The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 04, 1913, Image 7

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Brvt. "
During Change of Life Hovi
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound Mado
Her a Well Woman.
Iola, Kansas. "During tho Cnango
of Lifo I was telck for two years. Be-
f oro I took your med-
icino I could not
bear tho weight of
my clothes and was
bloated very badly.
I doctored withthrco
doctors but they did
mo no good. They
Bald naturo must
havo ita way. My
sister advised mo to
tako Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vogotablo
Compound and I purchased a bottle.
Beforo it was gono tho bloating left mo
and I was not bo soro. I continued tak
ing it until I had taken twelve bottles.
Now I am stronger than I have been for
years and can do all mywork, even tho
washing. Your medicino is worth ita
weight in gold. I cannot praise it
enough. If mora women would tako
your medicino thero would bo moro
healthy women. You may uso this let
ter for tho good of others." Mrs. D.
H. BnowN, 809 N. Walnut St., Iola,Kan.
Chanrro of Lifo U ono of tho most
criticafperiods of a woman's existence.
Women overywhoro should remember
that thero is no other remedy known to
bo successfully carry women through
this trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham'B
Vcgotablo Compound.
If yon trnnt special adTlco irrito to
Lydia E. Pinkliam Hcdlcino Co. (confi
dential) Lynn, 3Iass. Your letter will
bo opened, read and ansvfered by a
woman nnd hold in strict confidence
Successful Candidate Should Have
Been Happy, but There Were
Reasons Why He Was Not.
"I suppose you'ro very happy, now
that you're elected mayor?"
"Well, I can't say that I am. 1
thought I would be, but It hasn't
worked out that way."
"But you got such a splendid vote.
It ought to make you feel happy to
think tho pcoplo have such confidence
m you."
"That Is cheering, of course. It 1
Ono to know that tho majority of the
peoplo believo in you. Still, I'm not
iltogcther contented."
"I can't understand It at all. Here
you'vo been elected to tho highest
bonor In tho community; you have
splendid opportunities to. 6o good
ivork; you may graduato from this
position to broader service for the
state, and possibly from the state to
the nation. You ought to bo bappy
If anyone Is."
"I know it. But I' not The fact
is, I am up against it I have four
political managers who did splendid
service for mo, and each one demands
tho same Job." Detroit Free Press.
Will Dawn Upon Him Some Day.
"Ob, yes; Jack adores me; I've
known It for weeks."
"Then what's bothering you?"
"What's bothering me) Why I've
got to wait for him to find It out"
Boston Evening Transcript
Found Her Favorite Again.
A bright young lady tells how sh
caino to be acutely sensitivo as to tho
tasto of co ff oo :
"My health had been very poor for
several years," she says. "I loved
coffee and drank it for breakfast, but
only learned. by accident, as it were,
that it was tho causo of tho constant,
dreadful headacheB from which I suf
fered overy day, and of tho nervous
ness that drove sleep from my pillow
and so deranged my stomach that
everything I ato gavo mo acute pain.
(Tea is just as injurious, because it
contains caffeine, tho same drug found
in coffee.)
"My condition finally got so serious
that 1 was advised by my doctor to go
to a hospital. Thero they gavo me
what I supposed was coffee, and I
thought It was tho best I ever drank,
but I havo slnco learned it was
"Postum. I gained rapidly and came
home in four weeks.
""Somehow tho coffee wo used at
homo didn't tasto right when I got
back. I tried various kinds, but none
tasted as good as that I drank In the
hospital, and nil brought back tho
dreadful headaches and tho 'sick-all-over'
"One day I got a package of Postum,
and tho first tasto of It I took, I
said 'that's tho good coffee we had In
tho hospital. I have drank It over
slnco, and eat Grape-Nuts for mj
breakfast. I havo no moro headaches,
and feel better than i havo for years."
Name given upon request. Head th
famous littlo book, "Tho Road to WelV
vlllo," in pkgs. "Thore'B n reason."
Postum now comes In concentrated,
powder form, called Instant Postum
It is prepared by stirring a level tea
spoonful In a cup of hot water, adding
Bugar to tasto, and enough cream to
bring tho color to golden brown.
Instant Postum Is convenient;
there's no waste; and tho flavour te al
ways uniform. Sold by grocers (5
to 50-cent tin 30 eta., 90 to 100-cup tin
50 eta.
A B-cup trial tin mailed for grocer's
name and 2-cent stamp for postage.
Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek,
Mich Adv.
i-l i ; , it ii t
Only Exception Being That Which
Flows Over Alkali or Other Min
erals Injurious to Soil.
What Is meant by storm water?
Storm water 1b a word that Is inten
ded to refer to all rainfall that does
not sink Into tho soil. Storm water
also applies to that kind of water
that comes from melting snows in
tho mountains. The names probably
started from tho torcentR of water
that flow down stroams after heavy
rains nnd that comes down many
stroamB In the spring nnd early sum
mer from molting snows, but how
over It started, It signifies all water
from rain or snow that does not sink
Into tho soil, wrltcB H. M. Madison
In tho Texar Stockmnn nnd Farmer.
It will readily bo seen that almost all
storm water is of tho very best kind
for Irrigation, tho only exception being
that which Aowb over alkali or othor
mlnoral lands and becomo filled with
substances that aro Injurious to tho
Tho problem Is, thereforo, how to
catch this storm water and hold It
so It can be used in those seasons
when It is most needed. Many ways
havo been devised for this purpose
and most nil of them havo been suc
cessful at certain places. Ono method
may bo good nt one place, but be
caUBo'of tho kind of soil or subsoil
may be bad at another. Or on ac
count of the lay of the land ono plan
may bo good In a certain section and
useless In another. All the ways of
using storm water will not be de
scribed in this week's issue, but a very
simplo form will be outlined. This is
a form that almoBt overy farmer can
uso to advantage, yet as a substitute
for the best forms of Irrigation it is
All It requires In the way of cash
outlay Is tho amount to bo paid to a
civil engineer to contour tho land.
This Is simply ascertaining the shape
and fllzo of lands that are on the samo
level. There might bo ton acres in
ono trnct, flvo acres in another and
fifty in still another. Tho shapes ot
theso different tracts might bo very
different. But when tho engineer has
run tho lines and given tho Bizo and
shapo of the tracts that are on tho
same level, thero aro little dams or
lovoes to bo thrown up along the lines
tho engineer has run. This can bo
dono with a team and plow In tho
samo way an ordinary head land 1b
made In plowing. A hoo nnd spado
can bo used afterward to rnka tho
dirt Into littlo breaks and to mako
tho leveo hold water. In tho winter
and spring when tho heavy rains
come theso littlo levees keep tho wn
ter from running off, and as tho lovels
havo been run makes tho water stand
somewhat evenly on any ono of the
tracts. This water in a few hours or
days will soak into the soil and wet
it down deep. Instead of It running
off through- streams and rivers to tho
Oulf of Mexico, It is kept right in tho
By and by, when summer comes
and thero Is a drought the excess of
molsturo that was held in the land
from tho winter nnd spring ralnB
helps to sustain tho crop. It will bo
readily seen that plants with deep
roots aro best adapted to this kind
of farming. It will also bo seen that
when tho dry season comes it 1b de
cidedly better to uso the principles
of dry farming, especially Is It good
to stir tho soil frequently, but only
to shallow depths. At tho close ot
tho spring rain season, it Is also well
to roll or In some way pack tho
ground, for tho reason that this tends
to prevent tho molsturo in tho soil
from evaporating. Later during the
time when tho soil is 'stirred frequent
ly only to shallow depths, it will be
found that the nearer to dust tho very
top soil is kept thq less will bo the
evaporation of tho moisture and tho
better will bo tho results.
Rank Growth Is Mowed Down and
Used as Mulch Around Orchard
Trees, Adding Nitrogen.
Sweet clover, a much-condemned
plant, is at last coming into Its own.
For years farmers have looked upon
it as an obnoxious weed and its natlvo
habitat has been neglected roadsides
and waste lands. Now agricultural
science Is beginning to see great pos
sibilities In this plant. Tt Is highly
recommended as a green manuring
crop, and In "Kentucky and Illinois
socio farmers aro growing it in tho
place of alfalfa as a feed for live
stock. Several of the experiment sta
tions are making a study of Its cul
ture and uso. Thsro aro two varie
ties of the sweet clover, or melllotus,
as It is rightly called, tho white and
tho yellow. Tho white makes a
ranker growth nnd 1b recommended
for plowing under as a green manuro,
while tho yellow Is grown for forage.
The farmers of tho eastern and
southern Btates aro making tho
greatest uso of this crop, especially
for renovating wornout lands. Ono
leading seed firm in Ohio reports that
tho demand for melllotus seed has In
creased 125 per cent during tho last
year. Tho seed sells at tho samo
price as alfalfa seed. It will grow on
nearly any kind of land and nn aver
age crops of seed is about ten bushels
per acre.
Prof. V II. Davis of the collego of
agriculture, Ohio Stato university,
Is growing whito sweet clover as a
cover crop In his orchards. The rank
growth is mowed down and used as n
mulch around tho treos. Being a le
gume, nitrogen is added to tho soil
through tho action of tho bacteria
growing on the roota of tho plant, and
the dctay ot tho crop supplies large
quantities of humus.
God Made
Serretur ( CcKmpooJrac Drttal,
Moody DiUc loilitute, Qiicaoo
TI2XT "He endured ns seeing Hltn who
Is lnvUlblo."-Hob 11 27.
Tho confessed
ntbcl8t in these
days is practical
ly unknown. Tho
man who declines
to acknowledge
God calls himself
a materialist, or
rationalist, nnd
in those terms en
deavors to shield
himself from be
ing called an
ntholst. But the
man who boars
tho badgo ot a
believer In God
often comoB very
far short of realizing God. HosayB
God 1b a proper conception. Ho 1b
more than thinkable, but ho Is not
real, it Is with such that we would
like to think for a fow minutes, be
causo the words of tho toxt nro n
statement of historical facts Mosea
saw God.
Religion nowadays Is realistic, or It
Is nothing. Tho difficulty with most Is.
that God being spirit, ho cannot bq
mado KB real as if ho woro matorlal,
We would note that tho thought that
God Is Bplrlt docs not preclude his
being made manifest In phyBlcnl form
If ho choosoB, something which ho
has chosen to do in tho past, although
wo cannot believe that in tho text
such physical manifestation was lri
mind. Not only has God been realized
In the past, but he Is being realized by
vast multitudes today, and only be
cause of this Is the sinful world borno
with a littlo longer. This manifesta
tion, however, Is spiritual.
What is it to realize anything? Tho
dictionary says: "To perceive as a
reality; to apprehend tho moaning,
reality, or real naturo of; feel or ap
preciate fully and vividly; and think
of as real." Can God bo thus real
ized? This depends upen whether tho
spiritual Is as real as tho material.
Tho great pregamaflsts, many i f tho
leading Btatosmen, and men called to
tho highest offices in tho land, are in
tho lead of tho contention that faith In
a spiritual God, a full realization ot
God, 1b absolutely essential to tho
greatest accomplishments.
How prove reality In spirit? Just
as you prove the roallty of electricity,
and tho agency that enables men to
send messages across tho wide seas
without vlsiblo or tangible connec
tions. Thero is a rcallzntlm of tho
fact of the subtle thing whatever it
may be. Why not apply tho samo prin
ciple to God? Man should realize a
spiritual God becnuso ho is hlmBelt
spiritual, this term not being used
hero In tho strict evangelical sense.
Moses realized God be saw him. It
a man sees a thing Itiio to him real,
and while that Is not absolutely so, it
"is so generally accepted aB trup, that
God in his word uses sight to Illus
trate tho truth that is hero presented.
If we accept tlw proposition that
Moses In somo senso saw God, how
much Is that fact worth? Was Moses
a visionary, a mero enthusiast or sen
timentalist? Was that tho concep
tion of Angelo, as ho carved blm In
marble? Was that tho conception that
lawmakers In all times havo had ot
him as tho greatest law-giver of his
tory? Was that the conception tha?
those who have studied him as a
constructive statesman, making pro
vision for prlvnto and public Ufa, pure
sanitation, and tho most practical ed
ucation? Was the writer of tho text
carried away, by mmtlraent and hab
itually given to exaggeration, or was
he considered a great thinker, a
man of religious and spiritual wisdom,
and' with nn Intellect to which refer
ence Is mado by tho enemies of Chris
tianity as tho greatest of tho Chris
tian era? With these two groat men
presenting this truth, should it not
be accepted? So many men and wom
en testify to the fact that they havo
realized God, that if there was any
possibility of showing Uicbo that they
were mistaken the wall would bo that
of tho lower world. Oliver Crom
well, Gustavus Adolphus, Chinese Gor
don, und others In tho clash of bat
tle havo clearly recognized God
Man says, "I would like to realize
God, I would llko to practice bis pres
ence. If I knew how." Wo must first
accept that the testimony ot tho spir
itual sense in man is Just as rcllablo
as that of tho physical. As God
has recognized that man must have
something objective beforo him, he
has given his own son to become tho
historical manifestation of himself,
what a leading minister In Chicago a
fow days gao called tho Christmas
manifestation. Study God In tho face
of Jesus Christ, and ho becomes real,
and then tho spirit of man yearns to
havo communion with him.
It a man realizes God, what re
sults? Of the many results wo may
suggest that bo loses rear, In which
thero is torment. This explains tho
Joyful singing of hymns as tho mar
tyrs went to the stake. Man gets
power. Did not God uso Dwlght L.
Moody, a man fully surrendered to
him, to revolutionize Christendom In
an Important sense? Man as ho real
izes God rises in all those qualities
that God gavo him in his creation,
'both intellectual and moral.
Truck gardening and poultry grow
ing nro two branches of agriculture
In which tho farmers near tho main
linos of tho throo transcontinental
linos traversing Wcstorn Canada are
much concorned. Tho nbundanco ot
cunshino during tho long days from
May to Soptombor, and ndoquato mols
turo In tho spring nnd curly summor
permit of a wldo variety of crops, The
soil Is rich and warm and l ouslly
worked. Closo attention to cultiva
tion hns resulted In record yields ot
all sorts of vcgotablo nnd small fruits
which bring good prlcos in tho cities
nnd at tho numorous railway construc
tion camps.
Mr. Harris Olum, an Alborta farmor,
camo from South Dakotn cloven years
ago and homesteaded the first 1C0
rtcres In hla township in 1902, which
was divided between grain and pas
ture. Ho earned sufficient money to
buy a quarter section of railway land
nt $11 an aero. Tho halt section nottod
proportionate profits nnd ho gradually
Increased his holdings to 1,920 acres,
which was devoted to mixed farming
last year. Ho values his land at $50
nn aero.
Mr. Olum markets from 100 to 125
boga and a similar number ot beef
cnttlo each year. Ho haB 200 hogs,
mostly pure bred Poland China, 25
head draft horses and 35 head of pure
bred Hereford cattlo. By feeding bar.
loy to hogB he cstlmatoa that tho grain
nets him 80 contB a bUBhel, as com
pared with 40 cents, tho avorngo mar
ket prlco when delivered to tho ware
house. Ills avorago crop of barloy Is
40 bushels to tho ncro, whllo oats av
orago 80 bushels.
By writing any Canadian Govern
ment Agent, full particulars aB to best
districts on which to securo homo
Bteads will bo choorfully given. Ad
vertisement Why He Is Known.
Tho clasB In ancient history was ro
citing. "Now, Harry, can you tell mo
who Nebuchadnezzar was?" askod tho
teacher. "Nebuchadnozznr," answered
tho boy, right off tho bat, "was tho
greatest ot tho Babylonian kings, and
for his connection with tho Hebrews
ho got a wrlto-up In tho Blblo."
That Is L
fur tho flu
' tho signature of R. W. tlllOV
In One Uuy, Cures Orip la Two Days.
IV 18
Cure a Culd
No sprinted can got over tho ground
fast enought to overtake tho golden
opportunity that has escaped.
lira. Wlnslow'a Boothlne Syrup for Children
teething, of tens the gums, reduces Inllauiuin
tlpn.ttllaja paln.curea wind colloCc o bottlejkdt
Itobbory Is robbery, no matter
whether it 1b dono by tho sandbag, or
a trick In trado.
LEWIS' Singlo Binder costs more thnn
other So ciprs. Mado of extra quality
tobacco. Adv.
It never makes a sin any
to call It a mistake.
Chargo Tor tho advlco you hand out
If you want pcoplo to tako It,
Promotes Digcslion,Cliccrful
ncssandRcst.Conlains neither
Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral
Not Mahc otic
Knipt rQlHDrSAMl'EimiCi&
ftmjthu ostd "
AMtlltSaHi .
h'trinSttd '
Wmkrrrm fhtvor
A perfect Remedy forConsllp
lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrlioea,
ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP
Voc Simile Signature of
The CcNTAun Company,
new YORK:
Guaranteed under tho Foodarrf
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
TrCj.jr wwiiw '" .- " unit r
u ,
tC j 1 1 1 ii m i In :7r;T7rn7ii; i i7?T:7rrmTiTtTiTiTTTiniTi ilrTJTiTrn jl
lt AVegdablc Preparation for As- J
ijswl similalingilieFoodandlfcgula-1
feU lingiheSlomachsandBottclsor
ILE. Rotjora N. IL Drjson A. E. ltojera T. U. Brjrson D. O. Rojers
Snlnr more aaaiit brlahter and fatter colors than any other drc One 10c psckare color all fiber. They dye In cold water better than any other dye, You can
fft"artnn toklt-How to ige, Pleach and MU Cofori. MONROE DHtJG COMiANV. Quincy, Hi.
PJP. p'
fr f for
Here is n smoke with the real, genuine to
bacco taste that beats till urtificial tastes. ,
Every grain of it is pure, clean tobacco. '
Ilolled, or tucked into a pipe, it makes a de
lightful smoke.
If you have not smoked Duke's Mixture, made by
Liggett cV Myers at Durham, N. C, try it now.
In each 5c sack you ret one and a half ounces of
fine Virginia and North Carolina leaf, that is unsurpassed
by any granulated tobacco you can buy.
A Free Present Coupon
These coupons are good for hundreds of vnluabla
presents. There are shaving sets, jewelry, cut glass, base
balls, tennis racquets, talking machines, furniture, cam
eras, and dozens of other articles suitable for every member
of the family each of them well
Visitor So bo trimmed tho people
hero out of thousands of dollars? He
must havo been smooth. How did he
do It?
Nntlvo Simply by addressing every
Doinocrat In town, in an apparently
absent way, as "postmaster." Puck.
Tho sin that is spared bocauao It
pays 1b the ono that kills.
For Infants and Childron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Year
Write for book snvlng younif clilckn. Henil in
nainea of 7 frlcmln tit tike inculintnr nnd Ret
book free. lUIa.!l Ueuiedy Co,, lllauk well.Okla,
1 wSI5k
r4i A "MjP
Bears the
Signature JA
j For
smokers of
worth saving tho coupons for. .
As a special offer, dur
ing March and April
only, zue wilt send our
new illustrated cata
logue of these presents
I'liJlilii. Just send us your
name and address on a
Cbufont frtm fiulflMirtnr? may
TWI3T, rouponi it am FOUR
ROSES (lOc-tm doubltCQtifn),
uuniu.iiLD, and ctntr
taxi or coupont inued ty ut.
Address Premium Dept.
IH Hinir AND
!H Liiis i'iticu i
For Tonni the ProTlne
of Alliertn (Wnwern
l'anla) win tho Big'
ut thmn ranches tod it
iirnluiineciDKraln ttelcu
and tha catlla hava
dace to tho cnltlTotlon cf
lioat. oats barter and ltaxt tha
chance has made tuanr tbonmnd
of Americana, acttleu on time
plnlna, wcallhr, but It hat In
creased tho prlu of IIto itoci.
Them li nplonald opportunity
no ir to got a
Free Homestead
of lBOacrM (nnd another ana pnv
eruption) In tho newer dlattleu
m ptoai
tnatn ll
lucmnaaro alwara noou. the
ooj, the
rnatola excellent, achbols and
rhurciie are conTrnlcrit, markeu
plpudld, In either Manitoba, Sai
Kuicueniiii nr Aiimnn.
Hcnd fnr literature, the latert
Information, railway rate, etc, to
Boo Dullcllnff, Omaha, Net),
or address Superintendent of
Iiumlcrutloii, Ottawa, Cu.dt.
aaa w anw a am
521-531 W. Adame St, Chicoco
"AIlVAVIAIIKh (II' Oltl.GOV 2U0 page
ImoK, rivlnu liifnrinutlcn on atutu, amount al
(Jovtriunuit lund opvn to entry In each coun
ty. Kuiiurul (Udcrlmlon of same, for what beet
adapted Thmi yenr liomiittad law, iletert.
Umber atomi, coal, mineral 1nwi; achool land
In cntli county with luws. prloo and Initrue
tlona how to hu Amount of Uovmuneal
'and op' n to entry In each county In t' a,
with brief (Uarilpllnn Hunk 3io OKI, (ION
mup In color, showlnv U B land district.
It It In op ration, under conaiructlmi nnd
I rnpoc il 2rr rr both r0i Nlmrno, Ilnney
Co.. 41 lliiinllliiu lllili;., I'nrtlnuil, Orrciin.
Tunlllnacnunge Orny
Wft I rilSt I OU '" "r .'!',r.,I!r
. , i t '
TMttural Dark. (Ina
nn j
anteid or uioncr refunded. Dollar bottle mailed pr-
paid hcndWlo tilth yonrnrdiT. JlalancolOoper
for I1YHU weeks. TualtlM f U.,ui ill, ! 11.1.
Peruvian Pile Cure
Old Uetnedjr. II lion tent. Toa
far when cured, bend 10a for
rial alto. U t Jl, rtrtlu, Una.
tk jufllu clven
Inglon.H.U. HoolrafrM. Illh
est tdeieiuAA. ileit reaulu.