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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1913)
THE PAT TllEATRE -The F. J. BROEKER, Merchant Tailor, Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing. Mr. Broekcr hai been with us thirty years, his record hart always boon a njbod one, and at nil times got from this gentleman the full value for every dollar paid him. Therefore in touching; on those in his line, we feel that no one deserves more commondatlon in these pages. Those who know and appreciate the best in the way of merchant tailoring patronize him and our best dresses know they are se when tiieir clothes are put up by him. He makes his suits right hero in his own workshop and for stylo, fit and tlhish, they cannot be excelled. Mr. Broekcr is nn expert in every branch of his business and is conscient ious, capable and honorable in ovcry piece of work ho puts his hand to. His establishment is lightsome and ( well adapted for the purpose; tho loca tion is first class and their is always "something moving" in the way of trade. He, also doos a large, cleaning, press ing and repairing business nnd satisfac tion to tho limit is guaranteed. Prices are always reasonable and wo would note that Mr. lirockcr also makes iip suits nnd overcoats if you care to furnish tho goods, charging only for tho lnbort Mr. Broeker is n good citizen, a high class man in his line, and he has always plenty to do. JjYonwill alwnys find him doing his almro to assist North Platte and boom cms pare 01 tne state. DUKE & DEATS Wall Paper, Paints and Glass. The wall paper, paint and - glass dealers of our town nndicounty aro im portant establishments ns wo huve some thrptjclasi firms in this lino and Mtjssra. Jnjke & Meats aro at tho top of the t TlieSogontlcinen niv cleverand artis te irf their lino midline- conlm'ct of dec mating, painting, wall ptperingor any thidg I'lso they put thrnugh'is well done and to Ilia entire satisfaction of all con cerned. ,& llno of wall papdr would aiit uiytaste or purse and when Noith Pljilto folks want tho bdst In this way. Hjoy need not pass the door 0f these gentlemen. '' tj They am both practical men, employ Only tho bi)3t help and they stake their reputation on every job thoy do. Their place is well equipped for busi ness, well located nnd tho entire es taulUbmunt gives the stranger an im pression of business and "go." ,No contract is too Urge or too dllll cult for them to handle us they hnve the capital, and the facilities otherwise so North Plutte is well served indeed in this way. At decorating and painting they are particularly skillful and their trade is illlUttlfinilM not Jressrs. Duke & Meats are the right tnitn In till! rifflir itlnpn nn rtin onm.. . BlMinms. and boosters for North Platto and Lincoln county. til' '0' ' -11 't '"' L- . Home of Good Pictures. D. W. BESACK Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Mr. Oesack is one of our respected old timers who has been with us thirty years. He has always been an indus trious, enterprising citizen who onjoyed the confidence and good will of folks here and ho has been at all times a booster and a pusher for North Platte. His word is always good and his rep utation can be banked on every day in tho year. He has been engaged in various enterprises since locating with us but his main business has been the livery, feed and sale and no man in Lin coln county understands it better. His establishment is well fitted up for the purpose and the best kind of stock is kept. Horses are carefully looked after, rigs are"felcan and ser viceable and he employs the right kind of men. It ttkes a bright, energetic man to win in this line these days but Mr. Besack is a winner and his livery has always done a lively trade. He is ono ono of tho best judges of horse flosh in the state and he has owned many fine animals and stallions. Mr. Besack knows how to deal with tho public and when ou deal with him you will receive nil that is coming to you. Charges are always reasonable and there is nothing lacking hero that a high class, successful livery, feed and sale stable should havo. Mr. Besack is a man of honor and business judgement who lings true all the way through. W. W. B1RGE Breeder Short Horn Cattle and Poland China Hogs. Mr. Birge we would note is achieving considerable success n a breeder of Short Horn cnttlo mid Poland China hogs und he brings to bear in this lino the snmo industry, high intelligence and sound business judgment that character ize his lumberyard and other enter prises. Mr. Birge hae tho oillcial registered pedigiet'B for every animal he sells and when you buy from him, you are deal ing with n gentloman whoso word is ns good as gold nnd who can bo implicity uusted. He owns the famous Snowfhiko's Modol, 31(3807 sired by tho great Snow llako 203207 half brother of Ringmas ter, who Won first :it. thn Inrnrrmtinn. al of Chicago three yenrs in succes- aww, ntart twfil nt i I. .. A .....!-... ft.. 1 niuu mou tuoi. ill, iiiu IIMUllLUIl UUJUI Kansas City fodryeuis successively, As senior bull calf ho won premiums at various state fairs and live stock shows, respectively 1st at Toneka, 1909; 2nd at Nebrnska stato fair, Lincoln, 1900. 2nd at Interstate Livo Stock show. Saint Joseph, l909,and 3rd ntlowa state fair, Des Moines, Iown, 1909 He also owns the great Poland China hog, Topper, No. 116090. ' ' ' ' Mr. Birge is rapidly taking rank among tl)o leading men in this lino in our part of the country nnd an enter prise of this kind is a decided help to our breeding interests. THE C. O. D. CLEANING & DYING CO. French Dry and Steam Cleaning, Re. pairing, Pressing, Merchant Tailor ing. L. E. Johnson, R. L. Ford. Thlfl establishment,. has long boen needed hero and uh II la a now lionlo industry wo purposo to mako .cordial ni' ntion of It in those pages. Too l.irge huainosH already dono, Increas ing nil tne timo, jjhows that our peo ple appreciate, a good thing when thoy bpo It und tho local trado l not only being taken earn of but goods aro be ing shipped In from long distances. Tho work which is sent to Omaha from this trado territory should now all como hero us thio vstabllshmdnt lias tho facilities and tho French dry und Btoainr cleaning dono hero is tho kind you got got at Chicago, Now York and metropolitan centres. Tho pla'nt Is entirely now throughout, several thousand dollars hao been invested and Messrs. Ford & Johnson havo had a long experience in this line of work. Thoy havo a first class, com petent staff and thoy guarantee to tho limit every Job they do as thoy aro thoroughly responsible and experts in ovcry branch of tho business. Tho skilled .help know just how to treat tho great variety of fabrics In dally uso, und everything Is handlod In a manner to secure tho best results. Your clothing bills aro materially ro duccd If you keep them in repair and properly cleaned and with this con cern hero now, wo will got tho very best in this way at a moderate price. In tho altering and repair shop aro high class men and your garment will rccolvo tho same careful servlco whether sewing on a. button, rellning or altering. All manner of repairing Is done, skirt bands and braids put on coats nnd jackets lined, velvet collars and cuffB put on, new sleeves and lin ings, etc., and we will take your last season suit, dye and alter It to the pre vailing stylo at a moderato cost and wo cloan, block, retrlm StetBon and any good fur hat to look like new. Panama and good straw hats aro bleached and trimmed. Beforo send ing goods to bo cleaned or dyed, search all pockets, leaving them turned Inside out, take out shields and perfume sachets, so there aro no loose buttons that might be lost In cleaning, removo all glass or valuable buttons that might get broken. If there are any repairs or alterations to bo done, pin instructions on tho garment. Much annoyanco and many misunderstand ing can bo nvolded. Often Hilk garments that aro badly stained from porsplration break out in tho cleaning, also in checked silks, tho white checks sometimes dr6p" 'out which shows that tho strength of tho fibro weakened in bleaching In such cases wo cannot accept' tho rospons billty as tho cleaning is not respons ible for tho weakness or tho silk. No Bound Bilk Ibj over Injured by dry cleaning. All goods nre handled in tho most careful manner but there are some things for which wo cannot accept responsibility. We do not guarantee goods not to shrink In dyolngj how ever, If thoy were properly sportged before making up they should not skrlnk to any great oxtent. Goods that aro old and weakened from wear or sun fade, sometimes tour during dye ing; If such proves the caso wo'ilve not responsible but if they provfe to ho sound boforo being torn Svo arcf re sponsible. In tho case of badly faded goods, whoro wo cannot' get an oven color In the shndo desired, wo roserVo tho right to dye them black. Mitch of tho Bilk manufactured nowadays Is nomg "woigliteu" and "doctored" till It Is almost Impossible to tell the' Im itation from tho genuine, bo all silks dyed at owner's risk. Tho better tho silk tho better the dye. Any loss that may occur to our customeifl either by theft or damage to articles through our fault, will 'bo settled for nnd fifty por cent, ot the original cost of tho article or hlateriHl will bo refunded. We aro not re sponsible for goods lost by lire. Tho pnrce'.s post has opened up' a now era of convenience for thoso liv ing beyond Nprth Platto and tho C. O. 1). Ib nmong the local concoms who me profiting by It. Many of tho garments wr wear do not weigh cloven pounds, tho weight limit, and ou may send separate plecea and parts of suits in separate packages, onjoying tho Teduced mall rate on each, If you have a lino silk waist you wish cleaned and prossdd do not bemoan your fate because you have no dry cle.uior In your town or poor Borvlco otherwise, just mull it' to the O. O. D. by mull Tho charge will bo ridiculously low and your package will come back in a Jiffy for the C. O. D. works fast and guarantees satisfac tion to tho most particular customer. Nuniorous articles can bo shipped tho Biinie way, Bkirt, pair of trousers, a plume, flue shawl, small fur piece, pair silk hose, pair Bllppeis, light drapo hat, umbrella, fan. belt, or fane thousand and one other Items that como under the cloven pound wotgnt limit. Ho auto to mako your name and ad dross on outsldo of tho pnekago so that tho C. O. 1). will know whero to ship tho work ns many packages comd every day and thero Is no way of knowing who tho shipper Ib unless tho nnino nnd nddress nre plainly marked. It iiM slmplo as A. B C Wrap 01ir 'package securely, Bilng It to tho ;Post Office and tho cloik will toll ou the number and kind of stamps to put 'on. That's all. Hour iu mind though that tho C O. I) pays express one way on all out of town shipments amounting to $3 or over Send jour packngo by cxpicbs If too heavj to go by parcels post. Mobhis. l-'oid and Johnson havo Identified themselves with North Platto, casting their lot with ns for I'linM t lift l linxfi mniln t nmicLIHnLlfi lO"""! iVi tlltfU UMIV4V , kUllQIUUIUUtU .investment hero nnd tiro providing In (list oIush htlo and giving the best of service for the noeds of our folks In their lino They uie achieving success 'because they merit It nnd they aro gentlemen of ontei prise, rigid honesty, land thmough compotoiico in tholr lino. f?nw..n.i !. I.u Mt.l..l , .....vjr UUJIIIIII I1IIU llfip IDMMCII . south of town for some , time moved nwre me inner pare ot last veK anu will occupy the Dwyer' house on east Urd straet. ' riVi !jT2r ( BHINMiii iB&l aJPITjA a"r IlllflflHHVIMM'flMBP9Bv3jH Interior View of HOTEL T1MMERMAN II. E. Timmorman, Owner, Mrs. Peterson Leisee. "Is there a good hotel here" is about tho first quostion a stranger asks on ranching a town and answering this query on behalf of North Platto we wish to assure all new comers that the Timmorman is a credit to the city. Nothing helps a community mora than the right kind of a hotel as thero is no hotter booster. An up to date, well managed hotel advertises a town more than any other institution in it and the Timmorman fills the bill in ail respects. The location could not be better; it is entirely modern throughout; there are fifty wall furnished, comfortable rooms with tho beat of beds and thero aro baths, hot and cold water in each room, cloctric lights nnd steam heat throughout. Tho building is a substantial, throe story pressed brick structure and it is an ornament to North Platte. All cittsnes ot trade aro well looked after but tho boys on the road are given special attention and the Timmer man secures most of the desirable business hero. All trains arc met; there are excel lent sample rooms, spacious, cozy, well lighted lobbies and nothing is left un done that could please guests. The Timmerman is run on the Euro- Eean plan and patrons are freo to get eir meals at any of the restaurants in North Platte and we are well sup plied in this respect too. The writer has stoppod at this hotel and knows from personal experience that tho best is jsiven hero for a moder ate price and you leavo North Platte with a good impression of the town and its hotel facilities if you put up at the Timmorman. Those Who patronize the Timmerman are boosters for it and all guests are given a friendly, courteous greeting. There is nothing "chilly" here and you aro made to feel that your custom is appreciated and that the management desires to do everything in reason for your comfort while under the roof. The service is tip top and the help know thHr business from A to Z. Mr3. Paters, the lessee, is an esti mable lauy who is thoroughly familiar with every department of the business, and she is highly regarded in North Platte nnd by nil who have the pleasure of her acquaintance. Mr. Timmerman, the owner of the building, is a prosperous, progressive fcentlaman, always "a live one" and a booster nnd ho has been successful hero by reason of his sound judgement, energy, nnd square dealfng. You will nlways find him doing his full part to further the best interests of North Platto' andVLincoln county as no man has more confidence in the future of our thriving town and this partof tho state. i Art Thro Eicpa Time Win. R. POWELL Watchmaker and Repairer. The watchmaking nnd repairing oilers considerable opportunity to tho un scrupulous and incompetent man in this, line as tho average persons knows nothing of course of this highly techni cal work. We aro safe only when we deal with a practical experienced man of character and integrity. Mr. Powell is this type of man and he has been here long enough to establish a reputation as a skilful, conscientious person who does tho best of work for a fair and square price. He makes a speciality of repairing and you get ids individual attention and care wnen you onng your time piece or any niece of jevvalry here. Mr. Powell is well known among the railroad boys, gets a largo part of their trade, and it is not too much to sny there is no better man in his line in the state. His trado is large; it grows all the time nnd Mr. Powell is a considerable factor in the business interests of Nortli Platte. Our town is fortunate in having such an efficient man in his line nnd no wnt?h too complicated or too costly fo him to handle. He itf bncromniodatinK gentleman, well likod personally, and he is nlways on thtf ropo when this good old town is being pulled ahead. Mrs, P. A. Pierce, of Grand Island' a former resident of this city is visit ing town friends this week., M.J. Doyle, Bill Kirk, William Galyin, J. It. AIcKinney. Leslie Fristo and M. F. Buckley wera among the visitors frenrQickens yesterday. ffiio -U ol W'l. i f r . mm 11 I I 9 ; 5a I J W I 5m V Mm .vMIHU'W wviri imrmmm i jrjramr "mvufccw&J-sar mSm war $ Tffii St' li the Rexall and Nyall Drug Stores Established In 1871. Contractor and Builder. Shop Corner Cth and Vine 3treets NORTH PLATTE, NEB. R. D. Thomson. Oldest Bank In Lincoln County McDonald State Bank North Platte, Nebr. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 W Solicit Your Budnoee. Dfy. (edfield dfield, Physicians and Surgeons. WILLIS J. HEDFIELI), Surgeon. JOB B. REDFIELD, Physician. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital . . PHONE 642. I Signet Chapter O. E. S., 1 NO. 55 I I Meets 2nd nnd 4 th tThurwlay of ever 1 month nt Masonic Hall at 7.30 p. m. 1 The leading Live Stock and Gen eral Farm Sales Auctioneer in Western Nebraska is T- F. WATTS. Phono Rod 630. The Kind of Clothes Gentlemen Wear Guaranteed Quality, Perfect Fit, Prices Right. Custom made Suit $20 to $45 r Tailor made Suit. $25 to $47 Satisfaction guaranteed Karle Cerle, TAILOR. over McDonald Bonk. JJ20.000.00. The school district of the city of North Platte, In tho county of Lincoln, state of Nebraska. School Bonds. Staled bid will be received by the undersigned secretary of the school district of the city of North Platte, in the county f Lincoln, state of Ne braska, until G o'clock p. in. 17th day of February. 1913, for $20,000.00 regis tered school bonds of said district. Said bonds will be issued in denom inations of $1,000.00 ach, numbered from one to twenty inclusive dated April 1st, 191!J, mature twenty years from date, but payable at the option of the district after ten years. Bonds will bear five (5) per cent interest payable semi-annually, on April 1st and October 1st at the Fiscal Agency of the stato of Nebraska, New York City. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for $500.00 made pay able to F. L. Moonny, treasurer of said district. Tho right Is reserved to re ject any or all bids. Done by order of the Board of Edu cation this 6th dav January 1913. A. F. Stheitz. Secretary, ' AuclionsG?' iiUWUiUiiUUi Schiller & Co. Props. pkohAte notice. In tho matter of the estate of Michael Albert Foster, deceased. In the county court of Lincoln county, Ne braska, January. 21. 1913. Notice is hereby given, that tho creditors of said deceased will meet tho administrator of said estate before tho county judgo of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county court room. In said county, on tho 26th day of Feb., 1913, and on the 25th day of Aug., 1913, at 0 o'clock a. m. each day, for the purposo of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for the administrator t settlo said estate, from the 21th day of Feb. 1913, A copy of this order to be published In the North Flatto Tribune, n legal semi-weekly news paper published In Bald county for four successlra weeks prior to February 25, 1913. J28-4 JOHN GltANT. County Judge. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. The State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ns. In the County Court, In the matter of the estate of Carl E. Schaeffcr. deceased. To tho creditors, heirs, legatees, and others In terested In the estate of Carl E Schaeffcr. Take notice, that W. H. Mungcr. Jr.. has filed In tho county Fcourt n report of his doings as administrator of Carl E. Schaelfcr estate, and it is ordered that tho same stand for hearing the 18th day of February, A. D., 1913, before the court at tho hour of 9 o'clock, a. m., at which time any person Interested may appear and except to and contest tho same. And notice of this proceeding la ordered given In the North Platte Tribune, a seml-woekly newspaper, printed In said county for three successive weeks prior to said date of hearing. February 18, 1913. Witness my hand and the seal of the county court at North Platte, Nebraska, this 25th day of Jan. A. D.. 1913. J28-3 JOHN OKANT. County Judge. Sheriff's Sale. By vlrtuo of an order of sale Issued from tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a degree of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein Lincoln county Land Company, a corpor ation is plaintiff, and Viola A. Brodine et al are defendants, and to me directed I will on tho 24th day of February, 1913, at 2 o'clock p. nt., at tho east front door of the court house in North Platte, Lincoln county. Ne braska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree. Interest and costs, tho following described property to-wlt: northeast quarter (noM) and tho south one-half (sH) of section twenty-one (21), town shlp ten (10), range twenty-nine (29) west of the 6th P, M. In Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Neb , Jan. 20. 1913. J22-C A. J. SALISBURY, SherlfT. ' LEGAL NOTICE To George Herbert Box and Gcorgina M. B. Box, his wife, non-resident defendants. You and each of you will hereby take notice that Isaio S. Gaudrcault. plaintiff, llled his peti tion in the district court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, against you and each of you In a suit in which you aro Impleaded with Wellilect Real Estate and Improvement Company, a corporation, the object nnd and prayer of which petition nro to tiuiet in tho plaintiff against you, title to the following described lands situate In Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wlt: Lots 7 and 8 nnd tho south half of lot 9, In block 7, of the original town of Wellfleet, Nebraska, and more particularly to quiet title against a certain quit claim deed made und executed by lou to lot 7 and the south half of lot 9 In said block 7, on June 29, 1D07, to ono C. F. Hicks anil to cure certain appar ent defects therein and particularly In the ac knowledgement thereof, Yiiiand each of you will make nnsner to said petition on or beforo the 3rd day of March, 1913, or your respective defaults will bo taken. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska. January 20, 1913, I.SA1K S. GAUDKEAUbT. Plaintiff. J21-1 By H. E. Evans, his Attorney. NOTICE KOIS PUBLICATION, Serial No. 078U. Departmentof tije Interior. U. S. Laud Office at Nortli Plattu. Neb. , . Jan ..tli. 191.). Notlco Is hereby glvon that Will C. Master1, of Nortli Platte. Nob., who, on November 7th, 1P0S. made Homostad Entry Burial No. 0i5, for no'4, Pec 22. Township 12. north. Hansel" W Oth Principal Meridian, lias tiled notlco of Intention to miltn final t three year proof, tg establish claim to the tana auovo aescrlDed, boforo Register and Receiver, at North Platte, Neb., on the 25th day of March. 1913. Claimant names as witnesses: Carl llioedor. John Fowler. Hugh Soiiger and Will Hunter, all of Nortli Platto. Nobr f-lH-a .1, E. Evans. Register. ORDER Or HEARING ON PETITION TOR AP- POINTMENTOF SUMMARY ADMINIS- STRATION. In the County Court. In tho matter of the estate ofByron L. Robinson, deceased, ( TheStntaof Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. On reading nnd filing tho petition of Alice C. Robinson, praying that regular administration of sa'd estate may bo waived as provided by Sec tions 0202, 3. 4, 5. 0. Cohbey's Statutes of 1911. Ordered, That Feb. 25, 1913, at 9 o'clock In the forenoon Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested in said matter may appear at a county court to be held In and for said county, and show cause why prayer of petitioner should not bo granted. This order to be printed Ifor three successive weeks In the North Platto Tribune a legal semi weekly newspaper published In Lincoln county, Nebraska, prior to Feb 25, 1913. f3-3 JOHN GRANT, County Judge. Notice. Harry Legakis will take notice that on the 27th day of January 1913. P. II. Sullivan, a justice of the peace, Of North Platte, precinct No. 1 Lincoln county, Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for the sum of $52.40 in an action pending; before him, wherein John C. Den is plaintiff and Harry Legakis is defendant, that property con sisting of money in the hands of tho Union .Pacific railroad company, a corporation has baen attached under said order. Said cause was continued until the 23nd day of Mardh, 1913, at two o'clock p. m. Dated North Platte, Neb.. Feb. Gth, 1913. John C. Den, H-3 Plaintiff.. Referees '$ Sale. By virtue of an order of a!u issued in the district court in and for Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the 31st day of January, 1913, in an action or partition wherein Francis I. Nightingale is plain tiff and Hoy C. Nightingale, Raymond A Nightingale, a minor, Zena' Oliyo Snider and nlarion I. Snider, her hus band and William Smith, are defen dant, I will sell at public auction nt the east front door of the court house in the city of North Platte, Liacoln county, Nebraska, on the 8th tiny of March, 1913, at the hour of one o'clock p. m., the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln county, Npbraska, to wit: west half of northwest quarter and west half Qf southwest qunrter of section 21, township 9, range 80, woat of the Cth p. in. Tho terms of said sate will be cash in hand, Dated ut North fPJatte.' Nebraska, tiiis 31t day of January, 1913. f4-5 ' O. JO. ELDER, Referee. i ... v'o Wi . ii