The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 28, 1913, Image 1

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fe Jtorilt
WtM Swfame
No. r
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Local and Personal.
John Uratt returned the Inst of last
week from a business visit in Omaha.
Harry Scott of the local tin shop is
off duty this week nursing an injured
Edward Drebort returned lost even
ing from Denver where he visited last
Mrs. Alox Fenwick will entertain tho
Presbyterian aid socioty Thursday
The Eastern Star kensington will bo
entertained tomorrow afternoon by Mrs.
A dozen or more desks for the dif
ferent offices in tho federal building
were unpacked yesterday.
Mojor White returned Sunday even
ing from Grand Island where he visited
hia grand parents last week.
Robert Armstrong returned to Chey
enne last evening having spent the
week end with his family.
John Mcllvuin will take the position
of passenger director formerly held by
the late B. L. Robinson.
The Home Missionary Society will
meet with Mrs. J. T. Murphy 403 S.
Willow street Friday afternoon.
Frank Parks, of Shelton, who was
the guest of Mr. and Mr. Thomas
Ryan last week has returned home.
Mrs. Mary Marovish returned to
Sutherland this morning afterjjspendlng
a fow days with her daughter Mrs. A.
J. Frazier.
Mrs. Frank Laughlin pleasantly en
tertained the Philathea Girls Saturday
vening. Games were played and a nice
lunch served.
There will be a chamber of commerce
meeting in the library building AVednos.
day evening. A good attendance of the
members is desired.
Miss Rattler, of Denver, is the guest
of Miss Beulah Buckloy while enroute
east. Tho young ladies were classmates
at Wellesley college.
Mr. and Mrs. George Turner, of
Omaha, were guests at tho Buckley
home on west Fourth street Sunday,
while enroute to Denver.
At the session of the county commis
sioners Saturday, the boundaries of
Birdwood precinct, upon petition of res
idents thereof were changed. ,
J. C. Askwig, of Mrytle precinct, who
will have a sale of personal property
February 11th, will take up residenco
in North Platte following the sale.
Fair tonight and Wednesday, warmer
tonight. Highest temperature yester
day 50; a year ago 31. Lowest tem
perature yesterday 23; a year ago 20.
Mrs. Guy Robinson, of Burlington,
la., who was called hero last Week by
tho death of the late B. L. Robinson,
will visit relatives two weeks before
returning home.
T. F. Watts and Ray Langford went
to the Tatman place north of Myrtle
this morning tho former to ofliciate a3
auctionor and the latter as clerk at the
Tatman sale of personal property.
Miss Ella .Corbett, ot Wallace, is
sponding a month here during which
time shp is taking a course in, tho
3eister dress making school and visit
ing her cousins the Misses Hannifin.
Owners of city property, lots or
houses, can find sale forsame by list
ing with us. Property priced right finds
raedy sale. Buchanan & Patterson.
Mrs. Margaret Goodlove, sister of
Mrs. Wood White of this city wa3 mar
ried in Grand Island last Saturday to
Claude Hainline, of Creston, Iowa. They
will reside in Lincoln, Neb., whero Mr.
Hninline is in the shoo business.
Hurry Mills, charged with cashing
fivo checks drawn by tho Levene Tailor
ing Co., a firm that- had no deposit at
the bank on which the checks were
drawn, pleaded not guilty Friday after
noon when arraigned. He will have n
hearing Thursday of this week.
Fifty young ladies were entertained
last evening by Miss Edith Wendeborn
at a miscellaneous shower for Miss
Martha Kosbau. Various gumes
wero played and first prizes won by
Misses Mayme Johnson and Minnie
Lowe. The guest of honor was the re
cipient of many boautiful gifts for her
new homo. An elaborate lunch was
Petitions are being circulated for
signatures by the Union Pacific protest
ing against the passage of the bill in
troduced in tho legislature making
fifty enrs tho maximum of a freight
train. The company contends that tho
bill will be n bad one for stock shippers
ns a full train could not be stopped to
pick up n car of stock. The bill U
favored by the Brothorhood of Railway
Trainman and wo understand was intra
ducod at tholr request. They argue thai
shorter trains would expedite traffic
and at some time make their worjc
easlor and more safe.
5 3
KiHpi I SI
We will offer some Rare Bargains in
r U
Pi g
05 J)
9 S
.S P.
& .2
I "
C4, S3
a B
CO s
Tea Kettles
Itcgul&r Pi lec, 8Sc
SQt, Salo Prico ..... .. 25C
Collcc Pots
llegutar Prlco, BOenrul 70c
3-Qt , 8alo Trice 10c
6-Qt , Salo Prlco 23C
Machine Oilers
Slraltkt nj Btnl Spoul
Regular Price, 10c
1-Pt, Salo Price .. JC
iif iMmk :f'X
9mHFK. fSlv
Regular 85c lo SI. 09. Vour Choice
" JOc 10 7Jc, " "
25c to 40c "
Hollow Dock Grain Scoops
Ilcgular Prico 83c
SaloJPrico, i.,M . . Mc
Preserving Kettles
lingular Pilco, 7Sc
ll-Qt,Salo Pilca 33c
itjM bonce uoucrs
Itcgular Prlco, SI 2S
lt-Qt, Salo Piico 33C
Kitchen Knives
Itogular Prlco 16c
Salol'ileo 5C
1 -
Half Hatchets
olid 8lol, PalnKd Olick
Hcgulur Prlco, (Soc
Sale Prlco 29C
Long Handle Shovels
Regular Price S1.00
Salo Prlco 39c
Pudding Pans
Ilcgular Prlco, I Bo
2-Qt , Salo Prlco 6c
IJGr IfJ With Two Krj
Itcgulnr Pi Ico, IOo
8alo Prico ''C
Dread Knives
Regular Prlco, 180 ftiul 40o
Salo Prico. Wood Uamlle 1 Be
Salo Price, Wlro
Nail Hammers
olid tl. AmotWiI Pattetnt
Regular Prlco, 40o
Salo Prlco, . I'JC
D Handle Shovels
Regular Prlco, $1 00
Salo Prlco 39c
) Berlin Kettles
Regular Prlca JOo
ft-Qt.SxIo Price 20c
Sauce Pans
Regular Prlco, 55c and OOo
B-Qt., Salo Prico...i IOC
)2-Qt, Salo Prico cUC
Screw Drivers
Regular l;rIco, IOo
3i-ln,Salo 1'ilco , 5C
Garden Hoes
olid ItMl f ollih.d Had
Regular Price, IOo
Sale Prlco , ...,23C
P Single Dit Axes
Regular Prlco, SI S3
8lo Price 45C
t t
j D.
5 H ?
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Baptist Church Dedicated.
Following preliminary meetings held
each evening last week; tho Baptist
church was formerly dedicated Sunday,
each service of tho day being largely
attended. First came tho bible school
session ot 9:30, conducted . by Rev.
Fred Berrv, with an attendance of 150;
then the morning dedicatory service
with sermon by Rev Mr. Proper
of Omaha, the attendants crowd
ing the main auditorium. In tho
afternoon a Y. M. C. A. meeting was
held with an addreS3 by Rev Berry, and
in the evening the final dedicatory sor
vice was held, Dr. Mills of Omaha, de
livering the uddress. Dr. Mills stated
thnt $500 was needed to fully dis
charge nil financial obligations resting
upon the church, and within twenty
minutes this sum was forthcoming from
the big audience present. Wo congrat
ulate the Baptist people that they have
a church property valued at $17,000
that is absolutely free of incumbrance.
Twe nty-S evenYeare.
With this issue The Tribune begins
the twenty-eighth year of its oxistence.
It was established January 25, 1885, to
fill "a long felt want," and though for
the first year or two the receipts were
such as to question whether it was
needed in tho newspaper field, it finally
"got on Its feet" financially and has
since with the exception of about four
yean in the depression of 1892-1890-made
tho publiihor somewhat more
than a comfortable living. During
those twenty-eight years the publisher
has beon subjected to considerable
drudgery, but with it all there have been
the bright spots that make life worth
tho living. The dark spots in life tend
to make tho bright spots all the brigh
ter. Lost- Thursday in Masonic hall small
round gold pin with diamond In center.
Finder please return to Welngand store
Reason for Change of Route.
Secretary Crosby of tho Chamber of
Commerce is in receipt of a letter from
Honornble Moses P. Kinkaid, referring
to the matter of reestablishmcntof sur.
vice on the North Platte to Myrtle Star
Route, a matter which the Chamber of
Commerce had had under advisement
for some time. This letter inclosed a
letter which was received by Mr. Kin
kaid from the Fourth Assistant Post
Master General, setting forth tho rea
sons why the service was discontinued
and why at this time tho department
did not feel justified in continuing tho
The original change was made be-
caue of a numerously signed petition
from the patrons of the Myrtle, Gar
field and Gandy offices, requesting sor
vico between those points in lieu of the
North Platte to Myrtlo and Garfied ser
vice. While this change cuts off the
entire north-east portion of our county
from any mail service whatever from
North Platto, direct, and leaves them
with their mail delivered some 48 hours
later from this point, the department
justifies the action from tho fact that
there is nn annual saving in expenditure
in the sum of $05.00.
It would seem that the only thing can
further be done would be to allow a
trial of the substituted service for a
time and then again present the matter
to the department, for the entire pa
tronage of the offices mentionod seem
to havo been misinformed at to the or
iginal petition they signed asking for
the change, and are now desirous of
tho old North Platte to Myrtle and Gar
field Star route service
and receive liberal reward.
The L. O. T. M. hold installation
ccrumopies last evening and rendered
on appropriate and intcrosting program
at tho K. P. hall. Mrs. Alice Locke of
Denver deputy suprerno'i comandor, was
in charge of tho exercises.
Representative. Harry Stevons came
up from Lincoln the Intter part of lost
week to look after pursonul business.
For Sale.
Nearly new 8 room house, water and
sewer connections, hot and cold water
up stairs and down; onsy terms on pur
chase price would accept automobile
If priced right ui part payment, new
car preforable. Inquiro of C. P, Mar
tin, 802 E. Cth St. North Platte, Neb. 3
Did you ever buy a 2
cent postage stamp for 1
cent? No. Why? Because
the government has a
monopoly on the sale of
'"Wc have no monopoly
hut are offering you any
Suit or Overcoat in the
house for
Which averages half-'price
and the full price and value
is still there.
This offer will last until
Saturday Feb. 1,
only just like buying dol
lars for fifty cents each
let us show you before Sat
urday. Clahaughi
Everything for Men.
Myrtle nud Vicinity.
G. W. Ilalloway attended tho stock
how at Denver lust Week.
Thoso who attended the dance at
Fred Bromer's Saturday night report a.
pleusant time.
Earlo Morrow loft Saturday for Now
port, Ky., to make his future home.
Nathan Scott has rented tho D. Mc
Nicol farm for the ensuing year.
Frank Blovins will farm tho Wesley
BlovhiH place and Arthur Moran will
farm the Frank Hood placu.
Geo Moran and daughter Orpha woro
Stapleton visitors Tuesday.
Chas. Gambrel was h North Platte
visitor Wednesday,
There is coniidorablo dissatisfaction
since the mail route from North Platto
to Myrtlo was discontinued. Patrons
receive the North Platto papors about
four days after they are printed.
Joo IJatkins and family, of Scotts
Bluffs, aro the guests of Mrs. B's.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Sivlts.
Mrs. Davis, of Minneapolis, Kan., is
tho guest of her daughter Mrs. Beryl
A. I. Pittman returned from North
Platte Thursday whero he spent the last
Mrs. Charlie Robinson, of North
Platte, visited his brother Wm. Pittman
Thursday and Friday.
Guy Reynolds was tendered a surprise
party by about twenty young people
Friday night, that being his birth anni
versary. Thu evening was spoilt with
music and games and lululightful lunch
was served at midnight,
Mrs. Carr'H school gave it basket sup
per Friday night and rendered it nice
program which waa highly enjoyed by
thu audience.
W. A. Steornes and wife visited their
daughter Mrs. Arthur Merrit, of Logan
Co., the fore part of the week.
Thursday Mrs. Flora Farrell, the
rural earrier from Stapleton, drove
into a clothes line and tore tho top off
of the wagon, after which the team ran
away and demolished tho rig. Mra.
Fnrrell sustained a badly sprained nnkle
and minor bruises.
It is reported that Jas. Woldon, who
suffered a paralytic stroke aomo timo
ago, is vory low.
Tho appointment of a Catholic Bishop
for the western half of the Nebraska
diocese was inndo by tho Pope of Rome
Saturday. Rev. James A, Duiryfornine
yearspastorof tho Cathedral of Chey
enne and woll known hero wns chosen.
The consecration ceromonios will" bo
held in one month's timo and the new
Bishop will liavo his residenco in Kear
ney. Mr. and Mra. P. II. Lonergnn ro
turned this morning from a short visit
In Denver.
To - Night
The Legend of The Lost
Arrow. -,v
Linked Together.
At The Rainbows End.
Jess & Bell.
Comedy Minlture Vaud
eville Act.
10c and ISc
BKn'sMtmifXf. m