The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 28, 1913, Image 8

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Serai -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
One Year liy Mall in advance $1.2)
Ono Year by Carrier in advance $1.60
Entered at North Platto, Nebraska, Post
oflico as Second Class Matter,
TUESDAY. JAN. 28. 1913.
Tho Tribune man was ono of 800
men who attended tho exhibition of
"mnnly nrt" nt tho opera house last
Thursday night. It was his second
"offense;" it will bo his Inst. While
ho wns present in tho hall he attempted
to find some justification for such ex
hibitions, but lio could find nono. Ho
attempted to see wherein it was elevn
.tmg; wherein itwas educational; whore
tfn it would tend to make the attendants
moro manly men and better citizen.
The diagnosis was nil as to good re
sults. There wns, however, an awak
ening of man's animal nature, n full
sway of tho baser instincts of man, and
ever and anon during the progress of
ythe three events were heard tho re
fined (?) yells "punch his noso," "poke
him in tho ribs," "rock his head,"
'send him to sleep;" when one fighter
failed to hit his opponent there wore
jocrsjwhen lio hit him thero wore cheers.
Clonrly nothingless than n"knock out",
a beating to insensibility of one by the
other would suffice orj satlsfy.that
audience that had contributed a full
thousand dollars to an nfTnir that was
tho roverso of improvement to .mind,
to Intellect, to morality.
Ono thousand dollars would purchase
800 good, entertaining, elevating books
for our public library; ono thouand dol
lars would form tho neucleus for a Y.
M. C. A. building fund; one thousand
dollars would relieve destitution, mis
ery and hungor among tho flnfortunnto
of our city; one thousand dollars would
send to.a hospital a beautiful North
Platto child, of poor parentage, who
has n doformed limb and whose cure
would bring to her a life long happiness
brighter than tho rays of n mid-day
sun; ono thousand dollars what good
might bo accomplished with it.
Maintaminj'Productivity.of Soil.
The problem of maintaining tho soil
productivity of western Nebraska is a
far mora porplexing problem for that
part of the stnto than the conservation
of tho soil has been to tho uastorn Ne
braska farmer, acording to Superinten
dent V. P. Snydor of tho experiment
sub-stntion of North Platto, who spoko
on thnt subject boforo tho Nebraska
Corn Improvers' association nt tho
university farm, Moisture has been
tho nroblem for the farmar in tho west,
and though J tho soil a woll suppliid
with most of tho elements needed for
plont growth thoTnood' is Jfor mere
organic matter thnt; willlhclpg to con
servo moisture. tThosoll problem, he
flaid, is moro of a physical thann chom
ical nature.
What tho western farmer must do is
to follow somo plan thnt will furnhh
organic matter for tho noil. In the
onstorn part of thb stato tho farmer
raises alfalfa which greatly enriches
tho ground and with tho rnising of live
stock together with" hlsjgruln Jfurmlng
secures a largo amount of fertilizing
material from tho Htock. In tho west
alfalfa Is hard to raiso, many of tho
formers uro not stock raisors, it would
not pay tho land tiller to resort to rais
ing peas or othor crops and plowing
them undoron account of tho oxpento
entailed. Tho only solution for tho
western farmer is toTput a small por
tion of his farm under cultivation and
turn his attention to stock raising. By
this method tho Htock will furnish suffi
cient fortillzor to give tho soil .under
cultivation tho olemont it neods. Tho
sub-station is carrying on a number of
experiments, he said, in order to aid the
western farmer in tho solution of this
Brady News,"
(From tho Vindicator.
Joseph Sullivan last week bought a
load of yearling steers for',rwhich ho
paid $70.00 n head. He shipped them
to Denvor last Saturday to tho Stock
Show and expects to return home with
Bomo promijjms. La tor, Word was re
ceived hore Wednesday that Joo had
taken second premium with his steers,
.Tho Maxwell & Brady Tolophono Co.
novHjaff 417 phones in operation at tho
jVwo i exchanges. Besides farmers have
Tio privilege of talking through tho
Gothenburg exchange and over on tho
high lino south, Somo subscribers,
with all this territory in spoaklng dis
tance for miles in each direction, often
registorn kick of some kind when the
rent comes round.
It is rflp'irtod that a couplo of gents
ono night lust week throw olt about u
ton of con I fnm ono of tho U. P. cars
standing In tho yards. An cmployoo
ofthc r mil happened along about that
time and made them hoavo it back on
tho car again, which thoy nlid nftor
much labor, Tn or fifteon yoar ago
Such things wore tolerated all along the
, lino, but not in these days, Another
' good reason Why Brady should have nn
electric light plant.
The .ctl& Lamp
HpHE LAMP that burns right because it is
j made right. The shape of the wick, the
size of the chimney, the size of the inlets
for air all these, and countless other details
have been determined with utmost care. An
Efficient, Economical,
lamp is the result the best oil lamp made.
At Dealer Everywhere
Beauty of the Zebra.
Tho zebra la perhaps of all quadru
peds tho best made ami most beauti
fully clad by tho hand of nature. To
tho figure and graces of tho horse It
adds tho elegance of tho stag, and the
black and white bands with which its
body 1b ornamented aro arranged with
such wonderful symmotry that wo
might almost bo disposed to Imagine
that rulo and compass had been em
ployed In their formation. Thcso nl
tomato bands are narrow, parallel and
exactly soparutcd. They extend not
only over tho body, but the head, thigh
and legs and even over tho cars and
tall. They follow bo exactly tho con
tour of tho dltTerent forms that they
exhibit tho cntlro figure In the most
advnntagcous point of vlow. In tho
femalo thcso bands aro alternately
black and whlto. In tho malo they
aro black nnd yellow, but always of
a lively and brilliant tint They also
rest upon a ground of short, tlno nnd
copious hairs, whoso lusior considera
bly augments the general beauty of tho
colors. Exchange.
Our Wonderful Eyes.
Is there anything so wonderful as
tho oyo? No matter how cold tho
weathor may be. tho cyo never falls
In the wildest of blizzards, when the
thermometer registers many degrees
below zero, when tho feet nnd lingers
freeze, when tho throat freezes, when
oven tho torso, Bwnthcd In sweaters
and chamois skin vestings. freezes;
when tho noso and cars aro frost bit
ton, when tho hair oven crackles In the
blast when all Is lost apparently, the
eyes surfer no pulh, but continue to per
form their normal functions. Tho peo
ple; of tho most lncloment, most frigid
regions of tho extreme north bundle up
everything but their eyes. Tho eyes
aro never frostbitten. They seem to
suffer only In a strong wind which car
ries In Its current some trrltntlng sub
stance. And yet, notwithstanding this.
Uio eyes are the most sensitive- of our
several orguns.
Banking the Fire.
Banking the flro Is a very simple
process. It ts enslor to imnK a lire
than to bank anything elso wo know
of. Wo havo not been nblo to tinnk
anything oxcopUng a llro for several
years. Placo tho ashes In tho Hour
sifter and thus sprlnklo thorn careful
ly over tho coals three teacupfuls
for n small furnace, the kind Unit
goes out every Ilvo minutes, and llvo
teacupfuls for ono of the battleship
variety. Close all of tho drafts or
leave nil of them open, ns you choose,
turn out tho gas In Uio basement, lock
the kitchen door, take your dose of
family tea. wind the clock, put out
the rat nnd iro to tied. If these direc
tions are followed faithfully you will
In tln morning llnd one of two condi
tions the the will be going or It will
lie out Huston (ilolie.
Bpauty Never Dies.
Nothing of beauty dies without hnv
lug pui'llU'd Homt'tlilng, nor can aught
of hi'Miit.v be lost. Ia1 us not be afraid
of sowing It along the road. It may
remain there for weeks or years, lint
like the diamond It cannot dissolve,
and llnnlly there will pass some one
whom Its glitter will attract, lie will
pick It up and go his way rejoicing.
Then why keep back a lofty, beautiful
word, for that you doubt others will
understand? An litHtant of higher good,
noss was Impending over you. Why
hinder Its coinlinx oven though you bo
llevi not Unit Uiohu about you will
protlt therebyV What If you aro nmong
the men of tho valley, Is that sulllclent
reason for checking tho instinctive
movement of your soul townrd the
mountain peaks? Maurice Mnotorllnck.
Hereulaneum and Pompeii.
Tho twin cities of mournful destiny
were both engulfed at tho samo time
August, 70 A. D. Tho reason why
Uurculaueiim has not been oxcavated
to the same extent as Pompeii Is owing
to tho fact that It was covorcd with a
much harder material than was Pom
pell; the dust predominating In Pom
poll, whllo tho lava prevailed over Her
eulaneum. Thero Is not much doubt
about tho eventual opening up of both
cities Human curiosity, together with
the demands of history nnd science,
will not rest until Ilcrculanoum has
been mudo to tell Its secrets. Now
York American.
Miss May mo Johnson, of Brady, who
spent tho week end in town with frlonds,
lef.t S.ynday-ovpnlnfr.
For Best Reiultt use
Perfection Oil
Ask about quantity
price and iron barrels
for storage.
A bill has been introduced in tho state
legislature making provision for each
school district in Nebraska with nn
area of 12 sections or more to main
tain at least 7 months of school. If the
district has not sufficicent funds (385)
the stato is to supply tho nmonnt from
a fund that is be appropriated for that
purpose each biennial. This law will
supplement the old State Aid Law,
which provided for 5 months school for
each district.
This is the Case with Many North
Platte Readers.
Too many North Platto citizens are
hondicapped with bad backs. Tho un
ceasing pain causes constant misery,
making work a burden and stooping or
lifting an Impossibility. Tho back aches
at night, preventing refreshing rest
and in the morning is stiff and lame.
Plasters and liniments may give relief
but cannot reach tho cause if the kid
neys are woak. To eliminate the pains
nnd nches of kidney bnckache you must
euro tho kidneys.
Doan's Kidney Pills nre for weak
kidneys thousands testify to their
merit. Can you doubt North Platte
W. P. Blalock, 609 Seventh St.,
North Platte, Nebr., snys: "I had an
awful, heavy aching across my loins
which seemod to tako every bit of
strength from me. My back was weak
and helpless. I wns lamo and stood
erect only with painful efforts. eThe
kidneys secretions seemed to get more
disordered as the pain in my back in
crease J and they were unnatural and
too frequent in passage. I was advised
to try Doan's Kidney Pills and got n
box. They cured my complaint and I
have been entirely woll since."
Por sale by all dealers. Price CO cents.
Foster-MllburnCo., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
1 mil
llgal notice
To Georjje Herbert I5ox and Gconclna M. B.
Ilox, his wife, non-rusident defendant.
You and each of you will hereby tako notice
that Isalo S. Oaudreault, nlalntlir. filed his peti
tion In the district court of Lincoln county.
Nebraska, asrainst you and each of you in a Bult
In which you are Impleaded with Wcllfleet Keal
hstntoand Improvement Company, a corporation,
tho object nnd and prayer of which petition are
to quiet in the plaintiff against you, tltlo to the
following described lands situate In Lincoln
county. Nebraska . to-wlt: Lots 7 nnd
Hand tho south half of lot U, In block 7, of the
original town of Wellfleot. Nebraska, and moro
particularly to quiet title nifnlnst a certain quit
claim deed inado and executed by you to lot 7 nnd
the south half of lot 9 In said block 7, on Juno 29,
1907, to one C. I' Hicks nnd to cure certain appar
ent defects therein and particularly In tho ac
knowledgment thereof.
You and each of you will nrrkn nnswor to said
petition on or before the Er I i.. March, 1918.
or your respective defaults wl'l U taken.
0 1913 "' Nrtl' Vl'iUe '' January
' Isaii; S. GAUimEAULT. I'lalntlir.
J2'-' lly II. E. Evans, his Attorney.
. .. T", Stn f Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss.
In the County Court.
In tho matter of tho estato of Carl E.
uLimcuvr, uuieuBeu.
To the creditors, heirs, legatees, and others In
terested In tho estate of Carl K SchaclTcr.
. aak,? ,ll0,tlcu' that W. II. Muner. Jr..
has llled In tho county 'court n report of
his dolnirs as administrator of Carl E.
Schnetrer estate, and It is ordered that
lh" "" "lnr"' for henrlnir tho 18th dny
of Icbninry. A. t 1913, before tho court
at tho hour of I) o'clock, a, m., ut which time any
person Interested may appear and except to and
contest tho same. And notice of this proceeding is
ordered given In tho North I'latto Tribune, a
semi-weekly newspaper, printed In said county
or three successive weeks prior to said date of
hearlnc, I ebruary 18, 1913.
Witness my hand and tho seal of the county
court at North l'lalte, Nebraska, this S!fith c,Hy of
Jan. A D 191?,
J23-3 .IUI1N QUA NT. Counlr .Twice.
rnoiiATE notice! "
In tho matter of the estate of Michael Albert
1' oater, deceased.
In the county court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska. January. 24, 1913.
Notice is hereby Riven, that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the administrator of said
estate beforo the county judifo of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, at the county court room. In Bald
county, on tho 25th day of Kek. 1913. and on the
.25th day of Auir.. 1913. at 9 o'clock a. m. each day.
for tho purpose of presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allowance. Six
months are allowed for creditors to present their
claims, and ono year for the administrator to
settle said estate, from the 21th day of Fob,
IV18', A,copy of this onlerto bo published lr the
North I'latto Tribune, a legal seml-weekly news
paper published In said county for four successlvo
weeks prior to February 25, 1913.
Jf-J JOHN CHANT. County JudRe.
Portal Nn. 07ni.
Departincntof tiu interior.
U. S. Land Olllco al North I'latto. Nob.
.. , , , .'an .Wtli. 1913.
Notice. la ho reby irlvon that Will C. Maston.
of North Platto. Neb., who. on November
7th, U1M, mado Homestead Entry Serial
No- 07Ny for noU, Syo 2. Township I a,
north. lUuiroSS. W.. Dili Principal Meridian,
lias IIIihI nutlco of intention to1 inaku final
tliroo year proof, to establish claim to the
land abovo described, boforo lU'irlstor and
Hecolver. at North i'latto. Nob., on tlw 25th
day of March, 1913,
Claimant names an wltnesst'at , c.irl
brooder, John rAJwlor.'HuKhSotieoraud will
lluntpr, all of North I'latto. Nobr
JSI-e J. E. Evans. BveUter,
Have You Plumbing Troubles?
Is there need for repairs every few
days? Is your bathroom modern nnd
luxuriantly comfortable? Are tho
kitchen arrangements convenient and
sanitary? If not.
Send For Our Plumber.
Not only nre we experts ut repair
work, but there will be little need for
repairs if wo install your plumbing.
You'll be surprised atour fair estimates
if you "talk prico" with us.
,Shop Phone 09. Res. Phone 683
Corner buth and Locust.
tW'-4'W'-i'i' V'ti'tftt'tt'fr'fe-fr
eo. n. nFNT.
Physician and. Surrjcon,
Office over McDonald Bank. 3
Phones iOfilcel30
l hones Res5dence 115
flr!rJ!fr!Jt jfrfr-ftfrft'lM'ft'frfr'ftftfl' frfrfrft'ffr'fr
Office phono 241. Res. phono 217
Osteopathic Physician.
North Platto, - - Nebraska.
McDonald Bank Building.'.
- - "t''Bmrh'
V ft & a'Ak' (J ! m
" ''.
t: ' ' Y,
- Doctors Ames & Ames,
Physicians and Surgeons,
Office over Stone Drug Co. '
.. )OfPce273
rnones Refidence 27J
J-- ,tjj-.rtf-tr-.tfir 'vrftf-
w -w-,-- -fj m m -vat m m ft ' ww
Twenty-five years experience. Satis
faction guaranteed. See or writa me
m'chlO 320 E. 11th St. North Platte
The leading Live Stock and Gen
eral Farm Sales Aucti6rieer in"
Western Nebraska is ?
Phone Red 536.
The Old'fceliable
When your clothed need pressing,
cleaning and repairing, lot the Old Re
liable Tailor do it and do it right We
have been doing this work in North
Platto for thirty. years, know how to
do it nnd do it tho way it should be
That menns satisfaction td you,'.
Entrance north of the Nynl drug1 store.
Porlnl No. 0128.1.
United Status Land Olllco.
At North I'latto. Nebraska." Dec. 4. JtilS,
Notice 1h heruliy felvcn that Joseph
A. Knajdl of North Platte Nob., who on
AinriiRt 30. ITO0, , mnilu homestead ontrv
Serial No. 0123 fori all of
section 24, Town 111 N., KaiiBeBO V., of tho
ilth I'rlucliial Murldi&ii, has lllccfnotlcuof In
tention to make tlnal tliroo roar
proof, to establish claim to tho land alxve
described, beforo tho roKlstor and receiver
at North I'latto. Nebraska, on ,tbo Ctb day
of February, 1UI3.
Claimant names as witnesses: Oasixr
F tilvlts, Kilwiii W. Wrltfbt. ltuucrt
Srhwalirur and William I. fllvltf, all of North
I'latle. Nob.
dW-8 John E. F.vans Kivister.
In tho GoinitvCmiH of Lincoln county, Ne
braska. Dec. 21. WIS.
In the mattoi of tho estate of Dennis
Kelly, deceased.
Notlco Is hereby given, that tho creditors
of said deceased will moot tho Administra
trix of said estate boforo tho County Judge
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at. the-county
court room In said county.on tho 2sth day of
Jnn . IHi:i. and on tho 2Sth day of July,
IMS. att o'clock a in. uach day. for the mir
Ikmo of presenting thelrclalms for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Six mouths
aro alluwed for creditors to present their
claims and one year for tho admlrtstratrlx
to settle said estate, from tlie -Jtli day of
llec., WIS. A, copy of this onlnrto bo pub
lished In the North I'latle Tribune-a lesal
semleekly newspaper published In said
oounty for four successive weeks prior to
ald date of hearing Jan ttth. Wis.
d31-4 JOHN OKANT. County Judco
lly virtue of an order of sale laaued from the
dlntrict court of Lincoln county, JMebraaka.
upon a decro,pf foreclosure rendered In said
court wherein Georgo Lehman Is plalntllT
and Martin Anderson Is defendant and
to mo directed, I will on tha lbth day of
Jan., 1913, at 2 o'clock, p. m., at the edit front
dour of tho court houso In North Platte, Lincoln
county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash to satisfy said
dorree. Interest and costs, the following
described property to-wlt: Southeast quarter
pt the northwest quarter (seX of nw) and
lota ono (1) two (2) and three of sec.
Hon two it), township twelve (12) north of
ninfee thirty-three (SJ) west of the 6th l
11., in Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Dated North 1'Iatte. Neb., Dec. I4th. 1912.
Ill- A.J. SALianpnY. Sheriff.
I ri1 House of Good Showf fl I
When in Norfh Platte. I
H Motion Pictures. Runs Every H
fl Night. Matinee Saturday After- ED
noon at 2:30 O'clock. u
10 CENTS. f
(The North Platte
School of Music
The University School of
Music, Lincoln, Nebraska
Elizabeth Bonncr-Cramcr
All the principal branches of Ap
plied and Theoretical Music taught by
competent tenchors.
Address all inquiries to 122 W. Front
street or phone BlacK 341.
Signet Chapter O. E. S., f
NO. 55
Meets 2nd and 4th uThursday of
month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 p.
Telephone Red 466 605K Dewey St.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Homeopathic Physician andSurgcon
Hospital acccmmodatlons. Medical and
surgical attentlon.given obstetrical cases.
Ofilco Phono 183 lies. Phono 283
Olllco McDonald Stato Hank Hld'g
Get Acquainted
with cigars made by Schmalzried, nnd
you will always be a friend to them
In their making only tho best tobacco
is used, they aro well made, and always
give satisfaction. We carry a full line
of tobaccos and smokers' articles.
The Maker of Good Cigars.
In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, Dec. 27th 1912.
In tho matter of tho estate of John O. Wilmeth,
Notice is hereby given, that the creditors of said
deceased will meet tho Administratrix of Baid
estate, beforo tho county judgo of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, at the county court room. In said
county, on the 28th day cf January 1913, and on
the 28th day of July 1913. at 1) o'clock a. m. eneh
day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and nllownneo. Six
months nro allowed for creditors to present their
claims, una ono year Tor tho Administratrix to
settle said estate, from the 2Gth day of Dec. 1913,
A copy right of this order to bo printed for four
successive weeks in tho North I'latto Tribune, a
semi, weekly newspaper published in said county
Piiorto Jan, 28th. 1912.
d31-4 JOHN GRANT, County Judge.
Keteree's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued
in the district court in and for Lincoln
county, on the 18th day of December.
1912, in an action of partition wherein
Shellie Schneider is plaintiff and Eva
B. Weaver. S. W. Weaver, Gusta
Satterlee, George Satterlee, Leonard
Calvort, Leonard Burton, Cora M. Bur
ton, Cora C. Sabin, Charles H. Sabin,
Lafayette Calvert, Claude Shephard and
Charles Shephard are defendants, I will
sell at public auctUn at the east front of
courthouse in the city of North Platte,
Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the 25th
day of January, 1913, at tho hour of
one o'clock p. m., tho following de
scribed real est'ato situate in Lincoln
county, Nebraska, to-wit: Southeast
quarter of the southwestquarter (S. E.
i S. W. i) south half of southeast
quarter (S. 1 S. E. J) and northeast
quarter of tho southeast quarter (N. E.
i of S. E. J) of section twelve (12),
township 'ten (10), north of rango
twenty-eight (28), west of the Gth
P. 51. The terms of this sale will be
cash in hand.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska,
this 23rd day of December, 1912.
D24-G O. E. Elder. Referee.
Referee's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of nn order issued to me by the district
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska
under date of December 21, 1912, in an
action wherein Nellie Kain, Is plaintiff,
and Henry M. Bebout and Elizabeth E
Bebout, his wife; IvanL. Kain, a minor
under fourteen years of age; Mary E.
Kain, a minor under fourteen years of
nge; are cieionuants, 1 will on the the
3d day of February, 1913, at 1 o'clock
p. m., of said day, at tha East front
door of the court house of tho city of
North Platto, Lincoln countv. Nebraska
soil at public auction to the" highest bid
der for cash, the following described
real estate, to-wlt: all of section twenty
Uye (2o) in township eleven (11) north
of range thirty-four (M) west of tho Gth
p. m. (except ten acres for buildinc
spot on the north forty of the north
west quarter of said Bection twenty
fivo) and tho southwest quarter
(swi) of southwest quarter (swl)
(known as lot four,) the northwest
quarter (nwj) of the southwest quarter
(swi) (known as lot three.) the south
west quarter (swi) of tho northwest
quarter (nwi) (known as lot two) and
tlie southeast quarter (sei) of the south
west quarter (swi)of section thirty (30)
n township eleven (11) north of range
thlrty-three (33) west of the Gth p. m.?
KCskha?CUnty0f L!nC0,n' at
Dated this 23d dav nf ni... mm
J. G. Beeler, CHAHtEs Walter'
Atty. Rforee. dl3-5
A Mir . v SSSi
The school district of the city of
North Platte, in tha county of Lincoln,
stato of Nebraska.
School Bonds.
Sealed bids will be received by tho
undersigned secretary of tho school
district of tho city of North Platte, in
the county of Lincoln, stato of Ne
braska, until 6 o'clock p. m. 17th day
of February, 1913, for $20,000.00 regis
tered school bonds of said district.
Said bonds will bo issued in denom
inations of $1,000.00 each, numbered
from ono to twenty inclusive dated
April 1st, 1913, mature twenty years
from ('ate, butpayablo at tho option of
the district after ten years.
Bonds will bear five (5) per cent
interest payablo semi-annually, on
April 1st and October 1st at the Fiscal
Agency of the state of Nebraska, Now
York City.
All bids must be accompanied by a
cortified check for $500.00 mado pay
able to F. L. Moonoy, treasurer of said
district. Tho right is reserved to re
ject any or all bids.
Done by order of the Board of Edu
cation this Gth day January 1913.
A. F. Stueitz, Secretary.
Ry virtue of on order of sale Issued from tho
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon
a degree of foreclosure rendered In said court
w herein Lincoln county Land Company, a corpor
ation Is plaintiff, and Viola A. Ilrodino
et nl are defendants, and to mo directed I
will on the 24th day of February, 1913, at 2
o'clock p. m., at tho east front door of tho court
house In North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, interest
and costs, the following described property
to-wlt: northeast quarter (neW) and the south
one-half (s'4) of section twenty-ono (21), town
ship ten (10), range twenty-nlno (29) west of
tho 0th P, M. In Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Dated North Platte, Neb., Jan. 20. 1913.
J22-6 A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff,
In the district court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska. To Herbert Dwight Rock
well otherwise Hubert D. Rockwell and
the unknown heirs of Mary C. Rockwell,
deceased, defendants:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that William Smith plaintiff,
filed his certnin petition in tho district
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, on
December 30th, 1912, against you and
each of you and that upon due cause
shown said court made an order on the
30th day of December, 1912 that tho
said plaintiff should proceed to obtain
service by publication upon said un
known heirs of Mary C. Rockwell, de
ceased, by publication of a notice fr
four consecutive weeks in the North
Platto Semi-Weekly Tribune. The ob
ject and prayer of which petition are to
quiet and confirm in the plaintiff and
against the defendants and each of
them title in and to the following des
cribed lands, situate in Lincoln county,
Nebraska, to-wit: Southeast quarter
(sei) of section twenty-three (23) town
ship nine (9), north of rango thirty -ono
(31) west of the sixth principal merid
ian and particularly against a certain
mortgage made and executed by John
M. Smith on July 13, 1889 to Riloy Bros,
and by said Riloy Bros, assigned to
MarylC. Rockwell; nnd that said de
fendants nnd each of them be forever
barred and enjoined from setting up
and claiming uny interest in said prem
ises and from disturbing the plaintiff in
tho peaceful and quiet enjoyment of
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before tho 10th day of Feb
ruary, 1913.
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska,
December 30th. 1912.
William Smith, Plantiff.
By" E. H.EVANS, His attorney.
Legal Notice.
To Charity iMiller and
ner nusnanu. urst nnu real name un
known, HenjaminBall and Ball his
wife, first and real name unknown,
Joseph Ball and Ball, his wife,
first and real name unknown, Joseph
Sells and Sells, his wife, first and
real name unknown, John Sells and
Sells, his wife, first and real name
unknown, Ella Sells, Addie Sells and
May Davis, nee Sells, and Davis,
her husbnd, first and real name un
known, Rosanna Armstrong, neo Ball,
and Armstrong, hor husband, first
and real name unknown, Worthington
Ball and Bnll. his wife, first and r-al
name unknown, Bertha Savage and
Savage, her husband, first and real
name unknown. Amelia Wilkins and"
Wilkins, her husband, first and
real name unknown and Florence
Shepard: You and oach of you are here
by notified that you have been sued in
the district court of Lincoln county.
Nebraska, together with Thomas Ball
and Ball, his wife, first and real
name unknown, Alma Stevens and
- Stevens, her husband, first and
real name unknown, by Hezekiah
Ramsey, Plaintiff, the object and
prayer of the petition filed therein
, 'i'Sj0.. fuiet , and confirm in the
plaintiir title nnd possession against you
and each of you in and to an undivided
one-ha f interest in the following des
cribed lands situate in Lincoln county.
Nebraska to-wit: A portion of lot
".1 of tho County Clerk's subdivi
sion of part of the northwest quar
ter Of Section 33. Inurniihln 1A l
30. west of the Gth P. m a'
cribed as follows: Commencing at tho
northeast corner of said lr "i " i,
west from said northeast corner 10 de
grees north 220 feet west; thence south
0 degrees west 198 feet; thence east
0 degrees south 88 feet; thence north
lOdeirrees eastm?. ff. tv, :. ;A
. " . -www, menu UUBL 111
degrees south 132 feet; thence north
long the east line pf Lot "I" GG feet
to tnn nl.ii-n f l,nn.'n: , . .
ni.i(iSTi "KiUHiK, ownea uy tno
plalntllT under and by virtue of a deed
3;r' NT1 e ue,orS H. Woodword
S? tM?r toi the estat" and sh
of the defendants or so many of them
ae the court may find ontitld to sha
therein as tho heirs of Elizabeth
IJu decea.B,-d' confirmed and set
i ! r? min n,g vided one half!9t.i. 8ald Property of which
Elizabeth Ramsey died seized in fee the
same to be confirmed and ,et aside to
.8W,-Lffand thB MwdanSfor so
to stfarJ W !aSmay,,be found -ntltled
of Sid Plfeh'S Brf thesl;hirs at law
oi said Elizabeth Ramsoy.deceaBed. and
to have all of sa d described nronerrv
partitioned to the plaintiff andP the di
fendanta as the r estates therein Vnii
be : confirmed by the court, .ndf or Sch
wi Hlia?,tf FeTay.. 1913, or decree d" .l-fef'on prayed.
JkButtHurm, oq i,ullB' eurasua,
o ',.-" "
n T'SrE!SKlAI1 Ramsey, PlalntifT
ByE.H. Evam, His Attorney. 1 14.4