t $ A w. ..... m i a THE BAROMETER OF THE POST . OFFICE, THE READING OF iDlr WHICH SHOWS WESTERN CANADA'S GROWTH. Several of Western Canada news papers coming to hand during too last part of the year 1912 contained Itonis of news BUch as the following, speaking of the Christmas work in the postofllco: "Other years havo been heavy and the employees havo had plenty of op portunity of learning what It was to work overtime, but the past has had nothing equal to tho present. Forty extra men havo been employed (In Winnipeg), and mall trains havo been run Bpeclal. Tho Increaso In tho mall this year has been duo to the enor mous influx of people Into Western Canada during tho reason, and also tho general prosperity which tho prairie provinces htvo enjoyed. To tho latter causo has been duo tho heavy Increaso In tho number of par cels which havo bosn Bhlpped to tho old country and Eastern Canada." The abovo extrpct taken from a Winnipeg paper gives a fair Idea of tho great work that the Canadian pootoftices havo had all through tho western prairies. During tho past year hundreds of now postoffices wcro established, many of them at remote points ftom tho railway, but all forced upon the country on account of tho now settlement that havo taken place during the year. It Is said of tho Canadian government that in Its Immigration and settlement policy there is nothinp left undone to take caro of tho people and their welfare, whether it bo Id tho new town along a new lino of railway or In the re motest hamlet. This solicitude and caro are not confined to the postof llco, but with every branch that haa to- do with organizing new districts. Bridges havo bejn built, roads con structed, the district policed, and a dozen other things have to bo dono and are done. Is it any wonder that with tho splendid land, the hig. yielding land, the land that is freo to Iho homesteader or open to purchase at reasonablo prices from the railway and land companies, that tho Cana dian immigration records for 1912 will show arrivals of upwards of 00,000, one-half of this being from tho United States. The new llteraturo being sent out by the immigration branch at Ottawa, and its agencies throughout tho United States deals with many of tho new and interesting features that will mark the work of that branch, for the year 1913. Ad vertisement. Something to Bo Thankful For. Michael Meehan was the proud pos sessor of a brand new silk high hat At the wake of his dearest enemy he had guarded It carefully, and as a consequenco was strolling home with the tile unscathed. As he passed tho site of a building operation, a lady acquaintance nodded pleasantly. With an ostentatious wave of the hat, which exhibited it to excellent ad vantage, Michael bowed. At tho earns moment a brick sailed down from an opper floor and bounced from his bared skull. Upon coming to ho in quired anxiously for tho hat. A by stander restorod it unharmed, Mike felt tho egg-sized lnmp on his ead occasioned by the Impact of tho brick, and then regarded his undamaged tile. "Begorry," he sighed in satis faction, "it's lucky It is I saw tha loidy in tolmo!" Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar coated, tiny granules, easy to take. Do not Slips. Adv. Tho man who stands at tho bottom f tho ladder and steadies It Is often of inoro benefit to tho country than the one who climbs to the top. Red Cross Ball Blue, nil blue, beat bluing ralue in the whole world, makes the laun dress smile. Adv. It is easier to writo history than it li to manufacture it. i. Up Against If You are certainly "up against it" when your meals cause you distress, such as Bloat ing, Heartburn, Sourness, Headache, Nausea but t will soon im prove your condition. It strengthens the entire di gestive system and safe guards you against attack of CoIds.GrippeorMalaria.Try a bottle and be convinced. ALLEN'S FOOTEASE, TheAntisepticrxmder shaken into the oboes The sianaara iicin edy lor the leet for a quartet rrntnrv 30 EDO testimonials. Sold Trad Mark everywhere, ZSc. Sample I'KI'.H. Address, Allen s. oinntccj. j.e kov The Man wUo put the EEi In FEET "1 $ " rty VoxZ tR HwtCocfh Byron, Tulat Oooi. Um Kj Kjl la tits. Bol4 by Drarrtiu- 61 PLAGE FOB POOH Ul Mining at Dawson Available Only to Men With Big Capital. Pioneer Sayo There Are Sections of the Njukon That Havo Not Yet Deen Scratched by Prospectors. New York. Henry Plnkicrt, who Used to bo a merchant In San Fran cisco and wont to tho Klondike In 1897, and has been in business in or around Dawson City ever since, ar rived recently at tho Dreslln. Ho says thero are no mining opportunities in tho Immedlato neighborhood of Daw son, except for men und companies with big capital. "Dawson Is not growing." said Mr. Plnklert. "In tho enrly days thero wero all kinds of mining right there on tho ground for tho individual, but now. for a radius of about 50 miles around tho town, the territory Is so worked out that only big corporations can mnke money working it, and these havo taken up n great deal of tho land. The biggest oporatlona in tho neighborhood nro boing carried on by a South African company, which owns or practically controls all tho claims wjthln that GO-mllo radius that tho Guggenholms do not control. "In the days of tho gold rush a man would stake his claim, which would run 500 feet. Tho moment ho got that worked down to low grade he was up against a proposition that re quired dredges and hydraulic ma chinery to work on a profitable basis. Tho majority of small claimholders sold out, and some gave options. A few aro still holding out for their prices. Tho government gives a man tho right to hold his claim so long as ?200 worth of work 1b dono on it in a year. "But tho situation nt Dawson does not end tho Klondike for tho prospec tor by nny means. I should say that part of Yukon territory is still In Its Infancy as a gold producer, In splto of tho millions that havo been taken out. Tho great difficulty has been getting into tho Interior. Small boats go up tho streams now for hundreds of miles, but still there aro regions prac tically unprospectcd. In tho past few years tho Canadian government has helped transportation by subsidizing these craft, and this makes It possible for miners to carry up their grub in the fall and continue their work in tho winter. In my opinion, ono of these days wo shall hear of discoveries up there that will make the Klondlko finds seem insignificant. From Daw- "DOPE" FIEND IS SLY Quick Witted and Dangerous Per sons Who Use Cocaine. Many Are Said to Have Become Ad dicted to the Habit Through a Mere Toothache Efforts Being Made to Stamp Out Evil. New York, Disclosures made be fore tho grand Juries of Kings coun ty recently and Inquiries at police headquarters reveal that tho illicit salo of cocaine has grown so rapidly during tho last two years that it stands at the head of tho list of drugs which aro sold Illegally throughout the city. Tho pollco record for 1011 shows llvo arrests and thrco convictions for sell ing tho drug. Forty-threo Indict ments returned by tho grand Juries in Brooklyn in tho last two mouths and 25 cases brought into court by Man hattan detectives show that tho cm sado against tho evil is bearing fruit. Two detectives who havo been busy running down illegal sellers of thu drug for tho last seven or eight years told recently of eccentricities of tho victims. "It is a strange thing," said ono, "that more than two-thirds of the men who sell the drug Illegally are numbered among the victims, Negroes are addicted to tho habit to a great degree. In fact, it was in the south that the habit of snuHlng the drug first camo to light. In Now York city thero nro hundreds who havo be corao victims through a mero tooth ache. "In running down thoso who vio lated tho penal codo in selling tho drug I havo found tho cocaine victim to bo a quick-witted and dangerous person I recall one placo In particu lar In lower Third avenue, whuro 1 took part In a raid on n saloon, and found four drug users. Ono had sil ver buckles on his suspenders and tho buckles wero In box form and contained grains of tho stuff. Another had a seal ring ,tho top of which opened on a binge and tho insldo was filled with cocaine. 1 entered a pool room near Chatham squaro looking for cocalno and was suro that the "whlto stuff" was sold on tho prom ises. I searched for several hours, and finally came upon sevoral books. A holo Into the center of tho leavea about an inch square was used as a de pository for tho drug. If tho hang ers on' had not appeared bo studious, I bellovo I would have been complete ly fooled." Tho pollco of tho large cities, from Maine to California, aro fighting tho ovll. In Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Bal timore, Denver, Salt Lako City and San Francisco tho Increased salo of cocaine has made tho pollco suspi cious, and they are trying to discov er the medium through which the drug reaches tho underworld. The INAUbUKATING Postmaster Gencrni Hitchcock mailing tho first package by parcel post, It was addressed to Postmaster Morgun at New York and contained a sil ver loving cup, which later will bo suitably engraved and placed in tho Na tional Museum. son to Whlto Horso it is 410 miles and thero aro numerous regions on both sides of tho way that never havo been prospected. "We lost a lot of prospectors eight or nlno years ago. They went ovor tho border Into Alaska, where they soom to havo dono woll. These Includ ed somo of tho best of our prospectors. Still about 250 men aro working on Scrogg's crook this winter. They tako out tho frozen soil by thawing with steam and using pickaxes, pllo it up and then put it In the sluice boxes for washing in summer. "Dredges are now working longer In tho neighborhood of Dawson than used to bo possible. Of course, you temptation to sell tho drug illegally Is duo to tho enormous profit de rived. Tho averago cost of tho drug at wholesale Is about $3 an ounco ,and it sells at tho rato of JIG an ounco. DREADNOUGHT OUT OF DATE British Ship of That Name Assigned to Fourth Battle Fleet Was Built Six Years Ago. London. How fleeting Is the glory of th(j modern fighting ship Ib Illus trated In tho caso of tho HrltiBh bat. tleahlp Dreadnought, tho building ot which,' us a result of the report of the British naval attaches who ac companied Admiral Togo's fleet in the first naval battles in the Gulf of Pechlll against tho Pacific fleet ot Hus "sin, caused a revolution In battleship construction. This onco proud vessel is now con sidered so far out of date that sho Is being removed from the first bat tlo squadron and assigned to tho MORE SCHOOLS IN RUSSIA Czars Policy Gives Impetus to Popu lar Education Big Gain in Last Fifteen Years. St. Petersburg. Popular education In Russia Is making rapid strides in advanco; so much 30 that tho next statistics of people who can neither rend nor write, not long ago officially estimated at CO per cent, of tho total population, will certainly indicate a notublo decrease. In tho last fifteen years public Instruction has immense ly Improved. Tho existing system of state schools wns founded In the scemd halt of tho nineteenth century, when the edict of the abolition of rnrfdoui ap peared Until tho year 1SC0 Russia only had 4,077 public schools. When. In 1SC4, tho zemstvos wero estab lished, the number ot schools In creased rapidly and at tho end of tho slxtleB thero wcro In Russia 22,770 bchoolu with 1,140,915 pupils. s Under Alexander III. popular edu cation made further advances, and at tho end of his reign tho number of schools had reached 43,285 with 2, 070,000 pupils. Under tho present czar educational matters havo rn colved increased attention. Thus the schools opened by tho zemstvos wero granted a state subsidy of $100 for every fifty pupils, while the teachors got Increases in snlary. At tho presont tlmo thero aro In Russia 100,205 elomentary schools and OISO.GIO pupils Ot thosu schools CC.910 have been oponod under the reign of Nicholas II., tho prestnt czar. THE PARCEL POST cannot work a dredge In winter unless you boll tho water about it to keop It from freozlng. Tho dredge has to be turned around in order to ho used. Boforo they got to doing this a dredge could not stnrt to work until Juno 15, and it had to shut down In September. Now it can begin work May 1 and continue until tho end of tho yenr. "Commercially, thero is nothing do ing In Dawson. Still, the business. peo ple there nro In fine, condition. "Tho dance hnll element and all tho undesirable part of tho former popula tion of Dawson havo been weeded out," added Mr. Plnklert, "and today tho town Is as clean as any In tho world." fourth battlo squadron, which Ib based on Gibraltar. Tho Dreadnought has been in commission less than six years, and whtlo not considered obso lete Is more outclassed by tho latest ships than were tho pro-Dreadnoughts distanced by her when sho was first built. A few weeks ngo tho battloshlp King Gcorgo V, was commissioned. Sho lias a brondsldo of no less than 14,000 poundB. This gives her a su periority of 10C per cent, over tho Dreadnought, which was only 28 per cent, hotter than the last pre-Droad-noughts. The "hew armored crlusers even aro CO per cent, more powerful than the Dreadnought ,No Biitlsh armored ship Is reckoned offectlvo to (laV that has been launched over 18 years. At tho battle of Trafalgar tho 27 British ships averaged 27 yearB from tho date of launching. Tho Victory liersijlf was 50 ycais old. Bobsled Cupid's Aid. New York. Cupid was a member of the pnrty of forty youths and mem bers from tho fashionable section of tho Bronx who went sleighing. When tho party returned four of its mem bers nnnounced their engagement. In tho Knmo period tho number of In dustilnl schools hns risen from 1,233 to 2.748. A teacher In tho state schools now begins on n salary of $172 a year. After llvo years ho draws ?200, after ten years $220 and the maximum is only $270 a year. HEN TRIES TO HANG ITSELF Conscience Stricken Because It Fail ed to Lay Its Share of High Priced Eggs. Tarrytown, N. Y. Mary, tho pot hen of Miss Hannah Much of North Tarrytown, attumptod suloido. Miss Mace gnivt-ly iuolbts that Mary was oonbcieiico stricken, hecauso, at tho high price of eggs, Sho had not been able to contribute her share. Tho hen liew up on a wire fence, and, then, htlcklng her head through ono of tho holes, Jumped off. Thoro sho was slowly strangling to death, when her owner, nttracted by tho oth er Thickens cackling and making a great noiso In the yard, ran out and rescued her pet. To a reporter Miss Mnco said: "Mary was hit by an automobile somo months ago, and slnco that tlmo bIio has not been nhlo to lay any eggs "Mary became despondent, nnd for a week I havo noticqd a faraway look In her eyes. Sho didn't caro about her appearance, and her feathers wero left uncombed Finally sho began to starve herself, and when she could not stand it any longer alio Just tried aulcldo." Start Your Baby With Sound Health Regular Dowel Movement from Childhood on Forestalls Futura Serious Diseases Wo cannot all start llfo with tho ad vantages ot monoy, but ovory child born la entitled to tho horltago of good health. Through unfortunate Ig norance or carclossnoss in tho feeding of n baby its tiny stomach may be come dernnged. Tho disordor spreads to tho bowels nnd before tho mother realizes it tho two chlof organs on which tho Infant's comfort nnd health depend aro causing it great Buffering. If tho condition is allowed to continue gravo allmentB ofton result. Thero is, however, no occasion for (Warm, and tho senslblo thing to do but it should bo dono instantly Is to glvo tho baby n small doso of a mild laxatlvo tonic. In tho opinion of a great many peoplo, among them such well-known persons nB tho parents of Dlxio Dudley, Magnolia, Ark., tho propor remedy la Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Mra. Karl Dudley writes: "Dr. CnldweH's Syrup Pepsin is tho bost medlclno I over used. It cured my baby of flatulency colic when tho doc tors failed; it cured my husband of constipation. My homo shall novor bo without Syrup Pepsin." It is a plcasnnt-tnstlng lnxatlvo. which every person likes. It Ib mild, non-grlplng, nnd contains that most excellent of all dlgestnnts, pepsin. This remedy Ib specially lntonded for infantu, children, women, old peo plo nnd nil others to whom hnrsh cathartics, salt waters, pills, etc., aro distressing. In fact, In tho common disorders of llfo, ouch as constipation, For DISTEMPER Pur cure ami poMMvo proTtntlTe.no rattr how horwa t chit ape ere Infects or 'ipol " Ilqiihl sItpii nn tlie toneueierteoii tbrllltHKlntnlUlamtti eipolt tbe PnlMiuuui tfrm from tbe body, Citrri IMsiemptr In lotr iuui Htiw ph1 Cliolr In o iltry Irrrt rwlllntr tlto utock r muni 7. Otrrtt I .a urtpi anion tiuman blnc. Kffi) It. Miow to rourdniirprUt und Our." apodal Age CUMf spnHN MFmnii in vi vim nitawiwriM vvn FOR 11KST RESULTS SHIP YOUR CATTLE, IIOGS AND BIIKEP TO OMAHA LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY SOUTH OMAHA, NEBRA8KA It. E. Honors N. It. Dryson A. E. Uocors T. II. Brj-son B. O. Rogeri UNKIND INFERENCE. "My husband and I novor quarrel." 'Vhoro does ho llvo? In Europo?" Familiar to "Mike." .1 negro clairvoyant who for somo tlmo masqueraded as n Hindoo, wns recently visited by a collector, Mlko O'Connor. "Ah," smiled the clairvoyant, "zo gonzelman wantz zo palm read?" "No," said Mlko, "zo gonzelman has zo bill for you." When tho bill wno produced the palm reader forgot hlo Hindoo an cestors and a stream of perfect Eng lish swear words poured from his lips. "Ah," said Miko, smiling, "zo gen zelman sounds mora llko zo Indiana avenuo zan zo Hindoo." Indianapolis Nowb. Rooted In tho Human Heart. There is a smell In our natlvo earth better than all tho perfumes in tho east. Thoro Is something in a mother, though nover so angry, that the chil dren will moro naturally trust nor than tho studied civilities of strangers, let them be nover so hospitable. Lord Halifax. A GOOD BREAKFAST. Somo Persons Never Know What It Means. A good breakfast, a good appotlto and good digestion menn everything to.tbo man, woman or child who has anything to do, and wants to got a good sturt toward doing It. A Mo. man tells of his wlfo's "good nrcakfast" and also supper, mado out of C'rapo-Nuts and cream. Ho says: "I should llko to toll you how much ;ood Orapo-Nuts has done for my wlfo. After bolng In poor health for tho Inst 18 years, during part of tho tlmo scarcely anything would stay on her stomach long enough to nourish her, llnully at tho suggestion ot n friend iho tried Grape-Nuts. "Now, aftor about four weoks on .his delicious and nutritious food, sho has picked up most wonderfully nnd seems as well as anyone can bo. "Every morning sho makes a good orcakfnst on Orapo-Nuts eaton Just an It comes from tho packago with cream or milk added; and then again tho inmo at supper and tho chungo in her is wonderful "Wo can't speak too highly of nrapo-Nuts as a food after our ro mnrkablo experience" Namo glvon by Postum Co., Dattlo Crcok, Mich. Read tho llttlo book, "Tho Road to Wollvlllo," in pkgs. "There's a Rea son." IJvrr rrml thr nliovr Irtlrrf A nrty onr nppenra from tlmo to tlrur. Tliry arc Kcnulnc. true, mbi! full ot Iiuiiihu lutricst. Adr. wy m 1)1X113 ASKKW DUDLICV liver trouble, indigestion, biliousness, headaches, nnd tho various other dis orders of tho stomach, liver and bow cla nothing is moro BUitnblo than this mild laxnttvo-toulc. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Two generations of peoplo nro using it today, and thousands of families keop it constantly in tho house, for ovory member of tho family can uso it. It can bo obtained of nny drugglBt at fifty cento or ono dollar n bottlo. tho latter bolng tho slzo bought by fnml Ilea who already know Its vnluo. Re sults nro always guaranteed or money will bo refunded. If no mombor of your family has ovor used Syrup Pepsin nnd you would Ilka to make a porsonal trial of it beforo buying it in tho regular wny of a druggist, send your address a pos tal will do to W. n. Cnldwell. 417 Washington St., Montlcello, 111., and a freo sample bottlo will bo mailed you. holt Eye, Eplxootto Shipping Fever & Catarrhal Fever ovc anu i a ikhuoi ro enii viu n uoitn. 1 in tniioui. who will petit for jou. t'leo IlooklL "DUtetnpere Agent vrmnti chmii? and , HID., U. S. A. nuuiunc loloKluta Trend of the TlmesS Ex-Qovcrnor Ponnypackor, discuss ing the divorce ovll in Philadelphia, said, with a sinllo: "In thoBO times one novor as th saying goos, knows whoro ono is at An ncqualntanco of mine extended hit hand to mo at tho Historical socloty tho other day and cried: " Congratulato mo! I nm the hnp plest man allvo!" "I looked at him doubtfully. "'Engaged, married or dlvorcodT' I asked." Now York Tribune Analyzing tho Phllosopr.r. Flnlcy Peter Dunno was sympathis ing, at a Now York club, with a play wright, whoso piny had failed. "Draco up!" ho crlod. "Tako It Ilka a philosopher!" Then Mr. Dunno smiled tho whimsi cal Dooley smtlo and added: "A philosopher is ono who has train ed himself to bear with perfect seren ity tho misfortunes of others." Red Cross Hall nine will wash double a mnny clothes ns nny oilier blue. Don't put your money into Hny other. Adv. You can Jolly tho nvorago man by rcforrlng to him as a prominent cltl zon. LEWIS' Single Hinder eipar (rives you tha rich natural quality of uood tobacco. U. Only after trying doos a man realize tho many things ho can't do. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS Are Rlchcot in Curative Qualities FOR BACKACHE. RHEUMATISM. KIDNEY3 AND DLADDEF1 Watson n.f'olrman.Wiuib. IriKlon.D.U. llooknlrva. High est refcrauoes, iist mult. Nebraska Directory Hosher-Lampman Business College Onoof ttieleadlninclicxilinf the UnltrdHUUt. Wni tiHlar forourspoclal uiony-lnil offar. Mrtulun tbis papor. aomiKU uxrais, uiiiu, hiuhuia Bycrs Brothers & Co. SOUTH OMAHA MURPHY DID IT -sm&.ik IIIUIII III UIU II ttlrliiir. Pnliitluif. i Trimming. I'upKT wncris repaired ana re- ; rulilicr tired Wi Ileus lor prices. 40 years In tha biibluesH. Andrew Murphy & Con, Omaha I Conolgn your HORSES & MULES to I WALKER & BLAIN 1 Union Stock Yards, O. Omaha, Nob. Phons South 070. Auction Sales Evari Thursday. COTTON SEED PRODUCTS WshcII all (eril used by the ieder,ln fur and tun lots. Our prlci-Hniorlhcht. We liuj empty nacUn. FEEDERS SUPPLY COMPANY LWe Stock Uzchange llldg. South Omaua I FOR HIGHEST PRICES OHIP TO ... . . .. .. . . : LIVE STOCK I I I mil li ili I COM NllflqtON MERCHANTS ' South Omaha Chicago Slou Cltj So. St Pan Try Us It Will Pay You Consign your stock to us for good prices, cool fllU and urouipl nmltuim't. WrlTo nr wlrn um fur mi dealn-d inforumtlunrficiirdluu the market. Alicom- niunlcalluni unmrurod nrumutlv. Wn urn worktru tut jour Inlcrust and invrt'iluto jour business. N. E. ACKER &. CO., Live Stock Commission t Ijca 110-112 ich;nj l,tg .Stock Yds. SUtloa, t Omibi, It.