The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 04, 1913, Image 8

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    Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publiiber.
"Ono Year hj Mail in advance $1.2fi
One Yoar by Carrier In advance $1.60
Kntored at North Platte, . Nebraska, Post
olllco as Second Class Matter.
' Union Pacific's January gross earn
ings amounted to $G, 738,238, which ii nn
Increase of $956,700 over tho corres
ponding total of 1912. Net operating
revenues increased $470,310. For tho
seven months ending with January, tho
gross revenues of tho system wore
$5,482,125 ahtiad of the corresponding
period of Inst year, while not rovenues
are $2,9G2,4C5 highor,
Senato file No, 3G, by Barthng, a bill
to require railroads to employ five men
on each switch engine used in division
station yards, which was killed Wednes
day and later rovlved, wnB passed
Thursday without tho emergency clause.
With the emergency clause attached
the bill lacked one vote of two-thirds
Jf all members. Without the emergency
clause It passed by a vote of 18 to 11.
Senator Hoagland of this district voted
for tho bill.
Nebraska will have no constitutional
convention from the hands of this
legislature. Tho ho'uso killed tho Mal
lery bill providing for the convention
Saturday morning and the sonato killed
a similar bill some time ago. After the
senate had killed its bill, the house spent
a half day talkfngon such a measure
and rocomroended it for passage. Whon
It camo Up for tho tho third reading
Saturday, it was found it had not boon
properly engrossed, was sent back to
tho commltteo and later brought forth
and slaughtered.
Commissioner's Proceedings.
February 25, 1913.
Board mot pursuant to adjournment.
PresonURoborta, White, Horminghau
sen and county clerk.
Books of W K Beauchamp, overseer
district", art! hereby checked, find duo
him tho sum pf $3.10, claim allowed on
said district and settlement made.
Owen O'Neill is horob appointed
overseer for district No 1 to fill vn
coney atfd bond approved.
Claim of ir B Sandoraon for bolnnco
duo and 1912 settlement for toad
work in district No 7 Is horeby allowed
on said district for lfiG.71.
Claim of W K Benuchamp, rond work
In district 28 is allowed on commis
sioner district No 3, for 51.40
A N Durbin. county troasurer, you
arc horeby directed to rofund to CvVB
Runner taxes for tho year 1912 onflftti
assossed valuation of 200.00 for l)u
roason that property was not liable for
Tho following cluitns were allowed
on general fund:
J D W Lincoln, opening graves, 10.00
A F Boelor, rndso for county poor,
12.15 ,
Allowed on road fund as follows:
J. D. AdannB & Co. road grader for
district 14 allowed on said district for
Potyr Smith, mowing weeds, allowed
on district 7, 4.00
. , Louis Rofior, balance duo on 1912
settlement ullowed on district 10, 24.85
Fred Ridinger, balance duo on 1912
settlement allowed on district 30, 51.70
The pond of Fred Lundgren, as over
seer for district is huroby approvod.
Whereupon the board adjourns to Feb.
i''OjWyYosT, County Clerk.
; Fobruory 20, 1913.
Board rnet pursuant to adjournment.
Present Roberts, n.Whito, Herming
Hanson and county clerk
Road No 802 coming up for final
action and tho board desiring more timo
for consideration action is hereby de
ferred until the ntt meeting
"Pittsburgh Perfect"
Dig Deep into the ficTdttstearn of
A great manv fence
know what quality of material manufac
turers put into their fences, nor how
they make them. '
Your money goes for tho fence you
buy Why don't you find out what you
are getting for your money?
You don't buy cows or farm machinery
Mtde In Different Stylos for FIELD, FARM, RANCH, LAWN,
Ask your dealer for "Phtarmr-1; Perfect" und Insist on his furnlshlnff It.
VOti that nnmn nlhrr (mm (a Inot no nnnrl If l, .).. ..II
rf . r ........
' Pittsburgh Perfect" Brandt of Barbed Wire)
Driolit, Annaalod & Galvanised Wire) Twitted
CbU Wire i Herd Spilna Coil Wlr.i Fence
aieme,) i-ouiirr naiiuisaiepiiiti neguiar vvir
Nnilsi CUIvenixed Wlro Nil I.rco Head
Roofing Nilt Slnclo Loop BsloTleti "PIIU.
burgh Perfect" Fencing. All made of Open
Hearth material.
I fjf ' "LL-Ijwiiwiinniiin I "MMM1 Wi
I I U.Vt7jjrir,r,H -1 ill
Perfection Oil For Incubators
is the best It burns clean and evenly no chance of
smoke or soot It makes steady burning certain. It's
the incubator oil without a risk. It's clean tank wagon
oil, not band oil.
Dealer ererywheta
(Nebraska) Omaha
Tho following claims were allowed on
the general fund:
Paul G. Meyer special commissioner
on road .102.40. '
Joe Fillion Jr. auto hire for jury
Moyer inquest $4.00
Robert Dickey, roll of paper 2.08
II L Greoson groceries for county
poor 16. 05 '
O E Weil, moalsorSurfirs. 11.75
G W Brown, mdse for county poor
F B Marr, house rent county poor,
Paul G Meyer, .special-co'mmlssionor
road 3G3, COO
Sundry persons, appraising road 3G0,
as follows:
A F Becler, appralsor, 9.20
W M Dymond, appralsor 4.20
J K Eshloman, appralsor 4.20
J W Abbott, acknowledging papers
Sundry person, birth and death record
4th quarter 1912:
C F Templo, North Platte, 14.00
C M Trotter Brady, 1.00
J A Moore, Maxwell, 75
Sundry persons survoying road 71:
R L Cockran, surveying and platting,
C J McNamara, chainman, 12.40
Ed S Brown, flagman, 5.00
Frank Brown, flagman, 5.00
R L Cochran, surveying and making
map of Brady. 42.C0
C J McNamara, chainman on same,
Paul G Moyer, special commissioner
road 3GG, 3. 50
S Y Gillan, rofund on tuxes, 29.81
Dr E W Fetter, services for Mrs.
Wells, 129.50
C J McNamara, computing acreage
road 333, 1.25
Tho Star, clothing for county poor,
Wilcox Dept. Storo, mdse for county
poor, 23. G5
Tho following claims woro allowed on
tho bridge fund:
0'Rourko& Krntzenstein, hardware
etc, 37.87
Morrilat Culvert Core Co, part pay
ment on cement bridgo frnme 375.00
Emil Tollefsen Lumber Co, part pay
ment ccmiint and lumber used in road
district 5, 500.00
Whereupon tho board adjourns to
Feb. 27,-1913.
C W Yost, County Clerk.
February 27, 1913.
Bonrd mot pursunnt to adjournment.
Present Roberts, Whito, Herminghnu
een nnd county cleric. Tho following
claims were allowed on commissioner's
district 2:
J O Hoglund, clay for road 18G, 20.00
Geo. Bergstrom, hauling clay forroad
18G, 30.00
N R Smith, road work 180, 27.00
Albort Ginapp, road work on 18G,
Dnvid Heistand, road work on 186
14.00 ',,
Dorryborry & Forbes, two ' fr'esno
scrapers, on Corn'r-dlibt-l for 15,00 &
It. D. No 11 for 15.00
now me fence you Buy is
users don't roniiv
without full
your seeds.
Test the fence before you buy qnd know
whqt your money goes for. Our now cata
logue, sent free, tellp how to test fence.
of fence you test, you'll find "Pittsburgh
c-uwwi, usj rnaae
Every Rod Guaranteed
...vw sw j..M. HkJ (fHWM. ., ..w uVV,, i !.,,
Don't risk a setting with
poor oil even the best
incubator needs a good
Allowed on bridcre fund:
William Slebold, hauling sand for
culvert work 16.00
E C Hostotter, bridge work at Max
well 10.75
C C Long, road work at North Platte
rlycr bridge, allowed on road dlst 1,
Allowed on general fund as follows:
Anna Anderson, care of Emma
Anderson & Mrs. Clark for Feb. 50.00
Joaoph M. Wilson, salary for Feb.
65.00 .
Cloo R. Chappel, salary for Feb.
Nona Marcott, salary for Feb. 50.00
T. F. Watts, salary for Feb. 75.00
A J Salisbury, salary for Feb., 125.00
C W Yost, ollico expenses lor eb.,
C. W. Yost, salary for Feb., $137.50.
F W Horminijhauscn, services & mil
eage 64.85
D B Whiter services & mileage 54.50
Whereupon the board adjourns to
March 17, 1913 CW Yost,
County Clerk.
The Farmer and Auto.
Tho old story of the Nebraska far
mer who, in 189G, drove twenty miles
in n rickety old buggy to hear Bryan
speak, nnd mndo the same trip with
his family in a seven-seated automobile
in 1908, after twelvo years of good
crops nnd republican rule, is typical.
It might havo been told with timely
effect during tho Omaha automobile
show, attended by great numbers of
Nebraska and Iowa furmers, who were
among the most noticeable purchasers.
One hotel manager says his hostelry
housed a larger number of farmers dur
ing tho week than on any day in the
Inst Ak-Sar Ben festival.
It no longer takes n live stock ex
hibit to bring tho farmer to tho me
tropolis in midwinter. Ho comes- with
his family now think of it to buy, his
new spring style of auto. He is not
looking for nny second-handed or cheap
machines. Ho wants the best, for; he
tools that he can attorn it nnd that the
boat is none too good. Farmers'
horses havo stopped rearing at auto
mobilea, booauso they are as accus
tomed to them as to tho plow. Go out
over Nebraska, or any middlewcst
state, and seotoryourselt the men and
and women who live on the farms
scurrying up and down tho roads in
their line, comlortablo machines,
which havo now zest nnd purpose to
country life, nil to tho best advantage
Omafia Bee.
North Platte People Have Absolute
Proof of Deeds at Home.
Its not words but deeds that prove
truo morit.
Tho deeds of Doan's Kidney Pills,
For North Platte kidney sufTorors,
Have made the local reputation.
Proof lies in the testimony of North
Platte people.
J. C. McGowan, 321 S. Chesnut St.,
North Platto. Nebr., says: "Six
months ago I had an attack of kidney
trouble nnd I began using Doun's Kid
ney Pills procured from McDonnell &
Graves' Drug Storo (now Schiller &
Co's) nnd it requires only ono box to
rid me of every system of tho trouble.
The euro hnB proved permanent. I
havo also given Doan's Kidney Pills to
our little girl who suffered fjrqm back
ache and a kidnoy weakness and thoy
proved equally satisfactory."
For sale by all dealers. Price CO cents
FoHtor-MilburnCo,, Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United States.
Romembor the name Dbon'a nnd
take no other.
You test
toaay, is best ot all.
Do not allow him to persuade
:. ..-!.- i: .
i, wuio u uirotii
II rou are Interested In Wire Fencing, vrrlta
for ntEC copy of our ALMANAC, 1013-
Pittsburgh Steel Co.
Pittiburgh, Pennsylvania
Joseph Sullivan, of Brady, transacted
business and visited frionds in town
The Kind of Clothes
Gentlemen Wear
Guaranteed Quality,
Perfect Fit,
Prices Right.
Custom made Suit
$20 to $45
Tailor made Suit.
$25 to $47
Satisfaction guaranteed
Karle Gerle,
over McDonald Bank.
Oldest Bank In Lincoln County
State Bank
North Platte, Nebr.
CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00
Ve Solicit Your Business.
The leading Live Stock and Gen
eral Farm Sales Auctioneer in
Western Nebraska is
Phono Red GCO.
Have You Plumbing" Troubles?
Is there need for repafrs every few
days? Is your bathroom modern and
luxuriantly comfortable? Are the
kitchen arrangements convenient nnd
sanitary? If not,
Send For Our Plumber.
Not only are we experts at repair
work, but there will be Kttle need for
repairs if we install yMr plumbing.
You'll be surprised atour fair estimates
if you "talk prico" with us.
Shop Phone 09. Res. Phono G8S
Corner biAthand Locust.
O! the Best Quality.
Paine Fishburn
Granite Co.,
W. T. ALDEN, Salesman
Bought and highest market
prices paid
Residence Red G3G Office 459
Harry Logakis will take notice
on tho 27th any of January 1913.
P. H.
Sullivan, n justice of the peace, of
North Platte, precinct No. 1 Lincoln
county, Nebraska, issued an order of
attachment for the sum of $52.40 in an
action pending before him, wherein
John C. Den Is plaintiff and Harry
Logakis lY'dofendant. that property con
sisting of money ip the hands of the
Union Pacific railroad company, n
corporation has been attached under
said order.
Said cause was continued until the
23nd day of March, 1913, at two o'clock
p. m. i
Dated North Platte, Neb., Feb. Cth.
1913. r John C. Den,
f7-3 PlaintilT.-
Established In 1871.
Contractor and Builder.
Shop Corner 6th and Vino Streoto
R. D. Thomson.
Dty. Infield i fyidfield,
Physicians and Surgoona.
JOE II. REDFIELD, Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital . .
rilONE 042.
i wwniamoiiuiwiiiiiiixin
Signet Chapter O. E. S.,
-NO. 53-
Mett 2nd and 4th Thursday of every
month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 p. m.
e Hospital accommodations, Medical and a
e surgical attention given obstetrical cases. Z
Office Phono 183 Kei.,Pnone 263
Offlco McDonald Stato nanUnicVtr
Twenty-fivo yoars experience. Satis
faction guaranteed. See or writo me
m'chlO 320 E. 11th St. North Platto
The North Platte
School of Music
The University School of
Music, Lincoln, Nebraska
Elizabeth Bonner-Cromer
All the principal branches of Ap
plied arid Theoretical Music taught by
competent teachers.
Address all inquiries to 122 W. Front
street or phone BlacK 341.
House, of Good Show!
When in North Platte.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matinee Saturday After
noon at 2:30 O'clock.
Telephone Ilcd 456 505K Dewey St.
North Platto, Nebraska.
Office phone 241. Res. phono 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Get Acquainted
with cigars made by Schmalzried, and
you will always bo a friend to them".
In their making only thebeif tobacco
s used, they are well made, and always
give satisfaction. We carry a full line
of tqbaccos and smokers' articles.
The Maker of Good CigarsT"
Native Grown.
Now Is the time to put In your
order. Iron clad guarantee to
grow by replacing until growth is
Phone Black 627.
Or call 002 West Fifth Street.
Ajrnc HarrU. Emory Tripp, Minnie Hood, a
minor, Eddie Hood a minor, Iltlcn Colvin a minor,
Edward Tripp, Opal Tripp, Adeline Tripp and
Harold Tripp, minora and children of Mamie
Tripp, deceased, W. L. Porter, first and real name
unknown, aa Ruardlan of Minnie Hood, II. D.
Hushes, first and real name unknown, as guardian
ot Eddie Hood, Earl II. Colvin, as iruardinn of
Helen Colvin, Russell D. Chase as ftuardlnn of
Edward Tripp, Opal Tripp, Adcllnn Tripp
andOHarold Tripp, defendants, will take
notice that on tho 6th day of February
1913, the plaintiff Kupcrt SchwalRer,
filed his petition in the district court or Lincoln
county, Ncbrrska, the object and prayer of which
aro to partition the east half (EM) and the north
west quarter INWM) of section thirty-four CM)
township sixteen (1C), north of ranire thirty (30),
west of the 6th p. ,m., containing 480 acres ac
cording to government survey, In Lincoln county,
Nebraska; also prays that the Bhares and interests
of the various parties in and to said land be ascer
tained and determined, that is to say, that the
plaintiff Kupcrt Schwalger be decreed to be the
owner of an undivided one-sixth interest; that the
defendants each be decreed to be tho owner of
the following interest in and to said real estate;
Agnes Harris, an undivided one-sixth interest,
Minnie Hood, a minor, an undivided one-sixth
Interest; Eddie Hood, a minor, an undivided one
sixth interest: Helen Colvin, a minor, an undi
vided one-sixth interest, Edward Tripp, a minor,
Opal Tripp, a minor, Adelina Tripp, a minor,
and Harold Tripp a minor, children and
heirs at law of Mamlo Tripp, deceased,
ao ne twpnty-fourth interest each; that
plaintiff prays for a confirmation of the sharca
and interests as herein set forth and that in case
aajd land cannot be equitably partitioned by meets
and bounds that the same be sold by a referee
appointed by the court and that tho proceeds
thereof be divided after the payment pf all costs
In the manner and portio a as herein aet forth.
You and fnch of y&u are raciulrod to anawer
said petlton on or before Morfflay, the 24th day of
March 1013.
Dated this 10th day of Feprunry. 1913
flJ-4 Dy Muldoon & Oibbs, hla attorneys.
Sheriff's Sale.
. By virtue of an. .order ofsale issued from the
district court of .Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
a degree of foreclosure rendered in said court
wherein William M. McLaughlin, administrator of
the estate! of Auber T. Griffith Is plalntlff
and Orley R. Skinner, et. a., are defend-'
ants, and to ma directed I will on
the 29th day of March, 1918, at 2 o'clock
p. m., at the east front door of the court
house in North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest
and costs, the following described property
to-wlt: southwest quarter IswM) section five (6),
tqwnthlp nine (9), north of range thirty-one (31),
west of the 6th P, M. fri Lincoln county, Ne
braska. Dated North Platte. Neb.. February 25. 1918. '
f25-C .A. J. SALISBURY. Sheriff.
Serial .No. 07b).
Department of tho Interior.
D. 8. Land Ollico at North Platte. Neb.
Ian .23th. 1813.
Notice Is horoby given that Will O. Masters,
of North Platte, Nob., who. on Novombor
7th. 1008. niado Homestead Entry Serial
No. 07PG, for noy, Sec 22, Township 12,
north. Rango 31. W.. 0th Principal Meridian,
has filed notice of Intention to make final
three year proof . to establish claim to tho
land above described, boforo Register and
Receiver, at North Platte, Neb., on tho 2StU
day of March, 1913,
Claimant names ns witnesses: Oarl
Brooder, John Kowlcr. Hugh Songor and Will
Uunter. all of North Platto. Nebr
J2H.Q J. e. Evans. Register.
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
upon a decree of foreclosure rendered ' In said
court wherein Frederick Whltmoro Is plaintiff,
and Issac Benton Taylor ct al are defendants, and
to mo directed, I will on tho 22nd day of
March, 1913, at 2 o'clock, p. m nt the oast front
door of the court house in North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, sell nt public auction to the
highest bidder for cash to satisfy said
decree. Interest nnd costs, tho following
described property to-wlt: All of section
twenty-three '23) all of section twenty-five (25) tho
south half (sM) and the northwest quarter (nw!a)
section thirteen (13) the east half of the north
west quarter and tho west half of tho northeast
quarter of section twenty-four (24) township fif
teen (15) north of range 29 (29) west of the Cth P.
M.. in Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Dated North Platte, Neb., Feb. I7th, 1913.
fl8- A. J. Salisiiurv. Sheriff.
Serial No. 0J53U.
United State Land Oillce.
At North Platto. Nebraska. Feb 10 W3,
Notice Is hereby given that Charles
C. Long of North Platto Neb., who on
.1 miliary 12. 1B10. . mado humestuad entrv
Serial No OIMU for the east half
'if the southwest quarter and Ioih ;t and I,
Section IS. Town UN.. Range 30 W.. of llio
tlth Principal Meridian, has filed notice of In
tention to make final three ear
proof to' establish claim to tho land atiovo
described, before tho register and recetvor
at North Platto. Nebraska, on tho 16th day
of April, 1913
Claimant names as witnesses: George
Kopf, George Long, O A Knbinson and
Dick Ross, all nf North Platte. Neb.
flB-U John E.iEvAr Register.
By virluo of an order of sale lesucd from
tho District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said
court wherein John Duvall is planltlir,
and J. J. Walters, et. al are de
fendants, and to me directed, I wl
on the 16th day of March, 1913, at two
o'clock, p. m., at the east front door of the
court houso of said county. In the city of North
Platte, Nebraska, Bell at public auction, to tho
highest' bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree.
Interest and costs, tho following described
property, to-wlt;
Southwest quarter (swH) section thirty
fonr (34) In township thirteen (13), north range
thlrty-threo (33),. west of tho 6th P. M. Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Dated at North Platte, Neb., Feb. 6. 1913.
Hl-5 A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff
Legal Notice.
William Cross, non-resident, will take
notico that he wns sued in the County
court of Lincoln county, Nebrnska, on
February 1st, 1913 by George Kopf, for
the sum of $144.50, due from the de
fendant to the Plaintiff upon contract
with accrued interest; That order of
attachment was issued out of said.court
to accompany the summons therein is
sued for said .sum of $144.60; that the
First National Bank of North Platte,
Nebraska, a corporation, waB garnisheed
and mado answer on FebruaryGth. 1913
that it had in its possession the sum of
$140.00, the property of saidd,efendant
William Cross. 'Whereupon said cause
was continued to the 20th day of March,"?
1913, at the hour of 9 a. m. for further
You 'will appear in said court at said
time or judgment will be taken ngalnst
you and said sum of $140.00 applied in
satisfaction of said judgment and costs
(if this suit.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska,
February ,10th 1913. - ' '
George KoprVPlafntiff. fiy fe. Iff
Evans, His Attorney. fl.1.4
Referees 's Sale.'
By virtuo of an order of sale issued
In the district court in and for Lincoln
county, Nebraska, on the 31st day of
January, 1913, in an action or partition
wherein Francis I. Nightingale is plain
tiff and Roy C. Nightingale, Raym )nd
A. Nightingale, a minor, Zena Olive
Snider and Marion I. Snider, her hus
band and William Smith, are defen
dant, I will sell at public auction at
the east front door of the court houso In
the city of North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, on tho 8th dny 6f March,
1913, at the hour of one o'clock p. m.,
tho following described real estate,
situate in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to
wits west half of northwest quartor
and west half of southwest quarter of
section 21, township 9, rango 30, west
of the Gth p. m.
The terms of said sale will be cash in
Dated at North Platte. Nebraska,
this 31st day "of January, 1913.
f-t-6 O. Ku Elder, Referee.
(V- - f-v-
' , .va. ,.. Tft,