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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1913)
towtciiut etcuiv 0ftft kttt wirllMIa fftribmt TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JANUARY 31, 1913. No. 2 y A T Local and Personal. will West meet with I 9th street Judge Warren loft' last evening for Lincoln. The S. 0. C. club Mrs. Guy Cover on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waltcmath re turned last ovening from a short visit in Omaha. Mrs. H. S. Whito entertained friends at a six o'clock dinner Wednesday even ing, covers being laid for ten. Mr. and Mrs, Cole, of New York, who were guests of the latter s brother John Denn, have returned homo. C. O. Weingand returned last even ing from eastern points where ho pur chased his spring stock of clothing. Miss Irene Richards who has been visiting relatives in Belvue, 0., forsev eral months is expected to return in the near future. Miss Wright, of Schuyler, will arrive today to accept the position of steno grapher in the office of Wilcox & Halli gan. Money to loan on. real estate. Bratt & Goodman. A party of fourteen young men have formed a club and rented the former Russell house on west 2nd street for their meetings. Harry Murrin has purchased of C F. Tracy two 44 foot lots on west Fourth street east of the Votaw house and will build thereon this fall. Miss Effie Rodgers and Frank Trout will be married at the home of the bride Monday morning. They will leave at once for Moline, 111.-, to make their liomc. The Y. M. C. A. men's meeting will be in the association rooms on Sunday asternoon at four o'clock and will be addressed by S. A. Ebersoll, of Omaha. All men are cordially invited. Mrs. George Evans informs us that she has received an order for sixty dozen eggs to be shipped to Now York state for hatching. Hats off to the Nebraska hon. -Hershey Times. Weather: Fair tonight and Saturday increasing cloudiness with slowing rising temperature. Highest temberature yesterday 37, a year ago 40; lowest temperaturo last night 8, a year ago 23. The change in temperature today re minds us that winter is not yet half passed, and that below zero weather can reasonably be expected during the next six weeks. Charles Johnson, who had been man ager of the Johnson cash store but lately resigned the position, leaves todoy for Stromsburg where he will visit relatives and later will go to Texas to look after a farm he owns in that state. Miss Annie Kramp, who attended the conference of state charities and cor rections' in Lincoln this week, was elected treasurer of the organization. Miss Kramph made one of the addresses before the conference, excerpts of "which were published in the Lincoln Star. M. H-. McDermott came up from his" ranch on the Little Medicine yesterday to transact business and visit friends for a day or two. Mac is one of the pioneers of the south part of the coun ty, having located there in 1882. That Tie has been successful is attested by his broad acres and the size of his herd of cattle; and more, heowns the largest tract of native timber in the county. H. E. Worrell has been seriously ill for several days from an attack of Tiephritis. Dr. Siberts who is treating him states that he is a very sick man. However, his condition is said to be im proved this afternoon D. E. Martin Purchased 800 acres of the ranch he has een living on, last week. He purchased the improved part of the ranch and will continue to make his home there. Sutherland Free Lance. YOUR IDLE MONEY. Dont place it on inflated values, on promises of large rate of interest. We -have a few choice, gilt edge, first mortgage loans based on 35 to 40 per cent values, netting 7 to 8 per cent emi-annual interest, runing m sums of $500 and upwards. There is nothing safer nor better than these. Bratt & Goodman. G O QgHBJ U CtW U u S3 O o - O W CO H3 O u p O a CO CO 1-1 CD & U ca !SS o S3 & Cd u & u S3 U O 6 2 mv "" fist iy sa3$ Cflt fg VPH vHiilHi wHIill 5aturday' FEB. 1st CO 0 13 Qro, We will offer some Rare Bargains in Enameled Ware and Other Goods S3-CO ST CO CO p A Enameled Tea Kettles Regular Prlco, 8.1c 8-Qt, Salo Price .25c 1 Enameled CotTec'Pots Regular Prlco, BOo and 70c 3-Qt, Silo Pries 19C P-gt , Salo Prlco OC mr Machine Oilers StratlM ni Bml Sp4 Regular Prlco, 10c 1-Pt., Salo Price. 3c Ctf u W CO too o u 3 cm 0) ViIHb.m Pockol Knives AMORTED PATTCNNt. Rctolit 85c lo J 1 .00, Your Oolct . . . . " 50f to 75c, " " " 25c 10 40c " " .69c .33c ,10c gg-l Hollow Dock Grain Scoops Regular Price 85o Salo Prlco 44C Enameled Preserving Kettles Regular Pilco, 70c 14-Qt,6alo Prlco 33C Enameled CoReo Boilers Regular Pilce, St SS 11-Qt., SaloPilco... A. ,33c Kitchen Knives Regular Prlco Uc SaloPHco.'. 5C 'IV $J$$Q Half Hatchets i imz3. olid ttMl, Palnttd Oleok Jtcgular Prlco, C0o Salo Pi 190 29C m- Long Handle Shovels Regular Price 51.00 Salo Prico 39c Enameled Pudding Pans Regular Prlco, IBo 2 Qt , Salo Prlco , ,0c P Padlocks wim Tw Kr Regular Pi Ico, 10o Sale Prlco 4C Dread Knives -ra Regular Prlco, IBo and 40a Bala Prlco. Wood Handle IOC Salo Price. Wlro 8C Nail Hammers olid (ttl. Aiaortwl Panama Regular Prico, 40o Salo Prico , 19C Rh D Handle Shovels Regular Price, $1 00 ' Salo Prico, 1, ,39c Enameled Berlin Kettles Regular Prjco 50o fi-Qt , Salt. Prico., rt. .20c mr-. Enameled Derlin Sauce Pans Regular Prlco. 53c and 9Uo B-Qt, Salo Prlcq..ii., ,......,. IOC 12-Qt., 8ali Prlc..,JA..,. 29C Screw Drivers Iloffular Prlc;. 100 3i8.1n(8aloinlco ........5C fwHSwPfSBSF wr Garden Hoes slid ttMl polkhad Slid Regular Price, 400 Salo Prlco V...1 23C .Wj!9fiKMCWttSKBiWiHI Single Dit Axes Regular Prlco, S1.S9 Sale Prlco v.. 4flC P S3 CO CO fmfm sr o A CO a o T3 T3 Q 1 O m p i" S f N't && CD 3 CD 13 fro, CD O 0 O p p, CD CD a Hit s?r CD CO 'SCHATZ IS DOIN1 ITn o Has KHkB SG HATI GO. HARDWARE AND FURNITURE,' NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. CD CO tmtt CD P S3 CO o 3 S3 rf- O w 01 CD CD S3 e O 3 a- 3- P S3 p S3 ?SSS5i5SBSS5SM The North Platte School of Music FFILIATED WITH The University School of Music, Lincoln, Nebraska Elizabeth Bonncr-Craracr -- . DIRECTOR. All the principal branches of Ap plied and Theoretical Music taught by competent teachers. Address all inquiries to 122 W. Front street or phone BlacK 341. Campaign to be Made in April. The campaign for securing funds for the proposed Y. M. C. A. building will be made in April, beginning on the 14th and closing on the 24th. This was decided upon at a meeting held by the committee last evening, when the dif ferent phases of the work were dis cussed. A publicity committe composed of Messrs. Crosby. Birge and Scott was was appointed, and they will immedi ately begin their part of the work. It is proposed to devote but eleven days to the campaign, but those eleven days will bo strenuous ones, and tho work will be so divided that practically every man and woman in town will be soiicueu io give lowuru mo uuuum no sum will be too large or too small Attractions at the Keith. The following attractions aro booked for the Keith theatre during tho month of February: Miller's Daughter, Feb. 4th; Tho Right of Way, Feb. 7th; Kindling (Sara Padden), Feb. 14th; Countess Coquotto, Feb. 18th; Graus tark, Feb. 20th. Manager Stamp has also engaged a number of musical stock companies. DP?. Iedfield Infield, Physicians and Surgeons. WILLIS J. REDF1ELD, Sureoon. JOE U. REDFIELD, lhylclan. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital . . PHONE642. Jurors for March Term. The list of jurors drawn for tho next term of court district court whicn con venes Men. 10th is as follows: R D Birgo, precinct No 3 Richard Owens, precinct No 4 D H Davenberger, Jeffrey E M Fex, Garfield Henry Coker, Sutherland Chnrles Trovillo, Hinman E W Mann, No 2 I A Gilbert, No 2 T T Karr, Vroman W S Wood, Wallace George Hoover Sutherland Guy Fear, Hooker A F Funk, No 1 C V Turpio, Osgood C A Sibley, Fox Creek H A Harwager, Table L N Brummett, Whittier R C Duurtran. Dickens Arthur Mrrick, Maxwell John Eshleman, No 4 Arthur Connor, Sellers R E Grisberger, Somorset E L Jones, No 1 C W Rutledge, Medicine FOR RENT. Houses, rooms, hay and grazing land safe deposits boxes and storage room. Bratt & Goodman, I Attorney M. E. Crosby is transacting business in Ogalalla today. Harry Martin, of Denver, is expected this week to visit Joaeph Richards jind family. Attorney Albert Muldoon went to Ogalallt today to transact legal business. The Following List of Town Property has Been Listed for Quick Sale, and Are All Bargains. No. 10. Ono 4 room house, corner lot, with large frame barn. Only four DlocKs irom the Ilign school, situate on bouth (Jhostnut btreet. Nice lawn and trees. Sidewalk in. Prico $2,000.00. No. 11. Four room house, practically new, water in house and electric lights. Large barn. Nice lawn. Walks. Only 5 blocks out. Price $2,000.00. We have a vacant lot adjoining this property on tho north, which we will sell with the property for $500.00 additional. No. 7. Six room modern house (ex cept heatand bath room not equipped) on corner lot with full basement under whole house, Open stairs and nice hall. Lot well filled. Electric tiffhts and water in house. Prico $2,200.00. No. 8. Six room bunealo.-'four blocks south of Washington school New buildings and all modern except heat. Uood size basement. One and one-half lots with propesty, and good barn. Connected with sewer. Price $4500.00 No. 28. A now live room bungalo on West Fifth street, only 8 blocks out, Just being completed. Modern in every respect, including heat. Price $4,000.00. No, (1. Eight room house, modern throughout, including hot water heat. Located on W. 4th street. House practically new. ' Good barn. Price $4,800.00. INVESTMENT. The first two properties listed nbovo. together with ono vacant lot worth $G00, can be bought for $4500. Rent ing at $18 thoy will net you a little bet ter than eight per cent, figuring out taxes, insurance and repairs. I have vacant lots scattered here and thore over tho city, as woll as acreage tracts around the city. See mo if you are figuring on buying. C. F. TEMPLE. Presbyterian Church Notes. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Prenching sorvico nt 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning theme: "Life in Earnest," Evening theme: "In tho Swellings of Jordnn." Endeavor service Wednesday evening. E. A. Cary will have charge of the Bible class next Sunday. Farm For Sale. Tha northonst quarter (noj) soction twenty-four (21) township thirtuen (18) rnnge thirty (30) nbout seven miles outneast of North Platte on south side of Platte river, all smooth land near nills, good buildings, fifteen ncres in alfalfa, one of best farms in Platte valley. Price $10,000.00. Terms, half ;ash, balance on easy time at 7 por cent interest. Address Joseph Hershey North Platte, Neb. Fire Day. Fire Day was the order on Thursday of this week in the city schools and ap propriate exercises were held in all of the rooma. Fire drills, fire songs and stories and lessons about fires and their causes and prevention were carried out according to well arranged programs, Some of the things brought out were worth noting. There ore only one-eighth as many firs in Europe as in the United States. Thirteen per cent of the fir on in this country are caused by defective flues. Safety matches alone should bo used in the homes asall others are dangerous and cause many tires. Dustless dusters and dustless mops aro the cause of many firoB, They should bo kept in a tin or galvanized can or bucket. Gasoline causes the most fires and is very dangerous. It should never bo stored in the homes but kept in an out building or some isolated placo. The Washington school with 314 pupils cleared the building at fire drill today in 50 seconds. The Control build ing with 324 pupils cloared three floors in 93 seconds. Tho Lincoln building with 301 pupils was cleared in 53 seconds. Five hundred eighty pupils joined tho Nebraska Fire Scouts, agreeing to "use all possiblo means to provent fires and protect life and property." This is diroctly under the auspices ot the Chief Deputy Fire Commissiaher of Nebraska, Your Shirts Perfectly Laundered, And so shaped that they fit well up to the body. "Weli Ironed Shirts" is our motto. DICKEY'S SANITARY LAUNDRY. "YOUR BOSOM FRIEND." Auto Delivery Phone 77 Automobile Announcement To all those who buy 1913 Buick cars of us vg will furnish FREE lubricating oil for 2,600 miles. 4 J. S. DAVIS AUTO CO. "q6 tc v t