3rd, 1945.
The highest .nmount of indebtedness
to which the corporation shall subject
itself shall- not exceed two-thirds of
the capital stock. The business of tho
corporation is to bo vested in three di
rectors who phnll bo elected by tho
The ofllcors shnll bo a President,
Vice Presidsfit, Secrotarv nnd Treas
urer, any W of which offices may bo
held by onp 'person, nnd tho duties of
such officers shall bo such as are more
fully set out In tho articles of incorpora
tion, or by-laws as maybe ndoptcd.
W. W. BlKGE,
R. D. BlliGR,
Mnrch 3, 1913. Incorporator.
It stands in a cIubs by itself
Buy asack of DAVID HARUM;
Try it as many times as you wish'.
If you are not satisfied tlult it is
worth the difference-if you are not
convinced that it is the best flour
you ever used you can bring or
send it back and' we will refund
purchase price.
Quality considered "DAVID IfAR
UM" Hour is the cheapest Hour on
the market today.
Herrod & Son,
Phona 208.
Vfl , Mi?'.' 'T0W
111 1 l -TW3T1). rffl " m .."iTSi
vn 1 sax
Mr. Farmer!
Bring in your harness and
saddles and havo them fixed
up and oiled. Spring rush
will soon be hero nnd your
harness will not bo In repair.
Bring them in soon and give
us a trial,
Forstedt & Sheedy
He l&cmJKee Jf$ moneys
fame J3sff&&&js
Oii HtiaoosaVtil IttislnoHS mort hogim hy t-iivltix
tho Tii'Ht monoy thoy anrnotl so thntw'licn ti htii
iicss clutiivo tiroHa thoy woro In ;i position 'to
frrtisp It. Atnny soiiiov momhorn of grant l'lrmt)
bootmio Junior inoinhora pi' tlmt snmo J'lrtn hy
hnvJngMONISVSA.VJSr n'Jth whioJt to htiy tho
rirst intorast thoy hnl In tho hustlnoHS. Stnrt :i
hnnlc nooottnt nnd soo liow hnppy you will ho to
hoo It grow; It will ho tho host I'riontl von huva
nnd tho HJSST rAlVrNBll.
Do YOUIt hnnlclng with
The First National Bank,
Tho furfrost linnlcJn Wotom IVobrt.scn.
11 hot fJot m
A Full Size 50c Box of
Make-fa Tfomc Tablets
Are you weak and nervous? Do
you suffer from backaches, rheumatism,
or kidney trouble? Are your stomach and dl
gestlvo orffuns conattmUy KOttlnu out oj whack,
so that you can't enjoy your mehls any tnore?
Arc you losing- weight? Do you sleep poorly? Is
your body weau ana crying for something that Is
lacking? What you most likely need Is more rich.
pure blood courslntr through your veins, giving
life and vigor to your eutire system. Your body is
famished. Your entiro system lscrylmr fornour.
shment. What you need Is atonic, u. healtti-glv'
In pure-blood-making tonic Mahe-ManTonlc
Tabltty help make men and women
strong! they give new life, new strength, to lm
pover.nhed, run-down, over-worked nervous sys.
terns. In order that you and every one who does
not know these wonderful health-giving, life
caving tablet, wo make tlildunuiiunlolTer: Simply
cut out coupon, nil In your name and nddress
send no money Just the coupon, and you will
receive absolutely free, our regular SOcent box of
Mahm-Man Tonic Tabttti. Kemember, send no
money, there Ii no string; tied to this offer, all
that we ask is that you try tills 50-cent box.
Take every tablet (as per directions) and wc
know that inn few days you will marvel at the
results, uon't put it oit until to-morrow, cut
out this coupon now, start today on thefoa!
to health. Make-Man Tonie Tabttti will show
you the way. Wo are willing nnd
glvo you n full size SOc box free, then Judrce
for yourself, whether or not thevcan be of helo to
you , Con you resist bo earnest an appeal? lfor your
own taxe ana moss wno iqvo you, cut out mis
coupon today, at once and mall It to us. Make-
own sake and those who Iqvo you, cut out
coupon todav. at once and mull It to us. Ma
Man TanlcTabtoti are sold at all drugstores 50a
a box on n guarantee or money refunded.
r """" r" ;
OOO Maku-Miiu Hide., Clilcnso. HI. J
T hsvo never iimhI Mako-Mnn Tablet before and
with to metro, ttw, a (ull niio W-cout buz. &
Dmwil.t'i Hatno.......................,........ ...
5 Mr JUmo ......... ......................... J
AuuTOM ...,.
fmmmmimmvi vntw f m family mm
nnd recommended In North Platte by Schiller & Co.
Druggist, first door north of First National Bank.
Oilers to residents of, and visitors to, North Plntto, the most
finely appointed sorvico in Western Nobraska, and with this
is a menu that cannot bo excelled for tho price. Regular
rnenns are served nnd Bhort orders can bo obtained any
hour day or night.
Opposite U. P. Depot.