The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 25, 1913, Image 6

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Simple Prescription Said to Work '
Wonders for Rheumatism.
This Ims been well known to tli
fiost doctors for yenrs as the niilekfiit
nd trost reliable euro oblalnnblo for
rheumatism nnd bacltnclip. It hns been
published here for several winters nnd
hundreds of the worst enhes cured by
It In a short time. "From your drug
gist Ket ono ounro of Torls compound
(In original senlcd pnclmgo) nnd ons
ounco of svrup of Sarsnpnrllla eom
pound. Talto theso two Ingrcrilpnts
homo and put them Into a half pint of
Rood whiskey. Shako the bottle nnd
tako a tnblospoonfnl before each meal
nnd nt bedtime." llesutts como tlis
first day. If your drucRlst docs nnt
have Torls Compound In slock he will
ret It In a fw hours from1 his whole
sale hoiisf. Don't bo Influenced to ika
some pattnt medicine Instead of thin.
Insist on having the i genuine Torls
compound In tho orlglnnl. one. ounco,
seated, yellow pnetnge. Published bv ths
Olobo I'harrunceutlcal laboratories of
"I'll hurl tho Insult back In that
fellow's teeth."
"Then he'll liavo to eat his words."
The Way of It.
"Havo you got a cook yet?"
"No, but ono Is coining today to
eo If wo Bull her"
Don't buv water for bluing. Ll(iild bins
l altnoKt nil water, lltiv Hcd Cross Hall
Blue, the blue tlmt's nil blue. Adv.
Agreeing With Her.
"I was a fool when 1 married you!"
"Yes, and you married n fool!"
Restored to Health by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Elkhart, Ind.:-" I suffered for four
teen years from organic inflammation.
iio inn 10 wenKnesa,
pain and irregulari
ties. Tho pains in
my sides wcro in-
creaRed by walking
or standing on my
feet and I had such
awful bearinir down
feelings, was de
pressed In spirits
and becamo thin nnd
eves. I had six doc
tors from whom I received only tempo
rary relief. I decided to glvo Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a fair
trial and also tho Sanative Wash. I havo
now used tho remedies for four months
nnd cannot express my thanks for what
they havo dono for mo.
"If theso lines will bo of any benefit
you havo my permission to publish
them." Mrs. SADin William3, 455
James Street, Elkhart, Indiana.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotablo Com-
pound.mndo from nati vo rootsund herbs,
Ncontnins no narcotic or harmful drugs,
and to-day holds tho record of being tho
most successful remedy for femalo ills
wo know of, and thousands of voluntary
testimonials on filo In tho Pinkham
laboratory nt Lynn, Mass., Bcem to
prove tlds fact
If you liavo tlio slightest doubt
that Lydia Ji3. Plnlclium's Vegeta
ble Compound will hclpyou.wrlto
(confidential) Lyiui.MiiH.s., for tul
vleo. Your letter will bo opened,
rend nnd answered by a woman,
and held iu strict confidence.
Stiff Joints
Sprains, Bruises
aro relieved at once by an applica
tion of Sloan's Liniment, Don't
rub, just lay on lightly.
"Sloan's I.lnlmnnt lias dono more
good than anything I bum over tr(od
tor atlir joint, 1 gut my hand hurt o
badlv thut I had to (ton work ilirlit In
tho huilott tlmu of tho year. 1 thought
st Urt that 1 would Iiuvh to Iiuts my
hand taken oif, but 1 Rut a kottloof
oioan a i.iimniMii unucuren my mum,"
Wilton WiiUELUt, Morrlt, Alu.
Good for Broken Sinews
G. Q. JOMKH, lluldvrlu, L. I., write t
"1 ujod Sloun'i Liniment for broken
clnoiri ulxiro the knee cnnonuied by a
(all and to my Kront aatlVtaclUm wai
ablB to rciuiuo work In loss than three
wvelu after tho uooldaut."
Fine for Sprain
Mb. TtKNitT A. VoicilL, M Bomenet
St.. I'lalnlleld, N. J., wrltea I A
friend ppralnnd hit nnkla ao badly
that It wont blnok. lie laughed when
I told him that 1 would have him out
In a week. 1 applied Blonn'a Liniment
and In four day to wai working and
aid Hloan'i waa ',a right good IJul
tneut." Price 25c.
60c, and 91.00
filoan'i Book ,
ou hornri, cattle,
beep and
poultry ut free.
Uwt Cooih Urup. TwtM Good.
la Una. Sold v DrtttMu
, !'. . i "" i.! . iil
iI'iFl ? ww'
.! L U: ;".
)W a
VrJ JV n
v" PJ
Avifkor of HEARTS AND 7ASK$
IllvisfraiiorwS. ly M.G.KJetttmkr- . .
GrorBn Prrclvnl Algernon Jone, vlco.
president of the Metropolitan Oriental
ltuir compnny of New Vork, tlilratltn; for
roinnnco, In In Cairo on a IjiihImuhm trip.
MorncB Itynnnn arrives at the liotol In
Cairo with a carefully Kunrdcd htindle.
Itynnne ell Jones the famotii holy Yhl
ordcH ruj; which he admits having stolen
from n pasha nt KaRdud. Jonos meets
Major Callahan and later Is Introduced to
I'ortttne Chedsovn by n woman to whom
he had loaned ISO pounds nt Monto Carlo
some, months previously, and who turns
out to ho Kortuno's mother, Jones takes
Mrs. Chedsoye und Kortuno to n polo
fjatne. Kurtttne teturn? to Jones tho
inoniy borrowed by her mother, Mrs.
Chedsoye nppenrs to b cnKned In hoiiio
mysterlotis enterprise unknown to tho
ilaitKhter Hy.umu Interests Jones In thu
united Itamauco and Advonturo com
pany, n concern which for n price will
nrrnnKe any kind of an ndvcntiito to or
der Mis. Chedsoye, her brother. Major
Callahan, Wallace and Hynnno, as tho
1'nltcd llnmanco nnd Advonturo company,
plan a risky enterprise Involving Jones.
Itvnnne mnkes known to Mrs Chedsoye
his Intention to marry Fortune. Mrs.
Chedsoye declarer she will not permit It.
Plans are laid to prevent Jones sailing
for home. Itynnne steals Jones' letters
and cable dlspntches He wires nirent In
New Vork, In Jones' mime, that bo Is
rentlnir bouso In New York to somo
friends. MnhoiiH-d, keeper of tho holy
carpet. Is on Itynnnc's trail. nynnne
promises Kortuno that ho will see Unit
Jones comes to no harm as a result of his
purchase of the riiK. Mahomed accosts
Itynnnn nnd demands the Yhlordes rut?.
Ilyniine tells him Jonos has tho run nnd
fiiiRKcsts the abduction of the Now York
merchant as a means of Becurlni; Its re
turn The rug disappears from Jones'
room. Kortune qunriels with her mother
when the latter refuses to explain her
mysterious actions Fortune Rets a mes
nun purporting to be from Ilyanlie risk
ing her to meet him In n secluded plnco
that evening. Jones receives n mcssnito
nsklnRhlm to meet Itynnne nt tho KiikIIsIi
liar the sntne evening lones Is curried
oft Into the desert by Mahomed and his
netompllees after a desperate light. Ho
discovers that Itvnnnp and Kortuno nlso
are captives, the former Is bndlv battered
and unionselous Ityiuino ri'covers con
sciousness nnd tho sight of Kortuno In
cnptlvlty rovcals to blm thn fact that
Mahomed intends to get vengeunco on
him through thu girl Fortune acknowl
edges that sho stolo the rug from Jones'
room. She offers to return It to Mnhomed
If ho will free nil tbreo of them Ma
homed ngtees to liberate Kortuno nnd one
of tho men In return for tho uig. A cour
ier Is sent to Cairo for the rug, but re
turns with thn Information that Mrs.
Chedsnve and her brother bnvo sailed for
New York. Kortuno spurns offered free
dom which does not Include her two com
panions The caravan continues the lour
ney toward Unwind. Hynnno tolls Jones
that Mis. Chedsoye Is tho most adroit
smuggler of the ngo, nnd Is overheard by
Kortuno The tl.roe captives nro rescued
bv Ilenrv Aclirrmann, who Is In chnrgo
of a carpet cnruviin. Mahomed escapes.
Mrs Chedsoye discovers the nbsenco of
Kortuno and h nves for Now York taking
th girl's belongings with her. Tin ninth
forged letters Mrs. Chedsoye, the major
and tlulr accomplices take possession of
Jones' Now York homo. Jonos, Hynnno
and Kortuno nrrlvo nt Damascus Hy
nnne falls In hU resolution to lead n bet
ter life. Ityanno secretly leaves for Now
York At Jones' Hollcltutlon his partner.
Mortimer, offers Kortuno n homo, but
she declines Jones then declnres his lovo
and flnili that It Is reciprocated. Jones
nnd Kortuno arrive In New York nnd go
to tho Mortimer homo. Jones tlnds Mrs
Cbedsoyo, Hynnno nnd thn rest of the
gnng In bis homo with n million In mnnev
lootod from nn adjoining btnk packed
rendv for lllght. Jones summons Wmls
worth, president of tho bank, who It de
velops Ih Hyanno's brother.
CHAPTER XXI. (Continued).
"Wo could lmvo taken every dollar
from tho vault," said Wallace cheer
fully. "Hut wo couldn't liavo mado our get
away with It," observed tho butler,
holding hla empty rUiss toward Hy
nnno, who was acting as mnator of
"A clear, unidentified million,"
mused Rynnno. "Into tho cars with
It; over to Jersey City; on to Phila
delphia; but thero for Europe; quiet
ly trnnsfor tho roUI to tho various
Continental banks; and in six months,
who could trace hair or hide of It?"
Ryanno laughed.
"It's all right to laugh," said tho
Major, "nut arc you sure nbout
Jones? Ho could havo nrrlvcd UiIb
"Imposslblo! Ho left Alexandria for
Naples on a boat' that stopped but
thirty hours. With Kortuno on hU
hands ho could not possibly sail be
fore the following week, and maybe
not then. Sit tight. I know what I
am talking about."
"Ho might cable."
"So ho might, nut If ho had wo'd
havo heard from him before now. I'm
going to tell you a socrot. My name
Is not Hynnno."
"Wo nil know that," said tho Major.
"Ifo WadBworth. Does that tlcklo
your mind any?"
Tho men "hook their heads. Mrs.
Chcdsoyo did not move hors.
"Hah I OronU'st Joko of tho hour
I'm Horaco Wndsworth, and Arthur
Wndsworth, president of tho Mor-chant-Mechnnlc
Dank, is my beloved
"Ay, dnmnablo wretch I"
A shock ran through them nil. In
tho' doorway leading to tho roar hall
stood George, his revolvers leveled
steadily. Peering whlto-facod over his
shoulder was tho man who had spok
en, Arthur Wndsworth.
Tho End of the Puzzle.
, Tho elder brother tried to nubIi past
Qcorgo, but old Mortimer caught him
by tho shoulders and dragged htm
"Lot mo got" ho cried, hla volco na
-" '" i I J' 'VJ'1 WV '
s Jj SwriifWsJirzSJSi
sal and high. "Do you hear me? Let
mo go!"
"Mr. Mortimer," said George, with
out turning his head or letting his
eye waver, "keep him back. Thanks."
George stepped over tho threshold.
"Now gentlemen, I shall shoot the
first man who makes a movement."
And Ryannc, who knew something
about George, saw that ho meant Just
what he said. "Steady, every one,"
he snld. "My friend George hero can't
shoot; but that kind of n man Is dead
liest with n pistol. I surrender."
Tho brother was struggling. "The
telephone! The telephone! I demand
to rail tho police. This is accessory
to the fact! I tell you, let me go!"
"Mr. Wadsworth," replied George,
"If you do not he still and let mo run
this affair, I'll throw the pistols to the
floor, and your brother and his friends
may do as they bnlly please. Now,
step back and be quiet. Stop!" to Ry
anno, whose hand was reaching out
toward tho table.
"Don't shoot, Perclval; I want only
a final glass of wine." Hynnno calmly
took the slender stem of the glass bd
tween his fingers, lifted It and drank.
Ho sot It down empty. From his out
sldo pocket ho drow a handkerchief
ntnr delicately dried his lips. He
alone of his confederates had life,. It
wns because ho alone understood.
Prison wasn't staring him In the faco
JiiHt yet. "Well, Arthur, old top, how
goes It? Nearly got your money-bags,
didn't we? And wo surely would have
but for this delicious vlntngo."
"Damn you nnd your wine!" roared
tho Major, shaking with rage. This
ndventuro hnd been no Joko to him, no
craving for excitement. Ho wanted
tho gold, the gold. With what would
havo been hla shnro he could havo
gambled at Monto Carlo and Ostend
till the end of his days. For tho first
tlmo ho saw long, black bars of iron
running up and down a window. And
all for a bottlu of wine!
"Damn away, old sport!" Ryanno
reached for tho bottlo and filled his
glass again. "Pcrclvnl, I'm blamed
sorry about that olive-tree of yours."
Ho waved his hand toward tho bags.
"You can seo that my Intentions In
regard to refunding that hundred
pounds wore strictly honorable. Now,
what's on the ticket?"
"I supposo your luggago Is outside
In tho automobiles?"
"Well, I need not explain my rea
sons; you will understand them; but
I am going to glvo you nil two hours'
tlmo. Then I shall notify tho pollco.
You will havo to tako your chance
after that tlmo."
Tho circling faces bilgh toned per
ceptibly. Two hours that would car
ry thorn far Into Jersey.
"Accepted with thanks," said Ry
anno. (
"I roftiBo to permit It!" yelled the
brother, "Mr. Jones, you will rue this
night's work. I shall seo that tho law
looks Into your actions. This Is fel
ony. I demand to bo allowed to tele
phono." "Pcrclvnf, for heaven's sake, let
him!" cried Ryanno wearily. "Let
him shout; It will soften his voice.
Ho will hurt uobody. Tho wires were
cut hours ago,"
Mortimer felt the tenso muscles In
his grasp relax. Arthur Wadsworth
grow limp and reeled against the Jamb
of tho door.
"You had hotter Btart at once,"
George advised, "You three first,"
with a nod toward Wnllaco (his bul
bous noso now lavender In huo), tho
butlor and tho first-man. "Forward
march, front door. Go on!"
"What about mo?" asked Ryanno.
"In a moment." Georgo could not
but admlro the man, rascal though ho
wns. There was a pang of regrot In
his heart as tho thought camo and
went swiftly: what a comrndo this
man would have mado under dlfferont
clrcumstnnces! Too late! "Halt!" ho
cried. Tho trio marching toward tho
door camo to a stop, tholr head3
turned Inquiringly. "Here, Mr. Mor
timer; tnko ono of theso guns nnd
cover tho Major. Ho'b tho ono I
doubt." Then Georgo followed the
others Into tho hall nnd Ironically
bade them God-speed ns ho opened
tho door for them. Thoy wont out
stupidly; tho wlno had dullod them
Georgo Immediately returned to tho
Nolther Fortune nor hor mother hnd
stirred In all this tlmo. A quality of
hypnotism hold them In hondngo. Tho
mother could not lower hor glanco
and tho daughter would not. If thero
was a light of triumph In Fortune's
ojos, It wns unconsciously thoro. And
no one will know tho full bitterness
that shono from tho mother's. She
could havo screamed with fury; sho
could havo ront hor clothos, torn her
skin, pulled her hair; and yot sho sat
thoro without physical sign of the
On hor sldo, "Fortune know, that, had
thoro boon n slnglo goBturo Inviting
pity, sho must hnvo flown to her moth
er's sldo. Hut thero was no sign.
Finally, Kortuno stepped back, chilled,
It was nil too late.
"Fortune," said George, terribly em
barrassed, "do you wish to speak to
your mother, alone?"
"No." It wns n llttlo word, spoken
In a little, hushed tone.
Mrs Chedsoye roso nnd proceeded
to put on her furs, which sho had
flung across tho back of her chair,
"Mother!" This camo in n gasp
from the elder Wadsworth. An under
standing of this strango procoedlng
began to filter through his mind. Tho
young girl's mother!
Mrs. Cliedsoyo drew on her gloves
slowly. Sho offered them to the Ma
jor to button. Ho flung tho hands
aside. Ho was not nice under tho ve
neer. Hut Rynnno was Instantly nt
hor service. And curiously sho
watched his agile fingers at work over
the buttons; they wero perfectly
steady. Then, followed by tho Major
and Hynnne, sho walked easily toward
the hall. Ryanno paused.
"Good night, Arthur. I'm sure you
will not sleep well. That handsonio
safo Is irreparably damaged. I dare
Bay you will find a wny to cover the
loss without any Injury to your own
pocket. Old top, farowell! Who was
It, Hrutus or Caesar, who said: 'I go
but, to return'?" Tho banter left his
fnco nnd volco swiftly. "You sneak
ing blnckguard, you cheater of wid
ows; yes, I shall come again; and
then look to your sleek, sanctimonious
neck! You chucked mo down the road
to hell, and tho pity of It is, bomo day
I must meot you there! Fortune,
child," his voice becoming sad, "you
might remember n poor beggar in
your prnycrs to-night. Perclval, a
farewell to you. Wo shall never meet
ngnln. Hut when you stand upon
that bally old rug there, you'll always
seo me, tho fire, tho touts, the camels
and tho desert, nnd the moon in tho
dato-palms. Hy-by!"
An.d presently they wore gone. A
moment later those remaining could
hear the chug-chug of tho motors as
they sped nway. Tho banker was first
to recover from the spell. Ho rushed
for tho hall, but Georgo stopped him
"Two hours, If you please. I never
break my word. Your money Is nil
thero. If you do not net reasonably,
I'll throw you down nnd sit on you
till tho tlmo is up. Sit down. I do
not propose that my futuro wife shall
nppear In c6urt as a witness ngnlnst
her mother. Do you understand mo
The banker signified that ho did.
Ho sat down, rather subdued. Then
ho got up nervously and Inventoried
tho steal. Ho counted roughly a mil
lion. A million! Ho felt sick nnd
weak. It would havo wrecked tho
bank, wiped It out of existence. And
saved by tho merest, the most trifling
chance-! A bottlo of wine! Ho re
sumed his chair and sat there won
derlngly till tho time-limit expired.
Tho public never heard how nearly
tho Merchant-Mechanic hnd gone to
tho wall; nor how six policemen had
worked till dawn carrying back the
"I Ani Golno to Give You
gold; nor that tho banker had not
oven thanked them for their labor.
Tho first Impulse of tho banker had
been to send tho story forth to tho
world, to harasB and eventually cap
turo his brother; but his foresight
becoming normal, ho realized that
sllenco was best, oven If his brother
escaped. If tho depositors heard that
tho bank had been entered nnd a mil
lion takon from tho vaults, thoro
would naturally follow a terrific run.
When tho last bag had boon taken
out of tho library and tho banker and
ggggjjwyIJ rlu v Vt! -, .Mum,
E.Mrvm ji u-un r a
.rt (
tho pollco had gone, tho bell rang.
Georgo went to tho door, A ineBBon
gor handed him a small satchel and
a note. Thero was to bo no reply.
Tho noto was from Ryanno. Drlefly It
Btated that tho satchel contained tho
emeralds. There had been somo dif
ficulty In forcing the Major to surren
der them. Hut that much was duo to
Georgo for his generosity. Later In
tho day ho Georgo might inform his
Horaco's brother that tho coup
hadn't been a total fizzle. They had
already packed away In suit-cases
something like two hundred thousand
dollars In bills of all denominations.
"Tell that dear brother of mlno to
charge It to our account. It will bo
less than tho Interest upon a million
In ten years. To you, my boy, I add:
Fortune favors tho brave 1"
"George," said Mortimer, "you will
not mind If I forngo round In tho
kitchen? A bottlo of beer and a bit
of cheese would go handy. It's almost
my breakfast time."
"Bless your heart, help yourself!"
And Georgo turned to Fortune.
"Ah," she cried, seizing his hands,
"you will not think ill of mo?"
"And for what?" astonished.
"For not speaking to my mother.
Oh, I Just couldn't; I Just couldn't!
When I thought of all tho neglect,
nil tho Indifference, tho loneliness. I
couldn't! It was horribly unnatural
and cruel!"
"I understand, heart of mlno. Say
no more about It." And he put his
two hands against her cheeks and
kissed her. "Novcr shall you be lone
ly again, for I am going to bo all
things to you. Poor heart! Just think
that nil that has passed has been
only a bad dream, and that It's clear
sunshiny morning; eh?" He held her
off a ways and then swept her Into
his arms as ho had dono on board tho
ship, roughly and masterly. "And
there's that old rug! Talk about
magic carpets! Thero never was ono
Just like this. But for it I shouldn't
oven havo known you. And, by Jovo!
when tho minister comeB this after
ifoon ..."
"This afternoon!"
"Exactly! When ho comes, you and
I aro going to stand upon that beau
tiful, friendly old rug, and both of us
arc going to bo whisked right away
Into Eden."
"How bravo you are!"
"I? Oh, pshaw!"
"Would you havo shot ono of
"Girl, your Perclval Algernon
couldn't have hit the broad sldo of a
barn." He laughed joyously.
"I knew It. And that Is why I call
you brave.'
And when the pale gold of winter
dawn filled tho room, It found them,
hand In hand, staring down at tho
old Yhlordes, the magic old Yhlordes
from Bagdad.
Lucky to Get Anything.
Tho law of the land had spoken, and
tho verdict was $5,000 damages.
All Two Hours' Time."
"FIvo thousand dollars!" mutterod
tho senior partnor In tho legal firm
who had managed tho plaintiff's case.
"Not so bad."
"I think It pretty good," said tho
Junior partnor. "How much shall
wo glvo our cljont?"
"H'm! Say ?300." said tho senior
thoughtfully. "No, stop a mlnuto!"
"Wo mustn't be too hasty," said the
successful lawyer slowly. "Perhaps
you'd hotter wrlto nnd proralso to pay
him tho tbreo hundred."
OT TOrTOC Depends lartelr
" - leal condition.
Ho man or woman can do tbelr beat
work If troubled wlthn weak itomacb
or n torpid liver. Don't bs eareleaa.
Don't procraitinate.
Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery
firomotes tho flow of dlgeattrojulcoa.
nvlsoratca the liver and purines and
enriches tha tilixxl. It makoa men
and women atrong In body and
actlvo In mind.
Ailc Your Druggltt
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nino times in ten when the liver Is
right the stomach nnd bowels are right.
gently but firmly com
pel n lazy liver
do its duty.
Cures Con
itlpation. In-.
and Diitrota After Eatinjf.
Genuine must bear Signature
We've Done Our Share.
Woodby Is thero any money In
writing for tho magazlno?
Scribllns Suro! Tho postal de
partment is about half supported that
way. Boston Transcript.
In another part of this paper yon
will find a largo ad of tho Loose-Wiles
Biscuit Co., Omaha, Neb. They offer
to send, to any reader a box of assort
ed biscuits absolutely free. Don't mlsa
this opportunity. Cut out tho coupon
from their ad and mail it today.
"Don't you think that we should
have a more elastic currency?" asked
the Old Fogy.
"It's elastic enough," replied the
Grouch. "Why don't they make it
moro adhesive?"
Senator Fletcher of Jacksonville,
apropos of tho recent peace confer
ence In London, said:
"Such conferences usually end In a
compromise, and tho people con
cerned depart homoward with sour
"A compromise, you know, has been
accurately described as an agreement
whereby both parties get what they
don't want."
Incompetent Georgle.
Llttlo Georgo was six years old and
the family was much Interested In
having him start to school, but ho In
sisted that ho was not going.
Ono day his grandmother said to
him; "Georgle, you are going to school
with sister this winter, aren't you?"
"No, grandma, I'h 'not going to
school at all. I can't read, nor I can't
write, nor I can't sing, and I'd like to
know what good I'd bo at school?"
At the Studio.
A motor stopped in front of the
photographer's, and a woman lack
ing none ot tho artificial accessories
deemed necessary to "looks," entered
the studio.
A couple of days later tho photogra
pher submitted proofs for her ap
proval. "Not ono of; theso pictures looks
anything Ilka mo," tho woman in
sisted. The photographer tried in every
way to pacify her, but finding this'
an Impossibility, lost control of his
"Madam!" ho exclaimed, "did you
read my sign?"
"Well! It doo not say 'cleaning,
dyeing and remodeling. It says 'por
traits.' "
f '
- Shivery
You can have a taste of the
summer sunshine of the corn
fields by serving a dish of
These crisp flavoury bits
of toasted white corn make
an appetizing dish at any
time of year.
Try them in February
and taste the delicate true
maize flavour.
A dish of Toasties served
either with cream or milk,
or fruit, is surprisingly good.
4tThe Memory Lingers"
Grocers everywhere sell
Foatnm Cerent Co., Ltd.,
Uatllo Creek, Mich.
LT. i. J
Azam brittle
Mpr IVt.K
MBmaavv n
I Wt4
'. HjttMv
! ,