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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1913)
nm Aching Kidneys Cured in North Platte. 'Every Picture Tells a Slory." II Your Back Aches and Your Kidneys are Weak Get the Kidneys Rem- i ' at v ody Unit Uas J3eea' Proved QpOD Again and Again. Right Here in North Platte. s, North Platte People Tell It. Are Your Kidneys Weak? HOW TO TELL First read tho testimony nnd learn what Doan's Kidney rills have done for others. Then if your back nches, if sharp pains striko you whon stooping or lifting; if you aro lame in the morning, tiro to easily; if you have dizzy spells and are nervous, despondent and inclined to worry ovor trifles; if the kidney secretions aro highly colored and full of sediment, if passages aro too frequent, scanty painful or scalding, it is likely that your kidneys need quick attention. Take asamplo of tho urino and lot it stand for 24 hours. If a sandy, brick-dust like sedimont settles to tho bottom of tho receptacle, there is ovidence enough to suspect tho kidnoys. Seventh Streot W. P. Blalock, 009 Seventh-St., North Platte, Nebr., says: "I had an awfui hoavy aching across my loins which seemed to take every bit of strength from mo. My back was weak and I was helpless. I was lame and could hardly stand erect only with painful efforts. The kidney secretions seemed to got more disordered as tho pain in my back increased and they wero unnatural and too frequent in passage. I was advised to try Doan's Kidney Pillff and got a box. They cured mo and Thavo been well since." Choetnut Streot J. C. McGowan, 321 S. Chestnut St., North Platte, Neb., says: "Some six mohths ago I had an attack 'of kidney trouble and suffered all aches and pains that accompany this disease. I began using Doan's Kidney Pills, procured from McDonoll & Graves' Drug Store, and it required only one box to rid mo of tho trouble, Tho cure proved to bo a permanent one as no sign of kidney disorders have appeared. I have also given Donn's Kidney Pills to our littlo girl who suffered from backache and kidney weakness and they proved oqually satisfactory." i West Fourth Street Mrs. A. G. W.essberg, 708 W. Fourth St., North Platte, Neb., snys: "I hold if anything a higher regard for Doan's Kidney Pills than when I recommended then before; another of my family has since been trouhlcd with kidney com plaint and received a world of benefit through using Doan's Kidney Pills. I told in a previous statement how I had obtained relief from a dragging pain in my back and troublo with the Kidneys. A doctor diagnosed my case as a float ing kidney. Many a day I was unable to stand up on account of tho pain through my kidneys and the kidney secretions were unnatural. An operat ion was advised but . Uily I learned of Doan's Kidney Pills and procured a supply from McDonoll & Graves' Drug Store. A few days' use removed the pains, restored the kidnoys to their proper working order and before long I was completly cured." East D Street Mrs. Christina Pickett, 318 E. B St., North Platto, Nebr., says: "I have used Doan's Kidney P,ills, which I procured from McDonell & Graves Drug Store, for kidney troublo and have found them to bo just- the 'remedy I needed for backacho and disorders. Whenever I am suffering from these troubles, I appeal to Doan's Kidney Pills and they give mo the sought for relief. Others of my family have taken Doan's Kidney Pills with fiinc results." South Pine Stoet Charles F. Burrough, 222 S. Pino St., North Platte, Nebr., says: "Several years ago I had occasion to uso Doan's Kidney Pills, procured from McDonell & Graves, Drug Store, and found them to bo a good kidney remedy. I suffered from burning pains in tho small of my back and the kidneys wero vory weak. A short of Doan's Kidney Pills cured me completely, and I hovo not been bothered with kidney troublo since. I tako pleasure in endorsing this remedy for the benefit of other kidney sufferers." West Ninth Street George 'W. Weinbergor, 109 W. Ninth St., North Platte, Nebr., says: "Two years ago I becomo afflicted with kidney trouble and suffered from agonizing pains through my back. I gradually grew worse, became stiff and lame and on account of losing my rest at night, became all run down. My kidnoys did not do their work properly. Learning of Doan's Kidney Pills, I procured them from McDonell & Graves, Drug Store and when I had token six boxes, I was cured. Prior to using Doan's kidney Pills, I had to lay off from work for several months but after taking this remedy only ono montto I was able to resume work." PILL Sold at all druggists and general stores, 50 cents a box, or mailed on receipt of price by FOSTER-MILBURN CO., Buffalo, N. Y. 7 .- uMimi ! ii-.., "in- w . t I ' ' I -I ,. Commissioner' Proceedings. Jnnuary 24,1913. Board mot pursuant to adjournment present Roberts. White, Herminghausen nnd county elork. Bond of C. E. Par sons, overseer of roud district 17 is lioro by approved. B. A. Wilson is horeby nppolntod assessor for North Platte No. 2"to fill vacancy Fred Lundgreon is hereby appointed overseer forulstrictNo.'Btofill vacancy Board continued chocking books of county treasuror and adjourned to Jan. 25. 1913 O W Yost, County Clerk. January 25, 1913 Board met pursuant to adjournment, present Roberts, White, Herminghausen and county clerk Cluim of Wm. Allben for road work allowed on commissioner Dist, lfor4.0o Petition for formation of precinct To tho honorable board of county commissioners in and for Lincoln county, Nebraska: Tho undersigned your petitioners, would respectfully represont to your honorable body that thoy and each of them aro resident freeholders and elect ors in thu territory below doscribed, nnd your petitioners rospoctfully pray and ask thatyour honorable body muy chnngo and alter existing precinct lines bo as to form the territory ombracod within tho below described boundary linos, to-wit: Beginning at thu north-oast corner of section three, in township sixteen, north of range thiriy-throe, west of tho 0th p. in., thence running west along thp north boundry lino of Lincoln county. Nebraska, to the west lino of said county, being tho north-west corner of soction 0, in township sixteen, north, of range thirty fqur, wost of (5th p. m., thonco south on the west boundry lino of Lincoln county, Nebraska, to whore said west county lino intersects thu north bank of tlio south Platto river, being on the wost lino of soction six, in township thirteen, north of range thirty-four, westof theCthp. m., thencu is an easterly direction along the north bank of said south Platto river, to where tho east linu of section twenty oven, in township fourteen, north of range thirty-three, west of the flth p. m intersects the north bank of the south Platte river, thence north along tho east lines of section twonty-saven, twenty-two, fifteen, ten, and three, in township fourteen, north of range thirty-three, west ofUho Gth p, m., and along the east lino of sections thirty four, twenty-seven, twenty-two, fifteen, ten and three, in township fifteen, north of range thirty-three, wost of tho Gth p. in., and along tho east linu of sections thirty-four, twenty seven, twenty-two, fifteen, ton, and throe, in township sixtoon. north of range thirty-three, to tho place of be ginning, into a precinct to be known as Bird wood precinct in the county of Lin- coin, state of Nebraska, signed by J. A. liarshfield and flfty-ono others. Now on this 25th day of January, . 1913, the board of county commissioners of the county of Lincoln state of Ne braska, being in lawful session nnd it appearing to said board that it is advis able to alter existing precinct lines and expedient to form tho territory abovo doflcribed into ono precinct, it isordored and adjudged by said board of county commissioners thut tho territory above described, bo and the same Is hereby organized as Blrdwood precinct. Upon potition signed by Chas. Holt nnd nino othor electors of Lincoln county, living within five .miles of pro posed road, asking for a road as follows, to-wit: Commencing at tho south-west corner of tho swi of sec 7, twp 1G, r 25 in Custer county, Nebraska, on tho county lino between Custor and Lincoln counties and extending north ono milo on county line, between sec. 7, T. 1G, it. m nnu ooc. iz, r. iu. it. zv, and damages nsked being reasonable, tho board is of tho opinion that said road is for tho public good and same is hereby grantod as a forty foot road. Books of C D Ranoy, ovorseor for district 44 aro hereby checked and find due him tho sum of $95.15, which is hereby allowed as follows: $50.00 on road DlBt'14 and 45.15 on Com Dist No 3 und sottlemejit mado Books of county Supt-checked nnd approved, nnd find a balance of $227.G3 on hand Claim of Louis Refior for road work allowed on road Dist 10 for 30.00 Claim of C A Robinson of 458.00 for grading roads nllowed us follows: 229.00 on commissioner Dist 1 nnd 229.00 on commissioner Dist 2 Claim of A Chambors for grading roads allowed on commissioner Dist 2 for 177.42 Tho following claims woro allowed on general fund to-wit: G W Roberts, sorvicos as commis sioner and milage G9.40 F W HorminghauBen, services as commissioner and mileago 44.00 Sundry persons, witnesses and jurors, state cases in county court, to wit: Stato of Nebraska vs Bert Morgan, witnesses fees 40.90 State of Nobraska ys William Morgan ot al fees 83.90 Stato of Nebraska vs John Doo et al witness fees 10.90 State of Nebraska, vs Levi Styson, witnesses fcos 58.00 Statu of Nobraska, vs Halo Kinsoy, witness fees, 3.30 Stato of Nebraska, vs Jesse Smith et al, jurors feeB, G 60 State of Nobraska vs J. C. Nystrom, et al witness fees, 10.40 State of Nebraska vs Charley Clayton witness feos, 15.20 Stato of Nebraska vs Thomas Eggers witnosslfoes, 29.70 Grand total 2G2.00 Whereupon tho board" adjourns to January H8, m;i. C. W. Yost, County Clerk. Local and Personal William Landgraf, Sr. is reported to be vory ill. J. F. Clnbaugh left yesterday after noon for Chicago and othor eastern points to purchase spring goods. Mrs, Osterhout and daughtor left Tuesday evening for Portland to visit Mrs. Nancy Davis for some time. Mesdames Harry Hershey and Beck of Gibbon, will arrive horo Monday to visit Dr. and Mrs. Walter Crook. Miss Mavme McMichaol came home Wednesday ovening from a short visit with irlenus in eastern Nobraska. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weir and daughter will loavo the first of next week for Lincoln to visit friends. Mrs. William Richards left a few dys ago for Kearney and Odessa to visit relatives for a week or longer. Miss Rattle, of Denver, who was the guest of Miss Beulah Buckloy, left yes terday for Boston to visit friends. ci Mr. and Mrs. Perry Buchannn nretne nrnud pnrents of a baby girl which was born to them the first of this week. Dick Evans returned Wednesday ovening from a two weeks' visit with relatives in St. Joe nnd Knnsas City. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miles and dnughter Miss Delight, of Paxton, were visitors in town tho first of this week. Miss Dye. of Salina Kans., returned homo last ovening nftor nn extended visit withhersiBtorMrs. W. II. Moloney, Q iUO u on The lending Live Stock and Gen eral Farm Sales Auctioneer in Western Nebraska is T- 3B WATTS. Phone Rod COS i i i I, in,,,,,, IMII Have You Plumbing Troubles? Is there need for repairs overy few days? Is your bathroom modern and luxuriantly comfortable? Aro the kitchen arrangements convenient and sanitary? If not. Send For Our Plumber. Not only are we experts at repair work, but there will be little need for "Pnir if we install your plumbing. You II bu surprised at our fair estimates if you "talk price" with us. R. F. STUART, Shop Phont G9. Res. Phono G8S . Corner UUthand Locust. NOTICE rem PUBLICATION. Serial No. 07tu ,t o rnj)rtiiiontof the Interior. U. 8, Land OQlce at North Platte. Neb. ?.fi "V.l!i ' ,atuV N?N wb0- on Novembur It1'' ih rol' . Homestead Entry Serial No. 07N). for nc poo !!3. Township l north. Uaniresa. W 0th Principal Meridian, has (lied nottcj or Intention to makollnal three year proof, to establish claim to the laud above described, before Hog-later and ltecelyer. at North 1'latto, Nob., on the Mth day of March. WIS. Claimant names aa wltnoasosi Carl Ilroeder. John Kowlor. Hugh Soiigor and Will Uuntor, all ot North Platte. Nebr 123-0 J. E. Evans, liegtster. j Signet Chapter O.'e. S., j I NO. 5S Meets 2nd and 4th PThursday of every month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 p. m. X -' " I PRTRONIZE THEpRTD liH' House of GoodShowrHI 1 When in North Plallc. 1 Motion Pictures. Runs Every m S Night. Mntineo Saturdny After- M A noon at 2:30 O'clock. ! 10 CENTS. h R. E. LOUDEN PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. Twenty-fivo yenrs experience. Satis faction guaranteed. Seo or writemo m'chlO 320 E. 11th St. North Platto $20,000.00. Thoschool district of tho city of North Platte, in tho county of Lincoln, state of Nebraska. School Bonds. Sealed bids will be received 5by tho undersigned secretary of the school district of the city of North Pjntto, in the county of Lincoln, state of Ne braska, until G o'clock p. m. lVth. day of February, 1913,for $20,000.00 regis tered school bonds of said district Said bonds will bo issued in denom inations of $1,000.00 each, numbered from one to twenty inclusive dated April 1st, 1913, mature twenty years from date, but payablo at the option of the district after ten years. Bonds will bear five (B) per cent interest payable semi-annually, on April 1st and October 1st at tho Fiscal Agency of the state of Nebraska, New York City. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for $500.00 made pay able to F. L. Moonoy, treasurer of said district. Tho right is reserved to re ject any or all bids. Dono by order of the Board of Edu cation this Gth day January 1913. A. F. Stueitz. Secretary. LEGAL NOTICE To George Herbert Uox and Georirina M, B. Ilox, hit wife, non-resident defendants. You and each of you will hereby take notice that Isalo S. Gaudrrnult, plaintiff, tiled his peti tion in the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, against you and each of you In a suit In which you am Impleaded, .with Wellfleet Heal Estate and Improvement Company, a corporation, the object and and prayer of which petition are to quiet in tho plaintill against you, title to tho following described lands situate in Lincoln county, Nebraska , to-wit: Lota 7 and 8 and the south half of lot 9. in block 7, of the original town of WellHeet, Nebraska, and more particularly to quiet tltlo against a certain quit claim deed made and executed by you to Jot 7 and the south half tag Jot 9 In said block 7, on June 29, 1907, to one C. 1-. Hicks and to euro certain appar ent defects therein and particularly In the ac knowledgement thereof. You and each of you will make answer to said petition on or before the 3rd day of March, 1913, or your respective defaults will bo taken. Dated at North Platte. Nebraska. January 20. WIS, Isaib S. Gaudhbault. Plaintiff. 1-4 I)y II. E. Evans, his Attorney. The Old Reliable When your clothes need pressing, cleaning and repairing, let the Old Re liable Tailor do it and do it right We have been doing this work in North Platto for thirty years, know how to do it and do it tho way it should be done. That means satisfaction to you. F. J. BROEKER. Entrance north of the Nyal drug store. A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. Doctors Ames & Ames, mi ts Physicians and Surgeons, l Office over Stono Drug Co. Phones . Office 278 (; Phones i; Re8idence 273 ! i: PltODATE NOTICE. In tho matter of tho estate of Michael Albert Foster, deceased. In the county court of Lincoln county, ''Ne braska, January. 21, 1913. Notice is hereby riven, that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estato before the county judge of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county court room, In said county, on the 2Cth day of Feb., 1913, and on tho 25th day of Aug., 191S, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for tho purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment nnd allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for tho administrator to settle said estate, from the 24th day of Feb. 1913. A copy of this order to bo published in the North Platte Tribune, a legal semi-weekly news paper published In said county for four successive weeks prior to February 25, 1913. J23-1 JOHN GRANT. County Judge. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. The State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Carl E. SchacfTex, deceased. To the creditors, heirs, legatees, and others In terested In the estate of Carl E. SchaefTer. Take notice, that W. H. Munger, Jr., has filed In the county Ccourt a report of his doings as administrator of Carl E. SchaefTer estate, and It is ordered that the same stand for hearing the lfjth day of February, A. D 1913, before the court at the hour of 9 o'clock, a. m., at which time any person Interested may appear and except to and contest the same. And notice of this proceeding Is ordered given In the North Platte Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper, printed In said county for three successive weeks prior to said date of hearing, February 18, 1913. Witness my hand and the seal of the county court at North Platte, Nebraska, this 25th aay of Jan. A. D., 1913. J28-3 JOHN GRANT. County Judge. Sheriff' Sale. By virtue of an order of sale lusucd from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a degree of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein Lincoln county Land Company, a corpor ation is plolntlff, and Viola A. Drodlne et ?1 are defendants, and to me directed I will on the 21th day of February, 1913, at 2 o'clock p. m., at tho east front door of the court house, in North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne braska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, Interest and costs, tho following described property to-wit: northeast quarter (neW) and the south one-half (sM) of section twenty-one (21), town ship ten (10), range twenty-nlno (29) westof the 6th P, M. In Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Neb., Jan. 20. 1913. J22-0 A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff, Legal Notice. To Charity Miller and Miller, her husband, first and real namo un known, Benjamin Ball and Ball his wifo, first and real name unknown, Joseph Ball and Ball, his wife, first and real name unknown, Joseph Soils and Sells, his wife, first and real name unknown, John Sells and Soils, his wife, first and real name unknown, Ella Sells, Addie Sells and May Davis, neo Sells, and Davis, her husband, first and real namo un known, Rosanna Armstrong, nee Ball, and Armstrong, her husband, first and real name unknown, Worthington Ball and Ball, his wife, first nnd ral name unknown, Bertha Savage and Savage, her husband, first and real namo unknown, Amelia Wilkins and Wilkins, her husband, first and real name unknown and Florence Shepard: You and each of you are here by notified that you havo been sued in the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, together with Thomas Ball and Ball, his wife, first and real namo unknown, Alma Stevens and Stevens, her husband, first and real name unknown, by Hozekiah Ramsey, Plaintiff, the object and prayer of the petition filed therein being to quiet and confirm in the plaintiff title and possession against you and each of you In and to an undivided one-half interest in the following des cribed lands situate in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wit: A portion of lot ;i" of tho County Clerk's subdivi sion of part of the northwest quar ter of section 33, township 14, range 30. west of tho Gth P. M., des cribed as follows: Commencing at tho northeast corner of said lot "I," thence west from said northeast comer 10 de grees north 220 feet west; thence south 10 degrees west 198 feet; thence east 10 degrees south 88 feet; thence north 10 degrees east 132 foet; thence east 10 degrees south 132 feet; thence north along the east line of Lot "I" GG feet to the place of beginning, owned by tho nlnlnflflF linear nnl K.. ,.!... ", . r....v... u..u. uim uji vuiueui a ueea thereto from one George H. Woodword and further to have the estates and shares of the defendants or so many of them ac the court may find entitled to share therein as the heirs of Elizabeth Ramsey, deceased, confirmed and set aside the remaining undivided one hall interest in said property of which Elizabeth Ramsey died seized in fee, tho same to be confirmed and set aside to the plaintiff and the defendants or so many of them as may be found entitled to share therein as the sole heirs at law of said Elizabeth Ramsoy.deceased, and to have all of said described property partitioned to the plaintiff and the de fendants as their estates therein shall be confirmed by the court, and for such other and further relief as justice and equity may require. You and each of you will make inswir toiaid petition on or before the 24m uda? ?f February. 1913, or decree will be taken as in said petition prayed. t Dated i2L I?2iiih PlRtt0- Nebraska, January 10th, 1913. ' t r Hezekiah Ramsey. Plaintiff, By E. H. Evans, His Attorney, j 14- . Horlal No. M28.1. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT OF TUB INTKItlOn. a Snl.tfd.8tat0S Land Office. At North Platte, Nobraska. Dec 4 iui" entfo'1 UerW,i' " " noY.c00o'f n- PUUe!eNreDUd W,,"n L T aft oteth dio-8 John E.IEvans Reenter. V;i J l 1 J4JftdBwtfcX .