The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 14, 1913, Image 1

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No. 6
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Scouts Rest Addition
To North Platte, Nebraska,
Will be Opened for Safc
Monday, February 17, 1913.
This tract of land lies just six blocks west of the
new round house on the north sido of the tracks, just
far enough away to be away from the smoke and dirt.
All lots are in with alfalfa, just planted last year. Lots
44x132 feet, except those running cast and west, which
are 44x124 feeVPricer$75 to $100. Inside lots $75 and
$80. Corner lots $100.
TERMS $15 down on corner lots, $10 down on
inside lots, $5.00 per month on each.
In order that the shop men and round house em
ployes may see this tract of land, we are going to serve
noon lunch on the grounds at the round house noon
hour. Will provide cars to take you out, and will
have you back by the time the whistle blows.
Be sure and come whether you buy or not.
We are also opening up the Cody 2nd Addition on
the south side of the track, just west of the Codv Ad
dition which sold out in 10 days.
Prices $75,to $125. Terms same as on Scouts Rest
Addition. .
If for any reason you cannot go Monday noon
leave wprd at office when you can. v
' C. F. TEMPLE, Exclusive Agent.
Local and Personal.
M. J. Forbes resumed work at his
place of business Wednesday after
being off duty several days on account
of illness.
Mrs. J. I. Jewett, of Wood River, who
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. .Terry
Bowen, left Wednesday morning for
Edward R. Butler traveling agent
for the Chicago and Northwestern Rail
way came upfront Omaha yesterday to
transact business.
Prepared to do plain and fancy dress
making by the day or order. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. Mrs. John Spies,
Phone black 101.
Mr. and Mrs. Coones, of Wood River,
who visited at the Jerry Bowen home
last week, went to Lewellen Tuesday
to visit. ,
Wanted Girl for general housework.
Mrs. H. M. Grimes. 4-3
Miss Bernice Elliott, of Omaha, who
spent the past two weeks with her
grand parents Mr. and Mrs. Fied
Elliott, will leave today.
I am agent for Ladies' Home Journal.
aturday Evening Post, Country Gentle
man and other good magazines. Mrs.
M. V. Mitchell, Phone Red 10-1.
A. F. Streitz received a letter this
week from the state auditor stating
that the bonds for tho new school house
had been approved and registered.
Mrs. William Brown returned Wed
nesday from Indiana where she spdnt
the winter and will make her homo
with her daughter Mrs. Will Limning.
County Superintendent Cleo Chappoll
is sending out books of rules to tho
county teachers for the employment
and certification of teachers. Tho
books are sent hero bianuually by the
stato department of education. She is
also distributing preliminery announce
ments of the district association.
Mary Wright and Mildred Wright by
their mother Mary Wright have filed suit
in the district court against l'red Walte
math a surety saloon keeper for $5,000.
They claim that on August 30th. 1912
the dofendent sold tho late George
Wright their father and husband intoxi
cating liquor from the effects of which
he fell down the stairs of the Bratt
building and died from the injuries re
ceived. A meeting of the local contractors
and carpenters was held the first of this
week to fix the scale of wages. Archi
tect Bert Reynolds acted as chairman
and expressed his views on the benefit
which jsuch on organization would bo to
our city. Clyde McMichea!, Eugene
Picard, Ellis Barraclough, J, C. Ray
nor, Roy Surber, John Baker and
Charles Parsons werappointed a com
mittee to draw up a constitution.
For some time past several local
people have had serious trouble with a
coyotto which recently strayed into
tho city. On Monday evening it was
discovered trying to gain an entrance
into the chicken yard at tho Streitz
homo. Mr. Streitz discovered it just in
time and is -now displaying tho hide
which he has hantrintr tin to drv. Th
latter part of last week this same
coyotte caused considerable excitement
on the Herminghausen premises.
What might have been a serious fire
and a hoavy loss to the Tobas family
occurred Wednesday evenintr at 8
o'clock when the Brown children living
on west 11th street discovered tho rear
of the Tobas wagon ahed ablaze. Inves
tigation showed that u fire, whether in
tentionally or not had been built near
the fence back of the barnj nnd would
have destroyed them in a short time.
With the assistance of neighbors the
flames were extinguished and the dam
age was slight.
Postmaster Davis reports that over
11,000 packages were handled in the
parcel post department of tho post
office the first fifteen days and the
increase since that time has been so
groat that a record of each article was
not kept. Tho carrier in charge of the
department formerly worked two hours
a day and now is obliged to work six.
Robert Dickey has been confined to
the house for several days with an
attack of heart trouble.
Contract Let For Parsonage.
The Christian church congregation has
let the contract to J. E. Pile for the
erection of a seven room parsonage on
the church lot. Tho little house south
of the church will be removed and tho
new parsonago built on the site. The
parsonage will bo n story and a half,
tnd will cost about about $2,000.
wad Saturday.
A Tale of Old Tahiti.
2 Reels
jPathe's Weekly.
10c and 15c
Clinton Made President.
At the annual meeting of tho Nebras
ka retail jewelers' association at Omaha
this week, C. S. Clinton, of this cit,
was elected president of tho association.
This is quite an honor for Mr. Clinton
out is wen merited, for he has for
many years past taken a veiy activo in
terest in the association and has been a
regular nttondant at the annual meet
ings. In selecting Mr. Clinton as its
hoad the association roentrnlrnA n
mighty good man and a mighty good
town each being a leader. We con
gratulate Mr. Clinton, and predict lie
win inuya a jjujiuuir uuu emcienc president.
Sudden Death at Sutherland.
Sutherland paoplo were wore startled
Tuesday by the sudden death of Mrs.
E. B. Zimmerman, wife of the Presby
terian minUtpt nt thnt nlnna M-o
Zimmerman was subject to attacks of
iiiueBH wnicn wero rcnoveu uy uumlnis
tering Rochollo salts. She had one of
these attacks Tuesday and her husband
sent to tho drug storo for the salts and
gavohis wife a teaspoonful. Hardly
had the salts been swallowed until Mrs.
Zimmerman had convulsions. A physi
cian was summoned but tho woman was
beyond his assistance and death shortly
followed. At tho request of Mr. Zim-
mnrmnn Pnrnoii fblnnmi ..4. ..
erland Wednesday and empanelled a
J"' uul' ""k Jirai iniormauon
desired wos whether the salts given
were Rochelle salts, somo poisonous
substance, or salts in which poison in
some way had become mixod. To ascer
tain this evidence tho remaining por
tions of tho salts wero obtained by
Coroner Maloney who sent them to the
state university for nnulysis, and the
coroners jury adjourned until tho report
of this onulysis is received.
Rev. Zimmerman located in Suther
land in December. Two small children
are left motherless.
The P. E.'O. Society hold a profitable
and interesting meeting ut tho hoire
of Mrs. II. S. White Wednesday even
ing. Mrs. LulaT. Andrews, of Hold
rego, who is making an inspection tour
of the state P. E. O. societies, was
present and expressed complimentary
remarks upon the work of tho local
branch. Lnjoyable refreshments wore
Mrs. Georgo Coates returned yester
day afternoon from an extended visit
with her mother In Lincoln.
Local and Personal.
Furnished room with boat. Inquire
of Mrs. John Murphy. G-2
A. E. Timmerman transacted busi
ness in tho castorn part of tho state
tho foro part of this week.
I have the Domestic Vncuum cleaners
for sale and rent. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell,
Phono Red 104.
of Lincoln county will awivo tomorrow
from an extended visit In Ohio to spend
a counle of weeks with his son
The Masonic Lodgo will celebrate tho
Gth annual dedication of their temple
on Saturday evening, February 22nd,
witn appropnato ceremonies. The
Masons and their families will take
part in the exercises.
Sanford Ilartman is visiting his
daughter Mrs. E. W. Crane In Lincoln
this week.
Miss Hartmnn a deaconess of Coznd,
who visited Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Gilbert
this week left yosterday morning.
Miss Alma Toillion returned last even
ing from Iowa whore she visited rela
tives in different cities for two months.
Mrs. Lorn Bailoy loft this morning
for Cozad to visit rolativea for ten days.
Before returning sho expects to spend
a couple of days with friends in Grand
Tho Novita Club wero pleasantly en
tertained Wednesday afternoon by Mrs.
Harry Samulson. Guessing contests
were furnished for the entertainment
of the ladies. Light refreshments were
The poslofilco department is making
arrangements to havo tho mail carrier's
routo in tho Fourth ward oxtended five
extra blocks. The carrier now in
chnrgo ofparoel post packages will
take tho extension.
Furnished Roams For Rent.
Nico single or double furnished room
for gentlemen, hot water hoat, olectrio
Iight,n bath nnd 'phone: ront very
reasonable, at former Cody rosidenco
south of new round house Inquire at
Wnter Office or at residonco, 1207 W.
4th St. Phono Red 611.
For Sale Cheap, t -
Ono Mandy Loo Incubatorw6" egg
capacity. Ono Humphrey groenboro
cutter run by hand or bolt. C. F. Tracy.
First Showing of the New Wool Tailored Suits.
A Beautiful and Extensive Collection of the Lat
est and Most Approved of the New Models
Fabrics and Colorings Presented
at Our Usual Low Prices.
This First Showing is more than a mere pre
sentation of the New Spring Suits. It is considered
a fashion event of much interest and matchless im
portance by hundreds of well-informed woman who
look upon this store as the natural style center of this
city. And with such a, beautiful and extensive show
ing as you will see here tomorrow our style leadjer,
ship will surely be established on an even "firmer
foundation than ever. - ,i- .
The most promient features of the new spring
suit style are shorter coats-about 27 inches long
mostly in cutaway effects. Both coa( , anc; skjrts
are cut upon distinctly graceful lines that outline the
natural figure lines and dre extremely becblhihg to
all types of feminine figures. While the variety of
new models embraced in this showing is very exten
sive there isn't one that hasn't not with1 the fullest ap
proval of the foremost fashion authorities. Each has
been carefully selected by our buyer from the pro
duction of makers known for the orifrinalitv and
beauty of the styles they create.