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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1913)
t "I J H.'f HHmB-vjHB E. J. VanDerhoof, of the The Star Clothing House. Tho writer has written up scores of towns from coast to coast tho last fifteen years, has Interviewed hun dreds of business men and thinks ho can toll a first class, progressive mer chant and thorough gentleman whet) he sees one and Mr. VanDerhoof is certainly In this class. The writer was courteously received by Mr. Van Derhoof and given all the Information requested. We learn that this is the oldest commercial enterprise here, dating from '77, and every year has been a successful one. Stores of this character give tone and stability to .the mercantile interests of tho town and this is one of the establishments of our thriving city whero all comers get the square deal, the same price, and tho good old rule, "do unto others as you would 'bo done by" prevails three hundred and sixty-live- days? in the year. Everything intheoutlitting line for men and boys is carried and the strongest legitimate compotion, is welcomed by Mr. VanDerhoof. Clerks are cautioned to tell buyers just what the goods are, to treat the smallest purchaser with the same courtesy as the large buyer and to consider no sale closed unless the patron is entirely satisfied. Tho Star Clothing House is known far and wide; a heavy mail order busi ness is. done; trade is drawn from many miles as far as Sidney even and every effort is made to keep tho Star up to date to the minute. This we might say is one of our old, MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSN., T. C. Patterson, Pres.; F. E. Dullard, Treasurer; V. Von Goetz, Vice Pres.; S Gozee, Secretary. This Is our most important home in dustry and, we might add, our most beneficlont and useful enterprise as well. Organized in 1887, it has enjoy ed a steady, conservatvo growth and its assets now total no less than half a million dollars. Right hero in our mlilnt la din mnnnv nf thin nxr.ellnnt organization loaned, so tho expense" tho ordinary uuuuing anu loan com pany incurs is thus avoided. Ap proved, sciontillc principles govern in this concern and there is not a safor organization in tho state. The of ficials, directors, depositors in and patrons of the Mutual Building & Loan Association deserve congratula tion indeed on the oxcellonce and strength of their enterprise and North Platte and Lincoln County rejoice In tho striking success of tho Mutual. "Home Is tho sweetest woid in all the vocahulary of man," and tho worthiest of all purposes Is saviug to build a home. Thoroforo associations of this character merit the gioatest en couragement and commendation and it is' not too much to say that there is not a building and loan assbclation In theso United States that can offer such legitimate inducements as our own Mutual or Is safor or better man aged. Strong statement thi3, but llg ures and books open to all prove it abundantly. Mr. Patterson, the presi dent of tho Association, and our worthy mayor, has been president for many years of tho Building and Loan Associations of tho State and has made a deep study of tho field and operations of these companies. Ills success with tho Mutual, aided by tho other olllclals ana directors, shows what can bo done In North Platto and Lincoln County when tho right men with tho right Idea become Interested In a proposition. We cannot speak too highly of this organization. H. A. BROOKS, PHOTOGRAPH GAL LERY. Tho desire to preserve the pictured Bemblanco of loved ones Is as natural as life ltsolf, and the people of North Platto and her trado territory enjoy peculiar advantages In this gallery as it 1b high class In every respect. Wo find hero tho best lenses, tho latest mountings and no pains are spared to pose patronB so as to get tho best results. Everything wo might say known to photography can bo had here and this gentleman Is adding to his list of patrons. Mr. Brooks knows this lino from ovory anglo and is wo might say a genuine artist for photography theso days is no longer mechanical. In ovory dopartment of tho art Mr. Brooks is an export and wo would point out that ho makes tho effort of his life with every newly marrlod couple that favor him with a sitting. There is no more acceptablo gift that a picture and you get the best from Mr. Brooks at a modoiato price. Mr. Brooks Is a clean-cut, active, up with tho times gentleman who commands the confidonco of our peo ple and ho oporatos ono of tho beat r-illerles In this part of tho Stato. He la adding to his facilities and tho i i i forms and features we lovo so v cU v ill he adequately shown by him In photo3 that leave nothing to be de elr ' sorts a large business and he I' r . ood nam. here in all re- You oau count on him alway a for a Greater North Platte Star Clothing House. reliable commercial landmarks and Its reputation for fair and llboral dealing has been built up for years. Tho premises measuro 45 by 72, there are two two lloors and tho es tablishment Is literally packed from lloor to celling with about the finest stock in this part of Nebraska. The quick sale and tho small profit Is one of the mottoes of this store and up to date principles of merchandis ing and all the latest ideas and devices In business procedure are found here. Every dollar Mr. VanDerhoof has Is an honest ono and The Star Is a commercial asset of North Platte and Lincoln county that Is of decided im portance to this community. Clerk service here Is Al and this is indeed a model establishment that deserves well of all our people. The limit of value is given and not a dol lar should go beyond this town or trade territory for anything in the way of men or boys' articles as long as The Star is with us. Mr. VanDerhoof is not only one of our best merchants but he Is also deeply interested in publlcalTaiis and gives freely of his time and energy for tho promotion of what ho considers the best Interests of the people as tho advantage of the general public he believes to bo the object of all politi cal effort. Mr. VanDerhoof has held Important political offices in this part of tho state and it is men of this typo that represent our best grade of business men andprogresslve, worthy, citizenship, NORTH PLATTE MILL & GRAIN CO., Manufacturers Hlah-Grade Flour. Corn Meal, Mill Food, Buyers and bhlppers All Kinds of Grain Capacity, 150 Bar rels Wheat Flour, 60 Barrels Rye riour, u ions urounu t-eea. The corn of tho ancients was tho wheat of today, the staff of life. Tho methods used in the production of riour have changed as much as civil ization has advanced slnco tho far away time whon the men of Egypt ground tho wheat by hand after hav ing threshed It out on tho threshing floor. Today the wheat is ground by some of tho most elaborate machin ery concohed by tho Inventive mind of man. North Platte Is proud of this mill and it IS ono of tho beat and largest in tho Stato. The equipment is first class throughout and tho brands of flour turned out havo gained a flattering reputation over a wide area. They aro equal In quality to any and superior to most and none purer or more wholesome can bo had anywhere. The best processes are used in these mills and tho conditions of cleanliness cannot be surpassed. The breadmaking capacity of theso brands Is greatly appreciated by our practical housewives and wo must not forget when we buy outside flours, wo buy from mills that havo no lntorest in North Platte; tho foreign mill merely makes us pay the freight and takes money from our community that had hotter be spent hero. But when we uso our own product, than which there Is no bettor anywhere, wo pat ronize an Institution that bonollts the town In ovory respect Tho officials of tho North Platto MHL& Grain Com pany aro all men of competence, ox tromely fair in all their dealings and no home industry is of greater im portance than this mill. Thoy are al ways willing to contribute thoir share to well considered, worthy enterprises for tho good of North Platto and Lin coln county. EDWARD BURKE, Agent for the Kahn Tailoring Company. Whilo writing up the business Inter ests of tho town and county wo stepped Into tho abovo mentioned establishment and made tho acquaint ance of Mr. Edward Burke whom wo found as busy as a bee. Customers were being waited on and It was evi dent that this is a thriving Institution indeed. This gentleman pleasantly re ceived tho writer and gave him all tho Information requested. Mr. Burko Im presses a stranger as a keen, alert, businesslike gentleman who under stands thoroughly overy detail of tho lino and ho Is evidently "making good" by a largo majority. Ho repre sents tho Kahn Tailoring Company of Indianapolis and thoro Is no moro en terprising or moro progresslvo whole salo morchant tailoring house within tho four seas. Ono lnstanco wo may cite. They never put out tho same patterns twice but instead profor to reduce tho price twenty per cent, for rosorved stock of workers, reductions being direct from headquarters, and many of our wise folks tako advantage of this exceptional offor and stock up with a fine wardrobo at a considerable saving. To ploaso tho very econom ical buyers, Mr. Burko also soils a lino of $15 suits which represent Indeed marvollous values. Ho sells of couneo tho greater number of his suits and ovo: coats at higher prices but always the exceptional valuo is thoro and we would not" tbt he Hold last year no lets than 6,000 worth of clothes and the prospect is that the net will oe greater this year. Mr. Burke Is our oldest olothlas; tales in an here in point of service and has a wide personal nt business acquaintance, which stand him in pood stead slnco he em barked in business for himself. Mr. Burko Is still a young man, on tho sunny sldo of forty, wo should guess, but ho is old in oxporlonce, and you will savo a tidy sum overy year If your buy from him as ho gets tho latest styles, gets them first, and Ills exponsos being practically nothing, It stands to reason ho can do better than others in town. Mr. Burko is a gingery gentleman, always on tho lookout for trade, straight to tho cont, and ho Is getting tho trade. "Nuft sod." Room 9, Wnltematn Building. PICARD BROS., Contractors, Builders, Patentees of Metal Corners. Wo havo soino oxcollont contractors and bulldors In this part of tho stato hut none bettor than Plcard Bros., and thoy understand tho trado from A to 7,. Their fathor boforo them was in this lino and ho built most of tho town, wo might say. Ho pasBod be yond In 1904 but in his tlmo was ono of our best citizens and an expert in overy branch of tho business. Tho Plcard boyB aro worthily con tinuing in his footsteps and thoy aro always fully occupied. Thoy havo taken a largo numbor of big con tracts, putting them through In a highly satisfactory, buslnessllko man nor and thoy never sklmpod or alight ed a Job in their lives. Contractors and builders such as thoy merit strong commendation and thoy aro a credit to tho business. They meet all their obligations promptly and hon orably, pay a hundred cents on tho dollar at all tlme3 and tho residence or business block or anything else thoy build will roprbsent always the maximum of return for tho money. They aro patentees of tho metal cor ners to bo used Instead of tho mitred corners and tho demand for them be came so great they woro obliged to turn over tho manufacturing of It to Koyes, of Beatrice, who pay them a royalty on every ono put out Theso aro finding a market all over the country nnd those gentlemen dosorvo congratulation Indeed for their in genuity and practical Idea. Tho Plcards aro upright, go-ahead indlvldiduals, squaro as a dlo in all their transactions, and thoro are no bettor or moro honorablo contractors In Lincoln county. Their establishment Is supplied with tho latest and best tools and machinery, thoy employ a first rato staff of men and you aro in good hands when you award your contract to theso gentlemen. STAR BOTTLING WORKS. Harry Porter, Prop., Manufacturer of Carbonated Beverages, Crushed Fruits and Supplies Wholesale Only Works at North Platte and Bridgeport. This establishment does a largo business and It deserves on Its merits our hearty commendation. Tho plant is up to tho minute, tho machinery be ing tho finest in the market, and clean liness und neatnoss aro tho order of tho day hero. All ingredients used aro puro and unadulterated; tho pure food laws are fully complied with and everything in the way of carbonated bovorago manufactured, such as dis tilled water, crushed fruits, syrups, straws, ico cream cones, Ico shaves, lemon squeezers, boor glasses, soda glasses, sundao glasses, straw Jars, hot drinks, extracts, napkins, Ico picks, glass brushes, coffoo urns, hot water urns and Ice boxes. A heavy demand has boon created, wo might add, for tho Whlto Horse brand of ginger ale, tho trado mark bolng ro gistored. Trado extends as far as Pino BluffB, Wyoming and Colorado points and tho list of patrons Is lengthening fast. Mr. Porter goes east as far as Elm Creek and ho has patrons in ovory town up to and In cluding Kearney, 263 In all. He moots tho severest loirltlmatn r.nmnntlllnn and Is not tho least bit afraid of it. 'I lie help aro high grado and North Platto Is glad to havo such an estab lishment hero as nnt.hlni? In mnrn wholosomo than the right kind of soft urniKB. jur. rortor is a Hustling gen tleman, always pays tho closest atten tion to his business, nnd vnn nra miro of tho squarest kind of a deal whon you uo uusiness with him. A branch plant Is maintained at Bridgeport NORTH PLATTE ELECTRIC CO., Lester W. Walker, Pres. Nothing adds moro to tho beauty and comfort of a town than nu up to date electric lighting system and In this respect Nortli Platto is well sorved indoed. Wo do not think thoio Is a larger or finer plant in a town of this slzo in tho Wost and no detail is lacking that will add to tho ef ficlency of tho syatom and to the economic conduct of the business. As wo all know It is a Btrlctly homo in dustry and by reason of Its manifest and unvarying spirit of fairness to wards the public, it has many firm friends as well as customers lu its field. Itates are reasonable and the policy of the company is broad, liber al, and up-to-date, realising1 that the better the satisfaction of its patrons, tho bottor for all concornod. Power ful, successful, and progressive It Is at tho samo tlmo llboral to a high do groe, its officers and ownore bolng men of broad gungo Ideas and policies. Thero aro now eight hundred nnd fit ty patrons, thoy aro increasing nt tho rato of soventy-flvo a year and tho lights nro on an alternating currcut and run twenty-four hours, to tho great convomenco or tno people. Con siderable powor Is furnished local In dustries nnd tho rato Is such that It moans nn economic saving. Thero is, us wo all know, no class of powor so clean and convenient and no company gives a hotter or moro uniform sorv ico nnd treatment of customors Is tho best A full lino of electric appli ances Is kopt and tho haudsomo of fices of tho company aro an attractive foaturo of our main street. Tho em ployes nro high grado and this foro most Institution has not only nchtoved success of Itself but hns contributed In no smnll degroo to tho Industrial life of tho community in which It is no smnll factor. "Mr. Walkor, tho president nnd man ager, is eminently tho right man in tho right placo as ho has had a long and valuable oxperlonco In electrical engineering and simlliar enterprises and whon a young man received a col lege training in scientific branches as woll. Tho writer was courteously greeted by Mr. Walkor and frooly given all tho Information doslrod. Mr. Walkor Impresses a stranger as n brisk, clean cut, throughly compctont and up-to-dato gontloman who would como rapidly to tho front in any com munity. THE A. A. SCHATZ CO., Furnitura, Hardware, Pianos, StoVei, Keen Kuttor Hardware, Majestic Ranges. Up-to-Dato furniture. A review of tho business Interests of North Platte and Lincoln County that would not assign a leading placo to tho A. A. Schatz Company would be lack ing indeed ni this is on of tho largost and most compUto furnituro and hard waro emporiums In this part of tho Stato and North Platto is proud indood of this establishment Tho firm was es tablished twelve years ago hut aftor soma changes in ownership, Mr. Schatz finally succeeded to tho business nnd Is now the head of tho company and in sole control. Occupying one of tho best corners in town, thoir premises measur ing 44 by 132ft and including two doors, there is nothing in tho way of furniture, hardware, ranges and pianos that can not be furnished tho most particular or more economical buyer. Here wo find a full and completo stock of tho most standordmnnufacturo. The bout, the most durablo, tho most stylish that can enter tho homo is carried in a variety of designs and prices. Everything that is high grade in parlor suites, bedroom furniture, carpets, linoleum, curtains, picture frames, dining room and kitchen furni turo and otherlines incident to a Btock of this kind ij seen in tho store. Pianos of standurd and reliablu makes are n fcuturo of the large stock. Young couples can go to houskeeping und se cure their entire outfit at this store in cluding tho fine Majestic ranges. Tho management can outfit the largest houso or the smallest cottago and it has pricos that fit tho condition of every purso. The goods carried nre perfectly adapted to the tastes, needs nnd purses of tho community and not a dollar should go outside for anything in the furniture or hardware lino ns price nnd quality fill tho bill in every respect. Purchasers are undoubtedly saved money whon they deal hero. Quality is emphasized; tho exact truth is told about about every aiticle and every sale is madoon honor. The line of haidwaro includes tho fam ous Keen Kutter brands nnd a completo line is carried of everything likely to bo needed in tho hardware way, Tho best goods obtninablo in every depaitment aie handled and there is no more pop ular trading point in our city orconnty. Prices nru uniform, us low ns tho lowest, and ofton lower, considering quality, and every customer hirgc or small, iB given tho squarest kind of squnre treatment and treated witli equal courtesy. The furnishings and appoint ments nre up to date and every day is a busy day here. The A. A. Schatz Co., stands in the front rank of successful business houses in this part of tho State; its growth has been rapid and substantial and sound management nnd the fairest of dealing havo always characterized its operations. Mr. Schatz ranks high as merchant and citizen; he is foremost always in whatever works for the good of North Platte and Lincoln County and ha is a pleasant gentleman to meet nny day in the year. R. F. Stuart, Plumbing Heating. There aro plumbers and plumbers but we all know Mr. Stuart to bo a thorough expert and every job ho does stands the severest tests. His mater ials and tools are tho best and ho never asks moro thnn a fair price for his work. You aro perfectly safe in dealing with Mr. Stuart for contracts are warranted to tho limit. If tho work Is not as ho snid it would be, he will do it over, But ho never had to do this as his work satisfies all pa trons every time. Mr. Stnart has suc cessfully undertaken some of the largest contract ever given out in this part of the state. Mr. Stuatt's O. K. menns that the job is done right, and on honor, too. He knows the plumbing business from top to bottom and he has prospered because full equi valent was given for overy dollar he ever got. Plumbers of this kind are generally found in lifrge cities like New York or Chicago. He is hustling for business all the time, five all comers the square deal and he Is setting ahead fast. W 'y-'' PSBBBBBBBBSWv? " 1. " k Qti's'1" ''''"I'm. iji" WEtNQAND QUALITY CLOTHIER. This la ono of tho main mercantile establishments In this part of tlic stato and is has always secured n generous share of tho trado In Us lino. It has a record of which it can bo justly proud and our peoplo have always boon woll sorvod at Wo!n gaud's. Thoroforo wo fcol. that It dosorvoB fho groatest pralso as wo touch on the buslnoss Intoroats of our thriving town. When the wrltor ontorod UiIb flna store, ho found ovory clork fully oc cupied, tho hum of trading was heard, and tho establishment boro overy ovl donco of an up-to-date, woll managed, metropolitan emporium. Nowhero does your dollar go further and Mr. Woln gnnd hns on his books patrons who havo traded with him slnco tho day ho first opened Ha doors. Everything that a man or boy can need In tho way of clothing or furnishings cnu bo had and you can count overy tlmo on the squarest kind" of n squnre deal. High grado dorks nro employed; tho IltttngB und furnishings nil the bill In ovory respect, and Mr. Woln gnnd Is untiring m hla offorta to glvo tho best return posslblo for overy dollar spent hero and to ploaso tho most critical customer, A close study la mado of tho wants und wishes of patronB and Mr. Wolngand reports a steadily Increasing business from year to year. Tho stock is woll selected, tho buy ing is oxportly dono nnd tho bargains you got hero aro tho genuine ones. You aro porfoctly safo whon you do your trading with Mr. Wolngand and a storo of this character la. an Im portant factor In tho mako up of a clty'a rosourcos and North Platto and Lincoln county havo always had full confidonco In Mr. Wolngand. Ho stands among our leading morchantB and ho Is a clean cut, thoroughly busl noss, onorgotlc gentleman, who 1b well regarded horo. Ills promises measuro 75 by 30, and ho Is ono of our landmarks In tho commercial Hold. Ho organized tho firm of Wolngand & McDonaM which was In a slmllnr lino aovoral years but during tho last eighteen months Mr. Wolngand has boon operating on his own account with signal success. Mr. Wolngand hns a hearty, gonlnl per sonality, nn oxtonslvo personal and morcnhtllo acquaintance, and wo havo no moro trustworthy morchant or bet tor booster In North Platto. Miner Hinuian, Garage. Chalmer cars and Hurley Davidson Motor Cycles With the coming of the auto ns n vehicle of pleasure and finally of busi ness ns its practicability was proven, thore came a necessity for the enrn and keeping of these vehicles from which the general public could be supplied. Wo havo in Norlii Platte an establish ment of ths 1cm' which treats people right and keepi up with the latest in the garage and automobile line. In fact you would not expect to find such a complote p.ant in a town of this bIzp. A large stock of supplies is carried and, in ense of breakage or defect, the part can bo speedily replaced by the mncliin istB constantly in attendance. General repairing is dono and the famous Chal mer cars aro handled and exports know thero is no hotter value in the auto line the "wide world over. Tho Overland too is handled nnd find a ready scale. We should also note the Hurley Davidson motor cycles. There ure no less than 8800 Bqunre foot to those promises and North Watte in grently benefitted by an institution of this kind nnd Mr. Hinmnrj has n thorough knowledge ot tho busi ness both the practical und selling end. You nre in good hands when you buy your car here .md have anything done in tho garage or ropainng lino. Nortli Platte is proud of this establishment nnd Mr. (Unman is a live, progressive gentlemen, ivho is winning out by a largo mnjority. Ho is a "booster" for North Platto and nn excellent citizen and business man. SCHILLER & CO. Family Druqglsts, Proprietors Rexall S. Nyall Druo Stores. Thoro la no business in a town moro Important thun tho druggist's for upon his skill and accuracy llfo or doath often dopondB. First class phar macists, conscientious, honorablo, and up-to-date, aro nouo too numerous, thoroforo In lnontioning tho loading firms horo wo tako ploasuro In em phasizing theso oxcollont establish ments. That thoy aro appreciated by our people Is shown by tho largo trado dono and our physicians know whon thoir prescriptions nro put up horo, tho ingredients used will bo puro and of full strength. Tho thousand and ono articles usually found in tho best drug storos can bo had and progress and enter prise aro tho ordor of tho day "horo. Those pharmacies "look good" to a stranger and In tho Roxall and Nyall lines, a romedy can bo found for ovory III. Mr. Schlllor deals only with reli able, high class firms and a child could trado at those pharmacies as safoly as a grown person could. Substitution or overcharging la un known and tho limit of valuo is given for ovory dollar taken In. Drug establishments of this kind servo a town most satisfactorily and prices aro always reasonable Mr. Schlllor Is a registered phar macist, understanding ovory end of tho drug lino, and ho has mado an emphatic success of his efforts. Thoro Ib not a busier man In North Platto but Is novor too rushod to greet pleasantly nil corners, friends or Btrnngers. Wo aro glad to numbor him among our "llvo ones" and Bhov ors on tho North Platto and Lincoln wheel of progress. Dr. McOabn, ono of our most widely known and most honorablo physicians Is financially Interested In theso establishments, an additional guaran too that our people will always ro cpIvo tho fairest troatmont and tho best of aarvlco. We would add that Mr. Schiller Is a graduate of the University of Michigan with degree of Phar maceutical Chemist and has had eighteen yearn oxperiance In prac tical drug work. Three registered pharmacists nre constantly em ployed. Messrs. Charles Tlglie, Fran cis Dunn and .Tames Elliott. W. H. C. WOOPHUR8T, Inturanco of All Kind. Tho lubuituico internets of North iMutto and Lincoln county nro vory Important, nil tho big companies bo lng represented hero, and In referring io tho uiious features of our city, we dcsiie to mako special rcforenco to the lending mon in this lino. Mi. W. u. C, Wood'atirst hoads tho procession nnd Is recognized ns tho vrlnclpcl operator 'n this Hold. Ho has mado a llfo study ul this business and as ofllco and 111(1 man has mndo a reputation which o.vtends far bo jonu cut oltj. Mr. Woodhuist was on tho road twelve years for tho North British IeeanUle and though always willing to loarn thoro 1b llttlo or nothing about tho buslnoss with which ho Is not familiar. This gentleman la alio an independ ent adjuster nnd his reputation for sound Judgmont, unhondlng Integrity snd nrogrosslvo Ideas 1b unnssallablo. Mr. Woodhurst writes all klndB of In surance, life, firo, nccidont, otc, and also does a largo bonding buslnoss, no man hi our county being ublo to offer hotter facilities. Mr. Woodhurst hna a largo personal, business and political acquaintance throughout tho Stato nnd Mlddlo West and haB been a rosldont horo for thlr-ty-alx years. As wo all know ho wns Receiver of tho United States land ofllco six joars, making nn oxcollont record, and has also hold othor Important posi tions. His caroor In this community Is so woll and favorably known that wo will not montlon it in dotnll here. His fathor, Major Woodhurst, still happily with us, Is ono of tho bul warks and patriarchs of our city, respected and honored by all, and thero Is no family hold In greater esteem thnn tho WoodhurBts. Mr. W. H. C. Woodhurst bulks largo In tho worthy cltlzonshlp and substan tial business IntorestB of Nortli Platto and ho Is a hearty, gonial, courteous gontloman who Impresses a strnngor vory favorably. Ills nsslBtanco Is nov or wlthold In boosting North Platto and Lincoln county. Dr. L. C. Drost, Osteopath. Dr. Drost is well regarded in North Platte and we nro glnd ho is with us. His operating departments are woll fitted up and this gentleman Is well adapted for his culling Osteopathy which is one of tho greatest ndvnncea in honling the world hns ever known is worthly represented by Dr. Drost and wo can congratulate ourselves that wo have such a well qualified practitioner in North Plntte. He hns succosssully treated cases that Woro bnflling indeed and his reputation rests on a solid foundation. Results tell in tho domain of healing as thoy do in overy othor field of human endoavor nnd oatoop athy asks to be judged only by this, tho severest of nil tests. Osteopnthy is tho science of treating diseases thnu,h manipulating by which tho op ernter intelligently directs the adherent recuperativo resources within tho body to restoration of health. Its basic principle is tho adjustment of bonos, ligaments and muscles, romoving ob structions und giving freedom to the life giving system, nearly all diseases being cause by these obstructions. Tho science of osteopnthy la based on anat omy and physiology, we would empha size. The body is a mechanical labora tory ns woll ns a machine and thoro fore physiology is n necessary study. The loading osteopathic colleges teach these and all other necessary adjuncts to n medical course but materia medica. Uorc, however, osteopathy and medi cine part company and the theoroticnl must rive wny to the practical. Dr. Drost is highly recommended; ho has many lettets of appreciation and his benefitted or cured patients speak highly in his favor indeed. Dr. Drost is in tho best of repute here aa a man of honor nnd marked ubllity in his profession. Wo fool wo will havo the best in os teopathy as long us thii gentlemen is doing business at tho old stand. F.E.PAYNE, Dairy, lhcedor of Red Polled Thoi oughbred Cattle. Wo desire to lefor especially to our leading dairies In Lincoln county as nothing Is moro Important than our milk supply, In fact our health depends lai gel v on it, and In this establishment, wo havo a model indeed. It Is kopt spotlessly neat and clean, all puro food and sanitary laws aro compiled with, and wo find ce ment lloors In the cow barns. Tho milk tests high in ovory way and our physicians recommend this iiiiih. Yuij nigniy. jv speciality is mado of milk for infants and thoro Is no a dairyman in the stato of Ne braska who Is more careful than Mr. Payne In tho handling of his milk. The consequence is that our peoplo patronize him freely and wo can congratulate ourselves Indeed on having such a milk Bupply. Deliv eries are made on time and Sir. Payne knows all about this business from tho ground up. lie owns a hundred and forty acres of as lino land as lies out doors, located just a mile from town and also rents a hundred moro. Ho raises thoroughbred Red Polled cattle and Is vory successful in this lino likewise. Ho is well known among tho breed ers of tho stato and as ho is a man of good Judgment, practical experience and honest through and through, Mr' Payne is woll thought of and his repute Is unquestioned. A dairy of this kind is quite an ad vantage to tho town and Mr. Payne ' ,8m.'? .f 9UJ most, energetic citizens. This brief sketch should also mako mention of Mrs. Payne, who is a con siderable factor in tho success of the dairy business. She Is a very capable and estimable lady and counts hor , friends by the score. Mr. Payne's establishment Jb really one ot our show places and among tho many llttlo dotal! worth noting wo observed that manuro v as distributed cvon da and wo find hoio tho best and the latest in tho win ot dalrylnir. Mr. JaMie b. the kind of man that would got nheadanj whero with half a chance and there is uo better patron of home Industry a over dollar's woith (f supplies hi- pure n ms is bought light herein i.,n If t Verv one follow eil l,s ,.,.,. ,l , , ov in.nlo, North Platte would U41,u am better town than she ib, K -i,i 1