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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1913)
, f h tSTM " 5VT, Ki El a Iff"- !V .. G PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS' HOSPITAL Wlllfs J. Redfleld, Suroeon: Joe D. Red field, Physician and Surjjeon and Skin Disease Specialist. In drawing attention to the various rosourcM and advantages of North Platto, wo desire to emphasize our liospltal sorvlco as we are well served indeed IiMJils Important rspcct. It is not toe much to say hat we liave facilities that compare f.svcrably with Omaha and other large Itiet. and no case Is too complicated, no oporatioii too dllllcuU to bo hnndled lioro. Tho Physlclnno & Surgeons Hospital Is no loss than a boon to North Platte and this part of tho state, as lc If modern, veil equipped, and kopt up-to-date to tho minute. Tho writer inspected this establish ment from top to bottom nnd was surprised Indeed to find such accom modation in a town of this size. Hero aro treated general medical, surgical, genealogical and obstetrical cases, al so other diseases and tho operating Toom Is woll supplied with electric machines, farndic, galvanic and nigh frequency apparatuses. All kinds of baths are given and a corps of trained nurses dovoto them selves assiduously to the patients. A Nurses' Training School Is also conducted, and young ladies who wish to take up this Interesting and profit able profession find every opportunity hero. Tho institution has been in opera BRATT & GOODMAN. Bratt Bulldlno John Dratt, E. R. Good man. Telephone No. 65 Reference, Any Bank In Nebraska. (Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, In vestors of Idle Monoy In Safe Securi ties. One Million Dollars Invested for Clients and not a Dollar Lost In Prin cipal or Interest General Insurance Business Done in Old and Representa tive Reliable Companies. Rents Col lected. Pay Taxes and Caro for Prop erty of No'n-Resldents, Farm and City Property Bought, "Sold or Exchanged. E. R. Goodman, Notary Public). No men havo a more vital Interest in the growth and development of a town than the real estato and land folks and they are as a rule men of foresight, judgment and agresslve op timism. They do more to push a country to tho front than any other element and they aro willing to wait long for their reward. The greatest credit is duo them and in describing this bright, progressive city, wo take pleasure in assigning them a place of lionor. Messrs. Bratt & Goodman aro gontlemen of high Intelligence, un spotted integrity and sound business principles and they do a largo part of tho desirable work in thoir line. They aro men of heavy financial re sponsibility, wido experienqe and aro regarded a3 experts on tho valuo of city and country property. North Platte is considerably helped by real estato and land men of this typo and there aio fow largo deals in tho prop erty way hero in which Messrs. Bratt & Goodman aro not in somo way con corned. Tho firm was organized in 1000 and their efforts have been thoroughly successful as they have a completo grasp of all details of their business and no proposition is too big or too difficult for them to handle. You will And almost always clients in their office and wo would omphasize tho very creditablo and unusual rec ord of these gentlemon in the Invest ment lino as during thirteen years thoy Invested a million dollars for customers and never yet lost a penny in interest or principle. Thoy have a right indeed to tako pride in this fact. Thoy operate principally In city or country property in Nort Platto and Lincoln county, thoug.i at times their business extends all over tho western country. Our banks hero and else whero vouch for them In the highest terms and tho word of Messrs. Bratt & Goodman has always boon consider ed as good as their bond. Besides a general real estato, loan and land liustness, they also write the best of Insurance of all kinds in tho old re liable, representative companies. In Tact thoy do moro business than all tho rest of tho insuranco folks hero put together as tho official records show. They also colloct rents, pay taxes, and caro for property of non-residents and buy, sell and exchange city or country property. Messrs. Bratt & Goodman have never any dull days as their patronage Is always good, growing constantly, and thero is no firm In the State of Nebraska in hotter standing in their lino. A , Messrs. Bratt & Goodman grade Al and just 100 per cent In business and private life and North Platto has no bettor or moro liberal citizens. We havo yet to hear of this firm ever fall ing to contrlbuto thoir share for a Creator and Better North Platto. HOWE & MALONEY, Furniture, Undertaking. This establishment has been In oporation eight yearB and no store hero has a bettor record or Is moro deserving of commendation. Business is conducted on tho lines of probity and puBh and they stand always for tho best valuo for tho monoy that con be given. An extensive stock is car ried, embracing elegant parlor and chamber suites In plain and artistic design, substantial and handsome din ing room and kitchen furniture of ovoryloscrlptlon, oxqulBlto cabinet articles, richly upholstered goods, sofas, lounges, settees and a completo stock of everything in tho furniture line. Prices aro always reasonable and appeal to economical folks who want their monoy to go as far as pos sible. Messrs. Howe & Malonoy aro nlwaya pleased to show folks through their large ostaoiiBumem anu in spection of stock insures no onnga- inn tn nnrohaso. Mlsronresontntlon loes not go hero and goods aro sold S tion nearly four years and Its useful ness and scopo are constantly Increas ing and widening. Tho hospital Is in corporated; tho investment repre sents thousands of dollars, nnd we aro within the murk In saying that no hospital In the state is doing better work. The peoplo of North Platto and this section of the country appreciate the vahio of such an establishment and ft is not necessary to point out that it Is conductod on the most approved and othicnl linos. Surgery and medicine aio advanc ing by leaps and bounds and this hospital alms to keep up with tho lat est developments of tho sclonce and patients may rost assured that every thing possiblo Is being done for thorn. Tho Physicians nnd Surgeons is operated on an excellent system nnd North Platto could hardly get along without this institution. Tho location is convenient nnd tho Physicians and Surgeons ronder tho best of service nnd valuo for ovory dollar received. Drs. Redfleld are among tho busiest men wo havo but they are always responsive to every well considered enterprlBO to odvnnco tho best Inter ests of North Platto and Lincoln coun ty. No feature of our city deserves on Its merltB greater credit an we touch on the various Institutions hore than tho Physicians & Surgeons Hos pital. on merit nnd for what thoy really are. Taste and skill characterize thoyfnake up of all furnlturo sold hero ana these gentlemen have achieved a wido repu tation for reliability and fairness. An undertaking business Is also done, funerals bolng conducted with deco rum and dignity and full chargo takon from cVepe to flowers. Mr. Maloney who attends to tlite branch of the business Is a licensed embalmor, and wo would point out that tho firm car ry a stock undertaking goods at Her shoy and Tryon. Their premises measure 41x132 and thero aro always customers to bo found hero. Messrs. Howo & Maloney aro llrst class merchants, gentlemanly and accom modating every day In tho year and charter mombers of tho Booster Club. THE KEISTER TAILORING COLLEGE. Miss M. Larson. Tho need of the day Is practical education especially for our girls and young women and nothing is more useful and becoming to our misses than a knowledge of dressmaking and ladies tailoring, therefore In men tioning the leading Industries of North Platto we will omphasize tho Import ance of tho Kelster Tailoring College under tho management of Miss Lar son. This lady is making quite a success and sho Is certainly doing good work here. Dressmaking, ladies' tailoring and the drafting of patterns can all bo learned In the courso hero and the en tiro expense is but $25, a reasonablo prlco Indeed. Her parlors in tho Keith Building aro attractive, light and woll adapted for tho purpose and North Platte is benefitted Indeed by tho Kelster Tail orlng College. Many of our host young ladles paf ionize tho College and this system, we would noto, is In operation throughout the country and Is the best In all respects. Tho instruction Is thorough, up-to-the-minute and no pains aro spared with pupils. Miss Larson is well adapted for this line nnd our peoplo havo full conlld once In this college and Miss Larson personally. Sho is a bright, energetic, capablo young lady and woll regarded here. Tho writer has no hesitancy in recommending unreservedly tho Kois ter Tailoring Collego. T. D WCSTERrCLD. Groceries, Staple and Fancy Country Produce, Tinware, Qrnnlteware, Hardware Mr. Wcsterfold should not bo omit ted as wo point out the progressive, honorable business men of North Platte, as ho has been with U3 a long time and his establishment is ono of our most trustworthy and popular trading points. Tho premises measure 132x22 and a stock of groceries Is kept which Just suits the careful buyor and economic al housewife. Tho measure and weight aro always just what you pay for and when you buy hero you may be sure you could do no bettor else where. All pure food and sanitary laws aro complied with and a grocery storo of thiB kind would get tho trade anywhere. Mr. Wcsterfold pays close attention to his business and considoring tho quality of tho goods, no ono in Lin coln county sells lower. NoatnesB and cleanliness aro apparent hero and you will not go elsowhoro onco you begin trading with Mr. Westorfold. Thero is lota of competition In this line but Mr. Westerfeld keeps on In creasing hlB business right along ana ho knows 'just how an up-to-date gro cery should bo run at all times. Tho sorvlco is first class, tho prices aro always "right" and Mr. Wcsterfold can bo fully dopondod on to glvo all comers, man, woman or child, full valuo for ovory dollar spent with him. Selling for cash as ho does, you do not havo to pay for tho bad debts of tho "other follow" and tho North Side Cash Grovery gets a largo part of tho desirable trade in its lino. Bosldcs staple and cash groceries, Mr. Wester feld also handles country produco, tlnwaro, granltowaro and hardwaro and you will always find patrons hero. Mr. Westerfeld 1b thriving because he deserves to win and ho Is tho right kind of a merchant and citizen. Whon North Platto 1b to bo pullod ahead, you will always find him on tho lino and doing his best for the good cause. J D, M'DONALD, "The Home of Good Clothes." Whtlo visiting tho various morcan tllo estnbllshmontB of our city and omphnslzlng tho principal foatures of each, wo wero at onco Impressed by tho lino fixtures and appolutmonts of this storo which Is ono of tho lead ing clothing and gouts furnishing em poriums of this part of tho stato. These represent tho latest and beet md the Grand Rapids Show Cnio company, the hoad firm In this lino in tho country, surely havo dono thorn Reives proud in tho equipment hero. You And such fixture only In towiiB Ilk Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago, Now York, and the steady flow of patrons to Mr. McDonald's shows that ho Judged rightly In concluding that the people or North Platto and her trad ing territory would approolate tho best that money could buy In this way. Mr. McDonald glvos our folks tho very heat In tho way of valuo; no man or boy Is too particular to bo suited heie, nnd such linns as the House of Kupponhelmor and others of- that charactor known from const to coast aro represented hero. Tho services could not bo bettor nnd your wants aro attended to hero In the way you would like. No pains are spared to please customors; tho strictest rulo of this houso is to avoid tho faintest suggestion of mis representation and Mr. McDonald Is rockbound In tho confidence of our people. The stock Is well kopt up; Mr. Mc Donnld gets tho cream of tho various lines, nnd profits aro whittled down In every case. Whatever can bo dono to make this storo moro serviceable and popular Is at once put in by this gentleman and it is recognized that Mr. Mc Donald never falls to get his propor tion of tho folks who know a good thing when thoy seo It and aro Judges of real values In tho clothing or gents' furnishing line. A store of this typo would como to the front In any community, nnd Mr. McDonald has a broad grasp of this lino of business and tho experience, capital, and all round capability that puts him In tho front rank of tho merchants In this part of tho state. Ho has been located on tills cor ner, tho most doslrablo in town, for several years, is one of the best ad vertlsors In North Platte, and his well written, truthful announcements are seen In our public prints every day in tho year. Mr. McDonald merits the largo trade ho has worked up and no mer chant In our city pays closer atten tion to his business. Ho is always on hnnd himself to seo that Ills estab lishment 1b operated in tho right way and customers waited on promptly nnd courteously nnd we need not Bay ho Is a booster and a pusher for North Platto as ho Is one of tho most active men wo havo In that way. As wo all know, ho is tho son of tho leading banker In this part of tho state, and it is axiomatic that any undertaking with which tho McDon alds Identify themselves always pros per and Is conducted honornbly and on tho best and most enduring lines. Tho McDonalds are pillars and financial and commercial ilender3 In our community. NORTH PLATTE'S YOUNGEST FI NANCIAL INSTITUTION. When the Plntto Valley State Bank was first organized eighteen months ago It was thought by n fow Intel cst ed and many disinteiosted parties that another bank in North Platto could scarcoly expoct to prosper In a city where the business was already being most acceptably takon caro of. This theory has been proven alto gether without ground, for tho steady growth nnd development of tho busi ness of tho Platto Valley Stato Bank has been far and beyond tho business that existed In North Platto before it entered tho field. This Is better understood when It is known that tho deposits of this bank havo already i cached a total of moro than ?140,000.00, making a gain of more than 100 por cont. during tho oar just passed. This makes it self-evident that tho Platto Valley Stato Bank has supplied tho need of additional up-to-date and modern banking facilities for North Platto and vicinity and that it Is serving Us patrons in a highly satis factory manner. Tho business is conducted along progressive lines without being con servative to a fault. From tho o poll ing day, tho managing officers havo followed tho policy of giving personal attention to ovory customer, seeing that each individual rocolves the banking service best suited to his re quirements. Organized under tho banking laws of Nebraska, tho depositors in this bank aro protected by the Depositors' Guaranty und of tho Stato of No braska, and while thiB security is un necessary so far as tho pooplo of this city are concerned, tho assurance of this protection back of all tho bank's dealings with tho public is one which our pooplo appreclato. In addition to this safoguard, tho bank Is protected by a thoroughly modern mageneso steol safe and burglar and hold-up Insuranco. Tho managing officers, Messrs, Plel sticker, Scott and Mohlmann aro all woll known mon in this community and financial circles of tho state. Tho future of tho bank Is safo in their hands and when located In thoir now quarters In tho building to bo vacated by tho Post Office, tho Platto Valloy Stato Bank will havo every facility and convenience found In tho modern bank. Their now location is Ideal for their business and thoy will bo In a position to ronder exceptionally of flciont service to those who transact thoir business with them. THE PALACE CAFE, Rlchl Unal. PrODrletor. New York baa ltB Martin's, Chicago"! ub Rector's and Omaha Its Maurcr s and North Platto has in tho Palaco a cafo that has tho class, stylo and finish. It is our best establishment and night nnd day wo find crowds horo. The place Is brilliantly lighted and only tho best is put on tho tables of t.hln frontlnman. ... jioru wu mm regular meuiu, iiun ordora, and no matter how particular MILL THE C. F. IDDINGS CO., Lumber, Coa! and Grain. A homo industry and now year edi tion of tho Tribuno without genorous and oxtonslvo mention of this, ono of tho largest enterprises In this part of tho stato, would bo lacking Indeed, ub It Is of groat benefit to our com mercial Interests and their success reflects tho greatest credit on all con corned. All operations hero aro con ductod vigorously and on up-to-dato lines and ovorythlng In tho. way of lumber, building material, "coal and grain is curled. It has always boon tho policy of this yard to maintain n stock of such magnitude as to offor tho fullest opportunity for satisfactory selections and patrons havo long since loarnod thoy aro novor disap pointed In quality or prico in making thoir purchases. Thcroforo tho yard haB commanded n patronngo that has you aro, you can bo sultod hore. Kitchens aro open for Inspection at all times and Mr. Ugal spares no ef forts to pleaso his patrons. Ho Is al ways on hand himself and tho Palace Is operated on nn excellent systom. Tho service could hnrdly bo Im proved and hero wo can find no fault. Tho Palaco Is kopt up-to-date to tho minute, cleanliness is ono of tho strong points horo, and North Platto glvos the P.ilaco Hboral patronage. You get full valuo for every dollar you spend hero and tho Palace pro vides for nil classes of trade, thoro being lunch counters, tables foi ladles, and you do not havo to wait hero as there 1b always a waiter at your el bow, wo could almost Bay. - Mr. Ugai Is behind no mun in on torpriso nnd business push ns he is a llrst class advertiser, absolutely on tho squaro In all his dealings and Is well spoken of hore. Ho Is likewise a largo property owner both of city property nnd farm lands nnd ho does his sharo In boosting for North Platte. CRYSTAL MOVING PICTURE THEATER Among tho many aniusemont places of our city and county nono haB pioved moro populnr than tho Crystal, an tho plctuios shown nro Instructive and pleasing nnd tho location of the houso is excellont Horo tiro produced tho latest and best obtalnablo subjects of tho film maker's tut In motion pictures and tho ciowds that attend nightly proves that Mr. Westfalt knows just what takeB with our peo plo. It has always been an especial prhjo on tho part of this gentleman to provido clean nnd onjoyublo enter tainment at a small cost of admission and ve know ho succeeds. And groat caro is exorcised in tho selec tion of tho pictures. Women and children particularly aro Bhown tho greatest consideration and tho utmost caro takon In attonding to their com fort. Vaudovillo of tho best kind Is often given, plcturos nro changed frequently . and if you onco get tho Crystal habit you will koop it up. Tho building is woll ventilated, tho beating arrangements good, thoro nro tho required number of exits and Mr. Westfalt leaves no stono unturned to keep his plnco up to tho mlnuto and mako It well worthy In ovory way of the public's patronage. Tho pictures would pass tho most critical Inspection and tho Crystal ap peals to tho whole family. Mr. Westfalt 1b well liked hero and ho Is doing well with tho Crystal uo cauBO ho "delivers tho goods" and Is pleasant and obliging with all comers. Tho Crystal Is a distinct advantngo to tho city and patronage Is growing fast. It is ono of our most flourish ing Institutions. SIMON BROTHERS TINNER3. Every branch of business has its loaders and in tho way of tlnwork, Messrs. Simon Bros, stand at tho head. Thoy tako tho biggest kind of contracts and thoir work will pass tho most critical Inspection ovory tlmo. Thoy aro both thoroughly maator of thoir trade In all its branches and they have been with ub six years so that wo all know thoy aro competent and responsible 1n ovory way. Roally first-class tinners aro fow and far be tween but this nrm do only tho best of work yot their charges aro never unreasonable. Thoir establishment la up-to-dato to tho minuto; thoir tools and appliances cannot bo Improved on nnd ovory day is a busy ono licre. Only tho best holp aro omployed and North Platto is woll served Indeed by flin SlinnnH. Nn contract Is too OX- jcnslvo or too difficult for their re sources and thoy go tho limit to aatis- fv fhnlr trrifln. Messrs. Simon Bros. havo built up a largo business on tho foundation or valuo and good, uccom modatlng sorvlco and thoir establish ment Is quite a factor In our business Interests. Tho Simon boys bear a good namo hero; thoy aro specially of fnf.lnnt nnd thnv aro enrolled among tho onorgotlc, prosperous folks of North riatto wno operaio inoir uusi noss In Just tho right way. AM) KLKVATOR OK Till', C. V. U)I)1(,S CO. nteadlly Increased slnco Its hlsttiy from tho early days of this commun Ity. Thoro nro four other yards, SUiploton, Hershoy, .Maxwell and Sutherland, nnd thoy nro nil llourlbh tng. Tho C. I Iddlngs Com'pnny haB nlwnjs been nllvo to auy now and pro pi caslvo Idea of proven soundness that would Btlmulato logitlmnto trade conditions. It has employed tho most modern, economical mothods In Its management. Liberal with Its patrons, It has nt tho samo tlmo giv en tho best sorvlco posBlblo and nchloved for Itself a success of broad proportions. No lino of busi ness in this part of tho stato stands hotter or moro favorably with Its clientele. It hns served its patrons squaroly and woll nnd at tho samo tlmo kopt In tho front rank at all times. Always a loader, buying on n largo Bcalo, and equipped with largo capital, tho yard has stood as it standB now, ono of tho strongest nnd DR. HARRY MITCHELL, DENTIST In tho profession of doutlstry aro found many oducntod, roflned gontlo mon who labor for n roputatlon as woll aB tho financial profits to bo se cured and cortnlnly Dr. Mltcholl Is In this class. This gontloman though not with us long, has already established a namo for oxcollonco of work nnd tho ob sorvnnco of tho hlgnest standards In private and professional Ilfo. Ho is widoly known; ho has a lino office nnd up-to-dato oquipmont nnd horo wo find ovory facility In tho furtherance of tho host professional lnbors and every comfort to visitors. Tho peculiarities Incidental to den tal work render necessarily tho pro fession u dollcato aa woll aB a trying one. From no other professional man does tho public expect ao much In tho way of relief from tho losultB of culpable carelessness on tho part of tho patlont. It haB novor boon ox plalnod why folks save their tooth for tho last whon things nood atten tion. Tho successful dontlst omploys ns much headwork ns any other ono man In solving satisfactorily tho per ploxlng cibob brought to his atteu tlon. Dr. Mitchell has been very suc cessful since coming hoio nnd his practlco grows apace. Always alort for now Ideas and equally responsive to tho loglo of now discoveries ho Is modern In his practlco as woll as equipment. Dr. Mitchell Is of tno class that belloves a man could novor coaso being a student and his patrona have benefitted In turn by tho uppllci tlon of constantly Improving inotliods in tho sclonco of doutlstry. Dr. Mltcholl Is known fur beyond North Platto and ho Is a conscientious, honorable, capable gontloman who has won a high pluce in his profes sion, i Ho Is a graduato of tho Dental D' partmont, Crolghton University, nnd practiced In Omohu hoforo casting h s lot with us. Dr. Mltcholl litis proved an Important and wolcomo nddltlon to tho piofosslonnl ranks of Noith Plato and Lincoln county. DERRYBERRY & FORBES. Hardware. Implements, rurnlture, Un dertaking, Windmills, Stoves, Wa gons, Bundles, International, John Deere nnd Mollne Implements. Messrs. Derryborry & Forbes opor uto nn establishment which has boon succossful from tho start and it Is u credit to the commercial interests of North Platto and Lincoln county. Trndo Is drawn from a considerable distance and all dealings of this con corn aro characterized by up-with-tho-tlmes Ideas and tho right methods. Thoy handlo hardware, furnlturo, Implements, wlndmllla, stovoa, wagons, buggies, John Deoro and Mollno Im plements and uro also transfor agents for tho International, Thoy handled fifty cars of goodB for tho Internation al last year a business amounting to no less than $80,000. It Is ouo of Uio most popular trad ing places in Lincoln county and ovory transaction on tho part of MessrB. Dorryborry & Forbes la a fair and honorablo ono. Thoy mako overy offort to satisfy patronB and any tlmo of tho day you will find trading going on horo. Tho promisee moasuro 78x 80; thoro aro 580 squaro foot addition al, und two largo warehouses, one bo lng C0xl20. Not a dollar should go outsldo for anything In tho way of furnlturo, lmplomonts, hardwaro, windmills, wagons, stoves or buggies ns long ns this concern la with ub as, If you tako quality Into consideration, no ono can do bettor than they. Undertaking Is also dono and tho equipment nnd sorvlco aro all that could ho desired. Business showa a healthy growth from yoar to year and Messrs. Dorry borry & Forbes can congratulato thomBolvos on tho patronage thoy havo built up nnd their prosperity in our host commercial circles, Thoy aro agrooablo, buslncss-llko gontlomon und numborod among our suporior merchants and finest citizens, ncss In this part of tho stnto Btands j point, eurs ugo, thoy won tho trust ! and confidence of our peoplo and havo novor onco deviated from tho stralght ost path of business Integrity, pro gressive methods and unvarying ef fort to givo tho utmpst roturn for ovory dollar that reaches their hands. Messrs. Iddlngs, Coatos, Porrott & Baker ropresont tho top notch of citizenship nnd business prosperity nnd they aro so woll known that wo will not refer to thorn In detail. Mr. Baker, tho secretary and manager, though a comparatively young man on tho sunny sldo of forty la woll equipped in ovory way for his rospon Blblo position and ho loaves no stono unturned to advnnco tho Interests of tho company. Though ono of our bua lost men, ho Is novor too busy to bo courteous and accommodating to all, friend or stranger. Tho C. F. Iddlngs Company woll morlts tho emphatic succobs that has attended their efforts. ROY SURBER, CONTRACTOR. Contractors gonorally speaking aro a substantial, progrossivo class and wo havo In North Platto mon who rank with tho best. Mr. Surbor has built up a roputatlon hero winch would bo creditable to nny man and whon ho Is building your houso you aro In safo hands. Ho knows ovory detail nnd particular of the building and contracting busincbs, gives full re turn for ovoiy cont ho gets, and ovory building ho putu up speaks well for him. Mr. Surbor bida low but novor at tho oxponse of u satisfactory Job and ho will not tako a contract un less ho can do full Juntlco to it. Ho has alwayB plenty of work on hand nnd ho tukoB a back seat for no man In this pint of tho state in Ills lino. Ho built tho Lock gsrago, DIckoy Sanitary laundry, Bnrr, Ycrk, Wilson, Walter and Lawrence tesldencos and their owners woio perfectly satlsliod in ovory respect. Ho employs good men nt fair w ' novor has nny difficulties with his work peoplo and you can dopend on ovory stntoinont he makes. Mr. Sur bor alHo oporaton a cement plant und tukea contracts for an) thing In tho wuy of content sidewalks or cement constructions. Ho uses tho best machinery, his comont 1b mlsed In tho proper proportions and hia jobs will puss tho closest Inspection. Mr. Suibor is among tho top notchors In his lino In UiIb part of tho state and his bustuctm methods nro broad gauge and commendablo In every way. Ilia shouldor Is nlwaya to tho whuol when North Platto Is to bo helped nnd ndvortlsod. Billy Green's Plumbing Shop. 'BILLY" GREEN, PLUMBING. In this purt of tho stato wo havo, broadly spoaklug, somo excellont plumbors, therefore, In dwelling on tho various business Interests of North Platto nnd Lincoln county, wo will give thoso gontlomon thoir duo and Mr. "Billy" Greon 1b ono of tho beBt men In tho lino wo havo. Ho gotB considerable to do and whon ho takes a contract, tho most particular will bo pleased. His mater ials and workmanship cannot bo beaten and ho alwayB doos Just as ho oayn ho will. Tho poorest economy In tho world 1b a cheap, makeshift job of plumbing but though Mr. Green's charges aro always modorato ho will satisfy tho patron ovory tlmo. Whatovor Is now, up-to-date and of real merit In tho plumbing lino is found hero and Mr. Greon has nlways his sharo of work to do. His work alwayB speaks in his favor and thoro aro no bad tlmos for Mr. Green aB his trade is growing fast and ho has built up a roputatlon for tho beat of plumbing at a fair and honest price that would bo a credit to any man. Only dependable, capablo men nro employed by him and ub ho has been many years In tho lino and line an oxport, sclentlHc knowledge of it, you are "In right" whon you havo your plumbing work dono by him. Mr, Groon Is a man you can havo full confidence In and aa citizen and business man, ho is, O. K. Liboral and ontorprlBlng In his business methods, you will always find him ready to "chip In" his portion to put North Platto and Lincoln county a notch or two furthor on tho road to advancement and prosperity. HHKjr SMBStsr mBM