The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 18, 1913, Image 1

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NEB., FEBRUARY 18, 1913.
No. 7
njw1 ''ir 'f'w
Local and Personal.
Mrs. William Hupfer spent Saturday
With friends and relatives in Cozad.
A plcaiant meeting of the Study Club
was held last evening at the home of
Miss Lillian Hondy.
Always see Temple for good values
in real estate of any kind.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Thoclccko began
housekeeping in the McGovran house on
oast Gth stroet Saturday.
Mrs. A. W. Raymond came up from
Lincoln yesterday afternoon to yisit Mr.
and Mrs. M. E. Boardmnn.
Mrs. Joseph Herrod returned to Col
umbus yesterday afternoon afterspend
ing a week with relatives here.
You want the best and and cheapest
fire and life insurance. Bratt & Good
man have it.
Bert Naperstick has filed petition in
the district court for divorce from Hazel
Naperstick on the grounds of disartion.
Mrs". Hibbord returned yesterday
morning from Kearney whore she was
callt d by the death of her father, last
Maurice Guilliaume of the Rush Mer
chantile Co., will resume work today
after boing off duty on the account of
No. 32, 6 room strictly modern home.
Up to date in every rospoct. Sidewalks,
lawn nnd trees. Bier banrain.
Now is the time to buy your supply
of Muslin underwear. Dont forget the
date. E, T. Tramp & Son.
The D. K. class of the Baptist church
held a business meeting and taffy pull
in the basement of the church Friday
T. M. Cohagen fell from his dray
Saturday evening and broke the bones
in his right shoulder. Tho accident will
cause him to discontinue work for ten
days or more. ,
I am agent for Ladies' Homo Journal,
Saturday Evening Post, Country Gentle
man and other good magazines. Mrs.
M. V. Mitchell, Phone Red 104.
Wanted Two good apprentice girls
to learn millinery under a competent
trimmer and proprietess. Call at mil
linery department at The Leader on or
about Feb. 25, 1913. Mrs. B. F. Saylor.
We have some good bargains in cot
tages, nice homos and vacant lots, with
sewerage, light, water and sidewalks.
Can sell on easy payments.
' Bratt & Goodman.
Attorney J. J. Halligan transacted
business in eastern towns yesterday.
Alivnva nnn Tomnln tnr trnnil vnlllnn
in real estate of any kind.
W. H. Kelly, of San Francisco, came
Sunday morning to visit Mrs. Joseph
Richards and family.
Miss Maud Miller, who had an opera
tion performed for a growth on her
neck last week, has resumed work at
the lOcent store.
A. E. Huntington, who is door-keeper
of the state senate at Lincoln, oamo
home Friday night nnd remained until
Sunday night.
Miss Cherry Thompson, a trained
nurse who made her home with Mrs.
William Malonoy, Sr., and left two
weeks ago for the east to benefit her
health, has recovered her normal con
dition and is specializing in Omaha.
No. 30, 6 room new frame house
equipped throughout except heat. Two
lots, lawn and sidewalks. Located at
909 East 4th St. Price $2750.00.
C. P. Temple.
Miss Catherine Hall entertained the
membors of the E. S. K. club Saturday
afternoon at a party. The house was
decorated in red and white hearts and
those colors were carried out in the
games and refreshments. Prizes in the
contests were won by Misses Helen
Tatman and Wilhelminna Gerle. A two
course lunch was served.
Wanted Girl for general housework.
Mrs. H. M. Grimes. 4-3
Coroner Maloney nnd County Attorney
Gibbs went to Sutherland this morning
to resume tho inquest over the death ot
Mrs. Zimmerman. An analysis of tho
supposed Rochelle salts administered to
Mrs. Zimmerman was received from
the state university yesterday. An ad
journment of the inquest was taken
until this analysis could be made.
Stanley, the little son of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Guy Swope, died last evening
after a snort illness. Ten days ago he
was taken ill with pneumonia and for
several days his condition was critical,
Sunday a change for the better came
and encouraging reports were given of
his recovery, but a relapse came yes
terday and the spirit took its flight
shortly after nine o'clock last evening.
The little fellow had recently reached
his third birthday and was unusually
bright for his years a sweet lovable
boy whose death brings great grief to
the household. Awaiting word from
relatives in tho cast, no arrangements
have beon made for the funeral. Tho
boroaved parents have tho sympathy of
the entine community in the loss of
their little one.
School Bonds Sold.
At a meeting of tho board of educa
tion last evening the $20,000 five per
cent bonds issued for tho erection of a
school building in th First ward was
sold to the First National Bank of this
city for$20,2G0, or a premium of $200.
Thore were fourteen bidders represent
ing several of the heaviest bond buyers
of the country, but tho bid submitted
by the First National was the highest
and tho award was mado to that insti
tution. Tho First National purchased tho
bonds as an investment nnd not for tho
purpose of re-ttlling them. In this
transaction the bank is following a prec
edent established-' a dozen years ago
when it purchased tho high school bonds
and has since retained them.
In entering into competionwith other
institutions In the purchase of local
bonds tho First National performs a
service to the community in that it pre
vents outaido buyers from entering into
a combination to control th prico
Baker's Team Wins in Tournament.
In tho billiard tournament at tho
Elks' homo which began Monday even
ing of last week ana ended Saturday
evening, the team of thirteen captained
by Dick Baker defeated the team cap
tained by Henry Pebhausen by a scoro
of 1225 to 1210. The wager in ,the
contest wns an oyster supper and it will
be served at the home noxt Friday
ovening. Tho Baker team WB3 com
posed of liaKer, uuwards, uarson,
Hnyes, Coates, Rush, O'Connor, Evans,
Klenk, Martin, Larson, Healey nnd
Clinton. Rebhnusen had ns his team
in addition to himself, Wholan, Rod
mond, Woodhurst, Vosceipka, Austin,
Tobin. Fristo, Elder, Walker, Sturgas,
Hartman and Herrod.
This is the third tournament thnt
Steward Smith has successfully inau
gurated during tho winter, tho prizes
in tho previous events boing two cues in
each evont.
Dainty designs aro shown in tho
Sterling: Muslin Underwear at the
Tramp Dry Goods.
Thomas McGuire, who has beon em
ployed in Dickons for several months,
will return here about March 1st nnd
snend a few days with his parents be
fore going to Hot Springs, SD. to
take treatmont lor rheumatism,
Stallion for Sale.
Black Porcharon, ton years old,
weight 1800. This is tho former Wallace
horse. Inquire of or address J. A. Mar
kee, North Platte. G-4
I will sell at Public Sale at my place one mile north of Birdwood Station,
six and a half miles east of Hershey and seven and a half miles west of North
Platte on
Tuesday, February 25, '13,
The following described property to:wit;
9 Head of Horses and Mules
One bay brood mare, 7 years old in
f-nl mt. jfrr.
ivt"' "" 1 . ...
One bay brood mare, 8 years old, in
foab wt. 1400.
One brown mare, 7 years old in toai,
wt. 1000.
One team of bay mares, 10 and 11
years old, wt, 2400.
One brown mare, 10 years old, wt.
o. . '
One dark bay mare coming 3 years 01a
wt. 900 1
One grey gelding, 7 years old, wt.
One bay mule coming 3 years old.
57 Head Cattle
Fifteen Hereford cows.
Six milch cows.
Six coming 3 yr old Hereford Heifers.
Nine coming 2 yr old Hereford Heifers.
One Hereford bull coming 3 yr old.
Five steers,' coming 2 yr old.
Ten yearling Hereford Heifers.
Five coming yearling steers.
9 Head of Hogs
Eight Poland China brood sows, wt.
275 lbs. each; will farrow first of March
One Poland China bear. wt. 250.
Farm Machinery
One top buggy.
Two 2 row John Deere corn cultivators.
Two John Deere walking cultivators.
One riding cultivator.
One John Deere riding lister.
One 1 6-feet steel harrow.
One riding plow.
Two wagons. s
One disc, 16 wheel.
Two McCormick hay rakes.
Three 6 foot McCormick mowers.
One Dain hay sweep.
Two sets work harness.
One set single harness.
And many other articles too numerous
to mention.
All sums under $10.00 cash. On sums over that amount eight month's time will bo given on good
bankable note bearing ten percent interest from date of sale. Three percent ofT for cash. No
property to be removed until settled for. All property nt purchaser's risk after bid off.
Col. Dave Love, Auctioneer
G. H. Scharmann.
Large Sale of Lots in Cody's 2nd Ad-
dition and Scout's Rest Addition
to the City.
Col. W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) was
on the grounds and lunch wna served
while tho purchasers were picking
their lots.
Yesterday wns the opcnjng day for
sale of lots in Cody's 2nd addition and
Scouts Rest addition to this city, and
the sale was up to expectations in eyery
respect. Col. V. P. Cody, the owner
of tho lots, was on the grounds and held
an informal reception to all comers, the
majority of whom wero purchasers of
one or more lots in tho new additions.
Onascount of it being pay day and
theroforo not boing ablo to got any of
tho business men, nnd n email per cent
of the railroad mon, as they wanted to
cash their checks and attend to their
local business, we did not have the
crowd at our lunch that wc expected,
however, practically all thnt wero
thoro boucrnt from one lot to a half
block, demonstrating that is all that iff
necessary to make sales or these tracts
of land is for parties to ste them.
Lunch is being served again today,
and tho salo of lots is good. From all
indications, tho sale today will far ex
ceed yesterday.
Those tracts of land, situate as they
aro, In tho west part of tho city and
adjoining tho of tho Union
Pacific, is without doubt tho luture
resident section of tho city, and anyone
desiring a home sit or an investment
cannot do better than to buy a few of
those lots.
The actual sale of lots yesterday was
21 lots, consequently if you want a
choice location you will have to hurry.
C. F. Temple has cars nil this week
that will call at any partof tho city and
take you out to see tho iota, so do not
delay, but phono tho ollice for ono of
the cars to call for you and mako your
To the Young Man, as a saving prop
osition. Buy ono or more of these lots,
making a small payment down, being
$10.00 per lot, and $5.00 per month,
which amounts any of you can nlTord.
In a short time you hnvo a lot paid for.
A lot that will steadly increasoin value,
and in a very short time bo worth
twice the amount paid for it.
, To The Father, thnt wants to r.r -vide
Bomothing for his children. Look
at what you could buy lots for any
place in North Platte ten years ago. If
you had bought n few lots then your
solf, you would practically bo ricli now.
Buyoueor more of theso lota for your
children, and let thm hn rich in ten
venrs hence.
To everyone, thut wants to save or
invest u muo money. mere is nut
proposition ou the markiit that can bent
these lots. Everyone will concede that
tho town is going west. Theso tracts
of Innd a re ncross the west end of the
city, so tho town must bo coming our
Don't delay. Call Temple and see
theso lots today. Hurry!
le this Week.
We have the highest grade line of rugs that can be
purchased. l7or the remainder of the week we offer
you them at the following prices.
Saxonyt 9x12 ft $25 and 27.00 values at J)I l 0J
Tap. Bfussels;J.9xi2 ft. $18 values at. . . . 1 t.UU
Tap. Brussels, 9x12 ft. $15 values at,... 7vll
All Wool Ingrain, 9x12 ft, $12 values at lottJvF
Also a good assortment of smaller Rugs.
Geo. G. McKay
"Countess Coquette" Tonight,
Tho "Countess Coquotto" compnny
camo in from the west this mornintr and
will present thnt musical farce at tho
Keith tonight. From what we oan
learn the attraction is ono of real
merit as fur as fun, music and
pretty girls co. nnd included in tho
cast is Knox Wilson who is hoad llnor
in the mUBical nnd comedian lines,
having stnrred in "Tho Burgomnster,"
"Land of Nod" and tho "Silvor Slip
per." Mnudo Willinrr.s, who is also
with the company, has been the prima
donna in "The Sultan of Sulu'' and
'King Dodo," and Tomplnr Snxo and
Harry Pauli, both singers of note aro
with tho company. Among the vocnl
gems aro "On Parndo, "Springtime "
and "Pictures of Ronl Life' each of
which aro of tho kind that evorybody
whistles after tho company leaves
Tho chorus is said to bo finely cos
tumed nnd the scenic production gor
geous. Altogether it would npponr
that "The Countess Coquotto" n a
piny that will plenso and ono that will
be worthy a crowded house. .,
Miss Lenoro Cummings, of Chicago,
will arrive next Sunday and.will remain
indefinitely. Miss Cummings' health is
none too good, and after a number of
visits here finds this climato nnd alti
tude more beneficial than Southern Cali
fornia and other health resorts nt which
she has stopped.
R. C. Gricson, who had been employ
ed in the motor department of tho U.
P. round house for five years and was
recently appointed foreman, resigned
his position yesterday and will engage
in photography at his homo on East
Sixth street.
Judge and Mrs. H. M. Grimos re
ceived word yesterdny that their son
Lee, who had been ill for some time
at Atlanta, Ga., and had hii tonsils
removed Sunday, was getting along
Miss Isabello Skinner has returned
from a week's visit in Gothenburg and
acceptod n position in tho Johnson dy
goods department yesterday.
Miss Viola Baldwin, of Sutherland,
spent the latter part of last wook in
town with friends.
Attorney J. G. Bcolor loft yesterday
afternoon for Sutherland to transact
Rccso's pnntntorium having installed
a now French dry cleaning and extract
ing machino in conjunction with
Frenzies chemical dry cleaning process,
is now prepared to clean anything for
lndios or mon. Ladies' silk or Inco one
niece drossos and white kid trloves n
specialty. Prices the same as any other
cleaning house in tho city. Goods called
for and delivered. Phone 450 and wo
will call. H. R. Reesh, Prop. 4-4
Mrs. Block, of Ovorton, who visited
Mrs- E. N. Robbins last week, left Saturday.
For Sale.
1 extra largo refrigerator, 1 oak
dresser, 1 oak wasliBtand, 1 oak rocker,
1 oak center table, 1 kitchsn table. In
quire of C. F. Tracy, 1002 AV. .3rd St
Phono Red 408.
Always seo Templo for gdbd va1ue
in real eatnto of any kind.
Clark Long sold his proporty and lots
2, 3 and 4 in block 20 yesterday to Hugh
Morrltt for $1C00.
Weather forecast: Unsettled tonight.
Wednesdny fair and colder. lHghett5
temperature yestorday 08, a year ago
G3; lowest last night 28, a year ago 32i
For Snlo-G head of young mules
coming 2 and 3 year old. Inquire of C.
P. Martin, 802 E. Gth St. 7-4
John Oestrick, formerly of theDorry
herry & Forbes Co., who has been
visiting abroad for two months will I
married today to a young lady of
TiVnnlr flirt- fJnfmimv. nnil will nnfl fnr
homo with his brido tho' last of this
Wo offer inyestors today some extra
choice first mortgago loans in sums
ranging from !fG00 nnd upwards, that
pay 7 nnd 8 percent semi-annual inter
est. There is nothing safer or bettor
for your idlo monoy.
Bkatt & Goodman.
An outfit car used by six Greek labor
ers was destroyed by firo last night.
The car stoody '.short distant east of
the now round'houso aite. Tho party
had como to town for tho evening and
tho cause of tho firo is unknown.
Clothing, furniture, tools, etc., woro en
tirely dostroyed na wns the pay chockB
rocolved yosterdoy and twenty dollars
in paper money, mo nro occurred at
II. P. Hardin, who has -beon sta
tioned here ns observer, received notice
that he has boon transferred to Wichita,
Kan., ns oflicinl in charge of that of
fice. Ho will be succeeded by Alphonso
W. Shillings, who comes hero from tho
Baltimore, Md., ofilco, an observer of
long experience. Mr. Hardin expects
to loavo for his now field of work in
about ten days. During his service hero
ho has proven n very popular nnd ef
ficient observdr and his remoyal will bo
regretted by all acquaintances.
The old Baptist church building is
for sale, to be moved off the lot where
it now stands. See J. L. Loudon in
Howe & Maloney's store, for terms and
price, or make offer of cash.
To -Night
and Saturday,
Straggle of Hearts.
Absent Minded Valet.
Broncho Bill Love affair.
Cap't Lawrence and marie
Lawrence. Champion Trum
petes of the World.
10c and 15c
Oiirssa TS&fosj&'f
irviintoil its7- n alinrtov to do a htmlting Intuitions
thoy mtuto thoniHolvos absolutely sttvo thnt thox'o
ivhh hoth OHA.RA.CTH1Z uticl tnojioy hohittiTour
battle. A 2Zttloniil JSmilc 1 rontvlotoil In doing
biiHlnoHH naoordjiifz to tho A' nt Ion iilJinnlclnglnvn,
nnd tho U, S. Govornmont lSnnlc lixnmlnoi's noo
thnt thoso nro observer.
liunldoH tltl, tho good names of rollnblo man
ol l'lnnnolnl vanpottHlblllty tiro hohlncl our bnnlc.
Do VOUK bnnlclttfr with
The First National Bank,
Tho ZtnrgoHt JTtnnlc in "Wostorn Tobnisfca.