The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 07, 1913, Image 2

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LIIA I IlAilK, Publisher
Intcmporanco In npoech Is compara
bio with Intompornnco In nny other
form. A man may easily bo trans
ported lo tho vanishing point ot so
briety by tho passionate momentary
Impulsn for which ho Is romorseful
when It Is too Into. That oxporlcnco
hns Just befallen a clergyman of this
city, who, In default of any clear
nnd nccurato npprehenslon of tho
facts, took It upon hlmsolf to de
nounce) tho conduct of a prlvato social
gathering Tho clergyman has mndo
an honornblo nnd mnnful retraction
of his remark, saya tho I'hllndolphla
Ledgor. It Is a commentary upon tho
Bcnsntlon-sceklng naturo of somo peo
plo that tho church was filled to over
flowing to hear tho upology but, at
any rate Mm public recnntatlon or
uind f ,to:iilHcd. Tho mlsfortuno
... limt was necossnry, TIjo clergy
man In particular, from tho sanclty
and authority of his ofllco, Is bound to
mcasu.o his words and consider their
posslblo effect upon those whom ho
Is addressing. If tho pulpit gives him
a uulquo opportunity, It gives him al
so a supremo responsibility. Moro
uninformed lnvoctlvo from tho pulpit
against ovcrolaboratlon In social en
tertainment la likely to havo no furth
or result than to crcnto class hatred
and to stir up blind discontent which
mny ovorstop tho boundary of ironl
cal commentary,
Tho complaint that colleges aro
moving too xupldly away from tho old
looming Is ono very froquantly heard
In our day Many people havo at
tributed this drift to tho fact that
undorgraduntos nro permitted to map
out tholr own courses of study, and
to do this under tho tnftuenco ot a
delusion that only tho so tormod
"practical" subjects aro apt to provo
of any ucrvlco to them In aftor life,
says tho Iloston Herald. Honco tho
clasoes In accounting, or In Industrial
chemistry, or In political sclonco nro
largo enough to tut tho capacity of
collego locturo rooms, whllo profes
sors of Crook or Sanskrit discourse
to half empty benches on tho boau
ties of tho "Odyssey" nnd tho aphor
isms of the "Itlg Voda." Dut tho ox
perlonco ot tho unlvorslty extension
coursos which havo been offered In
Hooton during tho last throe or four
years seems to provo that tho supe
rior magnotlsm ot tho uo-callod broad
and buttor studies Is Just as pro
nouncod In tho outor world as It la
within tho collogo gaton.
Tho Empress Kugonlo Is living. She
Is In lior clghty-oIghtU year. Sho
lives In England, and la In fnlr hoalth
and strength, and has nn umplo In
como, Sho Is oldor than tho Emperor
Prang Josoph of Austria-Hungary.
Tho 1'rlncosa Paulino Mottornlch, wid
ow ot tho Austrian ambassador to tho
third omplro, is living in her eighty
ninth yonr, nnd tho downgor duchosB
of Mocklcnburg Strolltz lives at ulno-ty-ona
In tho full enjoyment ot hor
Tho Austrian lmporlal prlncossoa ot
a court than Which nono in Europo is
Mughtlor or moro tenacious of Its dig
nities nro sotting a lino example to
Amorlonn holrossoa in turning from
tholr own rank to wed mon thoy can
love and trust, exclusive of titles. It
is mi oxamplo which many young
women on this nldo would avoid much
misery and trouble by hooding.
If Dr, Friedman ot Ilorlln carries
out his reported intention ot turning
over hla phthisis euro to tho Oormnn
government tho world will hnvo an
opportunity to Judge it on its merits.
So tar the world haa had a right to
reuorve its opinion, and to remark
that thora was nothing to distinguish
hla mothods of oxploltatlou from
Uiobo ot tho charlivtuuB.
Tho romnant ot ofllclnl serfdom haa
boon abolished In Russia. Hut real!
norfdom In that country will ond only
with tho abolition ot autocracy. No
pooplo can ronlly bo free who acceptj
for tholr government tho Irroapouslblq
will ot ono man, no matter how. good;
or wloo ho may happon to bo.
After this country has built a dam
to turn the Labrador current awny
tho next thing Bhnuld bo to oroct a
big Boreon wall to shut oft tho cold,
waves that como down from Modi-,
clno lint. With duo. Industry wo may
thus enjoy mild winters without seek-,
tug tho south.
An English visitor thinks 'American
women get too plump. It they do,
they aro still, like Llttlo Iluttorcup,
"plump and pleasing persona."
In Los AngeloB n woman ono hun
dred and flvo years old Is to bo mar
ried. Surely that city's cllmato Is
wonderful, barring tho frosts.
Landslides at Culebra aro living up
to tho largo typo In tho small hand-hiUc
y Partridge Battles With Kidnaper
of Her Chick.
Atter She Had Freed Victim, Golfers
Who Had Wltnceied the Combat
Go to the Rescue of
Her Brood,
Oriiaha.--J. D. Haskell, a banker of
W,aKefleld, and Judgo Eric Johnson of
I'utnam, while playing a match game
of golf several days ago, witnessed
a battlo royal between n mother part
ridge, defending her young, and a
hawk. '
Tho players wero putting for tho sev
enteenth hole. Tho banker had mado
his third shot nnd won tho hole, glv.
Ing him ono up nnd ono to play. Ab
tho Judgo was putting his nttcntlon
was suddenly called to tho loud crios
of a mother partridge, which Mr. Has
kell discovered nenrlng tho eighteenth
ground. Tho mothor bird was anx
ious to got hor four young ones away
from tho golfers. I
Sho whistled frantically, nhrllly nnd
plcndlngly, prompting them as If say-'
Ing: "Hurry up, hurry up for your
lives, my children 1" At tho eight'
oeniu noio nir. nnsKeil Had iccu up
In readiness to drive off whon this
attention was attractod by a new and
louder Ehrlok from tho parent bird
Her mind hnd been on tho golf
players and not on a largo hawk
which had been lurking and hovering
near by, Its greedy eyes fastened on
tho plump young birds with a fe
rocity in no way limited or modified
by tho laws governing tho closo sea
son. Tho hawk swooped down nnd grab
bed ono of tho chicks beforo tho par
ent could divert nttontion wholly
from tho plnyorH to tho bird of prey.
Mr. Hawk was rising with It, whon
tho mothor discovered tho selzuro nnd
mndo whnt might bo called a flying
leap for tho aorlal pirato.
Then followod a duel in midair, IB
feet from tho ground, which held tho
golfers spellbound. Thoy could not
hnvo Intorfered at this stago of tho
battlo had they possessed the oppor
tunity, so fnsclnntlng was tho strug
glo botwoon, on tho ono sldo of tho
fearlessness, desperation nnd spunk
Inspired by tho mothor lovo of tho
partrldgo, and on tho other sldo tho
anvagory of tho hawk.
Roth tho combntants tumbled to tho
sward, with tho partrldgo on top, clnw
Ing, pecking nnd rolling over and
over. Feathers flow. Mr, Hawk waB
Head of Chicago Mission Tells
How to Rescue Derelicts.
Harry Monroe Declares He Was a
Tought But Was Called From Life
of Debauchery by Conviction
of Its Hopclessneoi.
"With a Dlbla in ono hand nnd a
loaf of broad In tho other that's tho
only way to savo tho man that's
"Don't drop tho bad man, tho man
thnt'a strong aud wrong. That'B tho
man to stick to. If you win you'vo
got a real ono."
"Kindness 1b tho thing. Slap him
on tho bnok. Help him 'got a front,'
then make him hustle."
"Tho holplcsa booze lighter has Just
lost his norvo. Ho'a a dond ono. Help
htm materially as well ns mentally. It
you don't he's a goner. Ho cau't mako
a plhy at all."
Chicago, Harry Monroo glvoa theso
remedies for1 tho redemption of thoso
who havo strayed or havo fallen.
Tho kindly llttlo fat man with tho
twinkling oyo and a handshnko that
has given hopo to thousands thus
lunia up, In advico to others, tho acta
that hnvo mado him successful at Pa
:lllo Garden Mission,
Nearly ovorybody has heard of liar
ry Monroo. Among tho derelicts ho
Is known as n friend. Among church
folk ho la tho gonlus who guides tho
Paclllo Garden Mission, tho "mother
of American missions."
Still another class ot people know
Harry Monroo. Thirty-five yeara ago.
when Paclflc Gar
den, at 67 Wost
Van Duven street,
was ono ot Chi
cago's most no
torious "free aud
casios," saloon,'
cato and danco
hall, tho "round
ers" know Mou
roo as a "pal."
Monroo w a b
then a young
tough who fought
hlH why In and
'Weill A Man Who out ot tno ,ve8
Hat Been on the 0f whisky Raw,
Water 34 Years nnd wost of tho
Should Not Look tlmo was drinking
Old at 60." heavily An tnter-
flower icmarked about his youthfully
pink checks nnd clear eye.
"That'B from more than twenty years
an thu wntor wagon," laughed Harry
Monroo. "You think I'm 60 Well. I
passed tho GO mark Inst year
"Thirty years ago 1 Btaggorcd past
Ma place. I was wandorlng aimless
ly. I heard tho singing. 1 came in
nnd sat through tho service. Says I
to myself, This Is tho gamo that's
tight I'm wrong.' I tried to drive
iway that feeling, but It wouldn't go.
( came back.
V ll 1 A
HRtHflBLgSaBvA lift 4 ' ISIHHsin
HIM- lBWnfiw&Kr Tm sft 4 nuHHiS
IB 1PE 5$2BiX fimk ' m nHl
MP?lli fift HI
ssflfflUBHBiBVrcitfusssBBsssEAXisBBflHssss I Mbfe
WtaffmStiMMBrYAEl HP
I vhKBflttttKBKSKBKKEtBlm jvbhhBbIhhhhWhBw16
Horo nro two of tho Washington suffragists in tho costumes to bo worn
In tho parade of March 3. On tho left is Miss Katherlno Hurst in tho brown
uniform of tho "Women Farmers," of whom there will bo fifty. On tho right
is Miss Edna Stahl, wearing tho palo bluo costumo of tho fifty society girl
on hla back, and tho mothor partrldgo
kopt shrieking nnd whistling to hor
chlldron to tnko to tho tall grass, Tho
hnwk had so much to attend to In do
fondlng Itself from tho nttacka ot tho
partrldgo that it was obliged In tho
enrly rounds of the combat to drop
the chick.
Aftor a desperate battlo on tho
ground, lasting soveral minutes, tho
partrldgo loft tho attack and flut
tored in tho direction of hor brood,
whllo tho hawk doggedly mado a dlvo
to enpturo another of her young. Mr.
"I hoard men tell tholr experiences
In here. Tho tostlmony rang truo.
That appcalod to mo, so I sold. 'Horo
goes. I quit tho booze right now.'
That'B what I did, It wan an awful
battle, but 1 won."
Mr. Monroo rotold tho story of tho
conversation of "Billy" Sunday, na
tionally known evangelist, when tho
lnttor waB Cnpt. Anson'B "fairy boy,"
tho most promising athlete ot tho old
Whlto Sox.
Sunday nnd n group ot drunken ball
players stopped to hear tho street
sorvico on South
Stnto street that
was being con
ducted by Colonel
Clnrko and Mr.
Monroo. Ho left
his follows, Joined
tho mission and,
whllo accompany
ing tho team In
other cltlos, re
fused to play on
Sunday and con
ducted m 1 b s 1 o n
services instead,
Mr. Monroo was
asked what It Is e .
thnt win r "Sona The
IllltU IIIUll
That Gets the
Heart and Pulls."
back to Bolf-ro-spect
after thoy
havo fallen. Ho polntod to a sign on
the mlEslon wall "How Long Since
You Wroto to Mother?" and then, in
n clear tenor volco, sang n sympa
thetic old song: "Tho Llttlo Drown
"Song." ho said, "that Is tho stuff
that gctB to a man'H heart, and pulls.
Prlvate Says He is Called Titanic
Meyer Because He Was Not
Lovt on Liner.
Berlin. Whenever tho kaiser re
vIowb a regiment personally Interest
ing stories concerning conversations
between him and somo of tho sol
diers form tho topic of evening talk
In the barracks nnd eventually find
their way iuto tho pross. TheBo may
or may not bo truo. but thoy ore al
ways, interesting, and tho latest is
well vouched for.
According to this report tho em
peror, whllo roviowlng tho guard regi
ment at Potsdam, was attracted by a
prlvato who waa unusually tall and
awkward. The kaiser approached him
and asked:
"What's your nanio, my son?"
"Titanic Meyer, your majesty," an
swered tho soldier
"Titaulo Meyer?" repeated tho
kaiser, smiling. "Don't jou know you
bear the name of a ship which sank
last April? How comes It you aro
named after a ship?"
"Yes. your majesty." replied tho sol
dier. "That's the reason I'm called
Titanic Meyer. When the ship was
lost tho captain said to me: 'Meyer,
Haskell and Judgo Johnson, wielding
tholr drivers, then mado for tho free
bootor of tho air, and drove him off.
Whllo thoy woro doing thl3 tho
partrldgo nnd threo ot her chicks
mndo tholr escape, leaving behind the
ono that had been dropped from thoi
hawk's talons. It had sustained a,
brokon wing. The golfers placed the'
wounded chick In tho tall grass nearj
by, whoro tho hawk oould not find it..
It waa still there when they wont'
back In tho evening to Investigate,'
but it was gono in tho morning
Kindness is tho thiilg. though. Most
of tho men who come in here nro help
less booze-flghters. Tho booze-flght-or
haB lost his nervo. He's a dead
ono. What ho needs In n friond.
"Chicago la the mecca of tho down
and out, because they know Uiat Chi
cago offers moro kindness than any
other city in tho lnnd. It is surpris
ing how fnst young chaps from tho
country strike tho skids and go. They
get dizzy In tho big city, nnd fall.
Kindness Is tho only thing that will
bring them back."
Mourners Obey Deceased' Wish
They Go to- Cemetery In
Paris. When nn old man named Jo
soph Hughes was burled recently at
Amnion, near Nlmes, tho funeral pro
cession, according to tho terms of his
will, followed tho coffin with every
one singing an old song of which
Hughes had boon fond. The old man,
who met his death through falling
upon the flro whllo his wife was pro
paring his supper, was of an original
turn of mind and had kept his collln
under his bed for twenty years. Using
It as a wardrobe.
New Yorkers, Each 83, Long Friends,)
Breathe Their Last at Fated
MIddlotown, N. Y. At exactly tho
same hour Archibald Llttlo Vail and
Abram Wilcox, old friends and former
business men of this city, died at their
homes after years of Illness. Each
was, elghty-threo years old.
why weren't you on tho Tttuulc? Then
wo wouldn't be bothered with you
hero.' Since then I'm called Titanic
Tho kaiser laugho unrestrainedly,
but tho captain appearod not to en
Joy tho Incident
Criminologist of Cincinnati Says More
Than Seven Hours' Rest Is
,n Weakening.
Cincinnati, O. "Seven hours' sleep
(stall that Is necessary for any hu
man being and If obtained regularly
in certain hours nightly will keep the
body and mind in a healthy state."
said Foertmeyer, coroner of Cincin
nati, and famed throughout tho coun
try as an authority on criminology
"Much ot tho disease ot today la duo
to too much or too llttlo sleep. A
person who sleeps over sovea hours
hns had too much reat Men and
womeu who commit crime are as a
rulo long sleepers. Their minds grow
weak from too much sleep and they
acquire the don't caro habit, which
often results 1& ulnie."
Delrcate Point.
They nro a happy couple They
haven't been married very long. In
fnct, tho honeymoon has barely wnncd,
sayB tho Pittsburgh Post. An elderly
friend met tho bridegroom downtown
yesterday and slapped him on tho
"Well, happy as a lark, I suppose?"
"Oh. yes."
"How's tho cooking?"
"I have ono troublo. It's Just this
my wifo has been preparing angel
food every day for dinner."
"You must bo getting tirea of it."
"I am. Yet I feel a hesitancy about
saying anything. How soon after Uib
honeymoon would it bo proper to ask
for bcefEtcad and onions?"
Some Method.
"Don't you think, dear," began Mr.
Comfy, "that our next door neighbors,
tho Scrubbs, aro putting on a great!
deal too much style, considering the
fact that they never know from day
to day where tho next meal Is coming
"Well," roplled 'Mrs. Comfy, "you
see, tho moro stylo they put on, the
moro lfkely they are to bo Invited out
to dinner."
Loyal to Her Teacher.
Sunday School Teacher Yes, chll
dren, tho Lord mado everybody.
Small Girl Did ho make you, teach
er? '
Teacher Yes. Ho made me, too.
Small Girl And he's, got nothln' to
be ashamed of, either.
Has To.
"Do you really believe In this home
rule business?"
"Of course I do. Ain't I married?"
Figuratively speaking, a man and
hln wlfn nro nno lint thn fliriirn nn
tho grocery bill are apt to disprove it
None better ever baked.
gfSt Mdesfc 3SsW SlHPsP SswSr Wy '-BB m, miiSiv SQKsV
ore all so good in every variety that you'll like them all
everybody doesl That's be
cause they're "The Quality
Biscuits of America."
And that's why we want you to
try them FREE. Just send tho
coupon for our gift "Surprise
Box" of Assorted Sunshine
IJiscurr (ompany
Bakers ot Sunshine Biscuits
A sick
AH cows
and llttlo
uw ut AWY
This famous remedy
Ills such almost Appetite,
" m -- I
r - o m sra bus
ur srn J"-
ADoruon, uarrenness, anu ltetatnru Afterbirth.
Get a package of Kow Kurc from your dealer and keep it on hand constantly,
SO cent and Jl.00 slses. Ask for copy of "The Cow Book."
R. E. Rocr N. R. Brysoa A. E. Borers T. II. Brysoa a C Roffers
Thought of It.
For a thing that springs mostly
from badly digested misinformation,
public sentiment is amazingly ofteo
right Puck
It isn't halt as far from virtuo to
vice aB It Is from vlco to virtue
What's the Use
waiting for Nature, alone, to
bring back your appetite, to
make the liver active and tho
bowels regular? Some assist
ance is neeaea ana j
Stomach Bitters
Is really "it." For 6o years it
has helped in cases of Indiges
tion, Dyspepsia, Costiveness,
Colds, Grippe and Malaria.
We Urge a Trial Today
Farm Lnndn, deal with tbo owners. Wo havo cholca
blinks of (rum two lo ten thonrand acres of tho
hen In Haskntchtiwan and Alberta, or we can tell
jrou from ICOncrcs up of ImpniTrd or nnlmprored
lands wo elthnrownorcontrnl, and all lunds will
bear closest Inspection. Write for particulars to
White Land COi, BatllefOfd, Sask
Crisp and but try them!
Loose-Wiles Biscuit Company
J Omaha, Nob.
Please send me FREE my "Sur.
prise Box" of Assorted Sunshine.
a Nltno ......................m...
2 Address .,... ...W...W.. ...... .
Orocer's Nam.,
Great Western Commission Co.
One of the largest and best equipped live stoci
commission firms at ANY market
. EACH department HIGHLY specialized. FOUR
cattle salesmen in two splendidly located divisions.
Special care and attention given to buying of
STOCKERS and FEEDERS. TWO hog sales,
men and a fully equipped sheep department.
If you wish to buy or sell any Jcind of live stock
write or wire them.
They Will Do li Right
or Denver
cow is a bad inTestroent. and a covr that Is
I not protlucinz as much cootl milk as she should !s not w ell.
need careful attention to keen them health.
disorders can be kept from becomintr biir by the i
is a sure cure and creTcntlTe of most cow
Milk FeTer. Bunches. Ked Water. Scouriur.
DAJET ISSOCUriOl CI. UfU. IjiduTllle. t
Write for book salnp you op eblcks. Send ui
names of friends that use tucuUitora and gtt
twukfree. U.tlballUuiLyCu.,UUu:kwell.01il,