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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1913)
1 But It Proved to Be $ I a Burden $ By REGINALD D. HERON 44&$4Ai&S&iS& My lutervlow with ISdlth's father was n stormy one. llo gnvo me to understand that 1 could hnvo no daughter of Ills; thnt If 1 persuaded Kdlth to marry mo without his con hunt ho would never recognize cither of us any more than If wo were stran gem to him, and thnt the results of pur folly and Udlth's lngratltudo must bo endured without uny nsslstnnco whntover from him. "What kind of a young man are you," ho thundered, "for a gentleman to glvo his daughter to' As poor as a church mouse, you have come hero In n hired carriage to see me." "Yes," I retorted, "and I'll go away In tho carriage In which I came." "And I hope you'll stay away." iVt' turned our hacks upon each oth er, ho to go Into another room. I to go out and get Into the cab. 1 saw Edith at an upper window with n pnlned expression on her face. Hho kissed her linud to me, and I wnved mine to her. Then I got Into the cab, shut tho door with a bang and was Urivcn away, As It huppWd I sat down on tho left side of tho carriage, whereas 1 hnd como on tho right Hide. Tho scat was uneven, but 1 was too hot from my recent Interview to uotlco It for some time. - Presently without getting my mind off tholattcr 1 endeavored to nrrunge the former. The hump re mained. I arose and lifted the cush Ion. Thoro lay a package about seven Inches long by three wide, the wrapper beliuf brown paper. I was not so ab sorbed In having been refused tbo girl 1 loved but that 1 removed It and revealed a package of bank bills. Tho one on top was of tho denomination of $100. Tho next wns $1,000. tho next $500, and so on of mixed denomina tions to tho end. 1 counted $50,000 In All. Hero was a ilnd-a big flnd-a deuced hip find. It would be Impossible to give the confusion of thoughts pass ing 'hrough my mind. I had stumbled upop the wherewithal to recoup. Kdll'i would yet be mine. Would the ownor of the bills turn up? What would be the outcomo? These wore a few of the flashes upon my brain, but give only a faint picture of tho tur moil there. I can ouly say In Justice to myself that almost Instantly nil gavo way to tho fact that tho money was not mine and Its owner must ba found. During tho uoxt few days 1 bought every newspaper Issued Ju tho city whero I lived and hud found tho bills, not doubting thnt their loss would be advertised. When the next morning after I had found thorn I saw no uo tlco of them I was surprised. When on tho second morning no uotlco ap peared I was astonished, and on the third morning, having gone through with n dozen nowspapers without find lug what I looked for, I was amazed. On tho morning of tho eighth day 1 received a telegram from my college chum, Ilenry Uarker: Coma at once. Tho position Is vacunl and ennnot remain bo forty-oliiht hours. This was In responso to n letter 1 hnd written a few days before to Uar ker. who hud succeeded his father at president of a largo manufacturing es tabllshmcnt. asking him to glvo mo 'Job. I am not one to go back on jnj proposition nnd began at onco m.v hurried preparation to leave. Hui what should l do with tho bills I lint' found? Acting on tho prlnclplo "tin least said the soonest mended," I had kept the unit tor to myself and the money under lock and key, 1 being the only one who knew where, I iiiusl net at once. 1 thought of depositing the, bills In a Imuk. No; thnt wouldn't do tit all. Fifty thousand dollars of stranger's money in one's po3sesslot involved danger. It might laud tin Under in Jail.- To give It to u friend for snfu keeping would require deposit lug the seeivt with him at tho sauii time. , 1 spent hours turning over differ cnt plans uud finally settled on th following: l weiit to a safety doposl company and rented a box. It was tu last thing 1 did before taking a train nud I was In a dreadful hurry. Mj plan was to use an assumed name, hul In tho hurry of preparation I had nol settled upon u inline. When the cus todlau, an old man, took out IiIh boot nnd asked "What nnme?" 1 gave bin the llrst that came Into my hond-Gus-tuvus Hall Williams, llu vmle I down; handed me tho key to the box went with mo to tho vault. I pip awiiy the bills, turned the key uud fot the first tlniu since 1 had found their felt relieved Uarker put me In a position that had not been prepared to fill. He sail he knew 1 could learn tho duties ns ' 'went along. I did leant them, but in mind was fixed on them to tho cxclu slou of everything else. I thought o 'the fortune locked up In tho safe do posit company once In nwhlle, bir .since there was nothing concerning I 'to think about more than when I lef !lt my mental dwellings upon It wen very brief and less and less frequent I hud paid a year's rental for tho bos .and given an address that dldnotoxlst So I was not troubled with any com munlcntloiiH from tho company to ro mind me of It. To tell tho truth, I was more Inter w octod in Edith Ford than tn some one's money which hnd fallen Into my possession nnd which Instead of being a blessing was a burden. Hnrker ad vanced me rapidly. Kdlth remained true to mc, and her father, having been ngreeahly disap pointed In mo, consented lo our mar rlage. All was leinly for the nuptial when one day n shabby man with a hangdog look about him came Into the olllco and asked to see mc. "This Is Mr. George Wlnchell?" lie asked, "That's my naino." He look a dirty paper from his pock et. to which he referred, and said; "On the 12(11 of November, 11)-, John I'lynn, driving cab No. 58. took up a fare at the door of the University club iinil drove the gentleman to 210 Sum mit avenue" "Never mind the rest of that." I said. "Tell If you are looking for nny thing that was lost." The man nppeared III at ense. "Please don't speak so loud. sir. If you nre the man who was driven that day in that cab from the University club to" "I was, (So on." "Von may have found a packago of bills." "I did." At this point the man hesitated, and, seeing that he was not getting on with his revelation. I took him to a private room and said: "Now, out with It." After much trouble I learned thnt ho had got the money 1 had found from a gentleman to carry somewhere and had hired a cab for the purpose. Not daring to fake the bills out of tho cab when ho allghfed, fearing nn arrest, ho left It under tho seat, taking note of tho cnb's number. Ho was arrested for having stolen nn ovcrcont nnd wns sent to prison for n year. IIo bad re cently been dlschnrged, some tlmo hav ing Itcen taken off his stay for good be havior, and had communicated with the man from whom he hnd got the bills, nnd the two hnd set about trac ing them. Tho person who had employ ed tiltn to curry the money was a cash ier of sotno Institution, from which he had purloined It. I had had enough of tho matter nnd ngreed to a plan by which tho amount could bo returned to Its rightful own ers, they paying tho rascals a small sum and guaranteeing their immunity from prosecution. All tho details had boon arranged when It occurred to me thnt I had rented the box in which I had deposited It in n fictitious name. What nn!no7 I could np more re member than I could repeat the book 3f .lob. As soon as I could get away front my duties I took a train for my for mer home nnd on nrrlvnl drove to the safe deposit company and asked for the custodian. A young man stepped forward, and I asked for the old gen tleman who had rented me a box about a year before. IIo had died five months ago nnd the young man had been put lu his place. My story ns to tho routing of the box was told that I had not given my own mime and had forgotten the assumed one. I was Informed thnt 1 would llud tho number of tho box on my key. but 1 replied thnt, hnvlng been fearful of loslug tho key, I hnd put It In a very safe place, but where I hud also forgotten. Then the custodian looked grave. Tho money must remain where it was till I produced the name or tho key. What was 1 to do? 1 had acknowl edged thnt 1 had found the lost hills and still had them lu my posscsslou. I wns bound to restore them, nnd If I didn't 1 would bo Biicd for them and likely prosecuted criminally, itelng about to bo married, I was in an ag ony or fear lest tho matter should come out nnd bo printed in the news papers ou tho ovo of my wedding, I went to Hurker, who was more llko n brother to mo than an employ er, nud told him of tho fix I was In, While he was ready to do anything for mo in tils fiower, there seemod to be nothing dellulto for him to do. lie could not help showing a slight suspi cion. This rovenled to mo that my story was not very credible. 1 was in agony. Meanwhile the parties con cerned began to grow suspicious of mc. Then I wns told that If 1 didn't pny over tho monoy at onco I would bo arrested. I realized that 1 must ralso $50,000 or go to jail, besides losing Kdlth. I asked how long a time I would bo given for tho purposo nud wns told that I could huvo n week. I laid tho matter before Harker, and tils nffectlon for mo couquored his doubts and his Indisposition to pay out for mu $50,000 that ho might nover get back. IIo drew nVcheck for tlio money, payable- to mo, and 1 turned it over to the persons who wero hounding me, Hut I realized that u wedge had been Introduced between mo and Harker that would not bo removed until I could return tho monoy ho had put up for me. A fow days boforo tho wedding I went on a visit to Kdlth to confess to her tho Incubus resting upon me. I told her tho story, to which bIio listen ed eagerly nud, when I had finished, said: "I wonder if what I have upstairs that you sent mo long ago has any thing to do with the mnttor." "What did I send you 7" lustead of replying she left mo and In a few minutes returned with a box of trinkets, through which sho began to hunt. Thero wero bits of old Jew elry and odds and ends of nil kinds. Presently sho took out a little flat bit of metal with Irregular teeth on one side. I made a dive for It, and, hold ing It up, I saw stumped ou It the number .'100. Thou, like n flush, I ro mombered having sent a duplicate key of my nnfo deposit box I hud been given two-to Kdlth to keep for me lu cuso I should lose the ouo I retained. Too Muoh For Webster, In the somewhat famous enco of Mrs. Dodgen's will, which was tried in the supremo court many years ago, Daniel Webster' appeared as counselor for tho appellant Mrs. arcenough, wlfo of tho Itev. William Grecnoiigh, was a very self possessed witness. Notwithstanding Mr. Webster's repeat ed efforts to disconcert tier, sho pur sued the oven tenor of her .rr.y until Webster, becoming quite fearful of tho result, arose, apparently In great agi tation, nnd, drawing out his Inrgo snuffbox, thrust ills thumb nud finger to tho very bottom nnd, cnrrylng n deep filnch to both nostrils, drew It up with gusto, and then, extracting from his pocket n very largo handkerchief, he blow Ills noso with a report that rang distinct nnd loud through the crowded hall. IIo then asked, "Mrs. Greouough, wns Mrs. Bodgen n nent woman?" "I cannot glvo you full Information ns to that, sir. She had one very dirty trick," replied tho witness. "What was thnt, ma'am?" "Sho took snuff!" Resting on His Laurels. An undertaker was discussing quoor sepultures. "A queer sepulture Indeed," ho snld. "was that of n Gormnn plnywrlglit, Oustnvo von Moscr. Von Moser kept in his house a. costly nnd beautiful urn. Ho purposed to bo cremated, nnd Ills nshos wero to bo put In tho urn nfter ward. "But the strangest thing about tho urn was that It contained a little lied of ashes during Von Moser" life. IIo used, you see, to got a good ninny lnu rcl wrenths when his now plnyB were put on, nnd ho would tiko a Bprlg from each wreath, burn and drop the ashes Into tho urn. " 'My own nshes,' uo would say, 'will Ho on top. Thus after death It may be truly said of mo that I am resting on my laurels." New York Tribune. Flags We Have Known. Tho first Hag to float over American soil was tlio royal standard of Isabel la, emblazoned with tho arms of Cas tile and Leon. A whlto flag with a green cross was its companion. Some years nfter Columbus landed nt San Salvador tho Cabots planted the banner of Englnnd nnd of St. Mark of Venico on tho eastern shoro of North America. In tho centuries that have Intervened slnco a variety of national flngs have waved where now only the sturs nnd stripes Is tho accepted emblem. Over Texas hnvo floated tho Trench, Span ish, English, American nnd Cotifed crnte; In Louisiana tho lilies of Frnucc, tho Spanish Hag, tho tricolor, the Amer ican and Confederate flags; In Califor nia tho Spanish, Mexican, Russian and American. Moors Consider Us Dirty. A habit of our own which wo cpn slder far moro cleanly thnn eating with our fingers Is lacked upon by U' Moors as filthy that Is, washing our hands or fnco in a basin nud, k.UU moro, taking n bath whore the wilder Is not running. The cleaner wo be come they say, the dirtier tho water wo aro washing with must necessarily become, and eventually we step forth as cleansed from wnter which is no longeiv clean. A Moor to wnsh his hnnds hns tlio wnter poured from a ressol over them and never by nny chnnco dips them into the dirty water. Tho sanio way In their baths. Tho wn ter Is thrown over their bodies out of bright brass bowls and flows jiwuy through holes In tho murble or tile floor. Mammy's Expedient. Little "Itnstus was becoming very pb Jectlounblo In school becuuso his wool wns growing longer nnd longer, fnr be yond tho cutting stngo. Tho teacher tried hinting to no purposo and tlcn told him outright to go huvo his hair cut, giving him a qunrtcr for tho pur pose. Itastus broko out crying nnd snid: "No, ma'am; I dussn't hub it cut. My mnmniy, sho wants a now switch, and she's dono n-growlu' It on me." La dles' Homo Journal. In a Bad Way. "I feor that my husband will break down. IIo. Is suffering from brain ex haustion." "How dreadful! What aro his symptoms?" "IIo latterly keeps repeating himself lu his excuses for coming homo luto from tlio club, dear." What She Really Wanted. Fordlo hud Just proposed to Mlllio. "No, Kprdlo," she snld; "I ennnot mnrry you. Tho man who gets mo must bo n grand man, upright and Bqunro." "My dear girl," said Fertile, "you tion't want a man; you want a piano." Exchange Translating the Definition. Johnny Papa.rhat does precocious monh? Papa It moans a It Is a term applied to children "who know mora thnn Is "usual nt tbtr age. Johuny Oh, yes; It means a fresh kid! For Appearance, "How can you marry a man as old is all that?" "Well, mother says I will look well In whlto, nml sister says I will look wch In black." Pittsburgh Tost. Money and Trouble. "Money, nfter all, means nothing hut trouble." "Still, it is tlio only kind of trouble which it is hard to borrow," Haiti moro American. IIo that falls into sin Is a man; he that grieves at it is n saint; that bonsteth of It Is n dovll. Fuller. 'mini " ....- yp Have You Plumbing Troubles? Is thero need for repairs ovory fow days? Is your bathroom modern und luxuriantly comfortable? Are the kitchen arrangements -convenient nnd sanitary? If not. " Send For Our Plumber. Not only are wo' experts at .ropair work, but there will be little need for repairs if wo install your plumbing. You'll be surprised atourfairestimates if you "tnlk price" with us. R. F. STUART, Shop Phone C9. Res. Phorto 683 Corner SUth and Locuat, I GEO. D. DENT, 1 Physician and Stirrjcon, f Office over McDonald Bank, w 3 Phnnno OfllCO 130 f. PhoneB f Residence 116 Offico phone 241. , Res. phono 217 L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building, A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. Doctors Ames & Ames,, Physicians and Surgeons, Office over Stone Drug Co. ) Office 273 ft rnones t ReBidence 273 PJTRONIZE THEpflT In' House of Good Show ill I When in Norlii Platte. Motion Pictures. Runs Every Night. Matinee Saturday After noon at 2:30 O'clock. 10 CENTS. PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. Twenty-five years experience. Satia- iaction guarnnteeu. bee or write me m'chlO 320 E. 11th St. North Platto Tl:e leading Live Stock and Gen eral rami bales Auctioneer in Western Nebraskq is Phone Red 530. The Old ..Reliable When your clothes need pressing, cleaning and repairing, let the Old Re liable Tailor do it and do it right We have been doing this work in 'North Platto for thirty years, knowMhow to do it nnd do it tho way it should be dono. That means satisfaction to "you. F. J. BROEKER. Entrance north of tho Nyal drug store. Serial No. 01283. NOTICE I'QIl PUBLICATION IlEI'AHTMENT CUT TUB INTKUimi. United States Land Odlco. At North Platto, Nebraska, Doc 4, HUB, Notlco 1h horeby given that- Josuph A. Knajdl of North Platto Nob,, who on Ainrinu SO. UKW, , mado homestead entry Serial No. Olisa for all of Unction 24. Town HI N., Ttanuo SO V., of tho Oth Principal Meridian, lias (llud notice of In tention to mako final throe year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, lieforo tho resistor and receiver at North Platte. Nebraska, on tho 6th day of lebruary, 1U13. Claimant names as witnesses! Casper K- Hivlts, Edwin W. Wrleht. Kuport Hohwalnor and William I. Slvlts, all of North I'latte. Neb. dlu-0 .Iohn E. Evans ftrtrister. I'HOllATE NOTICE. In tho CoiintvConrt of Lincoln county, Ne braska. Dec. 2I.1U12. In tlio matter of tho estate, hf DennU Kelly, deceased. Notlco Is hereby given, that tho creditors of said deceased will moot tho Administra trix of said estate, lMiforo tho County Judno of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at- tho county court room In said county. on tbe8th day of Jan , 1013. and on tho 2Wi ilar of July. 1913, at l) o'clock a. m. each day, vfor tho pur poao of prosenttni; thelrclalms for examina tion, adjustment and allowance, fix months are allowed for creditors to lirosent tholr claims and one year for the admlrlstratrlx tosettto said ostato, from tlo?4tb day of Dec, 1912, A copy of this order to bo pub lished In tho North I'latte Tribune.. leiral semi weekly newspaper publ'shcd "in said county for four successive weeks prior to said date of hearing Jan 2tli. 1913. d3l-l JOHN OUANT."County Judge SHERIFF'S SALfc. lly virtue of an order of sale issued from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein George Iehmart Is plalntilt and Martin rSfApcierson is defendant and to me directed, 1 will on the lijtli day of Jan., 1913, at 2 o'clock, p. in., at tho vast front door of the court house In North Platte, Lincoln county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said decree. Interest and costs, the following described property to-wit: Southeast quarter of the northwest quarter (seW of nwb) and lota one (1) two (2) and three of sec tion two (2), township twelvo (12) north of range thirty-three (33) west of the 6th 1. M In Lincoln county, Nebraska. Dated North l'lttte. Neb., Dec. IUh, 1912. tin- A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff. R. E. LOUDEN :l:;v.' Hie North Platte School of Music FFILIATED WITH The University School of Music, Lincoln, Nebraska Elizabeth Donncr-Cramcr DIRECTOR. All tho principal branches of Ap plied nnd Theoretical Music taught by competent teachers. Address all inquiries to 122 W. Front street or phone BlncK 341. m WWrWpWIWWMiiirliw"iiniW(lW w- I Signet Chapter 0. E. S., I NO. 55 Meets 2nd ami 4th I Thursday of every month at Masonic Hall at 7:50 p. m. DR. HARRY MITCHELL GRADUATE DENTIST. Telephone Red 450 C05K Dewey St. North Platte. Nebraska. 2 DR. J. S. TWINEM, HomeopathlcPhyilclan andSurgeon a Hospital accommodations. Medical and 5 surgical attentlongiven obstetrical cases. Z Odlco Phono 1B3 Res. Phono 283 Ofllco McDonald State Hank nid'g Get Acquainted with cigars made by Schmalzried, and you will always bo a friend to them. In their making only tho best tobacco is used, they are wellmado, and always give satisfaction. We carry a full line of tobaccos and smokers' articles. J. P. SCHMALZRIED. The Maker of Good Cigars. PROBATE NOTICE. In the County Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, Dec. 27th 1912. In the matter of tho estate of John O. Wilmeth. Deceased. Notice is hereby Riven, that tho creditors of said deceased will meet the Administratrix of said estate, before the county judge of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county court room, in said county, on the 28th day cf January 1913, 'and on the 28th day of July 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for tho purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment nnd allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims, and one year for the Administratrix to settle said estate, from the 26th day of Dec. 1913. A copy ritjht of this order to be printed for four successive weeks in the North I'latte Tribune, n semi, weekly newspaper published in said county prior to Jan, 28th. 1912. d31-4 JOHN GRANT. County Judge. Referee's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued in the district court in and for Lincoln county, on the 18th day of December, 1912, n an action of partition wherein Shellie Schneider is plaintiff and Eva B. Weaver, S. W. Weaver, Gusta Satterlee, George Sattcrlee, Leonard Calvort, Leonard Burton, Cora M. Bur ton, Cora C. Snbin, Charles H. Sabin, Lafayette Calvert, Claude Shophard and Charles Shephard aro defendants, I will sell at public auction at the east frontof court house in the city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the 25th day of January, 1913, at the hour of one o'clock p. m., tho following de scribed real estate situate in Lincoln bounty, Nebraska, to-wit: Southeast quarter of tho southwestquarter (S. E. J S. W. 1) south half of southeast quarter (S. i S. E. J) and northeast quarter of the southeast quarter (N. E. JofS. E. J) of section twelve (12), township ten (10), north of range twenty-eight (28), west of tho Gth P. M. The terms of this sale will be cash in hand. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, this 23rd day of December, 1912. D24-G 0. E. Elder, Referee. Referee's Sale. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order issued to me by the district court-of Lincoln county, Nebraska, under dato of December 21, 1912, in an action wherein Nellie Knin, is plaintiff, and Henry M. Bobout nnd Elizabeth E. Bebout, his wife; IvanL. Rain, a minor under fourteen years of age; Mary E. Kain, a minor under fourteon years of age; aro defendants, I will on tho tho 3d day of February, 1913, at 1 o'clock p. m., of said day, at tlm East front door of the court house ef tho city of North Platto, Linooln county. Nobraska, sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, tho following described real estate, to-wit: all of section twenty five (25) in township eleven (11) north of ranee thirty-four (31) west of tho Gth p. m. (except ten acres for building spot, on me norm ioriy or. tno north west quarter of iaid section twonty five) anu the southwest quarter (swj) of southwest quarter (swj) (known as lot four,) the northwest quarter (nwj) of the southwest quarter (swj) (known as lot three.) the south west quarter (swi) of tho northwest quarter (nwj) (Known as lot two) und the southeast quarter (sej) of the south west quarter (swj)of section thirty (30) in township eleven (11) north of range thirty-three (33) weit of the Gth p. m situate in tho county of Lincoln, state of Nebraska. Dated this 23d day of December, 1912. J. G. Bkeler, Charles Walter. Atty. Referee. dl3-5 Elray Notice. Taken up by the subicriber on his en closed lands in Pavna nrao.inrf In Lin coln county, Nebraska, on the 21st day oi uecemoer, i)Vi, a brown mare weigh ing about 1,100 lbs, shod on all 4 feet unnoacd to hn 14 vra nf no-o. Rnlil mam has small white spot in fourhcad. Jan. iw. iviis. u. a. UARLSON. LEGAL NOTICE To Geome Herbert Box and Georgina M. D. Box, his wife, non-resident defendants. You and each of you will hereby take notlco tnnt IfUlln H. nmidrnntilf nlntnttrr 1!.l LI. ....I Hon In tho district court of Lincoln county. iieurnnnu, UKUinsi you anu COCn 01 you In a BUit In which you aro Impleaded with Wclldeet Real Estat" lind Improvement Company, a corporation, the ii ji. tand and prayer of which petition aro to quiet in the plaintiff against you, tltlototho following described lands situate in Lincoln county, noorasita , to-wit! I,ots 7 and 8 and tho south half of lot 9, In block 7, of tho original town jf Wellfleet, Nebraska, and moro particularly to quiet title against a certain quit claim deed made and executed by you to lot 7 and me souin unit oi ioi y in sam DiocK 7, on Juno 29. -.., -, ....w v. . . ...v.,x,u ij tuiuLvruiiu appar ent defects therein and particularly in the ac- You and each of you will mako answer to said netltinn nn nr Iwfnrn th. 3,vl ,ln, nf Kfnl. mm or your respective defaults will bo taken. ' ' Dated at North Platte, Nebraska. January Isaie S. GaudiieaULT, Plaintiff. J2M By H. E. Evans, his Attorney. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of salo Issued from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, upon a degree of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein Lincoln county Land Company, a corpor ation Is plaintiff, and Viola A. Brodine et al aro defendants, and to mo directed I will on the 24th day of February, 1913,'' at 2 o clock p. m at the east front door of the -court house in North Platte, Lincoln county, .' Ne braska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, Interest and costs, tho following described property to-wit: northeast quarter (neW) and the south one-half (sH) of section twenty-one (21), town ship ten (10), range twenty-nino (20) west of tho 6th P, M. in Lincoln county, Nebrr-.Va. Dated North Platte, Neb., Jan. 20. 1913. J22-6 A. J. SALISBURY, Sheriff. LEGAL NOTICE In tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska. To Herbert Dwight Rock well otherwisa Hubert D. Rockwell and the unknown heirs of Mary C. Rockwoll, deceased, defendants: You and each of you aro hereby notified that William Smith plaintiff, filed his certain petition in the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, on December 30th, 1912, against you and each of you and that upon due cause shown said court made nn order on the 30th day of December, 1912 that the said plaintiff should proceed to obtain sorvice by publication upon said un known heirs of Mary C. Rockwoll, de ceased, by publication of a -notice fr four consecutive weeks in the North Platte Semi-Weekly Tribune. Tho ob ject and prayer of which petition are to quiet and confirm in the plaintiff and against the defendants and each of them title in and to the following des cribed landssituate in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wit: Southeast quarter (sej) of section twenty-three (23) town ship nine (9) , north of range thirty-ono (31) west of tho sixth principal merid ian and particularly against a certain mortgage made and executed by John M. Smith on July 13, 1889 to Riley Bros, and by said Riley Bros, assigned to Mary C Rockwell; and that said do fendants nnd each of thorn bo forever barred and enjoined from setting up and claiming any interest in said prem ises and from disturbing the plaintiff in tho peaceful and quiet enjoyment of same. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before tho 10th day of Feb ruary, 1913. Dated at North Platto, Nebraska, December 30tb. 1912. William Smith. Plantiff. By E. H. Evans, His attorney. Legal Notice. To Charity Miller and Miller, her husband, first and real name un known, BenjaminjJall and Ball his wife, first and real name unknown, Joseph Ball and Ball, his. wife, first, and real name unknown, Joseph Sells and Sells, his wife, first and real name unknown, John Sells and Sells, his wife, first and real name unknown, Ella Sells, Addie Sells and May Davis, neo Sells, and Davis, her husbund, first and real name un known, Rosanna Armstrong, nee Ball, and Armstrong, her husband, first and real name unknown, Worthington Ball and Ball, his wife, first and rnal name unknowri, Bertha Savage and Savage, her husband, first and real name unknown, Amelia Wilkin3 and Wilkins, her husband, first and real name unknown and Flornco Shepard: You and each of you arohero by notified that you have been sued in the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, together with Thomas Ball and Ball, his wife, first and real name unknown, Alma Stevens nnd Stevens, her husband, first and real name unknown, by Hezekiah Ramsey, Plaintiff, tho object and prayer of the petition filed therein being to quiet and confirm in tho plaintiff title and possession against you and each of you in and to an undivided ono-half interest in the following des cribed lands situate in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to-wit: A portion of lot "I" of the County Clerk's subdivi sion of part of tho northwest quar ter of section 33, township 14, range 30, west of tho Gth P. M., des cribed as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said lot "I," thence west from said northeast corner 10 de grees north 220 feet west; thence south 10 degroes west 198 feet; thence east 10 degrees south 88 feet; thenco north 10 degrees east 132 feot; thenco east 10 degrees south 132 feet; thenco north along tho east line of Lot "I" 6G foet to the place of beginning, owned by tho plaintiff under and by virtue of a "deed thereto from one George H. Woodword and further to have the estates and shart s of the defendants or so many of them ac the court may find entitled to share therein as the heirs of Elizabeth Ramsey, deceased, confirmed and set aside the remaining undivided one half interest in said property of which blizabeth Ramsoydied seized in fee, the same to be confirmed and set aside to the plaintiff and the defendants or so many of them as may be found entitled to share therein as the sole heirs at law of said Elizabeth Rnmsey.deceased, and to have all of said described property partitioned to the plaintiff and tho de fendants as their estates therein shall bo confirmed by the court, and for such other and further relief as justice and equity may require. You and each of you will mako answer to said petition on or before the 24th day of February. 1913, or decreo will be taken as in said petition prayed. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, January 10th, 1913. Hezekiah Rampey, Plaintiff, By E. H. Evans, His Attorney, j 14-4 I