The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 28, 1913, Image 7

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And Cures Any Counh That Is Cur
able. Noted Doctors Formula.
Trom your drugclst Bet two ounces
f Glycerine and linlf an ounco of Globe
Pine Compound (Concentrated Pine).
Take these two Ingredients home and
Jut them Into a half pint of cood hls
xey. Take one to two tcaspoonfuls after
each meal and nt bedtime. Smaller doses
to children according to age " This is the
best formula known to science. There
are many cheaper preparations of large
quantity, but It don't pay to experiment
with a bad cold. lie mire to Ret only
the genuine Globe Pine Compound
Cotjcnntrated Pine) Each half ounco
bottle comes In a sealed tin screw-top
case. If your druggist docs not hno
It In stock ho will get It quickly from
Ills wholesale house. This has been
published here every winter for six
years- and thousands of families know
Its value. Published by the Globe Phar
maceutical laboratories of Chicago.
"I asked your fattier and he said
you wore old enough to know your
own mind."
"He didn't tell you how old I was,
did ho?"
Lebanon, O. "My eczema otarted
on my thigh with a small pimplo. It
also came on my scalp. It began to
tch and I began to scratch. For
eighteen or twenty years I could not
tell what I passed through with that
liwiul Itching. I would scratch until
tho blood would soak through my un
derwear, and I ccAldn't talk to my
friends on the street but I would be
Jigging and punching that spot, until
f waa very much ashamed. The itch
ing was so intense I could not sleep
ifter once In bed and warm. I certain
ly Buffered torment with that eczema
lor many years.
"I chased after everything I ever
heard of, but all to no avail. I saw
the advertisement for Cuticura Soap
and Ointment and sent for a sample.
Imagine my delight when I applied tho
first dose to that awful itching flro
on my leg and scalp, in less than a
minute the itching on both places
coased. I got some more Cuticura
Soap and Ointment. After the second
day I never had another itching spell,
and Cuticura Soap and Ointment com
pletely cured mo. I was troubled with
awful dandruff all over my scalp. Tho
Cuticura Soap has cured that trouble "
(Signed) L. R. Fink, Jan. 22, 1912.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold
throughout the world. Sample of each
freo, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address
post-card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston."
Its Popularity.
"What public board is most Id fa
vor with a municipality?"
"I rather think it la tho festive
Usual Results.
"Did the girls get a hint of our se
cret?" "Yes with telling effect."
Restored to Health by Lydia
EL Pinkham's Vegntabl;
Compound Her
Own Story.
Westwood, Md. "I am a frxmer's
wife and do most of my own work when
I am uble, I had
nervous spalls, fe
male weakness and
terrible bearing
down, painn every
month. I also suf
fered much with my
right side. The pain
started v my back
and extended around
my right side, and
th doctor told mo it
won organic inflam
mation. I was sick every three weeks
end bad to stay in bed f om two to four
"It is with great pleasure I tell you
what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has done for me. I have fol
lowed your directions as near as possi
ble, and feel much better than I have
felt for years. When I wrote you bo
fore I was almost a wreck. You can
publish this letter if you like. It mny
help to strengthen tho faith of some
poor suffering woman." Mrs. John P.
RICHARDS, Westwood, Maryland.
Women who suffer from those dis
tressing ills peculiar to their sex should
not doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pink
bam's Vegetable Compound to restore
their health.
If you have tho slightest doubt
.hat Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Conipoundivill help you, write
(o Lydia E.FlnkhamMedlcineCo.
(confidential) Lynn, Mass., for nd
vice. Your letter will ho opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and hold In strict confidence.
: -J i.l I .11 I . 1.1 ...... .
WtVL ar , i'iu
Peculiar Effect of Lightning on a Chestnut Tree In Eastern New York.
From early times there bus becu a
belief that certain trees more than
others aro likely to bo struck by light
ning. The elder Pliny said: "Light
ning never strikes tho laurel." This
tree was also called bay, and wreaths
of its leaves were worn by ancient
rulers both as a symbol of victory and
as a protection from tho lightning of
the gods. Seneca and Plutarch held a
similar belief, which may be traced
down even to modern times, but tho
theory as now' held Includes a numbor
of trees, different in various countries.
This belief was so firmly established
that such trees as the beech, locust,
holly, olive, walnut, birch, elder,
mistletoe and llve-for-ever, supposed
to bo effective in warding off light
ning, were placed near dwellings.
To this day there aro many who
still Insist that tho beech is never
struck, while in parts of tho United
States tho aspen is considered Im
mune from lightning.
On tho other hand, it was believed
that such trees as tho oaks, particu
larly cork oak, had a very bad repu
tition for attracting lightning, and
this belief prevails even now. Thero
is a proverb:
"Avoid the oak, flee from the spruce,
but seek tho beech."
And also:
"Hewaro the ouk, it draws the
Avoid the ash, it courts the (lash.
Creep under tho thorn, 'twill save
from harm."
Natives of South Africa have said
regarding the mopane tree, which is
often struck, "Lightning hates it;" but
they say that tho morala tree is never
touched. Tho Portuguese share thlB
Thero was once a widespread belief
in Europe that conifers woro almost
immune from lightning, but records
yellow Pine, Arizona, Completely
Shattered by Lightning.
mado there showed thut conifers
rank third in liability to stroke. The
persistent popular belief regarding
immunity of sotno trees and liability
of others have given rise to tho fol
lowing theories regarding trees most
likely to bo struck:
1. Tall trees: Because they reach
high toward the electrically charged
cloud, and therefore lessen tho dis
tance with tho flash must traverse
through tho dielectric (air). Such
treos aro conceived to bo a part of tho
earth, extending upward and inviting
tho stroke.
2. Trees with pointed crowns:
Because they Invite, to their ono apex,
a singlo full-pressuro flash. Trees
with rounded crowns, favor the dif
fusion of the flash into a spray.
3. Trees with pointed leaves: ' Be
cause static electricity jumps moat
easily to and from pointed terminals.
J. Trees with smooth or shiny
leaves: Becauso a smooth surface in
vites flashes, whllo a hairy or woolly
surface, presenting a multitude of fino
points, favors diffusion.
D. Trees with deeply grooved bark:
Because bark deeply grooved longi
tudinally guides tho current to tho
ground, and becauso tho moist sap
wood is close to the surface in tho bot
toms of the Assures.
C. Trees isolated Becauso they
are tho only marks for the flash und
are conductors,
7. Trees on high ground: Becauso
they are nearest to the storm cloud
8. Trees on damp soil: Becauso
the moistuio makes a good contact be
tween the treo and the earth.
9. Trees deeply rooted: Becauso
the long roots give a better grounding
and finish a moro direct path to
deeper and molster eartli strata.
10. Trees with dead branches:
Because they present alluring points.
11. Trees whoso wood has high
electric conductivity; Becauso the
Hash will solect tho path of least re
sistance. 12. Trees whoso tissues are com
posed mostly of longitudinally ar
ranged fibers nnd other elements:
Becauso this arrangement would favor
tho transmission of tho electric cur
rent. 13. Trees rich In starch: Becauso
starches and Biigars aro better con
ductors than oils, rosins and waxes.
But years of careful study and ex
perimenting show that any kind of
tree is likely to bo struck by light
ning. In tomperato climates thunder
storms, with lightning, occur most
commonly during tho summer usually
in tho afternoon. In the United States
they are four or flvo times as frequent
east of the Itocky mountains a vcst
omitting from consideration parts
of Arizona and New Mexico. This is
due, as explained later, to the general
ly mountainous condition of the west.,
Lightning Is most frequent in Florida
and Illinois.
In Cuba severe thunderstorms are
frequent, and trees nro often struck
and killed. Tho pine only is reported
Lightning is extremely raro in
Alaska, and no forest flres aro known
to have resulted from It.
It does not follow, that tho trees
most liable to ignition by lightning aro
tho ones moBt responsible for forest
flres. While in general ono species
may bo moro Inflammable than an
other, tho degree of inflammability
varies with tho locality and season.
The treo most often struck and Ignited
in the west is tho westorn yellow pine,
which grows in open, park-like stands,
where the lire hazard i3 small.
A treo may bo set on firo bj light
ning nnd burn for days without tho
flames spreading to other tiees or to
tho ground, and if tho latter he freo
irom litter, as In often tho caso In
western yellow pine forests, the
chances of the flro spreading are
small. It is probablo that the ma
jority of forest flres caused by light
ning striking treos Is due to tho pres
ence of dry duff, humus or litter at
the base of tho tree. Another possi
bility is that some forest flres aro
started by lightning striking tho
ground nnd Igniting the soil cover.
New York Experimental Station
Proves That Food Is Quite
Beneficial to Hens.
Sotno years ago a then well known
writer condemned tho use of ojster
Bhell as a food for furnishing lime so
necessary In tho construction of egg
shell. His contention wns that tho
oyster shell did not contribute lime
sufficient for that purpose. Howoer
tho New York agricultural experiment
station has vetoed that by proving
that a pound of oyster Bhell contains
sufficient hint) to manufacture about
seven dozens of eggs.
The proper way to feed oyster shell
is to have a small box of it within
reach so tho fowls may help them
selves at will Mixing it In tho morn
ing mash is risky, as thero Is a like
lihood that tho hens will consumo
moro than Is required, Hnd In conse
quence tho shells of tho eggs would
become too hard. The hens know best
when their system demands moro
lime. It Js a very raro caso when n
hen gets too much If constantly with
in reach,
Dr. Hartman Says :
Write to Pcruna Testimonials If You
Want to Know tho Truth.
Tho following letter was received
oy Dr. Hnrtman through his regular
"I notlco tho testimonial of Mrs.
Alice Bogle, which you glvo in your
last nrticlo. If I should wrlto her do
you Biipposo sho would givo mo fur
ther particulars? 1 have hoard it said
many times that such testimonials aro
fakes; that they aro oither absolutely
fictitious or else tho people have been
hired to wrlto them. I hnvo been In
clined to wrlto you a great many
times hut theso stories about patent
medicine ndvortiRomonts have dis
couraged mo from doing so. I am
afflicted with catarrh and should llko
very much to find a romedy such as
your articlo describes."
To tho nbovo lottor Dr. Hartman
mndo the following roply:
My dear Madam: I do not wonder
that you aro confused and havo lost
all faith in advertised remedies.
Thero has boon so much said against
them, so much controversy concern
ing thorn, I am not surprised that
some peoplo havo lost confldonco in
I wIbIi you would wrlto Mrs. Bogle,
as ono woman to another. I wish you
would nBk her whether sho has boon
hired to write such a testimonial,
whether her testimonial represents
tho truth.
I hopo you will romombor that sho
Is a housewlfo, llko yourself, that sho
has somothlng to do besides write
letters, thnt sho is a woman of mod
erato means and cannot afford to
writo theso lottors mid pay her own
postage. I hopo you will oncloso
stamp so sho can answer you without
loss to herself. Mrs. Boglo is a verv
estimable lady and no doubt you wJU
both profit by being acquainted wltn
each other.
Should you concludo to try Poruna
for your catarrh I would bo very glad
to hear of tho result. I can nssuro you
that no uso will bo mado of your lot
tor, except by your written consent,
Mrs. Boglo very kindly consented to
havo mo uso her letter, which is my
reason for doing so, and you will be
treated exactly as sho has been.
Pooplo recover from chronic ca
tarrh who tako Poruna. Thero is no
doubt about that. Sotno surprising
ecoverlos nro reported almost dally,
havo thousands of thorn In my fllos.
Peruna is for sale nt all drug stores.
FOR 1913.
Mark Twain and T. R.
Augustus Thomas, tho playwright,
Vept tho mirth alive with story aftor
tfory. Ono had refcrenco to a gamo
In which tho players, so Mr. Thomas
said, wero Colonel Roosevelt, tho lato
Mark Twain and himself.
"In tho courso of tho gamo Colonel
Aoosovolt talkod much of war," said
Mr. Thomas. "And I romombor him
turning to Mark Twain and asking
him if It wero true that tho bravest
men wero uorvous when they faced
tho enemy, and Mark Twain, being an
old confederate soldier, rpllod: 'Yes,
that is quite true, for I remember
vividly to this day that I had tho
quality of maintaining it all through
the engagement' " Now York Sun.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully ovory bottle ol
CASTORIA, n safo and, ouro remedy for
Infants and children, and boo that it
Bears tho Slf? ss& "
Signature of 6&&f
In Uso For Ovor SO Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Costorio
The Height of Absurdity.
"Your schema is foolish."
"Yes, sir, absolutely foolish. At
foolish as well, as foolish as the
libretto of a grand opera."
Jtrs. Wluslow'n Footlilnft Hyrup Xor Clilldret
leettilnc.HoftcntliOKuriiA, reduces lnflarniniv
lion, Mia jHp.iln.ciirfu wind colic, 2Sc n, bottle iix
It doesn't take tho man who thinks
ho knows it all very long to tell how
llttlo ho really knows.
(Copyright 1913 by tho Toultiveo Co.)
When tho blood la tired, it fails to
burn up tho doad mattor, which liko
cllnkors, clog tho llttlo kidney tubes,
causing Blight's DiseaBo, Diabetes,
Dropsy, Ithoumatlsra, Sciatica, Lum
bago, Backacho, Stono in Bladder,
Uric Acid, etc. Tonitivos contain sub-
ntanco to fortlllzo
tho blood stream
and mako tho
burning complete,
bo that tho kldnoya unhampered by
ciinkors may drain from tho blood all
wasto mattor, tho natural way of elimi
nating tho causo of all kidney disor
ders. 75c. per box of dealers or by
mall. The Tonitivos Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Your Liver
Is Clogged Up
That's Why You'ro Tired Out of Sorts
Have No Appetite.
will put you right
in a few clays.
They do
tneir auty.
Biliousness, Indigestion and Sicl: I icadncho
Genuine must bear Signature
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 4-1913.
fjaWiHsW biitti r-
mamr hiver
pm mi awi r-is-t-s.
MinmiLui 1
1 4t t irM
If ltfjtta
"V 'JiW.Jl-8
KjvyW7l 1 I
VlTlVBr jR I
Have You Seen
the Coupon Now in
W -
Liggett 5 Myers Duke's Mixture makes a
great pipe smoke or will make a roll of real
satisfaction that nothing can beat.
It is the favorite smoke of thousands of
men who want selected, pure, Virginia and
North Carolina bright-leaf tobacco.
If you have not smoked Duke's Mixture,
made by Liggett Myers at Durham, N. C.
try it at once.
Each sack contains one and a half ounces of
tobacco that is equal to any Scgranulatedtobacco
made and
A Coupon That is a Dandy.
ST A d3mms
WmSk MtiffiA
p2 w3wm HrJffK
zm irr ht Jb--A
t'smA 1 m.. ryVji 1 J Tar
"Is your husband a good man?"
"Yes; ho's a good man. I can't
complain. But ho always sneak 11 out
whenever tho clergyman calls."
Tho Rev. Edmund Heslop of Wig
ton, Pa., suffored from Dropsy for a
year. His limbs and feet woro swol
len and puffed. Ho had heart flutter
ing, was dizzy
and exhausted at
tho least exer
tion. Hands and
feet wero cold .
and ho had such 1
a dragging sensa
tion across tho
loins that It wns
dlfilcult to iriovo
Aft.,.. ..oi.wr r.
Rev. EL Ilealop. 001
Kidney Pills tho swelling disappear
ed and he felt himself agaiu. Ho says
ho has been benefited and blessed by
tho uso of Doddo Kidney Pills. Sov
eral months later ho wrote: I havo
not changed my faltli In your remedy
slnco tho above statement was author
ized. Correspond with Rev. 13. Hcb
lop about this wonderful remedy.
Dodds Kidney Pills, 60c. per box at
your denier or Dodds Medlclno Co.,
Huffalo. N Y. Write for Household
Hints, nlso music of Natlonnl Anthem
( English nnd German vords) and ro
clpes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent freo.
Partial Success.
"Do you believe in thoso faith
"Oh, I havo known sotno that cured
faith in thorn."
M ujflHlu'l I ml
S&AsiesrtGi rJW 2VdHKaU I ft
tkXwT r fc
V I ' ttJkMflH'in 9
Jln mf
kcVtL lUH
..y- S'l f UilVV 1
vsv t ft -ft -rm HtrYi u
"-vAtivitrtt. t1. Ljf Wm 1
rKJOIt WtiumNW ' -k I
5tU5atcK$x jr 1 A
W wj
These coupons arc good for many
valuable presents such as watches,
cameras, jewelry, furniture, razors,
china, etc.
As n special offer, daring Feb
ruary and march only,
tve will send you our illus
trated catalog of presents
FREE, ftTustscndusyournatuo
and address on a postal. ,
Coupons from Dule't Mixiuri may it
OiiortrJivUh tart ft omtiOnSZSHOE.
liUAniitK IWUI, Coupon
trom FOUR ROSES UOolin doubts
MONT cir.Am--rTM.CLix
) CIGARETTES, andothtr tats or
mupons ttsuea oy us.
Address Premium Dept.
cftyx25Ty!tu, cSSuxxj (2
Miss Gusher Tell mo, Mr. Doord,
do you buliovo In big weddings or lit
tlo ones?
Mr. IJ. Woll or or as for that,
my. dear lady, I should say that the
former woro Quito essential to tho lit
tor. Dartsmouth Jack 0' Lanterns.
WelQht, 250.
Duhl Do you know what Phatasom
specialized in at college?
Kceno Judging from his appear
anco, it was gastronomy. Judge
Some of tho blamo for tho lies w
tell ought to bo chnrgod up to the
peoplo who ask our candid opinion.
I Now Is T!js Tfe
thoso painn and nches rosultlnff
from weakness or derangement
of tho organs distinctly frmtnino
nooner or later lenvo their mark.
Ilcauty noon fades uwny. Not
is tiio timo to restoro health
and retain boauty.
Favorite Prescription
S That crrrat, nottnt, etrernrth-clvlngr
S restorative will help you. slid tJr.
1111111 Your Druesiit will Supply Yon IlIHIt
of Alhortu (Wt'wcrn
1 amid) nm the Ulc
IlnncblngCountrr Mntj
oftlicio rnncbri u.ili.j
a roluuniTijoii rain tlfl.ii
iin 1 thi. ratlin h,a
.Wen placu to tlio cultivation of
wlirnt, oati barter ana flail tha
cliatiRO bus nmdo uianr tbouuodi
of American)!, antled on tbata
plain, wcaltrijr. but It baa In
LH'Ukod tho prlco o( Ut tlocc.
There Is splendid opportunity
nun to set a
Free Homestead
of 100 acrea (and anotharaa a pro.
ruiptlun) In lhr nuner rtlnrlcn
und prudaroelilirrcauloorrrain.
Ihucmpa are altars Kood, lb
cllmatoli excellent, acbools and
churchca are convenient, uarteta
aplendld, In eltlier Manitoba, gaa
kutchewan or A lbena.
fend for llturatnre, the lalen
lDfurmaUon.raUnay rates, etc, to
Boo Dullcllns, Omaha, Nob.
or address Superintendent of
Immigration, Ottawa. Ca4t.