The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 07, 1913, Image 1

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    State Hfstcrfcal Scctely
NO. 12
Local and Personal.
W. W. Burr is the. latest to invest in
a 1913 Buick which he received today.
IT. D. Herzog, of the Davis garage,
went to Hnstings on business this morn
ing. Mrs. J. E. Carroll returned Wednes
day evening from Stockville where ' sho
was called six woeks ago by the illness
. of a relative.
Burma Bonham, of Sutherland, eame
down "Wednesday evening to yisit his
brother Harley Bonham for a few days.
Claudo Mecomber formerly of this
city purchased a drug store at Lodge
polo the latter part of last week.
A, car load Of now Buicks were re
ceived this morning at the Davis garage
all of which have bean sold to Ideal peo
ple. Miss Irene Richards, who has been
visiting relatives in cities of Ohio for
several months, will return here Wed
nesday. Rev. M. C. Johnson, of Sutherland,
formerly pastor of the Christian church
of this city, will soon remove to Lewis
ton, Idaho.
For Rent Four room furnished house
at 321 So. Locust street.
Miss .Mabel Brummett, who had been
taking a course at the Keister tailoring
school left for Arnold today 'to visit
Mrs. Johnson, of Stockville, arrived
here Wednesday evening to make an
extended visit with her daughter Mrs.
J. F. Carroll.
Lost Between town and experimen
tal station, one dozen linen napkins.
Finder please return to Tramp's store.
Christian Science servieo at K. P.
hall Sunday at 11 a. m. Subject
"Man." Sunday school at 12m. A
welcome to all.
Wilson Tout returned Wednesday
evening from Phildelphia where he at
tended the National Educational Asso
ciation mooting last week.
Mrs. Nellie Bennett, of Rawlins, who
spent last week with her sister Mrs.
James Jenson, returned homorWednes
day evening.
Mr.t and Mrs. Henry Hansen and
daughter, who have been visiting fir
California" for several months, Will re
turn homo in a couple of weeks.
Miss Julia Duckworth, of Ciinton,
111., is expected here next week to take
charge of the Postal Telegraph office
during the absence of Miss Maud
J acmes.
Pittsburg Perfect Electric Weld Fenc
cing, Grand Island Barbed Fencing,
Barbwire and nails for sale atHershey's
5th and Locust Sts., Phone 15. tf
The Lady Forresters met a committee
from the Catholic Girls Club at the
home of Miss Lucy Dunn last evening
and transacted business relative to im
provements on the former Catholic
school building which they will use for
a hall.
Wilhelm Frels, father of Henry and
"Will Frels living southwest of Hershey
- died last Saturday. The deceased
located ia Lincoln county in 1880, and
ever proved a good citizen and a con
sistent member of the Lutheran church.
The deceased was seventy-three years
For Sale Black Percheron stallion,
coming three years old, weight 1650 lbs.
Can furnish papers if desired. Address
Jas. Kimmel, North Bend, Nebraska,
R. R. No. 1.
Plumbing Display
Saturday, March 15 th.
Up-to-date fixtures for the bath room,
kitchen and laundry
The largest and most complete line
ever brough to North Platte.
Don't failjto 6ee our goods; you are
sure to find something you want.
R. F. Stuart,,
Corner of Locust Street and 6th Streets
At the time of my arrival at North
Platte in January, 1881, tho placo and
its prospect looked good to roe.
Its people extended me a cordial wel
come) and practical encouragement to
my propoid business undertaking, and
took me on probation.
The experience of 32 years continuous
business, without having been lynched,
has convinced me that my first deoision
was well taken and I now intend to be
come a permanent citizen and give
notice of my intention to re-enlist in
business here for another period of 32
years "or for the war," by incorpora
tion. x
It is little enough for me to say that
I appreciate and thank you for the sup
port that has been given my efforts to
serve you acceptably and at the soma
time do assure you that the new com
pany is entirely at your service, with
our best abilities for businais and the
upbuilding of our beautiful city and
state. '
Hurrah for North Platte.
Yours Truly,
W. W. BlRGE.
Working oa Strike Settlement .
Word was received this weak by the
local strikers from officials of the
unions involved announced that nnother
attempt would be made to settle the
strike. "Whether this conference of rail
road and union officials has been hold
we have not been able to learn. It is
said that both the roads and the men
are very anxious to have the difficulty
settled, and each are ready to make con
cessions; this report being current not
withstanding tho railroad flicials say
that they have forgotten the strike.
If you are looking for real estate you
are looking for C. F. Temple, for he
h3 it, all kinds.
John Keith writes a Sutherland
friend that his orange loss by the frost
will amount to about six thousand dol
lars. Will Blackmore's loss will bo
tiiroo thousand. David Hunter is said
also to have lost heavily. This is a
pretty heavy set back to our former
Lincoln county friends.
Miss Ella Corbett leturned to her
homo in Wallace today after spending
two months' with her cousins MIbb Nell
Hanfin and Mrs. Harry Gutherless.
The S. 0. C. club spent a pleasant
afternoon Wednesday with Mrs. Law
hoad. Nicely prepared refreshments
were served.
Visitors from Wallace today are R.
V. Haydcn and J. H. Howe, who are
transacting business In tho'local stores.
Floyd Breternitz who had been visit
ing in Omaha for several weeks re
turned Wednesday evening.
Sam Westfall of Omaha, was tho
guest of his brother Max Westfall, the
fore part of this week.
The Knights of Columbus are making
arrangements to give a card party and
social dance shortly after Easter.
Mr. and M'rs. ,J. M. Ballard, of
Dickens, are visiting this week with
local friends.
Wanted Girl for general housework,
Mrs. H. C. Brock, 714 W. 4th St tf .
Dr. V. Lucas was called to Pax'ton
yesterday morning on professional
Clarence McKay left this morning for
Stapletonto spend a week with friends.
Mac Westfall left last evening for
western towns to spend a few days. .
8 II 3m ,,, LI,,M L
1 iiHfM i ft! mum
;&2 fJ FsiM&&M ml TrcfcSS a Imv 1IT:. 1
yiw if In 5 I MW1 W IwMj
28 lifflkX lli ilil
M 1 fi ifc Iff W llll&I
I x 11 111 FI Jf 1 raHBi
21 DISTINCTION im dress
' Will Have Chautauqua.
A repreeentative of the Redpath
Horner bureau was in town Wednesday
and through C. F. Temple, backed by
tho Chamber of Commerce, arranged
for a five-day Chautauqua beginning
July 13th. This bureau assumes tho
management of tho busincs, and its
requirements of tho city and that 800
season tickets at $2.00 each bo sold and
the site and the seats be furnished free,
and in return for this the bureau gives
the city ten per cent of the admission
receipts. This practically rolioves tho
city of any financial obligation.
Among the attractions on the program
aro tho Dunbar Male Quartet, tho
Fisher-Shipp company, Rigniera, tho
impersonator, tho Military Girls' Mu
sical organization', Dr. F. E. Gordon,
Dr. C. C. Mitchel, Dr. Bradford and
Ned Woodman, cartoonist.
Rev. Favoright's Resignation Accepted.
At a congressional meeting of tho
Baptist church Wodnesday evening the
resignation of Rev. Fnvoright was ac
cepted, though such action was taken
with much regrot. A call was extended
to Rev. Barton, of Rochester, N. YM
who will graduate from a thcologi
ical school this spring. He has boen
highly recommended to tho North Platte
congregation .
District Court Next Week.
The March term of district court will
convene next Monday. The docket is
not-very heavy; not as largo as at the
last term. In view of tho few cases
that would be tried to a jury, Judge
Grimes and Clerk Prosser concluded
that the presence of tho jury would
not be justified, and last Saturday the
jury drawn was discharged.
Tho docision of tho United States su
promo court in the Union Pacific right
of way caso and from that it is gleaned
that decision does not bear on tho valid
ity of the Norris bill or its passage. Tho
case decided in Colorado does not apply
to the caso from Lexington which was
brought up by the Farmer's association.
A thorough examination of tho decision
has not been made as yet.
Auto Notice,
Lot a dt-monstratipn in a" Buick car
oyer tho hills of tho Buick route bo the
standard ly which you judge all automobiles.-
' J. S. DAVI3 Auto Co.
' North Platte, Nebr.
Mass Convention.
All yoters of tho city of North Platte
aro called to attend a mass convention
at tho court house Thursday evening,
March 13th, nt 8 o'clock, to nominate a
non-partisan city tickot. Committee.
Democrats Attention.
A mass convention of the democratic
electors of tho city of North Platte is
hereby called to meet at tho court
house, Wednesday ovoninir. March 12.
1913, at 8 o'clock, for tho purposo of
nominating candidates for tho respec
tivo city ofhees, four councilmen and
two members of thu school board. A
full attendance is requested.
J. B. McDONAU), Chairman,
J. H, Stone, Secretary.
Mr. C. F. Temple
Dear Sir:
Your draft for $209.38 received and
in acknowleging receipt of same. I
wish to thank you and tho Roynl Ex
change Assurance Co., for your liberal
allowance and prompt settlement of
this loss. Yours Truly,
F. II. Gaulow.
Miss Verna Sivers left today for Gar
field to visit the home folks.
To -Night
xid Saturday.
Planting Spring Garden.
Pathes' Weekly.
Indian Uprising.
May and Brown
Comedy, Singing and Mus
ical Act.
10c and 15c
There's a Dainty
Grace to Those
Printzess Suits
That You'll Appreciate.
There's a curve to their style lines, and
an air of cxclnsiveness and a snap to the
entire appearance that put them in a class
by 'tnemselves'In other words, they are"
the kind of- a "garment worn by a women of
style. Women who know and appreciate
just what should be worn.
These garments have a reputation of con
ferring1 that elusive factor ' 'Distinction in
Dress" on the wearer. Come in and our
girls will show you a Printzess and you will
agree that our prices are. modest...
E: T. Tramp & Son
I public s
Saturday, March IS, 1913
at 1 O'clock p. m., at my Implement Store corner
5th and Locust Streets, North Platte, Neb.
Farm Implements.
Some New and Some Second Hand.
Farm Wagons Spring Wagons Plowsy.
Cultivators Riding Attachments for Plows ''
Hay Presses Mowing Machines Hay Rakes
Disc Grain Drills Driving Harvester and Binder,.
Stackers and Sweeps Heavy and Light Harness'
Milch Cows and Heifers
Fresh or near fresh, including some grade
Including some pure bred Plymouth Rocks
1 I ' III I II I ! I ,
m Sums of $20 and under, cash. On sums over that amount
I firiTIS eight month's timo will be given on good bankablo notes
v '" bearing ten cent interest from date of sale. Threo per
cont off for cash. No proporty to bo removed until settlod for. " v
Jos. Hershey,
Hattie M. Hershey.
F. C. Pielsticlcer, Clerk. T. F. Watts, Auctioneer
"What sort of a chap Is ho?"
"Well, after u beggar baa touched
htm for n dlmo he'll tell you ho 'gavo
n little dinnor to an acquaintance of
hla. "-Lipplnoctt'H.
Up to Date.
Feudist l'ep, I reckon I got old man
Peevoy this morning for fair. HIh
fcon-DId yo shoot lilin, pop? Feudist
CourHc uot. Uottor'n . that I got
lilm on my note. Puck,
Uo siiro no man was ovor discontent
ed with tho world who did bis duty In
t-Kontliey. "
AT pi
After tho Duke of Woiltngton's ylc
torlous campaigns tho University of
Oxford complimented tho duko him
isii and his principal olllcera by con
ferring upon thorn tho honorary and
not very appropriate degrco of doctor
of civil Inws. At thnt tlrao tho feea
wore Iienvy, and ono of tho distinguish
ed soldiers who hnd gathoted more
honor than profit In tho wars declined
tho profforod degree In tho following
Verso: , ''(
Oxford, 1 know you wish mo well.4
Hut prltheo let mo bo. '
I can't, it las, be D. C. I
tar want of i. (1. ,