The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 07, 1913, Image 3

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LRA L. BARE, Publisher.
Home and -Foreign Intelligence Con
dented Into Two and Four
Line Paragraphs.
Shipping' pool Investigating com
mlttco heard testimony on trano-At-lantlc
linos traffic.
The hearing on tho woolen sched
ule of tho tariff was begun by tho
ways and means committee.
The houso agreed to a further con
ference with tho senate on tho Bur
nett Dll'lngham Immigration bill.
The hill substituting electrocution
for banging ub capital punishment in
the District of Columbia, wns passed.
Representative Mooro, boforo public
buildings committee, urged $1,000,000
appropriation for now custom houso at
Delegate Quezon in a speech denied
reports that Agulnaldo and other Fil
ipino leaders wero Inciting a revolu
tion in tho Philippines,
Congress, adjourned at 4:31 p. m.
until 11 a. 'in., Jim, 28, out of rospect
to tho memory of tho lato Represen
tative Smith of California.
Shipping trust investigating com
mittee continued Its hearing with
President Preston of United States
d'YTTlt company testifying,
Tho Judiciary committee approved
tho Norrls bill, authorizing tho gov
Irrnniont to solzo Imported morchnn
tlso controlled by a trust.
Tho appropriation of $50,000 for
the Pan-American scientific congress
in Washington wns urged before the
foreign nffalrs committee
Tho legislative executlvo and Ju
dicial appropriation bill sent to con
ference with instructions to Insist
Upon tho scnuto amendment extend
ing tho life of tho commorco court
to Juno 30.
Tho sonato has defeated ovory nt
tompt to nmond tho Works slnglo six
yoar presidential torm resolution.
When a roceBS was taken It appeared
certain that a final voto on tho pro
posed constitutional amendment would
result In Its defeat
Modification of tho administrative
provisions of tho tariff law, the free
udmlsslon of medicines and surgical
Instruments for hospitals and scienti
fic nppnrntuu for Institutions of re
search and contlnuauco of froo admis
sion of numerous raw materials aro
being urged beforo tho houso commit
tee on wuys and means.
Tho Missouri Pnclllc Is enforcing Its
nntl-drlnklng rulo on tho Nebraska
After a two days' discussion tho
houso of lords In London, rejected tho
Lnno rule bill 320 to 09.
Flvo moro Indictments wero found
b tho speclul grondJury Investigat
ing New York's "arBon trust."
Every ton days Blnco Now Yoaro a
bank president hus beon sent to Jail
from Brooklyn by Supremo Court Jus
tice Crane.
Members of tho Chicago National
league baseball club will bo put on
their honor not to drink during tho
coming Douson.
Tho epcakerhlp deadlock in tho
lower houso of tho Illinois legtBlaturo
lias boon broken by tho olootlon of
William McKlnloy, domocrat, of Chi
cago, on tho sovonty-Blxth ballot
The International Brotherhood ot
Owls, a fraternal brotherhood estab
lished in Seattle a year ago, was for
ever enjoined by tho federal district
court front using tho namo "owl,"
A Jury waft obtained in tlio trial of
the libel suit in KnnBaH City against
Methodist, Bishop David II. Mooro of
flinclnimtt ami Mrs. flcorgo c. Robin
noa of Dotrolt, brought by Mrs, Carrie
Cope of Topoku.
OOo, hundred men who had volun
teered tq build a tabornucla for a re
vival woro burled In piles ot brokon
limbers t Eldorado, Kan., -when tho
rooT collapsed. Fifteen werp Injured,
three probably fatally.
"If you abuse peoplo ovor tho tele
phone, you nro Just as guilty of dis
orderly epp'duct afi you would bo if
you talked to thorn face to face," was
tho ruling uiudo "by Municipal Judgo
Sab&th of Chicago.
Tho Lincoln baseball olub ot tho
Western lenguo will havo Its spring
training in Toxub and Oklahoma was
the announcement ntado recently i by
President Jones. Members of tho
team will bo culled to moot In Lincoln
on March '15.
A letter was Introduced Into tho
, trial of officials of' tho National Cash
Resistor company showing that all
district managers ot tho company
bad been Instructed to caution now
salesmen against Inducing buyers of
opposite machine's to break tbelr qon
tracts. A kick on tho head by n mulo waB
-worth $3,800 to John Allen, a fanner
Jiving near Enid, Okla. Immediately
alter Allen was operated on for a
fracture Qf tho slcull, which tho mulo'a
kick had Inflicted, lib romemborod
yih&fi he had burled that amuuntof
Money In tho financial panic of 1907.
Tho flood situation Is considerably
Improved at Memphis.
Denver hair 235 small farms within
tho city limits, valued at $3,406,332.
Milwaukee's 1913 city budget calls
for expenditures aggregating $7,
00,000. - l ft
Tho Bupreine court wllSJtnko Its us
ual Easter recess front KFebruary 3
to 24. m '
Up to the prosent tlmo 404 students
havo roglBtored at tho State Universi
ty at Lincoln.
President Taft nominated Preston
A. Worthlnglon to be receiver of pub
lic moneys at Burns, Ore.
San Francisco's new garbage In
clncrnllon plant Ib to go Into oper
ation In March. Cost $132,075.
Attorney General Wlckorsham has
Issued an order barring all visitors
from tho fed oral prison at Leavon
worth, Kan.
President Tnft, "in recognition of
Ills notable effort In behalf of uni
versal peace," will bo presented with
a gold medal ut a oace testimonial
and dinner to bo given Jn Now York.
Twolve hundred pupils have been
taken out of tho public schools of
Borkoloy, Cal., because of an order
Issued Jointly by the boards of educa
tion -nnd health, ordering wholesale
Two clovor swindlers havo reaped
a harvost ol! $1,475 In tho - past few
days In Omaha through tho old
Bf4ierao of getting farmer? to back
them in dollar matching with an al
leged wealthy "friend."
Qrihncll, la., women, in a "special
election, voted overwholmln.tly for
woman suffrage Women, to" tho nuin
bor of 738 visited tho polls and of this
numbor C63 wero In favor of suffrage
.and Boventy-llvo wero not.
A bandit, disguised by a handker
chief tied ovor tho lower part of his
face, ro6bcd tbo eafo of nn express
car In Chicago and escaped with a
bag of currency, thought to contain
several thousand dollars.
Whllo playing that thoy wero Indi
ans nt their homo at, Kans.,
Neal Eck, twolvo years old, was shot
and Instantly killed by his brother
Clydo, nlno years old, Tho boys woro
playing with a 22-callbro rlflo.
Tho Eighth International Dry-Farming
Congress, and tho International
Products Exposition, will open In Tul
sa, Oklatioma, on tho morning of
Wednesday, October 22nd, and close
at midnight Saturday, Novombor 1st,
An unidentified negro, uccunod of
complicity in tho killing of a white
man at tho town or Goldfield last
month, was taken from a doputy
shorlff on a pacsengor train near
Drow, Miss., by a mob and hanged to
a tolograph polo.
Tho workmen's compensation act,
passed by tho United States sonato
and declared by ProBldent Gompers of
tho American Federation of Labor
"tho most Just,and equltablo bill ever
proposed by any country," will be
favorably roportod to tho houso for
final enactment within a fnw days,
By a unanimous voto tho West Vir
ginia legislature ratified tho Income
tax amondmont to tho foderal consti
tution. Govornor Glasscock has an
nounced that ho favors tho measure.
Tho voto of but ouo othor stato Is
needed to make thd amondmont con
stitutional. Charged with failure to removo cat
tle from cars every twenty-eight hours
to water and feed thorn, tho Baltimore
& Ohio railroad, Pennsylvania com
pany and tho Pittsburg, Columbus,
Chicago & St. Louis railways woro
given flnos aggregating $12,500 In tho
United States diBtrict court at Pitts
burg. Tho tinkle of tin cans which had
boon hung on strips to barbed wlro
ontangtoments around tho night camp
of a dotachment of regular troops In
tho Philippines recently provontod a
massarco of tho Amorlcans by tho
tlcrco Morro tribesmen and resultod
in tho complete rout of tho natives,
according to tho War department re
ports. Tho Jury which Is to hear tho ovl
denco In tho second trial of Claronco
S. Darrow, the Chicago lawyer, for
alleged Jury bribery In tho McNn
mara caso has boon completed at Los
AngolciF, As In tho first trial It con
hIbIb of thirteen men, tho odd momboi
sitting as an alternative In Toadlness
to tako tho seat of nny regular Juror
who may become incapacitated.
Prominent Masons In New York,
roprcsontod by Raymond A. Kllno ot
Brooklyn, recently jmld $1,500 for the
old KnlghtB Templar Invitation to
President McKlnloy, which was found
recently In possession of a. pawn
broker, who shortly after refused to
noil It to Dr. Hnnnqnus F. Baor ol
Mount Vernon for $800. Dr. Baor Is
tho ltusband of Mabel McKlnloy, who
was a nleco of President McKlnloy,
tMuch comment has been 'given to
Nebraska's big applo crop of 1912, The
sx countlos of Butler, Gage, Johnson,
Nemaha, Otoo and Richardson pro
duced 3,332,690 bushels of apples, ac
cording to tho flguros roturned by tho
IJurouu of Industrial Statistics; this ir,
equivalent to G.CC5 carloads of apples,
the bulk of which went to eastern
markets. Ono grower sent two car
loads direct to London, England, nt n
fanoy prlco.
Drastic action on tho part of city
and township officials In a territory
covorlng perhaps' COO Bquaro mllos,
with VlllUca, la., as Is central point
Is being taken to prevent the furthor
spread ot hydrophobia, which has
beon caualng considerable havoc
among raon and boaBjtB In that vicinity
for two or throe weeks puat.
President Taft will follow tho old
Inauguration day precodont of riding
from tho White Houso to tho caplto)
and return with bis, successor.
Bill Restricts Presidents of United
States to Only One
, Term.
Washington, D. C A constitutional
amendment which would restrict' tho
president of tho United States to a
single term of six years mid would
bar Woodrow Wilson and Theodore
L Roosovclt and William IL Taft from
again seeking election was approved
by tho senate by a majority of ono
vote. After a light, in
which tho progressives Joined with"
many republicans In opposing thp re
stricted presidential term, the senate
adopted the original Works resolution
by a voto of 47 to 23.
Tho language which it is proposed
to insert in tho constitution In placo
of tho first paragraph ot article 2 Ib
as follows
"Tho executive power Bhall be
vested In a president of tho United
States of Aniorlcq, The term of offlco
of prcsldont Bhall bo six years; and,
no person who has held tho office by
election or discharged Its powers or
duties or acted as president undor tho
constitution and laws mndo In pur
suance thereof shall be eligible to hold
again tho ofDco by election.
"Tho president, togethor with a vice
president, chosen for tho same term,
shall bo elected as follows:"
Bill Goes to Lower House.
Tho resolution proposing tho con
stitutional amendment now goes to
tho houso for lis approval. If ratified
there by u two-thirds voto It will bo
submitted to the legislatures ot tho
states and will become effective when
three-fourths of tho forty-threo Btates
of the union officially havo approved
Tho adoption of tho resolution came
at the close of a three days' fight In
which repeated tttiffuccessfud attempts
wero mado bo to chango It that It
would not affect former presidents, or
the president In office when It may be
ratified. An amendment by Senntor
Hitchcock, that would have exempted
former presidents and mndo tho new
provision tako effect March A, 1917,
was voted down, 42 to 27, nnd an
amendment by Senator Sutherland, to
oxompt tho prcsldont in office when
tho constttutionul nmendmout finally
may be ratified, was defeated 38 to 29.
Tho fate of tho resolution was in
doubt almost to the last veto cast. On
the roll call, Senator Works himself
cast tho deciding voto.
Lincoln's Mayor Is Defendant.
Lincoln, Nob. Action was begun In
tho district court of Lancaster county
uitdor tho Albort law against bight
persons in Lincoln charged with op
erating houses of prostitution, In ad
dition to these, six owners of property
in which tho placos wero run woro
charged with a violation of the same
law. Among tho lattor was Mayor
Armstrong, who owns tho building
operated as tho Graco hotel. It Is ex
pected Uiat action will bo begun
against others said to bo In the name
business. County Attorney Strode
filed tho papers In tho cases.
Sheep Camp Raided; Outfit Destroyed,
Shorldan, Wyo. Some tlmo during
night recently a band of men, said to
bo about a dozen In number, descend
ed on tho shoop camp of G. W. Wals
nor & Sons, near Arvada, twenty miles
from hero, drovo tho herder away at
tho point of a gun, sot tire to the
wagon and outfltand burned It, It Is
reported Uiat a numbor of shoop woro
Anthrax Killing Nebraska Cattle.
Ognlalla, Nob. A fatal outbreak of
what voterlnarlanB Bay Uioy bellovo to
bb an apoplectic form ot anthrax Is
killing cattle by tho cores In western
Nebraska. Andrew Tuckson, a ranch
man living twenty-live mllos north of
hero, has lost firtytwo head of his
hoard of 330.
Taft Signs Monument Bill.
Washington, President Taft signed
tho resolution providing for the erec
tion bore of a memorial to Prcsldont
Lincoln in Potomac park. Tho plan
approved by congress will requlro a
$2,000,000 appropriation which will bo
mode later.
Joint Offices Discontinued. ,
New York. -Chairman Lovett of Uio
U. P. oxocutivo committee has Usued
a statement announcing discontinu
ance ot all tralllc department repre
sentatives Joint with Southern Pacific.
Sioux City Has Big Fire.
Sioux City, Iowa. Klro destroyed
Uio plant of tho T. G. Northwall com
pany, automobllo nud implomont deal
ore, with a loss of $70,000. Firemen
had a hard tight to contluo tho flames
to tho Northwall bulldlug, but dually
Students to Escort Wilson.
Now York. Woodrow Wilson ac
cepted tho offer ot tho students ot
Princeton university to escort him
from his home In Princeton to tho
White House on Inauguration lay.
-.! v ' f; ",J r
Goo. W. Brown, a pioneer of Albion,
died recently.
Union revival meetings aro bolng
hold at McCook.
The spring torm of District court Is
In.-cession In Boone county.
Rov. n. A. White, .pastor of the
First Lutheran church of York, has
Norman Talmcr, aged 8 years,
grasped a live wire at Meadow Grove,
and In consequence will die.
Michael Donovan, a pioneer Ne
brnskan of Omaha, Is dead at the age
of 75 at his homo In Victor, Colo.
Tho homo of Albert Snyder, west of
Garrison, in quarantined, as ono of his
children has scarlet fovor.
There Is u great Bhortago of freight
.cars, Omaha roads alone being In
nood of 500 additional cars.
Tho Rushvllle town board and sev
eral cltlzcnu were In Gordon recently
to Inspect tho air lift water system of
that place.
A primary has been called to bo
hold at Edgar February 8 .for tho pur
pose of electing a poslmastor for
that town.
( More than 1,000 lumbor dealers
from Iowa and Nobraska attended Uio
annual convention, which was held in
Omaha recently.
Elaborate decorations aro being
mado for tbo Omaha Automobllo
Show, which will-! be bold the last
week In February.
Tho board of trustees of tho
Christian church --at - Kearney havo
Hxed tho dato of dedication of their
new sanctuary for 'March 9.
1'red Steel, found guilty of passing
worthless checks In Worth Platte, was
given a sentence of from ono to 20
years In tho penitentiary.
Tho Sunday school conference of
tho Congregational church of tho Beat
rlco district was held recently ut tho
Congregational church of that city.
There is an ordlnanco pending be
foro the city council of Fremont, tho
object of which will be to prevent tho
showing of moving pictures on Sun
day. Gov. Morohead has announced that
ho will not appoint tho board of con
trol until after tho legislature has
passed a bill under which tho board
will operate.
Tho Kearney Baseball association
announces that enough money has
beon subscribed to Insure a baseball
team in Kearney during the coming
Ono hundred and fifty railroad men
of Fremont and vicinity assembled
to hear an address by J. W. Scott of
Kansas City on "Tho Handling of Ex
plosives." Dean E. L. Rouse of Poru will de
liver tho commencement address, for
tho class of 1913 of tho Shubert
schools. Six students compose this
yoar's clasB.
James Walling of Hastings has
beon appointed a member of tho staff
of Commandcr-ln'-Chlef Alfred B.
Beers of tho national Grand Army of
tho Republic.
As tho result of an orror being
found in tho bonds for $1G,000 for tho
construction of tho bridge over tho
Platto river north of Sutherland, tho
bonds havo been burned.
Frank Black, said to bo tho last
member of tho gang of bank robbers,
who mado their rendezvous in tho vi
cinity of Wymoro has boon arrested
at Muskogee, Okla.
Complaint is made at Arlington that
parties aro in the habit of shooting at
signboard that havo beon placed at
road crossings, and that somo of theso
Blgns havo boon entirely destroyed.
G. M. Demmlng of Fairmont, Neb.,
was awarded Uio grand champion
wheat sweepstakes and tho national
Bweopstakos for hard wheat at Uie
Nation Corn Exposition In Columbia,
S. C.
Mrs. Bomls, an omployo of a cream
cry company at Crete, wa3 killed
when Clements Zldhoff, a farmer liv
ing near Creto, atruk her with his
automobllo and knocked her down,
fracturing her skull.
Contractors havo commenced tear
ing down tho old Dawson county
court house.
Albort Sausman, tho CorUand post
master who recontly pleaded guilty be
fore Judgo MUngor for violating the
Unlled States postal laws, has been
taken to the Adams county Jail to be
gin serving his sentence of six
Many farmers near Howo aro ex
pressing fears for tho Bafety of tho
wheat crop. Tho mild weathor Is not
considered tho best for fall wheat, and
with but lltllo enow tho ground Is not
In condition to protect tho young
Tho pay roll at thojjavls quarry at
Blue Springs amounted to $19,933.07
tor the yoar 1912, as against $11,236.40
for the yoar 1911. Tho number of
carloads shipped for tho year 1912
was 827 as against 619 for tho year
' Tho Fromont ,scho61 board recently
qrdorcd tho work on tho new high
achool building discontinued unUl
spring. The uncertainties of woathor
Conditions havo made It ImpoBslblo to
make oven fair progroes In tho win"
tor building campaign.
Tho Dcuglas county commissioners
at a recent meeting adopted a tax
levy of $136,230 for running tho
county govemmont tho coining year.
This Is $11,000 less than Ute appro
priation of n year ago, nnd it boars no
fund to pay off the bonded indebted
ness. Robort A. Billtngsley, a young farm
er, living nbout flvo mllos northoast of
Lexington, wus Instantly killed as ho
wns holplng his brother-in-law, Mr.
Farley, fell some largo Cottonwood
trees'on Mr,. Farley's farm. He was
caught undor a falling tree and
crushed to death.
The Bill Is An Exact Duplication of
Bill Pa-sed by the New Jersey
Representative Foster ot Douglas
county Introduced a bill In Uie lower
house, providing that stato officers
shall bo carried free by Uio railroads
in Nebraska.
If passed, this would Include the
elective state officials, tho adjutant
general, clerk of tho supreme court
and officers and members of tho leg
islature. The stato officers would only ride
free when on Btato business, but the
legislators, according to this bill,
would ride free at all times.
Representative Foster declares that
this is an exact dup'lcate of the bill
passed by tho New Jersey legislature,
and signed by Governor Wilson last
year. He also says that Governor
Morohead favors It.
McKlssick Introduced a bill appro
prlaUug $15,000 for a Nebraska ex
hibit .at tho Panama-San Francisco ex.
position, and authorizing a state com
mission of three appointed by the
governor to manage same.
Sugarman intioduced a nonpartisan
Judicial election bill.
Other bills of Interest Included that
ot Burkelt, giving tho state railway
commission tho power to regulate the
sorvlce of street railway companies,
and that of Smith of Douglas, empow
ering the commission to fix rates for
electric light power companies.
Tho minority report of the work
ingmen's compensation commission,
providing an elective system ot com
pensation and a stato mutual employ
ers' liability association, was intro
duced in the houso by Bollen and in
the senate by Ollls, Brott, Haslk and
Ayers proposed to let any county em
ploy a county demonstrator of agri
cultural methods If 5 per cent of the
frooholders request It, he to work
under the direction of tho stato agrl.
cultural college. '
To Investigate Institutions.
Apart from tho action of the house
In providing for a legislative iuvestl
gaUon of tho affairs of state instltu
Uons for the past ten" years, tho sen
ate will be given an opportunity to
oxprcss itself ulong tho same lines. A
resolution introduced by Pilacek ot
Saunders provides for such an Investi
gation of four years of tho Manuel ad
ministration of the boys Industrial
school at Kearney. -
Immediate uctiou was not taken on
the resolution, tho protest of Cordeal
of Red Willow being sufficient to lay
Uio matter ovor one day under the
sonato rules. A promised deficit of
close to $30,000 at tho school furnish
es Uie supporters ot the resolution
with sufficient reasons for Its adop.
tlon by tho senate. It Is likely that
former Land Commissioner Ctfwles of
Falrbury, whose rows with Superin
tendent Manuol during tho past two
years havo been many and Varied, will
bo caiMed In toglvc testimony If the
senate decides to approve Uie Placek
Busheo's bill relating to the false
advortlslng'of real ostato offered an
excuse for several senators to give
their ideas on the printers' Ink game
and the real estate business as well.
It was finally agreed to by tho mem
bors, but a somewhat "drastic amend
ment providlug that all real esato men
should Jnspect all Nebraska Jand
listed with them for sale before they
endeavored to dispose of It to their
clients was voted down.
Bills Passed by Senate.
Bills read tho third time beforo the
senate and which were passed unani
mously by that body:
Senate File No. 110, by Hoagland of
Lincoln Requires Irrigation compan
ies to report amounts to bo Irrigatod
each year direct to stato engineer, in
stead of to superintendents of water
divisions. Also makes moro stringent
tho penalty for not complying with
tho law.
Sennte FJlo No. 105, by Kemp ot
Nauco Makes smuggling of dope or
firearms Into the sate penitentiary, or
any jatl of Uie Btato a felony and pro
vides punishment therefor.
Sonato File No. 86, by Recodifica
tion CommlesIonv-Autl-sodomy law,
Sonato File No. 01, by Graco of Har
lan Provides that railroad, irrigation
and canal companies shall 'maintain
passageways ovor their tractB and
Senate File No. 102, by Hoagland of
Iancaster Provides for extermina
tion of pralrlo dogs.
State Treasurer Fiscal Agent.
A bill to mako the stato treasurer
the fiscal agent ot tho stato and to do
away with tho rather expensive habit
of having a financial Arm In New York
City net In that capacity waB coneld
erod briefly and received tho approval
of the senators. The measuro Is
backed by Stato Treasurer George and
other interested parties and will not
only prevent commissions and Interest
money from going out of the state,
but will keep Uio money In tbo state's
strong box, where,, it can-bo used to
good advantage.
Dy Vote of Ten to Twenty-Two Meas
ure to Prevent Sunday Baseball i
Is Defeated. I
The senate wont on record In favor
of Sunday baseball. By a voto of ten
to twenty-two It defeated an amend
ment Intended to leave tho matter ot
playing baseball on Sunday to city,
village and county officers. The bill
under consideration was S. F. 28, by
Bartllng of Otoe county. Tbo bill la
In the snme form as the ono that
passed both houses two yeans ago
and was vetoed by Govornor Aldrlcb.
Hoagland of Lincoln county, chair
man of tho judiciary commlttoo that
plnced tho bill on tho general file,
moved to amend Uie bill by provid
ing that Sunday baseball shall be
prohibited In this state except In
cities, villages or counties whore Uio
officials authorize It to Do pinyeu. iie
supported hjs amendment In an ex
tended speech In which ho said tho
Bartllng bl'l contains a joker. Ho
said it confer no power upon officers '
to regulato or prohibit tho game,
and in fact forces Sunday baseball
upon every city, village and county
In tho state.
Placek of Saunders defonded the
bill and emphatically denied tho
statement of Hoagland. Ho said that
tinder the Bartllng bill city and vil
lage boards and county boards can.
prohibit the game within their re
spective Jurisdictions.
Tho Bartllng bill amends Uio pres
ent law prohibiting common labor on
Sunday or rioting, quarreling, hunt--Ing,
fishing or shooting, but leaves
out all reference to sporting and
adds to the present law tho follow
ing: "Provided, further that nothing
herein shall be construed to prevent
or prohibit the playing of lawn ten
nis, golf or baseball between tho
hours of 1 and 6 p. m. on the first
day of the week, commonly coiled
Sunday. Provided, however, that
nothing herein contained shall bo
construed as preventing any village,
town or city from controlling, regu
lating or prohibiting the playing ot
baseball within Its corporate, HmltB,
or from preventing county boards
from controlling, regulating or pro
hibiting the playing of baseball out
side of tho corporate limits of towns,,
vt'lages or cities."
Proposed Workmen's Compensation.
A minority report .of tho Nebraskx
workmen's compensation commission
went into the legislature to be Intro
duced at the same time in both
houses. It is signed by A. L. Weath
erly, Lincoln; A. C. Weitzol, Omaha,
and I. D. Evans, Kenesaw, minority
members of tho. commission. For
somo days, It is stated, they havo
boen going over tho compensation
laws of various states, notably New
York, Pennsylvania- and Michigan,
and this bill is basedlargely upon
these. It makes It elective whellier
employer and employe In any factory
or industry shall choose to go under
the provisions of Uiis'act or remain
under the old law.
Fifty per cent of tho wage Is to
bo paid in case of accident to a work
man for total disability for tho flret
300 weeks, and 40 per cent after thaL
Compensation for injury whllo tent
porarily disablod Is based upon cal
culations. In case of death from accident tho
Injured workman's dependents get a
maximum compensation of 50 per
cent of the wage, or not to oxcoed
$10 and not less than $5, and If re
ceiving when he was working less
than $5, get full pay. This compen
sation runs for 300 weeks.
Theso compensations, It Is stated,
aro as good as those under present
methods. Thereforo, it Is argued, it
is to tho advantage of omployer and
employo to elect to go undor this bill,
tho money paid out and received bo
lng tho same In either case, but un
der Uio act there Is no waste of tlmo
or money in litigation.
Recommended to Pass.
In committeo of the wholo tho house
recommended for passago the follow
ing: Houso Roll No. 27, by Simon ot
Douglas Permitting Omaha to pen
sion widows of po'ice ofllcors from tho
city funds of not lecB than $20 per
House Roll No. 14, by Fries of How
ard Providlug for tho marking ot
county roads on boUi boundaries nnd
for monuments ot concrete, iron or
stone on survey points. '
Houso Roll No. i, by-Fries of How
ardMaking it unlawful for any poi
son to establish corners In Imitation
of corners established by tho United
States government
Houso Roll No, 84, by Anderson bf
Kearney Allowing farm mutual in
surance companies tq Insure farm im
plements, vehicles and tools.
Three-Fourth Jury Verdict.
Houso Roll No. 46. by Bc.len ot
Knox For a constitutional amend
ment pormltUng a verdict by flvc
sixths of a jury In all civil cases and
In crlmlnul cases, or felonies.
Would Repeal Prairie Dog Law.
Smith of Seward inducod the sen
ato to strike a blow at a homo In
dustry. In committee of the wholo
his bill, S. F. 102. to reneaL llm Inw
kor the destruction of prairie dogs.
was recommended for passage. An
omergency clauao was also attached.
Smith said he desired to kill tho in
dustry of getting money from, land
owners for tho killing of prairie dogs
when llttlo "evidence hnd boon pro
duced to show that the litUe dog
bad really been killed.
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