n THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE IIIA L. BARB, Publisher. TERM3, fl.25 IN ADVANCE. JlORTH PLATTE, . NEBRASKA 1 ,. j " ' j UNCLE SAM'S 8CALE OF TIPS. That tlio tip Is an established Insti tution In the United StateB 1b conced ed by that serious agency of govern ment; tho federal treasury depart ment It has promulgated an order specifying tho tips that Its employes may Includo In their traveling ex penses while transacting public busi ness. Somo may bo Inclined to ac cept tho government's scale of tips, as thoy accept tho government's weights and measures, as establishing the standard. Tho treasury department of a national administration that has tried to mako a specialty of efllclcncy and economy permits an employe In New York or Chicago to tip the per son who brings Mb meals to him not more than 60 cents a day. Ho, may spend a like sum for this servlco In any one of a scoro of other cities of considerable slzo, tho nnmes of which aro spcclflcd. For tho scrvlco of sleeping car porters ho may npend 25 cents a day and of chair car por ters 1C contB a day. If ho crosses tho Atlantic ocean ho may uso $10 for etownrd's fees; going to or from Ha waii ho may glvo tho steward $1G; going to or from Panama or Porto Rico, $10. He Is not allowed to glvo baggagemen or porters moro than 25 cents on his nrrlvnl at or departure from hotels, wharves, railroad sta tions and such places. Tipping Is a serious mattor to many an American of small resources, says tho Chicago Dally News. Not n fow persons wish thoy had tho federal treasury behind them to stand tho cxponso of tips when thoy travel. U may comfort them somewhat to know that tho treasury itself parcels out tho tips with a consldorablo degico of pru den co. An eaBtorn doctor says that women aro moro llko monkeys than men in that thoy exhibit moro curiosity. This Is a dangerous discussion and recalls Iho observation by a woman that women as well as men might havo sprung from monkeys, but that tho women sprang farther; furthermore It suggests the remark by a witty wom an that "Men aro moro logical than women also moro zoological." Tho Young Idea faces a terrlblo crlsiB. A Pittsburg Judgo haB decided that a teacher has tho right to whip an unruly pupil, and that tho rod 1b a necessary adjunct to educational pro cesses. In other words, this modern Judgo sustains tho rulings of Solomon, whoso wisdom on tho bonch has never been called into question. Exchango Tho eastern collego professor who has found by investigation that red headed mon seldom marry women with red hair had his hbor for noth ing. Tho custodian of tho seismo graph station In Washington could havo given him that information off hand. Whether that aviator tiles ncross tho Atlantlo In 33 hours or not, ho will achlovo a first pago position in tho newspapers if ho makes tho at tempt and many a man has lived to old ago without gaining that distinc tion. A collego law professor declares tho time haB como when tho courts must concern themselvoa as much with Jus tlco as with law. It is encouraging to And exports BUBtaln tho idea that Jiistico waa originally tho cauBo-for-bo-lng of law. It In reported that Amorican million aires aro bolng skinned in London art dealers. But most of tho mllllonnlroB gained their monoy on Wall street by skinning tho unsuspecting. Sort of robbing Peter to pay Paul. Tho atory that an Amorican duchoss haB boon arrostod in Venice for insult ing Italy is a vory startling one. espe cially to Americans. It shows tho fine Italian hand in Inventivo fiction. A sensation of rcgulntcd mlldneaB has boon caused by a woman's wear ing a watch In her slipper. Then thoro waa tho old conundrum about tho clocks on tho stockings. Those Harvard students who earn, ed $10,000 no waiters during tho last year should devolop into mastors of frenzied flnunco after graduation. A Npw York physician clafuiB to havo a euro for red nosus. Uut tho water wagon, no matter in what dis guise, Is tho water wagon still. Possibly CO per cent, of tho ampu tated appoudlcea woro all right, but thoro waa no provision In any of tho contracts for a robato In such event. About this tlmo, too, Gladys begins to manifest a fondness for tho roses that did not appeal to bur at all last Bummor. A hotel hafl boon opened In Paris without porvants, and tho guesta have a good tlmo In handing thomsolvu UpB. Evening Gown of Pink Silk a Recent Paris Importation An evening gown of pink silk with black net, caught up In a largo bow at WHY FLOWERS AT WEDDINGS Pretty Custom That Has Been Handed Down Through Centuries Has a Real Significance. Flowers, of courao, always havo been used nt all festnl occasions, and bo, consequently, nt tho weddings of practically every nation. They aro tho symbol of gaycty, and honco tholr pro fusion at that most Joyous of times a wedding. Rut Borne of tho flowers havo moro than a general Blgnlflcanco. For ex ample, thoro was long a custom for each guost to dip a sprig of rosemary Into his cup of wlno beforo drinking tho couple's health. Tho brldo (if Bho woro not a widow) nnd tho bride groom onco adorned themselves with garlands of wheat. This was a symbol of plontifulueBB and increaso and nt tho present tlmo tho bridal wreath of orango blossoms possesses tho same meaning. In "yo olden tlmeB" thoro wero gar lands, garlands ovorywhero at a wed ding coremony. Even tho rojected suitor BomotlmoB woro a garland of gray willow. DcsldcB tho flowcrB, both tho brldo and bridegroom woro a truo love knot, an ornament, introduced Into England by tho Danes in tho ninth century nnd called tho "trulofn," tho troth. Tho brldo of that tlmo was supposed al ways to wear three ornamontsa ring for a pledge, a brooch for innoconco, and a garland na a crown of victory for temptations resisted. COSY FUR- BONNET Of this description Is very useful for daya when cold north winds blow; It Is trimmed with a single silk rose. Mission of 1913. If tho present year hat any particu lar mission of dross It must bo that of lidding to tho voluinu of tho existing skirt. The year of 1911! had already begun this work, and It will bo Inter esting to boo how far Its successor will cary It out. in ParlB drcBBos aro not worn noarly bo oxIguouBly cling ing as they were In tho ourllor part of last year. London 1b Blowly following tho exampla of tho city of chiffon. For tho rest, who can Bay? Prophesying Is a thankless trade, moro particular ly concerning matters of dross. Like Darning, If you wIbIi to embroider silk stock IngB, try tho following plnn Instead of UBlug an embroidery hoop. Place your darning hall lnsldo tho stocking and hold it na though you woro going to darn, aavo that you should bo vory careful not to Rtrotch tho Btocklug; Blmply hold It smooth ovor tho darn er' whoro you aro to do tho embroidery. Kkkkmt iriwaPii j jTC-v 9ms LBb tunic of silver embroidered lace over tho back. USEFUL HOOK-AND-EYE BOX Simple Contrivance Will Save Time and Frequently Much Wear and Tear on the Nerves. Have you ever hunted in vain for tho Bpeclal slzo of hook and eyo you needed? If not you aro an abnormally neat woman, or ono given to buttons or pins. During that mad hunt through a badly mixed box of sewing utensils you doubtless vowed to havo a sep arate hoolcand-eyo box forthwith. Then you promptly forgot. Tho next tlmo Immediately hunt a number of card envelopes, and on tho Hap of each ono Bew a hook and eyo to show tho size and color within. Put theso envelopes neatly in a small box and your miserable fishing daya aro over. Thoro should bo aeparato holdera for cards of hooks and eyes, detached ones that havo not been UBod nnd for thoso that have been ripped from a dross, as is tho habit of Borne economical women. Small boxes with tho hook Bowed or pasted to tho lid may tako tho place of an envelope, but tako up moro room and aro loss easily handled. For Evening Wear. Evening dress is quite lovely thle year, and tho tunic aB much to tho foro aB ovor, though rathor shorter than that of last winter. Tho bead ombroldery. 1b all tho rago, nnd It ia nlmoBt crowded upon tho nlnon that composes theso tunica. Thoy aro ol tho most vivid coorB, and tho variety of designs la surprising. There ap pears to bo no end to tho inventive ncBB of tho clover bralna employed in this IntcroBtlng If arduous work. Tin Brent dlftlculty must bo to differen tiate tho pattorns from each othor Ono of tho loveliest hna two long atommed lilies rising from tho hem in front, nnd n bordor of Blmllar but smaller lilies finishes tho tunic. Tho color 1b cerlso, with crystal beads, nnd n curiously offoctlvo touch 1b tho vory narrow, lnt piping, in tho very palest greonlsh blue, which finishes tho tunic around tho shoulders and borders th? aloovos. Lovoly effects aro mado oy laying theso beautiful colors ovor each other. Lace Indications. Tho Dry Goods Economist states that fashion Indications In Paris af. ford ample opportunity for a vido uso of lacea In gnrmont development for Hprlng. Novel flouncing, tunic, drnpory and yoking features aro In corporated In many of tho smartest gowns now being launched, and all ol thoBo features are being effectively carried out In lacoa. Whllo tho ranga or varieties used la excedlngly largo, nttontion continues to focus on tin llghtor offocts. Laces Popular. Lnco nnd figured chiffons and vollea nro daintily wi ought Into charming evening frocks for glrla who need thin dancing and dlnnor gowns. Tha borthn offect In laco or beaded nets Is very populnr, and, moreover, Immense ly becomoB either a stout or Bllghl person. It hides any unsightly llnet and adds charm to good flguroa. Hat por'o Bazar. Hand-Run Tucks. Llngorlo dresses for spring have, tho fulluess of tho skirts taken up In hand-run tucks. 1&LES0 ANDOTHCK Cities Riding in Hearse Is All NEW YOUK. Ililey knew Juet what It meant the bober paco of tho Horses, tho almost noiseless rumble t the rubber-tired wheels, tho bwIbIj Ins of the black curtuhiB against the windows and the other sure signB of a hearse outbound. All these things were known to Itlloy from years of eervico as Btableman in an undertak ing establishment. But when Itlloy realized about 6:00 a. in., after stretching out his arniB cautiously nnd listening to the rumble of the wheels, that he was In the posi tion of the "gentleman deceased," he let drive with a No. 10 with all his might. It hit tho rear doors of the hearso gquarely. Glass Hew In a shower us the doors burst open. Ill ley throw himself Into the street. Sam uel Korsteln, tho driver, dropped tho reins and leaped from his perch. PeraonB at Avenuo C und Sixth street heard tho crashing of glass and Boy Wanted Someone to CHICAGO. Thero waa great excitement-at ono of tho big downtown hotela tho other night. Tho blonde Bwltchboard operator had Juat confid ed to the hat boy that "she should worry." Hut tho cause of her prospec tive unrcat was never disclosed, for at that moment tho buzzer began to mako Bounds like Dr. Watts' "busy little bee." "Hello! Hello!" she answered. "Say don't jiggle tho receiver like that. What? You want tho proprietor. In room 501, quick?" "For heaven's sake." said the oper ators appealing to the hat boy, "see If you ca find Mr. Drake. A party up In 501 is being murdered, I guess." The boy hastily rushed for Tracey Drake's ofllco. , "Hello. Yes? Yes? Hello? You want a bellboy or a chambermaid? All right. They're coming up." .At tho command of "Front!" from tho deBk clerk the captain of the bells saluted. "Something awful's happening up In 501. Let mo know tho worst as soon as you get thero." By this tlmo an awed group of chambermalda Btood trembling out side tho door, fearing to open It and roveal tho grewaomo mystery. Down tho hall camo a procession of bell boys, followed at a illstanco by tho house detective and Proprietor Drake. .From within all waa silont. It was an ominous silence. Steals Stove to Save SEATTLE, WASH. It was a cold day. "Tommlo" Mason shivered nnd pulled tho blankets closer about him. No uso. Tho bed was a little warmer than any other part of the bare, Icy room but a fellow can't sleep nil day. Ho arose, wrapped somo blankets over his freezing shoulders, nnd got mad. This was tho only mennB-he had of keeping warm becoming angry for there wns no stove In tho place. That sort of treatment didn't melt any Icicles, however, so Monon deter mined to get something moro warm Ing than an Idea. He would steal a Btove! The only thing to consider waB where. Mirrors Have a Bracing CLEVELAND, O. Comes now a new wrlnklo In psychological experi ments, nt least tho application of it 1b now to Clevolnntl Down at tho Way farors Lodge, 1-140 West 10th street, mirrors aro being used aa an active corrective Inlluenco. Credit for the Idea Is duo to a "drifter" who spent several nights there some mouths ago. He was nn old man. n ho Bald ho was "paying tho piper" for n misspent life. Tho super intendent discovered him beforo tho glnB8 In tho men's dormitory, thought fully survuylng his somewhat bluured counteniuico. "Thoro ought to be a lot of theso thlngB around here, bo," snld the old man. "It tells a fuller n lot of things about himself that ho wouldn't listen to from anybody eUe. It Is tho kind of ndvlco you cannot get away from. True, It cornea to you ktud of lato things you do and shouldn't havo done don't always show right away," Right If You Are Dead saw Riley's black-clad form pick itself up and dash off at tho top speed of a pair of nnnblo legs. Ono woman fainted and two peddlors deserted their push carts and fled, terrified. As Riley in his flight flashed past the line of four carriages following tho hearfio a driver shouted: "it's Jim Itlley, none other." Riley pulled up out of breath, when ho had found refugo in tho Willett street stables. "Is this me? Am I alive?" ho gasped to a Btableman. "It's you. Riley, but your face has gone nil chalky. What's tho mntter7" Riley pinched himself to feel if it hurt. Delng assured,' ho explained: "Maybe I waB a bit groggy when I came in at four o'clock thla morn ing. Looking for a place for forty winks, I see the hearse opan and look ing snug and warm. So 1 crawls In side and go sound asleep after closing tho doors. Tho next thing 1 know I'm on my way to the cemetery. "At first I didn't know whether I wns dreaming or it was the real thing I thought if I could kick a hole in king dom come I'd know I was dreaming; so I letB drive. I was so Beared I dis remember dropping into tho street, but I kept on running and here I am." The hearso had been ordered out at 6:00 a. in. to attend an early funeral. Help Him Say Prayers ;tHfe? "Had we better knock or force the door open?" asked some one In a bat ed whisper. Then ono of the boys was shoved forward. Tho door waB opened, and the excited crowd followed In timor ously, prepared for anything. On a chair near tho telephone Btood an eight-year-old boy In his pajamas, the receiver to his ear. "I thought you were never coming," ho burst out. "Didn't you hear mo ring?" "Now that we're here," said Mr. Drake, his voice still unsteady after tho "turn" ho had had, "what can wo do for you? Is ia it ice water--or what?" "I'm Willie Jackson," explained tho small boy. "My papa went down stairs to talk business. My mamma Is In Cincinnati, and I want somebody to say my prayers to, as I want to go to sleep." A chambermaid choerfuly volunteer ed to servo in tho capacity of "mother." Himself From Freezing Janitors would laugh at him, he re flected, If ho usked for a stove. Ho had no money to buy ono. which left; only one course he would appropri ate a furnace, a heater, a range, even a chafing dish If that were all ho could find but ho waa bound to get some thing. Ho paused In front of a furniture house and considered. Ho would next have to steal some coal and some wood he could borrow the matchea maybe. And If he woro "pinched" he should worry, for there woro plenty of nlco warm atovea In the bridewell. So like his namesake, "Tom, Tom. tho I'lper's Son" he stole a stove nnd "away he run." The stove weighed 85 pounds, and It kept growing heuVier all tho time, so Mnson waB not sur prised when Max Matrofaky, proprie tor of the store, caught him, and called tho police. The next morning he was arraigned In court and was sent to the bridewell In leu of rhe payment of a line of $5 and costs. 'I'll us do dreams come truo. Effect on Wanderers Naturally, thtTo havo always been mirrors a plenty In tho women's de partment. Several moro have been ndded tc tho men's quarters There Is one In tho dining room and another In the parlor. They aro being used. too. . It has been noticed that tho men who spend tho night nt the lodge mnko a point of consulting thu glass closely before reporting for breakfast, and moro often than not Btrnlghten their shoulders a bit, put up their heads a little hlgbor and generally try to look unllko "down-nndouters." rpLEA5E)U I f i ; l.'chi i iv' n,.zvu . ns::v.i m I fm GEE WHIZii BlMJikulXT.-?9Mi" .. !"" l,2i23SaEHffir?5r'iy U i- - fsEFTE23KS8Mi For Every Baking CAJLUM. BAKING POWDER Best because it's the purest. Best because it never fails. Best because it makes every baking light, fluffy and evenly raised. Best because it i9 moder ate in cost highest in quality. At your grocers. , RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS World' Pure Food Expo. ftition, Chicago, III. Pari Expedition, Franca, March. 1011. zsnizmvttzit You don't aaoe money when you buy cheap or big-can baking powder. Don't be milled. Buy Calumcn It's mora economical more wholesome. glees bat results. Calumet is far tupetlor to tour milk and soda. Occasional Visit ir. A notable housekeeper of the pas! generation, beforo tho days of screens, had Just announced wltk decision that she never had any flies. "Dut, Aunt Augusta,' faltered th timid visitor, "It seems to mo that 1 saw a fow In the dining room." "Oh, those," replied her aunt, wltb a majeatlc wave of tne hand, "were the neighbors' flies. They will como In occasionally. Dut I wlb saying, we never have any of our owh." Youth'a Companion. ' Important to Motriorn Examlno carefully every bottlo ol CASTORIA, a safe nnd suro remedy for Infants and children, and bco that It Bears tho Slgnaturoi In Uso For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria One at a Time. She When we are married, dear, I must havo threo servants. He Certainly, darling. DM try to keep each aa long as possible. St- V Louis Post. Jumped the Track. "And Zens turned Niobo tuto a etone." "Did they havo motor cars in thoso days, dad?" Only Onn "IIKORTO QUININE" That U LAXATim UltOMO OIUNINH. to fur tho sltiuaiuro ut 13. Vf. OllOvll. Cur" a Cold In Ono Dj, Curoi Orlp In Two lteji. 2ta, Stealing away from bad company is Justifiable larceny TAKE Backache Rheumatism Kidneys and Bladder B Jtal f .Mcntpt rdleic VcViiW I ni V"! Hilton. ya",vic. vWt buy 1 T fwwirr ?w '