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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1913)
f I I I' It I rt DREAD jgS v ini We are practical opticians and guarantee all our work, also make a specialty of repairing and re placing broken lenses. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician. & lb Ml a ll a a .tfftHnit1ilC(- PHONE 4 OR 8 For Your Drugs. Orders Do N livorod promptly. REXALL and NYAL DRUG STORES S-M3es3-5---i.V Local and Personal Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmos Hopkins loft a ;f city day a -ago for Grand Island whom thoy will mako their futuro homo. Mrs. Waltor Crook has issued invita tions for a musiclal which will bo given at her home Tuesday, January 5th. Lost Watch botween Forstoadt har ness shop nnd tho Tramp store Finder leavo at this ofticc and receive rewnrd. Miss Gortrudo Herrod, of Columbus, who visited Miss Lorotta Murphy last week, left for home Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sobastian and baby are expected home this week from a three weeks' visit in onfctern points. Mrs. II. G. Brock will entertain a number of young ladie Wednesday afternoon in honor of her sister Misi Luln GrotT of Fairbury whq is her guest. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Grifllth camo up from Koarney the latter part of last week and will locato in this city. Mr. Griffith is associated with tho Beatrice Crenmcry Co. Last week A. P. Itush purchased. Lqo !CoIJirVB.intcrent in the Hush Mercantile Cjmpany'nnd will condut'the business under ft now name which has not been docidod upon yot. Master Mnrcel Keliher loft this morn ing for Chicago whoro ho will meet his fnthor. Tim Kellhor. Thoy intond to leavo for 'southern points to spend throe weels 'nnri attend tho Mardi Gran. Miss Alice lloagland entertained the membors of tho J. S. club Saturday afternoon. The young peoplo were amused with a series of games nnd served with dainty refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Grnuor and daughter late of Mnrysvillo, Kans., have disposed of their interests there and enme Sat urday to make nt extctided visit with Irs. Grauer's paronts Mr. and Mrs. vonTrot. Wilcoxaon's Employment Agency fur nishes nil kinds of help free, 'phono 90. Qfllco hours 9 a. nv to -1 p. in. 100- Tho Omaha Sunday Bee contained this itorrt: Mrs. Minnlo l'orklns and daughter of North Platte were head quarter visitors Friday and took homo with them literature and plans for the organization of suffrage work in Lin coln county, The biggest crop of corn reported to tho Winner this season is that of J. 0. Purbuugh north of town who gathered cloee to eight thousand bushols from something loss than 300 acreo, nnd the corn is mostly of pretty good quality. Wallace WJnnor. We are. just In receipt of a finp,lotvof ateel blue diamonds, $100.00. Thoy are a safu Investment. Let us show you how beautful a ring $100.00 will buy. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. II. II. Fowles left, Friday night for Long Beach, Cal., wt)eruho expects to remain for several months. He hns liad his new six-cyllndiir Franklin car shipped direct from the factory to Long Beach, and will enjoy it use on tho smooth beach roads of tho Pacific. Tho Freshman class held anonjoyablo masquerade at tho K. P. hall Friday evening. Tho costumes were uniquely designed and caused much merriment. A pleaBant feature of the evening was the nice lunch which wns served. Charley Whito, cashier of the Far mer's Bank of Sutherland, is nn ap plicant for appointment as bank ex aminer to succeed Clyde Trotter, who hau held the position for a year or two, Mr, Trotter is nn applicant for ro-np-pojntmont nnd has, we uro Informed, secured the endorsement of a number leading democrats of tho county. PT Tho Elks will give a dancing party nt their hall Friday evening of this week. Tho Presbyterian aid society will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Fenwick on West Cth St. Rev. T. D. Sullivan returned to Elm Creek Saturday hfter spending several days in this city. Mrs. Geo. Monks who was called to Rockford, III., recently by the illness of a relative, is expected to return this week. Mrs. JJ. L. Robinson will leave in a short timo for Burlington, la., to mako her homo with her son Guy Robinson nnd wife. Mrs. Locke, of Denver, Supreme Commander of tho Lady Maccabees arrived hero yosterday morning and is tho gueat of Mrs. Agnes Boyer. Julius Kortlango, who resided in this city nbout twenty years ngo and was engaged in business here, died in Omaha tho later part of last week. Mrs. C. J. Perkins and children re turned, Saturday from Omaha where sha was called (by the illness of her sister Mrs. Ojarence Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. Miles McCarty, who wero recently married in Kansas City, arp expected here Friday. Mr. Mc Carty is tho proprietor of the North Sido drug store. Reinhard Albert Buseman, a contrac tor of Denver, and Miss Huldah Marie Newton, of this city, wero married in Denver the latter part of last week. Tho brido is thodnurjhtor of Mrs. Clara Newton. They will reside in Denver. Mr. nnd Mrs. Perry Carson entor tained tho bachelor boys at a one o'clock pinner Sunday. Tablo decorations wero cut nowera and plates wero laid for twelve. After enjoying the sumptuous meal tho young men spent the after noon in musical ontortainment. Mr. and Mrs. Carson proved themselves to bo ideal entertainers. Membors of the Travol and Study 6lub. togethor with thoir husbands and gentlomon friends, wore tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. McDonald Satur day evening, the affair bolng compli mentary to Mr, nnd Mrs. W. J. Hendy, who had just returned from thoir wed ding trip. Mrs. Hendy has been n member of the club alnco its orgnni zntion. When in need of flour and feed of all kinds, phone 73, and your wants will be' promptly attonded. Tho Traffic Dept. of tho Union Pacific hassonttoMr. Bullard, ngent nt here, five copies of a very complete treatise on tho potato by Eugene H. Grubb and W. S. Guilford. It is a book of 515 pages copiously illustrated and treats of tho subject from overy possible point of view. Mr. Bullard is authorized to lond those books to our intelligent farmers who ira interested in the production of one of tho world's most important staples. Wanted-Glrl for genoral houswork. Mrs, H. S. White, 416 West Sixth St. 1 Construction of tho Hastings & Northwestern, tho Union Pacific lino to connect with the Grand Island road at Hastings,!) is proceeding rapidly out of Gibbon. Building on tho Platte river bridge has profressod so far that the structure is being used for material trains, although the permanent work is not all in place. Quite a bit of track has been laid south of the river and material is bolng hauldod from Gibbon to th end of tho track as it is needed. It is said tho entire lino will be ready for traffic In about th'eo months. Report is current that owing to error in tue issuance ot uontis voted inst year for the building of a bridge across tho river north of town tho outcome of tho proposition is in doubt It seems that bonds wcr Hstqd to, come duo in ad vance of tho timo prescribed by n late law, nnd that tho error was not dis covered until tho last few days. Whether or not another election will havo to bo called will bo ascertained ero long. -Sutherland Free Lunce. The C. B. & Q. R. R. to Build Thru North Platte This Spring. Last Wednesday an official announce ment was made that tho .Burlington would build its railroad thru North Platto during tho present year. The first pnragraph of tho announcement as contained in tho World Herald, reads; "Opening up nil central Wyoming and the Big Horn basin country, tho Burlington yeBtordny offlclnlly an nounced that its thru line from the Powder river, thru North Platto nnd connecting with the Kearney branch at a point a few miles oast of that city, will bo completed this summor. This is tho biggest job of new railroad con struction to be done in Nebraska in the past ten years." Tho actual building of the Burlington according to its announcement will mako great changes in the residence district of North Platto and will cer tainly make moro emphatic the fnct tiiat the Trustee's nnd Riverdale addi tions are tho most desirable location for residences of any part of the city. Tho right of way thru tho city has been purchased and tho line of the railroads is such that the distance be tween tho right of way of the Burlington railroad and tho Union Pacific is wider in tho oast part of the city, the two railroads drawine nearer each other as thoy go west thru the city. Thofurther cast ono goes, the further apart these roilroads will be. This makes the 89 residence lots which aro still unsold in the Trustee's and Riverdale Additions tho most desirable property to bo pur chased at this time. These lots are improved with comentsidownlks, sewer, graded streets and many of them with water mains. Thoy arc situated be. tweon seven and ten blocks from Dewey street and are tho closest residence lots upon the market to tho business part of tho city. It will not be necessary to cross a railroad to go from any of these lots to the business part of town. Prices $200 to $400 per lot. Easy terms or a discount for cash. For sale by Wm. E. Shuman. Pay Last Respects. The seating capacity of the Methodist church was taxed Sunday afternoon to accommodate the friends who assem bled to pay the lust earthly respect to that old pioneer resident, good citizen and faithful christian, tho late Byron L. Robinson. The sermon of the Rev. Mr. Cram well fitted the life of Mr. Robinson, whose bravery as a "kid" operator at the front during the civil war, was maintained through life "in battle for right and againBt wront'. Many floral offering attested the friend ship of our people. Ju . V. rarm ror bale. Tho northeast quarter (nei) section twenty-four (21) township thirteon (1$) range thirty (30) about seven miles outneast of North Platte on south side of Platte river, all smooth land near nills, good buildings, fifteen acres in alfalfa, ono of best fnrms in Platte valley. Price $10,000.00. Terms, half jash, balance on easy timo at 7 per cent interest. Address Joseph Hershey North Platte, Nob. New Automobile Firm. Will Ottan and Dr. Brock have formed partnership nnd will handla the Hupp automobiles. They received a carload ot tho different classes of these cars Saturday and will at once begin a selling enmpaign. For tho present they will uso the Wilson barn on south Lo cast streot as a store room. The Hur mobilo is a sopular-priced car and are said to possess ninny points of merit. To Investors. We arc prepared to loan your money on real estate first mortgage to as to net your eight per cent. Money if loaned is exempt from taxes. Come on and let us talk it over. Buchanan & Patterson. Grant Philipps, of Wallace ia trans actiny business in town, Ray Wilson, of Wallace, spent the first of this week in town on business. Milo Dupont formerly of this city, who is now located in Iowa spent a few days in town last weok visiting friends. For Rent Four room house nnd barn on E. Cth St. Inquiro at Dr. Qulgloy's residence. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Claronco Brown, of Hershey, at the home of Mrs. Brown's mother Mrs. Leonard Cornet Sunday. A baby girl was born last week to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Boyer at Rawlins. Mrs. Boyor was formerly Miss Nofiio Buckley of this city. J. C. Askwig, living fivo miles south east of Myrtle, will have a public sala on Tuesday, February 11th. There will be offered ninetcon head of horses, thirty-oight hnd of cattle, a lot of farm machinery and household goods. Willis Woods, who had been confined in tho county jail for several weoks for wife desertion, paid tho costs of tho trial and furnished a bond for $200 the last of Inst week nnd wsb released, having agreed to support his family in tho proper manner. Fred Steele, who was arrested last week for passing a bogus chock on Frank England for $25, was tried in the disrrict court ond!givon n sentonco . of from one to twentv veara in tho state Ipenitenary. He will bo taken there j this week by Sheriff Salisbury. Local and Personal. The Girls' Friendly society will meet this evening at tho Parish house. Mrs. Buckley returned Saturday afternoon from a visit in tho oast part of tho state. Mrs. Albert Schatz will entertain tho members of tho M. M. M. club this afternoon, James McFadden, of Paxton, visited tho McGovern family Sunday, having como down by auto. Wanted Girl or womnn for genera' house work. Mrs. W. P. Snyder, phone 499 103- Mr. and Mrs. M. Keith Nevillo nnd children will leave tomorrow, for Jack villc, Fin., to spend several wcoks. ' Mrs. John Dwyer and chiidron will loavo in the near future for Oregon to mako their home with relatives there. Matt Walsh, who has been employed at Bridgeport for several months visited his sisters Mcsdames Tighe and Stack last week and left Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Baker, of Curtis, who visited Mrs. Baker's parents last week, returned homo yesterday morn ing. For Sale Whito Rock Roosters. Ad dress Mrs. A. W. Arnett, North Platte, Neb. Route 1. 102-4 Yesterday afternoon P. H. Sullivpn sold his stock of second hand goods on Locust street to A. H. Eldredge, who formerly dealt in sheep in' this vicinity. ityffMSMwS rs satje n OlR san lhWMr-ww Deposit your money in our hunlc: yon Tool seeux'e beenuse it is in n siiTe plnoe. It will make yon fool happy to lenow that soma tiny, il A I3US1--ZV-fSSS CJAA'CC arises, yon enn go to the bnnlc nnd find yonr money where yon loTt it. The possession of n bnnlc noeonnt not only rives yon prestige in yonr community but with YOijlZ S15I,1. liegln nt onoo to put irwny Jnst n portion ol' what you nre now-letting go in extrnvngnnee. IJo 'OUR. bunking with The First National Bank, Ol XGllTll' 'I'LATTIS, XJSKRASItA. The L,nrgest Untile in "Western Xebrnslcn. Your Perfectly And so shaped that they fit well up to the body. "Well Ironed Shirts" is our motto. DICKEY'S SANITARY LAUNDRY. "YOUR BOSOM FRIEND." Auto Delivery Automobile To all those who buy 1913 Buick cars of us we will furnish FREE lubricating oil for 2,500 miles. J. S. DAVIS AUTO CO. Gandy Will Have a Bank. Gnndy,'whlch lost its two banks by their removal to Stapleton, expects to havo a new bank in operation by Feb ruary 20th. The officers elected are: John Newburn, President; George Hig bee, Vice President; B. F. Johnson Cashier; Chas. Philpot, George Higbee, Nick Karn, Will Foblinger and George Hughes, Directors. Sidney Will Have Sewer System. The town of Sidney is advertising for bids for tho construction of a sewer system, the estimated cost of which is $20,720. During tho post threo years Sidnoy has taken on new lifo, and is now ono of tho most progressive, modern towns in the west part of tho state. Kearney Feels Slighted. The announced Intention of the Bur lington to build its Platto valley linn several miles south ,of Kearney and thus cut out that town, has caused the citizens to get on their war paint and they will take the matter up with tho Burlington' officials. The desiro of the citizens to keep Kearney "on the map," is commendable; you can't blamo them for feeling "sore" over the announced intention oj the Burlington to build its line south of the river. Georgo Buzza, of Sidney, visited friends in this city yesterday. Robert Dickey left yesterday after noon for Gothenburg to spend a short timo on business. Shirts Laundered, Phone 77 Announcement f MsBf mWimBk Woodmen of tho World, aro now ojr ganizlng'in your city. The W. O. W. havo'a surplus of over $1,500,00000. and their rates are on adequate basis. Railroad men are especially Invited to investigate. , U. t. lEMl'LE, Clerk Lucas Camp No 237. F. A. Baughan, Organizer. H in Doubt Buy ?AVID HARUJ It stands in a class by itself our offer buy a sack of "DAVID HARUM" Try it as many times as you wish . If you are not satisfied that it is worth the difference if you are not convinced that it is the best flour you ever used you can bring or send it back and we will refund purchase price. Quality considered "DAVID HAR UM" flour is the cheapest flour on the market today. Herrod & Son, rnone zus. The Kind of Clothes Gentlemen Wear Guaranteed Quality, . , Perfect Fit,, Prices Right. Custom made Suit Tailor made Suit. $25 to $47 Satisfaction guaranteed TAILOR. over McDonald Bank. Of the Best Quality. Paine Fishburn Granite Co., W. T. ALDEN, Salesman Dp. edfield Infield, Physicians and Suraeons. WILLIS J. REDFIELD. Sureron. " ' JOE B. IIEDF1ELD, Physician. OFFICE: Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital . . PHONE 642. Oldest Bank in Lincoln County McDonald State Bank North Platte, Nebr. CAPITAL STOCK 3100,000.00 We Solicit Your Duiln.... rvGUARANTEED SHORT PATtHTSS Monuments --X.