The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 03, 1913, Image 1

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    vtrtctUrf Etditr
!atte Hemi-HMMjr twlnwfc
No. 97
Garf '
"' " " f ' ' "' ! ii ! ii -I-. ii i i i i. i, ,i, i. a, .ii.i a ii.m mi .in ii mm . mn ... .i a..!. ... i .. i iiii'himi .imiln-
Gets Permit to Kill Beavers.
M. Kolth Novillo has obtained per
mission from the state gamo warden to
kill tho boaver which nave been des
troying trees on his ranch at Gannett,
He has secured tho services of a trapper
who yesterday began tho work of ex
terminating the animals, and succeeded
in killing a large one.
Years ago beaver were quite plenti
ful at certain points along tho Platte
river, but through the vigilance of
trappers they were pretty well cleaned
out and they are now a rarity.
Postoffice to Move Sunday.
Furniture for the nostoffice rooms in
the federal building is being unloaded
from the cars, unpacked and placed in
position, and Postmaster Davis, at this
time, expects to welcome patrons at
the new building Monday morning. A
few articles for the postofilce has not
yet arrived, but they are of such nature
that they will not interfere to any ex
tent with the transaction of business.
Practically nil the furniture for the
federal court room and theofiicesof tho
federal court officers has also arrived,
but counters and othor fixtures for the
land office are still in the hands of the
manufacturers and will probably not
arrive for several weeks. Until these
arrive the land office will remain in its
present quarters.
Shot in the Arm.
Henry Elias, the 14-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. M. Elias living in the
First ward, was shot in the arm by the
accidental discharge of a gun yesterday
afternoon. The accident happened at
Gannett, to which place Elias and young
Chirley Hirsch had accompanied
Clarence Day in an automobile.
Clarence had loft the car in charge of
the boys while he went down the
Tiver to look for the beaver trapper.
There was a shot gun in the car and
the boy concluded they would go scout
ing for jack rabbitts along the river
bank. In their jaunt they got on the
Tiver ice and young Hirsch, who was
carrying the gun, slipped and fell, the
-weapon was discharged and part of the
load entered Elias right arm between
tho elbow and shoulder. In the mean
time Day had gotten several miles
away from the car, and though Hirsch
liad never run one, he succeeded in
cranking it and getting his wounded
companion in, he drove to Maxwell and
found a physician who dressd the
-wound. Day later learned of the ac
cident, made a speedy sprint to Max
well, and as soon as the physician was
through, hurriedly drove home with the
boy. It has not yot been determined
whethor it will-be necessary' to "ampu
tate tho arm.
One - Fifth Off
Beginning December 26th and closing January 13th we will give you a discount of
one-fifth from the regular price of every article carried in our Dry Goods, Cloaks,
Dresses, Suits, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Notions, Gents9 Furnishing and shoe
stocks. These goods will be sold to you at regular price and one-fifth deducted
from your bill. During this sale we will not open any new goods in these depart
ments, so it will pay you to come early before the assortments are broken.
Wilcox Department Store.
Dance Thursday Evening. '
The next dance at the' Lloyd .opera
house will be held Thursday evening o
next week. These woekly dances are
proving very popular. They are nicely
conducted, the attendants are among
the best people, and everybody has it
jjjood time.
Yielding to the demand from parents
-whose children are weak in certain
studies, 1 have consented to take a few
more private pupils., Parties wishing
to enroll,, please see me as soon as
possible. Mrs. V. Lucas.
Four sizes of Pennsylvania hard coal,
pea, chesnut. stove and egg size. 12.50
to 13.50 per ton, delivered.
Phone No.7. Tho C. F. Iddings Co.
A score or more laborers came in
from the east this morning and were
sent up the branch.
Will Hendy Weds Miss Mollyneaux.
Will Hendy and Miss Maude Molly
neaux were married at tho Hoagland
residenco Wednesday evening, Rev.
C. F. Chapman performing the cere
mony in the presence of relatives and
Judge and Mrs. Hoagland. The cere
mony occurred at G:3Qand an hour later
tn'ovcooplc left on a wedding- trip to
San Diego and other points in Southern
The only surprise created by this
union was that it occurred so early in
the new year. Mr. Hendy is building a
residenco on west Thirdstrect and tho
supposition was that the ceremony
would take place early in tho spring.
Will's intimate friends think it rather
mean that he should thus surprise thsm.
Mr. and Mrs. Hendy are very popu
lar young people, the latter having
been employed as teacher in the city
schools for several years, and the for
mer a resident of tho city and county
all his life, having been born at Ft.
McPherson. For a year or two past
Mr. Hendy has been engaged in the
automobile business, and has proven a
decided success in that line.
Mr. and Mrs. Hendy upon their re
turn will live in the Chas. Hendy house
unril their new home is completed.
Local and Personal.
Julius Pizer has returned from a visit in Omaha.
Mrs. E. A. Boyd has returned from a
fortnight's visit with relatives inCozad.
Mrs. Martin Cowee. of Atwood.
Colo., is spending this week with her
motoer Mrs. A. S. Chamberlain.
Dig Inventory Sale at the
For Sale.
A pen of sixteen (10) brown leghorn
laying pullets with rooster.
O. B. Fkasek, 510 Vine St.
rw '-
Ufayay ILcoftaJTiy
Nothing reserved
Attorney James Keefe will return to
morrow from a two weeks' visit with
relatives in Sioux City.
Mrs. Elizabeth Wade, of Boston, ar
rived here tho first of this week to
make her home with her brother, P. H.
Mrs. Sam Throckmorton returned
Tuesday afternoon from Omaha where
she was present at an operation upon
her sister, Miss Emma McVey.
Miss JEmma McVey submitted to an
operation for appendicits at nn Omnha
hospital tho first of this week and is
progressing satisfactory.
M. J. Forbes expects the arrival to
day of a brother, who is on n honey
moon trip, having been married in
South Dakota New Year's day.
The first parctil to be received under
the new parcels post law arrived on tho
early mail train yesterday morning. It
was a good sized package and indicated
the contents to be wearing npparol.
Mrs. York Hinman entertained a
number of friends Tuesday ovoning at
Miss Madge Flynn left this morning
for Sutherland to visit with friends.
Miss Ailecn Gantt will be hostess to
the T. M. E. club this evening.
Mins Lillian Hendy returned Tuesday
evening from a brief visit in Omaha.
,iMrs. T. C. Pntterson will otjrtain
the Episcopal Guild Thursday,J'
A double wedding will take placo at
St. Patrick's church Wednesday morn
mg, Jan. 8th.
Everett Fonda will leave tomorrow
afternoon for Lincoln to take up his
studies in the university.
Philip Deats took pos-
home in the south
Mr. and Mrs,
session of their new home in tho
part of town yesterday.
County Treasurer Albert Durhin nnd
family were New Years visitors in
Wellfleet with relatives.
Tho Catholic Girls' club will bo on
tertained at 500 this evening at the
home of Miss Bessie Smith.
Miss Mildred Pizer, of Hastings,
will return homo Sunday after spend
ing a week with her cousin Miss Mayme
The Bible class of the Presbyterian
church will moot Monday afternoon at
iJo'clock with Mrs. Fred Perritt.702 W.
Bessio Leo, a
was adopted in
Mr. nnd Mrs.
This Is tho first wooic in tho your, nnd tho waoic
wlion most ovary wrong-door daaldcs to do right.
"Whl la wo lira ontliusinstlo over doing tho right
tiling, lot tis do tho most . logical right tiling
jiV STA.1ZTIIXG n himlc nooonnt no mnttor how
smnllwliioh ty tiiis timo noxt your will hnvo
grown, lioannso wo will hnvomiula it grow.
Do YOUJl hnnlclng with
The First National Bank,
Tho Isitrgost linnlc In Wostorn ohrtisicii.
a watcn party in nonor or Air. nnu .Mrs
Crook, of Carroll, la. Refreshments
were served.
Miss Laura Murray entertained a
party of young ladies at a Now Year
watch and slumber party Tuesday even
ing and the following morning served
an eleyen o'clock breakfast to her
Wo still have a small quantity of
Furnace size coko to ofi"er at 8.50 per
ton delivered. The C. F IDDINGS Co.
Phone No. 7.
At n meeting of the W. C. T. U. in
the lecture room of the library Tuesday
afternoon Dr. Mario Ames will give a
report of the state sufFrago meeting,
which was held in OmahaJnst month.
All ladies are invited.
Mesdames George Austin and Ed
wina Schnts entertained the J. T. card
club last evening at the Schatz homo.
500 was played. After the games the
guests were served with a nicely pro
pared lunch in courses. Tho atten
dance was the largest of the season.
The Indian card club was entertained
yesterday afternoon at the home of Miss
Ida Ottenstein, who was assisted by
Miss Nell Bratt and Mesdames Reynolds
and Munger. The customary fork was
awarded to Mrs. Vanderhoof and the
second prize to Mrs. Seebeger.
A pleasant meetlnc of the Nevita
club was held at the homo of Mrs.
Frank Laughlin yesterday afternoon nt
which Mrs. Thomas Austin was elected
president, Mrs. Fred Payne vice-pres..
Mrs. George Voseipka secretary and
treasurer, Mrs. Edward Ogior, repor
ter. A two course lunch was served at
Jason Molredge, toreman of tho U.
P. bridge and building department died
at Grand Island the first of this week.
Mr, Molredge had held the position of
foreman of the B. and B. depart
ment for twonty-nine years and was
widely known among the railroad men.
Forty employes of the bridge and build
ing department from townH along the
line attended the funeral on New Year's
3rd St,
Yesterday afternoon
six months' old baby,
the county court by
Charles Vernon.
A representative of the Woodmen of
tho World, a fraternal insurance order,
is in town for tho purpose of obtaining
members and instituting a lodge.
Big Inventory Sale at thn Hub.
Nothing reserved.
Uriah Town, of Maxwell, aged sixty,
nnd Clara Irving, ugo forty-two, of
Brady, were given legal permission to
wed by Judge Granty yesterday after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fredorci who loft
two weeks ngo for Gnlveston, Texas,
have decided to remain there. The for
mer having ncceptcd a position with
one of the railroad companies.
Miss Ellen Johnson resigned her posi
tion as teacher in the school south of
Hershey nnd will leave in a few days
for the Kearney Normal to take a
Mrs. Hansan, of Lnrmie, who had
been visiting relatives in Cozad re
turned here yesterday to finish a visit
With Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Boyd.
The ice harvest was completed yes
terday at the U. P. lake and tho force
of 200 men was cut down to 100. Ice
will bo shipped from Gothenburg and
Laramie to complete the filling of the
ice houses.
The Epworth lengue had a iollv
timo New Years Evo when they held
Slcating Party!
Id a
skating party nt Lincoln's Lako. Near
ly tno entire membership turned out
and had the timo of their lives. At
10:30 they returned to town to tho
homo of their president, Dr. Lucas,
where "the' ho'uso had been tnstofully
decorated in League colors, cut llowcrs
and colored candles. Here they were
treated to nn enjoyable two course
luncheon, after which they adjourned
to tho league room of tho church to hold
a watch meeting service. Hero Dr.
Gaithor, Rev. Cram nnd Dr. Lucas each
gave a very helpful and inspiring talk
and tho young people 'mid prayer
and song welcomed tho now year with
the determination to mako this year
count for the kingdom.
. &
I - - r
At a meeting of tho Lutheran Sunday
school Wednesday evening the follow
ing woro elected to office: Sunt., A. T.
Yost; assistant, Wni. Ebriglit; secre
tary, Fred Piorson; assistant, Arthur
Tramp; supt. of primnry. Miss Then
Hansen; assistant, Mrs. W. W. Flet
cher; secretary, Catherine Johnson;
organist, Helen Minshall.
John Fredorci, who wns injured last
week whljo at work at tho ice houses
is reported to bo improving.
His injuries consisted of a broken bono
in his left knee, tho small bones in his
right foot were also broken and several
guBhes on his faco. He was one of the
workmen who wns injured by tho
falling of the scaffold.
To -Night
and Saturday.
A Tale of the Foot Hills.
The Old Sweet Hearts.
That Loving Nan.
10c and 15c
Piling It 6n.
"Thompson's cow got Into my gar
flon nnd nte nil the grans off the Inwn
"What did ho doV"
"Sent inn n hill ror using iiih cow
a Inwn mower."
II h
Modern fclonee Is thnt practical
knowledge or truth thnt urge us to
feel nn oyster'H pulse and look nt Its
tongue before we eat It Galveston
The charity that hastens to proclaim
itfi good deeds ceases to be charity nnd
is only pride and ostentation. Mutton.
Champion Lighting System , :
You will not find a hotter light
ing systom In western Nebraska
than tho Bystom Mr. Gus F.
Meyers bus in his home in South
part of tho city. Acytleno, tho,
finest light in tho world for tho
home. Artificial sunlight, is what
it is. No light will equal it in
cheapness for tho cnndlo power' fh
light obtnined. It is eusy to caro
Tor mid can be made ns convenient
ng electricity.
Just the thing for the well to.
do farmer or the people living in
small towns and not bad at ull
for North Platte people. Until I
get in my now Gnrage, along side
of Ritners, I will mako Ritnors
feed store my hoadqunrters.
Phone Black 627.
The Drift.
A Correction. "Wo nro drifting to
ward a paternal form of government,"
Bald the economist. "Pardon mo If I
torrcct you," responded tho BuHrngotte
gently; "to bo accurate you should sny
a maternal form of government." Case
ond Comment.
Awfully Slow.
lie Darling, I hnvo loved you ever
since first wo mot. She Well, why
didn't you sny sp long ago? Did you
think 1 wns a mind reader?
Miner Hinman Gara
Steam' Heated
Open All Night
Happy tho man who enrly learns tho
wldo chasm that lies lmtween his wish
pa mid his powers. Gootho.
Three Exits, 11,000 Square Feet o! Floor Space;
L ' "'
'Stalls so arranged that you nave
.ready access to your car ...
215 N. 5th Street
505 Dewey Street.