The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 31, 1912, Image 8

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    ,. iz ':i:--T-".'T. f ' rr rir riM lii'ii. . -rf- inm-rTrivi inn-" r fi 'T-g!
ttf I
Semi -Weekly Tribune
Irn L. Brjrc, Editor and Publisher. -
Qno Year by Mail In ndviinco $1.25
One Year by Carrior in advance $1.60
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post
ofllco as Socond Class Matter,
TUESDAY, DEC. 31. 1912.
Masonic Convocation.
A special convocation of Euphrates
Roynl Arch Chapter No, 1C, will bo
held nt Free Mnaon's IihII on Wednes
day, Jan 1. 1913, at 9:30 o'clock a. m
at which time the Mark Master, Past
Master, and Most's Excellent Mastor
Decrees will bo eonforred At 1:30 p.
in. tho Hoyal Arch Degree will be con
ferod upon another team.
It Is hopod that a large number will
be in attendance. E. II. P.
The Happiest Boys.
A Chicago youth of 19, blind from
early childhood, experienced the sen
sation of restored sight on Christmas
ovo and shouted with a joy ho scarcely
could express. A St. Paul boy who lost
his legs received a pair of artificial limbs
for a Christmas present and exclaims
that ho is tho happiest boy in America,
with the richest Christmas gift.
What a priceless horitngo i3 an un
impaired body with all natural powers
and faculties intactl But it sometimo
eems to icquire affliction to make us
duly appreciative of the blessing. Hero
is this poor boy, permanently deprived
of his natural limbs shouting in ecstacy
over tho gift of unnatural ones, while
thousands of other boys with two sound
legs that bear them swiftly where-over
thoy wish to go, find something to make
them unhappy, which means ungrateful.
What woulu the tha crippled boy not
give for his own feot and legs ngain7
And tho lesson is applicablo to tho
as well as the young Omaha Bee.
Breaking Platform Injuries Workmen.
Yesterday afternoon, whilo six car
penters woro working on a platform at
tho U. P. ico houses, one of the sup
ports broke and tho men procipitatod
twelvo feot to tho ground. John Fred
eric! had ono leg broken at tho nnkle
and the other anklo badly sprained, nnd
another man named Brooks had his
back badly wrenched. Tho other four
men were jnrrod by tho fall but not
injured. tfjfl iKfP31 XM.
Fredorici was takon to .Omaha on
train No. 14 last ovoningftfor treatment.
A piece of railnadncws from Omaha
is to tho effect that tho Uuion Pacific
tail way has made application to tho do
partmont of commerce and labor at
Washington for a licenso to opctato
and maintain n wireless telegraph sys
tem along its linos. Tho company
wishes to install a technical oxpcrimenl
station and tho governments requested
to give permission for such a station,
which, it is said, will be the second of
its kind in tho country.
Notico The party who by mistako
exchanged light color overcoat at
Palace Cafo a day or so ago, may have
his own coat by calling and leaving mine
at the Timmerman Buffet. Letters in
pocket will be sufficient identification.
James Gray.
For Sale.
A No. G Dempster well machine,
drill and hydraulic combined with horse
power; all in good repair, Will sell cheap
if taken soon. Phono 555k, or address
J. L. Shuck, North Platte. 93-3
Winkleman-Feist Wedding.
The marriage of Miss Alico Feist, ot
Leshara, Neb., to Gideon W. Winklo
man. of North Plntto, was solemnizod
at tho homo of tho bride's parents
Thursday morning nt 10 o'clock in tho
presonco of the immediate) families,
Tho improssivo service was performed
by Father Stockinger, of Colon. Tho
beautiful houso decorations within and
the bright sunshine without seemed
quito in kooping with the lives of these
two young people.
Tho attendants were Miss Mamie
Nelson and Marcellius Feist. Tyrone
Winkloman presided at the piano. After
tho ceremony a courso dinner was
sorved. The presents wero many and
beautifiul, for theso two youngjpeoplo
are both general favorites in their re
spective neighborhoods. In tho even
ing about ono hundred frionds put aside
all formulities and camo to surprise
nnd congratulate them.
After n short trip Mr. and Mrs.
Winkloman will return here to reside
in tho cozy homo tio grpom linB- pro
pared. Mrs. Winkieman is the youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Feist, and hor going away' will bo
greatly felt by tho community where
sho has boon raised.
Mi. Winklemou is a popular passen
ger brnkeman on tho Union Pacific and
has ondcarud himself to ull who know
Local and Personal.
Monto Cronlanil, of Buslinoll, viiitod
nt tho McGuiro homo Fiiday and Satur
day. Porcy Schott spent lnstjjweek in
Sutherland with friend? and returned
Sunday ovening. ,
Mrs. Hansen Grimes ,will give nn
afternoon tea in favor of Mrs. Buckley
tomorrow nftornoon.
Dr. T. J. Korr hns gono to Lincoln to
attend tho meoting of tho Stato Medi
cal Society thin week.
On nccount of a wreck on Sherman
Hill in Wyoming the onst bound nas-
simger trains arc reported several hours
lata today.
Mrs. H. M. Grimes will ontortain n
few frlouds this afternoon in honor of
her slater Miss Lillian McCrackon of
Mrs. Edwin O'Brien will roturn to
Wo'od Rivor this evening after spending
a month with hor son Dennis O'Brien
and family
Savo ono tenth on your groceries
during tho salu at Wilcox Department
Albtn Snndnll who is taking a medical
courso in Chicago returned to that city
this morning after BpondingXmnswcok
with tho homo folks.
Mosdames Goorgo Austin and Edwina
Schntz will entortuin tho members of
tho J T, club at cards Thursday even
ing at tho Schntz home.
Lawrenco Carpontor has resigned his
position as traveling snlesmnn for tho
Dreibus Candy company and will assist
(J. F. lcmple in real estate business
Dining Room Cranks,
Tho waiter became lalkatlvo after
ho had answered a question and
among other things said: "Don't go to
tho funuy word at Bcllovuo If you
want to study cranks. Get a Job as
waiter. Tho man who Just went out Is
a steady. He's all right except for cof
fee and bread. Ho must havo his cof
fee boiling hot, nnd ho always puts n
lump of lco In It. He hns always paid
for special hot bread, llo gets a small
loaf, cuts It In two. removes all tho
crumb pnrt from one half and cuts
the crust Tho other half ho loaves
untouched I havo a 'regular who
puts salt and pepper on his grapefruit,
and"- "Ho could bo talking yet," said
tho man who related tho story. "If I
hadn't told him that 1 was a crank on
holm; served nulckly." Now York
Locating tho Polos.
Both I'oary and Amundsen made al
lowances In determining tho site of tho
poles. Their position Is not perfectly
constant, tbero being a counter lock el
liptical movement of some thirty feot
nnd a counter clock circular movement
of some twenty-six feet In dlnmeter
In n period of 4128 days at tho oxtretno
axis of tho Mirth This change, how
over, Is so slight us not to bo reckoned
in practical calculations. Pcnry and
Amundsen mndo no jruesses. but took
several observations from various
stnndpolntK to determine conclusively
that they had reached the poles.
Chtlsllun tli'iuld.
A Curious Case.
In 1888 Jnmw Morycssl, who was
eighty-four years old, Jumped off tho
I suspension brldgo nt Budapest Into the
Danube lie wns rescued nnd then
oxplalned that ho wished to end his
life, as he was becoming too decrepit
to support his father and mother. ThlH
statement proved to be true. Meryos
si's parents being aged-115 and 110 re
spectively, nnd a public subscription
was organized to sot all three above
Champion Lighting System.
You will not find a hotter light
ing system in western Nebraska
than tho system Mr. Gus F.
Meyers has in his homo in South
part of the city. Acytlene, tho
finest light in tho world for the
home. Artificial sunlight, is whnt
it is. No light will equal it in
cheapness for the condlo power in
light obtained. It is easy to caro
for and can bo made as convenient
as electricity.
Just the thing for the well to
do farmer or tho people living in
small towns and not bad at nil
for North Platto people. Until I
get in my now Garage, along side
of Uitners, I will make Ri triers
feed store my headquarters.
Phone Black 027.
For Rent- 640 Acres
good farming or hay land, 50 cents per
aero, six miles north of Wnllape, Neb.
twelve miles south of Sutherland. New
4-room houso nnd barn for eight head,
grainery 24x32, cement cave 12x18,
good well, 10-ft Sampson mill, 30 ft.
steel tower, 3 miles of fence, 150 acres
in cultivation. Address W. R. Harding,
North Platte, Neb.
! Hospital ncccmmodatlons. Medical nnd m
0 surgical attention, given obstetrical cases. s
Olllce Phono 183 Ilea. Phono 23
Odlco McDonald Stato Hnk RldV J
, hmjww tatmm EtM. bwwm iih. vm .
Signet Chapter O. E. S.,
I Signet
-NO. 5f-
MeeLa 2nd nnd 4th (Thursday of
month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 p.
A few choice young
Also a few Cows and
On nil South ol the U. P. Depot.
Borlal No. 0128?.
I United States Land Ofllco.
At North Platto, Nebraska. Doc. 4. 1012.
i Nollco Is hereby glvon that Joseph
A. Knajdl of North Platte Nob., who on
August 30, WW, i mado homestead entry
Serial No. 0U83 for all of
Section 21. Town 18 N., Hango 30 V of tho
fith Principal Moridlau, has 11 led notice of In
tention to raako final thrco year
proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo
1 described, boforo tho register and receiver
at North Platte. Nebraska, on tho 6th day
of February, 1013.
Claimant names as witnesses; Gasper
P Slvlts, Kdnln W. Wilght, import
' Schwaltrcr and William L 81vlt, all of North
Platto. NcO. .
dlo-0 John E.i Evans Register.
Of the Best Quality.
Paine Fishburn
Granite Co.,
W. T. ALDEN, Salesman
In the matter of tho catato of John Franzcn.
In the county court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, November. 25. 1912.
Notice Is hereby given, that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the executor of said
estato before the county judge of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, at the county court room, in said
county, on the 31tt day of Dec., 1912, and on the
30th day of Juno 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m. each day
for tho purposo of presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allowance. Six
months are allowed for creditors to present their
claims, and ono year for the executor to
settle said estate, from the 2Bth day of Nov.
1912. A copy of this order to be published In the
North Platte Tribune, a legal scml-weckly news
paper published In said county Tor four successivo
weeks prior to December 31, 1912.
d3-4 JOHN GRANT. County Judge.
In the County Court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, Dec. 27th 1912.
In the matter of the estate of John O. Wilmeth,
Notice is hereby given, that the creditors of Bald
deceased will meet the Administratrix of said
estate, before tho county judge of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, at the county court room, in said
county, on the 28th day cf January 1913, and on
the 28th day of July 1913, at 9 o'clock a. m, each
day, for the purposo of presenting their claims for
examination, adjustment and allowance. Six
months aro allowed for creditors to present their
claims, and one year for tho Administratrix to
setUe said cstatefrom tho 26th day of Dec. 1913.
A copy right of this order to bo printed for four
successive weeks In the North Platte Tribune, a
semi, weekly newspaper published In said county
prior to Jan, 28th. 1912.
d3M JOHN GIIANT, County Judge.
In tho Count v Court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska, Dee. 21, 1012.
In tho uiattor or tho estato of Dermis
Kelly, deceased.
Notice Is lioroby given, that the creditors
of said decoasod will moot tho Administra
trix of said estate, boforo tho County Judge
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho county
court room In said county. on tho 23th day of
Jim , IUI3. and on tho 2-ttli day of July,
10IJ, at U o'clock a. m each day. for tho pur
tojt of presenting their claims for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Mx month
uro allowed for creditors to present thclt
claims and ono year for tho atfmlrlstratrU
tosottlo said estate, from tint 21th day ol
Doc, 10U, A copy of this older to bo pub
lished in tho North Platte Trlbuno a legal
Homl weekly newspaper publ nhed In said
county for four successive weeks prior to
said datuot hearing Jan Urith. 1U13. ''
(M-4 JOHN OKANT. County Judge
The North Platte
School of Music
The University School of
Music, Lincoln, Nebraska
Elizabeth Bonner-Cramcr
All the principal branches of Ap
plied nnd Theoretical Music taught by
competent teachers. '
Address nil inquiries to 122 W. Front
street or phone BlacK 341.
Oldest Bank In Lincoln County
State Bank
North Platte, Nebr.
AP1TAL STOCK S100.000.00
We Sllclt Your Buslnsss.
And Furnished by llie Help of
North Platte People.
Those who suiter with kidney back
ache, urinary ilia or any little kidney
or bladder disorder,, want kidney help.
Who can hotter advise than somo North
Platto roaidont, who has also suf
fered, but has had relief. North Platto
people recommend Doan's Kidney Pills,
Here'B ono enso and thoro nro many
othora .
Charles F. Burrough, 222 S. Pino St.
North Platto, Nebr., says: "Several
years ago 1 had occasion to uso Doan's
Kidney Pills, procured from McDonnell
& Graves' drug stoio, (now Schiller &
Co s) nnd found them to bo an ex
cellent kidnoy remedy. 1 suffered from
burning pains in the small of my back
and my kidney were very weak. Short
use of Doan's Kidnoy Pills cured mo
completely and I havo not been both
ered by kidney troublo sir-co. I take
pleasure in endorsing this remedy for
the beuoflt of other kidnov sulferers."
For salo by all dealers. Price CO cents.
Fostor-MilburnCo., Buffalo, Now York,
sole agents for the United States.
Romember tho tinmo-Doan's and
tako no other.
In the matter ot tho estate of Michael
Albert li'ostor. deceased. '
On reading and filing the petition of Ella
A. Poster praying that admlnlsl ration Of
Hald estato may bo granted to Kilwnrd It.
Ooodmau as administrator. i
Ordered. That Jan llth, 1913. al U
o'clock a tn. Is assigned for hearing said
potltton when all persons Intcrost'd in said
matter may appear at tho county court,
to bo held In and for said county
nnd show causo why tho prayer of poll
oner shoud not bo granted; uml that notice
of tho pendency of said petition and tho
hearing thereof bn glvon to nil persons Inter
ested In aald matter by publishing n copy of
llila order In tho North Plat'o Tilbune.'in
legal seml-weokly newspaper printed in said
county, for thrco successive weeks, prior to
said day of hoarluv
Dated Dec. 20tli, 1912.
d-M-S John uuant. County Judge.
Telephone Red 4D0 BOSH Dewey St.
North Platte. Nebraska.
Dp?, (Aid Infield,
Physicians and Surgeons.
JOE II. REDFIELD, Physician.
Physicians & Surgeons
. Hospital ,',, ...
phone w;.
ifl' House of Good Show I HI
When in North Plalle.
Motion Pictures. Runs Every
Night. Matinee Saturday After
noon at 2:30 O'clock.
Notice for Publication.
Patrick J. Conway and Mrs. Pntrick
J. Conway, his wife, and all parties
claiming any right or interest In ana to
lots seven (7) nnd eight (8) in block
twelve (12) of Miller s Addition to the
city of North Platto will take notice
that on tho 0th day of November, 1912,
tho plaintiff, Charles P. Ross, filed his
petition in the district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, against said defen
dants, and each of them, the object
and prayer of which petition is to have
tha title to lots seven (7) and eight (8)
in block twelve (12) of Miller's Addi
tion to tho city of North Platte quieted
and confirmed in him on the grounds
and for tho reason that said plaintiff
has been in the open, notorious, exclu
sive and adverse possession of said lots
claiming to be the owner therof for
more than ten years prior to tho 6th
day of November, 1912, and that by
reason of said adverse possession said
plaintiff is now the owner in fee simplo
.of each and every part and portion of
Baid lots seven (7) and eight (8) in
block twelvo (12) of Miller's Addition
to the city of North Platto.
You ana each of you are required to
answer said petition on or before Mon
day the 6th day of January, 1913.
Dated this 25th day of November,
1912. Charles P. Ross.
By Muldoon & Gibbs, His Attorneys.
In tho district court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska. To Herbert Dwicht Rock
well otherwise Hubert D. Rockwoll and
the unknown heirs of MarvC. Rockwell.
11 it ttwa Irsnnl tslirttid llthn hiihh il.A .T - - - - . '
.o.. ... w.v, ,. oV,, Btiuut uio tfeceased, defendants:
ast ten days in town, left Sunday for y You and each of
Theodore White, formorly a machi
nlst in tho local shops, who spent the
nasi ten uays in town, loit f
ieuar uanius wnoro no is now em
Mr. und Mrs. Jako Haborly formerly
of this city who had been residing in
" tho eastern part of tho stato havo re
turned and moved in tho Owings house
on oast 6th street.
A marriage license was granted this
morning to Norman J. Scoflold and
Miss Roberta Martin, both of Lincoln,
The ceremony will take place at tho
homo ot the Iatter'a aunt Mrs. Fred
. Ginn this ovening.
. Dr.. and Mrs. W, F. Crook entertained
.about twenty-five friends at Somerset
last evening In honor of the former's
parents and sister of Carroll, la., who
aro their guests. Tho games woro fol
lowed by a plcoly prepared lunch.
The Epworth leoguo will hold a
skating party this ovening and will
meet nt the homo of Dr. and Mrs. V.
Lucas. After tho skating party ro--freshmentu
will bo served nt tho Lucas
home then all will go to tho church
whore a watch meeting will bo hold.
Tho Lady Mucnboos report the fol
lowing lftt of officers who wero elected
Saturday afternoon to Btlrvo during tho
year 1918: PoBt Commander, Blanche
Smallwood; commander, Carrio Marti;
record kepor, Addio Breternltz;
flHRHC auditor, Sarah i Murphy; lieuten
ant commander, Noll Qulgioy; chaplln,
Sara Ryan; lady Inarms, Irene Haw oy;
sarrent. -Bitker -Adams;-musician,
Ellin Flynn; sentinel, Edwina Schatz;
pjk't, Pora Schatz,
you are hereby
notified that William Smith plaintiff,
filed his certain petition in tho district
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, on
December 30th, 1912, against you and
each of you and that upon due causo
shown said court made nn order on the
30th day of December, 1912 that the
said plaintiff should proceed to obtain
ssrvic by publication upon said un
known heirs of Mary C. Rockwell, tie
ceasod, by publication of a notico fer
four consecutive weeks in the North
Platto Seml-Weekly Tribune. Tho oh
joct andprayor of which petition aro to
quiet and confirm in the plaintiff nnd
against the defendants and each of
them title in and to the following des
cribed lands, situnto in Lincoln county,
Nebraska, to-wit: Southeast quarter
(sol) of section twenty-throe (23) town
shin nine (9), north of range thrty-one
(31) west of the sixth principal merid
ian and particularly ngainst n certain
mortgago made and executed by John
M. Smith on July 13, 18S9 to Rlloy Bros,
and by said Riley Bros, assigned to
Mary C. Rockwell; and that said do
fondants and each of tlion bo forever
barred and enjoined from setting up
and claiming any interest in said prem
ises and from disturbing tho plaintiff in
tho peaceful and quiet enjoyment of
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 10th day of Feb
ruary, 1913.
Dated at North Platte, Nobrnska,
December 30th. 1912.
William Smith, Plantiff.
By E. H.EVANS, His attorney.
Referee's Sale. ,
By vhtuo of an order of snlo issued
in tho district court in and for Lincoln
county, on the 18th day of December.
1912, in nn action of partition wherein
Shollio Schneider is plaintiff and Evn
B. Weaver, S. W. Weaver, Gustn
Satterloc, Georgo Sattorlee, Leonard
Calvert, Leonard Burton, Cora M. Bur
ton. Corn C. Sabin. Charles H. Sabin.
Lafayette Calvert, Claudo Shophard and
Chnrlos Shophard aro defendants, I will
soil at publicnuction at thecast front of
court houso in the city of North Platte.
Lincoln county, Nebraskn, on tho 25th
day of January, 1913. nt tho hour of
ono d'clock p. m., l. n f jllowing de
scribed real ostato situate In Lincoln
county, Nebraska, to-wit: Southci st
quarter of tho southwestquarter (S. E.
i S. W. 1) south half of southeast
qunrtor (b. J S. E. i) and northeast
quarter of the southeast quarter (N. E.
tofS. E. i) of section twolvo (12),
township ten. (10), north of range
twonty-eight (28), west of tho 6th
P. M. Tho terms of this salo will bo
cash in hand.
Dnted nt North Platte, Nebraska,
this 23rd day of December, 1912.
D24-6 O. E. Elder, Referee.
wW J
The Old Reliable
When your clothes need pressing,
cleaning and repairing, let tha Old Re
liable Tailor do it and do it right. We
have been doing this work in North
Platto for thirty yeors, know how to
do it and do it the way it should be
Tnat means satisfaction to you.
Entrance north of the Nyal drug store.
Notice for Publication.
To Hans Peterson non-resident
dofendant; you are hereby noti
fied that onthe 10th day of
May. ( 1912, Sophia Peterson filed a
petition against you in the District
Cour of Lincoln County, Nebraska,
the object and prayer of which are to
obtain a divorce from you on the ground
that you havo wilfully abandoned the
plaintiff without good cause for the
term of two years last past. You are
required to answor petition on or
before Monday 21st day of Jnn., 1913.
Sophia Peterson, Plaintiff,
By Muldoon & Gibbs, her Attys.
m MMM.
Doclors Ames & Ames,
Physicians and Surgeons,
' Office over Stone Drug Co.
I Ullice 273
1 Residence 273
Referee's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of an order issued to mo by the district
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
under date of December 21, 1912, in an
action wherein Nellie Kain, is plaintiff,
and Henry M. Bebout nnd Elizabeth E.
Bebout, his wif; Ivan L. Kain, a minor
under fourteen years of age; Mary E.
Kain, a minor undor fourteen years of
nge; are defendants, I will on tho the
3d day of February, 1913, at 1 o'clock
S. m., of said day, at the East front
oor of the court house of tho city of
North Platto, Lincoln county, Nebraska,
sell at public auction to the highest bid
dor for cash, tho following described
real estate, to-wit: all of section twonty
fivo (23) in township eleven (11) north
of ranoro thirtv-four.(84) west or tho 6th
p. m. (except ton acres fpr building
spot on tho north forty of tho north
west nuartor of said section twenty-
five) nnd tho southwest quarter
(swj) of southwest quarter (swj)
(known as lot four,) the northwest
quarter (nwl) of tho southwest quarter
(swl) (known as lot three.) tho south
west quarter (swj) of tho northwest
quarter (nwi) (known as lot two) and
tho southeast quarter (sej) of thesouth
west quartor (swj) of soction thirty (30)
in township eleven (11) north of range
thirty-threo (33) west of the 6th p. in.,
situate in tho county of .Lincoln, stato
of Nebraska.
Dated this 23d day of December, 1912.
J. G. Beeler, Charles Walter.
Atty. Roforeo. dl3-5
Have You Plumbing Troubles?
Is there need for repairs every few
days? Is your bathroom modern and
luxuriantly comfortable? Are tho
kitchen arrangements convonioht and
sanitary? If not,
Send For Our Plumber.
Not only are we experts at repair
work, but there will be little need for
repairs If wo install your plumbing.
You'll be surprised at our fair estimates
if you "talk prico" with us.
Shop Phone 69. Res. Phono 683
Corner bijith and Locust. "
Feels Like a Millionaire.
The man who smokes Schmnlzried'a
cigars is n happy, contented fellow,
one of those who may havo but a few
dollars in his pocket yet feels as rich as a
millionaire. A good smoko always
brings good feeling, hence there's a
reason for buying Schmalzried-mado
The Maker of Good Cigars.
Ily virtue of an order of sale issued from tho
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in said
court wherein George Lehman Is plaintiff
and Martin Anderson is defendant and
to mo directed, I Will on the 16th day of
Jan., 101.1, at 2 o'clock, p. m , at the east front
door of the court house in North Platte, Lincoln
county. Nebraska, sell ot public auction to tho
blithest bidder for cash to satisfy said
decree. Interest and costs, the following
described property to-wit: Southeast quarter
of the northwest quarter ( of nwSi) and
lots one (1) two (2) and three of sec
tion' two (2), township twelve (i north of
rnnjre thlrty-threo (3J) west of the 6th P.
M.. in Lincoln county, Nebraska.
Dated North Pldte. Neb., Dec. Hth. 1912.
dl7- A. J. Salisbury, Sheriff.
Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, as.
In the County Court.
In the matter of tho estate of Dennis Hetty,
On readlnc and dllnir the petition of Margaret
Jvelly prnytntf that administration ' 6f said
CBiaie may ptrinJinxcu iu ciizuuvui ivvity au
mlnlslratrlx. Ordered, That Dec. 21. A. D, 1912 ,at 10 o'clock
n. m. Isasshrncd for hearimr said petition, when
nil persons Interested 1n said matter may appear
at a county court to be held in and for said
county, and show cause why prayer ot petitioner
should not be granted: and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof
be given to all persons Interested in said matter
by publishing a copy of this order In the North
Platte Trlbuno a legal semi-weekly newspaper
printed In said county for three successive weeks
prior to nam oay oi nuanng.
Dated December 26. 1012.
d3.3 JOHN GRANT, County Judge,
Tlio State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss
in mououniy uourt.
in tho Matter of tho Estato or Katie
Hrndy, Decoasod.
To the creditors, heirs legatees and others
Interested in tho estate of Katie Hondy,
Tako notice, that Charles lienay, ad
ministrator, has tiled in tho county court a
report ot his doings as administrator of
Bald estato and It U onl red that the
same atand for hearing mo 31st day ot
December, A D. lVIz, u tore the court
at the bouro: " o'clock, a. in., nt which time
any person Interested may appear and except
to and contest the satuo. And notico of this
proceeding Is ordered given In the North
Platte Tribune, a legal seml-weokly news
paper published In said county for three,
successive weeks prior to said date of
Witness my hand and tho seal of the coun
ty court at North Platte. In said county
this Hth day or December. A. I). 1V12
dlO-S John OitANT. Couuty Judge
Eslray Notice.
Taken up on section 21, town 11,
range 30, in Lincoln county, by the
undersigned, three mares, two sorrels
and one bay branded NE on left hip,
aged about six years; one bay stallion,
3 year old; ono bay and one brown
mare 6 years old, three bay geldings,
2 and 3 year old, one sorrel mare 3 year
old, ono yearling brown colt. Owner
is requested to call, prove property,
pay charges and take animals away.
Miller Bros..
Wellfleet, Nebr.
E. C. Brown, defendant, will tako
notice that on the 30th day of Novem
ber, A. D., 1912, tho Racine Sattley
Co., of Nebraska, plaintiff, filed a peti
tion lh tho District Court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, ngainst the said E.
C. Brown, L. B. Hastings, real namo
unknown, James H. Edmiatenand John
B, Toillioo, defendants, and on tho
17th day of December, 1912, the plain
tiff filed an amended petition in said
action and an application to the court
for an order for service by publication
upon E. C. Brown, defendant. Tho
object and prayer of the plrlntifFs
petition is to foreclose a certain mort
gage executed by the defendant, E. C.
Brown, to L. B. Hastings, upon the
northwest quarter (NWI) of section
thirty-four (34), township thirteen (13),
north of range thirty (30), west of the
6th P. M in Lincoln county, Nebraska,
to secure tho payment of a certain
promissory note dated November 25.
1911, for the sum of $4,000.00 duo and
payable five years after date with in
terestat 6 per cent per annum.
That tho condition of said mortgage
has become become broken and tho plain
tiff has elected to declare the entire
sum due and there is now due upon said
note and mortgage the sum of $4000.00
with interest at 6 per cent per annum
from November 25, 1911, and that said
note and mortgnge has been assigned
to and is now owned by the plaintiff the
Racine Sattley Co , of Nebraska, and
tha plaintiff prays for a decree that the
defendants be lequired to pay the
amount due upon said note and mort
gago or that said premises be sold to
satisfy the amount duo and that the de
fendants and each of them be barred of
all right, title, interest and equity of
redemption in eaid mortgaged prem
ises. The plaintiff further elaims a lien
upon the rents and profits of said prem
ises and prays for the appointment of
a receiver during the pendency of said
actioin for tho reason that said mort
gage security is insufficient to pay the
mortgage debt and said E. C. Brown
has abandoned said premises and is per
mitting waste to bo committed thereon
and the plaintiff prays for an order of
injunction restraining the defendants
from selling and conveying said rents
and profi :s during the pendency of this
action and that an interluctory order
be issued appointing a receiver herein
and directing the receivorto tako charge
of the rents and profits and that the de
fendants deliver the possession of said
premises and the rents and profits
thereof to the receiver appointed by
the court.
The plaintiff proposes James T. Keofe
as such Receiver and proposes the
United Fidelity & Guaranty Company
as surety on the bond both for the Re
ceiver and for the plaintiff. The court
has appointed the Sheriff Temporary Re
ceiver ponding plaintiffs application for
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 20th day of January,
1913. You aro further notified that tho
plalntift will present his application to
the court for tho appointment of a Re
ceiver and for n temporary injunction
before the Hon. H M. Grimes District
Judge in the Court Houso in Ncrth
Platte. Nebraska, the 21st day of Janu
ary, 1913 at 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated December 17, 1912.
Racine Sattley Co. of Nebraska,
a tt . j , , Plantiff,
By Hoagland and Hoagland, Its Attorneys.