H (r'?o'-',-' .-S0&1 ,, & BggSEvSii i;l ; s'y Xtr Local and Personal Miss Nellie Toole, of Kearney, who visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boylo the first of this week, has roturned to Kear ney. Fred J. Roach and Miss Helena Swanson, both of Farnam, woro quietly marriod by Judge Grant Tuesday after noon. Mrs. Edward Burko ha roturnod from a week's visit In Denver wHoro she visitod relatives nnd transacted business. - - -?.l drv'.rffV..VVi Q: m OVix, Ko. 50 R5E5 We have a very pretty line of mesh bags also fancy leather bags; something new. Let us show you. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optican. tj&frfe-ffrfr-393arfrCj- PHONE 4 OR 8 For Your Drugs. Ordoro De livered promptly. REXALL and DRUG STORES m in NYAL 2 'i' fcfc v Local and Personal E. N. Otrior has boon in Omaha this wook attending the nutomobllo show. Rov. McDaid spent the fore part of this week in Tryon. Mits Blanche Mooro loft tho first of this wcolc for Hershey. Mrs. W. F. Cody returned "Wednes day morning from Denver. A social danco was held in tho K. P. hall Wednesday evening. x Arcliio Watta returned homo Wednes day morning from Omaha. A baby boy was born Wednesday to Mr, and Mrs. Henry Lintz. Mrs. P. D. Elder left Wednesday for Minden to spend aweek with her par ents. Miner Hinmnn loft tho first of this week for Omaha to attend tho nuto show. Miss Mny Winters left last evening for Lincoln to spoiul 'three days with friends . Claude Carpontor, of Curtis, Is visit ing his brothor Lawrence Carpontor this week. J.nmes Kllmartin, , of Keystone, is aponding this week with Mi, and Mrs. Lconnrdi Tho Lady Forresters will moot in their now hall at threo o'clock this afternoon. William Boll, of.Hershey, spent sov oral days in town this week on business interests. Company Q ot th local high school will give bh entertainment at tho Koith this evening. Mrs. Freda Remington loft last night for Lincoln, whore sho will visit friends unUl Monday, P. J. Gilman was able to bo out yes totday aftor boing ill with la grippo aor ten dnys. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brooks visited tho latter partof last week with Gothen burg relatives.. Miss Maybelld Burko has returned from Denver whore oho spent a week with her aunt. N. C. Bowen, of Ingham, waB n town Wednesday and whilu hero purchased a new Hup car. 3. G. Wllbergor, of Herahoy, Bpont tho foro part of this wook in town on business matters. Will Carroll, of McCook, who visited Ids mother tho first of this week loft Tuesday morning. Miss Marie Doran has accepted a position an stenographer in tho Wilcox & Halllgan office. Now dross silks 7Gc n yard and up, at Wilcox Department Store. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lewis havo re turned from Omaha whoro Mr. Lcwla took medical treatment Miss Ruby Freetrmn, of Columbus, arrived hero Wednesday afternoon to visit her aunt Mrs. Rodgors. Wilcoxson'B Employment Agcnoy fur nishuB all kinds ot help f reo, 'phono 90. Office hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. 100- Ben Reynolds, of Rawlins, in expected to day to accept employment in tho Wlicox Departmont Storo. Fremont Fockhnm, of Gothenburg, transacted business at tho county super intendent's office Wednesday. Frank Powers, of Columbus, who visited his daughter and othur relatives last wook, loft a fow dayB ago. Miss Unto) Rork will return to Colo rado Springs in a fow days after spend ing two weeks with nor paronts. Ono thousand pounds of drosaed poultry Jwero shipped wost yesterday afterjjiqon?,by. tho. ,North Platte, Produce Co. ' ' James Hart has returned from a week's visit in Omaha. John Spies, of Omaha, spent tho foro part of this week with tho home folks. A. F. Beelor, of Herahoy transacted business In town the first of this week. Attornoy Ji G. Bceler spent a few days this week in Brokdn Bow on busi- noBi. Miia Lena Baskins returned Tuesday evening from a short visit in Grand Is land. , "v W. T. Berry camo up from Omaha Wednesday to transact buainoss for tho U. P. company. Mr. and Mrs1, Roy Banks will begin housekeeping tomorrow in their houso in the Bank's addition. Frank Davis, of tho Davis garage, has accepted a position in tho Hin mnn nutomobllo garage. Gono Combs will leave this week for Lincoln to visit his family and transact business for a week. Miss Flo Denny, of Alamosa, is tho guest of Miss Noll Brntt whilu enroute homo from a visit in tho east. Mrs. Loan, of Gothenburg, who visited her daughter, Mrs. Alex Brooks last wcok, has returned homo. W. K. Beauchamp, of Hershoy, Was n visitor at the county superintendent's office Wednesday on school interests. For Rent Five room furnished house, aloso In. Inquire Mrs. B. F. Wilcoxson, room 7 Waltemuth bldg. Phono 90. 10- Fred Gnrlow returned Wednesday morning from Omaha whoro ho com bined business and pleasure for a week. Mrs. Crnb and daughor Miss Cora, of Paxton, spent tho forepart of this week in town and returned homo Wednesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bert Culton who had been visiting relatives in Council Bluffs for twowooks, came homo Wednes day. ' Fred Wolngarid, of Omaha, who spent tho foro part of, this week with rela-Tues- tlves iorc, returned to Omaha day. , Miss'Villa Whittakor has returned from oaatcrn cttios whoro she spent several wooks purchasing spring milli nery. Earl Alexander, of Grand Island, who visited Harold Langford und Ollio Ellas Tuesday, left that evening for Denver. Minnie Xi. Jorgcnscn, of Roscoo, and John H. 'Enfield, of Sutherland, woro granted a irmrringo liaenso Wednesday morning. Mr, and Mrs. Sam Caminsky, of Ouray, Col., who woro guests of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Pizor, loft Wednesday afternoon; Philip Picard, formerly of this city, arrived hero yestorday from Omaha to visit relatives and friends while enrouto tp Alliance. Fred Jorgenson, of Paxton, came dpwn Wednesday to attend tho marri age of his sister Mlnnio to John Enfield of Sutherland. MIbs Rosa Jorgenson, of Paxton, who camo down Wednesday to visit friends and attend hor sister's wedding, left yesterday. Full lino of ladies and children's aprons made of fast color materials at Wlicox Department St6re. Mrs. Sailor, manager of the Leader millinery, has returned from eastern points whoro sho purchased her spring and summer goods, A number of local pooplo aro plnnnlng to attend tho "Made in Nebraska" show which will bo held inOmnlm from March Gift to'lfith'. ' ' Miss Lillian McCracHon, of Bouldor, who has been ill at tho homo of her sister Mrs. II. M. Grimes for somo timo, is Improving, An enjoy'ablo mooting of tho Novita club was held at tho home of Mrs. O. E. Well. Wednesday aftornoon. Lunch was sorved in courses. Mr. mid Mrs, John Enlicld, who were marriod hero Wednesday morning left for Roscoo that evening to make their home on a farm. Minnie L. Jorgensen, of Roscoe, and John II. Emfield, of Sutherland, woro granted a marriage licenso Wodnesday morning. C. C. Tomiska, proprietor of tho North Platto Produco Co., returned a; fow days ago from a business visit in Ravonna. M. J. Leonard, of Keystone, is visit ing his brother James Leonard while enroute homo from an extended visit in Canada. John Gcrkin and Miss Louiso Frank of Gothenburg, woro marriod in this city tho first of this week by County Judge Grant. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wilcoxson pur chased the Gould property on south Maplo street Wednesday and will take possession todav. Mrs. J. J. Halligan entertained a number of young folks at an informal party Tuesday oyoning. Nico refresh ments were served. Miss Sudman, of Chappcll, who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wnlte math while enrouto home from Arapa hoe, loft Wednesday evening. J. J. Halligan loft the early part of tho week for Washington, D. C, on legal business and will remain there until after tho inauguration ceremonies. Mr. and Mrs. William Hawley re turned Wednesday from a short visit in Sutherland and left that evening for Omaha to attend tho automobilo show. Assistant Goncral Manager Fuller, of the U. P. offices of Omaha, went thru Tuesday evening on tho "02" car en routo to western points on railroad business. Tho Rebokah chicken supper which was held in the I. O. O. F. hall Tues day evening was atteneed a couple hundred people who highly compli mented tlio ladies on tho excellent menu served. J. S. and W. S. Woods, of Wallace, who wore engaged in general merchan dise business for Bomo timo, havo filed voluntary bankruptcy and the case will bo taken up by Attorney W. V. Houg Innd. Several Keith county residents were in town Wednesday obtaining legal atlvico on tho creation of a bridge dis trict, voting bonds and building a bridge across tho North Platto river at a point near Sarbcn. 1 State Secretary 'Bailey, of tho Y. M. Cm A., wns in town Wednesday con ferring with tho local secretary in re gard to local matters, especially in re gard to the campaign for an associa tion building. Mrs. D. C Congdon has been a snireror from inflammatory rheumatism of the limbs for about two weeks past and it is with difficulty she moves about tho houso. ShCseems to hnvo contrnc tod tho trouble while onroute homo from hor visit in Chicago. 6' Studebaker Announcement Hendy-Ogicr Auto Co. will receive today , two 35 and two 25 Studebaker Automobiles. The public is invited to inspect these models at their garage 215 E. Sixth Street. si&iSmSizzt Lmw wi wit 1 ''A : StKtKmM1 This six passenger car, new in design is equipped with a Wagner Electric self-starter and lighting system, has u 6-inch wheel base and sells f. o. b. fac tory for $1,290.00 fully equipped. Why put as much in a car without starter and electric lights? The 25 is a very classy little model, 'fully equipped Prest-0 starter and lights, selling full yequipped f. o. b. factory $885. With agencies for the Ford and Studebaker Automobiles, we are selling the cars that sell in number above all other automobiles manufactured in the world and the prices are right. . With our new two- story garage on the corner of Dewey and Fourth street, which vjll be redely June 1st, we will be well able to handle, the auto sales and repair business in the future. HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. If in Doubt Busy wyy 1 OLtf YCUARANTCED SHORT PATtHTrfS J AyiD HARW It stands in a class by itself OUR OFFER Buy n sack of DAVID HARUM. Try it ns many times as you wish. If you aro not satisfied that it is worth the difference if you aro not convinced that it is the best flour you ever used you can hrng or send it back and we will refund purchuso price. Quality considered "DAVID HAR UM" flour is the cheapest flour on the market today. Herrod & Son, Phone 208. Notice to Bidders. Bids will be received on March 5, 1913, up to 8 oclock p. m. at my office, North Patte, Nebr., for tho arection of a pressed brick and stucco garage and office building on the corner of Dewoy and Fourth street in tho city of North Platto. Plans and specifications may b'o seen at the Dflicc of tho architect, Bert M. Reynolds, North Platte, Nebr. A certi fied check in the amount of $100 will be required with nil bids. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. 9-2 (Signed) Dr. N. McCabe. Miss Lucilo Abbott nnd William S. Trites of Hastings, wore Iho principals in an elopement tho first of this week which culminated in their marriago at Lincoln. The bndo is the soventeen year old daughter of M. M. Abbott of Hastings and the groom has been en gaged in newspaper work thoro for some time. Mr. Trites Bpent tho greater part of last summer in thjs city as contest editor for tho Daily Telegraph auto contest. Tho marriage arrangements were kept secret to avoid objoctions from relatives on account of tho bride's nge. Miss Abbott went to Lincoln ostensibly to attend a party and was met there by tho groom who already had secured the licenso. Tho wost end o! town Is tho place to buy property whon you can buy It right. Scout's Rest Addition and tho Cody Second Addition aro being sold out ot Investment val ues and at the somo timo on easy terms. Tho residence on tho Alex Richards' farm near Hershey was totally des troyed Tuesday by flro. The family Buffered tho loss of their furniture, clothing and all the houso contained as they woro not at homo at tho time.. Mr. Richards roccntly loft the local P. & S. hospital where ho was confined for soveral wcekB with an injured heel which ho sustained whllo resisting an officer, who was arresting him for pass ing worthless cheeks. For Sale -G hoad of young mules coming 2 and 3 year old. Inquire of C. P. Mnrtin, 802 E. 6th St. 7-4 M. E. Church. Snnday school 9:45 a. it., preaching 11 a. m., followed by tho Sacrament of tho Lord's SuppeiyJunior league 2:30 p.m., Epworth league G:30 p. m., preaching 7:30 p. m. Subject: The Trial and Crucifixion of Christ. This subject will bo handled from a critical stand point, with tho purpose of representing an unbiased view of the justice or in justice given to Christ in his trinl. "W. J. Tiley went to Gothenburg yes tarday afternoon to make arrangements for the Yeomen play to bo given there on March 7th. Tomorrow the drill team of tho local homestead of Yeomen will hold a tag day. During the past ono hundrdd years seven presidents of Mexico have been assassinated during revolutionary up rising. Uneasy, therefore, lies the hoad that attempts to rule and satisfy the sons or' Mexico. Dress goods all kinds and all prices at "Wilcox Department Storo. City Property for Sale. We have a number of choicely located lots with and without buildings, close in with sewer, city water, electric lights and sidewalks that we are offering at very low prices. Much less than we will be ablo to offer them when the spring opens up. In our judgment there will be a big advance on this class of property soon. Buchanan & Patteuson. Homestead Land. Central California. Foothills. Good land, water, wood, range. No snow, no storms, seldom frost. Springs, streams, big oaks. Full directions for locating yourself, includ ing copy of latest government town ship plat $1.00. Worth $100.00 to nny ono having homestead right. No re mittance, no answer. A. Konoyer (Locator) Hanford, California. 8-6 ' He ajn&&cJ?f&,mafiGjr' jw the J3&fsffve&js Our HiioooN.sfnZ lytislnoss nioi hogim by snvinsr tho first moiioy thoy onrncd so tlint wrlion n bnsi noss ahiuioo aro.su tliay iroro in a position to frntsp it. ATtmy senior mombovs oT grout firms boon mo junior momboi's of thnt sumo firm by 'hnvlniz ALOIS l$Y SA.V1SD -with which to buy tho first intorost thoy hntl in tho business. Stiirt n buttle nooount nntl soo lioxr happy you -will bo to soo it growf it will bo tho host frtonil vou havo, undthoMSS T JA It TAT 15 Ji. no YOUR banking with The First National Bank, OF NOIZTII PLATTfi, XB11RA.SKA.. T7io Largest Untile in "Wb.stora IXobrnslcu. Hj ,., -v , fU-tz SK.4l. yMWtfrtw miy vW-,H' mcw' Mg''-istr-a?" .. . " I'M 1 , tt lininiM-TfTTTrar iri ' r- flb.