The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 07, 1913, Image 2

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    HliKifctl Utkif
vkiWtM Wvibxmt
No. 4
p4 $4' 'V'C
Local and Personal
Dr. D. E. Morrill is figuring on eroc
tinpca now home this year on his corner
lot on wesfc Fourth street, which by tho
wny is one of tho most sightly locations
in the wholo town.
F. J. Diener and company is the
name of a new firm that will transact
h general real esttto business with an
office in the McDonald block at tho
corner of Dewoy and Front.
E. R. Goodman and family pxpect to
tike possesion of their new residence
on west Fourth next week. Tho interior
Work has been about completed; tho ex
terior will be finished in the spring.
The Rincker Book and Drug Co., dis
trict agent for The Ladies Home Jour
nal, Saturday Evening Post and Country
) Gentlemen. Please call for the latest
Good Dressing magazine and Ladies'
Pashion Bheot free.
Harry Lamplugh has a rather unique
advertisement on Front street in the
shape of an immense block of ice in
which is frozen an evergreen wreath
and the lettters "Lamplugh'a Spring
Water Ice."
Miss Fonton, late of Fort Dodge,
Iowa, arrived Wednesday and yesterday
began teaching the eighth grade in the
Second ward school. Miss Brittain
who had been temporarily filling that
position, was given the sixth and
seventh grades.
Contractor Surber has received tho
contract to put in a new front on the
Dickey ice cream parlors. The material
used will be the latest in design and
add greatly to the appearance of this
building. Tho front entrance will bo
taken out and large displaj windows
substituted and a new corner entrance
will be erected from Dewey and Fifth
Tho Sunday baseball bill, introduced
bv Bartling of Otoe, passed the senate
"Wednesday by a vote of 24 to 8. The
bill was passed with the emergency
clause, which required 22 votes for
passage. Senator Hoagland of Lincoln
county explained his vote, saying that
he opposed the bill because it forced
Sunday baseball upon communities
which did not want it. inasmucn as
the sonate refused to amend the bill
to permit local option in the matter
ho could not support it.
Two young sows Chester Whites
on tho tarm of W. P. Rhoadarmor, in
Grant precinct, recently gave birth to
twenty-nine nice little .piggies. The
mothers were confined in tho same pen
and their farrowing took place the same
night, so that Mr. Rhoadarmer is unable
to tell the proper number to accredit to
each mother. But when he looked in
tho pen ho found twenty-nine, and thoy
are at this writing all alive and doing
fine. At this rate of progression it
would take but a short time for a far
mer to havo a herd as large as he de
sired. And it would be going somo, too,
with hogs bringing about seven cents a
pound liye weight. Lexington Pioneer.
If a burglar' gots into your houso and you havo
monoy oonooaled thovo, tlio burglar will got your
monoy. Thatisa burglar's business. Thoburglar
will lenow you lmvo tho monoy boloro ho goos
into your houso; that is tho burglar's business.
OUJZ business is to JJtOTJ5CT your monoy. If it
is in our bnnlc, it -will bo SA7?i3 l'rom burglar's,
from riro and your own oxtrnvaganoo; you can
not land itspontl it or lose it so oaslly.
Uo YOUJt banking with
The First National Bank,
Tho Lni'gost linnlc in "Wostorn Nebraska.
Wanted Girl for general housework.
Mrs. H. M. Grimes. , 4-3
Dr. A. J. Ames left a short time ago
for Grand Islnnd to spend a fortnignt.
The Lutheran Brotherhood will meet
at the Parish honse this evening.
Mrs. Mnry Dunn who has been visit
ingin Omaha and Grand Island with
he" sisters is expected to roturn tomor
row ovening.
Sheriff Salisbury left yesterday morn
ing for Lincoln with Frank Steolc. The
latter will begin his sentence in tho
state penitentiary. '
Weather: fair tonight and Wednes
day, not much change in temperature.
Highest temperature yesterday 22, a
year ago 42; lowest last night -4 a
year ago 19.
What might have been a serious fire
occurred at tho Beyerly residence yester
day. One of the children thinking to
assist in dusting used a dry cloth tO"rub
off the kitchen range and not noticing
that the cloth had caught fire threw it
Into n closet. The smoko under tho
door attracted the attention of tho
housekeeper who with the assisstances
of the neighbors succeeded in extin
guishing the flames before any great
damago resulted.
An elaborate function was held last
evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs.
Roland Malmstein when the 20th Cen
tury Club entertained their husbands at
their annual dinner. Tho table decora
tions wero beautiful and the sumptuous
meal was given justice by the.guests.
The following toasts were given Our
Guests, Mrs. Ralph Garman, Our Host
esses, Dr. Kerr; Our Club, Mrs. R. J.
Malmstein; Possibilities of 1913, M. E.
Crosby. The latter part of the even
ing was devoted to musical selections
those especially worthly of mention
were rendered by H. T. Troup, Mrs.
Troup and Mrs. Garman. Assisting in
serving were tho Misses Margaret
Waugh and Myrtle Richards.
The musicale given Tuesday after
noon by Mrs. W. F. Crook proved a
very protty function, and was very en
joyable to tho half hundred or moro
ladies. present. Tho decorations were
I . ... n. .... .1 .1 1 1.-'
in vioiei oncer, mis scnemc oeing cur
ried out in tho place cards, tables, cos
tumes worn by the four girls who as
sisted in the service and in tho refresh
ments. The musical program was very
creditably rendered and proved very
inter "1- The, numbers wero as fol
lows: Instrument duet, Janet McDon
ald and Nanino Iddings; vocal solos,
Mrs. Hamilton, ISIrs. Gaither, Mrs.
Beck, Irma Huffman; piano selection,
Miss Ottenstein, reading, Irma Huff
man. To Investors.
We are prepared to loan your money
on real estate first mortgage so as to
net your eight per cent. Money if
loaned is exempt from taxes. Come on
and let us talk it over.
Buchanan & Patterson.
New School Rule
At a meeting of tho board of educa
tion Monday," Fobrunry 3, 1913, the fol
lowing motionjwas made, seconded and
carried and becomes ono of the rules
of tho city schools:
'.'Whore two or moro pupils of the
city schools nro absent from school by
agreement among or between them
selves, with or without tho permission
of tho parents, for the purposo of recre
ation or amusement or for any other
purposo which the school cannot excuso
the superintendent of schools is directed
to suspend such pupils for tho re
mainder of tho sometter, subject only
to the approval of the prosidont of tho
board, such suspension to bo reported
to tho parent of those susponded.and to
the president of tho board within" 24
Railroad Notes.
The orders placed for new railroad
cars last woek aggregated 2,800, making
the total for January 34,864. Tho num
of locomotives ordered during January
was 760.
Tho ' pllo driver on tho now round
house grounds fell yesterday and struck
J. B. West ono of the work man,
bruishing his right sido and badly cutt
ing his right ear.
Charley Bogue, of tho B. of R. T.,
and Roy Bunnell, of the B. of L. F. and
E., havo been spending tho past few
days in Lincoln in interests of railroad
employes' measures now boforo the
The Hershey Times suggests that the
North Platte Chamberof Commerce use
its influence in having Hershey made
a flag stop for train No. 11. The Time"
says such an arrangement would bo a
great convenience for Hershey.
"Booster Bob" Douglas, who has
been sojourning in Lincoln this week
and mingling with tho law-makers,
gained a little more publicity yesterday
when the State Journal printed his
photograph and gave him addftional
Senate file No. 44, introduced in the
Nebraska legislature by Senator Cordeal
of Red Willow, requires that railroads
provide engines in servlco with hend
lights sufficiently strong to outline the
figure of a mnn 800 foot distant. Head
light bills have been introduced in legis
latures of a number of states this
winter and legislation along this line
may become common in the central
Married in Omaha.
Otto H. Thoolecke and Miss Etta
Clark, both of this city, wero quietly,
married at the Thoolecke home in
Omaha last ovening. Only relatives
were present to witness tho ceremony.
Mr. and Mra. Thoelecko will return
to this city in a few days and begin
housekeeping in tho former McGowan
house on east 5th streut.
The bride was born and raised in this
city, educated in tho local schools and
has held several responsible positions
in this city. Fdr a number of years
sho was manager of tho local telophono
office and is familiar with every dopart
ment of this work. Later sho assissted
in the offico of tho district court and of
late was in charge of the telephono
offico in Chadron. Her business ability
and cheerful manner won many friends.
There are fow men more widely
or favorably known in Lincoln county
than Mr. Thoelecko. In connection with
a flourishing real estate business he
has creditably filled sevoral county
offices and gives the public his best
efforts. He now holds tho position of
highway commissioner and has gained
much in the way of good roads for
tho country residents. His friends nro
counted in large numbers and it is the
wish of all that happiness comes to him
in larga quantities.
Attorney J. G. Dealer will move Into
his new offico in the I. O. O. F. build
ing Monday.
' Needod Cranking Up.
Rose You had to glvo Clarence a
hint boforo he'd propose, eh?
Lily Y-.vo.s; lie didn't seem to be
"quipped with n olf starter. Chicago
Those days nro lost In which wo do
not jniod, thoso worse tlinn lost In
which wo do evil.
Farm For Sale.
The northenst quarter (nej) section
twenty-four (24) township thirteen (18)
range thirty (30) about sevon miles
outheast of North Platte on south bide
of Platte river, all smooth land near
nills, good buildings, fifteen acres in
alfalfa, ono of best farms in Platte
valloy. Prico $10,000,00. Terms, half
:nsh, balance on easy time at 7 per
cent interest. Address Joseph Hershey
North Platte, Neb.
Get Ready for Your
The Leader is receiving spring goods daily, and quote the following
prices for our daily selling. See if you can beat them: .
Hope Muslins
at per yard
9-4 Peperell Bleached sheeting
at pqr yard
8-4 Peperell Bleached sheeting
at per yard
7-4 Peperell Bleached sheeting1
at per yard
36-inqh 15c Percals, at per
French Ginghams, double
'fold 15c quality best made
Amoskeag Ginghams, none
better . . , : . .
Best Prints, spring shades,
per yard
All these goods guaranteed to be fast
We have the exclusive agency for the Skinner's 36-inch Satin, the best
made in the Vorld, at $1.25 per yard.
With all the above shades of dress goods we have . just received trimmings
and all-over to match. We are showing the most beautiful line of flouncing and
em- broidery ever seen here.
20 per cent discount on all Muslin Underwear.
In our ready-to-wear department we are now showing a large spring
line of Ladies' Dresses, Skirts and Shirt Vaists.
Yours for Great Values,
We prepay parcel
Local and Personal.
The Wilcox Department Storo will
open the spring lino of Ladies Suits
W, P. Snyder went to Paxton this
morning to spond a couple of days on
Miss Mario Cunningham, of Paxton,
who visited at the Hoxia homo this
wek, has returned home.
Christian Scienco Society Sunday
11:00 u. m. Subject "Spirit." Sunday
school 12:00 in. K. P. Hall, Dewy St.
Harry Callonder, of McPherson
county, was in tho city yesterday and
while hero purchased a half interest in
the Johnson cash storo.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Dixon which was born to them
last week, died yesterday afternoon.
Intendment will bo made in tho North
Platte cemetery.
To -Night
and Saturday.
Pathe's Weekly.
Conntry Boy.
Tne Fire Cop.
Trick Bicycle Riding.
10e and 15c
The new shades for spring, ,1913, 40
inch all wool whip cords and serges,
big variety, sold evey where up to $1.50
per y id our dailyv selling tf 4 AA
price peryard $ J
A big line of
worth up to
selling price
All wool Batistes and serges CA
in all qualities, our daily selling 9Ui
The best quality, 27-inch Messalines,
worth up to $1.25 ayard, PJGn
our daily selling price iOC
Charmeuse Silks, in all shades 40
inches, sold all over at 2 50, per yard,
our every day selling price tf 4 P
peryard M I 0
36-in Black Taffeta Silk, worth up to
$1.50 our daily selling price tf t AA
per yard J 1 0Jj)
PIZER, Proprietor.
postage on all goods purchased in our store.
measuring Party.
The Christian Endeavor Socioty of
tho Presbyterian church will give a(
measuring party at tho manso on Tues-,
day evoning, Feb. 11, at 7:30.
This measuring party wo give to you
'TIs something novel, 'Tis something
Meaauro your height on the" door or
the wall.
Bring two cents for each foot whothor
little or tall.
Ono-extra penny per Inch you may
If by foet and by inches you are trying
to live,
So you had better be wIbo and come
And we'll give you your weight to u
fraction of a pound.
Th church gets tho money, tho En
deavors work nil day,
And you get refreshments without
extra pay;
Everybody to this party is cordially
Lot no ono feci himself left out or
A Full Size 50c Box of
Make-Man Tonic Tablets
Are you weak nnd nervous? Do
you suffer from backaches, rheumatism,
or kidney trouble? Aro your stomach nnd di
gestive organs constantly getting out of wlinck,
co tliat you can't enjoy your meals any more?
Are you losing weight? Do you sleep poorly? Is
your body wealc and crying for something that Is
lacking? what you most likely need Is more rich,
pure blood coursing through your veins, giving
life and vigor to your entire system. Your body Is
famished, Vour entire oystcm IscryJng fornour
Ishment. What you need Is atonic, n fiealth-glv
ing. nure-blood-making tonic Mahi-ManTonle
Tablet, thoy help moke men nnd women
strong: they g(ve new lite, new strength, to Im
poverished, run-down, over-worked nervous sys
tems. In order Mint you and every one who does
not know these wonderful health-giving, life
saving tablets, we make thlsunusualoiTenBlmply
cut out coupon, (ill In your name nnd uddresn
send no money Juit tho coupon, and you will
receive absolutely free, our regular 50 cent box of
MahfMan Tonic Tablet,, Remember, send no
money, there is no string tied to this offer, all
that we ask Is that you try this JO-ccnt box.
Sold and recommended in North Platte by Schiller & Co., Familly
Druggist, first door north of First National Bank.
novelty dress patterns,
fci.50, our daily
per yard
Baptist Notes.
Itey. Dr. Ebcrsolo loft this morning
for Omaha. His work was of the
highest typo of Chiiatlan servlco. Many
people began n now carreer of char
acter building and soul culture.
Next Sunday tho regular cervices
will occur In tho now building. Bible
echool nt 10 a. in. preaching at 11
o'clock and 7:30 p. in. Four or fivo
persons will bo baptized during tho
ovening service.
B. Y. P. AV. will convenq for it de
votional meeting at 7:30 p. m. , ,,
Tho Block Ladies' Tailoring company
of Now York will open a' branch1 storo
in tho near future in tho room now
occupied by the Platto Valley bank.
Dr. Marie Amos expects to lonvo tho
latter part of next week for Omaha to
spend a few dnys.
Mrs. Glen Fergerson roturnod this
morning from a short visit with rela
tives in Paxton.
Naw Tub Silks for Ladios Shirts at
Wilcox Dopt. Store.
Take every tablet (as per directions) and wer
knowthatfn n few days you will mnrvel nt the
results. Don't put It oft until to-morrow, cut
out this coupon now, start today on the'road
to health Mahe-Man Tonic TabUtm will jshow
you tho wny. We pre willing nnd nnxlouiUQ
give you n full slzo 50o box free, then judgej
for yourself, whether or not they ran be of help to
you Con you resist so earnest an opptal? Foryour
own sake and thoso who love you, cut out thla
coupon todnv, nt once nnd mall it to us JlfaAe
nfan Tonic Tablet, are sold at all drugstoret)50o
a box on n guarantee or money refunded.
5 OOO MuUk-Miiii llllc. Chicago, III.
J I hsve H6cr wm Make-Man TsMnti before nj d
J wlh to rocelvu, freo, a full-tlzu 00-ccut box J
J Dnnricltt's Nome ....... ...................... .......
S Mgr Narao............................................ J
i)mmmsBmt0mt( .M .nil t, 0Oh family ,mmmmmmmm