The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 07, 1913, Image 6

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' '
We arc now showing some of the new
and nifty styles in Spring Jewelry and
Novdiios. Let us show you our new
Bar Pins, Coin Purses, Vanity Cases,
Watch Fobs, Cuff Buttons, Signet
Rings, Bracelets, Etc,
A fine line of reliable and guaranteed
watches .
Union Pacific Watch Inspector.
a i n:.
a uiuuuaic uciiuai.
o n
Oflico over the McDonald JJ
a State Bank. o
Local and Personal
Mrs. A. P. Kelly left yesterday
for Lodgopolo to visit her niece Mrs.
Earl Crandall.
"Will Turpie left Wednesday after
noon for Ogalala to spend a couple of
days on business.
Mrs. Jesse Dikeman and children, of
Colorado Springs, are visiting friends
at Sutherland and in this city.
From the Sutherland Free Lance it is
learned that Frank Coker has sold 500
head of cattle to Noil Turpie of this
Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Winkleman
entertained a few friends the fore part
of this week at an evening party. Nico
refreshments were served. t
A colored drawing of the new First
ward school building, designed by
Architect Reynolds, is on exhibition in
the Howe & Malonoy show window.
The architectural design is more pleas
ing than the Washington and Lincoln
At the high school building this after
noon the members of the foot ball squad
will bo publicly presented with tho
sweaters recently donated by the busi
ness men. There are fourteen of these
sweaters .and they cost seventy-five
dollars. The presentation speech will
be made by Secretary Crosby, of the
Chamber or commerce.
It stands in a class by itself
Rnv a Rack of DAVID HARUM'
Try it as many times as you wish.
If you are not satisfied that it is
worth the difference if you are not
convinced that it is the best flour
you ever used you can bring or
send it back and wc will refund
purchase price.
Quality considered "DAVID IIAR
UM" flour in the cheapest flour on
the market toJay.'
Herrod & Son,
Phono 208.
II in" Doubt Buy
w Arriving
, The Jeweler
Combs and Banks purchased one
hundred hoad of cattle from Nealo
Turpie Wednesday.
Rev. C. B. Harman went to Suther
land Wednesday to officiate at the
Norris-Eklund wedding.
Miss Nina Welliver began work in
the office of the Stuart plumbing es
tablishment this week.
Miss Vaunita Hayes will' return to
night from Hastings where she visited
relatives for two weeks.
Mrs. Math. Elias has been very ill
with rheumatism for several days but
is reported to be improving.
Mrs. Geo. Hatfield is oxpected home
today from Gillote, Colo., where she
has been visiting relatives.
Mrs. J. A. Gahagen, of Gibbon, will
leave tomorrow after spending several
days with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hastings.
Mr. and Mrs. Kamansky, of Ouray,
Colo., arrived a few days ago to visit
Mr. and Mrs. Pizer and Mrs. Ginsburg.
For good real estate values see C. F.
Uesdames H. E. Hershey and C. M.
Pock, of Gibbon, who were guests of
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Crook, returned
homo today.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Breen, of the
north west part of this county, are
visiting the latter's parents Mr. and
Mrs. Math Elias.
Miss Minnie Scott who had been em
ployed as stenographer for the Wilcox
& Halligan law offico left yesterday
for her home in Falls City. -
Wilcoxson's Employment Agency fur
nishes all kinds of help free, 'phone 96.
Office hours 9 a. m to 4 p. m. 100-
A new cleaning and pressing estab
lishment was opened on Locust street
this week by Mesbrs. Ford and John
son, who rocently came hero from Lex
ington. J. L. Shuck, living thirteen miles
south of town, has sold his farm of 480
acres to a party from York and shortly
after March 1st will removo to Missouri,
where he has purchased an eighty-acre
For Sale White Rock Roosters. Ad
dress Mrs. A. W. Arnett, North Platte,
Neb., Route 1. 102-
Mrs. Dorte land Mrs. Wallace, of
KapsnS' City, were called hero the first
of this week by the death of the their
Bisterjthe late Lucy McCrendy and ac
companied the remains to Pawnee City
Tuesday evening.
Tho Iddings' residence will be re
modeled this spring, the work to bo
donejundorjthe supervision of D. M.
Hogiett. While these changes are being1
made the family will spend the time in
Sixteen. ladies were entertained at a
kensington Wednesday afternoon by
Mrs. JohnJBrattinfavorof Mrs, Frolcy
and Mrs. Headstrom, of Denver, who
are visitors in town. Elaborate refresh
ments were served at 5:30.
New modern 5 room house located on
W. 1st St. Comer lot 88x132 nice lawn
and trees. Good coal and chicken house.
Price $2500.00. Two blocks from Wash
ington school. C. F. Temple.
Plans for the new McCabe block on
the corner of Fourth and Dewey have
been completed and bids for the erection
j have been asked. Tho lower floor and
about half of the upper will bo used for
garage purposes by the lessees, Hendy
! Ogier, the other hulf of the second floor
1 will be divided into seven office rooms.
, The building throughout will have con-
' crete floors and wit) practically be firt-
' prwf building. Hendy A Ogier have
taken a five year Uasti of the entire
Local and Personal
C. O. Wolngand spent yesterday in
Ogalalla on business.
A social dance was held Wednesday
evening at tho K. P. hall.
H. C. Welsh left Wednesday morn
ng for spond a few days
on business.
C. P. Mnrtin wont to Wnllaco Wed
nesday to spond n few days on business.
John C. Achison, of Cozad, spent a
few days here this week with town
Fred GInn left a few days ago for
Grand Island to spend a couple of
Reed Smith, of Omaha, will visit his
parents Sunday while enrouto home
from Denver.
Mrs. Fred Warron and two children
were taken ill with tho mumps tho first
of this week .
Mrs. Carl Bonner came down from
Greeley Tuesday to visit the Yost and
Bonner families.
Carl and Guy Fear, of Wallace,
transacted business in town tho fore
part of this weok.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Atchey is reported to bo very
ill with pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. John Condtn, of Bridge
port, returned homo Wednesday after
visiting town (rlends.
For good real estate values see C, F.
Miss Josephine Nystrom, of Lexing
ton returned homo this morning after a
short visit with friends.
Math Elias returned Wodnesday
morning from a visit in the eastorn
part of the state on business.
Mra. Fred Rasmussen and children
returned to Hershoy Wednesday after a
week's stay at tho home of her mother.
Piatt White returned yesterday morn
ing from Denver where he spont a
Extra quality Wilton rugs; see the
display at Wilcox's.
George Diener left tho first of this
week for Texas whero he intends to
reside on a tract of land which he
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Martin and
family will move about March 1st to
Bayard whero they intend to make
their home.
The S. O. C. Club were guosts of
Mrs. Guy Cover Tuesday afternoon.
Cards were played, several tables being
used and a nice lunch served.
Mrs. M. J. O'Connell and baby, who
have been visiting relativea in Hol
drege since the holidays, will return
home this week.
For Sale Blooded black orphington
cockerels. L. E. Hastings. 2-6
Mrs. Mary Elder loft Wednesday for
Omaha to attend the weddinsr of her
daughter Miss Etta Clark to Otto H.
Ihoelocke yesterday.
Mrs. D. M. Hogseti will shortly ar
rive from Grand Junction, Col., and
will visit her husband and other rela
tives for several months.
Mrs. Hannah Fleishman, of Des
Moines, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Fleishman yesterday while enroute
home from a visit in Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Iddings and chil
dren will loave in tho near future for
Southern California whero they will
remain for two or throe months.
Sec those new 3G inch all wool serges
50c a yard at Wilcox Dept. Store-
Charter No. 34l)(i.
Report of tho Condition of
at North I'latto. In tlio Stato of Nobraska. at
tuo close of business. 1'tb. 4. 10IIJ.
Loans and discounts .
Overdrafts, secured and
U. S, bonds to secure
U. 8. bonds to secure
II. 8. deposits
Otlior bonds to secure
postal savings
Premiums on U. H. bonds
lloiuls, securities, etc.
Hanking bouso, furnt-
turoand tlxtures
Other real estate owned
Duo from statu and
private banks and bank
ers, trust companlos,
and savings banks .'
Duo from approved ro-
servo adonis
Checks and other cash
Notes of other national
Fractional paporcurron-
cy, nickels and cents,.
Lawful Monoy Keservo
In Hank, viz;
Leeal-tonder notes
Redemption fund with
U. 8. treasurer (5 per
cent of circulation)... .
1.723 17
603 00
21,803 00
: 3,810.00-131739.63
Total 4fi9l,780.57
Capital stock paid In .. 4100.000 00
?tui?i1uisi t?na .'; so.ooaoo
Undivided profits, less
expenses and taxes
nauuiiai uuiiu. iiuiwi
outstanding . 50,000.00
Duu to state and private
banks and bankers 1,700.00
Individual deposits sub
ject to check 338,010.28
Demand certificates of
deposit 8,056.13
Time certificates of do
posit. ..... 102.420.35
Cahhlor'tt checks out
standing . 3.0IB.BO
United MtatosdoiKJslts
I'ostal Havnif IJupo'lt. 11.888.88-480 737 11
Total 3WII7KS7
State of NubrjwU. Couniy of Lincoln, si: '
I, IJ. L llotmey. Cashier of Uih abov.i
Suiawl bank, doMjIotnnly swear that thoalxnu
ed'aSS belief! U U' U'U '"""J- kowl-
o v. 11 j ,. " N". L Moonv, OMhlur'
Subscribed sjid sworn to before me this 7th
day of Feb, 1918
Comet-A ' Uoo,t " WI
K V "pTiintoMi I
. I.'AY 1 f ,i, Hutu IMicrior
11 . Ml vi 1 n , 1
Council Proceedings.
City council mot in regular sosslon
Tuesday evening.
Water Commissioner, Hershey S.
Welsh, made report of tho final test of
the now pump. Tho test started at 1:00
o'clock p. m., Thursday, Jan. lGth, and
ended 1:00 o'clock p. m., Friday, Jan.
1 17th, tho pump running continuously
during this time. Tho following is the
result of tho tost, which showed tho
pump to be n little hotter than tho
guarantee made by the builders:
1. Average stoam prossuro for 24
hours 105. 1 pounds.
2. Average water prossuro main
tained for tho 21 hours, 60.32 lbs.
3. Average suction lift for tho 24
hours, 8.15 ft.
4. Averogo vacuum maintained in
condenser for the 24 hours, 24.16 Inches.
5. Average steam pressure in recei
ver for24 hours, 9.3 lbs.
C. Total number of pounds of steam
used by engine uncorrected for moisture
in steam 29,570 lbs.
7. Total number of pounds of steam
available for use in engmo allowing two
per cent for moisture in steam 28,979
lbs. t
8. Total numbor of revolutions of
engine during tho 24 hours 08,035.
9. Total number of gallons of water
pumped in the 24 hours, uncorrected for
slippage of pump, 2,409,702 gallons.
10. Total number of gallons of water
pumped in the 24 hours, allowing two
per cent slippage, 2.420.3G7 gallons.
11. Average total head pumped
against during the 24 heurs 131.39 feet.
Notice: Thedischargo prossuro gauge
was 7 feet above the dock of suction
valves and this is added to the average
reading of pressure gauge to give cor
rect reading and to this was added 8.15
feet which was tho average suction lift,
to give the average total hoad.
12. Total woight of wator pumped
in tho 24 hours 20,1G1,C57 lbs.
13. Total amount of work don by
englno in foot pounds in the 24 houso
equals (12) x (11) 2,649,040,127.78 foot
14. Duty obtained from 1000 lbs. of
steam during test equals (13) divided
by (7) 91,412,406 foot pounds.
14. Average numbor of revolutions
of engine per minute for the entire 24
hours 47. GG.
16. Duty guaranteed by builders as
40 revolu;ions per minute 88,000,000
foot pounds per 1000 lbs of steam,
60 revolutions per minute 93,000,000
footpounds per 1000 lbs of steam.
17. Duty guaranteed for 47.66 revol
utions per minuto per 1000 lbs of steam
(Interpolated between duties for 40 and
60 revolutions) 89,915,000 ft. lbs.
18. Duty obtained on test 91,412,400
ttf lbs. per 1,000 lbs. of steam- Duty
guaranteed 89,915,000 foot lbs. per 1,
000 lbs. of steam. Excess duty above
guarantee J three per cent.
This test was run with uncovered
steam pipes and as a consequenco thore
was considerable moisture in tho stoam
and a drop of about threo pounds in
pressure between boiler and pump
which accounts for allowance of two
per cent moisture in steam.
Tho usual monthly roports of tho
treasurer, clerk, police judgo and water
commissioner was read, approved and
placed on file.
On complaint of tho neighbors, jhe
street commissioner was instructed to
have the machinery and rubbish of Mr.
Waldo moved off tho streets in the
south part of town, and tho chief of
police was instructed to havo tho cor
rels and barn placed in a sanitary con
dition. All bills on file, including tho quart
erly salaries of tho city ollicials, wore
There being no furthor business be
fore the council adjourned.
Six room modern houso, except heat,
and bath room not equipped, on corner
lot. Full basement under wholo houte.
Open stairs and nice hall. Electric lights
and water in house lot well filled.
Located on south Chestnut street, four
blocks from central school, If you are
Interested in city property ha sure and
enquiro as to this.
C. F. TfiMl-E.
Norway In Scotland.
Tho Orkney ant Shetland Islands,
strictly speaking, bolong to tho king
dom of Norway Toward the close ot
tho Ofteonth century King Christian
of Norway pledged the Orknoyn und
tho Khctlnnds, over which his1 rule
was undisputed, to King James 111.
of Scotland for the payment of the
dowry of his daughter Mnrgurct, who
became queen of Scotland. The
pledge has not been redeemed.
Selecting Judges.
Dr. Franklin thought that Judges
ought to be appointed by lawyers, for,
added tho shrewd man, In Scotland,
whoro this practice provnlls, thoy al
ways select tho ablest member of the
profession In order to get rid of lilm
and sharo his prnctlco among them
selves. Threo of Them.
Dearborn Do you know tho seven
wonders of tho world? Wabash Well,
I know three of them. Dearborn Only
threo? Wnlmtjti Yen; Pvo only got
three sons, you know. Exclmiigo.
Easy Enough.
Dyur I Imvo no troublo keeping
nwuku during the sornion. Uyor low
do you miuiHgu It? Dyor Uy playing i
When irieii Hppk 111 of theo so II vo
that iiobol will l'Mi'u them
A Few Prices
Granulated Sugar, bcotei rn
20 lbs AI.UU
Granulated Sugar, canon aa
18 lbs Jbl.OU
Tomntoes, Standard full
size cans 1 JQ
Corn Standard 7c per ran tr
4 for. 25C
Quaker Oats large pkg.. 2uC
Quaker Oats smnll pkg,, IOC
Soda full sizo pkg , oC
Corn Starch per pkg 0C
Gloss Starch nor pkg jC
Corn Starch Kingsfords per n
S oC
Silvor Gloss Starch por pkg OC
Yoast Foam 4o pkg 8 f or. . 1 (JC
Chocolate Runkels por enko tc
18c2for JDC
Lewis Lyo per can oC
Eagle Lyo per can oC
American Lye per can oC
Fcls Naptha Soap per enko. oC
At the present time the wholesalo sugar market has gono to pieces
and we are giving you the benefit of it.
Wilcox Department Store,
Thursday February 13 Evening
First appearance hero of the popular American dramatic star
Supported by Her Original Cast in the United
Play Company's Cort Theatre Production
, JL ill JU JLj 1l I N K I
Charles Kpnyon's Throbbing Drama of Life, Love and
Laughter. It's the Play and Star You've Read
About in all the Magazines
Prices 50c, 75c,
Motors and
Are You Enjoying the Benefits of tho
Enclosed Gearshift Found Only
On Buick CarSr
At this season of the year when it is necessary
to use robes in a car, most every one can appre
ciate the advantage of having tho gear lever and
brake lever entirely enclosed and out of the way.
By the use of this construction the driver and
passengers can wrap up snugly in the robes and
remain so, while the levers muy be operated at
This very desirable feature is found only in
Buick Cars.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Get the Weekly Halt
of sending your clothes to North Platte quality
laundry. Others have had the habit ever
since we opened which proves wo can satisfy,
and wo can satisfy you. If you are not satis
fied with your present laundry work, be fair to
yourself and send it to.
Aufco Delivery
" i i ii iniii mi in mi nrrrunn innimminij n
on Groceries
Soda Crackers largo boxes l .
perlb ()2C
Oyster Crackers largo r
boxes por lb OC
Cranberries per qt 12C
Shoo Polish Gilt Edgo fn
per bottle ZUC
K. C. Baking Powder 2.) ja
oz can ZUC
Royal Halting Powder 16 iff-
oz can ,. 4 DC
Dr. I'ricos Baking Powder lCn
1G oz can 40C
Kraut per can 1UC
Hominy per can lUC
Pink Salmon per can 1UC
Pears common grade por. 4 rjl
can .' !...' Iis'C
Egg Plums common grade 4 1
por can . 12C
Potatoes 15c peck per rn
bushel ulIC
Horso Shoo Tobacco, per jc.
ib 45c
Spear Head Tobacco por ie
Star Tobacco per lb 4uC
J . T. Tobacco per lb I0C
Mexican Boans per lb. . . . uC
$1.00 and $1.
Carriages at 10:45
Phone 77