The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 18, 1913, Image 4

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    II '
I Tf TflKES THE ith, I
10 S& GIRL
We have the Rings that will hold them. Let us show you.
CLINTON, Jeweler and Optican.
U For Your Drugs
Orders Da-
llverod promptly.
and NYAL
Local and Personal
Col. Cody roturned Saturday from a
business visit in London, Canada.
MisWalasta Vosoipka has roturned
from a visit with -Koarnoy relatives.
Mrs. Walter Crook who has boon very
ill is reported to bo greatly improved.
Mrs. Homer Handley left Saturday
evening for Denver to spend ten days
with friends.
Attornoy J. G. Beelcr returned Sat
urday morning from a short business
visit in Lincoln.
Eric Drooker will return today from a
business visit in Omahii, Council Bluffs
and Kansas City.
John Boal and Miss Eldn Wators, of
Ognlalla, were guests of Miss Kathleen
Flynn this week. . ,
Lyman Welsh, formerly of this city,
cams from Omaha the latter part of
last week to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hahler are en
joying n visit from Mrs. Sans of David
City who arrived Friday afternoon.
Mrs. 0. W. Sizomoro and daughter
loft' Saturday morning for Sutherland
to spend a week with her mother.
MrsT William NorrislJnd children who
liadjbeen visiting friends in Sidney for
"pNo weeks returned home Saturday.
John Theolecke, of Omaha, visitod
Mr. and Mrs. OttoThoelccko last week
and roturned to Omaha Friday ovoning.
Mrs. Hummel!, of Gothenburg, who
was oporatcd upon last week at tho St.
Luka's hospital is getting along nicely.
Mrs. Biddle Kano a pioneer lady who
lias made her homo with tho Neville
family for a number of years is critically
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woir nnd
daughter Elizaboth returned Friday
voning from Lincoln, whore they spent
a wook.
' Mr. and Mrs. James Brady roturned
Sunday evening from Council Bluffs
whoro thfty accompanied tho remains of
their daughter,
Musdemos Carvor nnd Fullor, of
Boise, Ida., who were guests of Mrs.
Anna Sjmpson and other local friends,
loft Saturday.
Grandma Owens roturned to Grand Isl
and yesterday afternoon after sponding
five weeks with her son Richard Owens
and family.
Mrs. L. E. Lewis, of Orleans, ar
rived here tho lost of Inst wcok to visit
Rev. and Mrs. B. A. Cram. Tho latter
is a daughter of Mrs. Lewis.
For Salo A 7 year lease on the store
building now occupied by mc. First
door south of McDonald State Bank.
Inquire of Clabaugh.
C. K. Martini will leave in tho near
future for Chicago and cilies of Michi
gan to purchase goods and visit relatives
for two weeks.
Andy Yost will erect a bungalow this
spring on his lot on wcjt Fourth street
east of the Baptist parsonage. The
house will cost in the neighborhood of
four thousand dollars.
A small .audience witnessed ."Kind
ling", at the Keith Thursday evening
The play proved very strong, and North
Platte has scon no better nctross than
Sarah Padden, who assumed tho title
role. She was well supported.
Mrs. John Spies, is prepared to do
plain and fancy dress making by the
day or order. Satisfaction guarunteod.
Phono Ijlack 161.
Another house was started last week
in the Gracelnnd addition south of tho
irrigation ditch, making the ninth to be
erected thoro since last spring. Other
bouHCB in that addition are planned for
the coming summon
Mrs. Harry Mitchell will entertain tho
20th Century Club this afternoon.
The Catholic Girls' Club will be enter
tained by Miss Ethel Frye at the homo
tf her olstor Mrs. Clyde Cook Thursday
Claude Wilson entertained a number
of young peoplo the first of last week at
a birthday party. .Pleasant games were
played and a nice lunch served.
Tho Epworth Loaguo held a pleasant
Valentine party at the home of Miss
aarah Kolly Friday evening. Appropri
ate games were played, valentinos' ex
changed and a nice lunch served.
North Platte friends of K. C. Barton,
of Omaha, will regret to learn that he
Is In very poor health and is undor the
charge of a physician. For a year past
he hns been in bSd'shapo physically,
Tho Loyal Sons of the Christian
church mot at thehomo of Mr. and Mrs.
Max McGrow tho latter part of last
week and spent an enjoyable evening in
games and music. Lunch was served.
Mrs. M. Kosbau was tendored a sur
prise "party Wednesday after
noon of last week by the Royal
Neighbors and n number of friends.
Tho afternoon was a pleasant one
to all and tho nicely prepared lunch
was much enjoyed.
Miss Lena Baskins was hostess to tho
J. D. club and their gentlemen friends
at a valentine party Friday evening.
Unique forms of entertainment worn
introduced and the evening-spent most
pleasantly by all who Wore present. The
refreshments wero unusually fine.
Tho Valontlno birthday party at the
tho homo of Miss Grace Ogicr Friday
evening was ono of most pleasant events
of tho senson. Gnmes suitable to tho
day and amusing to tho guests wore
played until a late hour when tho Valen
tino box was opened nnd tho contents
distributed. Delicious refreshments
woro sorvjd.
Tho Philnthcn Girls woro ontertaincd
Friday evening at a valentine party at
tho Perritt homo by tho Missos Lotha
Atkinson, CleoChappell, Jonno Rudolph
and Grace Barbeo. Tho house was de
corated In hearts and valentines nnd
tho color scheme was carried out in the
gnmes nnd refreshments. Almost every
member was present and entered
heartily into tho cntertninmont provided.
Removal Further Delayed".
Custodian Davis, of tho federal build
ing, has boon notified that the furniture
for tho third floor of the building had
been approved February 7th and Would
bo shlppeittrf abcjjt ninety days. It will
therefore bo tho early part ef May be
foro tho U. S. land ofllce can bo moved
to the federal building.
Dick Buys Another Buiclc.
Leonard Dick has just purchased a
Model 25 Buick touring car of tho J.
S. Davis Auto Co. Ho has been driv
ine a Buick car for two soasons.
Movement of Cars.
During the year 1912 tho total
movomentof cars through the North
Platte yards-whlch iffcludes both in
coming and outgoing cars reached the
enormous number of two hundred and
forty-four thousand six hundred nnd
ninety-three. Thia relates to freight
cars, to which should bo added fifty-four
thousand nine hundred passenger cars.
Compared with 1911 the movement of
freight cars show an increase of eighteen
thousand two hundred nnd seventy-six.
In theso figures tho cars arc really
counted twice, onco when they como
into tho yards and also when they go
out, so that the number of cars passing
through this terminal during 1912 was,
counting both freight and passenger
149,796. This would bo equivalent
to 2,447 freight trains of fifty cars
each, land 3,819 passenger trains of
eight cars each. As a matter of fact,
howovor, the freight trains averaged
esventy cars each.
The abovo figures giyo Borne idea of
tho wonderful traffic on the Union
Pacific, and the inorease of 1912 ovor
1911 should bo gratifying to the com
Mrs. William Green visited in Cozad
tho latter part of IciBt'wddk'.
Earl and Guy F.oar of Wallace trans
acted buiiness In this city Saturday.
Mrs. E. M. Smith will leave today for
Sterling to spend a fow days on busi
ness. Mrs. John McGowan and daughter
left Saturday morfiing for Norfolk
where thoy willlocatVT''
Albert A. Schatz returned Saturday
morning from a business visit in Omaha
and other eastern points.
IIendySj Ogle sold. 'U Ford touring
car to J. C. Afkwig, who moved to this
city frort Myrtle last week. '
Charles La. Vollo," C. V. Thomas and
P. K. Huffman, of .Diqkens, are spend
ing a few days hero this week.
Edgar Chapman,' of.,Aurora, nrrived
yesterday and will visit friends nnd
transact business for a few days.
S. F. Carney returned Saturdnv
morning from Omaha whore ho attended
tho hardware donlers convention.
MnBter Mnreel Kelihor has roturned
from a visit with his fathor in Chicago
and ulso at tho Man! GrnV in Now Or
leans. f '
A special train of railroad officials
passed west Saturday evening enroute
to San Francisco. Among the party
were Chairman Lovett of the board of
directors of the Union Pacific system,
Chairman of Kruttechnitt, chairman of
the board ot directors of tho Southern
Pacific system, President Mohler of the
Union Pacific, President Heron of the
Central Pacific, President Sproulo of
ths Southern Pacific.
Yesterday was the Union Pacific pay
day and some sixty thousand dollars
was placed in circulation. This will
brighten up trade for a week or two
among the local merchants, and candor
compels us tn admit that a little brigh
tening up will not come amiss, as trade
hns been very quiet for tw or threo
weekB past.
The Chicago White Sox ball team will
pass through North Platte Friday after
noon in a special train running as sec
ond section of train No. 1. The team
goes to its training quartora in Southern
California, and will be accompanied by
about fifty fans.
John Frederici, who had both legs
broken in a fall at the ice house in De
cember and taken to Grand Island for
treatment returned to town Saturday.
Ho will not, however, be able to resume
work for somo time.
H. M. Getty returned Saturday after
noon from a visit in tho eastern part of
this stato.
William Stegall, who visited lastweok
in Lincoln, returned , hero Saturday
Floyd Passmore is reported to bo very
ill at his home in tho First ward.
For Sale.
I have a good Stanhope buggy for sale
cheap. Also I have four more Rose
Comb Rhode Island Red Roosters loft.
Some ono will need these. Remember
you mako nomistnko in starting with
this breed of chickens. I know what I
am talking about when I say thoy are
the grentest egg producers I know of.'
J. H. VanClenve, 110 W. 6th St.
Mrs. Fred Loudon and baby and
sister Miss Burgner returned Satur
day afternoon from Grand Island where
they visited friends for a week.
I in Doubt Buy
IkA ., ., "e """e Hk.a .w, .m , ." srffTV
ft. ,. ' o:
It stands in u class by itself
Buy a sack of DAVID HARUM,
Try it as many times as you wish.
If you are not satisfied that it is
worth the difference if you are not
convinced that it is the best flour
you ever used you can bring or
send it back and we will refund
purchase price.
Quality considered "DAVID HAR
UM" flour is the cheapest flour on
the market today.
Herrod & Son,
Phono 208.
Muslin Underwear Sale
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
February 17, 18 and 19th.
Be sure and take advantage of this opportunity of
securing your spring and summer supply of Muslin under
wear at prices that will be an inducement to buv. It would
be impossible to describe the beautiful combinations of laces
and embroideries made up into these garments . Sterling
Muslin underwear is simplicity in its self white dainty in
every respect yet very durable. The newest ideas and
designs a re shown in these garments. Everything shown
during this Muslin Underwear Sale is absolutely new
goods. Not one garment carried over from previous
Ladies Petticoats beautifully
trimmed with lace embroid
eries, also the plain more
substantial petticoats from
' 50c to $1.85.
Ladies' Gowns long sleeve
and chemise gowns, made up
in fine cambric nansook and
crepe plisse Daintily trimmed
with laces and embroideries.
All these go at a reduction.
68c to $1.85
Corset Cover Combination
suits, one of the most practical
garments of the day, just the
thing'for dress occasions, lace
and embroidery trimmed.
Do not fail to see them
67c to $2.00
Princess Slips your ward
robe is not complete without
them, beautiful combinations
of laces and embroideries.
We can also show you a
beautiful line of the messa
line slips in all the wanted
colors. From
9()c to $5.00.
Ladies Drawers, the plain
hemstitched garment, also
the fancy dainty ones,
23c to 50 Cents
Ladies corset covers dainty
designss made up in the best
practical way
23 to 65 Cents
JL e JL JC Irk.
The Rebekah kensington will serve a
kraut and chicken dinner at the Odd
Fellows' hall Tuesday, February 25th
at 5 o'clock.
nishos nil kinds of help free" "phonq 9G.
Office hours 9 a. m to 4 p. m. 100-
At n recent meeting of the Local
Homestead of Yeoman the following
delegates were elected to attend the
conclave at Lincoln on March 30th,
namely M. E. Crosby, W. J. Tiley and
Rev. B. F. Favoright.
Dr. G. E. Dillion, who has had an
office in the rooms over tho Star Cloth
ing House, removed his office fixtures to
Garfield Saturday and will practice in
that vicinity.
Mrs. Charles Reynolds nnd son who
spent Inst week with friends in Kearney
are expected to return homo this even
ing. Guy Swope resumed work Saturday
nt the Star Clothing houso after a siego
of appendicitis. He will submit to an
operation some time next week.
Come in and see tho beautiful display
of sterling muslin underwear. Special
bargains on Monday, Tuesday and Wed
nesday. E. T. Tramp & Son.
Mis3 Olive Gnrnett, who appeared as
Alice Smith in "Kindling" at the Keith
Tuursday eveningis a cousin of John E.
Evans, and was entertained by Mr. and
Mrp. Evans during her stay in town.
2$ No 29 6 room house, modern except
heat, cellar in and sidewalks around
houso, lnwn and trees. Wood, coal and
chicken house. Located on South Chest
nut St. Price $2,400.00.
All Masons and their families and all
visiting Masons arc cordially invited to
attend tho sixrh anniversary of tho de
dication of the Masonic temnle next
Saturday. Supper will bo served at.
six o ciock, nnu loilowing this meal a
program will be rendered.
You can prevent an attack or mako It run a mild course and very often prevent serious
Illness, by uslnc
n.iIiIundr.80upcople3u.y?ctto I"t. ore throat, quinsy, diphtheria, pharyngitis
and laryngitis, have used it for years. In preference to all other treatments.
25c, 50c and $1.00 a Bottle.
Full directions for use-are In booklet with every bottle. Try A-theuca-lne and you
will never use anything else for throat trouble.
STONE DRUG&CO., North Platto, Agents.
Farm For Sale.
The northeast quarter (nej) section
twenty-four (24) township thirteen (18)
range thirty (30) about seven miles
outheast of North Platte on south side
of Platte river, all smooth land near
nills, good buildings, fifteen acres in
alfalfa, one of best farms in Platte
vnlloy. Price $10,000.00. Terms, half
:ash, balance on easy timo at 7 per
cent interest. Address Joseph Hershey
North Platte, Neb.
ifcifcifrigifrifc 4-4-fc'i-4-fci&Wt1- feiiiifc
Physician and Surrjcon, I
Office ovor McDonald Bank. 5
Phones i Office 130
rnones Residenco 115
SHMMift frMttr-Mh)r-lMi
Doctors Ames & Ames,
p Physicians and Surgeons,
8 Phones rmcG273 8
$ 1 hones J Residence 273 0
- 1
Offers to residents of, and visitors to, North Platte, the most
finely appointed service in Western Nebraska, and with this
is a menu that cannot be oxcelled for the price. Regular
means are served and short orders can be obtained any
hour day or night.
Opposite U. P. Depot.
Low One-Way Colonist Fares
March 15 to April 15, 1913
$30.00 To California and Pacific Northwest
$25.00 ?;,. Utah, Idaho and Montana.
Now is the time to mako arrangements to visit this rich and
growing section of the west and select a farm homo for yourself
and family where large crops and handsome profits are made from
small tracts of land planted to orchards or truck gardens. Some
crop matures every season of the year your land is never idle
Enjoy your trip by traveling via.
Standard Road of the West
For literature and information relative to diverse routes
fares, stopovers, sido trips, etc., call on or address
JlmftcUC F' E. BUXIiARD Agent.
j..imifr&Ht, ,