The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 28, 1913, Image 5

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The Pride of Possession .
Any lady, with social ambitions, may be pardonably proud
of owning good jewelry. Ever since the days of Eve, jew
elry in some form or other has been used to add its charm
to feminine loveliness. Pretty jewelry, properly worn, im
parls an air of refinement to the wearer that is both
attractive and interesting to the observer.
Uniqm Designs in new Jewelry
It U with a feenngr of pride that we call attention to the Pretty
New Jewelry which we are showing" Oii season. All the Jicst
products of the Quality lines are featured in the new additions to
our stock, which-is made up of
Bracelet Watches
Gold Bracelets
Neck Chains
Watch Fobs
Watch Pins
Brooches Vanity Cases LaVnllierres
Sautolrs Signet Rings Lockets
Beads Cuff Links Bar Pins
Pendants Handy Pins Collar Pins
Novelties And many other Novelties
We court inspection of these lines without
any feeling or obligation on your part
DIXON; The Jeweler.
esssse sue
0. 11. CRESSLER,
Graduate Dentist.
Office over; the McDonald
Statu Bank.
' " - - - -
Local and Personal
John Davis loft yesterday morning
for tho automobile show in Omaha.
Mrs. M. J. O'Connell and baby have
returned from a short visit in Omaha.
Geo. Diener and son who spent the
past five months in Texas, have re
turned home. j
Mrs. W. T. Berry, of Omaha, came
vesterday morning to spend a few day
with friends.
J . F. Rodman, Union Pacific gardener,
spent the fore part of this v.pek in
town on business.
Two local young people well known in
socinl and business circles will be prin
cipals in an Easter wedding.
A. P. Kelly left last night, for Omaha
to attend the automobile show and
transact business thiswoek.
Mrs. Granger, of Gothenburg, who
visited her son Guy Granger this week,
went home yesterday afternoon.
S. S. Jaoobs of the construction staff
of the new U. P. round house, left last
night for St. Louis to spend a week or
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Troup are en
joying a visit from the former's
father who arrived here from Kearney
yesterday morning.
For Sale A 7 year lease on the store
building now occupied by me. First
door south of McDonald State Bank.
Inquire of Clabaugh. , .
Postmaster Sailor, of Elm Creek,
came up Wednesday to visit his wife,
who has charge of the millinery de
partment at Tho Leader.
Mrs. D. M. Hogsett and family are
expected here today 'from Grand Junc
tion to make their home. Mr. Hogsett
has been employed hero for several
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mason, who are
spending the winter .in California,
write local friends that they are having
a pleasant visit and enjoying the best
of health.
The local homestead of Yeomen are
holding rehearsols for an operetta on
titled The Crowning t of tho Gypsy
Queen. Fifty local people are in the
cast and it will bo presented at tho
Keith on March 25th.
Miss Pearl Jones, of Hastings, who is
employed as SeventjDay Adventist
stenographer here, was ..called toHer
shey yesterday by thViJIpesB of her
granoiatner uev. w. u e-vuub,
No. sV. New four room cottage,
located on south Chestnut street. This
is a nice little homo and is cheap. Price
Price $1800.00. , Q. F. TEMPLE.
Mrs. Harry Block of Syracuse, N.Y.,
arrived here Wednesday to join her
husband who is making arrangements
to open a ladies' ready to wearstore
in tho near future in the building south
of tho Rexall drug store.
The North Platte section is now
covered with about five inches of snow,
an inch nnd a half of which fell Tues
day night and the remainder Wednes
day night. The precipitation is most
gladly welcomed; it will require farmers
and ranchmen to feed more hay, but it
will result in moistening the ground and
get it in shape for spring plowing and
planting. 0
Reduces Interest Rate.
Tho Mutual Building and Loan As
sociation of North Platte has roducodl
interest on its lonns to sixty cents per
month on each one hundred dollars.
On account of its accumulated profits
it is enabled to pay tho borrower eight
ftor cent interest on his principal pay
ments, whiah it is claimed makes the
interest cost to tho borrower lower
than that of any, association in the
state; not excepting tho Omaha associ
ations whero tho contracts are made
for G 3-5 per cent interest per annum.
This reduction takoa effect March 1st,
nnd applies to all lonns past as well
as future.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Carcon have re
turned from a short visit in Omaha.
Wanted Girl for genoral housework.
Mrs. H. C. Brock, 714 W. 4th St. tf
Dr. Walter Crook left Wednesday
evening for Omaha to attend the auto
W. H. C. Woodhurst Went to Ogal
alla yesterday afternoon to adjust fire
Mr. and Mrs. Colborn left Wednes
day for Pocatello to make their home in
For Sale My property at 323 West
8th Street. GEO. S. BASKINS.
Li. w. walker Iclt Wednesday even
ing for Omaha to spend a few days on
M. P. Lee, of tho Union Pacific round
house force has rcturne d' from a
short visit in Omnha.
L. B. Shallenborger, of Herhey,
came down Wednesday on business at
the court house.
Mrs. "W. T. Martin, of Louisville,
Ky., will arrive today to visit her sister
Mrs. John Burgnor.
Cash Austin left Wednesday evening
for Omaha to spend tho week end on
business and pleasure.
Looking for real estate? Why you
want to see. (J. K temple.
Mr. and Mrs. William Yost and
daughter expect to leave in a few days
for Omnha on business.
The quarantine for scarlet fever was
raised from the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. S. Coates Wednesday.
Will Vroman, of Gothenburg, spent
the forepart of this week in town trans
acting business and visiting frionds.
The W. R. C. supper which was to
have been held Saturday has been
postponed on account of tho weather.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roasch who were
married here a few days ago have gone
to Gothenburg to make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hogg purchased
the Robinson house in the fourth ward
Wednesday for a consideration of $4,000.
William Hutchens who had peen tak
ing treatment for rheumatism in Grand
Island for several days returned hero
Mr. and Mrs. John Ell have began
house keeping in the rooms over the
Star Clothing house formerly used by
Dr. Dillion.
Mrs. Floyd Passmoro has roturncd
from Omaha whero she visited her
husband who is taking treatment in a
hospital there
Raymond & Boardman, local stock
buyers, shipped a car of toppy horses
to Jordan, N. Y. Mr. Boardman ac
companied tho car.
Mrs, Elizabeth Conkling, of Omaha,
is demonstrating Postum and Post
Tavern cereals in the local grocery
stores thla week.
Mrs. F, Joseph Sullivan, of Brady,
who visited Miss Elsie Cohagen this
week while enroutc homo from a six
weeks' visit in Denver, left last night.
Lots are Belling lively In
Scout's Rest Addition and
the Cody Socond Addition.
Have you bought yours?
Will Rowland has been out of servico
for several days on account of having
been struck above tho right eyo by a
falling pipe Tuesday which inflicted a
bud cut and discolored the eye.
Miss Ella Corbett, of Wallace, who
has been taking a course at tho Keistor
dress making school for several weeks,
will leave in a few days. While here
she visited her cousin Miss Noll Hannifin.
Forest Reserve to Open Oct. 1st.
In a letter to The Tribuno, dated
Tuesday, Congressman Kinkaid writes:
"Permit mo to advise you, I am ex
pecting the Prepident to sign and pro
mulgate, within the next few days, a
proclamation, with tho contents of
which I am familiar, for the oponing of
most all of the lands contained in the
North Platte Forest Reservo to homo
stead entry under our Nobraska One
Section Act, tho oponing to occur Oc
tober first next Details as to the open
ing will not bo formulated for some
time, possibly not until as latoas sixty
days previous to the dato of opening."
Colonel Cody Will Sell Ranch.
The following dispatch was sont out
from Omaha to the oastern papers yes
terday: The state of Nebraska learned with
regret today that Colonol W. F. 'Cody,
otherwise known as "Buffalo Bill," in
tended selling his famous old ranch,
"Scouts' Rest," located near North
Platte and containing 3,000 acres.
"Scouts' Rest" is tho place "Buffalo
Bill" has called "home" sinco tho early
days of Indian fighting. For yenrs it
has been tho main point of interest in
this state for all travelers. Princes,
Russian dukes, English lords and noted
globo rrottors have been entertained
there. Tho value of tho ranch is esti
mated at $100,000.
We are now handling Bunting's San
itary sweet cream, in bottles, and
guarantee every ounce to "whip".
i'nee 0 cents per pint; 40 cent por
quart. Can furnish large quantities
any timb. Try this nnd bo convinced it
is the best in town.
10-10 E. T. KKLIHEIt.
LigKtweight Spring Coats
In Which tho Newest Stylo. Ideas Have Been
Admirably Carried to a Point of Perfection
One of the most prominent features of these Spring
Coats is the stunning patterns of their materials. It is
more than probable that five years ago these same pat
terns would have bee deemed far too "loud". But times ""
and ideas both change, and the superb and striking fabric
of which these coats are made are the most stylish and
popular of the present season.
As for the styles in which these coats are made,
there is very little that we can say here, because anything
that we could shy would fall far short of conveying to
your mind a just impression of their beauty and becoming
ness. Here you will find all the popular three quarter
full length models. Suffice it to promise that you will
find, here the very newest fashions and all of the newest
fashions. It has been our aim to represent every good
style here, and we are confident that we have succeded.
We'd like every woman in town to inspect this
collection of Spring coats, while it is complete. Can't
you arrange to come tomorrow. "
The case of John Ganson et nl, of
Hershey vs E. Van Natta and wife for
the neglect and non-support of their
family of six children was tried Wed
nesday in tho county court. A large
number of witnesses testified for both
defendant and plaintiff nnd the scene
between the mother and children was
pitiful when it was suggested that they
be taken away to the Cnild Saving
Institute. The judge after hearing the
evidence reserved his decision until a
lattor date in order to give tho fathor
an opportunity to reform and become
a better provider.
The state senate indefinitely postponed
several railroad measures Wednesday.
Among them were the following: Pro
viding that light engines shall be manned
by a full crew; providing for faro col
lector on all passenger trains; providing
for full crew on switch engines; provid
ing for shelter for passengers on fnr
side of double tracks; and to provide
clean water and other conveniences in
cabooses. Later in tho day it was de
cided to give the bill providing for full
crews on twitch engines another chance
for passage.
The Burlington strike, in which all
members of the brotherhood of locomo
tive engineers left their, engines, and
traffic of tho system was' tied up for
weeks, took place twonty-fivo years
ago yesterday, tho strike order becom
ing effective at 4 a. m., Feb. 27, 1888.
After a long struggle tho road finnally
found it possible to move traffic rogu
larly and handle its business. Since
the road has como under Hill owner
ship tho brotherhood has again orga-
nizeu me engineers and nearly all en
gineers are now members.
We have town properties, ranches and
farms of all kind. If you are wanting
to buy call and see us. Office room No.
one, I. O. O. F. building. We want to
make your acquaintance.
C. F. Temple.
In tho supreme court at Lincoln
Tuesday it was held that a concern
must label tho oxBct proportion of the
ingredients of a product that it places
on the market. This opinion grew out
of a case that originated in Lincoln
county, Paxton , & Gallagher being
charged wijth violating the pure food
laws in labeling maple syrup "pure"
when in fact it contained soventy-fivo
per cent cane and twenty-live per cent
maple syrup.
By a vote of fifty-six to fourteen the
lower house of the Nobraska legisla
ture passed the bill requiring railroads
to equip all swtyh stands with light be
tween sun set and sun rise.
The Lady Macabees will give a social
dance Monday, March 31st at tho Lloyd
opera house.
Tho bill to create a department of
labor with a cabinet officor at its hend
passed the senate Wednesday after less
than an hour's consideration. Thomoas
ure had previously passed tho house, but
amendments in the senate will require
perfection in conferonco before it is pre
sented to President Taft.
Presbyterian Church Notes.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Proaching
services at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.
Morning theme: "Tho Uses of Shattered
Plans and Purposes." Evening theme:
"The Infiuenco Exerted by Christians,,
Living and Dying." Men's bible class
with pastor. Endeavor bocioties at 3
apd G;40 p. in. You are cordially in
invited to these services.
A missionary tea will bo given at tho
manse of the First Presbyterian church
this afternoon. There will bo a program
nnd election of officers. You nro in
vited. The Brotherhood will meet this even
ing in tho Pastor's Study at the church.
Hair Dresser from Denver.
Stopping nt the Union Pacific hotel
for about ten days. Switches made
from combings (roots carefully turned)
switches furnished, old switches made
over and colored like new. Ladies
bring your work and see it done. Work
done while horc. Lndies cull from 2 to
5 p. in.
Residents of West Grand Island were
thoroughly incensed yesterday by tho
fiendish act of some one whoso name has
not been lcnrned. Coal oil was poured
on n cat and the annimal was sot on firo
and then released Tho frantic annimal
ran under tho structure and set fire to
the dills of tho house of Moll Schuyler.
Mrs. M. L. Depue discovered tho house
burningnnd notified Mrs. Schuyler and
the two ladies, with the aid of buckets
of water, puL out tho flames. Tho cat
was burued so badly that it will have to
bo killed. It belongs to tho Frank
James family. An effort is being made
to discover who committed tho act, and
the party will bo brought to time in
short order if apprehended. Indepen
dent. Considerable annoyance and trouble
has been caused lately by a crowd of
loafers who make it a practice to be on
liand near tho Keith theatre when ever
a play with chorus girls is showing there.
It is their custom to peep into the wind
ows of the dressing rooms, and on sev
eral occasions when the windows wore
locked they broke sovernl panes of glass
and threw articles into tho rooms at the
samo time making insulting remarks.
Tho parties who do this are known and
if it continues their names will bo pub
lished. '
For Sale Black Percheron stallion,
conning three years old, weight 1050 lbs.
Can furnish papors if desired. Address
.las. Kimmel, North Bend, Nebraska,
R. R. No. 1.
The Waste of the
i Wash Tub.
Talk about waste! One of the biggest wastes in tho
world is when a woman stands nt a wash tub nnd trios
to do tho work of a modern power laundry. Wash t,ub
washing moans wnsto of timu and money. It is bad
for the clothos nnd worse for the washwoman to wash
clothes properly; thoy should bo sont to a lnundry that
uses up to date equipments.
Phqne 77
tTaREEaatSzaESECTr.m.'Wftni MKHaiasaagsssaisai
Offers to residents of, nnd visitors to, North Platte, the most
finely appointed service in Western Nebraska, nnd with this
is a menu that cannot bo excelled for tho price. Rogular
means are sorvod and Hhoil orders can bo obtained any
hour day or night.
Opposite U. P. Depot.
The Old Reliable
When your clothes need pressing,
cleaning nnd repairing, lot the Old Re
liable Tailor do it-and do it right ' Wo
have been doing this work in North
Platto for thirty years, know how to
do it and do it the way it should bo
That moans satisfaction to you.
Entrance north of tho Nyal drug store.
Doctors Ames & Ames,
Physicians and Surgeons,
Office over Stone Drug Co.
Phones I Office 273
rnones n i.i- o
r.p0fgf inmntinnn'innndfwuM
I eupi
4.4-444.4 44 4 444444 4.4 44 44 4.
3 Physician anil Surgeon, I
2 Ofilce over McDonald Bank.
4 Phones Office-130
J lnom.8 J ReBidenco 11B .
) 4k
mm mil aivd
You Tim and Money
By telephone you quickly obtain a
personal interview with the party you
There is a decided advantage in using tho
telephone in transactions you realize should bo
handled personally.
The Bell Telephone brings distant cities and
towns within the rango of your voice, affording
practically a face-to-faoe talk.
Bell Service comprehends a system of ex
changes and long distance lines, permitting
rapid and economical communication nearly
6 ,