The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 11, 1913, Image 1

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No. 5
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The McDonald State Bank.
Charles McDonald. President; W. H.
McDonald, vice-president and cashier;
J. B. McDonald, N. V. Roynolds, direc
tors; capital $100,000, surplus nnd un
divided profits, $27,000.
This is tho oldest bank in the county,
latinjjfrom tho pioneer Hays of '76, and
it has always enjoyed a viRorou.,
healthy growth. Tho wealth and varied
resoures behind tho McDonald atato
bank would bring strength and confi
dence to any banking institution large
or small, and tho strong, guiding per
sonality of its president, Charles Mc
Donald is tha oldest living inhabitant
of this county and his reputation, years
ago established, for sound judgement
And thorough reliability, has been a
potent factor in tho success of the in-
Htitution. Fully meeting the needs of
, its patrons, its record has been clean
ana progressive; tho interests 0 the
depositors havo always been safely
guarded, and as the put has been pro
ductive and prosperous, the future pro
mists an increased measuro of success,
tha result of the application ef sound
ethics, and the conservative, aBle con
duct of the bank in tho past. This bank
has always provided the right kind of
banking facilities for the pooplo of
North Platto and tho tributary terri
tory; up to date methods characterise
this institution and every legitimate ac
commodation is extended patrons. The
McDonalds have particihated in the
-varying fortunes and vicissitudes of
frontier days and all came out winners.
Common sense, logical business ideas
have predominated in all its operations
and success has been earned by merit
alone. The McDonalds are intimately
familiar with the needs of the country
and fully conversant with the attitude
that the institution should assume in
dealing with the public and patrons.
The most approved safety appliances
that modern talent havo devised are in
use in this bank to effectually safe
guard the interests of depositors and
tho re is nothing lacking a solid, well
managed, up to date bank should havo
in a community of this size. Tho his
tory of this bank and the McDonalds
aro part of the history of North Platte
and no family are more respected or
command greater influence. Their
wealth hus been used for the benefit
and advancement of our town and
. county as banks cannot prosper unless
the community also gets ahead.
Mr. Charles McDonald though well
along in years Is active nnd enterprising
.in daily attendance at these banking
rooms, and good no doubt, we all hope,
for many more years of honorable, use
ful endeavor.
Banks of this character add much to
the stability and commercial interests
of a town and the McDonalds are al
ways foremost in all worthy undertak
ings to move our town and county
still further ahead on the road of con
jervative progress andbusino.1 s solidity.
Mr. McDonald, we would note, has
been in this part of tho country since
'00 and is therefore a pioneer of the
pioneers arid our patriarch n3 well. In
addition to his largo banking, property
and land interests in our county, he is
a heavy stockholder in the Continental
National of Chicago, the second largest
bank in the country, nnd he is also in
terested in other banking institutions.
The Continental National is now
building the largest and finest banking
house in the world.
Mr. W. H. McDonald is in active
charge of the bank here and has been
for some years. He organized and is
president of the Bank of Stapleton,
formerly the Bsnk of Gandv, and also
organized and is president of the. Bank
of Maxwell, being the largest stock
holder in both institutions. He is one
of the leading bank cashiers in our
state, is widely known, and is a strong
f A
- NHBBKi''Nn
9k.r jr rr . ar r rruL.
1& ifc&tefierwnrf&jtarir9& .
' Gfrsctpefaofahtj
djuistr ixcuiK accounts; $o are iieir
Young mnn, tho most viilunhlo nssot Hint yon
aim hnvo li voi tiro thinking o? gutting mnvrloil
Is A li A XA' AC CO 77A"V. 2!o gh-1 or no girl's jinr
onts wim t 11 poo mini, hntur on tho ioor mini
won't wnnt lilnisoli't hooimsos hoing poor wlion lie
might linvo boon aonii'ortnhlo, Is no i'tin. Stnrt
vonr low nl'Tnlr imtl vonr monov ni'l'iilrs with
somoMOXm'lX Tllli'ltAXJt. It will ho YOtllt
1I11ST I'KriSXD. Aslc liny mini who Ichows.
o YOUlt hiinlclng with
The First National Bank,
Tho Jni'gost Jiimlc in Wustorn jXobrnslcn.
and liberal supporter of all undertakings
that help our town and trade territory.
Thoy dont come any better than W. li.
McDonald and he is a thorough gontlo
man to boot
Tho science of law as a study and
the practical application of it principles
to the various business affairs of life
demand of the members of tho legal
profession tho highest faulitics
posiosied by man. Attorneys, there
fore constitute the leading intellectual
elomeht in a community and in com
menting on the bar of Lincoln county,
we wish to say wo generally speaking
have a strong, forceful, liighmindeu
body of men appearing in our courts
who can be safely entrusted with the
most important litigation.
Many weighty cases originate hero
and clients are secure indeed whan their
interests ara confined to our lawyers.
Mt. Beeler is one of the leaders of
the bar in this nart of the state and he
has long since established a reputation
as an ablo counselor, excellent c itzien,
and a gentlemen who always stands
for high ideals in private and profos
sionalllfc. No man works harder for a client and
though always endavoring to effect an
honorable, satisfactory settlement so
aa to avoid useless litigation, he is very
effective in court or before a jury once
the issues are joined.
Mr. Beeler has held various impor
tant positions since casting his lot with
us twenty-two years ago including we
might say city attorney, three terms;
county attorney, two terms; and has
served twelve years on the board of
education, giving freely of his valuable
time and best efforts for all worthy,
well considered efforts to advance the
best intereses of North Platte and her
trade territory.
Mr. Beeler was one of the organiz
ers and is now a heavy stockholder of
the t'latte Valley state lianK of whicn
we write in another column. The suc
cess of this institution has been marked
Indeed, and increasing business shows
that there was ample room for this
beneficient enterprise in North Platte.
We touch lightly on this gentleman's
honorable and successful career in our
community as ho is so well known that
extended mention would 00 superfluous.
Suffice it is easy to say that no man
ranks higher and as liberal enterpris
ing citizen, worthy, energotic public of
ficial, and keen, forceful, brainy law
yer, he merits all tho good things we
can say of him.
Mr. Beeler is one of the busiest men
Lincoln county but never too busy to be
courteous and accomodating to nil with
whbm'ho comes in contact, whether
friend or ctranger.
And when there is any undertaking
on foot to help our town and county,
Mr. Beeler is always n booster and a
rrtteftSrJvhm shoulder to the wheel at all
"The Countess Coquette."
Dainty, winsome and altogether
charmuig "The Countess Coquette"
will introduce herself to patrons of the
Keith Thursday evening of next waek.
It is a musical farce from the French
of Marcell Janvier and the screamingly
funny situations handled with a keen
wit and incisiveness that is essentially
Parisian. The fourteen musical num
bers aro by AnatolJFriedland, the distin
guished young composer, whose suc
cess in this piece has set all New York's
big managers to bidding for his ser
vices. Knox Wilson in tho leading
comedy role is well and favorably known
through hinji starring toura in "The
Burgomaster" and "The Land of Nod."
A feature is the superlatively attractive
far hushemcs wo
Hoagland Stands at Head.
Senator Hoaglnnd, of this county, in
troduced more bills in the state senate
than any other member. The total num
ber of bills introduced by nil member
was 457 and if these Senator Hongland
introduced forty-one. His nearest com
petition was Mncfarland, of Douglas
county, who introduced forty.
Residence Damaged by Fire.
Fire Saturday nf ternoon caused a loss
of at least $1,200 to tho W. T. Banks'
residence in tho southwest part of
town and to the furnishings- The firs
originated in the attic nnd had burned
through the roof before discovered by a
neighbor who turned in an alarm.
Mrs. Banks, who was the sole occupant
of the house at the time, had laid down
for a nap, and had no knowledge of the
fire until notified by the neighbor. The
run was a long one for tho hose team
and by the time tho house was reached
the flames had gained considerable
headway, but with two streams the
flames were quickly subdued. The in
terior of the house was pretty Well
deluged with water, causing consider
able damage to ceilings. The greater
part of the furniture was removed.
The fire was confined to the attic and
the second floor.
Mrs. Harry Samuelson will entertain
the Club Novita tomorrow afternoon.
Hendy-Ogier Auto Co
Agency for
Ford and
"""""' ""irrmniTrrTr mrm mini 11
ker Automobiles
Universal Car A Fact
More in use than all other cars put
together. Come in and see the 1913
models and place an order for spring
delivery. 200,000 Fords will be built .
" this year and the deu&tids -.rill not be '
rilled. I he prices
Touring Car $600.00
Torpedo Car $525.00
F. O. B. factory fully equippod, including top,
wind shield, lamps, jack, top hood, tools, etc.
We will also have on exhibition soon
1 25 Studebaker at $ 885
1 35 Studebaker, at 1,290
1 6-cyl Studebaker at 1,550
F. O. B. factory, which includes mohair top and
cover, lamps, windshield, speedometer and tools These
cars are electric lighted and started from the dash.
These cars are on'irely new in design of body nnd
We also handle all kinds of Atato
Supplies and repairs, with a good re
pair man in the shop for any and all
kinds of repair work.
Day or night livery and taxi cab
Phone 34, 224, 677 or Red 483.
"Gii to pit her Job"
I'll just tell you Mrs. Doe there is nothing to this
thing of killing your self doing this family
washing every week, when you can send it
to Dickey's and have it washed and all the
Hat pieces ironed for 7c per pound.
Auto Delivery
A Pictorial Review.
The greater part of this issue of Tho
Tribune is given over to North Platte's
business men, together with illustra
tions of business houses nnd individuals.
Ignatius Murphy, a highly educated
man, a fluent writer and one who has
traveled in many foroign lands, con
cluded to spend a two months vacation
in North Platte, and a a mere matter
of pastime, concluded to do a littlo
nowspapar work in tho way of writing
up North Platte nnd its business mon.
In order to give this feature tho widest
publicity he purchased space in The
Tribune, and his work is presented to
our readers today.
In an interview in tho Bee Senator
Hoaginnd. of this city, denies that ho
is a candidate for Congressman Kin
kaid's place, nnd also denies that he
ever said the things about Uncle Moso
that some of the papers have credited
him with laying, "I am not opposed to
Congressman Kinkaid"' said Senator
HoBglend, "and neither am I a candi
date for congress. Congressman Kin
kaid has done mora for his district than
has any congressman in Nebraska done
for any other district. I never said the
things abotit Mr. Kinkaid that the
papers have quoted me aa saying."
Mrs. Charles Reynolds and son left
last evening for Kearney to be the
guest of f rionds for ten days.
are: t.
Phone 77
Rinckcr Book & Drug Company.
Drugs, Toilet Articles, Complete Line
Tnlking Mnchiries, Kodaks, Sporting
Goods, Musical Instruments, Fine Sta
tionery, Sheet Music, Mnil Orders
This business started six ye,;us ago
by Mr. F. W. Kincker has grown rap
idly and it is now one of tho leading
stores in its line in this part of the
state. It has recently been ihcorporatad
and an enterprise of this kind is a credit
to our city. Everything in tho way of
drugs is carried and all prescriptions
are put up with scientific accuracy
from the best and purest drugs that
money can buy. The Rincker Book &
Drug Co. onjeys tho Implicit confidence
of our physicians and all business done
hero is done on honor.
A complete line of toilet articles,
musical instruments, sheet music,
talking machines and sporting goods is
handled and soectal mention should bo
made of the book department, news
paper and magazine sections of the
store as practically anything in this way
can be had.
Tho parcel post we would note has
largely increased Mr, Kincker'i mail
order trade.
The success of this store must; be at
tributed in a considernbla measure to
Mr. Kincker'i capable and Accommodat
ing assistants. Miss Mabel Day has
been with the concern fonr years and is
invaluable ana Mr. Doherty, the reg
istered pharmacist, is one of the best
men in his line in the stato, Miss
Genevieve Ottenstein, who helps in the
prescription department, is an estimable
and capablo young lady and Mr. Ernest
Rinckcr. the bookkeeper and utility
man, dots his duty too.
No man works harder to make his
enterprise a success than Mr. Rincker
you cannot enter this atnro any timo
without finding soveral customers here.
This gentleman holds an excellent posi
tion in our city in bussiness and private
life and his" ell or to here havo met with
emphatic success. Steady, substantial
growth characterizes this drugand book
emporium and there Is not a more pop
ular trading point in the county.
Mr. Rincker has earned his success
by hard work, the strictest integrity,
and sound business Judgment and it is
not necessary for us to say that he is
always on hand when there is anything
stirring to help the good old town.
Just Lifted for Quick Sale.
ThelatoB. L. Robinson homo, t'his
it nn ideal home and can be bought ut
right figures. Brntt & Goodman.
To -Night
"The Samaritan of Coo
gan's Tenement."
"The Sailor's Heart."
"Buck's Romance."
Admission 10c
Mr. Farmer!
Bring in your harness and
saddles and havo them fixed
up and oiled. Spring rush
will soon be here and your
harness will not lie irf repair.
Bring them in soon -and 'lve
us a trial, "' ,7 '
Forstedt & Sheedy
Native Grown.
Now tha, tlnui U put In your
onlcr. Iron ilal iruaranji-o to
irrow y riiiladnt: until vrowtli In
Phone Black 627.
Found Dead in a Cave.
Word reached the city nt noon yos
terday of the death of Hngh Bronson,
a man about 48 yenrs old, at his homo
on the Bird wood. Mr. Bronson, form
erly livod hore and for fourteen year
or more was employed in the round
house. Two years ago he to k a Kin
kado homestead on the forks of the
Birdwood and moyed his family there.
Last fall ho resigned his position with
the U. P. company and took charge of
tho place while his wife and family
came to North Platte to give the
children nn opportunity of attending
school. Saturday of last week he
transacted business in Sutherland and
seemed to bo in particularly good health.
Two weeks ago his house burned down
and since that time he oecupied a cave.
He was found dead in bed yesterday
morning by some of tho neighbors anid
it is thought he had contracted pneu
monic and exposuro to the cold caused
his death. lie was employed by the
Bratt Cattle Company on the Birdwood
twenty-seven yearn ago.
He married Miss May Hayes, of this
city, who, with four children, two boys
and two girls, ranging in age from 4 to
10 years, survive him. Funeral ar
rangamenta have not yet been made.
Bratt & Goodman have loaned over
$700,000.00 and have never lost -one
dollar in Interest or principal. See them
if you have Idle money,
Legal Notice.
William Cross, non-residont, will take
notice that he was1 sued in tha County
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, son
February 1st, 1913 by George Kojpf, for
tho sum of $141.60, due from the de
fendant to the Plaintiff upon contract
with accrued interest; That order of
attaehment was issued out of said court
to accompany tho summons theroin is
sued for said sum of $144.50; that tho.
First National Bank of North Platte.
Nebraska, a corporation, was gnrnisheed
nnd mndo answer on Fobruary 0th. 1913
that It had in its possession tho sum of
$140.00, tha property of said defendant
William Cross. Whereupon said causo
was continued to the 20th day of March,
1913, at the hour of 9 a. m. for further
You will appear in said court nt said
timo or judgment will bo taken ngninst
you and said sum of $140.00 applied in
satisfaction of said judgment nnd costs
of this suit.
Dated nt North Platte, Nebraska,
Fobruary 10th 1913.
Gnouan Korr, Plaintiff. By E. H.
Evans, His Attorney. fll-4
The North Platte
SchMrof Music-''
The University School of
Music, Lincoln, Nebraska
Elizabeth Bonncr-Cranicr
Dili LCI OR.
All the principal branches of Ap
plied nnd Theoretical Music taught by
competent teachers.
Address all inquiries to 122 W. Front
street or phone BlncK 341.
House of Good Show!
When in North Platlo.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matinee Saturday After
noon at 2:30 O'clock.
Tclt'phono lll 45C WWW rcwe$ St,
North I'lutte, NuLraaku.
Ofllco phone 241. Res. nh'oiio 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Plutte, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.
W $M .J f"7V. '4 fla
Get Acquainted
with clears made by Schmalzrlod, and
you will alwayH be a friend to them.
In their makitiR only the best tobacco
is used, they arc well made, and always
Kive satisfaction. We carry a full line
of tobaccos and smokers' articles.
The Maker of Good Cigars
7 '