ii i. i LWM ti w 17 SYNOPSIS. OeorRO Pcrclval Algernon Jones, vice- resident of (lio Metropolitan Orlontnl lu company or New York, thirsting for fmancc. In In Cnlm on n business trip orace Hvnnne nirlii-H at tho liotel In 2alro with ft cnrcfully Kunrded bundle.. yanno sells Jones the famous lioly Yhi- rdcs i lie which lio admits bavins stolen from a pasha at HaKdad Jones meets Major Cnllalinn nml later Is Introduced to Bortunn Chediovo by u woman to whom Jie had loamrd 1D0 poundH at Montn Carlo eorno months prevloutly. and who turns out to he Fortune') mother Jonos takcH Mrs Chedsoye and Fortune to ft polo Ramp Fortune lcturns to Jones the rnonr-v borrowed b her mother Mr Chedsoyo appears to cntjaKed In some mysl'-i lous enterprise unknown to the daughter nyanne Intciests Jones In the United llomanro and Adventure, com pany, a concern which for a price will arrange any kind of nn adventure to or der Mrs Chedsoye, her lirother, Major Callahan Wallace Hiid nyanne, ns tho Unltod Itomnnco Htid Adventure, company, plan n risky etilcrprlre Involving Jones Jtyanne makes known lo Mrs. Chedsoye his Intention to marry Fortune Mrs. Chedsove declares nhe will not permit It Plan are laid to preont Jones nailing for home Kvniine steals Jones' letters And cable dispatches. lie wires nRent In Nw York, In Jones' name, that he Is petitlng house In New York to some friend Mahomed, keeper of the holy barpet, Is on nyannci's trail, nyanne bromines Fortuno that he will see that Jones comes to no harm as ft result of Ills purchase of the rtijf Mahomod accosts pyanno and demands tho Yhlordcs rug tfty&nne lells htm Jones has the. rui? anil UMrests the nbductlon of the New York tnerclmnt as ft means of aecurltig Its re turn The ruK disappears from Jones room. Foilune tmrrelH with her mother when the latter icfilses to oxplaln her mysterious n-tlons. Fortune nets ft mes lairo purporting to bo from Ilyanno ask ing her to meet him In a secluded place that ovenltiK. Jones receives a. message niklnir him to meet ltvanno nt the Kngllsh Bar the same cenln. Jones Is carr ed off Into the desert l)V Mnhomed and his Accomplices after a desperato flRht lie discovers that ltynnno and Fortuno also nre captives, the former Is badly battered hnd unconscious nyanne recovers con sciousness and tho slKht of Fortune In raptlvlty leveals to him tho fact that Mahomed Intends to git enneanco on him thrniiKh thn Klrl Fortune acknowl ntn that she stole tho rug from Jones Eom Hhe offers to return it to Mahomed he will free nil three of them. Ma imed njcrees to liberate Fortune and one pf the men In return for tho tub A cour ier Is sent to Cairo for tho rug. but re turns with the Information that Mrs Chedsoye and her brothor Imvo sailed for New York Fortune spurnH offered free Clom which does not Include her two com- iianlon Tho caraxnn continues thotoiir ley toward naKdad. nyanne tolls Jones hat Mrs. Chedsoye Is tho most adroit iUBdler of the aw, nnd Is overheard bv rtune. The threo captives are rescued Henry Ackermann, who Is In charRo a carpet caravan. Mahomed escapes. CHAPTER XVII. (Continued.) "We might riB well got Fortune) thtngs out of tho wny, too, Celcsto." "Yes, Madame." "And bring my chocolate at half flftor eight In tho morning. It 1b quite possible that wo Bhall sail tomorrow night from Poit Snld. If not from thoro, from Alexandria. It nil depends Upon tlio booking, which can not bo very heavy going west this tlmo of year." "As madam knows," camo from tho depth of tho cavornoua trunk. Coloatu was no longer surprised; at least Bho never evinced this emotion. For twelve yenrs now Bho had gono from one end of tho globo to tho other, upon the Bhortest notice While surprise Was lost to her or under audi con trol ns to render It negligible oho Rtill shivered with plensurable oxcltomont at tho thought of entering a port Madame was bo olovor, bo trnnacon- dently cloverl If BhOj Celeste, lind not boon loyal, sho might havo retired long ago, and owned a shop of her own In the busy Rue do Rlvoll. Hut that would havo neant n humdrum ex istence; and besides, sho would have ferown fat, which, of tho Bovon hor fore confronting woman, bo madamo bald, was first In number. "Do very careful how you handle fhat bluo ball-gown." I "Oh, Madame I " reproachfully. "It Is thp allver braid. Do not presB the rosetteB too harshly." Cel98to looked up. Mrs. Chodfloye answered her inquiring gaze with a Ihlo Biulle. "You are wonderful, Madamo l" "And bo nre you, Celeste, In your fway," At ten o'clock Mta. ChcdBoye was ready for her pillow. Sho slept At- Eully; nwoke at eleven and again at welvo. After that sho know nothing tnoro till the maid roused her with tho cup of chocolate She sat up and nipped alowly. Celosto waited at tho nedsldo with tho tray. Her admira tion for her jnlHtreBs never waned Mrs. Ciieu'sbye wns just as beautiful In dishabille iib In a ball-gown. She drained tho cup, and hb sho turned to replace It upon tho tray, dropped t with a clatter, a startled cry coming from her lips. "Madame7" "Fortune'B bed!" It had not been slept in. The ateamor-cloak lay ncroaa tho counter pane oxactly where Celesto herself pad laid It tho night boforo. Mrs. Chedsoyo eprang out of her bod and ran barefoot to tho other. Fortune had not been In the room slnco dinner time. "Celosto, dross mo as quickly as possible. Hurry I Something has Happened to Fortune." Novor, In nil her years of Bervlco, could Bho recollect such a toilet uh madaxne inndo that morning. And never before had sho shown such con pern over her daughter, it was amaz tnii "The little fool I The little fool!" Mrs. Chedsoy repeatedly murmured as the nlmblo Angora of tho maid !cw over her. "Tho Billy llttlo fool; and at a time llko tula!" Not that re morse of any kind stirred Mra. died soyo's conscience; sho was simply ex tremely nnnoyod. Sho hastened out Into the corridor and knocked nt the door of hor broth er's room. No answer. Sho flew down-stairs, and there she saw him coming In from the Btrcet. Ho greet ed hor cheerily. "It's all right, Kato; plenty of room on tho I-udwlg. Wo shall take the aft ernoon train for Port Said. Sho sails at dawn to morrow instead of to night. . . . What's up?" suddenly noticing his sister's faco. "Fortuno did not return to hor room last night." "What? Where do you suppose the little Tool went, then?" They both Beemed to look upon For tuno as a llttlo fool. "Yesterday Bho threatened to run away." "Run away? ICato, bo sensible. How tho deuce could sho run away? Sho hasn't a penny. It takes money to go anywhoro ovpr here. Sho has probably found some girl friend, and has Bpent tho night with her. We'll soon And out whoro Bho 1b." Tho Ma jor wasn't worried. "Have you seen Horace?" with dis cernible anxiety. "No. I didn't wait up for him. He's sleeping oft a night of It. You know hia falling." "Find out If ho Is In bis room. Go to the porter's bureau and Inquire for both him and Jones." The Major, perceiving that his sister was genuinely alarmed, rushed over to tho bureau. No, nolthor Mr. Ry anno nor Mr. Jones had been in the hotel Blnce yesterday. Would tho por tor send some one up to tho rooms of those gentlemen to mako sure? Cer tainly. No; thero was no one In tho roomB. Tlio Major was now himself perturbed. Ho wont back to Mrs. ChedBOe. "Kate, neither has been In his room since yoBtorday. If you want my opinion, It 1b this: Hoddy has seques tered Jones all right, and Is some whoro In town, Bleeping off tho effects of a night of It." "Ho haa run away with Fortuno!" sho cried. Her expression wbb tragic. Sho couldn't have told whother It was duo to her daughter's disappearance or to Horace's defection. "Did ho not threaten?" "Sh! not bo loud, Kato." "Tho llttlo simpleton defied me yea torday, and declared alio would leavo me" bar? ifiWffifjSm VC W Wllmlm I Jju i W It 'Mm "LI 1 1 "Fortuno Did Not Return "Oho!" Tho Major Hngored hia lm perlnl. "That puts a now faco to tho subject. Rut Jones I He has not turned up. Wo can not movo till we And out what haB become of hlnv. I know. I'll Jump Into a carriage and see It ho got ns far as tho English Rnr." Mrs. Chedsoyo did not go upstairs, but paced the lounglng-room, lltho and pantherlsh, Frequently sho patiBed, as If examining tho patterns in tho huge cnrpotB. Sho ontored tho reception-room, camo back, wandored off Into tho ball-joora, stopped to Inspect tho announcement hanging upon tho AutKor of HEARTS AND JkSKS, UA AlAN ON THE BOX .. Illvisfr-diiiorvs by -M.G.KETTrfc- . . COPYRIGHT 1911 by DODDS - MERRILL COMPANY bulletin-board, returned to tho win dows and watched the feluccas Ball past aa tho great bridge opened; and during nil theso nlmloss occupations but a single thought busied her mind: what could a man llko Horace see in a chit llko Fortune? It wan nn hour and a halt before tho Mnjor put in an appearance. Ho wan out of breath and temper. "Come up to tho room." Once thero, ho sat down and bade her do likewise. "Thoro's the devil to pay. You heard Hoddy speak of the nigger who gunrd cd tho Holy Yhlordcs, and thnt he wanted to get out of Cairo beforo ho turned up? Well, ho turned up. Ho fooled Hoddy to tho top of his bent. So far as I could learn, Fortune and Hoddy and Jones aro all In tho same boat, kidnapped by tho Mahomed, and carried out Into tho desert, headed, Cod knows where! Now, don't get ex cited. Take It easy. Luck is with us, for Hoully left all tho diagrams with me. We need him, but not so much that we can't go on without him. You see, these Arabs nro llko the Hin dus; touch anything that concerns their religion, and they'll have your hair off. How Fortune got into It I can't imagine, unless Mnhomed saw hor with Hoddy and jumped to the conclusion that they were lovers. All this Mahomed wants Is tho rug; and ho 1b going to hold them till he gets It. No uso notifying tho police. No one would know where to find him. Nono of them will come to actual harm. Anyhow, the coast la clear. Kate, there's a big thing In front. No nerves. We've got to go to-dny. Tlmo Is everything. Our butler nnd first man cabled this morning that they had Just started In, and that every thing waB running llko clock-work. We'll get Into New York In time for tho coup. Remember, I was against tho whole business nt the start, but now I'm going to see it off." Fovorishly Mrs. Chedsoyo prepared for the Journey. Sho was irritnblo to Celeste, sho was unbearablo to her brother, who took a Beat In a forward compartment to be rid of her. It was only when they went aboard the steamer that night that she became reconciled to tho Inevitable. At nny rate, tho presence of Jones would counteract any Influonco Horace might havo gained over Fortune. That tho threo of them might suffer un- hcard-of miseries never formed to Hor Rooti Last Night." thought In her mind. It appealed to her In the sonso of n comedy which annoyed rather than amused her. Thoy wero greeted effusively by Wallace, he of tho bulbous nose; and hia llrBt inquiry was of Ryanno. Brief ly tho Major told him wtmt had hap pened and added his fears. Wallaco was greatly cast down. Hoddy had so set his heart upon tills venture thnt It waB a shame to proceed without him. Ho had warned him at the be ginning about that infernal rug; but Hoddy was always set In hia daro dcnll schemes. So long as tho Major hud tho plans, ho supposed that they could turn tho trick without noddy's assistance; only, It seemed rather hard for him not to bo in tho sport. "Ho told mo thnt nothing would givo him gt eater pleasure than to stick his flat in tho first bag of yellow-boys. There was something mysterious In tho way ho used to chuckle over tlio thing when I first sprung It on him. Ho saw a Joko somewhere. Let's go Into tho smoke-room for a peg. It won't hurt cither of ua. And that poor llttlo girl! It's a hell of a world, eh?" The Major admitted that It was; but he did not add that Fortune's wel fare or Ill-fare was of little or no con cern of his. The llttlo spitfire had always openly despised him. They wore drinking sllontly and mo rosely, when Mrs. Chedsoye, pale and anxious, appeared in the companion way. Sho beckoned them to follow her down to her cabin. Had Fortune arrived? Had Ryanne? She did not answer. Arriving at her cabin she pushed tho two wondering men inside, and pointed at the floor. A largo steamer-roll lay unstrapped, spread out. "I only Just opened It," she said. "I never thought of looking Into It at Cairo. Here, It looked 80 bulky that I was curious." "Why. lt'B that damned Yhlordes!" exclaimed the Major wrathfully, "What the devil la It doing In For tune's Bteamer-roll?" "That Is what I should like to know. If they havo been kidnaped In order to recover tho rug, whatever will become of them?" And Mrs. Chedeoye touched tho rug with her foot, absently. She was repeating In her mind that childish appeal: "You ft S I llllJI ill nl AiWmfi III MNSx nil mi t WrjwljJX U III I ftiK&drVs? 'III fllll Nn "You See, Mr. Jones Intrusted a Fine don't know how loyal I should havo been!" They took the first good sailing out of Naples. Twelve dayB later they landed nt tho foot of Fourteenth Street. Thero was some trifling diffi culty over tho rug. It had been de clared; but aB Mrs. Chedsoyo and her brother always declared foreign real donee, there was n question as to whether It was dutiablo or not. Being a copy, It was not an original work of art, therefore not exempt, nnd so forth nnd so on. It was finally decid ed that Mrs. Chedsoye must pay a duty. Tho Major paid grumbllngly, very cleverly assuming an Irritability well known to tho Inspectors. Tho way the United States government mulcted her citizens for tho benefit of tho few was a scandal of the nations. A smooth-faced young man ap proached them from out tho crowd. "Is this Major Callahan?" "Yes. ThlB must be Mr. Reynolds, tho agent?" "Yes. Everything Is ready for your occupancy. Your butler and first man havo everything ship-shape. I could havo turned over to you Mr. Jones'." "Not nt all. not at all," said the Ma jor. "They would have beon strangers to us and wo to them. Our own serv ants aro best." "You must bo vory good friends of my client?" "I havo known him for years," said Mrs. Chedsoyo sweetly. "It was at his own suggestion thnt wo tnk6 tho houso over for tho month. Ho really InslBtcd that wo should pay him noth ing; but, of course, such nn arrange ment could not bo thought of. Oh, good-by, Mr. Wallace," tolerantly. "Wo hopo to see you again Borne dny." Wnllnce, tnklng up his role onco more, tipped his hat and rushed away for one of his fnvorlto haunts. '"Rounder !" growled tho Major. "Well, well; a ship's deck is always Liberty-Hall." "You havo turned your belongings over to an expressman?" asked the agent. Theso were charming people; and any doubts ho might havo enter tained wero dlaslpflted. And why should he havo any doubts? Jones was an eccentric young chap, anyhow. An explanatory letter (written by tho Major in Jones' careless hand), backed up by a cable, was enough authority for any reasonablo man. "Everything la out of the way," said tho Major. "Then, if you wish, I can tako you right up to tho house In my car. Your butler said that ho would havo lunch ready when you arrived.' "Very kind of you. How noisy Now York Is! You can take our hand-luggage?" Mrs. Chedsoyo would have made St. Anthony uneasy of mind; Reynolds, young, alive, metaphorically fell at her feet. "Plenty of room for It." "I am glad of that. You see, Mr. Jones intrusted n fine old rug to us to bring home for him; and I shouldn't want anything to hnppen to It." The Major looked up at the roof of the dingy shed. Ho did not care to have Reynolds note the flicker of ad miration In his eyes. The cleverest woman of them all! The positive And ho would not have thought of It touch to the whole daredevil affair! Rug to Us to Bring Home for Him." had he lived to bo a thousand. "One might ns well disembark in a stable," ho said aloud. "Ah! Wo aro ready to go, then?" They entered tho llmouslno nnd went off buzzing and zigzagging among tho lumbering trucks. The ngent drove tho car himself. "Where Is Jones now?" he nsked tho Major, who snt at his left. "Haven't had a lino from him for a month " "Just boforo we Bnlled," said Mrs. ChedBoyo through tho window, over tho Mnjor's shoulder, "ho went Into tho desert for a fortnight or bo; with a caravan. Ho had heard of some fab ulous carpet." Touch number two The Major grinned. "Jones la one of tho best Judges I hnve ever met. Ho was of at a bound. I only hope ho will ge back beforo we leave for California.1 The Major drew up his collar. It was a cold, blustry day. Tho agent wns delighted. What luck a follow like Jones had! To wander nil over creation and to meet charm ing people! And when they Invited him to remain for luncheon, tho vic tory was complete. Mrs. Chedsoye strolled In and out of tho beautifully nppolntcd rooms. Never had sho seen more excellent taste. Not too much; everything per fectly placed, one object nicely bal anced against another. Heio was a rare bit of Capo dl Monto, thoro a pleco of Sovres or Cnnton. Some houses, with their treasures, look llko museums, but this 0110 did not. Tho owner had not gono mad over ono subject; hero wns a sane and prudent collector. The great yellow Chinese enrpot represented a fortuno; stio knew enough nbout cnrpetB to realize this fact. Ivories, jades, lapls-lazull, tho precious woods, priceless French and Japanese tapestries, somo lino paintings and bronzes; tho rooms were full of unspoken romance nnd ndventuro; echoed with war and trag edy, too. And Fortuno might havo married a man llko this' one. A pos sibility occurred to her, and tlio ghost of a smllo moderated tho Interest In her face. They might bo upon tho desert for weeks. Who knew what might not happen to two such roman tic simpletons? Tho butler and tho first man (who waB also tho cook) were impeccable types of servants; so thought Reyn olds. Thoy moved silently and an ticipated each want. Reynolds deter mined that vory aftornoon to drop a line to Jones and complimont him upon his good tasto In the selection of his friends. A subsequent press of office work, however, drove the deter mination out of his mind. The Instant his car carried him out of sight, a strange scene was enacted. The butler and tho first man seized tho Major by the arms, and tho threo oxecuted a pas-seul. Mrs. Chedsoye eed these manifestations of Joy ston ily. "Now then, what's been done?" asked the Major, pulling down his cuffs and shaking tho wrinkles from his sleeves. "Half done!" cried tho butler. "Where's that wall-safe?" tho Major wanted to know. "Behind that sketch by Dotallle." And tho butler, strange to say, pro nounced It Det-1. "Can you open It?" "Tried, but failed. Wallace Is the man for that." "He'll bo along In an hour or so." "Where's Ryanne?" "Don't know; don't care." The Ma jor sketched tho predicament of their fellow-eonsplrator. The butler whistled, but callously. One more or less didn't matter In such an enterprise. When Wallaco arrived ho applied his talent and acquired science to tho wall-safe, and Anally swung outward the little steel door. Tho Major pushid him aside and thrust a hand fiT7to"he metaled cavity, drawing out an exquisite Indian casket of rose wood and mother-of-pearl. Ho opened the lid and dipped a hand within. Emi eralds, deep and light and shaded, cut and uncut and engraved, flawed anil almost perfect. He raised a handfuj and let them tinkle back Into the casket. Ono bundled In all, beauties, every ono of them, and many famous. And while he toyed with them, pleased as a child would havo been over a handful of marbles, Mrs. Ched soye spread out tho ancient Yhlordcs In tho library. Sho stood upon tho central pattern, musing. Her mood was not one which she had called Into being; not often did she become ret rospective; tho past to her was al ways like a page in a book, once fin ished, turned down. Her elbow In ono palm, her chin In tho other, she stared without seeing. It was thl3 house, this homo, It was each sign of riches without luxury or ostentation, where money expressed Itself by tasto and simplicity; a homo such as she had always wanted. And why, with-'' all her beauty and Intellect, why had sho not como Into possession? She knew. Love that gives had never been hers; hers had been tho love that receives, self-love, Sho had bar tered her body onco for riches and hnd been fooled, and alio never could do It again. . . . And, tho child waa overflowing with tho lovo that glvee. Tho flurry of snow outside In tho court sho saw not. Her fancy re formed the pretty garden at Montono, Inclosed by plnk-wnBhed walla. Many n morning from her wiudow Bho had wntched Fortuno among tho flowors, going fcrom one to tho other, llko n bee or a butterAy. Sho had watched her grow, too, with thnt same detach ment a machinist feels as ho puts to gether the Invention of another man. Would sho evor seo her ngaln? Hor shoulders moved over so little. Prob ably not. Sho hod blundered wilfully. Sho should have waited, thrown tho two together, maneuvered. And sho had permitted this adventure to ob sess herl Sho might have stood with in this houso by right of law, mother hood, marriage Ryanno was In lovo with Fortuno, and Jones by this time might be. The desert was a terribly lonely place. Sho wished It might bo Jones. And Immediately rotrospectlon died away from hor gazo and actualities re sumed their functions. Tho wish wob not without a phaso of humor, formed ns It was upon this magic carpet; but It nowise disturbed the gravity of her oxpreaslon. (TO BE CONTINUED.)