The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 07, 1913, Image 4

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    w ift. uLy it. w II "ll T
Wc have a new line of very pretty ring for Ladies
and Men. See our windows and let us show you.
CLINTON, Jeweler and Optican.
. t$;6st9 taaa&.
A For Your Drug.
Orders Do-
llvorod promptly'
5 REXALL and NYAL jjj
Local and Personal
Francis Snndall visited frionds In
Lexington Wednesday.
II. D. Morrissoy, of Storing, is trad
ing in town this wpolo
Frank Rork Denver Satur
day to visit for n'fow dn'yB.
Charlos LaVelle, of Dickons, is visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brady.
Mrs. Sellers, of Wollfloot, is spend
ing this week in town with frionds.'
Will Stack returned tho first of this
week from a short visit in Omahn.
J. S. Johnson camo up from Kearney
Tuesday to transaot business in town.
Ncal Turpio "returned Wednesday
morning from a business visit in Omaha.
ForSalo-Ono lpt, 1120 West 8th.
Mrs. Lintz. 12-4
Mrs. John Dick vlll ontortaln the
Novita club on Wodnosday of next
Charlos Gorkln, of Wollfleot, spent a
few days lii town this week on busi
ness. Charles Walters, who transacted
businoss In Omaha last week, has re
turned. A. E. TJmmorman transacted busi
ness in Gothenburg tho fore part of
, this week' '
Mcsdamos Eves, Miller and Dicker
son, of Hershey, woro town visitors
Howard Hordo, of Dcnvor, who spent
tho past wook with frionds in town loft
Mrs. K. I' Clough ott yesterday
for. Ognlalla to visit hor daughter Mrs,
For' SaloMdy property at 323 West
'tith Stpiot, Geo. S. Baskins.
Morfi) Cronland, of Grand Island,
spent s few dnya'tlls week visiting tho
HcGuire family.
Harloy Greoson has roturod from
Omaha nnd Elm Creek where bo visited
friends last week,
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Robinson loft
Wednesday evening for a visit with
friends in Illinois.
Charlos E. Hanoynnd W. J. Crisp, of
Tryon, transacted businoss in town tho'
fint of this week.
Miss nilio Huxoll has been oil duty
at tho Selby dry goods store for a week
past owing to illness.
Miss Hazel Rork will leave tomorrow
for Colorado Springs, after visiting her
parents tor two weeks.
WUIiatnJJatfield who has been em
ployed in Grand Island for several weeks
visited in town this week,.
Dr. J. K. Elms went to Chuppoll
Wdenesday morning to Bpend sovoral
days on professional business.
The Sarah D. Laing property on west
3rd Btrcet was sold by Dratt & Goodman-Wednesday
to J. E. Pilo,
Miss Jossto Workman, of Hastings,
arrived horo Tuesday afternoon to visit
iier sister Miss Noll Workman.
Eight young ladios held a theatre
parly at the Keith Tuesday evening In
honor of Miss Agnes Connolly of Choy-nne.
li vj I
Tho .Iddings family left Tuesday
afternoon for San Diego, where th$y
expect to remain until June 1st.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Burr who had
resided here fer six months wont to
Grand Island yesterday to locato.
Mrs. Gideon Winklcmon returned
Wodnosday afternoon from an exten
ded visit in Fremont with relatives.
Company Q entertained a number of
friends Tuesday evening nt a supper at
thoir club rooms in the Fourth ward.
If vou are contemnlatintr bulldinor a
residence this spring see McNamara's
plans and specifications. Phono Dlack
Miss Agnes Connelly, of Choyenne,
who .spent last week with her aunt Mrs.
Bridget OwcnB roturnod home Wcdnes
day. Mrs! Honry Gilfoil, daughter Violot
and Mrs, Arundnle' intend to leavo
shortly for California to spend the
M. S. tBonnott, W. L. Chaussec, nnd
S. S. Morgan, of Wallace, spent the
fore part of this week In town transact
ing business.
Maurlcn'FeJst, of Fremont, is tho
guosfcftf h'is'SisW' 'Mrs. Gideon Win
klemfan this week, having arrived Tues
dnyjonjn. '
Mrs. dora Cmimb'orlain, of GilletteS
Coloarrived in this city tho fore part
of this week to visit hor mother Mr.
Goo. Hatflold.
Mr. and Mrs. M. I. McCarty who
wore. 'married throe months ago in
Kansas City aro expected horo the first
of next week.
Miss Pearl ..We.oks.. formerly of this
city'Hs critical ill with, nppendleitis in
Omaha und will submit'to an operation
inshort timo.
No. 81, Nice 5 room cottago on west
Soventh, modern except heat. Barn
and coal sheds, nice tVeos and lawn.
Prico $2100.00. . C. F. Temile:
TJo B. P. O. Elks will hold tho nn-
nUal olection of offlcera next Monday
evening. A Inrgo attendance of mem
bers is desired.
Wilcoxson's Employment Agency fur
nishes all kinds of help free, Tphono 9G.
Ofllce hours i) a. m. to 4 p. m. 100-
t J. F. Falrman formerly of this city
who is now employed In civil engineering
for tho U. P. nt Hastings, spent tho
Jlrst of this weok in town.
Mrs. John, Sims, of Chicugo, who has
been visiting jji Hastings for soveral
woeks, camo last night to visit hor par
ents Sir. and Mrs. J. G.Beoler.
Tho social dancing elub hold ono of
their bi-monthly dances in tho K.
hall Wednesday ovening. Music wns
lurnlshod by tho vonTrqt orchostra.
Buy lots in Falrview Addition. Now
IB your chanco. Do not dolnv. I)nlr
able location and easy payments, Phono
Ked 572. J. Dionor & Co. tf
Mra. H. E. Meekor, of Lewollen,
visited IoWihVWodneay while on
routo tyom'lrom' 'lOmaha where she
visited hex husband, who is ill In a hos
pital there.
Mr. and Mrs. Clydo Giddoon ontor,
tained a score ot young people Tues
day ovening. Card games, music and
other forms of entertainment made up
a ploasant evening. Tho refreshments
woro dalntly prepared and served.
No, 34, 5 room cottage on south Lo
cust stroet, ono of tho best locations In
tho south part of town. Only four
blocks from central school. Nico lawn
and trees, sheds and chicken house.
Some forestry shade trees nnd a few
fruit trooa. This property is one of
tho best bargains wo have ovor had.
Prico ?2500.00. C. F. Tkmi'LK,
Local and Personal.
Mrs. Store Colo left yesterday morn
ing for Hershey.
John Bratt spent yesterday in Suth
erland on business.
For Rent-Two front rooms for light
house kooping, C14 East 3rd-stroet
Joseph Weeks returned to Grand
Island Tuesday after a short visit her.
Pat Hagerty who had been visiting in
Omaha for a week will return tomorrow.
Mr. andJMrs. Thomas Brady left yes
terday morning for Wallace to visit
Nick and William Brosius, of Stnpi
clton aro spending this week in town on
Mrs. Beabout, Miss Kane and Ruby
Tucker, of Wallace, nre visiting with
friends in town.
Miss Marie B Stack left yesterday
morning for Broadwnter to visit friends
for a few days.
Misses Waterman and Lanin, of Lex
ington, arc visiting Miss Nellie Birken-
shaw this week.
JohnHerrod left the first of this
woek for Omaha totransact business
fora week or longer.
Rev. M. C. Johnson, of Sutherland,
left yesterday morning after .spending
a couple of days here.
MissJ Bessio Graham came up from
Gothenburg Wednesday to visit her
mother for a fow days.
If you are looking for real estate
you aro looking for C. F. Temple, for
he has it, all kinds.
Dr. and Mrs. V LucaB have-returned
from Arnold whore thoy were called
last week by the death of a relative.
Word was rocoived Wednesday of the
birth of the birth of a daughter to Mr,
and Mrs. John M. Sullivan at Salt Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Pizer, of Hast
ings, who visited Mr. and Mrs. Julius
Pizor last week, went to Dnver Wed
Mrs. Harry Murrin, daughter Harriot
and son Lawronce left yesterday morn
ingjfor Choyenne to spend a few days
with relatives.
Wantctl-Compelent girl in confect
ionery. Permanent position. Address
P. O. Box; 320.
Thomas gNorville, of Gothenburg,
visited liis neice Miss NonaMarcott the
lirst of this week whilo enrouto to
Crook, Colo.
Miss Jennie Geygor, of Julesburg,
arrivod here Wednesday evening to
visit for a couple of weeks with Miss
Ethol Donegan.
A. W. Shilling and family, of Balti
more, arrived herojyesterday afternoon.
Tho former will tako charge of the local
woather bureau.
Miss Cleo Chappcll, who has been
visiting in Philadelphia and Washing
ton for two weeks, will return the fore
part of next week.
Mr. und Mrs. H. P. Hardin and family
expect to leavo tonight for Witchlta
whoro tho former has been transferred
as woather observer.
No. 14, six room cottago on west
Sixth street, fine lot nnd young tree's,
good location and cheap. $2400.00.
C. F. Temple.
Mr. and Mrs. Horaco L. Martin,
who were married Iiere Wednesday
left yesterday morning for Keystone,
whero they will reside on a ranch.
Albert Muldoon and Millard Hosier
loft yesterday morning for the. Oshkosh
section where they will devote a couple
of days to duck and gooso shooting.
Horaco L. Martin age 62, of Hillside,
and Arabollo Walter age 58 of Fair
mont, were married at tho court house
Wednosdayby County Judge Grant.
Lester W. Walker oxpects to go to
Mindon, Ln., the latter part of tho
month whero Mrs. Walker has been
visiting for two months. They will re
turn nbout April 1st.
Wo are now handling Bunting'B San
itary sweet crenm, in bottles, and
guarantee every ounco to "whip".
Price 20 conts per pint; 40 cent per
qunrt. Can furniBh largo quantities
any timo. Try this and be convinced it
is tho best in town.
10-10 E. T.KEUHEit.
Mr. J. E. Amnions has
purchased the clothing store
of J. F, Clabaugh, at 520
Dewey street. North Platte,
and will continue the busi
ness and carry a full and
complete line of everything
for men to wear.
The hills owing prior to
March 1, 1913, are due and
payable to Mr. Clabaugh,
at the store. All persons
knowing themselves indebt
ed will please call and settle
their accounts at the earliest
time possible, as I want to
get these accounts settled at
once. I
To The Public.
I have just returned from the eastern
markets whero I devoted two weeks to
buying all the latest novoltios in dress
goods, silks, trimmings, ladies' suits,
ooats and dresses, shoes, gents' cloth
ing.and furnishings and thousands of
Items which I cannot mention, for tho
trade of North Plntto and vicinity.
These goods were purchased for spot
oath, and I assure the buying public
tint after all our stock is placed
tiey will conclude that never
in tho history of North Platto
have high quality goods been sold at
Bii'ch low prices. Watch for our grand
Easter opening which will be announced
in due time.
Yours for great values,
The Leader, Julius Pizer.
A Big Sale.
The dissolution salo of Martin &
Christen, held at the ranch northwost
of Hershey Wednesday, was probably
the largest sale of personal property
hold in Lincoln county, the proceeds
amounting to sixteen thousand dollars.
The sale began at one o'clock and by
five o'clock everything had beon sold.
The nuctioneora were Col. Otto Sheor,
of Madison, and Col. Davo Love, of
Sutherland, and Ray C. Langford, of
this city, afilciated as clerk. The at
tendance was largo, bidding was brisk
and tho property sold well. Mr. Lang
ford informs uj that eighty per cent of
the proceeds of the sale were paid in
cash, which is a good indication of the
financial condition of the farmers, who
were the principal buyers.
House Plans for Sale.
Complete plans and spocifications for
houses Including cottages and bungalows
for sale by Charles J. McNamara
Phone Black 567.
To you Mr. House Buyer who is
Iookimg for one of the finest houses in
North Platte at a bargain price.
The Alphanso Picard residence on E.
6th St., only 7 blocks out has just been
dropped to 5-1300.00 for quick sale.
7 rooms, bath, closets and 8 ft base
ment under whole house, whole down
stairs finished in oak, even pantry.
li lots on northeast corner. See mo
at once about this property.
C. F. Temple.
Tho funeral of tho infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Wilson was held Tues
day afternoon from the residence. In
tsrrmentwus madoin tho North Platte
William Kock, of Des Moines, grand
foreman of the Yeoman Lodge is spend
ing a few days in town and had charge
of the meeting Tuesday evening at
whjch fifty candidates were taken in.
Wild duck nnd geese are coming in
plentifully and for several days past
shooting has been good. Wednesday
John Den and Ed Rcbhausen brought
in two dozen ducks and two brants.
Charles MacAllister, formerly of
Nichols precinct, but of lato located at
Rocky Ford, Colo., returned to the lat
ler place Wednesday after having
visited friends in tfre valley for a week.
Matilda Hankins asks for a divorce in
tho district court from Charles Hankins
on the grounds of neglect and desertion.
Thoy were married in Grand Island on
July 8th, 1912, and for somo timo had
resided in Hastings.
City Property for Sale.
Wo have a number of choicely located
lota with and without buildings, close in
with sewor, city water, electric lights
and sidewniks that we aro offering at
very low prices. Much less than wo
will be able to offer them when tho
spring opens up.
In our judgment there will bo a big
advance on this class of property soon.
Buchanan & Pattehson.
Stone Drug Co.
EH 99n fig aoJKI uaD'!f2
r .sfc "Atti t? . &. aHI
BHBT flfla)r - USE htSk. tf IBM.
Local and Personal.
Nino divorce suits are on tho docket
for the March term of court.
Mr. and Mra. William Gavin left yes
terday morning for Leweilen on busi
ness. Dr. Nystrom, of Hershoy, spent the
fore part of this week in town with
Edward Parton, of Wallace, is spend
ing this week with his brother Frank
C. P. Martin has returned from
Bayard where ha spent tho past month
on businoss.
What are You Paying
for Groceries?
We Sell-
20 lbs Granulated beet rn
Sugar ; Jb.1.00
18 lbs Granulated canc(t cr
Sugar, for Al.UU
Tomatoes, full size can C
standard per can 1UC
Corn standard per an 7c ir
.4 cans for ZDC
Quaker Oats large pkg. . 2UC
Quaker Oata small pkg.. IOC
E. C. Corn Flakes 4 pkg.. 25C
Broken Rico per lb , ,. 0C
Rice Jap type 4 lbs for... 5C
Prunes small size per lb.... 0C
Corn Starch per pkg )C
Gioss Starch per pkg JJC
Corn Starch Kingsfords per n
Pkg OC
Silver Gloss Starch per pkg OC
Yeast Foam 4c pkg 3 for.. 1 UC
Lewis Lye per can......... OC
Eagle Lyo per can oC
American Lye per can oC
We pay cash for your butter arid eggs.
Icox Department Store.
There is a Reason!
1 1 Why our business has increased 200 1 1
1 1 per cent in the last few months. 1 1
1 1 Give us a trial and be convinced that 1 1
I I our work is "Quality Work." 1 1
1 1 Auto Delivery ' Phone 77 j I
Every thins- is
Addis to Life's. Joys
It is so ploasant to sit in one's own homo
and talk to one's friends or members of one's
family who may be hundreds of miles away.
The Long Distance lines of tho Bell System
bridge space and bring friends near and far
within tho range of personal communication.
Bell Telephone Lines Reach Nearly Everywhere.
1 vSa
Frank Johnson will succeed Thomas
Gilmartin as assistant in :ho American
oxpress office.
Homer Hnndloy left Wednesday
evening for Julesburg to accept a po
sition in a drug Btore.. ,.
Miss Town, of Hershey, camo down
yesterday to take a course in the Kcis
tor dressmaking school,
W. S. Powell went to Omaha last
evening to combine business and pleas
ure for a week or longer.
Miss Eunice Brogan, of Paxton,
camo yesterday morning to be tho
guest of town friends for several days.
Fels Naptha Soap.per cake. uC
Soda Crackers largo boxes- -.l
per lb...'... ....." 02C
Oyster Crackers large 'V '
boxes per lb 0.2C
K. C. Baking Powder 25 i .
ozcan .ZUC
Royal Baking Powder 16 Js
ozcan ,. 49C
Dr. Prices Baking Powder iff
16 oz can .,..,. 4DC
Kraut per can IOC
Hominy per can IOC
Pink Salmon per can lUC
Sweet Potatoes per can. . 1 2C
Potatoes 15c peck per en
bushel 5UC
Coffee fair grade per lb.. . ZvC
California Fruits in good n
syrup per can Z"C
Cocoanut best grade J lb Cn
package per pkg. ...... . IDC
Evaporated Apples per
Horse Shoe Tobacco, per ir
Spear Head Tobacco per i p
Star Tobacco per lb 45C
J, T. Tobacco per lb...... 40C
just fine, mother."'
Jf. .