The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 18, 1913, Image 8

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Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Pablisher.
One Year by Mall in ndvnnco $1,25
One Year by Carrier in advance $1.60
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
oflico as Second Class Matter.
TUESDAY. FEB. 18. 1913.
Want Young Blood.
There is now a movement on tho part
of a younger business men of the city
backed by a strong following of young
rotors to put up nyoung man's ticket
for city officials at the coming municipal
election. In this movement party affili
ation, will not figure, will not bo taken
into consideration. Alrendy tho candi
dates for mayor and four councilmonj
have been tentatively agreed upon, and
in each instance- the selection has boon
made by reason of tho eminent qualifi
cation possessed.
Tho younger element believo that the
progress of the city has not been so
rapid as it might bo, and that the in
fusion of younger blood into city man
agement will result in moro rapid
strides. By this it is not meant that an
era of extravagant oxpendituro is to be
inaugurntod; but rather that more good
can and will bo accomplished by the
tamo expenditure of money.
Tho Tribune favors any move that
will prove beneficial to tho city and it
is perfectly-willing that the younger
clement be given an opportunity to dis
play their .business ability as applied to
management of municipal nfTairs. Great
corporations arc constantly seeking
ypuqg mon.of merit nnd vigor to fill im
portant position, why not municipalities
do likewise?
Itjs probable that within a couple of
weeks nconvontibn will bo called to
place in nomination tho candidates ten
tatively agreed upon, and a whirlwind
campaign will follow.
The North Platte Stcara Laundry.
It is said, "cleanliness is tho next to
godliness", the laundryman'a mission is
very important one and it is a feather In
the cap of a town to have a first clnss,
thoroughly modern laundry suchas the
North Platte. It is operated by compe
tent, experienced hands and our folks
are well icrvod indeed.
(Messrs. Adair & Main havo been in
this line some time in various parts of
the country nnd their establishment is
.equipped with the latest and bust. It is
'being' enlarged as patronage warrants
and besulos their heavy local trade they
also do n largo out of town business.
Laundry work Is dono ns promptly
as in tho large cities and as cheaply
and no fabric is too delicate) or too cosily
for thoso gentlemen to handle) They
also operate a cleaning and dyeing de
partment and do considorablo in this
way likewise.
Their dolivory nnd collection system
Is the bust and only skilled operators nro
employed in the various departments.
Messrs. Adair & Main nre top no tellers
in their lino, first class citizens and fine
business man who reflect credit on their
line nnd the commercial interests of
Norbj Platte. Tho town has no better
boosters and pushers and they nro 0.
K. all along tho line. Their laundry
takca a back seat for no other in the
state in a town ot tins sizo nnd many
largor places havo not ns good.
Tho Tribuno commends Govornor
Morehond in prohibiting the prizo fight
-which was advertised to bo pulled off
at Grand Island last night. Such affairs
are a clenr violation of tho law of tho
the state; they are n degrading class of
sport, and to permit them gives Ne
braska n publicity that is damaging.
pif -
-, Local and Personal
Miss? Emma Burklnnd Is spending this
week in Sutherland.
Herbert Marovish roturnod to Suther
land Saturday morning after spending a
couple of days in town.
Mrs, Kylander, formerly of this city,
came over from Farnnm Saturday to
visit friends in town.
John Holcombe, of Brady, visited in
town Saturday while enrouto home from
a week's stay in Denver.
Miss Ireno vonTrot and Mrs. Grauer
returned Saturday from Sutherland
whoro they furnished music for a danced
Mrs, Hoyt Hart and baby, of Pnxton,
who viaitet with Mrs. Lena Salisbury
last week went home yesterday morn
ing. MissOrra White returned to Suther
land Saturday morning after spending
sonie time with her sister Mrs. 0. W.
Mrs. Maurice Buckley and baby left
yesterday morning for Bridgeport to
spend n couple of woeks with the for
mer's sister Mrs. Mat Walsh.
Tho masquarade danco at Hershoy
Friday ovening was a very enjoyable and
successful affair. A party of twenty or
moro young people from this city at
tended and report a pleasant ovening.
", i . politicians at Lincoln are 'already
briupi iff out candidates for governor
two -M3 hence, and among the, names
m?n ' d U Senator Hoaglandbf this
city., Whither tho Senator will be in a ro
ceptive position we know not
Miss Alta Dorryberry who had been
critically ill for somo timo is much im
proved. My property at 323 W. 8th streot for
'sale Geo. S. Baskins
Mrs. Sam Dikcmnn left Saturday
urday afternoon for Sutherland to visit
Mr. and Mrs. Rinoy visited Mr. and
Mrs. Posey Saturday morning while en
route to Laramie.
Miss Goldio Wills, of Lexington,
spent the week end with friends in
town nnd returned homo Sunday even
ing. Mrs. W. II. C. Woodhurst left Satur
day for Sutherland to visit her alstor
Mrs. Tollofsen,
Miss Norma Grsen, of Lewellen, who
has been taking treatment at the P. &
S. hospital for some time is, improving.
Miss Green is a sister of Mrs. Chnrlcs
Haner of this city.
Myrtle and Vicinity.
Miss Bertha McMullcn was & North
Platte visitor Saturday.
Wm. Pittman was repairing bridges
on the Platte bottom Monday.
Jos. Hare, of Lincoln, camo up Mon
day to attend the Askwig salo.
Geo. Depew, of North Platte, was a
business visitor last'Tnesday.
Fred Chenay, of Minneapolis, Kans.,
visited his sister Mrs. J. C. Askwig tho
first of the week.
Jack Weber and wife roturncd from
Oregon last Monday. They wont to
Oregon nearly a yoarago but havo de
cided that Nobraska is good enough fcr
A largo crowd attended tho snle at
J. C. Askwig's Tuesday nnd a very
small crowd attended the Hollonbeck
Semi-Annual Statement of the County Treasurer
Of Lincoln County, Nebraska, from July 1st, 19l2, to January 1st, 1923.
ALBERT N. DURB1N, Treasurer.
Genoral ,
School .'
University ,
Bridge ,
Interost .
School Land Pnncipnl
School Larrtl Interest
School Land Kentnl
Road Comm'r Dist. No. 1
Road Comm'r Dist. No. 2
Road Comm'r Dist. No. 3
Bridge f
Court House Bond ,...,
Jail Bond
South Plntto Bridge Bond
Funding Bonds...
North Plntto Bridgo Bond
Soldier's Relief Fund
Out Standing Indebtedness
District Road ,
Speclnl Road
Deposit Interest
Special Bridge
Tax Sales and RedemptiouR
Blrdwood Bonds and Intorest
Euroka Bonds arid Intorest,.
Hershey Bonds and Interest
Bostwick Bond nnd Interest
Keith & Lincoln Co. General,
Keith & Lincoln Co. Interost
Blrdwood General,
Birdwood Intorest
Suburban Genoral,
Suburbnn Interest & Bonds
Building, . , ,
Electric Light
Sewer Bonds & Intorest. ,
Sowor Maintenance
Sewer Laterals
Water Bond & Intorest
City Pnrk
Fire Dopt. Maintenance
Wallace rf
Sutherland , ". .
Hershey ,
Finos & Licenses)
Jury Fund ,..,..,,
Miscellaneous Fees., .-
Miscellaneous Items
Less Koith and Lincoln Counties Irrigation, Intorest Overdraft.
jjMt' !
I, Albort N. Durbln, Treasurer of
the above is a true statement of all tho
State of Nebraska,
County of Lincoln,
Wo do hereby eortlfy that the abovo statement of Albert N. Durbln, County Treasurer offcoln County" CNeb.
i JSf5?"lorJ T"ll S?""? en,tcr?4 tf ? vouchors and other Items of credit were
.. H.r.m,uuvUi.u, r.,.,u, .,u v..D Yuutuin. wore receivca Dy mo cha rman of the board of County Commiss
ioners and the footings ware verified by us nnd found to bo correct, and tho above statement of briance agnes In every
particular with said accounts in Coanty Treasurer's genera ledger. Ul "'""" oarers ,n every
sale Wednesday.
Master Georgo Hood has been quite
ill with pneumonia.
P. D. Tatman and wifo came up from
North Platte Friday and returned homo
thosamo ovening.
Geo. Richards camo up from North
Platte Thursday.
Earl Combs nnd Harry Morrow will
hold a public sale March 5th.
Should Convince Every Tribune
The frank statement of a neighbor,
telling tho merits of a remedy, '
Bids you pause nnd believe.
The same endorsement
By Bcmo stranger fnr away.
Commands no bolicf at all.
Here's a North Platto case.
A North Piatto citizen testifies.
Read and be convinced.
August Ackerman, 221 S. Walnut St.,
North Platto, Nebraska, says: "I still
hold a very high opinion of Doan's Kid
ney Pills. I used them for a backache,
arising from disordered kidneys and re
ceived tho best of results. It is over
three years since I have had occasion to
use Doan's Kidney Pills but my health
has been splendid, not a symptonof kid
ney troublo having bothored me. I can
endorse this excellent remedy."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Fostcr-MilburnCo., Buffalo, Now, York,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the namo Doan's and
take no other.
The Old Reliable
When your clothes need pressing,
cleaning nnd repairing, lot the Old Re
Hablo Tnilor do itand do it right" We
have beon doing this work in North
Plntto for thirty years, know how to
do it nnd do it the way it should bo
That means satisfaction to you.
Entrnnco north of tho Nynl drug store.
July 1st, 1912.
for G months
2888 20
' 702 11
135 55
42 87
4GG 50
157 81
483 G2
11506 95
2410 G5
988 7G
883 31
0035 47
29 GS
27 SO
1 30
5273 04
3737 40
1030 G8
4 51
G34 01
9G34 77
435 27
1783 '13
GG 33
1714 04
13059 7G
3087 G5
617 29
178 66
2712 31
2583 34
29506 24
1611 71
1611 68
1611 70
6979 07
702 99
140 60
218 GO'
10743 35
850 43
SNjO 74
520Q 29
556 47
144 31
584 84
291 62
0472 9G
5973 GG
1272 46
1379 5S
322 33
723 48
113-1 55
750 82
2030 34
38596 45
5548 50
786 65
1100 G9
G608 57
175 11
219 38
256 99
144 38
G29 05
136 43
13 48
98 93
219 69
85 32
47 95
89 46
12 27
21 95
21 1G
859 41
266 38
3462 99
1690 56
97 03
109 40
1543 37
1444 42
G2993 02
5G88 13
432 27
G71 06
1426 94
2679 49
1801 53
752 64
1105 91
30 82
2264 43
937 41
84 13
703 09
1850 75
219 57
345 91
392 71
638 33
75 10
2500 00
3295 38
97 30
$ 123577 78
$ 183632 39
$ 123577 73 $ 183632 39
Cash in banks
Sinking funds
Cash and cash items on hand
Lincoln County, Nebraska do swear that
funds of tho Treasurer's office of Uncdp
Subscribed and sworn fn lifnr m !! ii, ...
Percheron Horses.
Team4yenr old marcs, 4 stallion colts
nil registered. Thorn ns E. Doolittle. -44
IJ U 111 u
OS the Best Quality.
Paine Fishburn
Granite Co.,
W. T. ALDEN, Salesman
Have You Plumbing Troubles?
Is there need for repairs every few
days? Is your bathroom modern and
luxuriantly comfortable? Aro the
kitchon arrangements convenient and
sanitnry? If rot.
Send For Our Plumber.
Not only nre we experts at repair
work, but there will be little need for
repairs if we install your plumbing.
You'll be surprised at our fair estimates
if you "talk price" with us.
Shop Phone C9. Res. Phone G8S
Corner Sixthand Locust.
Paid Out
for 6 months January 1st, 1913
8311 69
2041 88
14 71
221 53
27 12
25 84
28418 39
3475 G7
25G5 53
1731 62
9920 59 '
7636 27
1747 88
738 13
466 50
2843 00
3041 12
12591 80
552 69
-34 91
763 39
93 95
29 68
27 30
1 30
5273 04
686 16
1167 92
4 51
847 38
11871 91
1265 24
830 49
66 33
1886 75
543 15
4430 97
0544 50
1557 10
3754 23
5033158 ;
13 532
2186 30
14 00
4294 9!T
i on
547 58
8l 06
468 19
581 33
507 24
1175 18
H948 72
6403 05
08-1 GS
895 04
6934 5G
2093 95
352 32l;
1786 95
2299 58.
59640 75
4772 98
534 32
80 7I u
1634 63
911 52
1050 '70
17 06
2748 93
908 00
68 20
G76 62
1773 12
5" 25
58 28
9 54
808 05
178 43
409 26
386 28
98 11
199 59
13 76
144 55
165 84
29 41
126 00
297 32
299 G4
335 58
478 36
96 93
531 85
96 26
1977 00
1G14 87
361 35
522 40
2039 92
2 33
$ 171816 06
$ 135475 12
81 06
$ 135394 06
$ 171816 00
$ 105318 99
29240 00
835 07
$ 135394 06
to the boat of mv WnnwWlcrA n,i hu
&un aml bollof
Lounty Treasurer.
ui. irvir
Commissioners 1). B. WAITE.
The Kind of Clothes
Gentlemen Wear
Guaranteed Quality,
Perfect Fit,
Prices Right.
Custom made Suit
$20 to $45
Tailor made Suit.
$25 to $47
Satisfaction guaranteed
Karle Gerle,
over McDonald Bank.
Oldest Bank In Lincoln County
State Bank
North Platte, Nebr.
CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00
We Solicit Your Duslnsss.
The leading Live Stock and Gen
eral Farm Sales Auctioneer in
Western Nebraska is
Phono Red 630.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued from the
district court or Lincoln county, Nebraska,
upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said
court wherein Frederick Whitmoro is plaintiff,
and IsBac Benton Taylor ct al aro defendants, and
to mo directed. I will on tho 22nd cIav nf
March, 1913, it 2 o'clock, p. m. at tho east front
door or tno court house In Worth Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebiaska. sell at pyblic auction to tho
iiiKI'VBI. uiuuur LUC -1319(1 lo EHtlSXy SaiQ
decree, interest and costs, tho following
described property to-wlt: All of ncctlnn
twenty-three 123) all of section twenty-fivo (25) the
soutn nnit yaii) ana tho northwest quarter (nwt)
section thirteen (13) the east half of the north.
west quarter and the west half of tho northeast
quarter of section twenty-four (21) township fif
teen via) nortn oi rango zy uuj weBt or tho 6th y,
M in Lincoln county.Ncbraska.
Dated North Platte, Neb., Feb. I7th, 1913.
flS- A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff.
Burial No. 0153).
CnltiMl Statvs Land Olllct.
. At. North I'latte. Nebraska. Feb 10. IMP,
Notice Is lieruuy Kivon that Charlts
u. Long or Worth riatto Nel who ot
January IS. 1910, . made homestead entrt
Serial 1 No. 0150(1 for tho east half
of tho southwest quarter and lots !1 and 4,
Section 18, Town 14 N Rature 30 W.. of the
tun i-nncuxu .uoriuian, tias tucu notice or In
tention to make linal three yeai
proof, to establish claim to tho land abovi
described, before tho register and recolvet
at North Platte. Nebraska, on the letli day
ot April. 1H13
Claimant names as witnesses: Qorgo
jiuiii. umimu i.uuK, j t iiomusoii anu
Dick Koss. all nf North Platte, Neb.
n8'11 John E.IEvanb Register.
Legal Notice.
William Cross, non-resident, will take
notice mat ne was-sued in the County
court of Lincoln countv. Nebraska, on
February 1st. 1913 by George Kopf, for
the sum ol 5144.60, due from the de
fendant to the Plaintiff upon contract
with accrued interest; That order of
attachment was issued out of said court
to accompany tho summons therein is
sued for said sum of $144.50; that the
First National Bank of North Platte.
Nebraska, a corporation, was garnisheed
ana maue answer on eDruary(jth. 11)13
that It had in its possession the sum of
$140.00, tho property of said defendant
William uross. Whereupon said cause
was continued to the 20th dav of March.
1913, at tho hour of 9 a. m. for further
You will appear in said court at said
time or judgment will be taken against
you and said sum of $140.00 applied in
satisfaction of said judgment and costs
of this suit.
Dated at North Platto, Nebraska,
February 10th 1913.
George Kopf, Plaintiff. By E. H.
Evans, His Attorney. fll-4
In the matter of the .estate of Michael Albert
Foster, deceased. ,'
In the county court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, January. 24, 1913.
Notice Is hereby iriven, that the creditors of
said deceased wilt meet the administrator of said
estate before the county judiru of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, at the county court room, in said
county, on the 25th day of Feb., 1913, and on the
25th day of Aug., 1913, at 9 o'clock n. m. each day,
for the purpose of presenting; their claims for
examination, adjustment and allowance. Six
months are allowed for creditors to present their
claims, and one year for tho administrator to
snttlo said estate, from the 24th day of Feb.
1913. A copy nf this order to be published in the
North Platte Tribune, a legal semi-weekly news
paper published in said county for four successive
weeks prior to February 25, 1913.
J28-4 JOHN CHANT. County Judge.
By virtue of an order of salo issued from
the District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In 5d
court whtrein John Duvall Is planiUTf,
and J. J, Walters, et. al are de
fendants, and to mo directed, I wll
on the 15th day of March, 1913, at two
o'clock, p, m., at the east front door of the
court house of said county. In the city of North
Platte, Nebraska, sell at public auction, to the
highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree,
interest and costs, the following described
property, to-wlt:
..Southwest quarter UwU) section thirty
fonr (8-1) in township thirteen (13). north range
thlrty-threo (33), west of the 6th P. M. Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
Datod at North Plntto. Neb.. Feb. R 191t.
fll-5 A. J. SALIsuunv, Sheriff
Agnes Harris, Emory Tripp, Minnie Hood, a
minor, Eddie Hood a minor, Helen Colvln a minor,
t!u,r,l Trinn. ODftl Trim). Adeline TrlDD and
Harold Tripp, minors and children of Mamlo
unknown, ns guardian of Minnlo Hood, II. D.
Hughes, first and real name unknown, as guardian
ol Eddie Hood, Earl II. Colvin, ns guardian of
Helen Colvln, Russell D. Chaso as guardian of
Edward Tripp, Opal Tripp, Adeline Tripp
and Harold Tripp, deftntlants, will take
notice that on the 6th day of February,
1913, tho plaintiff Rupert Schwalger,
filed his petition In tho district court of Lincoln
county, NcLrrska, tho object and prayer of which
are to partition the cast half (EH) and the north
west quarter INWH) of section thirty-four (31)
township sixteen (16), north of range thirty (30),
west of tho 6th p, m., containing 480 ncres ac
cording to government survey, in Lincoln county,
Nebraska; also prays that tho shares and Interests
of the various parties in and to said land be ascer
tained and determined, that Js to say, that tho
plaintiff Rupert Schwalger be decreed to be tho
owner of an undivided one-sixth interest; that tho
defendants each bo decreed to bo tho owner of
the following Interest In and to said real estate;
Agnes Harris, an undivided one-sixth interest,
Minnie Hood, n minor, an undivided one-sixth
interest; Eddie Hood, a minor, nn undivided ono
slxth interest: Helen Colvln, n minor, an undi
vided one-sixth Interest, Edward Tripp, a minor.
Opal Tripp, a minor, Adeline Tripp, a minor,
and Harold Tripp a minor, children nnd
heirs at law of Mamlo Tripp, deceased,
ao ne twenty-fourth interest each; that
plaintiff prays for a confirmation of the shares
and interests as herein set forth and that In case
said land cannot be equitably partitioned by meets
and bounds that the same be sold by a referee
appointed by the court ahd that the proceeds
thereof be divided after the payment of all costs
In the manner and pOrtio s as herein set forth.
You and each of you nre required to answer
said petiton on or before Monday, the 24th day of
March 1913.
Dated this 10th day of Fepruary, 1913
fll-4 By Muldoon & Gibbs, his attorneys.
The State of Nebraska, Lincoln county.'ss.
In the County Court.
In Ntho matter of the estate of Carl, E.
SchaelTcr, deceased. ,V
To the creditors, heirs, legatees, and others In
terested In the ostato of Carl E- SchaelTcr,
Takd notice. that W. II. Mungcr. Jr.,
has filed In tho county court a report of
his doings aa administrator of Carl E.
SchaeiTer estate, and It is ordered that
tho same stand for hearing the 18th day
Of February, A. P., 1913, before tho court
at the hour of 9 o'clock, n. m., at which time any
person Interested may appear and except to nnd
contest thosamo. And notice of this proceeding is
ordered given in the North Platte Tribune, a
semiweekly newspaper, printrd In said countv
for three successive weeks prior to said date of
hearing, February 18, 1913.
Witness my hand and the seal of the county
court at North Platte, Nebraska, this 25th day of
Jan. A D 1913.
J28-3 JOHN OltANT. County Judgo.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of nn order of salo Issued from tho
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
a degree of foreclosure rendered in said court
wherein Lincoln county Land Company, a corpor
ation is plaintiir, and Viola A. Brodine
et al aro defendants, and to me directed I
will on tho 24th day of February, 1913, at 2
o'clock p. mvat tho east front door of tho court
house in North Platte, Lincoln county. Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy .said decree, interest
and costs, tho following described property
to-w it: northeast quarter (neif) nnd the south
one-half (s'4) of section twenty-ono (21), town
ship ten (10), rango twenty-nine (29) west of
the 6th P. M. In Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Dated North Plntte, Neb., Jan. 20. 1913.
J22-G A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff.
To George Herbert Box nnd Georgina M. B.
Box, his wife, non-resident defendants.
You nnd each of you will hereby take notice
that Isaie S. Gaudreault, plaintiff, filed his peti
tion In tho district court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, against you and each of you in a suit
in which you are Impleaded with Wcllfieet Real
Estato and Improvement Company, a corporation,
the object nnd and prayer of which petition are
to quiet in the plaintiff ngainst you, title to the
following described lands situate in Lincoln
county, Nebraska , to-wit: Lots 7 and
8 and tho south half of lot 9, In block 7, of the
original town of Wcllfieet, Nebraska, and more
particularly to quiet title against n certain quit
claim deed made nnd executed by you to lot 7 and
the south half of lot 9 In said block 7, on Juno 29,
1907, to one C. F. Hicks and to euro certain appar
ent defects therein and particularly in the ac
knowledgement thereof.
You and ench of you will make answer to said
petition on or before tho 3rd day of March, 1913,
or your respectivo defaults will be taken.
Dated nt North Platte, Nebraska. January
20. 1913.
lOMUS. GAUDHEUJt,T, Plaintiff.
J2M By H. E. Evans, his Attorney.
Serial No. 07U.
Departmentof the Interior,
U. S. Land OIUco at North Platte. Neb.
Tan .23th. 1813.
Notice Is hereby given that Will C. Masters,
of North Platte. Neb., who, on November
7th, 1P0S. niarto Homestead Entry Serial
No. 070, for noM, Sec. 22. Township 12.
north. Range 31 W., Oth Principal Meridian,
has filed notice ot intention to maku final
three year proof, to establish claim to tho
land a,bove described, before Register nnd
Receiver, at North Platte, Nob., on tho 25th
day of March. 11)13.
Claimant names as witnesses; Carl
Brooder, John Fowler. Hugh Songcr and Will
Hunter, all of North Platto. Nebr ,
J2S-0 J. E. Evans. Keclstor.
STRATION. In the County Court.
In the matter of tho estate of Byron L.
Roblilson, deceased.
The State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, 83.
On reading nnd filing tho petition of Alice C.
Robinson, praying that regular administration of
said estate may bo waived as provided by Sec
tions 6202, 3. 4, 5, 0, Cobbey's Statutes of 1911.
Ordered. That Feb. 25, 1913, at 9 o'clock in the
forenoon Is assigned for hearing said petition, when
all persons interested In said matter may appear
at a county court to be held In and for said
county, and show cause why prayer of petitioner
should not bo granted.
This order to bo printed 'for three successive
weeks In tho North Platto Tribuno a legal Bcml
weckly newspaper published In Lincoln county,
Nebraska, prior to Feb. 25, 1913,
-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judge.
Harry Legakis will take notice - that
on the 27th day of January lOlsr P. H.
Sqllivan, a. justico of the-jpeaca, of
North Platte, precinct No. "1 Lincoln
county, Nebraska, issued an order of
attachment for the sum of $52.40'in' an
action pending before him, wherein
John C. Den is plaintiff and Harry
Legakis" is defendant, that property con
sistingiof money in the hands of the
Union Pacific railroad company, a
corporation has been attached under
said order. '
Saidcatoso was' continued until the
23nd day of March, 1913, at two o'clock
p. m.
Dated North JPlatte, Neb., Feb. 6tb,
1913. ' John C. Den;
H-3 Plaintiff.
Referees 's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued
In the district court in and fnr Lincoln
county, Nebraska, on the 31st day of
tiuuuuiiyt lir.o, in un ucliuii or partition
wherein Francis I. Nightingale is plain
tiff and Roy C. Nightingale, Raymond
A. Nightingale, a minor, Zena Oliyo
Snider and Marion I. Snider, her hus
band and William Smith nn Lfn.
dan. s, I will sell at public auction at
tno ensuroni uoor ot me court nouso in
the city of North Platte, Lincoln county,
Nebraska, on the 8th day of March.
1913, at the hour of one o'clock p. m.,
the following described real estate,
situate in Lincbln county, Nebraska, to
wit: west hnlf nf nnrlliwnit m, (..
and west half of southwest quarter of
section 21, township 9, rango 30, west
of the Gth p. m.
The terms of said anln will lm !, t
Dated nt North Platte, Nebraska,
this 31st day of January, 1913.
f45 0. E. Elder. T?nfr
. rf .., ww.
:S5S35K!5 iVH nW .?4K8PW
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