The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 11, 1913, Image 2

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The S, 10 and 25-Cent Store.
Tho many frlonds and patrons of
this establishment would cortalnly ex
pect that we would nuke due mention
of It in our summary of tho leading
commercial entorpilsos of North
I'latto and Lincoln county as It Is one
of tho most prosperous institutions wo
Hardly two years old, It has won
completely tho confldonco of our poo
plo and Is tho favorite resort for bar
Among the recent enterprises that
should receive adequate mention in
this Special Edition Is tho Idoal
Bakery lilch Is Indeed an important
addition to our business lntorosts and
tho largo trade already being done
showB there was plenty of room for it
'J ho bu.ldlng, which Is a substantial
brick structure, was orccted by Mrs.
O'Haro, who owns the proporty, for
tho oxpross purpeso of a bakery, and
321 Wcit Fourth St , Dr. Qulgley and
Dent, Proprietor.
Wo purpose to dwell at length in
theso pages on tho professional lo
niont and hospitals of this section as
wo are favored in this respect, ludoed,
for wo havo generally speaking an ex
cellent class of physicians and there
Is no reason whutover for anyono
seeking medical or surgical aid be
yond tho limits of North I'latto.
It may not be generally known that
gain seekers and folks who want the I nor two excellent daughters now Saint Luke's holds tho record among
oxtroino of valuo for overy oxpondl
turo they mako.
Tho concorn occupies threo stores,
tho measurements being CO by CO
and hero wo find a bewildering array I ladles comblno tholr forces very of
of fancy and substantial articles that ' foctlvcly nnd are proving themselves
would seem to the wrltor to np, equal to tho situation in every way,
peal in somo way or nnothor to overy
man, woman or child who enters
these doors.
Kxtraordlnary valuoB are ofton glv
operato tho establishment, MIfb Josioall tho hospitals of tho state of Ne-
O'llarc, who Is a music toachor, anu i urnsKa in uio numoor 01 succcssiui
Miss A. O'Haro has had considerable surgical operations, as of tho threo
mercantile exporlonco, and theso hundred and odd cases sinco tho opon-
tng or us doors, tnreo years ago uuc
ono was lost ThlB is indeed a flno
showing and our peoplo tako credit
Hero wu lind tho lntest nnd bust in
tho way of fittings and appliances
uuch as would bo found In a large city,
Nolthor pains, trouble nor expense
on nnd buying In large quantities as have been spared to mako this tho II n-
thoy do, our people roallzo thoy can est plant of the kind in this part of, and best Instruments, surgical and
savo a tidy sum by making tholr pur-i tho country nnd tlfo Ideal Is, wo might otherwise, aro Installed, all diseases
chases here. I say, an ornament and acrodlt to tho aro cared for, and nowhere could hot-
Every article bolng plainly marked ' town. In addition to a first class I tor treatment or more skilled atton-
buying Is mado most easy and simple bakory, confectionery, cigars, and a , tlon bo had
for having an institution of this char
actor located here.
Saint Luko'B, briefly, furnishes
everything that tho most sovero or
complicated caso requires. Tho latest
and tho sorvlco Is alert, quick and ac
A first class staff of assistants Is
employed nnd tho business Is run on
an excellent system. Tho organiza
tion has extensive stores at Kearney
and Grand Island and all threo en
terprises aro going ahead with leaps
and bounds.
Stores of this character havo been
notablo successes wherever establish
ed and thoy aro a hoon to tho public
Indeed especially tho salarlod classes
and that our folks apprcclato this
great enterprise 1b shown by the
largo nnd increasing business done.
Tho biggest asset a firm can havo Is
tho good will nnd trust of Its patrons
nnd you will havo no fault to find
when you patronlzo this storo.
Tho fixtures, appointments, etc.,
represent iho latest and host and
thoro Is cortalnly no more convenient
placo to patronlzo. Everything Is In
plain sight and tho oxtonslvo sales
rooms aro Hghtsomo nnd well ven
tilated. Tho "Tribune" notos with plcasuro
tho well merited success of tho
Kaufman-Wernort Company.
C. H. Stamp, Lessee.
No rovlow of tho amusement Inter
ests of our city nnd county would bo
at all adequato unlos wo asslgnod tho
lending placo to tho Keith thontor, ns
It Is an institution of which wo aro all
proud nnd It reflects crodlt Indeed on
our thriving city.
Wo would expect to find such an es
tablishment only In a much largor
town than North I'latto nnd nolthor
pnln nor oxponso wero spared when
tho IColth was erected.
Horo nro tho latest dotalls in up to
dnto, modern, high clnss thontro con
struction and visiting companion aro
loud In their pralseB of our pretty
Wo noto an nsbestos curtain, full
equipment drops, nconory, otc; tho
Boats aro roomy, nnd comfortable, tho
furniture throughout is tasty, artistic
nnd serviceable, nnd thoro aro oxcol
Innt accommodations nlBo for tho
Six hundred and fifty can bo aoatod;
tho building la amply provided with
ilro escapes, a Bulflclent number of
exits, nnd the. Keith Is fireproof
throughout. Tho building Is of pressed
brick; tho location could not bo hotter
nnd no attraction Is too big for this
stage. '
Mr. Stamp books productions that
appear in such towns n Omaha and
Dotivor, as this Isf a convenient half
way pqint and our people aro favored
Indeed in the show Hue.
Moving pictures ami tho best of
vaudevlllo ore shown whon tho regu
lar attractions aro not put on nnd our
peoplo give tho Kdlth libera) support
Plonsuro Is qb nocosnary as toll; all
work and no play nmkon .lack a dull
boy, tho good old provorb says, and
wo should all congratulate ourselves
that wo aro all so well served In tho
theatrical way.
Mr. Stamp has bven tho lcso of
Uio Kolth for moro than flvo yours and
Is making a doclded success of it a
ho baa boon lu tho lino twenty years
and yours ago was with tho U. P. horo
bo thoro aro low man In tho business
In tho mlddlo west, we might say,
that Is bettor or moro favorably
Mr. Stamp has a frank, gonial por
Bonnllty, Is tho soul of honor In all his
dealings, and In his buslnoES stands
nlwitys for tho mornl and tho uplift
ing. Womon nnd children aro speclal
ly catered to and not a word la heard
horo or tho slightest In tho way of
nuggoatlveness put on that could of
fond tho most critical person.
ThlB gontloman lu highly regarded
In this community; ho Impresses a
stranger very favorably nnd men of
his typo nro nn honor to tho theatrical
bualnoBB. His record Is very credit
ablo throughout and wo consider that
no bettor man could operato tho
lino of staplo groceries aro handled
and only the best finds loom on theso
Bholvos and countors.
There has been a bakery on this
alto for almost a quarter of a century
and thoro Is no hotter If as good loca
tion in tho city for this lino of busi
ness. Tho Jnpaneso tea room Is proving
nn nttractlvo feature and there Is al
ways "somothlng doing" horo In tho
way of business. It Is rapidly becom
ing ono of our most popular resorts
and there Is no plcasantor placo to
while away a half hour or bo and
partnko of light refreshments.
Wo notice coment floors, steol ceil
ings, and wo would omphaBlzo tho fact
that all puro food laws and sanitary
roqulremonts aro obsorved to tho lot
ten Tho promises measure 90 by 22
and not a speck of dirt can find lodg
ment In this establlshmonL Tho
writer was courteously shown' through
tho entlro plant nnd though ho has
wrltton up many various establish
ments, ho has never Inspected a more
complete or bettor aranged bakory.
Evidently nothing has been neglocted
or forgotten and thoso ladles un
doubtedly deservo tho success that
tholr ontorprlso, foresight nnd good
judgmont morlt
Only tho most expert holp aro em
ployed and tho head baker, wo would
point out has had an oxperlonco of
twenty-six years bo wo may bo suro
to got hore tho bread, cakes, pies and
pastry such as "mothor used to
All Ingredients usod In tho baking
operations aro absolutely puro and
unadulterated and tho best that can
bo had, tho flour Ib suporllne, nnd
whorovcr posslblo mnchlnory Is om
nloyod bo that tho baking will bo
dono under tho best posslblo condi
tions of cloanllncBs nnd up to date
Thoso ladles clvo nersonnl attention
to tho business: thov nro well adnnt-i DR- crook, dentist
xl for this Hue. and tho lnrgo trado! I" roviowlng tho professional inter
done shows that their offorts aro np- csts of our town and county, wo will
prf-clatod by Hho peoplo of North 'briefly touch on our dentists as wo
Flat to nnd hor trado torrltorv. Thoy aro woll served In this way and tho
havo a lnrgo personal and business . work dono by our practltlonors equals
Tho consUint aim of Drs. Qulgley
and Dent is to maintain tho highest
standards at Saint Luko's nnd tho in
stitution is fully abreast of tho times
In ovory rospoct. ,
Only trained nurse3 aro employed
and North Platte nnd this section aro
greatly benefitted by an establishment
of this kind.
Nowadays hospital sorvlco is of
such a character and charges aro bo
roasonablo that fow aro troated at
tholr own homes, aB recovery Is al
ways more rapid in a hospital and tho
advantages of Saint Luko'B are being
moro and moro appreciated by our
Tho facilities hero aro constantly
bolng enlarged and Improved and
there is no feature of our city moro
dosorvlng of cordial commendation.
Drs. Qulgloy nnd Dent havo mado a
largo Investment In Saint Luko's but
It Is a successful Institution and was
badly needed hero. Tho most con
scientious, capable nursing, tho best
medical and surgical attention, and
tho most adequato equipment that can
bo had aro all horo and wo hear only
good words of Saint Luko's.
Theso gentlemen enjoy nn excel
lent standing In their profession and
wo havo no bettor citizens.
Dr. Qulgloy, wo would noto, will
shortly proceed to Borlln, Gorminy, to
Investigate tho reported wonderful
euro for consumption of which wo
read bo much In our public prints.
Dr. Friedman, tho discoverer, Is a
brother to Dr. Friedman of Colorado
Springs, who Is a personal friend of
Dr. Qulgloy.
Tho people In this part of tho stato
will thereforo bo among tho first to
profit by this marvelous advance In
mudlcal sclonco If tho proper medical
authorities finally put tholr stamp of
approval on tho remedy.
acquaintance and no family In our
community Is moro respected than tho
o. rx CLDSR,
Real Estate, Bonded Abstracter Only
Complete Set of Abstract Cooks
In Lincoln County.
Our real estato, land men and ab
btractors must recorvo endorsement In
these pages, as generally speaking,
thero nro no better pushors and
boosters and In this lino wo havo men
who are thoroughly honest, enterpris
ing to tho limit, and well worthy cf
Uuat nnd confidence.. Mr. Eldor is
eertalnly deserving of all tho good
things wo can say of him and his
record has been a very creditable one,
the best anywhoro,
Dr. Crook baa been with us somo
tlmo and ho camo horo eminently
qualified to Invito patronago in IiIb
Hold. Ho quickly camo to tho front
and Is now one of our most popular
practltlonors. Dentistry In all Its
varying brnnchoe Is handled in a pro
fessional and skilled mannor and no
pains aro too groat for him to tako In
dolns? ovory ploco of work In tho host
manner possible so that patients havo
no reason for going olsewhoro when
thoy onco onllst this gentleman's
Tho teeth aro neglocted wo might
say moro than any othor demands of
our phynlclRl well being and tho calls
on tho ability of the dentists aro se
vere but Dr. Crook Is In a position to
handle tho most difficult cases, though
dontlBts are at tlmos oxpected to por
Ills word can always bo freely taken
and hla business Is growing from year rorm professional fonts often border-
io ywur. lur. urnier is consiuerou an nK 0n tho Impossible.
nuUioilty on tho valuo of land and, since cnstlnir his lot with u Dr.
real ostntu and novor misrepresents crook has been, uniformly successful
im" nvnrHlntttS. n.. i - ' . " . .....
in curing lur u largo unu growing
r-r ovorstatos,
IMs patronage Is largo and Mr. El
der Is dosorvlng of conildonco In
every way.
Mr. Eldor also does a largo abstract
bUBlnoas, having tho only comploto sot
of abstract books In tho county, nnd
ho Is always fully occuplod.
PIb reforoncos nro of the best and
North Platto and Lincoln comity nro
benefitted by mon of hla stamp nnd
tl'olr efforts to advortlso and mako
bettor known tho good thingB wo have
horo tho moro newcomers to locnto
miong un, especially farmers, the bet
tor for nil concornod.
Mr. Elder Ib an agreeable gontio
ninn, frank and straightforward, nnd
responsible In ovory way. Ho nover
kings back when thoro la any project
on foot to put In a boost for North
Platto nnd Lincoln county.
practice anion1: peoplo who wished
tho. best class of dentistry for a
roasonablo feo. And tho poorest
economy In tho world Is cheap, bung
ling, unrollnblo dentistry.
Ills olllco Is handsomoly equipped1,
nil patrons aro troated with courteous
consideration and glvon tho best pos
sible sorvlco and Dr. Crook has made
his share of personal frlendB as well
as patients.
Dr. Crook Is a graduato of tho
Northwestorn, Chicago, and ho Is
recognized ns a high class practitioner
far beyond tho limits of North PJatto.
Ho takes keon Intorest In all projects
for tho bottormont of our town and
county and ho Is prospering and high
ly rospectod In our community, as ho
Is capable In his profession and an ox
ccllont gentleman otherwise.
lsBBBBVLrt.u. - - 1 f Luur5!ittUP !j T.3B3flGgMBpWHlfcnSlSwTSlSBS'jl ' 81 1 T M B ' t J
sssuftf"iLtlTTw t? "Tlllr- . ' UiMtlUisilsii
BBBPBjKu4 .41LMBSiijBfcMi. litf jfe . ---""SJHBJSJpjSk .SKjHBflBjg. vBiBBVkBBV C VroKiBBiSBBU
Manufacturer and Dealer In Granite,
Marble and Stone Work of Every De
scriptionMonuments and Tablets In
All Kinds of Granite Furnished to Or
der First Class Lettering Done In
Cemeteries Cleaning and Resetting.
"To remember thoso gono before"
Is a sacred duty and we can show our
affection for tho departed In no moro
enduring or beautiful mannor than by
erecting suitable monuments over
tholr last resting places. Wo should,
therefore, bo glad that wo havo Mr.
Rltner with ub as ho is thorough,
prompt and careful In Ills work and
thero is no reason whatover for going
outsldo North Platte for tho best In
granite, marble and stono work of
ovory description. Foreign and Am
erican marblo Is handled, finished and
unfinished tombBtones aro carried;
there aro many designs to select from
and Mr. Rltner's charges aro always
moderate. Tho cemeteries hero and
elsewhere contains mnny fine monu
ments he has erected and his work
speaks for Itself. Mr. Rltner employs
experts and a homo Industry of this
kind Is a valuable factor In our city
and trade territory, well worthy on Its
merits of liberal patronago.
' Mr. Rltner Is also proprietor of tho
Rltner hotel, a first class, modern
, houso which is doing well. Wo find
hero hot and cold water, electric
i lights, a good restuarant, operated at
""popular prices, and nothing Is lacking:
, that tho travelling man or local pat
ronage Would require. Tho servlco Is
excellent and The Rltner is coming to
tho front fast.
Mr. Rltner Is ono of our respected
old-timers, having cast his lot with us
In 1876 and his record has always
been that of a worthy citizen, prosper
ous business man, who deserves well
of tho community.
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Rents Col
lected, Taxes Paid for Non-Residents,
Real Estate Bought and
Sold on Commission.
North Platto and tho surrounding
country offor an excellent field for In
vestors, and financiers and moneyed
folks aro appreciating that fact more
than over. Our many advantages and
tho various projects for the benefits
of this section, now maturing, will
moan much to thoso with enough fore
sight and enterprise to grasp oppor
tunities and in this connection wo aim
to emphasize the leading real estate
and land men in our community
whoso long and honorablo record and
ample resources enable thorn to sorve
clients most advantageously.
Most persons know that moro
money has been mado by tho Increase
In land values than in any other way
and tho chances aro by no means
gono by. Messrs. Buchanan & Patter
son have long since established a re
putation for 'square dealing and
thorough knowledge of tholr business
and when you need anything In tho
way of loans, city or country proporty,
you could not bo In better hands.
No client has over been disappoint
ed In. their oporatlons and Messrs.
Buchanan & Patterson stand for the
best wo havo In worthy, progressive
citizenship and honorablo dealing, and
thoy aro authorities on all matters
poi tabling to tho land, loan and In
surance field here. They collect rents,
pay taxes for non-residents, buy nnd
sell real estato and aro large owners
themselves of valuable city and farm
Mr. Pattoison wo would noto Is also
an attorney, though he confines his
legal labors nowadays to his own line
of work. Ho has beon mayor of our
city throo terns and made ono of the
best olllfllclals wo ovor had. Mr. Pat
terson Is also president of tho Mutual
Building and Loan Association of
which Camuel Goozeo is secretary
nnd though this Is In no way connect
ed with tho linn of Messrs. Buchanan
Patterson, It Is a flourishing Institu
tion and of groat benefit to our peo
plo, spoclnlly tho salaried classes.
Mr. Buchanan Is In equally high
standing and a woighty Influence In
tho affairs of our city. Theso gentle
mon and tholr buslnoss activities aro
so woll known that wo will not dwell
on them In detail horo but wo wish
to enroll thorn among North Platte's
best and record thorn among tho push
ors and boosters for our city and
county whoso support can always be
counted on in all propor, Judicious
movements to put North Platto In tho
front rank of the llvo, progressive, up
to dato towns of tho Mlddlo West.
Contractor, Builder.
If wo did not say a good word for
this gentlemen In touching on tho re
llablo and up-to-date contractors of
our city and county, we would be
neglectful Indeed, as Mr. McMichael
has been with us thirty-two years and
built a largo part of the town. Though
always willing to learn, there Is lit
tlo or nothing about tho business with
which he Is not familiar and ho en-
'joys an excellent reputation In this
part of tho Stato for competent, trust
worthy work. Architects know Mr.
McMichael Ib thoroughly honorablo
and ho Is tho kind of contractor you
do not havo to watch In a business
deal. He adheres exactly to specifi
cations and ho will not tako a Job un
less he can do Justice to It and satis
fy all concerned. Ho put up the Hen
ry Waltemath building and when your
contract Ib in his hands you can rest
easy and feel perfectly safe, knowing
you will get all that Is coming to you.
To a thorough knowledge of his
calling, Mr. McMichael adds, energy,
a progressive spirit and the lifelong
habit of doing right by all corners.
Mr. McMichael never falls to do his
part for putting North Platto and Lin
coln county to tho front, and con
tractors and builders of his kind
would win in any community.
1'uWIo School Building nt Maxwell, Neb. Dtugucd by BertM Reynolds, Architect, Nunh Platte.
Mr. Solby Is a merchant who has
mado a winning of his offorts here
and thereforo In onumorating our
promlnont buslnoss men wo desire to
glvo him duo credit. ThlB establish
ment has mado a splendid record as h
trading point and tho stock of dry
goods and shoos carried fully meets
tho needs of its Hold.
A largo, full, and comploto lino la
carried; overy demand of Its custom
ers Is met, and Bold at prices that aro
fair to both parties. Standard goodB
of tho most reliable makes aro car
ried and tho most particular house
wlfo will find that tho dry goodB and
shoos sold hore moot ovory want and
Mr. Solby has a record of buslnoss
succobb which Ib vory creditable and
trndo Is developing fast. Wo seo
nothing In tho way of shop worn or
out-of-dato stock horo and prices
moot all competition. Customers will
admit that a Bquaro deal hnB always
gono band In hand with square prices
and onco you trado hero you will not
fail to como back. Mr. Solby has Just
ly ourned this compliment and there
Is business going on all the tlmo.
Tho promises aro woll llttcd up, up-to-dato
merchandising methods pre
vail, nnd ovory effort Is mado to
ploaso tho most careful buyor. Tho
exact truth Is told about ovory article
and Mr. Solby treats tho "other fol
low" bb he would like to be troated
himself. Conscientious, of ftrst-clase
business Judgment, and a hard work
er, Mr. Selby has forged ahead here
nd he Is entitled on hi nt"Its to
rank vons: o'tr irrwt bnii i i' le . nd
HK t 1 IV ICHM Til "( 1 '"' TI" f"-
o-d ' , ! 'l ' I ll 1 it ' I' ' Tid
I P. I I )- 11 I f ' r , ,,
i r i 1 i
Heal Estate, Insurance, Justice of tho
Peace, Agent Beatrice & Loan
Association, Secretary . nd ,,M',u cr
Home Investment & Construction Cc
'J he roll call of uir suubiaiita ,
prosperous leal estate and insurance
men would be Incomplete unless we
mentioned this gentleman as hla re
pute horo Is excellent and though
with us but two years he has made
his mark In our community and is
steadily forging ahead.
His operations are characterized by
enterprise, tho squarost of square
dealing, and good judgment and we
will say right hero that North Platto
and Lincoln County havo been
greatly benefited by our leal estato
and land mon as they by their extens
ive advertising and far-reaching busl
nes methods aro the best boosters
wo havo for this section of tho coun
try. Many havo beon led to settle on our
fortllo prairies through the efforts of
these gentlemen and tholr activities
are In ovory way beneficial to tho
community generally.
Mr. O'Connell was formerly located
In Omaha bo ho brings to boar In his
work hero considerable metropolitan
experience and a wide acquaintance
through tho state. He has put
through several largo deals In tho real
estato and land lino and he has long
sinco established a first class reputa
tion. Ho does a general real estato
and Insurance business, though he
handles malny city nnd country prop
orty In North Platto and Lincoln
county and he has an excellent list,
no unreasonable profit bolng asked
on any proposition ho handles. To tell
tho exact truth and adhere closely to
tho Golden Rulo and tho Squaro Deal
In all his operations is bis guiding
principle and unvarying rule. Mr.
O'Connell does a largo lnsuranco
business, too, representing tho Frank
lin Fire, also tho Providence Wash
ington Fire and other strong, nnd
tlmo-trled companies. Ho likewise rep
resents the Natioual Fidelity and
Casualty Company of Omaha and has
quito a business in tho furnishing of
Ho is tho agent in this section for
tho Sandnrd Llvo Stock lnsuranco
Company and wo would point out that
of tho varous forms of organizations
Issuing llvo stock lnsuranco contracts
tho only onos that furnsh actual do
peudnblo protection and that can be
rolled on to equitably meet obliga
tions and fulfill guarantees are thoso
equipped with a definite paid In capi
tal stock mul assets comprised of in
vested and cash funds which eecurl
tlf8 hmo lipi n placed with Insurance
il nartm nU for the protection of the
i;iMirtl beyond all contingencies,
only five osptsilsed live stock uistir
iice companies are In extsteao la
the I nlted States, threo are Incorpo
rated under the compulsory deposit
law of Indiana and one of these three,
the Stand Live Stock Insurance Com
pany of Indianapolis, holds the dis
tinction of being the largest Institu
tion of tho kind in the country, hav
ing paid in capital stock $250,000; in
vested and cash assets, $320,000; net
buipiub, Sv.j1.ik0, and surplus to policy
holders., $Ji1.000. It stands alono for
having on deposit with insurance
..uthontics $235,037 in approved bonds,
mottgago notes and securities, being
$16,0UU more than tho legal require
ments. An influential and augment
ing business and premium income aro
derived from Indiana, Ohio, Illinois,
Nebraska, Minnesota, and South Caro
lina, consisting of risks written on tho
higher grade of blooded stock and
the better class of farm animals, in
cluding imported stallions and mares.
Tho company issues three kinds of
animal contracts on farm animal poli
cies protecting against death from
any cause. It also Issues special short
contracts for track and exhibition ani
mals, thirty-day pollcleB protecting
against death resulting from foaling
and thirty-day protection against
death resulting from castration.
Mr. O'Connell Is selling many of
these policies and they provide Just
what stock and horso owners need.
This gentleman was elected Justice
of the Peace by a substantial majority
and his services give entire satisfac
tion as Mr. O'Connell has had a wldo
oxperionce and is naturally endowed
with horso sense, good Judgmont and
bo has also had an extensive business
Judgo O'Connell Ib a man of family
and ho Is proving a valuable and
welcomo addition to North Platte. His
success shows thoro was plenty of
room for him hero and he Is always
disposed to contribute his quota to
wards building up our city as bo is
enthusiastic over tho prospects of
North Platte.
Tho judge Is also agent of tho
Beatrlco Building & Loan Association,
making a great success of It, and ho
turned In within a short time no loss
than sixteen contracts. Ho Is HkowlBo
secretary and treasurer of tho Homo
Investment & Construction Company
which is soiling lots and putting up
homos in Residence Park, the slto of
tho old basobnll park, and thero la no
better part of tho city for residences.
The tract Is known as Resldonco
Park and homes and lots will be soul
together on any terms that suit pur
chasers. No home can be put up,
costipg less than $2,000 and there Ib
a great demand already for homes and
lots. WiHlsm Lyman, a capital. st of
Omaha, is tbe president of the com
pany, nnd the organization is a flour
lshiftg one, providing just vhit thi .
ownrauulty needs.
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Oft,!,!) Hi, yjjl i