Ia i i T" TT ' i ; i,' ' : i ' .' -' ? i . . i ill . , ml, tr -r"i -a ""''" a w," aS' ' '" 'V ' "W" l3&& yiVPf WVylkM. XJRk.'BfcfcWiR , i it . ' u ffi n itu if rjr i.. & v. H AH 4f, ! :' .t' IB Mil SPi? f "' ' 18 ulOliViui - It t " II U a llrUlilll -lt Lhhtf kJyiffiH lyi!w-flL F!&i5 ore -- . i - mmz-, , JH w As tho Caravan Wai Passing Sho Screamed. IS I SYNOPSIS. Gcorgo 1'orclval Algernon .tones, vlco prenldent of tho Metropolitan Oriental Hug company of Now Yorlt, IhlrRtlnK for ronmnco, la In Calio on a bUHlncxn trip. Mornco Ilyanno arrive at the hold In Cnlro wltli n cnrefully nunrded bumlle. Ryanno Belts Jonra the funiona holy Yhl orden ruK which ho adrntU lmlnK stolon from n Diulia nt Ducilad Jonon mcot.i Mnjur Crtllulmn nml later Is Introduced to J jKoriuno utieusoyo uy a woman lo wnom ho lir.d lonnod 100 poundu ut Mnntu Carlo noma month iircvlouuly. nml who turim out to bo Kortunu'H mother Jones takes Mrn ChcilHoyo ami I'ortuuo to a polo Karno Pottuno returns to Jonra tho money borrowed by hor mother. Mrs ChndHoyo uppearu to oiikukimI In Homo myaiorloua enterprlao unknown to tho daughter llyunua IntercHtn Jones In tho United Itomuncn and Advciitnrn roui Vany, a concern which for a pi Ice will arnuw any kind of an ndventuro to or der, Mrs Chedsoyo, her brothi'i, Major Callahan, Wallace anil Uyanno, an the United Homunco and Advuntuio company plan a riaky oiitornrmu lnolwnu Ji lnoIliiK Jones ityanno maki Hyunno iiiuIcph known to Mrs ChedHojo hla Intention Ho marry fortune Mis Chedboyo declares alio will not peimlt It Plani aro lnld to prevent .Iohom aallllut for homo Hyanno steals Jones' letters and catilo Ulapatuhen He wins ai;ent In Now York, In Joiich' name, that ho Is renting house in Nuw York to soma trlundx Mahomed, keener of tho holy carpet, la on Uyunne'H trail Itynnne SronilHcs fortune, that ho will see that ouch comes to no harm as a result or his purchuau of tho rtiR. Mahomed iHcosti Hyanno and demands tho Y Monies rut; Hyirmo tells htm Jonen hux the rui; and siirfgCHtH tho abduction of the New York niorclmnt as a means of neturluK Its re turn. Tho rujf disappears from Jono.V room, fortune cpiarrcls with her mother whon tha latter rcfimes to xplaln her tiiyHtorlouH actions, Kortilnti kb(h u mea naKO ptirportliiK to bo from ltnnne aiJt itiiff hot- to meet him In a scelnded place ituat evofiiuif jonea roeeni'i a imchdhko Jonea recohei a ineHsiiKO rmKliiK mm (o meet Hyanno at tho lJncllsli- "Bar tho aamo ovcnlnK Jonea la can led oft Into tlui desert by Mithomod and his accomplice after a deapernto light lie discovers that Hyanno and fortune also ro captives, tho formcrjs badly battel ed and unconscious, nyanno recovers con actouaneaa and tho sight nt I'm tune In captivity reveals to him tho fact thut Mahomed Intends to get ciiKcnnro on him IhroiiRh tho ulrl foitunn ackuowl Oltfes that Hhn atole tho rnir fiom Jonea' room BHo offora to return It to Mahomed If ho will freo nil three of them Mu tiomml agreert to liberate V ortuno and one -of tho men In return for tho rut; A four lcr Is sent to Cairo for tho iuk. but ie turns with tho Information that Mrs Chodsoyo and hor brother have Balled for New Yorlt fortuno npnms offered freo dom which docs not Includo her two com panions, -CHAPTER XV. (Continued.) Whon camp was mndo that night It found tho captives untalkatlvo Tho girl and tho two men sat moodily about tho flro. fntlguo hud (lulled their bodies and hopelessness tliolr minds. Tho men weto ragged now, unkempt; n stubblo of licunl coNeicd their faces, gaunt yot burned. Gcorgo had lost his remaining pump, nml us his stockings woro now full of holes, ho hud, In tho last flicker of peisonal pride, wound about thorn some cast off cloths ho had found Tlicro wub not enough water for ablutions; I ho re was scarcely enough lo ussuage thirst Hy and by, Itynnne, without turning "his head, spoko to Georgo. "You say you questioned tho com lor?" "YeH." "lie says ho showed (ho nolo to no one?" "Yes." "And so no ono will try to And us?" ""No." Ryanno had asked thoso questions a dozen times and Georgo had always ftvon tho samo answers Up and away at dawn, for thuy must reach tho well that night, It was n terrlblo day for them all. 13ven tho beasts showed signs of dtsticss. And tho worst of It was, Mahomed was not quite sure of his route. Fortunate ly, they found tho well. They drank like mad people. Hyanno, who had dlscoverod a pack of cards In his pockot, played pnttence upon a spot smoothed level with his hnnd. Ho became absorbed In tho game? and tho boys gathbred round him cuilously. Whenovor ho succeed ed In turning out tho flfty-two cards, ho would smllo and rub his hands to gether. Tho boys at 'length consld oicd him unbulnncod mentally, and In consequence looked upon him as a nenr-holy man. Hetwecn fortuno and Georgo con versation dwindled down to a query nnd an answer. "Can I do anything for you?" "No, thanks; I nm getting along nicely." To-night sho retired early, and George Joined Ityunno's audience. ' II ncrnt;oB about nlno enrds lo the play," he commented. Itynnne turned over an ace. Ton or llfteen minutes went by. In tho sev cml attempts ho had failed to score the full complement. George laughed. "What's In your mind?" cried Ity nnne peevishly. "If it's anything worth telling, shoot It out, slfoot it out!" "I was thinking what I'd do to a club-sleuk Just about now." Ilyanno stared beyond tho Are. "A club-steak. Grilled mushrooms." "Snuco llordelalse. Artichokes." "No. Asparagus, vinaigrette." "What's tho matter with endives?" "That's so. Well, asparagus with butter-sauce." "Grilled sweets, coffee, Ilencdlctlne, nnd cigars." "And a magnum of '1900 to stnrt off with!" Rynnne, with n sudden change of mood, scooped up tho cards and Hung them nt Georgo's head. "Do you want us both to become gibbering idiots?" Guorgo ducked. Ho nnd tho boyB gathpted In tho fluttering pasto-boarcls. "You'te right, I'orclval," Hyanno ad mitted humbly. "It will not hurt us to talk nut loud, and wo uro nil brood ing too much. I nm crazy for tho wnnt of tobacco. I'd trado tho bcHt dinner eer cooked for a decent cigar" Georgo put a hand leluctantly Into his pocket He brought forth, with ex. tremo gentleness, a clgnr, tho wrapper of which was broken In many places "I' baved this for days," hu snld. With his penknife ho sawed it deli cately Into two parts, nnd gavo ono to Hjnnnc. "You're a good fellow, Jones, and 1'vo turned you a shabby trick. I shnn't forget this bit of tobacco." "It's tho hBt wo'vo got. Tho boyB, you know, refuso a pull at tho water plpo; detUes 'cm, thoy say. funny beggars! And If they gave ua tobacco, we shouldn't have paper or pipes " "I always carry a pipe, but I IobI it In tho shulllo. I never looked upon smoking us a bnd habit, I suppose It's bccniso I was uover caught bnforo without It. And It Is a bad habit, slnco It knocks up a chap this way Tor tho lack of It. Where do you get your club steaks In old N. Y.?" And for an hour or moro they sol emnly discussed the cooking hero und there upon tho face of tho globe. kx HiRQLD AKor of HEARTS AND ASK$ Ch rM ON lllusfraliorvs by jrV.G.KErrxsneR- COPYRIGHT igil by BOBB3 - MERRILL COMPANY Hy JudlcioiiH ImiulrloB GeoiKO nscer tnlnrd Hint the trip to Uagdad, burr ing accldontfl, would take fully thirty flvo days. The dally Journeys ro reeded uncvontfully. Mahomed main tained a taciturn Rrlmncss. If ho aimed at Itynnne at nil, It wns In trifling nnnojanceB, such as foiget ting to give him his rntlons tmlesH ho asked for them, or wnlklug over the cards spread out upon tho sand. Ihiiiio carried himself ery yc. Had ho been alone, he would lme bioken loose agnlnat Mahomed; but he thought of the others, and restrained himself some consideration wns due them. Hut Info the blood of tho two men them crept a petty Irritability They answered one another sharply, and often did not epenk Fortune alone seemed mild and gentle. Mahomed, filnro that litclit Kh" linil hrntptl him. - - ,3 " . J let her go and come as she pleased, nor once disturbed her. Had she shown weakness when most sho need d courage, Mahomed might not havo altered his plans. Admiration of cour age Is Inherent In all people So, without nppieclatlng It, that moment had been a precious one, saving them all much unpleasantness. By tho twentieth day, the caravan was far Into tho Arnblnn desert, nnd onrly In tho afternoon, they came up on a beautiful oasis, nestling like an emerald In a plnquo of gold. So many days had passed since tho beloved green of growing things had soothed their Inflamed eyes, that tho sight of this haven cheeied them all mightily. Onco under the shade of the palms, the trio picked up heart, fortune sang n little, George told a funny story, and Hyanue wanted to know If they wouldn't tnke a hand nt euchre. In deed, thnt onsls was the turning-point of tho crisis. Another week upon tho dieary, profitless sands, nnd their spir its would have gone under completely. This oasis was closo to the regular cnmel-wny, there being n larger oasis some twenty-odd miles to the north. Hut Mahomed fclsnfo at this distance, and decided to freshen up tho caravan by n tw o days' rest. George Immediately began to show fortune little attentions. He flxed her snddle-bngs, sprend out her blanket, brought her sortie rlpo dates of his own picking, inslbted upon going to tho well nnd drawing the water she was to dilnk. And oh! how sweet nnd cool that wnter was, after tho gritty flat liquid they had been drinking! Just beroro sundown, he and Fortuno set out upon a 6jnge of discovery; and Rynnne paused In his game of pa tlonco to wntch them. There was more self abnegation tbnn bitterness in his eyes. Why not? If Tortune re turned to her mother, sooner or later tho thunderbolt would fnll. far better that sho should fall In love with Jones than to go back to the overhanging shadow. A smllo lifted the corners of his lips, a sad tmlle. Perclvnl didn't look tho pnrt of a hero. His coat was variously split under tho arms and across tho shouldcis; his trousers were ragged, nnd ho walked In his cloth pads like a man who bnd gout in both feet. A beard covered his face, nnd tho bare spots were blistered and peeling. Hut there was youth In I'erclval's eyes and youth In his henrt, und suroly the outh In hers must somo day respond. Sho would know this young rann; sho would know that adversity could not crush him; that tho promise of safety could not mnko a cowaid of him; that ho was loyal nnd bravo and honest. Sho would know In twenty days what it takes the averago woman twenty years to learn, the manner of man who professed to lovo her. Hyanno left tho game unfin ished, stretched himself upon tho ground. Oh, tho bitter cup, tho bitter cup! Hound tho flro that night, the camel boys got out their tom-toms and reeds, nnd tho eerlo music affected tho whlto people hauutlngly nnd mystcilously. for thousands of yeurs, the high and low notes of tho drums (hollow earthen-jars or largo gourds covered with goatskin nt one end) and the thin, me tallic wnll of tho teeds hnd echoed across tho deserts, unchanged. Foituno nlwns remembered that ulght. Wrapped In her blanket, she had lain down Just outside the clrclo, nnd had fallen Into a doze. When tho music stopped nnd the boys left the prisoners to themselves, Gcorgo and Hyanno talked. "I never forgot fncB," began Georgo. "No? Thnt'B a gift." "And I have never forgotten yours. I was In doubt nt first, but not now." "I never met you till that nUht at tho hotel." "That's true. Hut you are Iloraco Wndsworth, all the same, tho son of tho millionaire-banker, the man I used to admlro In the field." "You still think I'm that chap?" "I am Buro of It. Tho first morning you gave yourself away." "What did I Bay?" anxiously. "You mumbled foot ball phrases " MACGRATH mt tfOX &t&. "Ah!" Ryanne was vnstly relieved. Ho Beemed to bo thinking. "Do you persist in denying It?" "I might deny It, but I shan't. I'm Horace Wndsworth, all right. Fortuno knows something nbout that chapter, but not ull. Strikes you odd, eh?" con tinued Ryanne, iron in his volco. "Kvcry opportunity in tho world; nnd yet, heio I am. How much do jou know, I wonder?" "You took somo money from the bnnk, I think thoy said." "Ulght O! Wine. Perclvnl; cards, wine and other things. Advice and warning went into ono car and out of the other. Alwnys so, eh? You have heard of my brother, I dare say. Well, he wouldn't lend me two stamps were I to write for the undertaker to come and collect my lemnlns. Heautlful his torj ! I've been doing somo tall think ing theso lonely nights. Only tho straight nnd nnrrow wny pays Ho good, even if you are lonesome. When I get back, If I er do, It's a new lent for mine. Neither wlno nor cards nor women." Silence. Tho lire no longer blazed; It glowed. "Who Is Mia. Chedhojo?" George finally began nnew. "Fit at, how did jou chance to make hor acquaintance?" ' Some years ago, at Monte Carlo." "And she borrowed a hundred and fifty pounds of jou." "Who told you that?" quickly. "She did. She paid jou back." "Yes " "And sho hadn't intended to. You poor Innocent!" "Why do jou call me that?" "To lend money at Monte Carlo to a woman whoso name you did not know nt the time! Green, green as a paddy field! I'll tell you who sho is, because you're bound to learn sooner or later. She Is one of the most adroit smug glers of the age; Jewels and rare laces. And never onco has the secret-service been able to touch her. Her brother, tho Major, assists her when ho Isn't fleecing tender lambs nt all known games of chance. He's a enrd-sharp, ono of the best of them. He tried to teach me, but I never could cheat a man at cards. Never makes any false moves, but waits for the quarry to of fer itself. That poor child 'has always been wondering and wondering, but she never succeeded In finding out the truth. Brother and sister havo made a handsomoyllvlng, nnd mnny a time I have "helped them out. There; you have mo In tho ring, too. But who cares? Tho father, so I understand, married Foi tune's mother for love; she man led him for his monej. and he hadn't nny. Drink and despair dis patched him quickly enough. She la a remarkable woman, and If sho had a henrt, she would bo the greatest of them nil. Sho has as much henrt as this beetle," as he flipped tho green Iri descent shell into tho Are. "But, after all, she's lucky. It's a bad tiling to havo a heart, Perclvnl, a bad thing. Some ono is sure to come along nnd wring it, to Jab it and stnb It." "The poor little girl!" "Peiclvnl, I'm no fool. I've been watching you. Go In and win her; and God blesB you both. She's not for me, she's not for me!" . "But whnt plnce havo I In all this?" evaslvolj. "What do you -mean by that?" "Why did Mrs. Chedsoye pny me back, whon her original Intention had been not to pay mo?" "You'll find nil that -written In the book of fate, as Mahomed would sny. More, I ennnot tell you." "Will not?" "Well, thnt phrase expresses it." They both heard tho sound. For tune, her fnco whlto nnd drawn, stood Immediately behind them. CHAPTER XVI. Mahomed Rides Alone. It was as If tho silliness of tho des ert itself hnd encompnssed tho two men. In their ears tho slither of tho brlttlo palm-leaves ngnlnst ono nn oilier and tho crackle of tho flro were no longer sounds. They stared at Fortuno with thnt speechless wonder of men who had come unexpectedly upon a wrolth. What with tho faint glow of the fire upon one side of her and the pallor of moonshine upon the other, sho did Indeed rescmblo man's conception of tho spiritual. Ryanno was first to pull himself to gether. "Fortune, 1 am sorry; God knows 1 nm. I'd have cut out my tongue lather than havo hurt you. I thought you wcro asleep in the tent." "Is It true?" "Yes." Ryanne looked away. "I had not quite expected this: tho daughter of a thief." "Oh, come now; don't look at it that waj Smuggling is altogether a different thing," protested Rynnne. (Women woro uncertain; hero she was, apparently tho least agitated of tho three.) "Why, hundreds of men and women who regularly so to --- II1 II I -" - church, think nothing of beating Uncle Snm out of a few dollars. Hero's Jonea, for Instance; ho would havo tried to smugglo In thnt rug. Isn't thnt right, Jones?" "Of course I" cried George eagerly, though scarcely knowing what ho said. "I'd have done it." "And you wouldn't call Perclval a thief," with a forced laugh. "It's like this, Fortuno. Undo Sam wants al together too much rake off. He doesn't give us a bc. ire deal; and so we even up tho matter by trying to beat him. Scruples? Rot!" "It Is stealing," with quiet convic tion. "It lm't, either. Listen to me Sup pose I purchase a pearl necklace in Rome, and pay five-thousand fbr it. Uncle Sam will bocit up tho valuo more tbnn one-half. And what for? To protect Infant industries? Bally rot! We don't make pearls In tho States; our oysters aren't educated up to it." His fllppa:. y found no re sponse In her. "Well, suppose I get that necklace through the customs without paying tho duty. I make twentj'-flve hundred or so. And no body Is hurt. That's all your mother does." "It Is stealing," she reiterated. How wan sho looked! thought George. "How can jou make th.it stealing?" Ryanno wns provoked. "The law puts a duty upon such things; If you do not pay It, you steal. Oh, Horace, don't wnsto your time In specious arguments." She made a gesture, weaiiness personified. "It Is stealing; nil tho nrguments In tho world can not change It Into anything else. And how about ray uncle who fleeces the lambs at cards, and how about my roothcrw ho knows and per mits it?" Rjanne had no plausible argument to offer against these queries. "Is not my uncle n thief, and Is not my mother an abettor? I do not know of anything so vile." Her figure grew less erect. To George's eyes, dimmed by the reflecting misery In hers, she diooped, as a flower exposed to sud den cold. "I think the thief in the night much honcstcr than one who cheats at cards. A card-sharp; did you not call it that? Don't Ho, Hor ace; It will only make mo sad." "I shnn't He any more, Fortuno. All that you believe Is true; nnd I would to God that It were otherwise. And "8ha Is Ona of the Most Adroit Smugglers of the Age." I'e been a partner In many of their exploits. But not at enrds, Fortune; not at cards. I'm not that kind of a cheat." "Thank you. I should havo known some time, and perhaps only half a truth. Now I know all there Is to know." Sho held her hands out be foro her and studied them. "1 shall never go back." "Good Lord I Fortune, you must. You'd be as helpless as a babe. What could you do without money and com fort?" "I can become a clerk In a shop. It will bo honest. Bread at Mentone would choke me;" and sho choked a llttlo then as she spoke. "My dear Foitune," said Ryanne, calling Into life that persuasive sweetness which upon occasions ho could put Into his tones, "havo you ever thought how beautiful you aro? frr'.! a ' I3? No, I don't bellov- you havo. Somo ancestor of your father's has been re incarnated In j6u. You are without vanity and dishonesty; nnd I havo found that these usually go togethor. Well, at Mentono you had n llttlo ex perience with men. You were under protection then; protection It was of a sort. If jou go out Into tho world alone, jthero will be no protection; and jou will find that men aro wolves generally, and that tho sport of tho chase is a woman. Must I mako it plainer?" "I understand," hor chin once moro resolute. "I shnll become a clerk in a shop. Perhaps I enn teach, or bo como a nurso. Whatever I do, I shall never go back to Mentone. And all men aro not bad. You're not all bad yourself, Horaco; nnd so far as I am concerned, I belleVo I might trust you anywhere." "And God knows you could!" genu inely. "But I enn't help you. If I had a sister or a woman relative, I could send you to her. But I havo no ono but my brother, and he's a worso scoundrel than I am. I at least work out In tho open. He transacts hl3 villainies behind closed doors." Georgo listened, sitting aB motion less as a Buddhist Idol. Why couldn't he think of something? Why couldn't bo ccmo to tho aid of the woman ho lotd In this her hour of trial? A fino lover, forsooth! To sit there like a yokel, stupidly! Could ho offer to lend her money? A thousand times, no! And ho could not ask her to marry him; It would not hao been fair to either. Sho would have mis understood; sUo would have been not lovo but pity, nnd refused him. Nei ther sho nor Ryanno suffered more In splilt than ho did at that moment. "Jones, for God's sake, wake up and suggest something! You know lota of decent people. Can't jou think of some one?" But for this call George might have continued to grope ln"darknesB. In stantly he saw a way. He jumped to his feet nnd seized her by the hands, boyishly. "Fortune, Ryanne Is right. I've found a wny. Mr. Mortimer, tho pres ident of my firm, is an old man, kindly nnd lovable. He and his wife aro childless. They'll take you. Why, It's as easy as talking." Sho leaned back against tho draw ing of his hands. She waB afraid that In his eagerness he was going to take her In his arms. She wondered why, of a sudden, she had become so weak. "I'll cable tho moment wo reach port," he said, as if reaching port un der tho existing conditions was a thing quite possible. "Will you go to them? Why, they will give jou ev ery enro In the world. And they will loe you as . as jou ought to be loved!" Ryanne turned away his head. Fortune was too deeply absorbed by her misery to note how near Georgo hnd come to committing himself. "Thank you, Mr. Jones; thank you. I am going to tho tent. I am tired And I am not so brave as you think I nm." "But will you?" "I shnll tell you when we roach port." And with thnt she fled to tho. tent. (TO BB CONTINUED. 1 teMWMPMMtoWMWM ,..; aLk if . jmmwN wijw