I 11 . hHimjL 10 ralllSf HE GIRL I We have the Rings that will hold them. Let us show you. J CLINTON, Jeweler and Oplican. Plat Another Addition. Another addition has been platted -in tho west part of the city and will ntonco be placed on the market. This addition is composed of lands owned by J. F. Schmalzried and E. C. Richards and is lo cated betweon Eight St., and the county road and between JefTcrsoo and Auftusta avenues, north of the railt'oad tracks. The addition consists of eight full and eight fractional blocks, and some of the lots arc 49x132 while others aro 44x132. This addition is east and north of the new round house now in course of con struction by the Union Pacific, lays well and the lots ought to meet with a raady salejto railroad employes who de- Iro to live near the new round houta and the new ycrds, as well as to others who look with favor on the west end as tho coming residential section. fcHWfrtH-3M"fc PHONE 4 OR 8 For Your Drugs. Orders De livered promptly. REXALL and NYAL DRUG STORES lb ft morn- Grnnd Rev. Local and Personal Charles Bogue left Tuesday for Omaha on a business trip. P. C. Pielsticker is transacting busi ness in Wallace this week. Mrs. Louise Burke is spending this Week with relatives in Maxwell. Paye Day cmo homo Tuesday even ing from a short visit in Hastings. 'Philip Pizer returned tho last of the weak from an extended visit in eastern points. "'Miss Hazel Warrington went to Lex ington Tuesday to visit relatives and friondsr Mr. and Mrs. Bort Culton loft Wed nesday for Omaha whero thpy will visit relative;. ' (' Attorney and Mrs. M. E. Crosby and baby spent Sunday in Sutherland with relatives. Miss Lulu Burke, of tho Maxwoll schools,, visited her parents tho first of this wook. Mrs. Joseph Richards who had boon 111 for several days is -reported to bo improving. Full lino of ladies and children's Jnrorts made of fast color materials at WilCOX Department Store. t Will Friend returned Tuesday itig from a two days visit in Jalond with friends. Roy. Brvne. of Sidney visited Kavanangh Tuesday andjleft foj; Konr liby this&norning. f f-Mr'and'Mra. Thos.'Orton were called t McCpok Tuesday by tho death of Mr. Orion's father. "Lestor Anderson and Ada Carrrigan were granted n marriogo llconso Wed nesday afternoon. Mr. anil Mrs, Gus Ahderson have as their guests Mm. and Mrs. G. Peterson SRatoon, N. Y. v- Mlss Lillian Hondy will go to Gathoi feurg this week to Bpend u week or longer with friends. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence Tollofson, of Sutherland, aro visiting at tho Done Ibqwer home this week. 5J$f ar Mrs. I. A. McNeal, of tJothenburfc, art yisitjng Charles Mc Heal and family of this city, Mrs, Loan, of Gothenburg, who visited her daughter Mrs, Alox Brooks last week has returned homo. William Gluscr of tho Hemphill Printing Co., spent part of last week with his family In Gothenburg. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Armstrong are njoying ti visit from tho former's father John Armstrong of Ogalalla. Sitter Lucy of the St. Francis hospi tal, of Grand Island, has boon in the city for a week past soliciting funds for that institution. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Applogate and daughter of Choyenno who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John David Cox this 'W.eek, loft for home yestorday. Mr. and Mrs. Camlnky at Ouray, Colo., who havo boon guostsof Mr. and Mrs. JullusPizer,for n couplo of weeks will loaVe In a few days. . - a, Jorty tons of hay on tho Banks ranch tWst of town were destroyed by Are Tuesday afternoon. A large quan ity'was alao damaged on the Mylnnder farnf. , Ed, G. Bixlor who is appearing In vatidvHle'n thoOrphenm circult,wrltes Torrf'IIealey that ho will visit North Platte 'friends Apl. 29th, 30th, and May lstp'Blaf' who is now a head linor oivtho vaudovllb stogo, firitbogan his "atlpg" when a boy In North PJatte, and t thai timo put on some creditable stunts and slnco then hua won fame and 'mado monoy on tho stage. 40 Inch Cotton.,Voilei25c a yard at Wilcox DopartmentStore. Mrs. J. B. Jeter has gone to Omaha to visit friends for a couple of weeks. MissJEtta Brummett left yesterday for Arnold to visit for a week or longer. S. E. Sebastian returned yestorday from Paxton whore he spent ten days on business. Now dress silks VBc a jrard and up, at Wilcox Department Store. Mrs. McKinney oxpects to leave shortly for California to make her home. Mr. and Mrs. Ristino, of1 Gothenburg, who visited Mr, and Mrs'. Sanders, have returned home. ' Fred Warren has returned from Lin coln where ho spent several weeks on business before tho legislature. The A. S. Coatcs home on oast Fifth street is quarantined with scarlet fever, the eldest child being ill. Mr. and Mrs. Dolson, of Oshkosh, who visited their daughter Mrs. Henry Schott last week, huye returned home. Mrs. M. H." Douglas' has returned from a visit with the Armrtrong family in Sutherlln, Oro, and will leave in a few days for Omaha. Dress goods all kinds and all prices at Wilcox Department Store. Mrs. Floyd Passmoro was called to Omaha yesterday by the illnoss of her husDand who has beon taking treatment in tho hospital thore. It may bo neces sary to amputate one of his limbs. Tho regular monthly business meet ing of the Epworth Leaguo will be held at the homo of Dr. and Mrs. Lucas Friday evening, February 21. A silver collection will bo taken for current ex penses. Mr. and Mrs. Art Marlott nnd daugh ter formorlyof this city are visiting frionds and relatives in town. Mr. Marlatt Is u cGusln of Mac Wostfall and is now associated with tho Har rington & Plummer Co. in Denver. "Keojpjlio stnudgo pots burning and snvo the Hanapacrop. ' is the mossago . .V-Vi "I! ' !T,-3T . .. ( u it . i' vy z A. M. MTOoh. who iSloiournimr in Cali fornia, ntTs to.Tho Tribune. We'll do it Mac.'wid Ufa crop on your plantation in the eoj&t; 'Snfi "Will be n-'bumper one, notwithstanding 'tho snow storm of yestorday. , Children's Cotton Drossos from GOc up at Wilcox Department Store. Tho firo company wore called out Tuosday afternoon to tho Surber car penter shop en South Pino. A small quuntjtyApf gasolino hod looked from tho nutojvljlch was stored thore und ignittKiSSfwiA one of the workmen struck Kjirlch n few minutes later. 1'ho .dam'hgS was slight and tho blaze extinguished without aid from tho hose company. "Booster Bob" Douglas camo up from Lincoln Saturday, enjoyed n few meals of homo cooking and then re turned to tjiustato, capita) where ho is using his oratoryMn Inducing tho legis lators to voto for tho btll which requires auto drivers to come to a full stop be fore passing ovor a railroad' crossing. Bob reports progress. No 29 5 room house, modern except heat, Cellar in and sidowalks around house, lawn and trees. Wood, coal and chicken house. Located on South Chest nut St. Price t?2,400.0p Minor Hlnman. Will Hendy, Ed. Ogterand Messrs.. Davis and Herzog aro planning on attbrid!hgthc automo bile show thai to t,o be- held in Omaha noxtweek. Thlt ahow" promises to be & vory Buccossful ond in tho way of exhibits of uTHoa. anjl accessories and tho dealer who attendyvill lenrn much that is new in regard to cars nnd appur tenances. In fact, tlio up-to-date doaler can hardly nflford.to miss the show. Tho price nt which cattle is soiling at the many sales this month is creating no end of talki.jjnd whyptiie bollof is general .th'dt prices aro higher than con ditions warrnht&nd that the buyers are doing the plunging net without consid- ing wtiere tneynviu lonu, yot tno pneos nt one sale rule aslijgh as at another and tho bidding fs always brisk and tho condition of tho cattle" cut but littlo figure . ' .. .orSale. I have a, good Stanhope buggy for sale cheap. Also I havo four more Uoso Comb Rhodo Island RedRoostera loft. Some ono will need these. Remember you make nomlstako In Btnrting with this breed of chlckona. I know what I urn tnlking about when I soy they nro tho greatest egg producers 1 know of. J. H. VanClo'aVe, 110 W. CthSt. Wrs. W. H. C. Woodhurst has re turned from a short visit in Sutherland, with relatives. '" Attorney J. J.Halligan is expected to return today from Omaha where he spent a Week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Husbnnd left Wednes day morning! for Grand Island to visit relatives and frionds. If you are contemplating building a residence this spring Bee McNomnra's plans and specifications. Phone Black 267. Mr. and Mrs. George Adair have re turned from Lexington where they were married last week. Mrs. Adair was formerly Mrs. Grace Wolliver Abemathy of this city. "The Frolicsome Lambs," a company composed of seven girls, will be the vaudeville attraction at the Keith next week. Thoy will appear in musical comedies. They aro said to be very good entertainers F. C. Letts Bold his property on west Fourth street this week to Harry Cramur, who oxpects to take possession in tho immediate future. Mr. Letjs will erect a homo this spring on the lot ho recently purchased on west Fifth street east of tho Ott'en residence. Tomorrow is Washington's birthday a legal holiday but as it is Saturday business houses will remain open, with ine. exception oi tne names. J. ne snops will bo closed down, tho county offices closed, nnd the postofiico will observe holiday hours. A large number pf boso ball fans will congregate at tho depot this afternoon to get a glimpse nt the Chicago White Sox ball team which will pass through on a special running as second section of train No. 1. Thore will be about ono hundred people on the train. Th Y. M. C. A. Men's' meeting Sun day afternoon nt four o'clock will bo in the Association rooms and will be ad dressed by Rev. S. B. Cram pastor of tho M. E. church. All mop are cordially inyited. Thoso meetings are full of in terest nnd aro very helpful. The at tendance has been very good. Local and Personal. I.ev. Father McDaid and Cavanaugh were in Grand Island Wednesday at tending a meeting of tho priests of the new diocese of Kearney. The objectof the mooting was to make arrangements for the reception that will tendered the new bishop, the date for which will soon be announced. Mrs. W. II. LeDioyt entertained six of the local teachers at n six o'clock dinner last evening. The table decora tions were prettily arranged and each course nicely prepared. Charles Latham and son of Chicago, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hatch this week while enroute homo from a visit in Denver. Miss Bessie Graham left yesterday morning for Gothenburg where she has accepted a position in tho Luckey con fectionery store. ' The Brotherhood of the First Presby terian church will meet at tho pastor's study in the church this evening at 8 o'clock. The county commissioners were in sessiori several days this week trans acting business of a routine nature. - Miss Efile Christ loft yesterday moen ing for Lexington to spend a week or more with her sister. Dr. Bent, of Wallace, is spending this week with friend in town. Mr. and Mrs. Dillion, of Wallace, spent yesterday with local friends. Presbyterian Church Notes. Sunday school at 10 a. m.. M. E. Crosby, supt. Preaching services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning theme: Tho Conditions of Temporal and Spirit ual Prosperity." Evening theme: The Mourner's Blessing. Men's bible class with pastor. Endeavor societies at 3 and 6:40 p. m. The Presbyterian church weleomes all. Reese's pantatorium having intalled a new French dry cleaning and extract ing machine in conjunction with Frenzies chemical dry cloanlng process Is now prepared to clean anything for ladies or men. Ladles' silk or lace for piece dresses and white kid gloves a spocialty. Prices the same as any other cleaning house in the city. Goods called for nnd delivered. Phono 450, nnd we will call. H. R. Reese, Prop. 4-4 Stallion for Sale. Black Percharon, ton years old, weight 1800. This is tho former Wallace horse. Inquire of or address J. A. Mar kee, North Platte. 6-4 ItEPOKT OK THE CONDITION OK THE McDonald State Bank, of North Platte. Nob , Charter No. 017 Incorporated. In tlio State nf Nebraska. at tho closo or business February 15th. IfllS RESOUKOES. Loan and discounts.... $30U.840.(8 Ovordrafts 1,342 21 lloiuls. securities. Judg ments, claims, etc. ... 13.600 00 Iiauklnir house furni ture and llxtures 15.000.00 thin from natn'l, and state banks 318.4M.51 Checks and Itoms of e.x chaniro ,...,,,,.,,.. 0.3H3.B2- Currency 20.MM00. Oold coin .,, 1.425.00 Silver, nlckolf. and cents. R.2IU.40. 101.019.53 Total LTAIULITIKS Capital stock paid In.... RnrDlus fund Undivided profits net. . . Individual deposits sub- A Joint Discussion. The Sabbath Question Beginning 4 Monday Evening, Feb. 24, at 8 o'clock p.' m. At The Christian Church Corner o! 3rd and Vine Streets. A joint discussion of 'The Sabbath Question" will be entered into between $142,707.82 8100.000.00 7.500 00 8,727.5" of i7.oi.rt lout in check riotiiatul certificates deposit ,i;i.iur.4i Time certificates of de posit 107.426.51 Lottors of Credit ... .. 425.00 Dun to natn'l and stato banks v 2J.827.35 Depositors' guarantee, fund ....... 323.1B9.8I 8,320.11 Total SI12.707.82 Stato of Nebraska. County of Lincoln. 8s. I, W. II, McDonald, Cashier of tho abovo named bank, do hereby swear that tho nlxjvo statement Is n correct and true copy of tho ropurtiimiln to tlio State Hanking Hoard V. U. MflDovAl.1i. Cnshter. Attest: Ciiab. McDoNAt.n. Director. J. II. MoDONAi.ii. Director. Subscribed and sworn to boforo mo this 10th day of February, mis. O. H.TIIORLKCKT. Notary Public. My commission expires March 1013. BANK Joforo tho UXJTJSIJ STATES GOVJBJXXAnSXT frriuitud us tt ohnrtoi' to lo a blinking business thvy nmrio tliomsolvvs nbsoiutoly sut-o that thoro u-iiN both CHARACTJSIt nnd monoy behind our bnnlc. A Xntionnl llnnlc is restricted In doing business according to tho HiiitioniilHimlcinglnws, nnd tho U. S. Government Jinnlc ISxmninors see thnt these nro observed. Jtesides this, tho good nnmos or rolinblo men ol i'innnolnl responsibility nro behind our bnnlc. Do YOU1Z bunking with The First National Bank, Ol XOHTH PTATTJ3t XISIIRASKA, Tho Twtwgost ilnnicin Wen torn Kebxuislcn. i H. G. Knowles Pastor Miller OI the Christian Church. Tt Of the Seventh-Day Adventiat " Church. r Discussion to Continue Six Evenings. This affords rare opportunity for all Christians and Bible Students to hear this much misunder stood subject thoroughly discussed. You Miss it If You Miss it THE PALACE CAFE Offers to residents of, and visitors to, North Platte, the most finely appointed servicoin Western Nebraska, and with this is a menu that cannot be excelled fory the price. Regular means are served and short orders can be obtained any hour day or nteht. ' " THE PALACE CAFE, "iSSWKtt Opposite U. P. Depot. I March 15 to April 15, 1913 NORTH PLATTE $30.00 To California and Pacific Northwest $25.00 IMZl Utah, Idaho and Montana. v Now is the time to make arrangements to visit this- rich and growing section of the west and select a farm home for yourself and family where large crops and handsome profits are made from small tracts, of land planted to orchards or truck gardens. Some crop matures every season of the yeai your land is never idle. Enjoy your trip by traveling via. UNION PACIFIC jj Standard Road of theVfs Forlitera'ture and information relative ttr diverse romes11 fares, stopovers, sido trips, etc., call4on or address Dl inomo Q4J.t' "' B. BUXjEARD Agent. ngpdlegro ORTII PJATTE, NEBRASKA. v W vb8BHmMHIHSIh. FREE! A Full Size 50c Box of Make-Man Tonic Tablets Are you weak and nervous? Do you suffer from backaches, rheumatism, or kidney trouble? Aro your stomach ond di gestive organs constantly getting out Pit whack, bo that you can't enjoy your meals any more? Are you losing weight? Do you sleep poorly? Is your body weak and crying for something that Is lacking? whntyou most likely need Is more rich, pure blood coursing through your veins, giving lite and vigor to your entire system. Your body Is famished. Your entire system Iscrying fornour ishment. What you need is atonic, a health-giv-lng. pure-blood-making tonic Make-ManTonic TabUti they help make men and women strong; they give new life, new strength, to im poverished, run-down, over-worked nervous sys tems. In order that you and every one who does not know these wonderful health-giving, life saving tablets, we make thlsunusuatotTen Simply cutout coupon, till in your name and address Bend no money just the coupon, and you will receive absolutely free, ourregularSOcentboxof MahfMan Tonic Tablet. Kemember, send no money, there is no string tied to this offer, nil that we ask is that you try this J 0-cent box. Sold and recommended in North Platte by Schiller & Co., Family Druggist, first door north of First National Bank. Take every tablet (as per directions) nnd we Knowthatlna few days you will marvel at tne results. Don't put it off until to-morrow, cut out this coupon now, start today on the road to health. Make-Man Tonic Tablet will show you the way. We ore willing and anxious to give you a full size 50c box free, then judge for yourself, whether or not they can be of help to you Can you resist so earnest an appeal? Poryour own sake nnd those who love you, cut out this coupon today, nt once nnd mall It to us Make' Man Tonic Tabtett are sold at all drug stores SOa a box on a guarantee or money refunded. 'CUTOUTTHIS COUPON ; J BIAKE-MAN TAlU.ITr CO., Oept. 800 S J OOO Muk..Mnu lll.lff.. Clilcnco, III. J I hnvo npvor umsI M&k-MnnTftlleU before ami ! with toroielve, tree, a full'SliufiO-coDt box. j J Drucglst's Namo............................ t 5 My Name ....-.................................- . .. . Anilreu ....,.. , 'S H " rff,V.5JW.tl I . 'y" v ' VftMlSJP N HJV&'I tMn f. i . '-'