The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 21, 1913, Image 4

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    P AM ST.
- W lrJtA.1 I X
- - rn -. t,- ,
Wc are taking care of a great many
Men's watches, let us look after yours.
CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician.
Cody Director General.
In 1915 Denver will have a panorama
of the hittory of the west In which an
Indian council will be featured Rep
resentatives of every Indian tribo will
be prcsont, and the panorama will ex
tend over a period of several months.
Colonol Cody has been selected as
director general of the pageant, and at
a meoting held in Denver last week, at
which $1,000,000 was subscribed, he
outlined his plans for a last grand
council of the Indians.
Keith Theatre, Wednesday, Jani 22, J
The La Salic Opera-House Co. Inc.
the World's Record-Breaking Musical
Mr. Harry Askin. Managing-Director Makes Known Here
2 Graduate Dcnlisl. 5
Office over tho McDonald ;
2 Stato Bank.
Local and Personal.
O. W. Brandt left Friday evening
for Omaha to spend a few days on busi
ness. Senator Hoagland will como up from
ilncoln Saturday to look af tor business
Mrs. Lem Balloy roturnod Saturday
jrom Cozad whero she spertt ten days
with relatives.
Bo suro to read Tramp's spocinl in
this issue, you can't toll, it may moan
something to you.
, Tho romains of tho lato Mrs. Amanda
Beach, who died last week in this city,
Vrero shippod Saturday afternoon to
Seneca, Kans.
'Mrs. M. H. Douglos will loavo Fri
day afternoon for Suthorlin, Ore., to
visit tho Armstrong family for a wetk
or longer. a KEJ
Thomas Hoaley returned yesterday
morning from Omaha having spent
Sunday with Mrs. Healey, who Is a
patient at a hospital in that city.
Mrs. H. M, Grimes went to Boulder,
Col., to visit hor sister Miss Lillian Mc
Crackon, who submitted to an opera
tion at a Bouldor hospital Saturday.
T. F. Watts loft today for Denver
whero hogoos to officiate as auctioneer
HlPH.'tTfjfflSlo of thorough bred cattlo
held In concoction with the nnnual stock
TlKj'Iik's' dancing pnrty Friday even
ing'was'. art .enjoyable one to nil who
nttended. Owing to other social func
tions tho attendance was not as largo as
Judgo John Grant left Saturday even
ing for Denver to spend a few days on
Mrs. M". J. Forbes who was a patient
at tho St. Luke hospital roturnod to her
homo Sunday.
Miss Sylvia, Watts, who underwent an
operation at St. Luko's hospital is get
ting along nicely.
Surveyor Roy Cochran returned Sat
urday from Maywood where ho trans
acted business last week.
Misses Marie LeDIoyl and Maud
Jaques will leave Thursday for Sidney
to visit friends for a few days.
Mrs. Gideon Winkloman left tho
latter part of last week for Cheyenne
to visit friends for a few days.
Mrs. Robert Armstrong returned tho
latter part of last week from Choyenne
and will remain here indefinitely.
Miss Emma McVoy who was operated
upon in an Omaha hospital recently,
erturned here Friday aftornooa.
Mrs. Florin Muchlinski and baby ex
pect to leave shortly for Omaha to visit
relatives for a couple of weeks.
Master Vlodie Muchlinski, of South
Omaha, who spent the past month with
Mr. and Mrs. Florin Muchlinski, left
Saturday night.
Miss Delia IMarovlih who had been
visiting her sister Mrs. A. J. Frazler
for a week, left for Skerldan, Wyo,,
Friday evening to rusumo her duties as
T. II. McWilliams, superintendent of
agents of the Mutual Lifo Company
of Now York, who spent last weok
transacting business with Bratt &
Goodman loft Saturday.
Mrs. Geo.T. Field, Mrs. Baker,
Mrs. Hart and son Froderick leave this
week for a protracted visit in Southern
California, Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Ilnrt
aro mother and sister, respectively, of
Mrs. Field.
Action to be Reconsidered.
Anont the discontinuance of tho star
mail route to Myrtle and Gandy, and
tho effort on the part of tho Chamber
of Commerce and patrons of the route
to have tho department reconsider the
tho discontinuance of tho route, Secre
tary Crosby, of the chamber of com
merco,Jreceived a telegram Saturday
fromlCongressman Kinkaid that he had
interviewed the fourth assistant post
master 'general and that official had
promised to investigate. If conditions
wero found to be as represented by the
patrons'and the chamber of commerce
the route will bo continued. The patrons
of the route aro much dissatisfied over
its discontinuance, as their mail byway
of Arnold reaches them twenty-four
hours later than via North Platte.
"A Wonderful Show" Mmy Gardr
Direct From It's 366 La Salle Performances
A Musical Trip to the Mardi Gras
By Add lion Burkhardt. Frederick Donaghcy and Ben M. Jerome Presented by an Absolutely Correct Company
Miss Cecilia Novaso Mr. Frederick Nice, Miss Zella Call Mr. Jas. McElhern Mr. Joe Doner
Mr. Lute Vrohman Miss Caroline Leonard Mr. Egbert Roach
And Sixty More
In the
To Parties With Idle Money.
We have several extra choice gilt
edge first mortgage loans in sums of
$200 and upward, rnuning two to five
years, netting 7 and 8 per cent semi
annual interest. These mortgages not
taxable. There; it nothing better nor
safer than these, if seeking safe, good
interest paying investments sec Bratt &
Dry Goods and Shoes
Parcels Post.
We will deliver all mail orders sent us for anything
1 in dry goods, men's furnishings, ladies' ready to wear
or shoes free of postage charges. This means that if
you live anywhere you can send to us for Muslin
Sheetings, Overalls, Shoes, Hosiery, Underwear or
"r any article carried by us except Groceries and have
it delivered to you free of expense, for delivery
charges just the same as we deliver goods to our town
trade. 'To take advantage of this, you must send us
with your order, stamps, P. O. moncyqrHer or your
check for enough to cover the purchase., "If you don't
know how much your bill will be, seJnd'eVough and
we will send the change back with trje- goqds. .
Give us your mail orders.
North Platte, Nebraska.
Rev. Gaither left Saturday morning
for Chappell to hold services for a couple
of days.
D. M. Hogaett left a few days ago
for Grand Junction to speYtd a week
visiting his family.
Furnished room for rent, 323 West Gth
Mies Cfomfort Conway who had hedn
oft duty fat the Tramp store for
ssvoral weeks owing to illness resumed
work yesterday.
Mrs. Frank Greeno left the latter
part of last week for Chadron to spend
a couple of weeks with relatives.
An elopement took place Friday
ovening, the principals in which were
Miss Villa Burgman n well known young
lady of this city and Mr. Dean Pretzel),
ai'employee of tho local shops. Tho
young couple left for Denver, whpro
they intended to be married Saturday
and locato in that eity.
The Lady Forresters held their second
ball of tho winter season at the Lloyd
opora houso last evening. The floor
was comfortably filled with dancers
until u late hour and a large number of
spectators occupied tho gallery. Good
music, nn entertaining committee and
all good dancers mado the afTair a very
successful one.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Roynolds and
youngest on leave today for Calif orniu
whero they will spend a couple ' of
months. They will go via the San Pedro
routo and return via tho Southorn Pa
cific. Tho greater part of the time will
be spent at Snn Diego, but will visit all
the leading cities of California.
Experienced married man and woman
ago HO and 25 two children age 4 and 2J
wants job on rancli. w ages $41), every
thing furnished. Box 53. Blair, Nebr.
Ridiculing or "joshing" thoeditorof
The Tribuno is a mighty weak defense
of the county commissioners' action on
tho county publishing award, but it is
tho only stand The Telegraph could
tako. Thoro is absolutely no defense
of the commissioners' action. They
simply dumped,$200 or $300 of tho tax
payers' monoy into tho hands of their
favorites. '
Woodmen of the World, aro now or
ganizing in your city. The W. O. W.
have a surplus of over $17,500,00000.
and their rates are on adequate basis.
Railroad men are especially invited, to
C. F. Temple,
Clerk Lucas Camp No 237.
F. A. Baugiian,
President Beeler, of the state irriga
gation association has appointed the
committees for tho ensuing year. On
the executive committee appears the
names of J. C. Wilson, of this city and
J. R. White, of Sutherland, and J. J.
Halligan and W. V. Hoogland of this
city and Fred Pierson of Sutherland
are membors of the legislative com
mittees, Bert Barber left yesterday for New
York and will sail next week for Argen
tine, South America, where ho has
accopted a position as agriculturist for
the Argentine government at salary
of $2,000 per year and trimmings. Uert
graduated from the tho local' schools,
and then took the ogricultural course at
the state university. His solection for
tho position in South America Is cer
tainly a compliment to him.
To Investors,
We are prepared to loan your money
' on real estate first mortgage so as to
your eigne per cent, money u
I 1 f .
loaneu is exempt irom taxes, tome on
g7 Seats on S.ale Now Entire Suspension of Free List.
f Prices 50 Cents to SS.OO.
Ed A. Goewey said this in the Kansas City
Post: "Louisiana Lou takes the money."
"Perhaps there are a fow poople in Kansas
City who haven't heard of "Lousiana Lou," the
pretty, tuneful and really funny musical-comedy
that ran for nearly one solid year in Chicago, but
when the first local performance at the Willis
Wood last night there was no ocular evidence
thot there are any such. The big playhouse was
rilled from pit to dome, and even the boxes wero
crowded to the rails. It was tho biggest Sunday
night theater audience seen here in a very long
timo, and that everybody was more than satisfied
with the entertainmeHt was attested by the gen
erous and spontaneous applause that kept the
play running for practically three hours. It was
such a great big joyous occasion that actors and
onlookers entered into the spirit of the thing,
and tho performersonly laughod happily as they
responded to five and six oncoros instead of the
usual one or two.
"It has been said and oft repeated that fow
good things come out of Chicago, and that tho
sooner they como the better they are 'Louisiana
Lou' proves the exception to the rule. It was
written and produced in Chicago and tho persist
ent clink of coin at the box office window kept it
playing at tho La Salle for 35G consecutive
performances. 'Louisiana Lou,' viowed from
nearly every angle of theatrical criticism, than
either tho over-touted 'Madame Sherry' or 'A
Modorn Eve.' Its music is so good, particularly
tho lyrics, that one doubts if they really come
from 'Chi.'"
"Hep" Blockman said this in the Ft. Worth
Star-Telegram. Ft. Worth Bows to Louisiana
Lou. "At last! A chorus girl show. After
long absence tne chords girl has shown that she
can come back. She was at Byers Friday night
in shapes and sizes to please every fancy, accom
panying "Louisiana Lou," the Joys and the
Glooms and MR. CAMUEL LIEBERT. If you
don't know who Mr. Samuel Liebert is, run your
memory back over oyer tho Majestic hits of
three seasons ago until you hear the word
"Toblisky says" and you will have him placed.
"In Louisiana Lou" he plays the same part of
the fond-hearted old hebrew making wedding
plans for his child which do not agree with the
Elans laid out by Cupid. "Louisiana Lou," in
rief, is that little vaudeville gem set in n circle
of dancing chorus girls, now jokes and joy-ride
"Liebert, who is the particular star of
Louisiana Lou" is experience a remarkable
theatrical success. The lovable old man who
sing "My Pose of the Ghetto" before 10:30 at
night, after 11 is a youngster of 23. by the time
he is 25 there ought to be a new Warfield on the
"But to go back to the chorus, it is by far the
best seen in maiy seasons not a girl in the lot
that you wish had been left out. Even in tho
dance of the" Glooms tere is a silver lining to
the block tights It is seen at its best in "The
Puritan Praneet' a song hit in which the hit is
made by the chorus.
IMPORTANT Owlne to tho Immensity of production and length of performance the curtain will rise promptly nt 8:15.
coming in lata will not be seated while curtain Is up. Carriages and motors at 10:55, )
Mesdames Fuller and Carver, form
orly of this city, who aro now residonts
of Boise, Idaho, spent the latter part of
last week in town while enrouto to
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Sorenson left
Saturday evening for Omaha to attend
tho funeral of the lato Mrs. Louis
Miss Clarissa Kane who is teaching
in Maxwoll came up Saturday morning
to spend tho week end with tho lionner
Mrs. Metzer, of Ft. Collins, who had
been visiting in town with friends, left
the latter part of Jast week.
Mrs. M. E. Crosby and son went to
Sutherland Saturday morning to spend
a few days with relativos.
Mr. and Mrs. AVilliam George, of
Brady, spent Saturday with friends in
this city.
A. B. Swanson, who had been ill for
a couple of weoks, is reported to bo
greatly improved.
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Lonergan have
returned from a short visit with friends
in Elm Creek.
Mrs. Earl Williams, of Hershey,
spent the weok end with f Honda in this
Mrs. E. Long went toOgalalln Satur
day to spend a weok or longer with
C. L. Ward has resumed work In the
Gilbert barber shop after a week's ill
ness. Miss Edith Smith is enjoying a visit
from Miss Campbell of Maxwell.
' Roy Knox, who had been ill for somo
ime, is very much im proved.
"i ,y - Farm For Sale.
I . T;he northeast quarter (ne) soction
twenty-four (24) township thirteen (18)
range thirty (30) about soven miles
outheast of North Platto on south side
of Platte river, all smooth land near
nills, good buildings, fifteen acres in
alfalfa, one of best farms in Platte
valley. Price $10,000.00. Terms, half
ash, balance on easy timo at 7 per
cent interest Address Joseph Hershey
North Platte, Neb.
a rrild course and very often prevent.scrious
You can prevent an attach or make ft run
illness, by using
Hundmlsof peoplo cubjp t to t-ms'llt's, i.ore throat, nu!ns diphtheria, pharyngitis
and laongitls, have uecd it lor years, in prcfcrcnco io all other 'reatments.
25c, COc and S1.00 a Bottle.
Full directions for use are in booklet with cvtry bottle,
will never use anything ulso for throat trouble.
Try A-thcuca-ino and you
STONE DRUG CO., North Platto, Agents.
i net
OI the Best Quality.
Paine Fishburn
Granite Co.,
W. T. ALDEN, Salesrhan
Offers to residents of, and visitors to, North Platte, the most
finoly appointed service in Western Nebraska, and with this
is a menu that cannot be excelled for the price. Regular
means are served and short orders con be obtained
hour day or night.
Opposite U. P. Depot.
mem UGAI,
If You Value Your Eyesight
You will equip your JDT
reading table with a jfCOT 0 11210
Authorities agree that a good kerosene oil lamp is
the best for reading. The Rayo is the best oil lamp
maue me result ot years of
scientific study.
Ash to tec it at your Dealers
For Bet Result uo
Perfection Oil.
Ak about quantity
price and iron barrels
for storage.
.' nnd IaI ii tnllr it Avar
UMW !. U lUllk It WfVt
Buchanan & Patterson.