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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1913)
N .1 Wfe awl. ik V fN r -, lM k,M, W ? 1 L:T ' . && ?vi RJPKflwrwfiro illllllll rBiHMffTT faWTPfflmffrlT '"iffW Hill UMo0CiifllH9HHBlH-(i 1111 HIP HKiip?,!4ivjtC1 Ililfc3agirrftgaai DIXON, THE JEWELER Dixon's Is the Tiffany of North Platto and nn establishment which the wrltor did not expect to And In a town of this size. Our people are for tunate In having a jewelry emporium of this character and Mr. Dixon has during his business career of thirteen years among us built up a trade which oxtendB far beyond the natural busi ness llmltB of our town. . Tho wrltor haB several times visited this fine store and has always found patrons thero and clerks as busy as bees. A stock running up Into thou sands and thousands of dollars Is hero displayed In the most attractive of show cases and tho best and most hon orable business principles provail every day In tho year. It is utterly rldlculouB for a slnglo dollar to go outsldo North Platto for anything in tho way of diamonds, precious stones, jowolry, cut glass or anything else u first class, up with tho times Jewolry house should have as it can all be found hero and at prices that allow tho lowest margin of profit. Tho exact truth I" told about every article sold and this Is, one of tho places In North Platte 'where a child oould trade as safoly as a grown per son could. - . Mr. Dixon Is a man 'of excellent tasto hlmsolf. one of the most oxpprt men In his line in tho State, and his special knowledgo Is always at the service of his patrons. There are families In this trade section that have been doing business w th Mr. Dixon since tho day ho thiew open his doors and when this gentleman repre sents a certain article to bo of a cer tain quality, wo all know it will pro' e exactly as ho says It Is Many of the most particular folks hero are his customers and there are goods in his establishment for every taste and purse. And every dollar spent here is given tho maximum of value. The New Baotist Church- Tho Baptist congregation has jiiBt completed the. modern chuich shown above. It is located on the corner or Locust nnd Fourth streets opposite tho court house and near the now federal building. Tho basement Is fin ished off with fuel and furnace rooms, kltchon, spacious dining room, ladles' parlor, with 1 ivator? i-nd toi'.ei adjoin ing, small gymnasium, shower bath and men's reading room with lavatory and toilet adjoining All theae rooms oxcept fuel and fuinaco rooms and kitchen will bo used tor the element ary departments nnd the men's bible school, accommodating at least six separato classes. Above tho basement are the patter's study, choir room and two robing room in roar of low roof addition. In the main building a cosy auditorium may be used by closing off all other rooms, or when reeded a south annex and a west annex, saparated by col lapsible doors may be throw n into on Thero is a Inleony on the south and wost accommodating lr0 prisons. Al together 400 can bo seat! d without crowding. Albo a bible ola&s of sev eral hundred could bo accommodated Interior of C, M. C. M. Newton. Books, Stationery, isoveltie.-, Notions, Wall Puper, News Department. Mr. Newton has been with us since '90, has made a record as a prosperous, progressive business man, line citizen und pusher for tne bests interests of our city nnd county, therefore we take pleasure in enrolling hirn umong the substantial, honorable merchants of our town who on their merits duserve all the good things we can say of tham. Nothing of a commercial nature is moro indicative of the culture and re finement of n community than the pa tronage extended its book und station ery store. Mr. Newton's large and growing business pperiks well for the town and this is one of th busiest es tablishments hero. Mr. Newton caters very closely to his customers the process of expan'inn is always going on. and no man in North Platte is moro attentive to his business than this gentleman. Early and late he is nlways on duty and wo are inclined to think if nny man hero deserves suc cess by hard work and honorable busi ness principles, it is Mr. Newton. There are always pntrons at these counteis and his fine of books of all kinds is complete. All kindB ,of sta tionery suitable to business require ments or social usage can be had nnd we find nn almost endlGSS lin of notions and novelties, Every modern tool nnd appllanco that a Chicago or New York jeweler would have is found hero and no busi ness man in our county gives closor attention to his business or trios hard er to please his patrons than Mr. Dixon. Ho is always to be found at his place of business, working early and late, and if thero is a business man In our county who has doservod success by reason of hard work, un bending Integrity, and tho giving of full return for every expenditure mado at his store, it is certainly Mr. Hnrry Dixon. His premises are lightsome, com modious and spacious, the location could not be better, nnd If thero Is anything lacking In this jewelry es tablishment, tho writer has failed to see It, though ho has written up scores of jewelers from Chicago to San Francisco. Mr. Dixon is tho official watch In spector for tho Union Pacific and you will always find railroad men here. Ho draws patronage from tho boya In Denver, Cheyenno and Omaha and nothing we would add gives such com plete nssiiranco and satisfaction as a watch running on tho dot and nothing Is such a nuisance as tho ir regular kind of watch. Mr. Dixon's large repair force are always busy, and the legislation, ropalrlng and soil ny o 'atches is a largo part of Mr. Dhcn'b business. None have a higher strndlng among the ofllcial watch In supctora of tho Union Pacific system than Mr. Dixon and tho competent nud highly skilled watchmakers hero are oecontial factors In tho success of this emporium. Mr Dl' en has lono; since intrenched himcelf In tho confidence of our peo pie; liis establishment deserves all tho good things wo can say for It, and prosperous, straightforward as busi ness man, upright, go-ahead citizen, and pushers for nil that will help North Platto and Lincoln county, wo doff our hat to this gentleman. in twenty-four clats rooms outside tho main auditorium by tho use of a fow curtains. There are twelve dis tinct rooms outside the audience room, besides the balcony. The building itself, furnished icady to dedicate cost approximately twelve thousand d la,n, located on a lot valued at probably seven thousand dollars, and this with the pastors home, gives tho Baptist peop'.o prop erty valued at $23,000. Thero are 143 names on tho church roll, but forty of these aio non-iosl-dents. Tho annual budget of the church runs from $1,500 to $2,000 Seven jears ago tho church wns without a pastor and a feeling entor talned In the community that one would not be secured, but In Decem ber, 1906, n. B. Favoright came from Illinois to this work, since which time the membership has moro than doubled and tho finances havo multi plied bv thiee Tho Tribuno compliments the Bap tltot people on their new church home, tnd tho success lhat has been theiis slnci Ue Favorite assumed tho I actoi lie Newton's Store. Lack of space precludes the possit il ity of mentioning each line separately and in detail and it must suffice to nay that the stock is varied and extensive and yet so w-ll displayed that nowhere is there evidence of crowding or lack of harmony From the show windows to the office located in the rear, every thing which greets the eye whether in case or shelf is pleasing to the vision. More than passing mention is due the wall paper stock which embraces the latest designs in the various grades fiom the least to the most expensive, The patterns are attractive, mgardless of price, theie are hundreds to select from nnd you do not nay more than you would in Omaha or Ch cngo. The line of periodicals und papers carried is an important feature of the business, nny magazine or paper for which thore is any demand being kept and subscriptions are taken for any not generally sold. Mr. Newtonnas made n gratifying success here; hid business is a credit to hun hiiiI the city in which he lives and he in esteemed for his personal work as well as hib well know integrity and sound business judgment. We incline to think that with hull a chance men of Mr Newton's type would win in any community. It is not necessary for us to nolo that he has long been nn advocate for whatever will keep North Platte. Dr. Voorheei Lucas. Specialist Kyo, Ear, Nose, Throat. Woman's Diseases. Tho profession of medicine Is one of tho noblest as well as tho most Impor tant of callings and those who pursue It must be philanthropic In disposi tion, eneigetle. of sound Judgment and learned. Their reward Is not always money but' the silent endeavors of charlt. lend an additional charm to the profession which cares for tho whole human race. In noting tho reputable and ethical physicians of our town and countr we desire to bear testimony to theli moial worth, professional competence and skill, and among thorn no one stands higher than Dr. Lucas. This gentleman has been with us soenteen. ears and has built up a large and gow ing practice. Tho writer has Inspected manv doc tor's offices in his travels thiough the countrj but neer one better equip ped than this gentleman's. Here wo llud the latest and best Instrument, costing thousands of dollars, and Chicago or New York could furnish no liner. Dr. Lucas is a graduato of the Nol braska state university medical schoo niid has also taken special courses In Aew ork and spent almost a year in Vienna at tho greatest hospitals in tho world. Dr. Lucas Is still a student as the profession of medicine is advancing rapidly and ho keeps pace with it In all respects. He specializes as wo all know In dis eases of tho eye, ear, hosh -and throat also women's diseases and every day is a busy day for Dr. Lucas. Ho is not only one of our leading physicians but Is likewise a public spirited, entorpiising citizen, willing to do his part in putting North Platte still further ahead as he has always naa unbounded faith In our thriving, progressive city and her work . Miss Cleo R Gappell, Co Suot. One subject on winch our entire citizenship is agreed it, libel al ami prompt provision for the welfare of our schools Education is the jewel most eiigerl sought theae days antf thousands of children fiae been educared In our city and country schools and guno out into the world to become successlul men and cuMuied women. Our advan tages compare lavorably with mu h larger towns and fortunate indeed is the youth or miss bearing a diploma from our excellent institutions. This leads us to say that no nflice- is of more importance than that of county super intendent and we are entitled to tho best indeed. 'I lie teacher's worlc is next to the mother's; thoie is no nobler worthier task than moulding thu char acters of the rising generation and fort unate surely is Ihe county the schools of which are diiected by' u competent, up to date, enthusiastic superintendent. Miss Channel! possesses rare nuuhlicu- tions and our people chose wicely in deed when they seemed her trained, effective &trviees This lady has made the broad and noble field of education her life woik nnd gteat indeed has been her success. She puts heart and soul in her work, never sparing herself, and .Miss Chnppoll is thoroughly familiar with nil branches of her profession. She makes a study of the various edu cational method pursued those days in the large centers and we know our schools under her control will make greater progress than ever made before. Mins Chappell taught for several years in Brady and wo might add has received a thorough normal training herielf. This lady is well adapted indeed for educational work and it is seldom that such u well qualified county supennten holds this important position. Miss Chappell is a lady of strong personality, executive force, und gracioun, refined hearing. United to this, thorough scholarship, teaching ability, nnd a brond, comprehensive grasp of the needs of our schools, with tact nnd un tiring industry, and we have in Miss Chappell a very capable und estimable county superintendent. We wisn to emphasize the fact that Miss Chappell visits every school in tho district once a year and sometimes twice and though this means extra work and expense Miss Chappell glcdly under takes it as she, as we have said does not spare herself in making every effort for the school. C S. DAVIS, POSTMASTER, Custodian Post Office and Court House. Tho many friends and business and political acquaintances of this gentlo inn would be surprised indeed If we did not aeok to pay him some measuro of tribune in those pages as wo note tho "live ones" and estimable, honor nblo Individuals who inako up tho worthy and valuabloVltlzoiNtlp of our town and county. Mr. Davis cast his lot '.Uh us In '1)4 and his career In this and, wo might add evnry other community In which ho has over neon, has been a rrodltablo one. Ha has ut all times stood for personal Intogrlty. nfflcioiioy and In his official relation, has always rogardod public ofllco as a public trust. Thin gontlomnn was for several r W !&' The Streitz years ongngod in morcnntllo pursuits, achlovlng conBldorablo bucccss, and ho always applied tho Golden Ituio and tho Squnro Doal in his commer cial transactions. Do took a promln out part In ovcry movement aiming to advance tho best moral and material IntereBtB of tho community and his shoulder was to tho wheel constantly when North Platto and Lincoln county wero to bo pushed ahead. Mr. Davis served as Doputy County Trcausuror, and County Treasurer nnd It Is gonornlly conceded that ho mado ono of tho best olllclals wo over had In thlB ofllco. Tho Interests or the public woro well sorvod, ovory penny of tho taxpayers' money wns carefully guarded and scrupulously accounted tor, and full value In offectlvo, whole hearted, obliging service wns given for every dollar this gentleman received In salary. Fow If any men havo a bet tor knowledgo of tho needs, rescourccs nil financial affairs of tho city and county than Mr. Davis. This gentleman's appointment ob Postmaster was popular with nil clnss es and ho Is "making good" all nlong tho line. Tho flno $100,000 building, tho prldo nnd ornament of our city, which wo fully dosciibo In nnothci -oluinn Is well pro-ilded ovor by Mr. Davis and thero Is not a post ofllco In tho country anywhero that hns a bet er equipment Tho staff Is well trained, nccommo Jatlntr und wo hear onlv praise of oui est office service. Business is grow ug lapldly and wo understand that tho record of our local office in the Washington archives is excellent Mr Davis has a brisk, pleasing per sonality, 1b very attentive to his duties md though ono of our busiest men Is never too rushed to extend a courteous greeting to all comers. Ho was ono of tho first members of ho North Platto Bostor & Pusher 1'ib nnd as citizen, business lnnn and 'Uhllc official, ho ranks among our best. i J. E. JEFFRIES Claclcsmithing and Horshocing, Mr. Jeffries tins built un a iartre bus iness on the basfs of first-class seryice , and the nest ol value and therefore in mentioning in thes-o pages the lending men in hh line in Lincoln countv we desire to give him credit that u hi due. 11 s trade is growing fast and any thing in the way of blacksmithing, horseshoeing or general repairing i done tit tho right price and in the right way. His muterials and tools cannot b beaten, his men are all top uotclu r , and tliuro are no dull days nt this es tablishment. Mr. Jeffries knows every departnur,f of his buninesss from the ground u and no job is too big or too difficult for him to handle. lie is improving his plant ripht ,l ng nnd the job that is done here is din right in every way. A well run, fair and square, up with tho times blacksmithing, h rseshoein ' nnd machine shop helps n town and "1 Jefferios does right by all omers ' I gets a Inrge business." All his patrons recommend him un 1 there is no need of passim"- liw d mr when you need anything in his lino H is a credit to his business, on tho lev i every day in tho yenr, and you will nlways find linn disposed to '"chip in" for all good things tun t promise to aid tho best interests of North Platto and Lincoln county. "r, I - ' i KTCBbJtJ, vSmmntrvvw . . RAYMOND & B0ARDMAN. Dealers in Horses, Cattle and Hogs The dealers In this pat 1 of Ha state should not bo left out In this commercial ielnw of our huslnoss Intel ests as theirs Is an Important Indtistr.v and Mehsis. Raymond te lloaidiiian arc leproM'titalUe men In this lino. They have hoen engaged In 11 thiee years, make their liottdciiuutorH at Morgenson's harn, and Ihey know - ' ' W. T i- ! T - -"' --m '' 'J? rut :.. v . ST ' i ' -VI p j !, : u Mil' a. i tJKMM&i m. Uii I nlrrr- ifru wTTTMIiHi it T m 1 r.wUVfl.i-Hif'rj, iMnaar, imm fBMikVn-Jli - W n . SSK 'jJjbbww hmkb 3lKtlMRilpm PP9RISR -vbWoE ti Mr iiut . " .1 .. - """"'"'"" -- ......Mutr y.Mnyr.V - t - H'STO- ""-ATV1, Vtf1.- tJA . - . . -K&Mrnp, Block, Ocui im . y lit A. A. icluuz A. N. Urn bin, County Treasurer. Our county ofl!c u are never lackl. g in public spirit and they aro always willing t" do their share In boosting and pushing Norm Pl.u' ami Lincoln county therefore in 'his summary of prominent men and their activities In this Bection, wo will proceed to throw n few well dese ved bundles of violets In their direction. Mr. Durbin U n very capable treas urer, a enreful, consciontions gentle man, an acknowledged expert in the handling of accounts nnd nn efliclcicnt and obliging servant of tho people. His work is performed without feHr or favor and nis record would do credit to nny man Mi. Durbin believes that n pjbllc office is n public trust and a hun dred cent- in value should bo given for every dollar received from the county funds. Therofore the pej In of Lincoln county should feel tt rfectly saft when u man of this holds such a position II. m.' crn j.. "f. Our county ofiHohnrewilldeaervin - r ' ' ,Tf',i.'l ' ' .; ' ' r? $ . '-'V "EBSil ... iff' JUS- ms&rai& JSspfc w MMieww into FjfpapMPmipB7yMt zm Y&M f V f j ? t ni , tf r A I fir- QIIBv S!t -JflABBKK?i vlriniff f 11111111' tiJkB 6h mmmwnmmMnmmamaHmk asi ; 1 .SmmmRSSsm li fEiflWlJiSteTiiM SH WmWtMW&vA Wtr$:mim3&7"iW "was&m&wyStiTvz T!"--r HCJJ.k xjmuu . r'V4'W-TjrMlJJW:,iirWPjL,.T3ilV MWW I 1 I ....I. . .in mn 1 ,., ,., .,.. ..hiMtAU I ei'rt'il')g ahout tin ' a'wns wniiii" to learn I heir animals are dl--posed of l. and if you want (he light kind of an aiilnial for the light pi ice, Me&sis. Raymond Hi ISoardiuan are the I oiks to see. They do not handle Inferior stock and their guarantee Is as good as gold for ovury hurto they maiket. Thulr sneers here has heon marked and you ate in good hands when you have " "' company. of trust nnd confidence ns county treas urer. Mr. Durbin has spent practically nil his lifo in our county nnd nis record has nlways been creditabl. He is homo product nnd his personal and busi ness repute will stand the sesrchllalit every tune. This gcntlcmnu farmed for a time, taught school nud as deprty trensurer for four yenrs nnd he hna al ways "mado good" in every relation cTf life. Pntrons of tho ofllco meet with every courtesy nnd attention and tmi office of county treasurer could hardly be in better hands. " The Golden Rule nnd the Snuaro Deal characterize the official and priva conduct of tins eentlemnn and ho the energy, the nil round round ability, nnd the varied experience that w think would make htm a winner in any community. He Is entitled to u high place among the boosters and pushors for Norlh Platte antl Lincoln county. L'i'AN CLOlhiNiJ liOUSi: of ." good word nt our hand- in r view ing the various factors 'hui m ike np our town and county as thev ro trees snrily man of influence, g'xid j i.' ment a t ll ie;arded by the cutnin ' iiy cr they would not hold the positions of honor nnd promlnenco that they do. - i. rill Salisbury m "mukm jjoi1" m the important nnd the e nty is well sorvod by him. He lias lived in this section, twenty-threo yearn, his llfo has been an open book, nnd ho has alwajs been u first class citizen, nnd pusher for tho best interests of this 'part of the state. Mr. Salisburo fanned for some years was rtlso in tho livery line and n hieved u onsidorahle de,i 1 1 sue (as in tluse calling 4 lie is giving tull uieasur. en 1 rui ! n nj ovor in his eatmcity as lieriff nnd earns ovcry dollar ho gels by conucicn tious, ouoctive, service, no is a man of undoubted personal courage, disere tion, all round horse sense nnd no mis take was mude in electing him to his present olllee Ho ip well known in this section of the countrv und is mnking nn excellent record us sheriff. You will nlwuya find him willing to do his share in puttingNorth Platto and Liuciln county u notch or so highter in tho scale of prosperty nnd progress. Sheriff Sulisbury is 0. IC. nil along tho line. ' h,'. ' v' ' ' ; X"Hr mfik, I line tl oi gii'din dealing, with ihi-ni U O ri(P(l MdSSm. itilvlliiilirl X li.i'ir.l. I , ,, . .- " 't.H" rrian unci ineir iiusiness iieie and It, is a plesure to obsorve the buying pub- in; in niMij-eiasH Miajio CoilKclenl Ioiik. eviimlv In llii.ti- llinv and alwapson the loel, .Mes'-iK Rrty mopil & Hoaidinan are numbered among our vlnnorn and hiistlers. They likewlbo do a largo cattle and hog busluo&s and thin department 1h quite as Important an their horse Hn,