The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 11, 1913, Image 4

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in , Re J Liu e, Loans i nd Insurance.
On prll lBt, 1912, the city of North
Piatt. purchased Kb waterworks plant
for tho Bum of $87,074.2!). Tho plant
was lotind to lio In a run-down con
dJtlon and badly In need of repulrs
and bettcrmentB beforo It could bo
expected to mipply tho city with tho
irtnount of wntor required. Tho boilers
U'Oro In such bad ahnpo that ono -had
to bo replaced immediately and tho
ulher two could hardly bo made to last
until new onos could be purchased and
Installed. Tho well and pumping
(systems did not have tho capacity to
provide sulllcioiit water for tho needs
01 tho city.
The Mayor and City Council set to
work at once to remody Uipbo condi
tions and the following Improvements
hat been made.
Tlileo now KiOBt high prcssuro holl
ow of 80 H. P. capacity each, with
Uupl ato Hto'im lines to each jiunip
huo been liiiaucd at a cobI of !pl,
JOO 00.
Six of tho beat of tho older wellB
ha Ix'hii thoioughly cleaned and
overruled and additional land pur
cbasn. and twoisly-Bovan new C-lnch
m !., ,iao been sunk to dopthn rang
ing tnmi 7G to HO foot and now and
non: ru- Buction and discharge lines,
toRt-tiiir with the neccBBnry valves,
n: rii , ,; any pump to draw from any
we i -et of wolls, havo been Install
ed at an approximate cost of $9,400.00.
A Laldlaw-Dunn-Uordon croBB com
pound condensing crank and fly-whocl
pump with a maximum capacity of 3,
000,000 gallons dally, together with
new concreto pump pit, heavy con
creto foundation and now brick pump
room havo been Installed at an ap
proximate cost of $8,200.00.
1 1,325 feet of 4, 6 and 8-Inch coat
Iron water mains havo been laid and
20 new lire hydrants havo boon Install
ed on tho abovo nt a cost of $11,900.00.
Besides tho above, a now drinking
fountain has been put In, In tho
Fourth Wnrd and many minor repairs
havo been mado to tho plant, making
n total of $34,400.00 which has been
.-pent by tho city for now construction
work from April 1st, 1912 to January
lBt, 1913.
By making tho abovo Imnrovonienlii
the Mayor and City Council havo more
than doubled tho capacity of tho plant
In evory way. With tho now wellB,
pump and boilers sulllclent water can
be pumped to Mipply a city of from
10,000 to 12,000 people and a plentiful
bupply of water Is guaranteed for the
coming season and many others In tho
future. The Improvements made have
all been of a permanent chnr.ictcr
which will not noed renewing for the
next twenty yoni'B to coino, thus giv
ing North Plutto nwatorworkB plant
the equal of tiny In western Nebraska.
Wilcox Department Store .
The department store is a develop
ment of comparatively recent .ears
and Is the outgrowth of the general
Htoro A fit s coinmerlal Importance
may lie roughly Judged by the char
acter of Its department stores. In the
larg' r cities, Ihesc great establish
iiu nt are conducted on an enormous
sale, I'icli depart incut being under
I IiidlMdiiiil management- but subord
Inate 1 to the office.
ILL not (liniciill to understand the
idva'itagcs attaching to this form of
buslrii . It is the common ad van-
i tagc of cooperation and organization
' i.'hc strength to cery character
, of entei prise and confidence to the
public. It enables the general nian-
"''imcnt to secure aluabIo discounts
mi large bills be.oii(l the reach of
in. ui miycrs and thus to compete so
I(,orousl,v In price as to make It the
manifest Interest of the economical
buyer to purchase of the department
slore. Moreover, It affords patrons
a wider range of selection and. in ex
clusive agencies, standard lines not
obtainable ejsewhorc.
The Wilcox is modeled after
the fatuous department, stores of tho
east. There aro eight distinct depart
ments, groceries, carpets and rugs,
ladies' ready-to-wear goods, dry
goods, shoes, ladies fine goods, etc.,
each of which is in charge of a spec
ially qualified clerk, but all under tho
immediate supervision of Mr. Wilcox
who Is In active charge of the entire
This tine emporium at once a credit
and an ornament to our city, has
saved many a dollar for our careful
housewives and no establishment in
the state gives better value for the
dollar, Omaha or any othor mail order
house Included. Tho building a tine,
Eressed brick structure, is the leading
uslness block of tho town and it at
onco arrests tho attention of visitors
to North Platte. The immense plate
glass windows afford a tuple room for
street displays and at the same time
flood the store with sunlight. Every
facility afforded by the most modern
stores in tho largo cities is here
found and all business is transacted
with energy, despatch and the most
scrupulous honesty.
In carpets, linoleums, mattings,
portiere, lace curtains, bedding, etc.,
the Wilcox carries everything for
cottage or mansion. The carpets in
clude plush, velvet, Brussels, Axmln
Inters, ingrains, Turkish rugs, etc.
The groceries compi Isc everything
usually carried by exclusive grocers,
the best brands of canned and bottled
goods aro arrayed on the shelves' and
no Infeilor stock of any description Is
admitted to the store. The full
weight and measure arc giou over
time and all pure food laws are rigor
ously obered.
. The ladles' ready to wear depart
ment Include tailored suits, shirt
waist, petticoat), cloaks, wraps and
all under linen. The newest ideas In
the arious lines are expressed and
this is the favorite trading point and
bargain resort for many a mile around
Not th Platte.
The cash s st cm pre alls here every
day in the year, not a penny of credit
extended to any one, and the custom
is that you do not have to pay
the debts of the other fellows and the
stores that do give credit cannot of
course competo with the Wilcox.
Shoddy trash or unreliable goods
find no entrance bore and though de
tailed reference to this stock would
be hardly possible here, yet wo must
say that tho latest, the best, the
most reasonable in price characterize
all lines of goods handled here and
North Platte Is proud Indeed of this
store which would do credit to a town
five times the size.
High grade clerks are employed and
there Is no dull days here as the trade
of tho Wilcox Department store is ad
vancing by leaps and bounds. There
are 12,400 feet of floor space, fully
utilized, and there is no institution
here of greater benefit to all classes of
our people than this excellent, up-to-date,
well managed department store.
Mr. Wilcox began business here in
May, 1895, and his career has been an
honorable and successful one. No
man is mora attentive to his business
and his prosperity has been won by
all round business capacity, the
straiglitest kind of straight dealing
and by keeping up-to-date to the
minute in all respects.
We need not say that he is always
foremost in all Worthy undertakings
to increase the prosperity and well
being of North Platte. We have no
better citizen and Mr. Wilcox is one
of the leading business men not only
of our city but also of the state, in
our simple Judgment.
Oui inorchuutH stand for stability
.it. r c h.ii,icter and desorvo the full
cot !tit of tho people. As a mar
ket !: .til classes of merchandise, no
elf ii uv where near tho bIzo of North
PI : fields bettor ndvantuges to tlio
nuxtc jurr. ltuilnoBB men curry a well
ot i td, .deiondublo Block of Btandnrd
ijo.ijj but nr t tholdnd can led by mall
inl I ouse Prices In all lines aro
roii i i bin i nd there la aulllclont com
pe'iiu ;i to filng ilgures to tlio proper
hv roll r evorywhero nrt begin
oui. ii reull. n that tho mah order
liow-es do not contribute to local
pt M.r-riiy in any way. In tho first
Ui no ft-ular mall order Iioubo car
rm popular Moda of atundurd chur
t Wl never tlioy do llBt goods
ot i dm1 'imko tlioy aro "Job lots,"
oti o i , and onds and out of
'In .ig. ilopuUiblo munufnetur-
i ui .tim will not Bull to thorp.
In- . i' i in tlioy cannot sell to
j" i i curors tlio goods of
ji ' l.ietureH.
.i .ii '. tried are usually cheap,
if i mis with perhaps foiuo
ri, net of tlio original but
i like them than plated
i ii rlltig silver. Furthor-
.1 i j v povidone have consldor-
1 id c uuo to shortage or dam-
n 'i suppoiud to have oc-
" ui nun. 1' tlioy have loarn-
oc i p; to trado with mull
i ii i" t uhub whoroln abort-
i.i ) i 'it occurB are hard to
. ri itu.i tlio oiitttotner bo-
dif ,o a n (l take lun loss
- in -ii i.uhli tao inuttet Itim,
tt i tiJoKiie hmm quote
- j i tielv.tit or oxpeii'-e or
i ai -" i. Add tliOHO to the
.md i'ii' difference! will bo con-
. i urthorinoro the mall or-
. g.ui the ciiBh In advance.
i v.iu Miy from tho local nier-
ivi on tho goods; you
ii the in. foe! them, judge them
vuirscOf. Tho mull order Iioubo
i' i,"t :i cheap catalogue and tho
no i
w '
Adj. 1
CO i '
pi 't i
pr i
Cl i i
d i.Mitlaim Buldom moan anything.
Tt-- iriccl buslnosB man Is willing
to 1 1. !o .i prompt and satisfactory ad-jv-inu'iii
v itliout Iobu of time or cor
roolinuacnce. And taxoB. Tlio taxes
p. ii liv luenl inerchantB help tho town
it J rountj. That helpB ovory ono.
H ' me butter roads, moro Improve
ir ik more and bettor bridges. It
mj. nh tor ery dollar sont away for
n -re luindbe that moro taxes are to bo
ii i ' n each dollar left.
rl i in Is a strictly logical deduction.
M" l Buy your goods In .North
P' mi. The loputiitlon of ttio home
n ui. iiu i nt stnko with evory bill
does hotter work.
Evidences of his skill and crafts
inanshlp abound on overy sklo and
whon ho takos a contract, wo know
that there will bu no fault found. I
Mr. McMlchaoPs business Is growing'
fast and his success has been baaed ,
on fair dealing, tlio full roturn In value'
for ovory dollar ho over iccelved, audi
an accommodating, liberal way with
patrons. i
Ho can glvo you hints and pointers
of great value if you are going to build i
or mako repairs or romodolling and I
contrnctorB nnd builders of his type
would get tholr sharo ot tho biiBlness
Mr. McMIclinel omploys competent
men, pays them liberally, and never
has any troublo with his work people.
The various residences and business
blocks he bus put up 1111 the bill In
ovoiy roapect and wo will have an Al
contractor nnd builder hero as long at.
Mr McMlclioel Is making tho chips
lly In North l'latte. Ho litis tho moans,
tho experience and tho knowledge ot
do business that put him In the fioni
sank and there Is no contract large or
Mrrnll ho cannot handle.
Mr. McMlehaol never falls to do his
sharo for helping and boosting North
hit to r.nd us and contractor he
is in tlio O. K. and up-to-date class.
Among the biddings ho has put up
wo would ncto the following nnd tlioy
are all a ciedlt to him and a satisfac
tion to their owners.
HI mmmWmWmmPM'm
Quick, Franklin, Hudson Care.
No review of our commercial inter-
ctts would bo complete unless wo re-
lencd to the J. S. Davis Auto Com
pany, ns it Is one of tho representative
establishments In this puit of the
ututc and you will recolvo excellent
treatment und the best of service
whon ua uo bualnesB with Mr. Davis.
i'U gaiage compares favorably with
thoao in the largo cities of tho country
and North Platte takes off her hat to
thlB concern. It Is lltted up with all
tho necessary nppllnncos and la a
favorite rosort for iiutoniobllu folks,
This gentleman handles the Buick,
Franklin and Hudson cars and you
waste your time if you look for honor
iiutOB nt tho piico and they aro better
tliun many of tho higher-priced ma
chinos. Many of them nro seen on
our sheets tuul roudu mul their own
Springwater Lake Ice.
M Lamplugh operates a local en
terprise which is ono of our leading
Industries and we are fortunate in
deed In being ablo to get such a pure
article from this gentlemen.
Hlslcelsthe natural kind which
Is in every way bcjtter than the
artillclal as It is colder, lasts longer,
and iciilly purer. Ho gets his sup
ply from springwater lake and chem
ical analysis shows shat it Is the pur
est water in the county.
There is nothing more important
than the right kind of an ice supply
as it has considerable bearing on the
health statistics but this ice is the
lilgliesi grade and are people may
well congratulate themselves there
fore. His plant Is equipped with the lat
est and best machinery and ho
opeiates his business in Just tho right
Implements, Hay, Feed, Live Stock,
Hog Buyers.
to record
...W. ,,.,.. -, - (-,
era mav connr.urtlui .We.iisolves they I K, 0l Sl.a)'.- J deliveries are always
bought to thH best jUvanrago A ' ou "'-' Ulc 1,in wight Is given, and
pu reMnfflniri toiBBiiHBrT
North Platte's Best Known Citizen-"Bufralo Bill"
Heraeepathic Phyiiciea and Surgeon.
Our professional men are not a bit
behind their commercial brethren in
progressive citizenship and in boost
ing and pushing for a greater and
bettor North Platte, and our citizens
always do their share for the city in
all worthy enterprises ror the further
ance of its best interests. We have
an excellent class of gentlemen in
tills noble calling and they surely
deserve considerable credit for the
reputation our city enjoys in the
matter of health and low death rate.
In calling the roll of our successful,
liighmlnded gentleman we desire to
name Dr. Twlnem. He has been with
us a long time and has developed a
practice which speaks more eloquent
ly for him than anything we could
Dr. Twlnem keeps well abreast of
his profession and he stands high
among the competent, ethical phy
sicians of the state. His oiltce is well
equipped with the latest and best In
struments and he is well adapted
Indeed both by training and exper
ience as well as by natural abllltj lor
this work. Dr. Twinem pays special
attention toobstrptrics and children's
diseases and ho Is one of our busiest
North Platte and Lincoln county
are loituiiute indeed in the character
and eiilcioncy ot their phjsicians and
we state a fact merely in 'noting that
Dr. Twine m has one of the laigest
practices in this part of the .lat and
as a medical man, pushing, worhty
citizen, and enthusiast, for Noitn
l'latte, ho kikes a back seat from no
You cais depend on him to con
tribute his quota for North Platte
and her best Interests and we can
hardly do without the Rush Mercan
tile company. We need this excel
lesst store here and Mr. Hush is per
sonally an estimable gcutloman and a
leader among our coinmerlal men.
Though always busy lie is never too
busy to be agreeable and obliging at
all times to
all comers, friend or
o. I
f. i
w i l
w i
mis "li
i ine
tt ti
i i
' d
softs nnd ho iniuit glvo
overy dollar spent with
w Bliortaluliteu persons
putalilara would lonllio
ir othor did likewise
ii-s would be seriously
iiu I! order evil woeld be
'i i ui Oui I'oiiuiii-iclul
' I kwep psco with
u development of the
ii and their p-itionago
to the beuutit of nil
Contractor and Builder.
The Ht of otirpronporoua, progrcs
hivp (!ontr.3loiB would bo lacking un
loss tjiia KQsitUinian were Included
therein us lio liua made a flrsUrttto
u is a pleasuro to record in tins
commercial rovlow of tho Trlbuno tlio
names of those who havo boon long
and honorably Identified with tho busi
ness affairs of our town and county
and Messrs. Knox & Waltor havo
yours ago built up a llrst class reputa
Their methods uro Just nnd honor
able and whim you havo any transac
tions with them, you are dealing with
men who beliovo In and practice tho
Square Denl nnd the Go'.den Rulo.
Tlioy handlo implements, hay, food,
live stock and long acquaintanceship
with tho peoplo of UiIb trado territory
havo enabled them to please tho most
careful buyer.
These gontlcmen know these lines
and we would not that there Is no
more valuable business In a farming
community than the Implement ns ma
chinery tho farmer muBt havo and
thoro Is no need whatsoever for Bond
ing outside for anything in this lino
as long as Messrs. Knox & Walter are '
with us.
Misrepresentation rr overcharging
la barred; tho exact truth Is told about
every article, tho fiillwolght Is always
gleii and only a fair, logltlmate, prottt
Is naked,
Messrs. Knox & Walter nro not the
louBt bit afraid or competition nnd
tboy dopoud sololy on tho prlco nnd
quality of their goods for success.
Tlioy nro among tho loadors In tholr
lino nnd their establishment (Ills tho
bill In overy rospocl.
Xhoao gonllomen havo prosporod bo
oauso of tholr Bquare donllng and the
excellence of the vnluo always given.
Wo wish to emphaslzo the fact that
they nro tho only liog buyors In the
city, othor than tho butchors, and do
largo xeneial garage ami I't-iniir liusi-
iiohh Ik done und every one is us busy
us u nee hen- Mr Divis Is a brisk,
com toons gentleman, eiv cupulnu ui
Ills Hue and 0. K. all alon, the line.
Mr, Humog, tho sales mummer. Is
customers are served promptly and
Mr. Lamplugh is an enterprising
gentleman and he keeps his business
at the top notch, making improve
ments' constantly and doing his ut-
liiaLi. tf innrtt. in nv iinfiniiiwn
ono of tho li'iiillmr auto men In the , ...r" """ '"' " r'-""'"'
o 4ltt blifni'U 41 1 1 tilwittt Ii iinxlnim I ....
Btate, know'B nil about the various
makes of machines und you can do
poud on everything ho tells you as be
ing exactly so. Ho has boon very suc
cessful In this field.
CO., IN-
raroril here and no man In his lino a lurgo business In this lino.
Hlunclio U. Field, Pres.; L. 11. Dick,
Sec.-Treasurer, Gen. Mnnager, Lum
ber, Hulldlng Material Coul, Tele
phono 17.
Wo must not pubb by this establish
ment, as It Is onu of our most flourish
ing enterprises. It was founded somo
years ago by Mr. Field, ono of tho
best citizens nnd business men In this
part of tho state, and integrity, pro
gressive Ideas and roasouablo prices
huvo always characterized this establishment.
Tho lumber hero is of tho right
kind, nil ready for tho carponter's
plane, nnd you will not Und moro fn-
vornblo prlcos anywhere, A lumbor
yard of this kind adds a great deal to
the commercial importance of tho
town and anything In tho way of lum
ber, coul or building material for
which thorn Is any demand in this
trado torrltory can bo had hero. Tho
company 1b financially strong, always
en the alert for trado and Mr. Dick,
tho manager, who Is uIbo secrotary
and tronsuror, Is un export In the lum
bor lino, accommodating and strictly
honornblo In all his dealings. Mrs.
Field, who also takes actlvo part In
tho conduct ot tho yard, Is highly
estootnod by nil und tho'North Plutte
Lumber Company is a weighty factor
In tho commercial Importanco of our
i'lils special addition would be lack
ing unless we said all the good things
wo could for Mr. Lamplugh and bis
thriving ice business as lie is a man
of Integrity, keeps up with tho pio
cesslon in every way, and lie is ono
of our successes.
Tlio Union Pacific uses this ice for
its icing plant, the largest in the
The Rush Mercantile Company,
The writer inspecting the vasious
business establishments of the county
can hay that the Rush Meicantile
company operates one of the busiest
stores here. There aie always patrons
at this place, clerks are fully occupied
and the geneial aspect of the concern
is Inviting and attractive. There's
a reason though and It is plain. Mr.
Uush operates an enterprise which
has always dealt honorably and liber
ally with all comers. You alwas get
the last ounce of weight you pay for.
measures are exact, ;md eeiy 'trans
action on the part of this company Is a
lairanu square one. 'rise location could
not be better and a grocery and
queensware establishment of this kind
would win in any community. Mr.
Itusli liasbpen with us mnnj years,
no man pays closer attention to bis
business and be Is always on hand
himself to see that customers iret
proper attention or else he U biiiv
waiting on trado himself. All pure
food and sanitary laws are complied
with and here we find always the
purest and freshest groceries. If
there Is any way by which tho useful
ness of this store to the public can be
Increased, Mr. Hush is sure to adopt
it and he alms to run the best grocery
in this part ol the state and we know
he succeeds. He lb an expert in every
department of the business and no
man works hauler to achieve success,
The goods are sold at rock bottom
pilces; every effort is made to keep up
with the times and Mr. Hush is fully
trusted by our peoplo. His premises
measure 130 by 22 and he Is one or our
solid citizens, persistent boosters and
tiptop merchants. A high class well
managed, thoroughly honest grocery
of this character is an important
factor in the business interests of a
tciwnand Mr. Hush has long since
established himself as a winner. He
rcports a lively trade and deserves the
confidence of North Platte folks.
MV II C. AVocdhurst, a pioneer of tho
city and a lcaiUijg iribtitaucu gent and
real estate H r, one of the most
widely known insurance adjuateis in
Billiard Hall, Cigars, Tobaccos, Candy.
"All work and no piny" makes Jack
a dull boy ih'i good old proverb says and
wf consider thut places of umusement
are just a3 necessary and as desirable
us business houses i.r any other feature
of h town.
Thfie are no better names than bil-
, hinds or pool. Old and young and both
sexes can play, doctors often recom
mend thesa diversions, and it takes but
little time to acquire u fair degree of
skill. There is no pleusunter or better
regulated billiaulliall in this purtof the
state than Mr. Ton, Green's and we will
therefore give it the leading positions
we dnw at'eution to ilioso in this line.
All classes patronize this establish
ment; you never hour any profane lan
guage, and the equipment is up to date
and first clus in every way.
Wo find six pool and one billiurd
tables and there is ulwiiys "something
stirring" in the wny of tiade.
It is our lending sporting lesort, bul
letins of the principal events are posted,
and the best of otder is maintained at
all times.
The location in the new Wnltomath
building is first class and Mr. Green has
made an emphatic success of his enter
prise and ucquired nt the same time the
good will and respectof this community.
Ho nlso handles cigurs, tobnecos and
confectionery mid he is a wide awnke,
pushing citizen, always on the level,
nnd with his shoulder to the wheel when
North Platte and Lincoln county are to
be benefited. He likewise operates a
moving picture theatre at Grand Island,
the business here being in charge of
Mr. Musslcman Who is emphatically the
right man in the right place, as he is
well thought of here and adapted for
this line of work in all respects.
SlKZe:i.t -4