The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 07, 1913, Image 2

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IRA L. DAIIIO, PubllBhor.
I ' ?
Society has frownud on tho mnscu
lino Buspondcrs. So tho suspender
niUBt go has gono almost, Bay thoso
who Bell wearing apparel (or men. It's
the ago of tho belt. Manly shoulders
must bo unhampored by straps; only
tho patient diaphragm Is to bo subject
ed to a harness. So passes anothor
useful device, sacrificed to fastidious,
ness. Wo used to cnt mashed pota
to with a knlfo till Eomcono with su
percilious manners camo along and
told us tho fork was tho proper uton
sll for that Important duty. Formerly
pcoplo poured out their hot coffco Into
saucors, "blow" It cold and then drank
It from saucers, all unconscious of tho
terrlblo Impropriety Involved. Nor
was It formerly considered an Inden
tion of boorish origin for ono to sip
tea from a spoon. Oh, thoso changing
times I Suspondora gono tho way of
tho blcyclo nnd tho crocheted nccktlol
Is no ono bold enough to do them rev
rrenco? Fashion Is tyrant. It takes
no cognlznnco of man's various
shapes his embonpoint, his fullness
or deficiency of glrth-rlt merely Is
Mies a flat nnd expects all to oboy. Tho
llrno Is opportuno for a new declara
tion of independence. Lot ovory man
who prefers suspenders to a belt buy
n pair forthwith and wear It In dofl
nnco of tho world.
Somo peoplo aro dctermlnod not to
let Christopher Columbus rest In
peace. Not long ago a celebrated
Jewish rabbi insisted that tho great
explorer was a Jow, and now comes
n mombor of tho Royal Geographical
society with tho claim that Columbus
was a Spaniard and not an Italian.
Tho Spanish scientist says that tho
veil of mystery that has for four cou
ntries enshrouded tho crndlo of Co
lumbus has at last been torn aBldo to
fcvcal him without doubt or argument
ns a Spaniard. Dr. Horta says that
tho Italian Uneago of tho discoverer
was accepted bocauso there was no
"authentic, rospcctablo nnd authorized
historic documents" to provo to tho
contrary. On tho cthor hand, tho
Spanish historian says tho only ac
cepted proof of tho Italian birth of
Columbus was his wn stntomont that
ho was born In Gonua.
An Kngllshmau in Shanghai was
twitting tho eldest son of Dr. Sun
Yatbon ubout his father's cosmopoli
tanism. "Nobody knotts for cortnln
whoro your fathor was born," ho nald.
"Canton claims l'.Ia and so dues Hon
olulu. Uoforu tho rovolutlon ho had
not been hero in China for many years.
Tho English port of Hongkong wna
tho nearest ho over approached. I
don't boo hew your fathor can call
himself a' Chinaman, nnd In fact, I
don't know what to call him." "Part
of what you say in truo," nnsworod
tho son of tho famous patriot. "For
fifteen years my father wao n man
without n country, hut now," and the
boy Bmllod proudly, "a country ha
been mado for him."
Ireland Is to send a deputation to
this country to protest against tho
landing at Quocnstown of certain men
tally defecttvo porsons allogod to bo
Irish and having Irish names, but do
rlarod to bo from other countries of
origin than Ireland. These objoctlon
nbleB nro excluded from tho United
States as undenlrahlo immigrants. It
Is said they havo' no claim on Iroland.
Cortalnly they havo no claim on tho
United States,
Tho mines department of Canada is
preparing an ofllclal announcement
that the offecttvo smoltlng of Cana
dlun ores is a commorclnl possibility.
Tho Iron business has undorgono u
rovolutlon overy fow yoara for mora
than century. Is another duo? Will
It result In tho gcnorul adoption ol
electric smelting?
Sclontlfia experiments demonstrat
ing that cnffelno 1b fatal to rabbits
and that nicotlna paralyzoa tho optic
nerve, should Impress tho public.
Hereafter no truly humane persons
will glvo tho rabbits coffoo for their
hreakfastB, nor put cigars, smoking
or chowlng tobaccos in tholr own or
nthors' oyou.
In New York thcro is n man who
hns boon married 11 times. Nobody
except n Now York waltor could pny
nllmouy to ten women.
London hnB n hotel that has gained
fame through Its onlonB. Certainly a
smart bid to fntr.o.
A naturalist Informs us that the lob
ster is becoming extinct, but tho two
legged variety wo havo with us al
ways.. A oollego professor has solved tho
mystery of tho curvo ball, but it takes
it horny handed lowbrow to hit 'cm
whero they ain't.
HoBsy, tho hygienic cow, now looks
hungrily upon her owner's straw hat
that will eoon bo hers to devour.
Visitor of Importance Spends a Day in the' House
LdSh &h
WASHINGTON. It didn't make a
bit of dlffcrcnco to Uunjamln
Oswald Johnson, aged six, what was
going on around his Httlo head the
other afternoon. Ho was busy with
his own devices? This young Hen
Johnson stumbled around tho floor of
tho House of Representatives, whllo
tho real Uon JohnBon, from Kentucky,
and other legislators and otntcsincn
thundered and nrgued over tho legis
lative, cxecutlvo and Judicial appro
priation bill.
Little Hen Is ono of tho five chil
dren of Representative Joseph John
son of South Carolina. IIo kept tho
Ilouso of Representatives umused
from noon until 4:3ft o'clock p. m.
when tho gavel fell for adjournment.
Hon appeared on tho house floor ut
noon dressed In a dark bluo Bailor
suit. His father had troubles of his
own, for he Is In chnrgo of the logls
lutlvo bill, and Representative Fow
ler, with his loudest voice, was out
Strange Sounds Come from Smithsonian Building
IF you aro passing ncroas tho front
of tho Smithsonian Institution at
midnight nnd hear Btrango cries com
ing from tho Hyzantlno, Norman or
rounded Gothic towers, buttresses,
bntllemeuts, groined arches and
cornices, keep your nerve. Tho moon
may bo floating through tho southern
sky. Now It will bo hidden under
denso cloud masses, and then It will
burst through tho bjnek mist and cast
Its Bilvcr sheen over tho heavens and
tho earth Against all jhls, tho long
red sandstone buildings, dark but for
a wntchmnn'a lamp In tho central ves
tlbuc, will be submitted. It looks
gloomy nnd lonesome. One almost
fools tho damp and stagnant vapor
that would rlso from tho moat around
It, If a moat wcro there
You can rcassuro yourself thnt you
aro not In tho depths of n haunt
ed forest and boforo some dismal
medieval castlo by looking northward
to catch tho glitter of tho lights In
tho post office tower or by listening
to tho purr and soft rlpplo of tho
fountnln not far removed from the
northwest corner of tho building.
Tho sounds that havo slopped you.
and it mny be, chilled you, como from
Cigarette Smoking Under Ban of Censorship
CIGARETTE Binoklug by women
has coma under the ban of con
sulship by society women In Wash
ington, who nro loading n crusade
against smoking nnd drinking In thu
social set at tho capital.
Mrs. William II. Haywood, who put
horsolf on tccord novcrnl yoarB ago,
when alio sorved only grapo Julcu at
tho dobutanto bnll of her daughter.
Miss Doris Haywood, Is ono of the
lcndors In tho nntlclgarette move
ment, nnd is said to not permit wom
en to smoko In her house
Mrs. Lovl Z Loiter, who mnuy
think la to bo tho social leader In
plnco of tho luto Mrs. John 11. Mc
Lean, has nlso declared her willing
ness to aid tho cruandors against
fomlnlno clgnrctto smoking.
Ice Skating a Real Fad
THAT part of Washington society
which dollghts In outdoor winter
sports hns started n movement to dis
cuss tho wnys and moans of promot
ing Ico skntlng To thnt ond Invita
tions wore sont out by n committee
of lntorostod mon and women for a
meeting which was hold In tho ban
quet hall of ono of tho largo hotols,
It Is hoped tho foeblo offorts of "Jack
Frost" In Washington may bo oupplo
mooted nnd real Ico skating provided
for thoso who wish.
Tho tldul basin at tho foot of tho
Washington monument Is unsafe nt
best, nnd thon thoro nro only u few
days' skating on It through tho win
tor. 1-nBt year tho tlmo was extended
somo what bocauto of tho almost un
precedented cold weather In UiIb re
gion. There aro many export 6kntorB
in Washington, who como from nil
parts of tho world. MoBt of them he
long to tho diplomatic clrclo, although
not a fow aro pcoplo who havo spout
tho greater part of tholr lives In the
northern part of tho United Statos.
Among thoso lntorostod In tho
propoct la Mnjor Henry T Allen,
whoso wife u'fts Miss JohnBtono of
after tho scalps of several of the Items
in that bill. Whllo Representative
Fowler was being replied to by Rep
resentative Johnson, Little Hen was
playing tag around his father's legs,
going in and out, between them In
most marvelous fashion.
Young Hen interviewed pretty near
ly overy member of tho houso. Ho
didn't wait for An Introduction, but
clambered right into tho laps of the
country's law makers. From the
Democratic side he would hop to the
Republican end of tho chamber and
pull out tho watches of his father's
dearest political foes, "Just to hear the
wheels tick." Uncle Joo Cannon con
tributed to Hen's war chest to the ex
tent of a silver coin, and at tho end
of tho day Hen's fists wore bulging
with nickels, dimes and quarters,
which had been pressed upon him by
admiring friends. Ho leaned against
Representative Mann of Illinois whllo
that Htatobinan was shooting sharply
pointed parliamentary nrrows at
Hen's own fathor. Tho llttlo boy
gazed calmly into tho faco of Repre
sentative Screno Pnyno as the great
tariff cxpcit appeared to be Bleeping
peacefully at his desk. IIo rolled upon
tho mtddlo aisle and forcod Repre
sentative OlIIo James to step over
htm, whllo the child himself was un
mindful of tho gigantic figure pass
ing over him.
not mortals but from bats. Thero
aro many of theso aberrant lnscc
tlvorno or flying mnmmnls, family
gnlloplthecldae, order of chiroptcra,
In the shadowy nooks of tho Smith
sonian building.
Satisfied that r.o hnrm is near, you
fall to thinking of James Smlthson's
benucst of 1820; of James Ronwlck,
tho designer of this building, tho first
of Its stylo not ecclesiastic, to bo
reared In tho United States; your
glanco goes up to tho top of tho tallest
towoc 11 C feet nhovo tho asphalt, all
strown with dead leavos, and your
mind gooB back to tho time when
President Polk nnd his cabinet and
hundreds of proud men, now dust, at
tended tho cornerstono laying in 1847.
Mrs, John H. Henderson, who Is tho
nrbltor of dancing nnd dancers In
Washington, has always been opposed
to tho practice It is said sho re
quested a fair smoker to go outstdo.
Lady Alan "Johnston, daughter ol
Mrs. James Plnchot, is ono of tho de
fenders of tho weed, and smokes
when nnd wherevor It strikes her
fancy. Sho ovon puffed hor clgnrottos
while riding In nn nutomobilo from
ono place to another.
Lady Johnston struck the first not3
In tho battlo somo tlmo ago, when
sho offered her cigarette cubo to oth
or guest3 at a luncheon. Tho hostess
was a crusader, nnd is said to havo
requestod Lady JoluiBton, who hap
pened to bo tho guest of honor, not to
Mm. Franklin MncVeugh, who has
recently completed her million-dollar
pnlaco on Sixteenth street, has pro
vided llttlo balconies from her ball
room windows for tho men to smoko
between dnnccs. If the lady guests
wish to smoko they havo to go out
sldn also.
Miss Helen Tnft. at n recent lunch
con, displayed hor dlspleasurn openly
when cigarettes wore passed.
in Society at Capital
Chicago Mnjor Allen Is nlso nn ox
port horseman, and with his daugh
ters, tho Misses Jennnotto and Dosha
Alton, takes an ncttvo part In tho
Hunt club of this city. Tho secretary
of tho envy, Georgo von L. Moyor, Is
another of tho promoters of the
Bchemo to "build" an Ico pond The
Mejoi family Is from Massachusetts,
whero nnture, unassisted, keeps win
ter sports going for months. Tho
daughters of tho secretary nnd Mrs.
Meyer aro adepts In skating, which
they learned in their nntlvo stnto, nnd
In which thoy had a chanco to exor
cise when thoy wcro living In St.
Petcrsbutg, to which capital their
fathor formerly wao accredited by the
state department.
mm wb ?Kim&sw iUti
w m m i.Myssaseiiv.
lull in ;' i mil hcirx.i. L'x'i ji.ui
.rycr ;crv,r,n
iSI7Ti l
Writer Gives Graphic Descriptior
of Country.
Many Houses Have Never Been En
tered by n European and Never
Will Be Women Aro AJways
Closely Veiled.
Bombay, India. Reviewing J. A.
Spender'fl book, "Tho Indian Scene,"
tho London Spectator Bays: ,
To thoBO who havo not seen India
tho descriptive chapters of "The In
dian Scono" will be of very great in
terest. Mr. Spender is content to de
scribe what ho saw in tho simplest
wny, and by this means gives the rend
cr n strong sense of tho reality of
what ho 1b told. Nowhere 1b this done
with moro completeness than in the
opening chapter on Bombay. What
strikes him Is not tho placo so much
ns tho peoplo. Every street swarms
with them, and "no half dozen seem
alike." Their color varies from white
to very nearly black, their costumo
"from the frock coat to tho loin
Then thcro Is tho contrast between
life nnd denth, between tho rich Par
see living In hla pretentious stone
built houso on tho seashore, and the
Bamo man carried, as Eoon as ho has
clospd his eyes, to the towers of si
lence, with their "obBceno semicircles
of vultures sitting huddled together
on the rims of tho two pits waiting for
their next menl." And then thero Is
tho fact more separating races per
haps than any other fcaturo of Indian
life thnt into the vast majority of
houses which "to nil outward seeming
might bo the homea of European nou
veaux riches," no European has ever
entered or ever will enter. IIo must
not boo the women who live In them
When a shuttered or curtained car
rlage passes him for tho first tlmo In
the street, he Ib told that a woman 1b
lnsldo, nnd that Is his nearest ap
proach to knowledge of one-half of In
dian life.
When he leaves Bombay Mr. Spen
der, does his best to answer tho slm
plo question, What docs India look
like? Somewhat north of Bnroda he
opens tho shutters of his sleeping car
riage and nt first sees nothing to tell
A Primitive Substitute for the Water
Cart. Native Method of Watering
a Road.
blm that he is not in Europe. Thf
country is flat, It has many trees, It la
cut up Into small fields and very close
ly cultivated. It le tho human element
nnd tho animal element that make It
unlike Europe tho women "swathed
In crimson muslin," the children "clth
rr naked or fantastically dressed up,
tho thin walnut colored men, with
whlto turbans and bare legs, tho big
looso limbed donkeys who pass in o
kind of ambling gallop," tho hump
backed cattle, "mild mlnlaturo beasts,"
tho straight-backed lead colored buf
falocs. Then comes a railway station
and a fresh "riot of color and fancy."
Opposito tho carrlago stands a vener
able gentleman In bright green flower
ed silk dressing gown, with a pink tur
ban and whlto pajamas; near him
thoro Is a woman "In a shapeless mass
of orango cotton," ntlny child, "with
embroidered coat nnd absurd little
buff trousers ending In red shoes,"
and an old man who crowns a gray
frock coat with a crimson turban, and
wraps hla legs In "a careless swathe
of whlto muslin " Mr. Spender's trair
was delayed for ten minutes becauso a
party of ladles had to bo got out. An
immense sheet was held in front of
their carrlago, In which they were
somehow enwrapped, nnd tho group
wnB left "standing like n great, whitf
box In tho mtddlo of tho platform.'
Court Officer In Kansas Makea Up an
Odd Panel for a Case of Dis
orderly Conduct.
Independence, Knn. Twelve- of the
wealthiest and moat prominent womon
of this city Btunmonod to serve
o:i a Jury In tho caao of James Blue,
charged with firing a BlTot through
tho window of an Intdrburban car
near her, endangering tho lives of tho
pasBongers. Among tho women sum
moned by tho court officers aro tho
wIvob of two millionaire- oil operators,
two bankers wives and two suffragist
Donkeys Annoyed Neighbors.
Now York. Five donkoys were
undo the performers at a "night in
Arabia" in the pnrty given At ono of
:ho fashlonablo cafes nnd their bray
ing' annoyed tho neighbors.
JSEJMy rM V- 9Kjjj0f
I , ,t w m l; iia
'f m 1
A Communion
Director of Bile Count ol the Moody
fiiUe la b'lulr, Chi:g
TEXT What menu ye by this serlcc?
-Eiodus 12 28.
The chapter In
which this text Is
found sets forth
tho detailed nr
rangements of the
Passover. It Is as
sinned that the
children, observ
Ing this prepara
Hon, would ask
their parents
what was meant
by It. In answer
ing the children
tho parents were
thus afforded a
good opportunity
of stating to the
child tho facts In connection with
their redemption from bondage So
today, In like manner, tho Lord's sup
per Is often tho means of arousing
questions In the minds of both chit
drcn nnd adults. What Is tho Com
munlon service? What does It repre
sent? What truth does It teach? In
answering theso questions tho Chris
tian nfforded an opportunity of stat
Ing tho facts of tho Christian faith.
First, tho Communion commemo
rates a fact of history. Ono can tako
boat or train and soon nrrlvo at Cal
vary. IIo may climb this hill and
reach Its summit whero onco stood
tho cross on which Jesus Christ died
No Intelligent person will deny tho
historicity of tho fact of Christ's
Second, tho Communion Is a fact of
Christian faith. True, Jesus died, but
what did ho die for? Hero Christian
faith declares itself by answering, "Ho
died for our sins." Tho question of
sin must bo dealt with, its debt must
bo paid, the dlvlno wrath against It
must bo appeased, somo ground must
bo found upon which n righteous God
may deal In mercy and pardon with
binful man Tho Communion table
tells us thnt all this has been accom
pllshed in tho death of Christ. It ac
knowledges tho reality of both sin
and death, and rotates these two great
facts .In the death of Christ In the
words of Jesus wn say, "This cup Is
tho New Testament In my blood, shed
for the remission itf stns." Preachers
may deny tho vicarious atonement of
Christ; tho pulpl'. may bo silent
touching the substitutionary character
of Christ's death, but this table has
proclaimed Blnco Christ's death and
will proclaim unt'l he comes tho fact
thnt ho died for our sins; that
"Bonrlni; fihamo ,nd scofflnsra rude.
Senled my iMrd&a with Ufa 1j1on1.
Rented my pardun with Ills blcvsrt
Hallelujah. What a. Savior!"
Tho Communlofi Is n fact of proj
phecy. "As oft m ye eat this bread
and drink this cup yo do show forth'
tho Lord's death till ho come." A
fnct of history, a fact of Christian
faith, a fact of prophecy that the
Communion Hnkn itself to tho past,
present and futu-o. It reminds us of
our Lord, who, whllo present In spirit.
Is absent in bodf, nnd nssures us that
he will somo day como again person
ally and visibly o this earth. Thero
aro two pledgen for Christ's second
coming: Tho resurrection (Acta
17:31), tho plciso to tho world; the
Lord's supper (1 Cor. 11:28), tho
pledgo to tho church. Tho Commun
Ion tablo Is aplnw with hope and prom
ise; It constantly preaches tho sec
ond coming of Christ. Every tlmo wo
gather around this tablo we should
look forward wth Joy to that glorious
day when wo nhnll seo not only our
blessed Lord, fiut also "Those whom
wo havo loved long sinco and lost
When ttoir loved ones wo nro patted.
And our eyes are dimmed with tcara-
Almost fed wo brokon-hoarti-d,
As wo struggle with our fears.
Hut, It will not bo forever.
We ghnll tricot them nil nt home;
Separations will then bo over
They nro only ' 'Till Ho como.'"
Tho Communion Is a fact of me
morial. Jesus snid, "Do this In id
membranco of mo." Tho Communion
Ib to bo a tangible reminder to us ol
our Lord. Sight helps memory. How
tho mementoea wo havo of our lovcrt
ones romlnd us of them, of what thoy
worn tq us, nnd of our love for them
Wo so soon fcv;ct what wo do not,
joo. Is It not straugo that of nil that
Jesus did when ho was hero upon thij
earth tho on) thing ho would have ui
remember wab not his life wondious
as that won, nor hi3 miracles star
tllng as they wore, not oven his icsur
roctlon convincing nB It was o
all RupornaUirnl claims, but )!
death. Tho Communion tablo 13 a
memorial of that douth, ond every
tlmo wq gather around it w plenso
tho Master 5y doing that la'U thing
ho asked hlt dlcclples to do In re
mombrnnco of him. Tho mother gpos
to the burenu and from, tho draw or
Bho takes two llttlo bhoos They aro
Blmplo, and plnln, and worn; they
havo no commorclnl value, but. oh.
what ji flood of memories they bring
to her heart and mind and nou! ns
sho thinks of tho one who hns died!
Lot ub not forget our Master; ho will
not forget us.
"Help mc, dear Savior, Tlicc to own
And over faithful be,
And when Thou lttot on Thy thron
Dear Lord, remember me."
Tho microbe of love Ib sotcetlmci
dovourcd by tho germ of suspicion.
Alwavn full quality vnlue In LEWIS'
fiinple lllndcr. That is why the imokei
wants it. Adv.
Turn about is fair play oxcepl
whon applied to a hand organ.
Mr. Wlnslow's Soothing Bjmp tor ChlMrei
teething, loftcns tliecumB, reduces lnflnmmi
Ion, nllajB paln.cure wind colic, Sic a bottlaJUi
"Health's best way Eat ApploB ev
ery day." Coyne.
ALFALFA t. Timothy and Clover mlitrt.
14 to Farmi for gale nnd rent on crop Jxvr
mtnts. J. MUMIALU Sioux City, la. Adr
The sting of defeat outlasts tht
sweets of victory.
I "Turn Over 1
e new lear
Start the new year right. Tako
caro ot the Stomach, Liver
and Bowels and they will servo
you well. Make the appetite
keen, digestion perfect ond
Liver active by the daily use of
It promotes and main
tains health, strength
tw B I
vigor. Try it today.
its toap by service
L.C. Smith & Bros.
(Bali Biarlng Long Wtarlng)
In buying a typewriter you vrnt
satisfactory answer to three queiu'ona:
What toltt It do for me?
HoW Well XOilt It do UP
HoW long Will it do UT
By answering these queries with the
peed of the typewriter owner and user
in mind, the L. C Smith & Bros. Type
writer Company has attained the front
rank in the typewriter field.
Some people iKinlt that a trftwrittr trf
wriltr tod ih.t u all ihtio li to it. Mirtunc
m.jr look alike but there is a lot d diSciceca
io ecieacr.
The new Model Fire Is bu3t not only fot
straight coff apoodmce but for ttbul.linf , UU
IDjandln fact for every aemce needed in tho buuaeii.
lit ball beariiin at all point, whets friction de
relopet thtouth action, permit cWadjuttmeat
and insure correct ana accurate lypewutinf.
W. iou)J1 tS ctfartunlty to ttV ytu
nvr alcht if,
HeadOSiceforDomeiticanclForcign Bualnen
BrantXts in al? Principal Citiit
Omaha Branch
1316 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebr.
Dea Molnea llronch
003 W. Locust St., Dea Moines, la.
Nebraska Directory
Mosher-Lampman Business College
Dnoof the leading achoolsofttio Unltodstatra. Wma
lortay foroursprclnl ruoney-anvInK offer. Mention
tola paper, wjsiitu a last-tux, ojuiu, XKiuuizi
Jackson-Signail Company
CURED In a few dyj
without niln or a. tmr.
rical operation. No pay until cured. Writ
Ull. tt HAY. 307 lloo Hide, Umnha, KeU
Cox-Jones -Van Alstine Co.
ITlie Old Jli-lhiblo Company at South Omaba and
lienrer. ,V1J nlllcltoyuur consignments tho beat
)t attention and eell them for highest price, ol
Rll jour order for Fcodnrs with best rlW ol
Stock nt ru-rkel prlco. UIVi: LS A TK1AI.
Omihi, Nebraska
- m a m urn m m -vr a a cunurCAri rLA
tloouis from Sl.Od up finale, 73 ceuu tip double
Consign your HORSES & MULES to
Union Stock Yordo, 8. Omaha, Nob.
Phone South 079. Auction Sale Erorr Thursiii.
iiiwsii ill uiu li ptttrltiK, Tainting.
rrlmmlnB. llncey Wheels repulrml and re
rubber ttrcd Writ ena for price. 40jcnralnthe
buhlneaa. Andrew Murphy & Son, Omaha
1 hey aro better. Handled by IcadlngilenlcM. It
VVetllleld, Man. Omehu, Neb.
It Wins I
I its toap by service