If 4 1 j:- $fe. heed, tiejBfaebird for ouiiappiness " Hat Pins, Collar Pins, in our show windows. , Our new' line of Spring forward and bck, Barretts, mesn Dags ancuvanity cases. DIXON, The Jeweler, U. P. Watch Inspector. 8Ssecstascea S OR. 0. II. CRESSLER. i Graduate Dentist. Offlprt nvnr flin AfrtTlnrinM ft State Bonk. S a Local and Personal Master J. D. Lonergan is ill with the mumps. Mrs. W. D. Waldo returned Saturday evening from Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Dillon left yes torday morning for Spoar. Clydo Trotter, of Brady, is spending this week in town on businoss. Attorneys Carl Holhmam is trans acting business in Grant this week. Philip Pizer loft for Ogalalla' yester day morning after visiting here for a week past. Mike McFadden, of Paxton, visited the McGovern family :ho latter part of last week. , Harry Porter left yesterday Jnorning for eastern Nebraska to transact busi for a few days. C. E. Mullen, of Overton, spent the first of this week visiting his sister Mrs. Tim Hanifln. J. D. the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Greison who was dangerously ill, is much improved. Simon Brogan, of Paxton, spent the week end in town visiting friends and transacting business. , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harwell, late of Brady, came hore last week1 with the intention of locating. Miner Hinman has returned from Omaha whore ho combined business and pleasure for a week. Mrs. Carl Lintz left last evening for St. Joe and Kansas City to buy spring styles for her millinerystore. ', William kortlange, of 'Omaha, spent the week end in town on business and visiting the Waltemath family. H. M. Hirsh, of New York, arrived here yesterday morning to accept a po sition as salesman in the Leader. Attorney Wilcox, Judge Grimes and court reporter Cary went to .Chappell yesterday morning on legal business. A marriage liconsa was granted Sat urday afternoon to William Schwanza and Miss Rosa Town, both of Maxwell. A. P. Kelly returned yesterday morn ing from Omaha whore he attended the automobile show and transacted business. fa " J Buick Shortage Coming. AM Mr. Davig'of this firtfr has just returned from Buick headquarters with the announcement that Buicks are selling at an alarming rate: that three-fourths of the Buick factory's output for 1913 has been SOLD and DELIVERED; that the Lincoln branch has re ceived over 1000 of the new model Buick cars: that we may not be able to get all of the 150 Buick cars which we have purchased. There were a number of disappointed Buick buyers last summer. Profit by their pxperience and order now. The spring rush will make it hard for you to secure a Buick a little later. J. S. DAVIS NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. J oil TffrlmnTPm m Brooches, etc. See them Jewelery, Hair Combs, Aigretts. See nur new Misses Hannah Young and Florine Lucas spent the week end in Suther land. Mrs. Claronce Browih, of Hershoy, is visiting hur mother Mrs. Leonard Cornott.. Senator Hoagland camo up from Lin coln Saturday and remained until Sun day night. Harry Worrell, of Sutherland, spent tho latter part of last week in this city visiting friends. Mr. Troup, of Kearney, who visited his son Harry Troup and wife last week, left Sunday evening. Mrs. Giddeon Winkleman who has been visiting in Fremont for several weeks, is oxpected home today. Miss Nella Rea, of tho local teaching staff, left at noon Saturday for a short visit with relatives in Loxington., MiBS Blanche Omar, of Brady, came Saturday morning to visit Mr. and Mrs. John Jones and Miss Irene McGeo. Miss Fern Garrison returned Satur day from Kansas City where she spent four weeks in a wholesale millinery. Mrs. Edward Robinson who had been visiting in Iowa sincoJXmas, returned home the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brady, of Iowa, arrived here Friday to visit the Sheody family and will probably locate here. Mrs. J. V. Robinson, of Iowa, who formerly lived here, came Saturday to visit her sons Robert and Edward Rob inson. Mrs. Burnett, of Rawlins, formerly of this city, anived here Saturday morning to visil her sister Irs. Fred Marti. Leslie Fristo, of Dickens, transacted 'business in town the latter part of last week and marketed a load of cattle at Omaha. Miss May Winters and Mrs. Freda Remington returned Sunday evening from a short visit in Lincoln with friends. Dr. Walter Crook roturned Sunday evening from tho Omaha auto show and a short visit with relatives in Carroll, la. If you are looking for real estate you are looking for C. F. Temple, for he has it, all kinds. Mrs. Osborne, of Cozad, who had been visiting her daughter Mrs. E. Sanders returned homo the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Jensen ye en joying a visit from tho latter's sister Miss Mollie Peniston of Rawlins, form erly of this city. . AUTO CO., IHBHMMHWMHMHMMH The Forest Reserve. The North Platto forest resor'yo, which Congressman Kinkald, In a letter to Tho Tribune, says will probably be opened to sotttlemcnt October 1st next, is located In the west part of McPher son and Grant counties and consists of about 370,000 acros. "I he greater part of tho land that north of town eigh teen milei -la in the Broken Bow land district and tho remainder in the North Platte district'. There are about 175 sections in thfs land district. Mr. Kin kaid's letter indicates that tho entries will be under. tho 640 acre act. Th land as a whqlo in rough and sandy and better adapted for grazing purposes than for farming. Biddie Kane Passes Away. Biddio Kane died at tho Nevillo rosi denoo Sunday evening at Ave o'clock at the ago of about soventy-nine. Death followed an illness of several weeks, and was due to physicial troubles of advanced ago. In point of continuous rcsidonce, tho deceased was North Platto's oldest resident, coming here with tho M. C. Keith family in the latter part of tho sixties. When but a young girl her parents died, and aha was given a homo by Mr. and Mrs. Keith, who wero then residents of Now York State. Later tho family moved to St. Joo, Mo., whero Biddie accompanied them, and then about 1868 the family removed to North Platto and tho deceased hud since re sided here. When M. C. Keith died, provisions wero mado in his will for tho support of Biddio ns long as sho lived, and after Mr. Keith's death she contin ued to make her home with tho grand son M. Keith Neville. Though for so many years a resident of our ciy, comparatively few of our people knew her personally, her friends being limited to members of tho house hold and a few of the nenrcr neighbors. Of late years sho had been a recluso in her homo and it is said she had not been on tho up town streets for a dozen or more years. Tho funeral was held from the Catholic church this morning. To you Mr. House Buyer who is lookimg for one of the finest houses in North Platte at a bargain price. The Alphnnso Picard residence on E. 6th St., only 7 blocks out has just been dropped to $4300.00 for quick sale. 7 rooms, bath, closets and 8 ft base ment under whole house, whole down stairs finished in oak, evon pantry. li lots on northeast corner. See me at once about this property. C: F. Temple. Rev. Favoright Resigns Pastorate. North Platte Nob., March 2, 1913. To tho First Baptist church, My dear people: In the wisdom and providencoof God, tho time is at hand for the ties, that havo bound us so closely in fellowship and service for so long a time, to be severed. This stop has not beon taken hastily nor unadvisedly, nor until tho Lord pro vided other workers, who are just now available to carry tho work right for ward. For a good many months constant prayer has been offered for the Spirits' guidance in t'hi3 matter. It will be strictly true to say that purely a sense of duty has kept us at our post for more than a year past. The sure guid ing hand of Qqq, and your answering loyalty and devotion have mado it im possible for us to leave sooner, though personal inclination has pressed hard at times, and other Macedonian cries have come. Until our work wns done, and other available, loadors wero forth coming to do a greater work we could not leave. The church equipment and church life ushers in a new era, and tho Lord pro vides new loaders. There are higher heights yet to attain and your devotion, consecration, loyalty, co-opuration and unfailing support will bring about greater achievement 'and multiplied victories. Beloved, hard and painful as is the task, I hereby offer my resignation as pastor of this church, to take effect not later thaa May 1, 1913. Kindly take action on this next "Wed nesday evening, March 5th. Mait Sincerely Yours, In the interests of this church and the Kingdom of God. R. B. Favowght. SWEET CREAM. We aro now handling Bunting's San itary sweet cream, in bottles, and guarantee every ounce to "whip". Price 20 cents per pint; 40 cent por quart. Can furnish large quantities any time. Try this and bo convinced it s tho best in town. 10-10 E. T. KEUHEit. AlvinElias spent Sunday with friends in Lcxiugton. Attorney George Gibbs spent Sunday with friends in Grand Island. Jnmoti Baker returned Sunday even ing from a short visit in Lexington. Miss Mabel StotTord went to Paxton yesterday morning to visit friends. Homer Rector was a yisitor in Suth erland tho first part of this woek. Tho S. O. C. Club will meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. Lawhead. Fireman Norman Connelly returned Sunday evening from a short visit in Omaha. Lots in Fairview Ad dition On Sale Tomorrow Lots in Fairview Addition to North Platte, hotter known as tho old fair grounds, will be for sale on and after March 5th, 1913, by F. J. Diener & Co., Room 3, McDonald block, corner Dowey and Front Sts. This addition lies east of the Scouts Rest Addition about three blocks west from the now round house, convenient for parties wishing location near round house and machine shops, also good in vestment for speculators. To your ad vantage to investigate this. Lots are on high dry ground, and will be for sale at tho tollowing prices. Cornor lots from $110 to $115, inside lots from $80 to $90. Terms if not cash. $10 to $j5ddwn, balance $5 to $10 per month as doslrcd and agreed upon. 10 percent discount for cash. Now Is your chanco to secure good lots at low prices. Do not delay ns values on this kind of property are. sure to advance soon. Come early and make your choice, as there will be a great demand for theso desir able lpts. Parties wishing to buy lots will bo given free transportation. Call or phono Red 572. F. J. DiENER & Co. Real Estate & Insurance. Kearney Woman to Have an Election. Koarncy appears to bo full of suf fragettes, and just now the question of wet or dry occupies their serious atten tion Of course, a majority of them are ferninst the wet proposition, and a novel plan to be carried out is to give the women of tho town a chanco to voice their sentiments on the wet and dry iBsue, prior to tho regular city olec tion. It is the plan of tho women's auxili ary that a special election be held on March 8 at which tho women only will bo allowed to cast their vote. Election booths will be established at regular given points and ballots printed and polls oponed the same as city elections. This'plan has been tried in other cities and proved o most effective way of gotting a straw vote upon tho question. For Sale My property at 323 Wes 8th Street. Geo. S. Baskins. Attorney Jamos Keefe went to Deuel county yesterday on legal bus iness. Edward Murphy, of Brady, was among the business callers it town yes terday, Miss Alice Plummer, of Maxwell, Is spending a few days in this city with fridVids. The L. O. T. M. will hold a ten cent social at tho I. O. O. F. hall Saturday aftornoon. The Lady Maccabees have rented tho I. O. O. F. hall and will hold their meetings there in futuro. Mr. and Frank Winkleman are ex pected home this week from an ex tended visit in Fremont with relatives. Missss Ninn Mnrcott and Gladys Swnncut, of Brady, wero guests of tho former's sister Miss Nona Marcott the last of last week. Homestead Land. Central California. Foothills. Good land, wator, wood, range. No snow, no storms, seldom frost. Springs, streams, big oaks. Full directions for locating yourself, includ ing copy of latest government town ship plat $1.00. Worth $100.00 to any one having homestead right. No re mittance, no answer. A. Kenoyer (Locator) Hanford, California. 8-0 For Solo Black Perchoron stallion, coming threo years old, weight 1650 lbs. Can furnish papora if desired. Address JaBi Klmmelj North Bend, Nebraska, R. R. No. 1. Nursery Stock iCatalpa Speciosa, genuine, $3.00 to $10.00 per 1000. Strawberry Plants $5.00 per 1000 Concord Grapes No. 1, $3.00 per 100. "Apple Trees, 4-5 feet 200 for 10. JFiheline of nursery stock on hand -$rke fpr price list today. ;'';' Qate City.Nuraery, 1802 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb r . The Old Reliable When your clothes need pressing, cleaning and repairing, let the Old Re liable Tailor do it-and do it right' Wo have been doing this work In North Platto for thirty years, know how to do it and do It the way it should bo dorio. TUni .nn n i I n f ..! .... , r. j. imujDrvjcK. Entrance north of tho Nynl drug store. , NOTICE FOR PUM.ICATION. Serial No, 06U5. Department of the Interior, U, B. Land Ofllce at North J'latte, Nebr." I'eb. 25, 1913. Notice I hereby iriven that Edwaiil Itlmn, of North I'lnttc, Nebr., who, on February B, 1910, made , Homeitead Entry No. 04&'J6, for NEWVnd tho EX of HEM. Section 2. twp. 15, N, nruSO, wut of the 6th I'rjnclual Meridian, has Mix) Mlotlco of Intention to make final three year proof, to catabllsh claim to tho land abovo described, before the reKlater and recelvi r, at North l'latte, Nebr., on the i!Sth day of April 1913. Claimant name as wltneoes: John Heaven, Robert Keevea, Frank Hood, Henry Grtelcy, all of North I'lattc, Nebr ml-0 J. E. Evnn. Register. Local and Personal. Wllcoxson's Employment Agency fur nislios nil kinds of help free, 'phono 90. Office hours 9 a, m to 4 p. m. 100- Julius Pizer returned Sunday oventng from Chicago and othor eastern points whoro ho spent ten days purchasing summer goodB. Attorney J. G. Bcoler ' returned the last of last woek from Broken Bow and hns since boan confined to tho houso with a siege of grippe. Wanted Girl for general housework. Mm. H. C. Brock, 711 W. 4th St. tf Miss Flo Deny, of Alamosa, an ac complished muslccian who visitod Miss Nell Bratt last week, left tho latter part of last woek. W. S. Ross, of Myrtle, says ho does not remombor n winter in the past twenty-fivo yoara when prairie chickens were so plentiful. This would indicato a big crop of the birds next fall. No. 14, six room cottago on west Sixth sjroot, fine lot and young treos, good location nhd'ehoap. $2100.00. ' C. F. Temple. Prof. Lcouhardt, who has been nway for somo time, stopped ovor in North Platto Saturday nnd his many friends havo induced him to tuno pianos onco more for tho pcoplo of this city. Those who want Mr. Lconhardt will please call at Mr. Clinton's store. No. 34, 5 room cottaco on south Lo cust street, onoof tho boat locations in tho south part of town. Only four blocks from central school. Nico lawn and trees, sheds and chicken house. Some forestry shade trees and n few fruit trees. This property is one of the best bargains wo have ovor had. Prico $2500.00. C. F. TEMPLE. What are You Paying We Sell- 20 lbs Grnnulatod beatoi if Sugar al.UU 18 lbs Grnnulatod canof rj Sugar, for 5I.UU. Tomntoes, full sizo can ja standard per can 1 UC Corn standard per ''an 7c rr? 1 cans for DC Quaker Oats large pkg. . 2uC Quaker Oats small pkg.. IOC E. C. Corn Flakes 4 pkg.. 25C f Broken Rico per lb 0C Rico Jap type 4 lbs for. . . 2uC ' Prunes smhll size per lb.... 0C Corn Starch per pkg JJJC Gloss Starch por pkg '. C Corn Starch Kingsfords per o Pkg , OC Silver Gloss Starch por pkg oC "feast Foam 4c pkg 3 for. . 1 ()C Lewis Lyo per can oC Eagle Lyo por can oC American Lye por can oC We pay cash for your butter and eggs. ikox Department Stc The Waste of the 1 Wash Tub. Talk about waste I One of tho biggest wastes In the world Is when a woman stands nta wash tub and tries to do tho work of a modern power laundry. Wash tub washing moans wasto of time nnd monoy. It is bad for tho clothos and worse for the washwoman to wash clothes properly; they should be sent to a laundry thnt uses up to date equipments. DICKEY'S SANITARY LAUNDRY. "YOUR BOSOM FRIEND." Auto Delivery THE PALACE CAEE Offers torosidents of, nnd visitors to, North Platto, tho most finely appointed service In Western Ncbrnika, and with this is a menu that cannot bo excelled for tho prico. Regular moans aro served and short ovders can bo obtaine'd any hour day or night. THE PAIiACB OAFE, Opposite U. P. Depot. Miss Cora Scai;fff of St. Louis, ar rlvod yesterday afternoon to accept a position as trimmor in tho " Leader millinory. ' North Platto had. the distinction of being tho coldest pofnt of any of tho government weather bureaus reporting; nnd these bureaus covor tho entire country. Tho temperature recorded eighteen below zero, but it was so calm thnt tl'o cold was not keenly folt. Investigation of tho Union PncifW collision at Koarnoy shows that tho engineer had left the train ih charge of tho flromnn and had, gone t6 lunch when tho collision took placo in the yards. Conductor Mitchell, who was reported seriously hurt, was not in ured. Tho Blankcnburg boys.who for nnum bor of years have resided on their ranch at Gnnnott, havo moved to tho Cary property in tho Fourth ward, wjlch moy rccenuy purcnasca. xney nave leased tho ranch to W. A. Fay, fof Maxwell. Mrs. BUkenburg will mnk)' her homo with her sons. Tho amateur vaudevlllo act given at tho Keith theatre Friday evening by Company Q entitled "Tho Movies" is said to havo been very clover and ox ceptionally well ronderod by tho dozen young men who took part. Miss Nella RIdgway, daughter oty W. RIdgway, a former North Platto resident, is one of tho -four applicants for the postmnstershlp at Lexington, Her opponents are Miss Jacobson at present a clerk in tho ofllpo, O. K. Jones and Thomas Mahcr. Jonos has tho endorsement of tho county central committee. for Groceries? Fels Nnptha Soap per cake. DC Soda Crackers largo boxes l perlb 02C Oyster Crackers largo l boxes per lb , 0-C K. C. Baking Powder 2o ozcan ,. Z)C Royal Baking Powder 10 ig ozcan 4DC Dr. Prices Baking Powdor ip 1G ozcan 4DC Kraut percan, lUC Hominy per can lUC Pink Salmon per can )C Sweet Potatoes per can. . I 2G Potatoes 15c peck por rt bushel, ....?...... DUG Coffee fair grade, por lb.. . DC California Fruits in good n syrup por cant Z)0 Coconnut best grade Jib i g puckngo per pkg IDC Evnporated Apples 'per Horso Shoo Tobacco, per 1 p ib. 45c Spear Head Tobacco por 1 a lb 4DC Stnr Tobacco per lb. . ,j . . 45C J.T. Tobacco por lb 40C Phone 77 RICIII UGAI, Proprietor,