THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE LIU L. HARE, Publisher" TERMS, $1 2.1 IN ADVANCE. NORTH PLATTE, . NEBRASKA FOR IHE BUSY HI NEWS EPITOME THAT CAN 800N DE COMPASSED. T EVENTS ABE MENTIONED Home and Foreign Intelligence Con dented Into Two and Four Line Paragraph!. Congreci. Prepared to begin debato on rivers and harbors appropriation bill. Resumed consideration of rlvora and hnrbors appropriation bill. Representative Cannon spoko In fa ror of Lincoln memorial structure bill. Imtncdlato action on North river pier IiINh was urged before commerce committee. "Money trust" Investigating commit tee heard the last bankers on Us list of witnesses. James J. Hill and several bankora examined by "money trust" Investigat ing committee. Morchant marine committee con tinued Its Investigation Into alleged steamship poolB. Shipping pool Investigating com rnlttoo heard testimony on trans-Atlantic lines tralllc. Manufacturers of. flax, hemp, Juto, etc., boforo tariff revision hearing ways and mcaiiB committee. Samuel Gompers asked Judiciary commltteo to postpono action on workmen's compensation bill. Disagreed to scnato nmondmont to ecutlvo nnd judicial appropriation I '.II and asked for a conference. Representative Mooro, boforo public I wildings commlttoe, urged $1,000,000 i pproprlatlon for now custom houso at Philadelphia. CoiiBldoratlon of conferonco roport in Immigration bill was objected to and notlco was given that It would bo tailed up Saturday. Appropriation of $1,000,000 for rollof of Ohio vulloy flood BUfforors provided In resolutions introduced by Repre sentative Stanloy. Interstate commorco commltteo hoard protests of LouIbvUIo & Nash vlllo railroad represontntlveB on Stan loy terminal facilities. Colonel GoethalH, boforo tho houso naval nffnlrn committee, said a forco of 25,000 soldiers wns necossary to guard tho Panama canal. Pensions for Spanish war veterans' widows woro udvocated before tho ponHlons commltteo nt a hearing on tho Crago bill passed by the houso. Two blllB Incorporating tho Amer ican Academy of FIno ArtonndLottors and tho National Instltuto of Arts and Letters woro passed by tho sen ate. Federal prisoners having sorvod fif teen yoarn of life sentences will here nfter bo eligible for parole, if Presi dent Taft signs Uio bill passed by tho conate. Tho sonato pasBed tho bill croatlng a "penco centennial commission" and appropriating" f 100,000 for observ ance of 100th nnnlvorsnry of treaty of Ghont Chnlrmon Graham of tho lntorlor department expenditures commlttoe, made a roport charging that mnny frauds had been committed ngalnst Whlto Karth Indiana. Colonol Goothals gave his views on tho Panama canal zono civil govern ment to tho houBo appropriations commltteo for uso in drafting a sun dry civil appropriation bill. Provisions of tho olght-hour law npp'.icablo to all omployes on gov ernment contract work wore cxtond ed to omployes on rlvor and harbor Improvements whon tho sonato pass ed tho houBo bU amending tho orig inal law. A bill Introduced by Representative Taylor of Colorado to pormlt homo fteadera acquiring sixty ncres of pub lic land to tnko nu additional sixty neres without living on tho proporty for flvo years, as tho law now re quires, was passed by tho houso, i Genera), otton tariff revision noarlng cou icd by ways and means committee. Flvo more indlctmonts woro found by tho special grand jury Investigat ing New Yorlt'B "arson trusL" D. C. Dodgo mid H. M Porr woro appointed receivers for Uio Denver, Northwestern & Pacific railroad by United States District Judgo 1L 15. Lewis In Donvor. I'articlpants In tho proposed reun ion commemorating tho (lftloth mini vorfiury of tho battlo of Gettysburg 111 decide for themBolvcs whether to appear In their old uniforms. For tho llrst tlino In itB history Salt Lnko City hns nt Its huad a socialist mayor, Henry V. Lawrenco. Amoricnn securities at Loudon oien cd steady and a fraction higher today. Part of tho list lator declined under realizing. The biggest restaurants In Ilorlln bow compel waiters to say thanks when guests pay their bill, oven when no tip is given, Four additional Jurors were sworn to try Clarenco S. Darrow on tho charge of having bribed n juror in Uio MoNamara case, leaving but two places to bo tilled. ' Merit countB high with Governor Wilson in his appointments Eight ballots left tho Illinois spoak orsbip deadlock unbroken. Freo meat and possibly cattle loom up ns a probablo part of the new tariff bill. A Lincoln crowd saw Luther Mo Carty, white heavywolglrt champion, In action. , Tho alleged telephono monopoly Is to bo taken In hand by tho Interntate commerco commission. President Taft has approved the noto sent In reply to tho Ilrltlsh con ventlon on Panama canul tolls. Tho democratic majority In tho Dol aware legislature again failed to agree ujori a United States senator Tho Diamond Match company paid linen aggregating $2,000 for violation of tho Wisconsin child labor law. Tho deadlock In tho Now Hamp shire legislature over tho choice of a United States senator continued, Tho Interstate commerce commis sion finds there Ib basis for tho com plaint that coal prices ore too high. At Noenah, Wis., a young girl, em ployed in ono of tho paper mlllB there, has found $110 In a bundle of rags. Head Consul A. R. Talbot urgea end of M. W. A. rate quarrel and says old rates will stand until 1914 'moot ing. Arguments on points of law con- mimed almost tho entire day of tho trial of officials of the National Cash Register company in Cincinnati. Prof. O. V. P. Stout of tho Uni versity of Nebraska in attending a meeting of tho deans of englnnring department In land grant colleges. Tho largest and most powerful bat tleship afloat, .tho Brazilian sujer dreodnought Rio do Janeiro wbb launched from Uio slips at EIbwIcU England. ' Stato Sonator J, 15. Sanford of Ullnh, Cal democratic national com mitteeman for California, -Introduced a Joint resolution In tho Benato favor ing Asiatic exclusion. Nathan Straus Balled for the Holy Land to establish twenty-ono boup kitchens In Jerusalem and to do what ever else ho can to alleviate tho suf fering of tho Jowb in Palestine. Equal suffragist wore successful In having a resolution providing for tho submission of tho question to tho vot ors Introduced into Uio lower houso of tho Iowa legislature. Tho houso on tho Frod Troutner farm, flvo miles northeast of Colo, la., burned to tho ground while tho family was away from homo. Tho origin of tho flro Ib unknown. Tho loss will roach $3,000. ExteiiBlon of Uio Shormr.n anti-trust law provisions to combinations of farmors or laborers Is proposed in an amendment to tho untl-trust law lntrc- ducomont by Ropresentatlvo Byrno of Tonnesseo. With tho clauso eliminated iequlr lng aliens entering UiIb country to havo certificates of character, tho con feronco roport on tho Immigration bill was reported to tho houoo by Reprc aontatlvo Gardnor of Massachusetts. President Taft prosontcd to Capt. JoBophus E. Cocll, of tho Eighteenth United States Infantry tho medal of honor votod to him by congress for gallantry In action In tho Philippines In March, 100G. Competition has hurt tho arson business In New York City. Tho grand Jury, which haB already Indict ed several proporty owners and In surance adjustors, alleged to bo mem hers of tho so-called "arson trust," learned that a largo group of lndo. pendent operators woro responsible for nearly as many flroB ns tho "trust" ltsolf. An address by Former Governor Hadloy of Missouri on the subject of "IrogresBlvo Jurisprudence" wa tho lending feature of tho program at tho annual mooting of Uio Now York 8tato Bar assoclaUon. At tho elec tion of oftlcors which will conclude tho mooting Judgo Alton n. Parker will bo named ns president of Uio association. Mr, Harry Garrison, ono of Uio most widely known residents or this soctlon of the state, celebrated his ono hundredth birthday anniversary at liia homo at Mallard crook. The entire membership of Mecklenburg camp of confodornto votenuis of this city made a pilgrimage to tho home of the centenarian to help In tho colobratlon. Fedoral Judge Holt postponed for ono week his decision on tho writ of habeas corpus In tho enso of Ed ward F. Myllus, Uio Belgian Journal ist, ordored deported as an undcslr ablo alien. Myllus will spend the week at Ellis Island. The writ. If granted, would give him hla freedom under bond until tho courts dotor mlno whethor ho may enter Uio couu try. Alox Shuttle a mall carrlor of Mankato, Minn, shot and killed Josoph Buddo, n pollcoman of tho samo city, and then turned the wea pon on hlmsolf with fatal results whllo on board n Chicago & North western railway train. It Is bolloved Shutto was Insane Ho recontly threatened to kill Governor Ebor hart of Minneapolis because of somo fancied wroug. William R. Bernhardt of Cincinnati, who entered the federal prison hero with athor labor leaders convicted with tho "dynnmlte conspiracy," was released on bond of $10,000. Pertonal. Members of tho French cabinet for mally tendorod their resignations to tho new president. Democrats In congress uio exer cised ovor WHsoh'b silence regarding policies of his cabinet. Woujon of Now York believe tho chnncea are good for a Buffrago amendment to tho constitution. ALLIES THREATEN ACTION PART OF PROGRAM TO BRING PRESSURE ON TURKS. NOT ANXIOUS TO RESUME WAB Balkan Delegates Will Draft Note Explaining Why Peace Confer ence Must Be Ended. London. Tho Balkan plenipotentia ries who havo received full powers from Uiolr respective governments, ap pointed a committee to draft a noto to tho Turkish plenipotentiaries ex plaining why tho peace conference must now bo considered broken off. It is hoped thb draft will bo ready for approval by tho full dologatlon Mon day night. TIiIb action of Uio allies is part of a BcricB of well-considered forms of pressure with which tho Balkan dele gates hopo to obtain their object with out resuming tho war. Tho meeting lnotcd for an hour and a half and Uio course to be followed waa given earnest conGldoraUon. Two distinct vlewB woro manlfestod ono for Uio lmracdlato rupture of tho nego tiations, leading to a resumpUon of tho war and tho other favoring a tem porizing policy, In order to avoid ir revocable Btops. Tho latter course tri umphed and a commltteo was appoint ed, consisting of ono member from each delegation. Arguments Again Outlined. General lines were laid down on which Uio noto Is to bo drafted, com prising tho arguments already set forth many times as to why Uio loaguo demands Uio surrender of Adrlnuoplo and tho Aegean Islands as an indispensable condition to Uio conclusion of peaco. That tho policy of tho allies Is to gain tlino Is patent and does not do colvo anybody. The dolegates decid ed that tho advantages to bo derived from tho resumpUon of hosUHUca wouiti bo in proportion to tho risks they ran and that thoy would not tako that stop unless absolutely forced to do so. It Is realized that oven a partial reverse would havo grave moral and material consequences apart from tho loss of thousands of men. In addition, tho fact Is not over looked that there is danger of Ru mania advancing from the rear and of Austria imposing on Servia and Montenegro its conditions for remain ing neutral. Tho only disatvautago In delaying decisive acUon is in keep ing xlargo armies Inactive and on a war fooUng for a long time, thus hoavily taxing both tho flnnnclal and agricultural resources of tho country. Attempted Shooting. Paris. A Barcelona dispatch to the Potlt Porlsien reports an attempt to assassinate Archduko Louis Salva lor of Tuscany. Whllo the archduko waB walking In tho grounds of his estate at Mlnimlx, In tho Balearic is land, a workman employed on Uio es tate tired at him sevoral times with a revolver. One1 of tho bullets grazed tho archduko and Boveroly wounded u governess. Gunboat Wheeling at Vera Cruz:, Vera Cruz. Tho United States gun boat Wheeling, which was ordered to Vera Cruz by tho American govern ment because of reports of alarming conditions In that section, arrived there Sunday morning. Tho reception of the AmorlcanB will bo cold, as Mexicans nro not parUcularly pleased at Uio visit of an American warship. Laid to Final Rest. Annapolis, Md. With simple, but ImpTcaslvo ceremonies tho body of John Paul Jones, llrst admiral of tho American navy, today was placed in tho new crypt undor tho Naval ocad omy chapol. Secretary of tho Navy Meyer, French Ambassador JuBsorund nnd Governor Goldaborough woro among those present Killed by French Soldiers. Meklns, Morocco. Tho French punitive oxpcdltlon under Colonel Relbell yostorday routed a largo forco of Boulmiguld and Bonlotlon tribesmen, aftor a live-hour tight Tho French casualty list numbered fifteen killed and woundod. Tho Moors left fifty dead on Uio Hold. Congressman Smith Dead. Los Angeles. Sylvestor Clark' Smith of Bukorslleld, member of con gress from the Eighth California dis trict, died hero Sunday. Bank Robbed; Cashier Locked Up. Oklahoma City. Artor robbing tho Stato bank of Mounds, Okl., and lock ing Cashier C. T. Drown In tho looted vaults, three maskod men oscaped with $3,500 In currency nnd silVor. Joseph H, Choate Is 81. Now York. Josoph H. Choato, for mor United States ambassador to Great Britain, received tho congratu lations of mnny friends on tho occa sion of his olghty-llrst blrUiday anni versary. Mr. Choato Is In excellent healUi. R. W. Bell Elected U. S. Senator. Nashville, Tonn. Prof. R. W. Boll of Boll Buckle, ludopendont democrat was olected United Statos senator for tho term ending March 4, next. Ho de feated M. T. Bryan of Nashvlllo. NEW APPOINTMENTS. C. E. Harman, Holdrege, deputy food commissioner. ('. W, Pool, Tccumseh, deputy labor commlsfcloncr. X. J. Ludl, Wahoo, state printer. Gustav Rutcnbeck, Utlca, chief game warden. M. Halm, Valontlno, deputy game warden. W. s. Austin, Central City, deputy oil Inspector, John Bosomnn, Morrill, bank examiner. Tho above nppolntmcnts were an nounced byvGovornor Morchcnd Fri day morning. Tho appointees to these Importnnt positions arc all well known Nebraska democrats and huvo been closely Identified with party actlvltlos for many years. C. W. Pool, tho new labor commis sioner, was a candidate for irovernm at tho democratic, primary election last spring, but later withdrew. He is a well known newspaper man of Tccumseh. Clarenco E. Harman, who has been appointed food commissioner, wns twice a candidate for railway commis sioner. Ho Is an active young man and should bo well qualified for his new duties. N. J. Ludl, who hns been named as state printer, 1b tho editor of the Wahoo Democrat. Ho waa a candidate for chairman of tho democratic state central committee at tho Grand Island convention last summer. Regulating Sale of Firearms. Sale of firearms to youths under 18 years of age Is prohibited in a bill In troduced by Splrk of Saline in tho stato senate. Tho inensuro is un equivocal in Its provisions and Is the most atrlngont measure over brought up along this lino for several sessions. Organlzatlous of various kinds arc be hind tho measure and an effort will bo made to wage a successful light for the bill's passage. Will Report University Removal. Lincoln. University removal, or the McAllister one-mill levy bill, will be reported from the commltteo on reve nue and taxation, without recommen dation, to be placed on tho general flic. Such was tho action taken by the committee, to whom the bill hnd been referred, after a lengthy discussion In favor of removal had been made by Regents Coupland and Whltmore and McAllister, tho framer of tho bill. Ackerman for Hotel Commissioner. Phillip' Ackerman of ' Lincoln has been nppolnted hotel commissioner by Governor Morehcad. Ackerman is a traveling salosman. He will take the place formerly held by R. D,. McFad den of Hastings. The position pays $5 a day and expenses while the com missioner is engaged in the work. The hotel commission fund Is at pres ent depleted and appropriation will not become avnllablo until mado by the present legislature. Bill to Reduce Wire Rates. A fiat rate of 23 cents for ten words and 1 cent for each additional word on all telegrams sent from ono point to another within tho state will ba proposed by Representative Stebblns. He will Introduce tho bill making such a rato mandatory. At present the basic rates are 25 cents and 40 cents, tho latter on messages sent from east ern to western Nebraska or vice versa. Alliance Man Fire Commissioner. W. S. RUlgell of Alliance has been appointed flro commissioner by Gov ernor Morchead. Ho will succeed C. A. Randall. II. F. Roquartte of Yprk has been named deputy Are com missioner to succeed John C. Trouton of South Omaha. University removal Is fast coming Into sight as ono of tho big fights of tho session, there being apparently a lot of aentiment on both sides of tho question, nnd tho interests at stake are so large nnd so various that this subject mn easily assume the position as the leading bono of contention In the current session. Sunday Baseball BUI. The Bnrtllng Sunday baseball bill nppeared In tho houso under tho sig nature of McKlssIck of Gage. It pro vides that such sport shall be legal but gives cities and towns tho right to forbid It within thoir limits. This Is tho bill vetoed, by Governor Aid rich two ears ago because It did not provide merely that cities might ad mit such Sunday sport und In other plnccs to prohibit it. Proposed Salary Amendment. A constitutional amendment pro posed by Palmer of Clay would in crease tho governor's salary to $5,000 per year, make his term four years, and refuse him a re-election. This Is In nccord with tho pre-election state ments of Governor Morohead, and In' part with hlo mossago to the legisla ture. , Bollen of Knox proposes two 'amendments to- tho constitution, one providing for tho recall of public of flcluls according to statutes that may be passed, tho other providing for wo man suffrage. Good Roadc Bills. The two loading road bills so fai woro by Norton of Polk and by Palmoi of Clay. Norton proposes to create a stato highway commission, composed of the governor, tho attorney general and the commissioner of public lands nnd buildings. Tho Btato engineer would bo secretary of this board and employes of tho englnoer'B office sub ject to its control. It would be em powered to appoint thrco deputies, to eervo with no remuneration save ac tual expenses, nnd to bo designated as tho board of deputies. SENATE'S EiPLOIES NORRIS ELECTED' U. S. SENATOR FROM NEBRASKA. fHE NEBRASKA LAWMAKERS Brief Mention of the Work Being Don? by Ncbracka Solons In the Houses of Legislature. Norrls Elected Senator. Lincoln. George W. Norrls was de clared to be the unanimous choice of both tho houses of the legislature Tuesday morning for United States senator, nnd his election was formal ly ratified Wednesday. Every senntor voted for Norrls, democratic and re publican ullke, whllo tho entire mem bership of tho house voted for him excepting two absent representatives. In tho senate tho proceedings were very Informal. Tho only explained oto was that of Senator Klein, dem- MZX2t MSI dm m i mmmmM&z&m&' i rr?. v . rj jfs .-. .:v. v '. . .- .r : r f GEORGE W. NORRIS Elected by the Legislature as United States Senator from Nebraska. ocrat, who said that although he was not bound by statement No. 1, ho wanted the people to rule and there fore voted for tho republican senator. No demonstration accompanied the voting or the declaration o the sec retary of the senate that Norrls was tho choico of that body. The total number of senate em ployes has reached fifty-eight, and, with the exception of a few which will be added from time to time as emergency demands, will ikely'not go very much higher. The employes chosen nro: Bill Clerks H. C. Shultz and Bon Stewart, Omaha; J. A. Rodman, Sid ney; Chester Dobbe, Beatrice; J. R. ForbeB, Wayne; David Meeker, Im perial. Clerk Commltteo on Engrossed Bills Mrs. M. 'M. Hnrrls, Lincoln. Engrossing Clerks Mrs. Anna E. Edwards, Omaha, and Mrs. Bertha Mann, Crete. Custodians Alfred Hald, Omaha; Georgo Cathroo, Omaha; George Ken nedy, Genoa;; M. Logasa, Omaha; Henry Bessey, Wllber. Engrossing Clerks Mrs. William Hunter, Lincoln; Miss Stella Dolan and Miss Verna Leonard, Platts mouth. Stenographers Miss Laura Chrla tonson, Lincoln; Miss Agnes A. Scott, Lincoln; Mrs. Alice J. Collins, Lin coln. Smith Bill Passes Senate. Tho sonato has passed tho Smith bill providing for an annual occupa tion tax for express companies doing business in tho state. The bill pro vides that 2 per cent of the gross re ceipts of the company shall be levied against It regularly, such receipts to bo thoso resulting from business transacted at stations In Nohraska. Declines the Appointment. Ex-Govcronr A. C. Shallenberger has declined tho appointment as a member of the bonrd of control ten dered him by Governor Morehead. He sent a telegram to the governor Saturday In which ho stated that it would be Impossible for him to accept. Neglected children, whose parents are proper guardlnns, but llnnnclallj unable to provldo a living for their offspring, can remain at homo nnd still have the expense of thoir keep paid by county boards, under the provisions of a bill Introduced by Senator Rob ertson of Holt county. Tho measure Ib on amondment to tho stntuto relat ing to tho mattor of caring for de pendent nnd neglected children. The stnte charities association support ing tho moasuro and will ondeaVor to socuro Its passago at tho present ses slon. The election of n United States sen ator and tho first consideration pf proposed legislation will feature the week's sessions of tho stato legisla ture. George W. Norrls will be elected senntor In all probability. Tho votos will bo cast under tho Oregon plan, In accordance with the people's vote, November 5, and thoro Is no un certainty as to tho result. Instead of oweatlng In smoky hotel lobblos, trad ing and bartering senatorial vote3, members of tho legislature peacefully Bpent tho week-end In sundry occupa tions befitting the day. fmmrmmmM-m i;it(j?mKr.t?i;''&j?2: 4l 'j' sm,--r . . .. - , i :r WW wFar ? ''mf&&2m&"S ja UKIEF NEWS Of NEBRASKA Brown vlllo Is to havo a new bank. Hastings Y. M. C. A. will try to In crease Its membership to 500. Elwood will submit tho postolllce contest to a vote of tho patrons. S. J. Smith, a pioneer resident of Cortland, Is dead at IiIb homo there. Tho dates for the farmors' instltuto in Burt county will be February 18 and 10. Over 3,000 birds were entered at tho state poultry show at Grand Island ' last week. "Jerry" Simpson of Falrbury has In vented and perfected an "air cooled" gasoline engine. Tho now Congregational church at York will bo ready for dedication early In tho spring. Owing to tho warm weather last week the Northwestern discontinued Its Ice harvest near Fremont. Tho Union Pacific stono crusher east of Wymore has closed down on account of weather conditions. The Btato oratorical contest will be hold nt York. February 28. Eight stato colleges will bo represented. Charles Gllmoro of Falrbury had his right eye cut out with a whip whllo loading hogs at South St. Joseph. The new athletic park contemplated by a number of prominent men of Beatrice will probably be given up. Tho Blue Springs Farmers' Elevator company last year handled over 133, 000 bushels of corn, wheat and oat3. Over a hundred conversions so far Is the result of the union revival ser vices being carried on at Humboldt. The state volunteer firemen conven tion at North Platte last week was an Interesting and well attended session. The Aurora city schools finished the first semester of tho year with the largest attendance for any preceding time. Harvard chapter No. 70, O. E. S celebrated the twentieth anniversary of Its organization In an appropriate manner. The Improved Order of Redmcn of Plattsmouth, at Its last meeting, ar ranged for the third annual fiddlers' contest. Information has been received at Falrbury that Ray Hall, a former resi dent of that place, had oulclded at Burlington, Wash. The city federation of boys' work ers at Lincoln will tnke a census of tho boys of that place during the month of February. Attendance at tho Falrbury high school has reached 3C0 students and it haB been necessary to Increaso the faculty with two Instructors. The new Aurora Young Mon'o Chris tian association bulking was formally opened to the pupIlB when 500 people were present at the dedication. Plans for a complete new sewerage system are being ontertalncd at Ban croft. The council has been consider ing the proposition for some time. A party of about twenty-five Ne braska people will attend the world's seventh Sunday school convention. which will bo held at Zurich, Switzer land, July 8 to 15 of this year. While hunting near Exeter, Julian Peterson found "cached" In a hedge a quantity of dynamito and nitroglycer ine, and several lengths of fuse, evi dently but recently placed there. The board of education at Madison has elected Superintendent Dell Gib son of LyonB, Neb., to succeed Super intendent Oberkottcr at Madison at tho close of the present school year. While pursuing coyotes on Dorsey island in tho Platto river, G. H. Riley of Saunders county "treed" a coon and captured it. It is believed to bo tho biggest animal of its species ever caught In that section. It weighs twenty-eight pounds. At the closing day's session of the Nebraska Home Economic association held at the state farm at Lincoln, Mrs. A. E. Davidson of that place was elected president, whllo other officers named were Mrs. R. D. Ream of Broken Bow, vice president; Mrs. Mann, Bethany, secretary, and Mls3 Irene Miner, Red Cloud, treasurer. Fremont druggists havo decided to launch a move to secure tho 1914 con vention of Nebraska druggists for that place. The remains of Mrs. Fred Schu maker, who died recently at Rocklege, Fla., woro interred at her old home at Silver Creek. While suffering an attack of mentnl trouble recently Charles Roscoo of Clatonia chopped off somo of hla toea with a hatchet. Sparks from a stove In tho lauudry at the asylum at Lincoln started a fire In a shod, but it was put out with little damage. A farmers' Instltuto will bo held in Wymore. February 17 and 18. There will be seed and soil tost3 by govern, mont es-porta, in addition to regular features. Alnsworth claims to be one of the largest shipping points of any city of itB size in the stato. There havo been S40 cars of products shipped out of this place and 054 cars received. Milan Thomas, who had his skull fractured from being thrown from his buggy when his horso becamo fright enod nt some dogs, died at a Yor's hospital, where he had boen taken to havo an operation performed. Mrs. Dexter Abbey, for a number ol ycara a resident of York, is dead at Aurora. Mo., where sho has recently mado her home. Tho new T. M. C. A. quartets in Aurora, consisting of a gymnasium locker room, showor baths, reading and reception rooms and olllcc, have been opened to tho public. The board of directors of tho Young Men's Christian association at Bea trice has reorganized and cicctod the following officers: President, D, S Dalboy; vice president. J. A. Barnard; secretary, J. E. Thompeon; treasurer Carl Shaffer. L :-