The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 21, 1913, Image 1

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    St&te UUtctlul IttfttV
No. 8
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We have the highest grade line of rugs that can be
purchased. For the remainder of the. week we offer
you them at the following prices.
Saxony, 9x12 ft $25 and 27.00 values at Ji ,5)0-
Tap. Brussels, 9x12 ft. $18
v -Tap.
Brussels, 9x12 ft. $15 values at
All Wnn! Tnrrrnin nvio ff
..w. ..fa. ....,, y.v..i,
Also a good, assortment of smaller Rugs.
Local and Personal.
Mrs. Miller of Sargent, is spending
this week in town with local friends.
Mrs. Goo. Trexler will entertain the
M. M. M. club Tuesday of next week.
Con Walker and son Edward who
"have been employed in Mitchell for sev
eral weeks will return here Sunday.
Always see Temple for good values
in real estate of any kind.
Wm. Huddard returned Wednesddy
from Omaha where he accompanied
Jiis brother to tho hospital the first of
this week.
Mrs. James E. Boyd, of Omaha, is a
.guest at the homo of her nephew W.
H. McDonald and family, having ar
rived Wednesday evening.
For Sale Thorough-bred White Or
phington chickens and eggs for sotting,
also day old chicks. 123 West 11th St.
Phone 662.
Mrs. Thomas Golden and childron
will leave in a few days for Valloy
Junction where Mr. Golden has been
employed for some time.
'Mr. and Mrs, C. A. Robinson who
spent the paa$ six,, months 'ith their
daughter Krs. Frank Pentler in Den
ver,, returned homp yesterday after
jiooU. ? ' ,
Mrs. .Bert Brown entertained the S.
O, C. Club Wednesday afterrioon in a
tnanner pleasing to all present. Enjoy
'able refreshments wero served.
Np,. SO, 6 room new, framet .house
equipped throughout except heat. Two
lots, lawn and sidewalks. Located jat
309 EastMth'Sti A Price $2750.'067
C. F. Temple.
Following is the menu which will bo
served at the Rebekah supper at tho I.
0., O. F. hall on February 25th; Stowed
chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, sauor
fcraut, pickles, jolly, Washington pie,
and coffee.
For Sale One biddy incubator and
"brooder 200 egg sizo and pure Rhode
Island Red Roosters. Mrs. J. O. Raynor
west of new round house. 7-3
Just think of a company of pretty
girls, under the management of a
girl producing clean, musical comedy,
at prices of 10 and 20 cents. The Dixie
Girl Company will bo hero on next
Monday and will produce pretty farce
musical comedies at popular prices.
Every girl is a peach, the commediana
are funny, and the attractions are
properly staged. The motto of the
manager is cleanliness, and you may
safely bring the ladies to every per
formance at the Keith.
values at 1 O.I
t I o itilimK -.-
Mrs. Ella Huxoll and' children will
leeve tomorrow for Lincoln to spend a
a week or longer.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jones returned
yesterday from an extended visit in
eastern cities with relatives.
The Catholic Girls Club will hold an
exchange at the Howe & Maloney fur
niture store on Saturday, Mar.' 1st.
Mrs. Miko McCullough, of Brady,
who had been visiting in California for
several months spent a few days here
this week while enroute' home.
Colonel Cody was elected president
of tho showmen's league which Was
organized at Chicago yesterday. The
membership is composed of owners of
all classes of tent shows.
For Rent
Houses and rooms, safe deposit boxes
and storago room. Wo have calls for
more houses. Bratt & Goodman.
To -Night
"The Re-Incarnation
ot Karma"
A powerful Psychic and Occult
Drama of the Re-Embodiment
Fifteen Hundred Years After the
Death of Karmas, the High Priest
and Quinethea, the enchantress;
bewitching and captivating.
This expressive picture was made
by the Vitigraph Co., and has beep
showing to crowded houses at the
Isis Theatre in Denver.
The Pathe Weekly, showing the
latest events happening in the
Comedy Singing and Talking Act.
10c and 15c
- McKay.-
Jury Places No Blame.
The coroner's jury in the supposed
case of poisoning at Sutherland re
turned tho following verdict Wcdnosdny :
"Wo tho undersigned jurors find from
tho evidence rendered that Mrs. E. E.
Zimmerman came to hor death at hor
homo on Feb. 11, 1913, from a drug
supposed to bo salts and do not placo the
blnmo on any porson or persons whatso
ever." The analysis of tho substanco given
Mrs. Zimmerman, as mudo by the
chemist at the state university, showed
that it was tartar omotic, and tho
amount admlnistorsd to the sick woman
was of sufficient quantity to kill five
On account of Washington's birthday
falling on Saturday, Postmastor Davis
informs us that one complete delivery
of mail will bo mado tomorrow morning
within the carrier zone. Tho general
delivery window will bo open from 9 to
10 o'clock a. m.
Money to loan on real estate
on three to five years' time or out
of our State Building & Loan As
sociation, returnable monthly same as
rent. Bkatt & Goodman.
Mrsv W. W. Cummings entertained a
number of lady friends Wednesday
aftornoon complimentary to Mrs.
Thomas Golden who will leave tho city
in a few days. The afternoon was
pleasantly spent in sewing. Lunch in
two courses was sfervod.
For Sale Black Perchoron stallion,
coming thrco years old, weight 1650 lbs.
Can furnish papers if desired. Address
Jas. Kimmel, North Bend, Nebraska,
R. R. No. 1.
The End of His Rope.
, "Charles," she said, "that's tho worst
cigar 1 over smellcd In my life. Throw
It awny. I'm stifling!"
And she uttered a llttlo stifle.
"It cost 10 cents," ho replied, caress
ing tho band. "Tho man said It took
four Cubans thrco dnyB to mako It,
and I'd hate to throw It away. It cost
10 cents."
"Nevertheless," she said between sti
fles, "If you don't throw It away It will
kill me. It's terrlblo. You know I'm
no chronic kicker, but Just look at mol"
Andjuidced Jjo had never seen any
6ne stifle so fust,-or so mnL Yet ho
Went right on smoking, muttering. "It
cost me 10 cents."
Tho bill for tha funeral (an elaborate
one, for he felt quite upot amounted
to $140.80. and as he wrote n check
for It he reflected, with a twlngo of
conscience. "It cost 10 cents, but I sup
pose It would have been cheaper to
throw It away." Pittsburgh Press.
They Rocover Quickly.
Tho marriage or rather the remar
riage statistics In the malrlcs of Paris
muUo sud reading for the bcntlmental
lsta. Of 2.270 disconsolate widowers
143 remarry within u year. Tho de
fections Increase with terrlblo rapidity
in the second year, which sees G2S re
lapses from the ranks of mourners. At
tho end of tho third year only thirty
seven widowers lenialn. With the wid
ows it Is even worse. None remarry
within the Urst yenr of their husband's
decease, but It Is feared that this Is due
not to fidelity, but to the strict legal
veto which obtains lnv France. Once
tho law's delay is at an end they go off
with vertiginous rapidity. Of 1,007
weeping widows In eighteen months
only four had not exchanged their
weeds for woddlng garments. Paris
Cor. London Telegraph.
Nprway'a Sick Insurance Law.
Norway has a sick lnsuranco law
which embraces all wage earners and
public servants over fifteen years of
ago whose yearly earnings do not ex
ceed $322 If In tho rural districts or
5375 In the cities. Tho law also pro
vides that the employer shall pay a
certain percentngo (onc-slxth) of the
premium, while he Is held responsible
for the whole, but may deduct from
tho wages of tho Insured at tho end of
tho term for which tho premium is
paid tho amount thus advanced. The
oretically It la self Insurance on tho
contrlbutlve plan, whllo actually It
amounts to an extra tax upon tho em
ployer, as most employees stipulate
when engaging their services that tho
Insurance picmlum shall bo paid In
addition to the wages.
Old Time Punishment.
In "PJUe's History or Crimea,"' vol
ume 1. page 22(1, Is found tho follow,
lug copy of the sentence of an old time
traitor "It Is the order of tho courf
that for your treason you bo drawn
and hanged nnd beheaded and that
your heart, bowels and entrails, from
whence come your traitorous thoughts,
be torn out and purned to ashes and
that the antics be scattered to tho four
winds and Hint your tiody bo afterward
cut Into four quarters."
For Sale.
1 'oxtrn latvn rnfrirrnrnt nr 1 nnr
dresser, 1 oak washstand, 1 oak rocker,
i oaK center tamo, l kitchen table. In
quire of C. F. Tracy, 1002 W. 3rd St.
Phone Red 408,
1 VK, C. Barton Passes Away.
K. C. Barton died at his homo in
Omnho yestorday after on Illness of
about two years. The deceased came
to North Platto with his parents about
1870 and remained here until 1882, when
tHo family moved to Omaha whore they
havo since resided. Ho leaves a wife
and threo children.
Mrs, W. B. Millard, sister of tha
lato Mr. -Barton, is seriously ill and tho
pnysicians offer little oncouragement
for hor rocovory.
With several inches of snow covering
the ground, tho banana belt of western
Nebraska today presents a wintry ap
pearance This snow began falling
Wednesday night, lazily continued yes
torday and last night and this forenoon
the air was filled with flying flakes.
This is tho most moisture this section
has had since last August, and thoro-
lore is wolcomed.
Wanted Two good approntico girls
to learn millinery under a competent
trimmer and proprietess. Call at mil
linery department at Tho Leader on or
about Feb. 25, 1913. Mrs. B. F. Saylor.
The Catholic Girls Club mot at the
homo of Mrs. Clyde Cook last evening.
uusinoat or importanco was transacted
and a nice lunch served. Tho comi
mittee was composed of Misses Ethel
Frye, Kathleen Flynn, Ethel Mc
Williams, Vaunlta Hayos and Alma
Weather: Unsettled with snow tonight
or Saturday, somewhat colder. Highest
temperature yestorday 24, ono year ago
34; lowest last night 14, one year ago
10. Procipitation in last 36 hours up
till 7:30 this morning was. 30 of an inch.
1G0 acres improved land for rent, sale
or trnde for horsos or city property.
Cash or time. Correspondonco solicited.
J. F. Jensen, Hillside, Nobr.
Tho Ho-shey Times says prospects
are bright for tho erection of an alfalfa
meal mill by eastern parties. Further an
electric light plant might be maintained
n connection with the mill.
Percheron Horses.
Teamdyear old maros, 4 stallion colts
all registered. Thomas E. Doolittle. -14
I will sell at Public
six and a half miles east
Platte on
Tuesday, February 2
The following described property to:wit;
9 Head of Horses and Mules
One bay brood mare, 7 years old in
foal, wt. 1600.
One bay brood mare, 8 years old, in
foah wt. 1400. '
One brown mare, 7 years old in foal,
wt. 1000.
Que team of bay mares, 10 and 11
years old, wt. 2400.
One brown mare, 10 years old, wt.
One dark bay mare coming1 3 years old
wt. 900
One grey gelding-, 7 years old, wt.
One bay mule coming 3 years old.
57 Head of Cattle
Fifteen Hereford cows.
Six milch cows.
Six coming 3 yr old Hereford Heifers.
Nine coming 2 yr old Hereford Heifers.
One Hereford bull coming 3 yr old.
Five steers, coming 2 yr old.
Ten yearling Hereford Heifers.
Five coming yearling steers.
T. All sums under $10.00 cash. On sums over that amount eight month's timo will be given on Good
I CI ITIS. bankable note bearing ton porcent Intorest'from date of sale. Thrco percent off for cash No
"' property to be removed until settled for. All property at purchaser's risk ufter bid off.
Col. Dave Love, Auctioneer
keith theatre Monday, February 24th,
The Merry Making Musical Bunch of Girlies
"The Dixie Girls
Producing a Repertoire of Clean, Bright, Dazzling,
Laugh producing Comedies at Popular Prices,
Change of Programme Nightly.
Watch for the Parade of the Seminary Girls'on the Street Daily
M. J. O'Connoll went to Omaha yes
torday afternoon to spend a fow dayB
on busjnesa.
Mrs. John Weinberger will ,leavo in
a few days for Omaha to visit hor
Mr. and Mrs. 'Edward Griesor re
turned last evening from a short visit
with rolativcs in St. ftiul, Nob.
Don't miss tho Dixie Girls show nil
next week at the Keith. Remember,
tho Dixie Girls is a positively guaran
teed clean musicial performance. Thoy
change programme nightly. See tho
airy, fairy, dninty, bewitching, ontrac
ing beautiea with thofttfxia Girls Show
at the Keith all next week. Clover
specialties aio interspersed between the
nets of the Dixie Girls Show. At thj
Keith nil next Week.
Always see Temple for good values
in real estate of any kind.
Sale at my place one mile north of Birdwood Station,
of Hershey and seven and a half miles west of North
G. H. Scharmann.
The Chicken Chorus,
The Frolicsome Lambs,
Tho Jolly Tramps,
Fun in a Boarding School,
Charlie's Girl, Etc.
j ,,
Harry Mil9, who hns been con
fined in tho county jail for twenty seven
days, was tried In Judge Warren's
court yesterday morning:. At tho time
of hia arrest ho was charged with paijj,
sing worthlosa checks on several of the
local merchants. At tho trial yestQr-r
day ho was givon a thirty day sentence
in jail with tho timo which he hat
served deducted, leaving three dayu
moro to finish.
A now billard club was forrreaSthis
week with F. J. McGovorn amj W. J.
Landgraf as captains. Thej losers are
to banquet tho winners with'.ari cod-flit
supper nnd as all tho playors aro inox
porionced tlio games promise to bo
amusing. Tho tournament will bo hold
in tho Elk roqms and no timo limit has
boon set, gamos will bo for fifteen
points Thoso choson to take part aro
Messrs. James Keefo, Dave Day, J. B.
McDonald, Ray Langford.
mm mam
5 'ii
9 ij9
Head of Hogs
Eight Poland China brood sows, wt.
275 lbs. each; will farrow first of March'
One Poland China bear. wt. 250".
Farm Machinery f
One top buggy.
Two 2rowJohnDecrc corn cultivators.
Two John Deere walking cultivators.
One riding cultivator.
One John Deere riding lister.
One 1 6- feet steel harrow.
?ne riding plow,
wo wagons.
One disc, 16 wheel. 'ft If
Two McCormick hay rakes.
Three 6 foot McCormick mowers.
One Dain hay sweep.
Two sets work harness.
One set single harness
And many other articles too numerous
to mention. XV
. -(