The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 14, 1913, Image 2

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IRA L. DAUB, Publishor.
TEItylS, fl.26 IN ADVANCE).
Spooning, by which Is meant that
form of affection (Inscribed by tlio sago
Noah Webster an "acting with donr
onBtratlvo or foolish fondness," has
been placed upon n solid and respon
sible basis In tho Lynn high school.
Hooks on otlquetto for tho young usu
ally doprccato spooning, or omit to
mention It at all, but In this high
school boys and girls who deslro to
spoon havo merely to Got p, permit
from their parents. To bo moro cx
pllclt, the principal of tho school, ob
serving soma mushy scenes In tho cor
ridors of tho building, recently an
nounced that public lovcmaklng must
stop; but ho addod that pupils desir
ing to spoon must bring a written per
mission from tholr parents. Spooning
thus Is reduced to a practical work
ing basis, says tho DoBton Qlobo. If
you produco tho parental permit, pre
sumably you may spoon. So girls who
Ilko spooning, and evidently tlioro are
soino In Lynn who do, must produco
their permit or go unloved. "Mam
ma, you haven't inndo mo out a spoon
ing permit yet," may bo hoard In tho
homos of Mary, Mnrgarot and Estollo,
whllo In another part of tho city, Paul,
Henry and Oswald aro snylng, "Pa,
Just sign this spooning permit, befora
you go downtown." When tho per
mits are iBsucd and havo boon O. K.'d
by tho principal, thcro will bo an op
poitunlty for organized labor io estab
lish Spooners' Union No. 1 In Lynn.
Every other nation excopt Great
llrltaln that has opera at all ban It In
Its native tongue. Franco, Spain,
Aaly, Germany and oven Russia havo
tho masterpieces of muslo sung In
words Intelllglblo to tho people that
hear them. Only wo that speak Eng
lish aro content to listen to songs wo
do not understand and to follow emo
tions that might as well bo rondored
In pantomime. Tho assertion that
English Is not a singing languago was
born either of Ignoranco or of Impu
donco, Bays tho Now York World. Our
languago poutalns some of tho most
beautiful songs In tho world, and somo
of tho greatest of singers havo delight
ed to render them. Any opera singer
could suroly learn to sing English as
easily as Russian.
Tho first caso of stealing nn aoro
piano occurred tho other day at tho
Puchom aerodromo nt Munich. When
tho pilot, Delat, arrived In tho morn
ing ho found that somo ono had brok
en Into his hangar and thnt tho mono
piano was missing. On Inquiry ho
found that several persons in tho
neighborhood had henrd tho noiso
of a motor about 2 o'clock In tho
morning. Apparently somo onterprls.
lng pilot had flown awny with tho
machine In tho suburbs of Munich
pollcomon wcro kept busy scanning
tho horizon In search of tho flyer. Up
to tho present tho machine has not
been recovered.
For conturles boforo Marconi wire
less tolegrnph was known tho mys
tery of s'wlft communication ban puz
zled many civilized oxplbrors of bar
barian regions, in tho heart of Afri
ca a missionary dhtcovorod tho method
of hollowing n largo gourd, which was
then drlod, and round It was stretched
tho skin of n kid, hard and thin as
parchment. Denton with n paddod
drumstick this Instrument glvos a
sound which can bo hoard olght miles
away. And each village contains tho
export who can tap tbo messago and
send It on.
Tho BpoclallstB in tuberculosis, re
porting to tho Fronch Acadomy of Sci
ences, doclnro that as long an a man
retains ono-slxth of tho lung capcclty
with which ho Is endowed by unturo,
his vitality romulnu unimpaired.
This is to be noted as encouragomont
for victims of consumption. Aa long
as ono-thlrd of tho original tract of tho
lungs remains, thoro Is a chanco that
cicatrices may form and tho wounds
of tho dlscaso may heal, and this one
third will constltuto lung capacity suf
i:clont for tho patient to do business
upon to tho end of a Ions; llfo.
If It Is to become tho fixed custom
for tho women to burn tholr hats
whon they gain tho suffrngo. a quos
tlon arises which may affect maBcu
lluo votes. Of course tho burning of
hats Involves tho purchase of now
hats. Will tho tyrant man be allowed
to contlnuo his tlmo-honorod custom
nf drawing checks to pay for tho new
hat, or will tho nowly enfranchised
citizens scorn that donandonco, and
furnish tho now millinery thomfselvosT
A dog with an net in Its mouth cre
ated a panic in tho barroom of a New
ork hotel, men yelling und flaelng
for their lives. This furnishes fine
material for retort by tho woman who
lsrldlculed because sho runs from a
mouse. '
A Denver professor says tho world
would bo in an awful fix If nil went to
college. Euro, thoro'd bo no self-made
millionaires' left then to endow the
Palm Beach
,'JMft'wMsalaasVW2?i3ir v ysfZfyf& -dSasaaaasB-' 1
Vh ?&' .saaaaWliaaaMifwMBssaaaslH
(Photo, by Underwood & Underwood
Florida winter resorts will hnvo tho
pellcnt beach suits. After a dip in tho
fresh. A cap of tho samo material tied
stunning bathing costume.
Many Will Do Well In Gas-Lighted
Rooms If They Are Judiciously
Selected and Tended.
Ono of tho great secrets In tho suc
cessful cultivation of plnntB In rooms
Is judgment In selecting tho right
kinds, ns nn experiment will soon
show, will do well In gas-lighted or
drafty rooms, others will not; so it is
most essential that caro should bo ex
ercised in choosing klndB adapted to
both purposes.
TIiobo who havo the good fortune to
havo their rooms lighted by electricity
need not worry, because all kinds of
plants will succeed under tho latter
Tho best of all plants to grow In
gns-lightcd rooms aro tho parlor
Thero ajo two dlBtlnct klndn of
these, ono which produces very tall
leaves and another of tho dwarf
If carefully watered and their
leavoB sponged nt least onco a weok,
thoy will tirlvo for yonro.
Another cxcellont plant to grow un
der Hlmllnf conditions la tho flg-lenf
palm, or so-called "castor-oil plant."
This has giant Ivy-llko green leaves,
which rndinto from a central stem and
form a handsome- plant. As It In
creases In ago it is, howevor, apt to
Iobo Its lower leaves, nnd henco somo
of its beauty,
Tho "India-rubber" plnnt, a brother
of tho fig tree, is another plant which
is admirably adapted for gas-lighted
Tho plant usually grows with a sin
glo mnin stem, nnd if well cared for
will In n fow years attain a holght of
flvofoot or six feet. When It becomos
too tall tho uppor part can bo cllppod..
Combining Two Lace Gowno.
A romarkablo costumo consists of
two superposed, ono in white laco,
the other a black, tho latter tho upper
most, but so flimsy and dollcnto of
mesh that tho pattern oven of tho
whlto laco boncath can easily bo seen.
Tho only relief to this gown is nn
immensQ roso with silk petals in a
deep orange shade, with a largo spray
of block follago.
Ilrown scorns gradually coming Into
fashion ngatn, and n dress of liberty
satin In a bright tono of this useful
color Been rcoontly was almost en
tirely veiled with a black laco draped
cont On that portion of tho bodlco
soon In front there was an embroidery
In full pnlo bluo and greons, forming
wheels, and hero and thoro was a
slight touch of black and white.
Decollete Shoe.
An Interesting rcak of fashion Is
tho decollete shoo. Many ParUlnn
elegantes aro wearing what would
seem a perfectly ridiculous shoo for
this tlmo of tho year, a court Bhnpo
with a moro two or three Inches of
vamp, which, of course, reveals any
amount of stocking, matching either
the frock, the furs or somo other ac
cessory of tho Bchomo,
Hook Hint.
'Pry putting hooks on tho lower sldo
of a drcEB-openlng, nnd tho eyes on
tho upper sldo. Whon tho dress is Iron
ed no "hookmarks" will show, as often
happens when hooks and eyes aro put
on In tho old-fashioned way. This
works Rplondldly, writes a contributor
to Nccdlecraft
, nTy.i
Bathing Suit
first of tho new tnfffta water ra
surf tho suit will remain crisp and
with a taffeta ribbon completes this
Ermine and Skunk Combined In One
of the Most Fetching of the Win
ter's Styles.
Tho graceful stole cleverly combines
and contrnsts snowy tailless ermine
and dark skunk worked in strands .In
tho way which gives such special soft
ness nnd beauty to this most durablt
of furs.
Tho muff 1b, on the other hand, on
tlrcly carried out In the crmlno, but
also gains vnrlety of effect by tho In
troduction of the llttlo tails and heads
Into tho bordering band, whllo the
great bow of velvet ribbon, with Its
central paste ornament, Is a further
addltlou, which Is strikingly smart, as
well as novel.
Pendants of All Kinds.
Pendants aro tho ornaments of tho
moment and como In every Imaginable
grade of stone, from the most garish
artificial bits set In poor gilt to tho
Bcml-proclous stones, combined with
diamonds. About tho most excellent
are tho Bomi-preclous stones sot either
In gold or Bilvor. Their cost varies
with tho worth of tho stone, and Its
setting- is secondary. Abllono shell
"blister" are very pretty and In good
taste, for tholr prlco has been kept
91 iR? j&feyWt ""',,V' O'Olim. B
The Fourth
Dirrctor of EvenLis Depattmciil,
Mood BiUe iastitule.Chicita
TEXT Able to comprflicnil with nil the
mlntfl what Is tho Urendtli nnd length nnd
Jtpth nnd height, nnd to know tho lovo
of Christ tliat pussetli knowledge. VpK
t 18, 19.
Wo can read
ily underst and
how a given point
in an equilateral
trlanglo Is equal
ly distant from
three given points,
or how in n to
trad h e d r o n, a
point can bo
equally distant
from four given
points. Dut thus
far In our con
sciousness of mat
ter wo havo not
been able to dom.
onstrato a fourth
dimension. As far
back as Plato's day the idea was sug
gested, nnd recently a twelve-year-old
boy attempted mathematically to
demonstrate It before tho professors
of Harvard university.
When, however, wo pass from tho
realm of tho physical to tho spiritual,
we find this idea clearly expressed In
our text. The humble bowing of tho
Apostle's knees at tho beginning of
this matchless prayer, and tho llmtless
heights of "glory" transcend our hu
man capacity of comprehension. In
tho center of this stands tho text, as
though Paul, pausing at some vantage
point, would look to the right and tho
left, backward and upward, xand ex
claim, "Oh, that you might compre
hend tho breadth, tho length, the
depth and height of the lovo of
Christ." Let us apply these four meas
urements to our lives.
I. Breadth. Wo pride ourselves upon
breaking from provincialism and nar
rowness, nnd that tho world Is laid
upon our breakfast table ach morn
ing; but unless our activities aro also,
qulckened of what benefit Is our'
world-wide vision? Our big cities are
provincial. Many a Now Yorker thinks
tho world begins at tho Battery and
ends at Yonkors. Thero are scores in
Chicago as absolutely lgnprant of tho
resources, need or people of China,
Japan or even Europe as they aro of
tho planet Mars, yet thoy say "take
caro of the home field before you" do
anything for foreign missions." Wo
need not only a world vision, but moro
breadth of vision of the problems of
labor, social and civic life.
II. Length. Persistence, stick-to it
ivoness. A gentleman was asked why
bo few tfreat clergymen In America,
and his reply was, "America is In too
groata hurry." Of courso perspective
leads to a wrong estimate of great
ness, but certainly wo need more min
isters who aro "forth-tellers" of God's
messago to lost men. Whon clergy
and laity learn to think through to a
conclusion theso questions of ethics,
reform, world needs nnd, most Impor
tant of nil, tho needB of the human
soul, and will apply thomBelves to
these problems with persistence and
abandon, wo shall havo clergy and
Inity whose leadership will never be
called In question.
III. Depth. Americans aro fond of a
I'good front," but hnvo wo correspond
ing depth? Study our chenp front ar
chitecture, music, buslnosB and waste.
Are wo right on fundamentals? Our
thinking must stand upon a bettor
foundation than" tho shifting sands of
philosophy. Our statements of lire
bo based upon moro enduring ground
than tho nobulous unstable assertions
of false science. Our commercial fnb
rlo must bo built upon a more stable
baBls than that of expediency. Our
mornl code must be less 'concerned
with pleasure seeking externals and
consist more of rectified, purified, re
deemed lives of honesty and Integrity
IV. Hut Paul had a fourth dimen
sion, "tho helghtB"bf glory" tho God
eldo of llfo. Wo all respond to the
suggestion of a world vision because
Of our business relations. Wo spell
success with n dollar mark. Material
uccess docs demand a world vision
nnd a concentration that Is sapping
tho vigor of our manhood, nut we
do urge upon all tojneasuro his llfo
by his fourth dimension, tho lovo of
God that passeth knowledge Who
can span tho extent of breadth? Who
can find the ultimate end of length or
plumb tho lowest bottom of nil doptb
or measure the uttermost limits of the
holghts of God's love for us In Christ
JesuB? A love that was willing to
empty himself nnd to become obedient
unto death, even tho death of the
"When I Burvey the wondrous Cross
On whleli the Prlnco of glory died;
My richest gain I count but loss.
And nour contempt on all my pride."
Let us lift our eyes from tho ma
terial to the spiritual. This vision Is
the transforming vision that led forth
the prophets of old and that -moved
Martin Luther nnd every other gTont
reformer. This vision waB tho power
giving vision of Dwlght L. Moody,
Frances Willnrd and all of tho rest.
This was . the poaco giving, healing
vision of Florenco Nightingale and
that has comforted the hearts of the
saints throughout tho ages amidst all
the vlclBsltudes of life.
Measure your lite by this and you
will ludced "be filled unto all tbo ful
nosB of God."
i'Ltr-r ---"".
m&&:fi::i: ::.
':: il;!::
I. .Vi
looKing ior in uicso aaya
of hitrh living cost Calumet insures a wonder
ful saving in your baking. But it does moro.
Itlasures wholesome food.tasty food uniformly raised food.
Calumet is mads right to sell right to bake right. Auk
ono of tho millions ol women who nso it or ask your grocer.
World' Pur food exposition. Chicago. tO.
Prl Exposition, franco, March, 1012.
You Jon't lave mortal when tiou
Don't ba mhhad. llutj Catumtt. It's
gives best results, Calumet is fat superior
It. E. ltorers N. It. Bryson A. L llogors T. H. Bryson B. C. Rogers
Hubby's First and Last, Experience at
a Millinery Store, Was Alto
gether Too Costly.
Congressman Ralph W. Moss of In
diana did not caro much for a hat his
wifo woro. He finally spoke about It.
Mrs. Moss admitted that It was plain,
and, Instead of taking exceptions to
her husband's remark, invited him to
accompany her tho next time she
bought a hat.
"I can certajnly pick out a bettor
ono than that," said Mr. Moss.
So they went to the store together,
Mrs. Moss said not a word as the
comely milliner displayed ono beau
tiful bonnet after another. It was tho
first time Mr. Moss had ever been in
a millinery Btore, but ho appeared to
be at case, and finally selected ono of
tho most Joyful creations in the en
tiro stock. ,Mrs. Moss looked well In
it. Sho was pleased.
"I'll tako that," said tho Hoosler
congressman. "How much is it?"
"Forty doHara," said the pretty girl
without even a blink.
Mr. Moss saw bluo stars, but luck
ily had just como from the bank
and was able to produce that much
In caBh. Now ho lets Mrs. Mobb buy
her own hats and ho does not com
plain about their being plain. Judge.
Representative Pujo-was talking in
Washington about the currency.
"It must balance," he said. "It
must balance automatically aud deli
cately. It miist resemble the Christmas
'"Oh, John, dear,' sold this chap's
wifo, 'I'm sorry you've got all those
heavy parcels to carry!'
"'Well,' you see,' John panted, re
assuringly, 'my pocket 13 very much
lighter now.' "
Wished to Break the Record.
"Thero'B something uncanny about
that lawyer."
"When his client was defeated ho
didn't make a motion for a new
Whlch7 "
"Havo you had much experience In
hooking up?"
"Horses or waists?"
"Do you fllo your letters?
"I do the rasping ones."
Old Experience Stilt Holds tho Palm.
For real practical reliability and
something to Bwear by, experience
plain old experience is ablo to carry
a big load yet without getting away
backed. A So. Dak. woman found somo
things about food from Old Experi
ence n good, rcliablo teacher.
Sho writes:
"I think I have used almost every
breakfast food manuracturod, but none
equal Grape-Nuts In my estimation.
"I was greatly bothered with weak
'stomach and Indigestion, with forma
tion of gas after eating, and tried
many remedies for it but did not find
"Then I decided I must diet and see
If I could overcomo the dlfllculty that
way. My cholco of food waB drape
Nuts because tho doctor told mo I
could not digest starchy food.
"Grape-Nuts food has been a great
benefit to me for I feel like a different
person slnco I begun to cat it, It is
wonderful to mo how strong my
nerves havo become I advise every
ono to try It, for experience 1b tho
best teacher.
"If you havo any stomach trouble
can't digest your food, uso Grape
Nuts food for breakfast at least, and
you won't bo able to praise It enough
when you boo how different you feel."
Name given by Postum Co., Battlo
Creek, Mich. Read tho llttlo book,
"Tho Road to Wellville," in pkgs.
"There's a Reason."
Brr rend the above letterT A nerr
ear npprarsi from time to time. Tbrr
nre irenalne. true, nnd full ot hunma
Lnlrrrat. Adv.
ono J"11 yu aro
(ta. m
lust cheat) or big-can laUna powder.
mote economical more wholesome
la sour milk and soda.
ggj a Qanailiail .0.110
In Western Canada's
Free Homestead Area
basjereral Koit Uom
tteadlng Districts tht
kdord rare opportiinltj
to secure ICO acres of ex
eel lent acricaltaral
land FllKB.
Grain Growing
and Caitlo Raising;
this prorlnce has no superior and
In profitable agriculture shows an
unbroken period ot over a quarter
of a Century.
Forfectcllmato: good markets;
railways conTenlcnt: soil the Yery
best, and social conditions most
Vacant lands adjacent to Free
Homesteads may be purchased
and also In the older districts
lands can be bought at reason
able prices.
For farthor particulars yirilc to
Boo Building, Omaha, Neb.
Canadian aoremment'sonts. or
address Superintendent ot
Immigration, Ottawa, Cu.
We pay J3 for certain 1853 quarters
1100 for certain half. 1100 for 1891 Dime,
S. Mint, etc., etc. Wc pay hlshctt cash
premiums on all rare money to 1909.
Keep all old money and send ia ior
largo Illustrated Coin Circular con
taining valuable Information.
Texas, Dept. 18, Fort Worth, Texas
$1,000.00 Jlujs 100 Acres, 100 Cult., to Pas
ture. Quod Improvements. 2-3 of ECO acres
fall nhcat goes with deal. Terms Snap. Must
sell. Tor full particulars write A. I.. Clark,
owner, Ilrewster. Kansas. It. 1'. D. No. I.
Ington.U.U Hooka (res. High.
est references, Dttt results.
Nebraska Directory
Masher-Lampman Business College
Oneof tho leadlngschoolsof tho United States'. Write
today for our special rooneT-snvlng offer. Mention
tbls papor. Busmen niihnx, ojiiiu, xuiuosxi
Jackson-Signall Company
Auto and Wagon
Truck Iluildcrs. Its
nntrtnf?. Palntini?-
TrlmmluR. Iluciry Wheels repaired and re
rubber tired. Write us for prices. 40 years In tli
business. Andrew Murphy & 8on. Omaha,
Bycrs'Brothers & Go.
We eell all feed used by tho fceders.ln car and ton
lots. Our prices are right. We buy empty backs.
Live Slock Exchange 13 Ids. South Oroaba
Conolgn your HORSES & MULES to
Union 8took Yards, S. Omaha, Nob.
Phone South 679. Auction Sales Every ThurtJiy.
ONE AWAYI V rl,.-,n
block and retrim ladies' or gentlemen's
hats to look like, new at a fraction of the
original cost. Send for price list on
garment restoring of all kinds.
Wood Bros.
South Omaha Chicago Sioux Cltr So. St. Paul
Try Us -It Will Pay You
i5'.PJ?.ur,uK!,lons,!Sr ''xrt Prices, food fills
;- f.uujr. iFuiituuirv, tvnioorwire us Tor an?
SfJf J" 'o'unoutloo rrrardlng the maram A II xouv
mnnlcatlona aosif ernd promptly. a are work Ins
for jour Interest, and appreciate yonr business!
, N. E. ACKER &. CO.,
Live Stock Commission
, Imu 110-t I J Irtltaxj B!di,ltotk Kl. JIltlM, tOmik. U
He '' fit