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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1913)
si I 'J X li t I State fflilcrtul IttW cv . .. rvj tribune. raw- 4M'VIV TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., FEtfROARY 4, 1013. No. 3 uJtP Matin vassmg i Rfr 1 K tt f) 1 Local and Personal. Mrs. Guy Covor will entertain tlio S. 0. C. Club this afternoon. George Montis was called to McCoqk Saturday by the death of his brother who was killed in a railway accident. Miss Margarot Mottin began work in the Johnson cash store yesterday. Will Carroll of McCook, who visited liia mother Mrs. Boyle and other rela tives for two weeks left yesterday morning. The social which was announced to bo given by tho Jadiesof the B. of L. T. aneE. next Tuesday has been indefin itely postponed. C. A. Morian, of Kearney, came a few days ago to take charge of the Johnson cash store succeeding Charles Johnson. Mrs. John Gutherleas is takingtroat nient at the P. & S. hospital this week for injuries received in a fall last Sun day. Mi3S Beulah Buckley entertained at bridge this forenoon complimentary to the Denver ladies who are- guests at her home. Luncheon was sorved at noon. Mabel Hankins and Forrest Shaneri of Box Elder, were married yesterday afternoon by Justico Sullivan with Mr. and Mrs. Dameron as witnesses. The County Commissioners adjourned Saturday but will meet in session again tomorrow, when they will finish settle ment with County Treasurer Durbin. Tho attraction at the Keith theatre this evening will be "The Miller's Daughter," to be rendered by home talent under tho auspices of the Yeo man lodge. Those who have witnessed tho rehearsals predict a very clever production. Seven room frame house located on E. 5th St. Fully equipped nnd-modern except heat. If you are in want of city property this should interest you. C. F. Temple. Postmaster Davis has received speci fications of the olectric elevator to bo installed in the federal building. The contract will be awarded within the next sixty days and the olevator is to be roady for; service by July 1st. Roy Banks and Miss Cassie Miller left yesterday morning for Omaha -where they will be married today. Af tor a ten day wedding trip, in eastern points they will begin housekeeping in thn Rank's addition where tho crocm i has furnished a home. Both young people have a host of friend who wish them a lifo cf continual happiness. A dispatch from Ogalalla to the Om aha papers says: Andrew Tucksen, a ranchman residing' twcjity-five mileB north of this city, lost fiftytwo head of two-year old steers Wednesday in about three hour3. Veterinarians diag nose the case as an apopletic form of anthrax. Mr. Tucksen had 300 head o"f besides the fifty-two in tho same herd, but the balance are all all healthy. II' a burglar gots into your houso nnd you huvo jnonoy ootiaoulod thoro, tho burglar will got your monoy. That Is a burglar's buslaoss. Tho burglar vill know yon huvo tho monoy boloro ho goos lato your honso; tlfiit is tho burglar's bnslnoss. OUJi bnslnoss is to 1'llOTllCT your monoy. IT it is In out bank, it will bo SA?5 from burglars, From tiro nnd your own oxtravaganoo; yott onn not land It spaad It or loso it ho onslly. Do YOUli banking with The First National Bank, o if ato Ji Tii t & A T;rn, atk niz a s ica . Tho L,argost Hank In "Wostorn Nebraska. Mrs. Walter Crook will entertain sixty three ladies at a musical this aftornoon. Tho Luthoran aid society mooting an nounced for this Weok has boon indefi nitely postponed. Mrs. J. J. Hnlliganontertainoda few friends yostorday afternoon in favor of -jMosUames Froley nnd Headatrom of Denvor. J. G. Ferguson, nt one timo local sta tion ' agent, has been reappointed general agent for the Union Pacific at Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Droibus, of Grand Island, Who wore guests of tho former's mother Mrs. Addio Hall left Sunday ovening. Alcxiindor Morris, of Sutherland and Josephine ElKluiid of llor&hey were granted a marringe license yostorday aftornoon, 0. E. Elder received a liberal supply ofsoeds from Washington this morning which ho will distribute free to those who call at his office. Judging by weather conditions this morning that little cuss of a groundhog showed sound judgment where ho crawled back into his hole Sunday. Bert H. Hofiinc who has beon" Avork ing on 11 now city directory which will bo published in the near future left today foi Denver to spend several days with his family. Deputy Tom Watts returned last evening from Grand Island with Claude Hendricks who is said to bo implicated in the robbery of the Yates store at Sutherland recently. If your idle monta is not earning 7 to 8 per cent semi-aal interest in gilt edge, first mortgage loans, free from taxes, see Bratt & Goodman. During 1912 final proof was made on Q47 homesteads in this land office dis trict, with an average of about 400 acres to the homestead. This year on account of the three year law, the proofs will run about one thousund,. A score of young ladies and gentle men tendered Misses Tillio Huxoll and Hazel Nichols a surprise party last even ing at the home of tho former. Card games woro plnyed'itrid prizes'woh by MisaTLenu Baskins and Osftar Sandall. The guests of honor, were each pre sented with hand painted plates in re membrance of their birth anniversary. A two course lunch was enjoyed after tho card games, The Degree of Honor and A, O. U. W. held an interesting and enjoyable entertainment last evening at tho K. P. hall. An agreement has been made by the two lodges to hold .these meetings every month to create a more friendly feeling among tho members. The following program was rendered: Piano solo, Gertrude Kebhausen; Vocal solo, Mrs. Jackson; reading, Mrs. Tiloy; vocal solo, Miss Larson; reading Sam Clark; vocal solo, Elsie Cohngen. After tho program "refreshments wore sorved. Local and Personal. Paul Nolcn was a Gothenburg visitor 1 Mrs. K. M. Smith roturned yesterday from Sterling, Miss Holon Baker is off duty nt tho Hub owing to illness. Fr,nnk Hahler, of Sidney, spont Sun day with Mr. and Mrs.-Julius Hahler. "Mrs. Burman, of Omaha, who was the guest of Mrs. K. E. Moody left yos torday morning. Mijis Edith Hunt has roturned from n visit in Gothonburg with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hunt. Miss Lula Burke, teacher of the Maxwell schools, visited hor parents Sunday. The Royal Neighbors will meet to morrow afternoon knt 3 o'clock at tho K. P. hall.' J. F. Clabaugh will return tonight from Chicago whero ho has boon pur chasing goods. Mrs. A. N. Short has returned to her homo in Gothonburg after sponding somu timo here. Miss Alma Toillion is expected homo Friday from an extended visit with relativofc in Iowa. Mr. and "Mrs. Guv Granger are on- joying a visit from the former's father, who came from Gothenburg the last of last week . Tho Baptiat ladies aid will meet Tues day afternoon, Feb. 7th nt tho homo of Mrs. N. E. Loudon, 324 S. Chestnut St. Mrs. Lem Kidwcll, of Wallace is the guest of Mrs. Elizabeth Young and daughters, having como to nttond tho Young-Hausengnger- wedding. F. C. Letts has purchased tho corner lot east of the Otton residence on west Fifth street and will probably erect a residence thereon this summer. Miss Mary Elins who has beon visit ing in California for sovoral months will return home in a few days being called here by her mother's illness. . Alex Richards, of Hershey, was ar rested last evening by Officer Trout for passing a bogus checkat tho Nyal Drug store. The amount of the check was $5.00. The Rebekah lodge tendered Miss Efiio Rodgers a pre-nuptial shower Sat urday ovening and presented her with a set of silver spoons. Nice refresh ments were served. Money Icsscd on real estate, houses and rooms, storage room and safe de posit boxes rented. Bratt & Goodman. Weather: Unsettled with snow to night or Wednesday, not much change in temperature. Maximum tempera ture yesterday 3G, a year ago 24; min imum last night 5, a yenr ago -2. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crandall, of Lodgepolo, are parents of u baby girl which wa3 born to them the lattor part of last week. Mrs. Crandall was formerly Miss Idabelle Waldman of this city. Harry Ambler, tho hog buyor at Staploton has purchased and shipped 1200 hogs during the past, sixty days. This probably accounts for the decrease i:i the number of hogs marketed in North Platte. Bradford division G. I. A. to B. of L. E. installed their newly elected offi cars at last meeting, Mrs. Ida Tnrk ington filling tho chair for this year. As the division is admitting several new members, a good attendance is re ouestcd at tho meeting for Keb. 14th. For Sale Whito Wyandotte and Rhode Island Red Roosters. Mrp. Jacobs, 21G west 1st. Six room mode.rnJiou3e, except heat, and bath room not equipped, on corner lot. Full basement under whole Iioueo. Open stairs and nice hall. Electric lights and water in houso lot well fillod. Located on south Chestnut Btreet, four blocks,from central school, If you nro interested in city property. bo sure and enquire as to this. " ., , ,v'C..F Tbmpe. Tho Cntholic Girls' club wero ontor tainad last ovening at the home of the Misses McWilliams. Sovoral tables wero used in playing GOO and the royal prize won by Miss Irene Hubbard. After the card playing tho annual elec tion of officers was held resulting as follows: President, Lucy Dunn, Vice president, Elizabeth Weinberger, Secre tary, Ethel Donogan, Treasurer, Mrs. Geo. Vosceipka. Refreshments wero served and nssisting in entertaining wore Mrs. Georgo Vosceipka, Ethel Donogan and Elizabeth Woinborgor. New members taken in wero Misses MMane LeDioyt, Dorothy Hubbard and Hazel Smith. Estrnyed. One yearling steer calf, ono two vcar old red hoifer with whlto Bpot on fore head. Notify L. O. Johnson or Geo. Ream. Route 1, North Platte, Nebr. Get Ready for Your Spring Sewing. The Leader is receiving spring goods daily, and quote the following prices for our daily selling. See if you can beat them: Hope Muslins at per yard . 9-4 Pepcrcll Bleached sheeting - at per yard 8-4 Peperell Bleached sheeting at per yard 7-4 Peperell Bleached sheeting at per yard 36-inch 15c Percals, at per yard French Ginghams, double fold 15c quality best made Amoskeag Ginghams, none better Best Prints, spring shades, per yard All these goods guaranteed to be fast colors. We have the exclusive agency for the made in the world, at $1.25 per yard. With all the above shades of dress goods we have just received trimmings and all-over to match. We are showing the most .beautiful line of flouncing arid em- broidery ever seen here. 20 per cent discount In our ready-to-wear department we are now showing a large line of .Ladies' Dresses, Skirts and Shirt Waists. J. We prepay parcel &3KXagm3!3Kg3 Miss Lucy McCready, of Ravanna, NjJ)., who has boen taking treatment, at a local hospital for soveral weeks and submitted an operation last Thurs day, died at 3 o'clock yesterday aftor noon. Tho remains will be taken to Ravanna for intcrmont by tho relatives. Tho deceased wasi sister of Mrs. Sidney Dillion, a young lady of about twenty years of "age who had mado many friends during her frequent visits to this city. Death was duo to ulcers of the stomach. Miss Elizabeth Weir entertained thirty-one young friends Snturdny evening in honor of hor thirteenth birthday. Tho guests were taken to tho Keith picture ihow and later served with refreshments nt the North Platte Candy Kitchen. ilRobort Falk nnd Miss Mao Knox, both living about four miles southeast of this city, were married by Judge Grant Saturday afternoon. The CRYSTAL KX3 PICTURES The Saint and tho Si wash. The Chaperon gets c vueKiug. My Baby. VAUDEVILLE. Guerry 8c Grandy. T 10c and 15cik DRESS GOODS AND SILKS. The new shades for spring, 19 13, 40 inch all wool whip cbrds and serges, big variety, sold evey where up to $1,50 per y rd our daily selling (t gCV price per yard ,. . . $ f ) A big line of novelty dress patterns, C- 5c Jc 20c worth up to selling price All wool Batistes and, serges PjJZjjp in all qualities, our daily selling Vj The best quality, 27-inch Messalines. worth up to $1.25 ayard, FJQ , our daily selling price : OC Charmeuse Silks, in all shades 40 inches, sold all over at $2.50 per yard, 7c our every day per yard 36-111 Black Taffeta Silk, worth $1.50 our daily per yard Skinner's on all Muslin Underwear. Yours or Groat Values, birfQ La ip a n ip ip irSL &J? Md &, PIZER, Proprietor. ' postage on all goods purchased in our store. City Properly, for Sale. Wo lmvu a nuinborof choicely located lots with nnd without buildings, closo in with sewer, city water, eloctric lights and sidewalks that we are offering ut very low prices. Much loss than we will bo nblo to offer them whon tho spring opens up. In our judgment there will bo a big advanco on this class of property soon, JJUCIIANAN & PATTEHSON. Conductor R. C. Jenkins in coining up on tho local yostorday called atten tion to a farm ho once owVicd near Lockwood. This quarter section was sold to Paul Frauen 29 years ago for $2,000 and at timo tho rovonuo from it was not enough to pay tho taxes. Mr. Frauen now values this land nt $30,000. -Grand Island Independent. Tho Christian aid socioty will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Will Baldock 209 S. Locust. fi3'ggg'gra n t I "I H ! HI I lllli I il III! 1 1 Hlil llll I Ml I llll I liiPPI Got the " Weekly . Habit of sending your clothes to North Platte quality laundry. Others have had the habit ever since vvc opened which proves we con satisfy, and we can satisfy you. If you are not satis fied with your present laundry work, be fair to yourself and send it to. DICKEY'S SANITARY LAUNDRY. "YOUR BOSOM FRIEND." Auto Delivery Si. 50, our daily per yard selling price 1.75 up to selling pace 36-inch Satin, the best Income Tax Ratified. An incomo tax is now one of tho pro visions of the constitution. Wyoming's ratification yesterday' of tho incomo tax amendment tho; six taonth chnngo in tho constitution '"and the first sinco the reconstruction com pleted a list of thirty-six statesthreb fourth of tho union, which havo ap proved tho provision. ", Congress will now enact a law to'loyy tho tax nnd it probably will become 'o'f fectivo during tho extraordinary session to bo called by Proaident-eleCt 'Wilson in March, Tho tax itself, its provisions und its limitations nro nil left to co"n grons. The now law would supersodo tho corporation tax and provide for a tax on all incomes nbovo $5,000, although there has beon somo sentiment in favor of making tho limit an low as $4,000, -- Tho Episcopal guild will meet ut tho parish house Thursday afternoon. i 1 1 iii 1 Phone 77 I " it H . 1 4 miff' A -." v -SSSU