1111111 Z . . iii . i i i i i r 55? S.B.KIBZ2 GOOD HOUSES FOR CHICKENS T!r-wft-1Sir,''sw AX1 1 .(-ii'-S.. ,'?!: ,S . .AiiS8SaEW; r- em iBmr'"'iW -j-v Ty&srJT7AYtimw.fgHV"'" v ''' . h; fr.....ii...ifir,l..,v,T:ir3s,.T1,T;il,.,T.rfrT'Tai interest to tho Bportsmnn-nntural- MBftpr t &' .rlP I m. ,181. iu iiuuu uiu uuBMi ui ...o r iwiKKBfa..1r. ..57::ri;A ?f".ii6A -i&f jejz&dtuMy usta jtwuuua uuzuro Ulf Ifm . f5BiWMt23sr Mfiaro&sos WWiEBHBnFWf Ifc3w:.fc4 known sportsmen of today miiBt $$&r f)iWvvSr n Wr l AT( M ,,iend guilty, wo, havo to dlvo Into Jfr$f( WMJr f... H...--J tho not nlwnyB limpid dopths of RaA JP y jfewJbJ 'T,f''AVgS maimtfftjictir&jiziRaH5, igzwz& :sr 4 .HE (llffercntlatlon between these two anlninlR Is a subjoct of unusunl IntoroBt to the BportBinnn-nntural-1st. To trnco tho origin of the popular misconception that tho two names nro Bynonymoua, a mistake to which oven Bomo of our beat known Bportsmcn of today miiBt plead guilty, wo, havo to dlvo Into tho not nlwnyB limpid dopths of oarly medlaoval history. For tho ovont which has probably more to do than any other with tho promulgation of this error waft tho famous hunt glvon by t'harlomagno to tho ambassadors of Huroun-al-Rnahld In the dank No icy I an woods that Burrounded his hunt ing lodge, HerlHtallum. According to tho original account by tho monk Eglnhnrd of St. Gall,. tho auiochs woro of such terror-lnstllllng nppearanco to tho men from tho east that they could not cvoii boar thn night of thorn, and lied from tho cmperor'H aldo. Tho latter, attacked by tho llorc est of IhoBO tnonntors, missed tho vital spot, with tho rcBult that before brave Isambart could elay it tho omporor was slightly wounded In tho thigh and had hla nothcr garment torn into shreds. Hushing to his sldo, tho assembled cour tiers offered to dlvort themselves of their own tiOBO, but tho omporor laughingly rejected their offers, declaring that ho Intended to hIiow him fiolf In hip uorry plight to tho fair Hildegarde, who waH a great huntress horBolf NcedloBB to ay, this adventure proved a mediaeval "ucoop" of tho gaudiest kind, but In tho courso of tin numborod retellings tho aurochs became n wi scut. n was called tho European bison, nnd slnco that tlmo a perplexing confusion has reigned bo tween thcRo two nnlmalH. That tho truo nurocliB. which bocamo extinct three hundred years ago, wna an entirely different animal from tho bison, whoso name, nlaat la alBO on tho Hat or anlmnls nbout to aharo tho auroch'B fate, Is now a fact known to all Hclontlflc men. To tho writer tho poor old blson'fl pathotlo fnto nppeala moro par ticularly, for when shooting In the RoukloB In tho Bovoutloa of last century ho Btlll aaw thoni In hoids of ton thousand. Hut ns tho men who can claim to havo bouu tho samo marvellous night will boforo loflg follow these lordly inhabitants of tho wlldo to tho happy hunting grounds, the study of tho past history of theso two species has for aomo people unuBunl attractions. And not tho leant Interesting phaao of It Is tho col lecting of iilcturos umdo at n tlmo when both beaBtH'woro Btlll roaming ovor tho "vsaBtca of tho earth," or had but recently disappeared Of tho earliest of all pictures of what was prob ably meant to bo tho blbon, nu interesting nrtl clo which rccontly nppoarod In an Illustrated week ly, In which thn roof pictures in tho Altnmlrn Cavo woro reproduced, gavo ono a capital Idea. After a gap of untold centuries wo roach tho "various pictorial recorda left to us by tho chls--oIb, gruvern or bruahoa of tho classic nges. Among thoao who havo mado Important dlscov erleB respecting tho dlatrlbutlon of the nurocha, ProfcHsor Conrad Keller, tho woll-known Zurich rooIoglBt, occupies n prominent place Hla dla covorloa In tho ruins of 1,1)0 undent palace of King Mlnoa In Croto of no fewer than ulxteou liotn-coroa and ono skull of what unquestionably was tho ortgtunl wild ox of Kuropo. or nurocha. Hhow that It llvod thcro at ono poriod, and that tho fnmoiiH legend of tliu mlnotnur has n sub Btratum of truth. From his pages wo borrow nn Illustration of an Important fresco In Kuosaoa de pleting an aurochs In tho act of Impaling a help-loss-looking victim, while a hold bull-lighter is actually turning n nnmersault over tho back' of tho boaBt, n third, possibly female, looker-on at tempting to Rolzo tho huU'B tall, thn ucono lining probably onactod In nn arena. It Is possible that tho TheaouH "story camo from tho slaughter of captives In buoIi exhibitions Several other pic tures havo boon recently discovered whloh he long to tho .Vinos period, I. o., betwoon 2000 nnd 1500 II. O. I'rofosaor Kollor'B highly Instructive writings contain many other Illustrations of Dos prlmlfonlua, Skipping tens of conturlos, wo reach tho lies dalles, tho moBt ancient of which originated In tho poriod wo touched nt tho outset when Bponk lag of Charlomngnn's aurochs-hunt. Thoao ex ceedingly primitive pictorial recorda do not ndd much to our Information; "the choice hurts ono," jia OormauH describe that state of uncertainty in .regntd to what tho monastic artlata meant to .represent by their crudo attempts. Skipping a few more conturlos, wo at last reach, In tho bo tinning of the fifteenth century, fairly Intelligent accounts of tho animal's habitat, and are fur nished with drawings presenting fentureu Bulll clently distinct to Indicate, oven to eyes nccus tomed to photographic accuracy, tho Identity of tho animal tho picture moana to reprcsout. Very curious Is tho circumstance to which, by the- wny, nobody has so far drawn attention, that nono of tho French sporting books of tho fourteenth nnd fifteenth conturles, such na "Hoy Modus." "Cln8ton PhoobtiB," "Qaco do la llulgno" and 'Foutulnoa-Guorlu," mentions either tho 'J7j?zv"(rjirjzfj& CZJ&KZ& '&Kn& c3$&ur."iz& runs: "Some great lords are looking on at a spec taclo In tho arena. A furious lion with rovenlng fang and claws tears some wild beasts. He laya the wolves low and dofeata the 'Taurus' in a strug gle, while the bear cowera away In terror." Wheth er the artist ever wltneaad such a struggle In an nrenn cannot be ascertained; but It Is quite possi ble, considering their great popularity during tho sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Tho blasts were caught In pitfalls and transported great distances. Tho likeness Is not a bad one, nnd In tho nbovo col lection of prints there nre three other pictures of aurochs, and a fifth depict ing tho lassoing of tho bu balus on tho Island of Sar dinia. A contemporary and countryman of Stradanus, ono Hans Hoi. produced also an Interesting engrav ing of an nurocha hunt which forma tho second print of his attractive little set entitled, "Venntloiris, PlBcatlonls, et AucupU typl," published In 15S2 bj tho Bamo enterprising Ant werp publishers that gavo tho world tho last-named collection. Ueneath the au roclm picture wo read, In Latin elegiac couplets' "Thus with darts, swords and light arrows men every where drive tho horned aurochs Into pits." A rath er Blmllar print was produced fourtoen years after bmy tho Nutnborg engraver, .Tohann Sib mncher, who etched nine other sporting plates. Then follow, In rnpid succession, half a dozen "portraits" by Tompe.sta, the pupil of Stradanus, one of which prints wo reproduce It shows In whnt nwo tho gigantic wild bull was held, for It depicts a formldablo-looklng machine wherowltb tho bull could be nttacked and brought down Tempesta's pictures ned not bb taken seriously for IiIb Roman "studio" was nothing but a work Bhpp where apprentlco hands turned out a vast mass of prints of Ilttlo or no valuo In an enqulrj of this sort. His English contemporary of tho pen, Edwnrd Topsoll, In his Illustrated natural history hodgo-podge called tho "Historic of Foure Footed neastes" (1G07) only added to tho exist ing confusion. "A HIson," ho says, "Is a beaBt very strango as may appear by hla figure pro fixed which by many authors la taken for Urus, eomo for a lluglo or wild oxe, others, for n Ranglfor, and many for tho beast Tarantus oi Ruffe." And, to show that ho really meant what ho said, ho affixes a plcturo of what Is unmistak ably a relndoor! Fortunately, howovor, ho adda, as plcturea of tho bison nnd of tho aurochs, ro pllcns of tho two prints by Htrschvogol out of Ilerberbteln's "Rernm Moscovltlcarum Common tnrll," which, as wo havo already mentioned, are among tho most correct representations pub Hshed nt a period when thn nurocha still existed In Euglnnd, tho bollf that th aurochs was a blnon-llko creature continued throughout the eighteenth century. Tho plcturo tnken from Sam uol Clarke'B "Julius Caesar," published In 1712, shows what oxtrnoidlnary Ignorance Btlll pre vailed, tho animal with antlors llko nn lnvortcd umbrella being n bison, or Ilos germanus, nnd tho beast In tho contor an "nurocha, Tho graver nurocha or tho blaon by ao much na a word. Aa tho nuthorB pf thoBo claaalca woro great sporte mon and closo observers, this would support the theory that both these animals nnd already then bocomo quite oxtlnct In western Europe. Iu tho sixteenth century, when Europo, bo fnr aa art wns concerned, hnd at laat been aroused from Its mediaeval stupor by tho Invention of printing, nnd an extraordinary domnnd had sprung up for pictorial matter Illustrating re cent exploration of new worlds and tho various forms of tho chnso, there wore produced quite a number of pictures of tho aurochs by artists, very few of whom hnd ovor sot eyes upon a Hvo wild specimen, though thoy may havo scon cap tive ones. Tho ono nrtlBt of whom wo posltlvoly know that ho had beforo him nt least a stuffed specimen wnB tho Viennese engraver AugUBtln Illrschvogel (born In Nurnborg nbout 1503), who Illustrated the famous travel book of Baron Her berstoln. tho nuthorlty most frequently quoted In connection with tho aurochs, for ho wns absolute ly tho last Intelligent observer who saw tho beast In ita wild atnto, and loft pictorial records of his ImpreBBlonn. Herberateln was gifted with pres cient oyoa, for ho forosnw that tho aurochs was doomed to spoody extinction. Henco on IiIb sev eral expeditions to tho unknown interior of Rub aln no tho nmbassador, first of Emperor Maxi milian In 151G-18, then on many different occa sions ns Charles V'b nnd Ferdinand's emissary, he mndo notes about It, and, what was much moro Important, actually brought bnck with him eomo skins and skulls, which he had mounted In hla house In Vlonnn. nnd from which Illrschvogel probnbly drew hla colobrated picture of tho nurocha To differentiate ho drew noxt to It n picture of n blBon As theso two "portraits." which havo been published xcores of tlinos, will bo familiar to all Interested In this matter, wo . of Holzab of Zurich, continues tho mlsconcop Leghorns Stand Cold Weather, Pro vided They Are Free From Damp ness and Draughts. Wo havo ono building 18x70 foet nnd ono 18x128 feet mndo of matched pine, not doubled or lined, a pitch roof covered with two-ply roofing and dirt floors. Doth buildings faco the south and each has tho south aldo covered with an equal amount of glass and muslin half-way from tho oaves, tho latter 15'alf enclosed with matched ii.i Single-Comb Brown Leghorn. plno. Theso windows havo been opened wide dnlly regardless oi zero weather. Single Comb Brown Leg horns otnnd cold weather, provided they nro free from drafts and damp ness, says a writer In an exchange. Our buildings have dirt floors cov ered with ono foot of wheat Btraw. The dropping boards and roosts are cleaned and disinfected with a hot spray from u forco pump every two weeks. The broken straw from tho floor 1b placed upon tho dropping boarda and the floor covered anew with wheat straw. Tho cost of tho building, exclusive of land, was $3.88 per lineal foot, 70 plua 128 feet, thus houalng 1,250 layers at 62 cents per hen. The usual estimate is $1 per hen. HINTS OF DUCKS AND GEESE will merely quoto tho Inscriptions placed by Her beratohr over the two pictures, for It Is a per fectly corroct differentiation. Tho plcturo of tho blaon hns tho following: "I am a HIson. am ended by tho Polos a Subor, by tho Germans a nibont or Dnmthlor, nnd by tho Ignorant nn nurochs." Over the woodcut of tho nurochs: "I nm an UruB which Is called by tho Poles a Tur, by tho Germans nn AurocliB nnd until now by tho Ignorant a Rlson." Tho Inscriptions In tho vnrlous editions -Hoi borsteln's volume nppenred In aovornl languages vary triningly. but tho tlon; Indeed, goes ono bettor, for tho bison Is horo turned Into nn "American aurochs" Of numerous othor Illustrations of our two beasts, wo havo not tho Bpaco to speak at length. One of tho most chnracterUtlo of the latter typo Is tho so-called Hamilton Smith plcturo of tho nu rochs. This la n painting, dating, It Is believed, from tho first quarter of tho sixteenth century, discovered In Augsburg not qulto a hundred years ago. This painting Vaa mysteriously dis appeared, but an nccurato copy wna mado. For tho first "modern ' plcturo of tho blaon that np- Duckling Should Be Marketed Before Twelve Weeks Old Same Is Said of Goslings. A Pekln duckling weighs about two iluncea when hatched, and should take on weight as follows: Three to' four weeks, ono pound; six to eight weeks, four to four and one-half pounds; nnd at ten weeks, five and one-half to six pounds. Ducklings should bo marketed at from nine to twelve weeks of nge. After that thoy tnko on weight slowly, nnd It Is not profltnble to keep them longer thnn twelve weeka. , Geese grow nbout ns rapidly as ducks. Allownnce of courso muat bo mado for tho orlglnnl difference In size newly hatched goslings weigh ing nbout four ounces. Turkeys do not grow rapidly at tho start, but de velop much quicker after three mouths of age. Idle Boast above, which aro takon from tho edition of lBBfi. geared In England wo havo also to go to Ger- glvo tho souse In tho boat form. Shortly nftor Herboratoln tho Flemish painter Stradanus, who lived nnd workfd for over fifty years In Floronco (from 1BC3 to 1C0B), produced n drawing of nn nurochs engnged In n terrific struggle In nn nrona where ho wbb matched against a lion, two wolves and a bear. This original drawing Is not tho least Interesting of the twenty odd ancient pictures of tho aurochs In tho writer's collection. In 1B78 tho Antwerp publisher Philip Gnllo published this and ono hundred nnd three other sporting drawings by tho Florentlno mnstor, nnd underneath ench of tho engravings there Is n Latin Inscription Tho ono under tho pinto reproducing tho drawing mnn sources, and, strangely enough, to tho same city, for It wnB Augsburg's most famous animal painter, Rldlngor (1097-1767), who drew tho first llfe-llko picture. A countryman of his. ono J. S. Muller, who lived many years In London, engrav ed, In 17B8, a flno set of plates representing wild animals nftor Rldtnger's drawings from nature. Among thorn Is ono of tho bison, called by him tho bufTnlo, and underneath la n lengthy nnd fairly correct description in English, which ho also copied from Rldlngor But this and othor Isolated efforta havo not entirely prevented tho dlBsemlnatlon of tho old mlBtnko, for living au thorities still toll ua, qulto aorlnualy, that they havo grassed aurochs. Gather eggs dally. Cull out small eggs. Tho gooso averages about thirty eggs. Gecso do not thrlvo when yarded; ducks do. Tho gooao llko tho duck, has prac tically no crop. Tho nvorago weight of tho gooso la twice that of tho duck. Geese pair, but drakes will take oaro of four or moro mates. A hen left to shift for hersolf may lay in summer but seldom will In win ter. Aro you figuring on entering ono or two pens In a poultry show, If not, begin now. Boforo packing and Bhipplng poul try should bo thoroughly dry and cold, but not frozen. Llmborneck Is caused by tho fowls eating Bomo dead animal matter that has bred maggots. Tho gooso is a grazing bird, while tho duck thrives with a limited amount of greon food. Don't forget to sprlnklo lime on drop boards, not too much, for it lb hard on tho chicken's feet. Meat In aomo form must bo fod poultry at least twlco a week also green food If you wnnt results. A good dry mash for lnyers: Twc parts bran, 1 part cornmeal, 1 part alfalfa meal, nnd 1 pnrt beef scrap. Ducks can be profitably bred for four years, geese can bo bred foi many years for a period that seemf Incredible. Fifty hens with abundant room, caro and proper feed will return more' cash than ono hundred carelessly fed and crowded. Dust the hen with insect powder before Betting, and twlco moro while hatching, then chicks will not bo ful of lice to begin with. After hens havo passed their period of profltnblo laying (two or three years), they may be Bold at Ilttlo It anv loss on their first cost. Bach day ho tells mo he has done Some splendid thins In splendid style) Each day ho tells me ho has won From Fortune an engaging smile; Each day ho boasts about his gains, llut, for somo reason he conceals, In humblo quarters he remains And keeps all run down at the heels. Each day ho tells mo of high pralsa That ha has gloriously earned; If what he says Is true his days To good account must all bo turned; But frayed cuffs still mischievously Peep from beneath his shiny sleeves, And, for some reason, only ho Recounts tho triumphs ho achieves. Encouraging a Good Man. "Come In here and havo lunch with me," said ono business man to anoth er as they were walking In a down town street yesterday, shortly after tho noon hour. "What? You don't eat in there, do you?" "Yes, this Is my favorite restaur ant." "Well, by George, I'm surprised. 1 thought you were n man who would bo more difficult to satisfy than that I took one meal there, and then de clared that I would never go Into tho place again. Tho service was wretch ed; the things thoy gave me to eat were miserably prepared, and taking !t all together, It was about the worst thing I ever had in tho lunch line." "I grant that all you havo said may be true, yet there Is a vast good rea son why the place ought to havo our patronage." "What is It?" "Do you seo the sign in front? It aays, 'Ladles' and Gentlemen's Res taurant' Look at tho- other signs. Thoy all road, 'Ladles' and Gents' Tho man who runs this placo ought to bo encouraged, pven If his grub la bad. Como on." He Understood. Miss Mllllcent No, Mr. Simpson. Cm sorry that I can't Invite you to :all again, but the fact is that I must "efuae, for my own safety, to seo you any more. George Simpson Wh why, I don't understand you. Miss Mllllngton Our family physl :Inn says that I have heart trouble, ind I'm afraid that you might somo tlmo get bold enough to say some thing and make mo fall dead. Their engagement wns nnnounced tho next day. Suitable Companions.. For tho Napoleon of finnnco a will ing bondsman; , For the heiress who wishes to mar ry n titlo, a fortune teller. For tho man who stops drinking when ho discovers that whisky is bad for him, a snake charmor; For tho champion amateur golfer, a cup-bearer. For tho mnn who will not wear an ovorcoat, a trained nurso. Too Obedient. "You might make a nolso as If you were kissing mo," she Bald, "Just to oreato n commotion among tho girls In tho noxt room." A moment later she angrily left him and wont In among the girls whom iho had w lshed to fill with excitement. Ho had merely made a nolso as If ho were kissing her. An Opinion. "Do you believe a poor man can succeed in politics?" "I hardly think I caro to answer rour queatlon. I will 8ay, howovor. that it does not seem to bo possible for a man to succeed In politics nnd itay poor.'r A Marked Man. "Yes, Hubbleston is a man of mark " "Why, what has ho ovor done tc mnko him so?" "Hnd the smallpox." Free Speech. "Pn, what's a Chautauqua?" "A placo where our public moacau say what they want to say wlthoul undergoing tho necessity of having thrlr speeches edited."