The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 07, 1913, Image 3

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    (V: ;
I' ,
f When
I Buying 8
J Baking
I Powder
f For this is the J
ft baking powder a
2 thafmakesthe
I baking better." 1
It leavens the P
ffood evenly J
m throughout; puffs
it up to airy light-
I ness, makes it de- H
lightfully appctii- a
5 ing and wholesome. J
r u. r,iM.
met is moderate in
price highest in g
quality. a
a Ask your grocer for fl
B Calumet. Don't take a
g substitute. $
World's Pur rosS Bzpaslllsn., Illinois, Pari Espssltlsn.
riH, March, IBIC
You don't save money uhen Ju bay
cheap of big-can batting powder. Don't
ba misled. Buy Calumet. Wm mora
economical mote uholesoma gloes
but remits. Calumet Is far superior to
tout milk ond soda.
When Piece of Ground Is Given to Boy or Girl It Should Be With
Understanding That It Will Be Necessary for Them to Tako
Care of It Use Care in Selecting Seeds.-
I nm a thorough believer In training
children to think "thoy amount to
something" by giving them something
to do that Involves responsibility
Don't make the task too hard, for If
you do that you defeat the object at
which you aim, but let It be one thnt
obliges tho child to think something
out for himself. When he docs this
once ho has laid tho foundation for a
hublt of "thinking out things," and be
fore long you will find him depending
upon himself, rather than upon you,
In tho solution of many llttlo prob
lems that ho has to face. A child
likes to feel that others think him
equal to the performance of tasks that
are put before him, and, feeling this,
he will respond nobly to tho estimate
you have of his ability If you give him
to understand that It exists. Don't
tako it for granted that a boy knows
All about whnt you think of him un
less you tell him something about It
Take him Into your confidence, and
let him know that you consider him a
man In the making, and you'll bo
surprised at tho eflect It has on him.
"Rut that's another story," as Kip
ling Bays. What 1 sot out to talk
about was tho advisability of giving
tho children a garden of their own to
work In, and showing them how to do
that work. A child Is an imitative
creature, nnd the lessons Jio getB the
greatest amount of benefit from are
object lessons, always. Spado up a bit
of ground and let him see you do It,
and ho will do the samo thing pre-
I tCHlCAGgxy 1
them how to,do things, but, nftor that,
leavo tho doing of them to tho chil
dren. In selecting seeds for the children's
flowor garden tako caro to chooso only
kinds which do not require coaxing
or exDort attention. Got tho kinds
that will bo most likely to glvo good
results, under the conditions thoy
must face. Kinds which would glvo
only indifferent satisfaction nro not
what you want, for thosa would dis
appoint the amateur ganlenorB. who,
naturally, expect groat results from
their early offorta In th'i cultivation
of tho soil. Strong, sturdy, self-reliant
sorts are tho ones to grow. Hero Is
a list to choose from:
Contnurea, or "Bachelor's Button."
Four-o'clock Nasturtium
Candytuft Marigold
Cnlllopsls LarUspur
Petunia Moaning Glory
Aster PoMulucca
There you havo a round dozen of
kinds, all good, all pretty, all ensy
to grow. 1 would nt r.dvlso attempt
ing to grow all of ttein In one garden,
but parcel them out nmong the chil
dren, If there are several In the fam
ily, or get only a few kinds, If there
Is but ono child to .uke caro of them.
Confining tho selection to a few vari
eties encourages Mio beglnnor to con
ccntrato his energies rather than
spread them out indiscriminately
Insist that tho ground shall bo kept
freo from weeds, nnd Insist, also, that
Dangerous Talk.
"Mother, I wish you wouldn't men
tion dishwashing when Georgo is call
ing on me!"
"Why not. Indeed?"
"I don't like It It sounds com
mon." "Common, eh? We havo to eat,
don't wo?"
"Of course."
"And George knows we cat and
use dishes?"
"That's very true."
"And George alBO knows that
dishes have to bo washed, therefore
somebody has to waBh them?"
"But, mother "
"If you keep on talking about It
George may discover that you make
father wash them, and ho may think
the samo thing Is coming to him If
he should propose to mo." Detroit
Free Press.
First effort of a young girl In a small town In Ohio to havo a flower gar
den. Her selection Is not the best but her love of beauty prompted
her tp choose large leaf arid quick growing plants to hide the ugly side
wall of the house. Children of this kind are hungry for Intelligent di
rection In gardening and should be encouraged.
is NOW
In the Provlnoo of
Western Canada
DjyoudeMre to got a
Free Homestead of 100
ALICES nf that well
knnwn WhpnL Tjinrlf
Tbo nroa In becoming morollmlti
but Do 1fftn YAluubln.
hare re cmly ben opened up for
Ncttlcaii'tit, and Into tlie-e rail
roads ro now bclnir built, 'lha
day will soon coaio when then
.11 tin no
. . .rroo Homes teadlnc
land left,
A Swift Current, Baslrntcbownn.
fnrmnr write; "I ruiuo on my
homestead, March 1!KA with about
tl.Wiu worth of hortesandnuictilii
err, nnd Jubt IU in rath. Today t
b'LVeVCO acred of wheat. SOU acres
of oats, and 60 acres of flax." Not
bud fur six yenrs, but only an In
stance of what mar b dona In
Western Canada In Manitoba,
Saskatchewan or Alberta.
.Herd. at once, for I.Ueraturo,
Slaps, UUI ay Rates, e W., to
Dee Oulldlnc, Omaha, Neb.
Canadian Government Agent, or
address Superintendent of
Iniuilcration, Oltuwu,t-4t.
clsely as you did It, so far as his
strength will admit of It. But don't
spado the ground without telling him
why you do It. Give a reason for all
you do. And do not get Impatient
over tho questions ho asks. That's
how ho is to learn things.
When you glvo a bit of ground to
boy or girl, as a garden, give them to
understand that in order to make It
"their very own" It will bo necessary
for them to take caro of It, and you
will find them very enthusiastic over
the undertaking. But don't lot their
enthusiasm get tho better of your
Judgment and result in giving them
more of a garden than thoy can care
for well. Impress upon them that a
llttlo work done well Is a good deal
hotter than a larger amount of work
poorly done.
Spading tho ground and working it
over and over to make ,lt mellow will
be play to a healthy boy or girl.
About all you will have to do In their
garden is to direct matterB. Show
Fowls Should Be in Good Health,
of Large Size and Nice
(By N. E. CHAPMANf Poultry Specialist.
Minnesota Acricultural College.)
Poultry marketed from tho farm
consists of cockerels, or males under
ono year roosters, pullets culled from
standard-bred stock, hens, guineas,
doves, ducks, gceso and turkeys. They
are generally sold alive in summer
tho plants In It shall receive dally
attention. There may not bo much
work to do In It every day, but tho
habit should bo formed of looking
after 1L
Such an idea Is not at all In har
mony with what wo sot out to teach
when wo set tho children to garden
ing. For tho important thing about
it is not so much tho garden that re
sults as It Is tho knowledgo of how to
do things that growB out of tho work
that Is undertaken.
Encourage tho children to aharo tho
flowers they grow with those who
lovo flowers but havo nono. of tholr
own. Lot them bring some of them to
the Sunday school and tho church,
and bo sure to havo them remombor
tho shut-Ins, and- tho sick. This will
help th6m form a habit of thoughtful
ness for others, and tho pleasure that
grows out of theso llttlo acts will be
strong encouragement for moro ex
tensive gurdenlng operations another
Cough, Cold
Sloan's Linimonfc gives
quick roliof for rough, cold,
hoarseness, soro throat,
croup, asthma, hay iovor
and bronchitis.
Hit, Al.nicnT W.PaJor.of Frodonla,
Kan., writes t " We use Bloan's Lini
ment In the, family and rttal It an ex
cellent relief for colds and'hay foter
attacks. It stops coughing and inaca
Ing almost lustantly."
Mm. I. Mnr.wnn, of Moilello.Fla.,
trrltess " I bought ono bottle, of jour
I.lnttnent and ItdM rue nil the good. In
the world. My throat was Tory soro,
and It cured tne of lny trouble,"
Mb. W H. Stuaxob, 3721 Klmwood
Avenue, Chicago, 111., writes i "A lit
tle boy next iloor hail oronp. 1 gUTO
the mother Sloan's Unlmeiit to try.
She Rate htm tltrr-e drops on sttgar
before going to bed, and ho got up
without tho croup lu the morning."
Prloo, 25o., SOC; $100
on the
. Earl S. Sloan
ruidr rtM Ar.r.ntiN-r nc CANA
It Is roportcd that olght now Teans-
AMnnttn llnnra nra linrlar f-nnaf rllrHftn
for tho oxciusivo uso of tho Canadian , Procured Lydia E. Pinlcham'
TradOf Theso aro Doing mini y ino
White Star, Canadian Paciflo and
Cunard Companies.
Tho llnorB to bo built for tho Whlto
Star aro to bo of tho samo typ'o t tho
Ltuironttc and Majestic, and will ro
placo tho Canada and Teutonic. Tho
Cunard Uno'a now steamer, Ascanla,
has already completed euccossfully
hor maldon voyago from England to
Montreal", and her sister Bhlp will bo
launched early next year.
It Is predicted that tho Canadian
Northern will not bo slow In following
tho cxnmplo of tho other big concerns,
ns It is a matter of common bollot that
Canada, moro than any other In tho
world, will bo tho country of tho fu
Vegetable Compound,
which made His Wife
a Well Woman.
Middlotown, Pa. "I hod headache,
backacho nnd Buch nwful bearing- down
pains tlint I could not bo on my feet at
times and I had organic inflammation so
badly that I was not nolo to do my work.
I could not get a Rood meal for my hus
band and ono child. My neighbors said
thoy thought my Buffering was terrible.
" My husband got tired of aeeing mo
suffer nnd ono night wont to tho drug
storo and got mo a bottlo of Lydin E.
Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound and
a -1.1 T ... ,1. It. T onr.'f tnlt vnrt
turo, and thevbost Hold for investment . B,ll8uffordBndIcan'ttellyounltthat)
by Bh.pp.nR interests. medlcino has dono for mo. I waa
An omclal of ono of tho companies j. bonefltod from first i it
nlroady building steamers for t"!8 ,mfl mado mo a well woman. I can do
trado told tho Amorlcan yestorday M my honRework and evon helped soma
that the ideal steamer for this service 0f my f rionra B9 well. I think it is a
Is tho two-cabin boat, having acorn- wonderful holp to all suffering women,
modatlon for second-class and atoor-1 j nay0 got B0Vcrai to take it after oee
ago passengers only jn wnat It has dono for mo." Mrs.
Wo do not expect that tho $5,000 ( Emma EsPEN&HADE,219EnatMainSt,
cabin do luxo cIbbs will travel be-1 Middlotown, Pa.
twoen Canada and England very ox-, ThoPinkharnrocordj8n dBndhon.
tenslvoly." ho Bald but the 1CB ' oraWo 0no. It is a record of constant
thot is to bo obtained thoro will no,.. ,. lmi ,,) nr,vnmnn
Immensely lucrativo, and for tho noxt , m d(ja, QUt dcspa!r It ,s an C9.
ten years tho oyos of tho shipping j at,,!. fact at Lyditt e. Pinkham's
world will bo riveted on Canada. Tho Vegotablo Compound 1ms roatorod fnnnl iindnlilitndl V fill re- . .... . ., ij- 1.
Panama Canal, undoubtedly
health to thousands of Buch Buffering
Marks Caused by Collisions With tho
Deadly Rocker Put Nationality
Beyond Dispute.
"Scars on tho ankles Identify as
American those found dead abroad,"
said a coroner's physician. "Ycb, our
ankle senrs identify ub bver thoro as
Infallibly ns our gold teeth.
"You see, wo are the only peoplo
whoso nnkles get scarred by banging
Into tho sharp points of rockers in
the dark.
"Four-legged chairs don't hurt In tho
dark in this way. Bang Into them a
dozen times a night, and they merely
Impart a Bllghtly bruise to tho kneo.
"nut a bedroom rocker, when you
go prowling In your baro feet about a
coal black bedroom. Is moro danger
ous than a mnn-trap. How many tlraos,
In tho dead blackness of tho night
have you been Impaled by tho ankles
or nearly Impaled by tho nnkles
on tho sharp, upstanding points of a.
bedroom rocker? Just look at your
ankles when you undress UiIb evening.
You may not bo awaro of It, but I'll
guarantee you'll Ilnd on each ankle
llvo or six scars, tho marks of ter
rible, midnight collisions with tha
dendly locker.
"And that's how i,t Is that thoy Idon
tlfyAmerlcnns nbroad by the rocking
chair scars which criss-cross tho bony,
Btlft ankles of tho male and tho round
nnd supple ankles of Iho fomalo American."
celvo n lot of attention, but tho busl- ( v,omon Why dont you fay Jt if you
noss In that routo will bo nothing com-1 nccd BUch a modicino7
pared with the Canadian trade for the . (o tJ
Immediate future Panama will do- J j jTd('aE.rlnknn1mMotiiclnoCo. (confl.
volop and bocomo blggor in tho years ontlal) Lynn, Hubs. Your letter will
to come, but at tho present wo, aro j,0 opened, road and answered by a
most concerned with tho tromondoua wornou and hold la strict confidence.
tido of Immigration that Is bolng di
verted from tho Unltod States to tho
"Tho farm land of tho vast North
"West Is tho attraction, and while this
flood of immigration Is at Us height,
tho Canadian Government exorcises a
Btrlct censorship ovor tho class of im
migrants ndmittod. In this way thoy
aro drawing tholr futuro cltlzonB from
tho Northorn countries nnd havo
Bhown an unwelcomo faco to tho peo
ple of Southern Europe." AdvortlBe
mont. In the Day of the Billionaire
A brilliant Now York lawyer said
at a dinner at tho Lotus Club apropos
of certain trust magnates:
"Thanks to watered stock and wa
tered atock Is criminal abroad theso
mon are indeed rich beyond tho
dreams of avarlco.
"If tho watering of.etock la allowed
to koop on we'll hoar our billionaires
talking llko this some day:
"'Hullo! There goes Jdhcs In his
300 horsepower car. Do you know
"Do I know (him! Do I know
Jones! Why, man nllvo, Jones and I
were struggling young millionaires to
gether!'" Now York Times.
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief Permanent Cure
fail. Purely vegeta
ble act surely
but gently on
tnc liver.
Stop after
dinner dis
improve the complexion, brighten tho eyes.
Genuine must bear Signature
iflsHlllllH I .11 W I r K
jmrm mi I
ifssHIIIIMY Haute
PipPMsm sh -
4& jks H!
r sMfcfr cisrggjii
. lAftllErV
CltsnMf sad btuitUlss th lum
lTomotM S) raxsium groww.
ZfoTsr Tilto nsstoreOKj
Bl to Its Youthful Ooloir.
PrTnU hair fallmr. I
vnnmiTmr" a
othnr ilsrcbes onlr 11 ounces ssms rtica
Cleaning Up and Moderate Prun
ing Makes Work Much Easier
in the Spring.
Peach trees under four years old
which aro bo badly frozen ns to show
discolored wood must bo cut off bolow
tho snow lino and allowed to sprout
Very often trees that havo passed
through a hard winter show no Indi
cations of freozlng In tho bark, but
"Your hair is falling out," said tho
"Yes," replied tho crusty customer.
"You seo my skull is so hard that It
can't fall In."
Usually when a girl moots a man
sho likes on tho street by accident It
Isn't an nccldcnt at all.
When the Sun Will Die.
It may bo said unqualifiedly that
tho sun, llko every othor thing con
nected with tho present order, will
finally coaso to ho what It Is today.
Tho tlmo will most surely como when
tho sun will havo ceased to throw off
light and heat. Long boforo that hap
pens, however, tho earth and othor
planets will havo bocomo "dead
worlds," like tho moon no llfo of any
sort upon them. It has been calcu
lated that tho sun will ceaso to throw
out Its heat sotnowhero about soven
million of years from now.
W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 9-1913.
Nebraska Directory
Cox-Jones -Van Alstino Co.
Tho Old llcllablfi Oompanr pf Boutti Omaha and
Dcntor. WK will glo your conslanmanu tbi bst
of attention and toll them lor highest prlcpj, or
till your order tot Feeders .with best claw oj
and early aptumn and both live and . nn examination may show that tho
dressed in lato autumn anu winior. woou ia uuinuu. (
To bring tho highest market price. An orchard on high ground should
,,.., ,,i.rv whother alive or always bo protected by a wind break
II1UI JVO. w-.-- , t ,
dressed, should be in good health, of
iTrerearara i i mii
Btit Conch Brrnp. Twtcs Oood. U
la Urns. Bold br Droritliti.
largo slzo anu wen rauunuu. mu
laws of Minnesota make It an offense
punishable by a flno of not less than
$50, or Imprisonment In Jail for not
less than sixty days, for selling, or
offering for sale, sick, diseased or de
caying poultry Dlseaso Is usually
disclosed by a whlto or black comb
and a stilted walk.
All poultry marketed should be fat.
This condition Is tho chief fnctor In
determining the price por pound. Fat
old hens, of whatever weight, often
command a higher price than young,
tender spring chickens. Chickens fat
tened with ground grains and skim
milk or buttermilk aro called "milk
fed chickens," and command fancy
prices. At tho Crookston station,
Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels, 3
months old, gained two poundB In
twenty-one days at a cost of less than
five cents per pound gain.
of other trees planted on tho north
Norway Spruce, Scotch and Aus
trian Pino, planted about 15 feet apart
rnako excellent wind brcuks.
Cleaning up tho orchard and moder
ate pruning now will mako tho work
much easier In the spring
Now is tho tlmo to romevo all dead
branches and thosi that aro weak, and
which lntoreforo with other healthy
Do not allow sheep to run In the
young orchard. Thoy aro vory apt to
nlbblo tho tonder sprouts and oven
bark tho trees.
A fow years ago eastern peach
growers oxtonBlvely trlod out tho uso
of crudo petroleum as an insecticide,
Hut wlillo It kills tho bugs it often
causes great injury to tho trees.
If used at all, it should he applied
In tho lato fall or vory ,early spring
and never during hot weather.
Good Humor Returns With Chanao to
Proper Food.
"For many years I was a constant
Bufferor from indigestion nnd norvous
ness, amounting nlmost to prostra
tion," writes a Montana man.
"My blood wub Impoverished, tho
vision was blurred and weak, with
moving spots beforo my oyes. This was
a steady daily condition. I grew ill
tempered, and ovontually got so nerv
ous I could not keep my books post
ed, nor handle accounts satisfactorily.
I can't describe my sufferings.
"Nothing I ate agiccd with mo, till
ono day I happened to notlco Grapo
Nuts In a grocery store, and bought
a pnekngo out of curiosity to know
what it was.
"I liked tho food from tho very
first, outing it with cream, and now I
buy It by tho case and uso it dally.
1 soon found that Grape-Nuts food was
Bupplylng brain and nervo forco as
nothing In tho drug lino over had
dono or could do.
"It wasn't long beforo I was re
stored to health, comfort and happi
ness. "Through tho uso of Grape-Nuts food
my digestion has been restored, my
nerves aro steady onco moro, iny eye
sight Is good again, my mental faculties
aro clear and acute, and I havobecomo
bo good-natured that my frlonds aro
truly astonished at tho chango. I feel
younger and bettor than I havo for 20
yjars. No amount of money would
Induce mo to surrender whnt I havo
gained through tho ubo of Grape-Nuts
food." Name given by Postum Co.,
Rattlo Creok, Mlch.l "Thoro'B a rea
son." Read tho llttlo book, "Tho Road
to Wcllville," in pkgs."
ISvcr rent! the nliuve lellrrT A new
one nppenr from tlmo ttt time. They
nro Keniitne, true, and lull of human
latereat. Adv.
Important to Nlothora ,
Kxamlno carefully ovory bottlo of
CASTORIA, a safo and HUro remedy for
InfantB and children, and boo thnt It
Dears tho siCf . . T
. S . SJd-iL-
Kignaturo or L&afyf&dcU4.i
In Uso For Ovor 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Omaha. Nebraska
ttoorus from 11.00 up Dingle, 75 cents) up double
CURED In a few days
without pain or a nur
gleal operation. No pay until cured. Writa
IJIU YHIAY. 307 lieu Hldg., Oinnlm, Mob.
Plants Need Nourishment.
A German Investigator has discov
ered that plants resist cold best when
they aro given special nourishment to
koop them warm. For instnnco, to
feed a plant sugar stimulates Its pow
er of resisting low tempornturo, much
ns llko food nets upon animals, though
in less marked decree.
In nnothor part of this paper you
will llnd a largo ad of tho Looso-Wllcs
Uiscult Co., Omaha, Neb. Thoy offor
to send to any reader a box of assort
ed biscuits absolutely free. Don't miss
this opportunity. Cut out tho coupon
from their ud and mull it today.
Consign your HORSES &. MULES to
Union Stook Yardo. 8 Omaha, Nob
Phono South 070. Auction Sale Evsry Monday.
Auto nnd Wapon
Truck llullders. lie
oalrins. Painting,
Trimming. BuRcr Wheels repaired and re
rubber tired. Write us for price. 40 yearn In the
business. Andrew Murphy & Bon, Omaha
We eell all teed used by the feedera.ln ear and ton
lots. Our prices are riRbt. We buy empty sacks.
Uts Stoek Exchange Bldg. South Omsho
Prospective Customer.
Small Girl Teacher, did you
tho lord makes babies, too?
Sunday School Tcachor Yes, indeed.
Smull Girl About how much docs
ho charge for one, 'causo I want a
baby brother awful bad.
one sliu smallrr after uslntt Allen's Foot
Kaso. the Antlsflitlo powdtr to be shaken in
to the shot's It makes tlcht or new shops
fnnl ensy. aivrs rrst nnd comfort, llsfuso
substitutes Kor I'ltRB trlnl pookas;, ad
dress Allen H. Olmsted, Le Hoy, N. Y, Adv.
Its Style.
"The child actress in that plcco has
a part which llts hor llko a eIovo."
"Yes, so to spoak, a kid glovo."
r.truKUikt will ruiund mousy If I'AZO OINT-
MKNT Ulls to euro unr caw of llcnlng, linna,
Tnuri!ruKI(it m
LI lM'P f ill tn t
UlsvdloK or I'totrudlaic t'lles lu 0 to 11 days.
Pay compliments it you will, but
pay your bills first.
Is the symbol of state
wide and nation-broad
telephone service.
Bell Telephone
lines reach nearly everywhere.