The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 18, 1913, Image 5

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    H T F you want a dclidlited accentance of vour tiiit Hi
No handsomer, more serviceable, or more
appreciated gift can be made.
This famous -ware has a solid silver disc
overlaid on. the wearing points, and it is then
plated with, a triple-plus plate. Community Silver
is guaranteed for 50 years in ordinary family use.
DIXON, The Jeweler.
Graduate Denlisf. S
J Ofl'ce over the McDonald J
e Stnto Bank. q
o a
f a
Local and Personal
Lorn Bailey went to Cozad ..yesterday
to spend a Week or longer.
Dave Day will return tonight from a
short visit in Hastings and Grand Is
land. Teiry Sitton came down from Ogden
Sunday to transact business in town for
a couple of weeks.
Charles Leirk returned the latter
part of last week from a short visit in
Omaha and Fremont.
Mrs. Fred Rassmussen and- children,
of Hershey, are spending this week in
town with relatives.
Sirs. Ernest Clouse left yesterday
morning for the eastern part of this
state to visit relatives.
Judge H. M. Grimes and court re
porter E. A. Cary went to Sidney yes
terday morning on business.
Leslie Baskins returned to the State
University Sunday morning after spend
ing the week end with his parents.
I havo the Domestic Vacuum cleaners
for sale and rent. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell,
Phone Red 104.
Julius Pizor left last night for Chi
cago where he will devote a week to
buying spring stock for The Leader.
Henry Tilgner, of Lewellen, who had
been visiting his daughter Mrs. Charles
Haner, returned home yesterday morn
ing. For Sale One biddy incubator and
brooder 200 egg size and pure Rhode
Island Red Roosters. Mrs. J. CRaynor
west of new round house. 7-3
Miss Callfe Rork was tendered a sur
prise party Friday evening at her home
in 'the fourth ward. Twenty young
friena's were present, and spent the
evening in variou3 amusements, after
whicfifthey partook 'of adelicious lunch.
160'acres improved land for rent, sala
or trade for horses or city property.
Cash or time. Correspondence, solicited.
J. F. Jensen, Hillside, .Nebr."
Alex Meston came down" from Scotts
Bluffs yesterday to spend a few days
looking after business jntcrests. He
reports a good patronage in the laundry
buslrfess in which he id engaged in that
The John Raynor property, formerly
the fair grounds, and also E. C.
Richards property-both in the west
part of town near the new round house
have been laid out into lots and will
be placed on the market in a short time
by F. J. Diener & Co., sole agents.
For Sale Black Percheron stallion,
coming three years old, weight 1C50 lbs.
Can furnish papers if desired. Address
Jas. Kimmel, North Bend, Nebraska,
R. R. No. 1.
Robert Horner, Jr., nnd brother, of
Wallace, transacted business in town
yesterday. The Horner boys located in
Wallace precinct in 1885 and have suc
cessfully "weathered the gales" inci
dent to diy weather and other causes,
and lok hearty nnd well-fed, evidence
that they have always kept the wolf
from the door.
Julius Boeck, of Grand Island, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gun
sully. Miss Grace Shelton, of the Ogalalla
schools, visited in town the last of last
The Episcopal Guild will meet with
Mrs. T. C. Patterson Thursday after
noon at 2:30.
Edward Scharmann returned Satur
day evening from an extended visit in
western points. "
Wanted Four gentleman boarders.
Inquire at 314 West Sixth St.
Math Elias left Sunday evening for
Falls City to accept a position in the
Mrs. Terrance McGovern of the
fourth ward, who has been ill for some
time, is in a critical condition.
Geoigo Scharmann left the latter
part of last week for Rockford, III., to
spend a fortnight or longer.
Robert James left yesterday after
noon for Denver, Kansas City and St.
Joe to spend a couple of weeks.
Why not improve that lot of yours
by having Some trees planted this
spring on same. Elk, Ash and Cedar
Phono Black G27. C
Mrs. Metcalf and baby, of Paxton,
came down yesterday morning to visit
the former's mother Mrs. F. G. Hoxie
for several days
For Salo Whifo Wyandotte and
Rhode Island Red roosters. Mrs.
Jacobs, 21(5 West First St.
John Jockel and John Walters, of
Wallace, came in Saturday with a
largo load of cattle and incidently
visited local friends.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ren Graham and baby
of Salida, vho spent several weeks with
the former's mother Mrs. Martha Gra
ham, returned home Sunday evening.
Miss Hazel Rork, who has been em
ployed in Colorado Springs for several
months, returned Sunday evening to
spend two weeks with her parents.
Inspect our new spring coats and
suits. The Princess garments. That
means satisfaction. E. T. Tramp &Son.
Miss Margaret Johnson entertained
sixteen friends Friday evening in honor
of her fourteenth birth anniversary. A
nicely prepared lunch was served 'after
a couplo of hours spent in games.
N. F. Buckley, engineer in charge of
the new round house, entertained his
foremen and office force at a seven
course dinner at his home on west
Fourth street Friday evening. Covers
were laid for ten.
The old Baptist church building is
for sale, to be moved off the lot where
it now stands. See J. L. Loudon in
Hpwe & Maloney's store, for terms
and price, or make offer of cash.
The sermons on tlio ten command
ments given Sunday evenings at the
Christiaiyehurch by the pastor are evi
dently growing in interest. Last Sun
day night the third commandment was
taken up and profanity was held up to
tho gaze of the audience in its true
light till it should make a fe'.low, that
swears, ashamed of himself for a week
at least. The house was packed with
an attentive audience; seventy or
sevonty-fivo men were in attendance.
Certainly a great compliment is being
pain Mr. Knowle3 in the hearing he receives,
Col. Beatty to' Washington.
Col. Bill Beatty, W Brady, was Ih
town yesterday wearing a "boiled"
shirt nnd n stiff collar, this preliminary
to donning the uniform of a colonel at
tached to the staff o'f Governor More
head, to which official position ho was
recently appointed. ' Tho Colonel has
ordered his uniform nnd it will bo a
dandy, and when William rides down
Pennsylvania avenue in Washington as
tride a prancing Pegassus in tho big in
augural parade he will bo ono of the
central figures nnd will receive the
plaudits of tho assembled thousands.
But more seriously speaking, the Col
onel will suro go to Washington nnd
wo nro glad that Lincoln county 1b to
be represented by such a representa
tive citizen as our old friend Bill.
The total number of men employed
on the new round houso nnd tho auxil
iary work ranges from 150 to 175.
Every day mod apply for work, but not
all applicants" are employed. The work
of erecting tho steel frames of the
round houso began tho latter part of
last week.RTho drop pit, which caused
the contrac:ors so much grief on ac
count of tho flow of water, has been
completed. The pit for the coal chutes,
the bottom of which is seventeen feet
below the surface, isjnow being exen
vattd, and much trouble- is 'being ex
periencedfon account of water. Three
pumps are used in getting rid of tho
The old Baptist church building is
for sale, to be moved off the lot where
it now stands. See J. L. Loudon in
Howe & Maloney's store, for terms
and price, or make offer of case.
County Superintendent CleoChappcll
will leave Saturday for Philadelphia to
attend the National Educational Asso
ciation. Enrouto homo she will visit in
Washington D. C. during the inaugura
tion ceremonies. She expects to be ab
sent two weeks or longer.
New spring goods are arriving daily,
preparo for tho early Enster. E. T
Tramp & Son.
John Burgner has begun the excava
tion for a sevon room two story house
which ho will erect on East Fourth St.,
in Rfverdnle addition. The house will be
built of hollow tile aed stucco finish and
will be of very attractive appearance.
Mrs. Earl Carpenter, of Lincoln,
visited her aunt Mrs. A. P. Kelly yes
terday while enrouto from Lodgcpolo
where she visited her sister Mrs. Cran
dnll. Lot me show you the Auto Vacuum
Ice Cream Freezer. Saves time and
money and insures cleaniness. Mrs. M.
V. Mitcholl, Phone Red 104.
Mrs. Charles Sandnll assisted by Mrs.
Carl Gerle and Mrs. Schiltz will enter
tain the Lutheran aid society at the
Sandnll home Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Clnrenco Miller and
Anna Lokker went to Wallace Saturday
to visit relatives for "a few dnys.
Mrs. P. J. Thies of Martin who visited
Mrs. L. Robinson last week has re
turned home. npi
Miss Lena Buskins has accented a
position in tho Maloftoy-Lintz Millinery
Mrs. Frank Elliott left Kunclnv fnr
Kansas City, St. Joe and other points
to puicnaso spring millinery.
Sanford Hnrtmnn;has returned from
n short visit in Lincoln with his daugh
ter. " .
J. E. Sebastian lefU'fpr Paxton yes
terday to transact business for a week.
All bull dogs or Bplaes theroof rnn-
ning nt large must bo mUzzlod hereafter.
Owner will be nrrestedilfor failure to
comply. Wm. Otten, Chief of Police
A Few Prices on Groceries
Granulated Sugar, beoto nn
20 ibs.. : $1.00
GrnnulntccI Sugar, cancer An
18 lbs JM.UU
Tomatoes, Standard full fr.
sizo cans jC
Corn Standard 7c por ran r
ifor . 25c
Quaker Oats lnrge pkg.. 20C
Quakor Oats nmnll pkg.. IOC
Soda full sizo pkg oC
Corn Starch per pkg jC
Gloss Stnrch per pkg OC
Corn Starch Kingsfords per 0
Pkg 8c
Silver Gloss Stnrch per pkg oC
Yeast Foom 4c pkg 3 for.. IOC
Chocolate Runkels per cake i
l&for.. J5C
Lewis Lyo per can oC
Eaglo Lyo per can oC
American Lye por can oC
Fcls Nnptha Sonp per enke. OC
Soda Crackers largo boxes l
perlb 02C
Oyster Crackers largo l
boxes.pcr lb Qi-'C
Cranberries por nt 1 22C
Shoo Polish Gilt Edgo in
porbottle 20C
K. C. Baking Powdor 25 n
ozcan ZUC
Royal Baking Powdor 10 tr-
ozcan 4DC
Dr. Prices Baking Powder ir-
1G ozcan 40C
Kraut por enn 0C
Hominy por can jC
Pink Salmon per can IOC
Penrs common grndo per rI
" li2C
Egg Plums common grade 4 1
per enn . IZ2C
Potatoes 15c peck per pt
bushel 50C
Horso Shoo Tobncco, por ij-
Spenr Head Tobacco por 1 r
ib 45c
Star Tobncco por lb , 45C
J. T. Tobacco por lb 40C
Mexican Beans per lb.... DC
At the present time tho wholesalo sugar market has gono to piecos
and we aro giving you the bonefit of it.
Wilcox Department Store.
Christian Church Supper.
The public is inyited to attend the
supper at tho Masonic hall given by the
ladies of tho Christian church Thursday
Feb., 20th, from 5.10 till all nre served.
Price 25 cents.
Roast pork Apples sauce
Cabbage salad, Pickles, Olives,
Mashed Potatoes, Brown Gravy,
Baked Beans Boston Brown Bread
Cake Coffco
Furnished room with heat,
of Mrs. John Murphy.
Cal Hazen, of Medicine precinct, wns
in town yestorday making final proof on
his homestead. Ho was accompanied
by Ike Connntand Will Smith as witnesses.
The Local Homestead of Yeoman will
hold a spocial mooting on March 16lh.,
at which thoy will take in fifty mem
bors and ontortain their Honorable
Foroman William Kock of DesMoines.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Songer, living
southwest of town, mourn tho lots of
Ona, their infant daughter, who died
Friday morning nt the ago of four
months and twelve days. Intorment
was made at Wallaco Sunday.
City Property for Sale.
Wo hnvo a numborof choicely locntod
lots with and without buildings, close in
with sewer, city water, electric lights
nnd sidownlks that we aro oiToring nt
very low prices. Much Jobs tlmn wo
will be able to offer thorn when tho
spring opens up.
In our judgment thorc will bo a big
advnnco on this class of property soon.
Buchanan & Patteiison.
Rugs9 Bedspreads,
"How .about it?" Aro you trying to wash
thoso big, heavy blankets. You should send them
to us, ub wo aro especially equipped to hnndlo just
such work. Give us a trial.
I Auto Delivery
Phone 77
Tuesday, Feb. 1
A. C. DELAMATER Presents the Laughing Hit of all Europe
A Parisian Musical Farce From the French of Marcel Janvier
Lyrics by rlelvlllo Alexander Muolc by Anatol Frledland
An All Star Cast Including
Late Star in "The Land of Nod,'" "The
Burgomaster' 'The Silver Slipper"
Late Prima Donna of Raymond Hitchcock
and"King Dodo."
Late Leading Baritone of Piff, Paff, Pouff
and"Sultan of Sulu."
Late Prima Donna Soprano Chicago Grand
Opera Company
Late Leading Tenor of "The Heartbreakers'
and "A Stubborn Cinderella."
Late with Rayal Grand Opera Company
A Broadway Beauty Chorns 18 Melodious Musical Numbers, Two Carloads of Gorgeous Scenery, Eloctrical
Effects, Handsome Furnishings. A Fortune in Beautiful Gowns.
Prices $1.50, $1.00, 75c and 50 Cents.
Salo Opens Friday February 14.
NOTE The management of The Countess CoquotteCompany authorizes tho manager to positively guarantee
the attraction as one pf tfio best musical offerings ever secured for North Platte. Any patron, if not satis
fied, can return their seat checks at the ticket window after tho first act nnd tho money will bo refunded.
Established In 1871.
Contractor and Builder.
Shop Corner Cth nnd Vino Streets
R. D. Thomson.
Di Iedfield fydfield,
Physicians and Surgeons.
JOB II. RUM'IKLD, l'hylclan.
OFflCE: f
Physicians & Surgeons ;'
. Hospital . .
PHONE 642.
Signet Chapter O. E. S.,V
NO. 55-
Mots 2nd and 4th (Thuriday of every
month nt Masonic Halt at 7.30 n. m.
e lloipltal acccmmodnt!on,H Motllcal nnd av
H Burtrlcal attention Riven obstetrical cases, mi
unico mono ira Res. Phono 83
W OnifnMirirm1A Q.)n Y1mU
.--..-..-... u.u .im imu k
Twonty-flvo years experience. Satls-
iaciion guaranteed, seo or write mo
320 E. Uth St. North Platto
The North Platte
School of Music
The University School of
Music, Lincoln, Nebraska
EHzabclh Bonner-Cramcr
All the principnl branches of An-
plied nnd Theoretical Music taught by
competent tenchors. ,
Address all inquiries to 122 W. Front
streot or phone 131nck 341.
1 In' House of Good ShowlH 1 1
I When in North Platte. I
M Motion Picture!). Runs Every I
U Night. Mntinoe Saturday After- I
fl noon nt 2:30 O'clock.
Telepliono Itl 450 505VJ Dow oy St.
North I'lntte, Nebraska,
Olllco phono 241. Res. phono 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platto, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
Get Acquainted .;
with cIkoib made by Schmalzried, nnd
you will always be a friend to them.
In their mnking only tho best' tobacco
s UBed, thoy aro well made, and always
Kivo satisfaction. Wo carry a full lino,
of tobaccos and smokers' articles.
The Maker of Good Cigars,
Trees Trees
Native Grown.
Now Is tho tlmo to put In your
order. Iron clnd Ruarantca to
stow by rtplaclm; until urowth Is
Phone Black 627