The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 04, 1913, Image 2

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    i , . i ri .
IRA L. BARE), Publlshor.
To removo veal from tho hotel
menus was advocated at a recent con
vention of weatorn hotel men In Kan
sau City as ono remedy for tho pres
ent beef shortage in tho United StatoB.
A beef steer 1b but a grownup calf, of
courso. Tho latter, dressed and ready
for tho market, weighs perhaps 80
pounds. 'Permit It to grow to matur
ity, thus becoming beef, and It weighs
700 pounds or mqi;o when dressed. It
Is putting tho enso roughly nnd per
haps Inaccurately, but thero Is sub
litantlal truth In tho statement that
tho slaughter of ovory calf not only
shortens tho vlslblo supply of cattlo
by one, but Is a not loss of morfi than
0C0 pounds of food. Tho loss would
bo tho moro readily ondurcd, perhaps,
were veal a really wholesomo artlclo
of diet It 1b tender and tasteful, to
bo sure, and much sought after by
many, but Indigestible and of little
food value. Thero Is hardly a ques
tion that tho health of tho people
would bo distinctly bettor wero this
meat absolutely banlshod from tho na
tional dietary. Hut tho main con
sideration supporting bucIi a stop la
that a cessation of tho domand for
veal might definitely stlmulato tho
growing of cattlo In overy agricultural
community. Tho farraor, encouraged
to ralso his calves, would provldo him
self with facllitlos to do so, Just as
In tho days before tho cattlo business
was monopolized by tho woBtern
ranchmen, says tho Nownrk NewB.
Tho cattlo raising industry would bo
distributed 'vroughout tho cntlro
The general belief Jhat Friday Is a
day of HI luck had Its origin tn tho 1Ib
jry of Christ, tho crucifixion taking
jiJ'co on that day. Friday, however,
7 many has boon hold to bo a lucky
day, as In Scotland it Is a favorlto
ilay for wcddlngB. Friday has boon
a peculiarly lucky day in tho his-,
tory of America. It was on Friday,
August 3, 1492, that Columbus sot tall,
on his voyago of discovery, and Fri
day, Octohor 12, that ho first sighted
land; Friday, Novombor 22, 1403, that
ho reached Hlspanola on his second
voyaEo; Friday, Juno 13, 1404, that ho
reached tho continent of Amorlca.
8omo other ovonts taking placo on
that day in Amorlca wero tho battlo of
Hunker Hill, Juno 17, 1775; Saratoga
Hurrendored October 17, 1770, and it
was also on Frlduy, Octobor 17, 1776,
that tho motion was inado that tho
United Colonics of Amorlca aro and
ought to bo. free nnd Independent
What attracts mohoy to Now York
I ' BeasonB of general dullness la tho
.act that local banks pay Interest on
deposits by tho out-of-town instltu
tlons, says tho Now York Horald.
Idlo mouey Is accumulated hero In
excess; unwholesome speculation and
manipulation of stocks Is thereby fos
tercd, and when tho crops oro to bo
moved or buslnoss rovlveu and tho
country bankB recall their money from
Now York banks tho latter musttako
It away from tho epoculatorB who aro
using it to "carry" stocks. Thoro
upon enforced liquidation by tho bor
rowers, depression In Wall stroot and
eomotlmcs nanlo. Tho ovll of this uc
cumulation of Idlo money and Its sud-.
don withdrawal has boon denounced
by committeos of tho clearing houso
nft ovory pnnio in tho last CO years,
accompanied with a recommendation
U stop tho payment of Interest on tho
deposits of out-of-town banks.
Tho Chlnoao havo changed tholr cal
endar, to conform with tho Gregorian
arrangement used by tho pooplo of tho
western world, and horoaftor they will
colubrato tho Now Year on thosamo
day as tho Americans. It Is to bo
hoped that they will not adopt tho, cub
torn which hns boon followed by tho
Jargo cltlos during tho past fow years
of spondlng the ovo of tho flrBt day of
tho year In reckless carousing nnd
marking midnight with a din of horns
and bolls and firearms. Tho money
that 1b Bpent In drinking on Noy
Yt-ar'B ovo would bo bettor given to
tho poor, BayB tho Mllwnukeo Wiscon
sin. Chlnnmon who nro wlso will ox
orclso discrimination In copying Amor
lean customs.
The Highest
Director cl Oible Cootie,
Moodjr OiUe Inililulc, CMctgo
It hns boon fully and widely demon
strated In tho past that to bo Bhot Is
n painful and deleterious oxporlenco.
Why then must Europa call out mil
lions of men to contlnuo tho oxpcrl
meat? Does anyone hold out tho
hopo that modern progress has mado
It hurt loas?
Because his wifo has not spoken to
him In olovon years a Now York man
wants a separation. Soma mon aro
hard to suit
That C,000 dog weighing throo and
a quarter pounds probably nover has
tho fun of running down his own
Side whiskers art fashlonablo, but
thoBo who cannot kcow them can got
r comfortable muffler for GO conts.
TEXT-Tcano to do ovll; loam to do
well.-lBa. 1:16-17.
Life's greatest
work is tho build
ing of character.
Our world Is a
college, events aro
teachers, happi
ness Ib tho gradu
ating point, and
charactor Is tho
diploma which Is
given to man.
Character is moro
than learning nnd
Intellect; goodness
outshines genius.
Character Is nor
so much a thing
of intellect an of
disposition, therefore should bo cloth
ed, with goodness.
Tho only abiding thing, tho only
thing that you may take with you Into
tho futuro llfo, Is character. It Is u
mark of wisdom to look into and pre
pare for tho future. Herein Hob tho
difference botween a child and n man,
tho savage and tho civilized, tho rich
and tho poor tho ability to look Into
and plan for the future. Tho power
of tho artlBt lies in his ability to see
seo finished picture Character is tho
best thing you can lcavo behind you,
A good character is tho best tomb
stone. Wo aro remembered by what wo
havo dono. Tho ahsonco of character
Is hopeless, weaknesfl and wickedness.
What Is Character?
Intellectual culture is not necessari
ly character. It Ib often argued that
Intellect and moral development go to
gothor. History, however, disproves
bucIi a Btatomont. If that wero truo
tho peasant, If ifloiiB, oven though ho
hnd no education, would bo a Shakes
pearo or a Milton; then goodness must
accompany scholarship and so overy
scholar would bo a moral man, which
Is not tho cnBo. Intellectual culturo
may bo and often Ib accompanied by
character, but it Ib not identical with
it. Did Intellect savo Solomon from
vice, Bacon from bribery, or Byron
from Immorality? Colorldgo says:
"All tho moro products of tho under
standing tend to death."
Wealth Is not character, although it
is often substituted for It. People
without charactor, but with money,
often nro admitted into respectable
society. Wcnlth In tho hands of weak'
mon is a fearful thing. It la not truo
that monoymaklng has tho tendency
to banish great thoughts and flno feel
ings? Why Is so much Immorality con
nected with wealth?
Reputation In not character. Char
actor Is what a man Ib, reputation Is
what men think him to bo; and ofton
thoso twoMhlngs nro reversed by tho
revelation of tho nowspapers. Char
acter la what n man Is beforo God;
'refutation is what ho is beforo men;
reputation is for time, charactor Is
for eternity. Character is what n
man is when nobody Is looking. A
man's character can no moro be
strengthened by reputation than a
fence by whitewash.
What, then, Is character? The
word slgnlfloB something scored or en
graved, and carrlcB with It un abiding
significance; bo wo may speak of char
acter aB that which sots forth certain
abiding results which hns boon scored
or engraved In thu soul of mnn by the
experiences of llfo. Charactor is tho
stamp on our souls of tho freo choices
of good or evil wo havo been making
continually through llfo. It is that
which engraves Itsolf upon ull wo do
Charactor la what wo nro In tho hid
den recesses and not moroly on the
surface of our lives; it is not really
what men tako ub to be, but what wo
nro boforo God as our judgo. Charac
ter is a truo man, a truo woman, at
tholr best and highest, living out tho
dictates of their highest, host and
tnicat natures.
Tho man of charactor Is truthful
"His armor is his honest thought, and
simple truth his utmost skill." Ik
dooB not profcBs a thing thnt ho does
uot Intend to do; ho does not prom
iso a thing which ho knows Is not In
his power to fulfill, No consideration?
can Justify tho sacrlflco of truth which
ought to bo sovereign in all tho rein
tlons of llfo. A Ho Is nover Justifiable
Some ono has said that other vices
aro vlrtuos compared to lying, yo
how lightly esteemed Ib falsehood. Ly
lng ofttlmca assumes the form of di
plomacy, expediency, moral resorvn
tlon, dodging tho question, twisting
words, and giving wrong lmproBslons.
Charactor la characterized by mod
esty and purity. Tho bloom on a peaoh
Is of tho very first consideration to it?
life nnd perpetuation; and tho lines!
thing about a mon or a woman Ib th
flno bloom on tho mind and tho con
science. This feeling la moro ef
foctunl for our protection than walls
of granlto or gatos of brass. Take
care of tho delicacy of your mind, re
tain tho power to blush, respect the
alarjn and shrinking of the bou! nt the
faintest suspicion of ovll. Lot cynical
peoplo call you greon; thank God fot
that color, and see that you keep It
for It is luflultoly hotter thntutho serf
and yollow loaf of n wasted llfo. Live
bo modestly, so purely, bo resolutely
for your God that your whole moral
naturo shall continue,
"Quick ns tho npplo of an eye.
Tho dlEhtoct touch of Bin to foe!.M
V S. I'" 1
(jT?7 -
Held Up, Whips Eleven! Proof? Black Eyes!
$l ygjfllJ lDOW eleven
NEW YORK. "I can see right now
that it wasn't your fault," Bald
Magistrate Applcton, when Julius HIn
dorks faced him in tho West Bido court
tho other day. "But I am curious to
know Just how you got your faco so
badly disarranged."
Hinderks was Bomowhat mussed up.
Both of his eyes wero supported
from beneath by largo black patches
llko tho map of Great Peconlc bay.
"It was n hold-up," ho said.
"Whero wero you held up7" aBked
tho magistral.
"All over town. I'm sorry I killed
tho big follow; I didn't moan to do It,
and I'll npologlso if that'll help any."
"DIi he kill Borne one, too?" asked
Maglstrnto Apploton. "I don't seo It
In tho affidavit."
"Naw," said Policeman Fitzgerald.
"Ho swung on a guy over in front of
Cuneo's place, but missed him by three,
feet. It took three of us to got him
back on his pins.
"I tell ou It was a hold up'. They
took my money, nnd never gnvo me
a chance."
"How much did they got?"
Hinderks consulted a scrap of pa
per for a few seconds, and replied:
"?48,294.36. I had it In my InBlde pock
ct here."
"Where'd you get it? Wa3 It your
weok'a pay?"
"It was my earnings, for a whole
month. Now It's gone. Judge, how
would you 'llko to loso $48,294.36
"I don't know; I'm not used to It.
What do you do build railroads?"
"I'm n bricklayer," said Hinderks.
"Well, what did you do?"
"I knocked 11 of them down with
my fist, then the last ono hit mo on
tho hend."
"With what?"
"I think it was a steel girder. It
hurt a little, but I'm protty hard. 1
killed tho big one, though. IJjlt him
onco, nnd when 1 hit I nlwayB kill."
"niuderkn," said tho magistrate,
"how long will it take you to get cold
"I don't know; 1 haven't had much
"Well, I'm going to give you six
days over on the Island, so you can
try P.. My advice Ib, don't carry bo
much money around with you on Sab
urday nights."
'-------- " "ii vvv-ivvwvvMVvvuv'Aruvi
Gay Marriage Party Mistaken for Bold Hold-Up
ST. LOUIS. A preacher of n St.
Louis church who was a willing
party In UBslstlng a couple to launch
on tho new of matrimony, enmo near
foundering the ship nnd steering It
on a Bhoal In such a way that would
havo required much tact ani ability to
bring nbout a rescue
Two peoplo camo to him tho other
day and expressed tho deslro to re
eclvo the llfo fiontence. Tho pastor,
very willing, was about to commence
tho ceremony, when, glancing nt tho
license, ho noticed that It had been is
sued in Illinois.
Tho- pastor took pity on tho couplo
and Btralghtwuy thought, of n scheme.
"Como on," ho Bald. "We will tako
tho East St. Loula car, cross tho
brldgo and tho coremony'wlll bo per
formed on tho river banks on tho oth
er side."
So, togther with two sorvants ae
witnesses, tho marriage party boarded
a streetlcar for downtown and trans
ferred on tho ono going across tho
brldgo. Whon they reached tho oaBt
sido of tho river all got off, walked a
fow feet from tho car tracks and made
ready for tho ceremany.
All wont smoothly. Tho brldo hnd
blushlngly replied, "I do" to tho usual
questions, and the bridegroom, too,
had made tho necessary answers.
The pastor with hands upraised waa
about to bestow upon tho fortunate
two his blessing when a returning
street car hove into sight.
The motorman saw a man with his
hands In the air, surrounded by sev
eral other Individuals.
''What do y' know 'bout that," he ex
claimed to the passengors standing on
tho front platform. "Thero's a bunch
holding up n fellow, and there's a
woman In the crowd."
It was a moment for quick action by
tho motorman and passengers. The
motorman was In tho lead. With all
his might he flung himself on the
bridegroom and boro him to tho
ground before the preacher could ex
plain matters.
Peculiar Way in Which Wong Gue Was Trimmed
SAN FRANCISCO. Ways that nro
dark and tricks that nro vain wore
abundantly typified in Chinatown tho
other night in. an episode In which
figured guns, trlbuto money, smug
gled opium and n whito man, who olth
or was hired to poso ns a customs of
ficer, or, bolng ono, nccoptcd a bribo
of $120.
Wong Guo arrived from Fresno nt
nine o'clock nnd went to tho rooma
of K. C. Loo, a wealthy retired Ghl
none merchant.
Wong carried a suit cnBo which ho
said contained opium and asked per
mission to rest a while.
Hardly had ho Boated himself when
n whlto man enteredr-nunouueed that
ho was a customs inspector, ojid ar
rested Wong. Negotiations for his' ro
loaso culminated In tho depnrturo of
tho Inspector with tho suit caso and
Wong immediately accused Leo of
having arranged for the visit of tho
Inspector, whom he took to be an
Impostor, and demanded $500 cash for
his opium. Lee refused, and Wong
left, to roturn shortly with four
frlonds, one of whom dlsplnyed a re
volver. Again tho $G0O was demanded, and
Lee convinced them that ho did not
havo it In tho houso. Tho five es
corted him to tho stores of ono after
another of his friends as he attempt
ed to borrow It.
After they .had walked tho streets
of Chinatown two hours, Leo mus
tered his courage as a policeman ap
proached, and broke away, yelling
valiantly. Three of tho live, Wong
Guo and two othors, were captured by
tho patrolman.
What Ib interesting tho pollco in,
did Lee or Wong nrrango for the con
fiscation of tho opium?
What Is Interesting tho United
Stntea customs otllclals is, waa the
"Inspector a bona fldo ono who ac
cepted a bribe, or nn Impostor amen
ablo to punishment for his lmperaona
.l-ifc ig"-jfMM ijfcinjxi"ijuxi
Court Dignity Limbered
PITTSBURG, Pa. Tho quaoklug of n
duck and tho squawking of sa
chicken completely Umbered the dig
nity nnd shocked tho solemnity of
Criminal court tho other day, whon
tho fowls wero offered as exhibits In
tho caso of John Kownlczyk of Whltak
or, who accused Mlko Lukacn of rob
bing his coops. Kownlczyk had
brought tho fowls In n basket nnd they
remained In tho court room tho groat
or part of tho session. Tho duck
would "quack" froely, especially when
witnesses wero being sworn.
Oucc, when Judgo Marshall Brown
.was beginning with much gravity hla
charge to tho Jury, tho duck reached
out hla long yellow .bill and caught the
nhlnknti hv tlin nnnlf Tim rnnrl mnm
hmmedlately resounded with a series
oi piercing squawica. juiigo Brown
waa seUod with violent coughing; the
jurors covered their fnces, and some
ono back In tho court room exploded
Into a "Ha, Hat"
"Order!, Order!" cried a tipstaff. .
Tho case was trlod In another room
beforo Judgo Thomas D. Cnrnnhan.
by Quacks and Squawks
ft r
L7 . j U i 1 Rfl J
"How do you know It Is your duck?'
Judgo Carnahim asked Kowalczyk.
"Why, because it's white," waB the
"But thoro are lots of whlto ducki
In tho county. Can't you Identify It
bettor thnn that?"
"Well, It's my duck, that's how 1
know," protested Kownlczyk. Ho Iden
tified tho chicken in a similar man
ner., Lukacs admitted having duck3 and
chickens for euIo. but said ho got
thorn in Brldgevlllc Ho resides In
Whltakor. A Jury found him guilty.
Ho was remanded to jail for tho present
v r hbimjlb wrm&
iipi m
JooBE-Vaca 0iscurr (pmpaht' Tod&y
Omaha, Neb.
Please send me FREE my "Surprise Box" of
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Takhoma Biscuit
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Sunshine Biscuits in all styles are making
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"The Quality Biscuits of America"
There's a Free "Surprise Box" of six kinds for you.
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RUSSELL & ERW1N MFG. CO., acknowledged LEADERS
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If you wish to buy or sell any kirjjj of live stock
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They Will Do it Right
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W. N. U., OMAHA, NO 5-1913.
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